HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.u. Use of CIP Funds - Parks & Recreation Department CITY OF ROSEMOIINT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTIQN CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: U�E OF CIP FUNDS AGENDA SECTSON: ACCT , # 202 - 24415 CONSENT PREPAR.ED BY: AGENDA���YI TT DaViD J . BECHTQLD / DIR . P & R �� ATTACffi4iENTS: pARKS & REC . MINUTES AND COST �' - BREAK DOWN REFERRING TO THIS REQUEST / Two subcommittees were formed under the Parks & Recreation Committee . 7hey were the Carrolls Woods Committee and the Erickson Community Square Committee . Both of these subcommittees have been very active during 1992 and 1993 . il-�e Carro�ls Woods Committee has been working to complete pilot projects deaiing with buckthorn control . Methods used included the use ofi brush cutters , a "brush l-�og" brush cutter , and several types of herbicides . Volunteers were recruitsd and two daYs of chipping of t�e brush that had been cut firQm the woods was dane . In the Erickson Community Square park area that committee has be�n . working to devElop an ampl-ritheater and to w��.rk on the grade plans for developm�nt of the site that will be in conjunction with the tuture shelter' are� . This activity �f these committeeshas generated e need fior some ciollars to be requested to promote movement on some of tl-reir projects . The Parks & Recreation Gommit,tee did respond to requests of those subcommittees . Projects idantitied at this time by the two subcommittees were felt to be a priorit�,� at this time . The r�commendation of the Parks and Recredtion Committee i� to request the Council to authorize � 15 ,000 of th� total � 30 ,000 to be used by each of the subcommittees for their identified projects . RECOMMENDED ACTIONc Rutharize the use of encumbered dollars from CYP Account # 202 -24415 presently authorized for general shelter construction to' be used jointly with the Erickson Community Square Committee and the Carrolls Woocls Committee as presented . COUNCTL ACTION: T0: MAYOR / COUNCIL �}� FROM� DRVID J , F3ECHT - DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECRERTION DaTE� SEPTEMSER 1 , 1993 RE� USE OF ENCUMBERED CIP ACCOUNT # 202 - 24415 The Parks � Recreatior� Committee has been working closely with the Carrolls Woods and Erickson Community Square subcommittees . Projects were identified by the subcommi�ttees that they fielt they shauld moWe ahead with . � � Through much discussion over the past months the conclusion drawn was to recommend the use of encumbered dollars from the CIP that were earmarked for a shelter in Twin Puddles Park ( and later for general shelter projects ) to be allocated to these subcommit,tees for their uses . The split of the' encumbered � 30 ,000 was to allocate � 15 ,000 to each of the praject areas . Each of the subcommittees were to break out the specific types of projects and uses that they feel ne�d to be ad�ressed at this time and how the funds wo�uld be used . Ttiat ' has been dar�e and the break out of prop�sals� for each subc�mm 'rttee is attached . ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE: $ 15,000 total : To be used towards grading , engineerinc� , fill , landscaping , and other costs in the construction of a general amphitheater area . This Project wi11 move farward in the fall of 1993 . Access to fill and weather conditions would be major factars in the amount of wor k that couid I�e completed this f�ll . CARROLLS WOODS: � 15 ,Od0 tatal : 1 . � 6 ,563 for trail groomer for both wood chips and lime rock (can also be used for general maintenance as a -rock picker ) 2 . � 3 ,450 for lime stone for �etting base of trail from hackey rinks to devils pit area with solid base that allows for Haunted Woods program, trucks to drive on for future park development , and for use in fiuture trail links within the park . 3 . � 1 ,000 for two brus� cutters for cutting bu�kthorn etc . . � 4 . � 5o f�r addit,ional herbicide . !, 5 . $ 3 ,937 .00 for use in general project areas such as signs , equipment rent�l , �nc� short term part time staff assistance . It is also my recommenda�tion that these pr,oject� should move forward and th�t the encumbered CIP dollars would best be spent in t1�e Parks & Recreat�on D�partment in support of those projects . ;•�arks and Recreation Committee Meeting � . � January 18, 1993 ' Page 4 ' � �. Second option would be Parks and Rec committee is the advisory ' committee to the Parks and Rec Director and to the City Council. Third, the facility is run as a stand alone enterprise fund under the direction of the Parks and Reereatian Committee and the Director, as are the sewer, water, and storm sewer funds with the Publie Works Dept. and Utility Committee. He reviewed the pros and cons of each option with the committee :�embers. Some of the members voiced a concern about making any permanent decisions or recommendations before being able to read and digest the information supplied for them. Scott Rynerson recommended to members of the committee to thoroughly review the information in the handout and possibly meet in a week to discuss this in order to be able to make an informed recommendation tQ the City Council. Jerry Puciaty suggested discussing this at the next workshop meeting. The committee members felt there was a need for immediacy, and Deanna Simpson recommended that the workshop mee��ing of February 4, 1993 be changed to an earlier date of January 25, 1993 in order to discuss the information in the handout. A discussion regarding crossover of staff and programs followed and some of the committee members expressed concerns regarding budgeting such things. They wondered whether any type of computer � software has been sought out that will help with budgeting. � V. PARR EVALIIATIONS / STAFF RORR: Rick Cook informed the committee members that now that we are in the middle of ice skating season the Parks Department is maintaining thre.e -hockey rinks and eight pleasure rinks. They are cleaned and flooded every day. John Howard told Rick that he has been told the ice has been the best it has ever been. VI. SIIMMARY OF AORRSHOP OF JANIIARY 7, 1993 : VII. BYLAAS DISCIISSION: MOTTON by Linda Ladzun � to table this discussion until the next meeting. SECOND by John Howard. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0 . MOTION CARRIED. This will be put on the agenda far the February meeting for disc ssion. VISI. SII2�iARY OF CARROLLS WOODS A2�ID TOAN GREEN MEETINGS: Ron Pederson summarized the Carrolls Woods Committee meeting. The committee is going to go to the woods and take a look at the buckthorn problem in March. They will be looking at ways to utilize volunteers in controlling this. The committee has decided to utilize the greater portion of their time and effort in looking for money to fund future projects. � •� Deanna Simpson took this opportunity to address the topic of -- possibly recommending to the City Council to unencumber $30, 000 .. that was set aside i.n the 1980's for a shelter in Twin Puddles. She would like to see $15, 000 to Town Green and $15, 000 to Carrolls Woods Committee for the projects of their choice. '� ��r ��� � �'� � , , : �rks and Recreation Committee Meeting January 18, 1993 Page 5 y�' MOTION by Deanna Simpson to propose to the Gity Council to unencumber the funds that were set aside for Twin Puddles of $30, DOO, and that those funds should be divided with $15,U00 gaing to Town Green, and $15, 000 going to Carrolls Woods Committees. SECOND Jerry Puciaty. A�es: +�7 Nays: =,0. MOTION CARRIED. John Howard presented a summary of the Town Green Committee Meeting. The committee is disappointed in the fact that the Town Green plan has had to be scaled back from the original intent. Some ideas for develapment of the park were discussed such as get the gradi�g done, also some beautification done in the Park and Ric3e area. They also came up with some suggestions for fund raising for that project. Another project wauld be maintaining the "Welcome to Rosemount" s�.gns. The first priority would be to grade and slit seed, and then planting of bushes. Deanna feels that more input is needed from other departments in order to determine if any of the committees ideas are feasible. The next meeting will be February 15, 1993 . Dave related the fact t:zat Ron Wasmund, The Public Works Director, is eager to meet with us on ponding issues, etc. � Scott Rynerson wondered if it may be better to have specific ,� projects for use of the $30, 000 when the proposal is presented to the City Council. Dave felt that �.t would have more impact, but didn't feel that it was necessary to have specifics in mind since the- projects are not known at this time. - The committee asked Dave to let them knaw when he wi11 be maY.ing the proposal to the City Council so they can be present to show their support. : �l:E'F�:::>;;BiIS;�NE5S: :.::...>::>;::.>:..>...>:;:;:�::.::.;:..::.:,:::.;:.;>: I. ITEM FOR FEBRUARY 4, 1993 �70RRSHOP MEETING: MOTION by Tom Reller to cancel the February 4 , 1993 workshop because of the workshop meet.ing scheduled January 25, 1993 . SECOND by 5cott .�Rynerson. Ayes: 7 Nays; 0. MOTION CARRIED. �" II. CHANGE FEBRIIARY MEETING DATE TO THE 22ND: MOTION by John Howard by change the regular Parks and Recreation Committee meeting , for February from February 15, 1993 to February 22 , 1993 . SECOND by Linda Ladzun. Ayes: 7 Nays; 0. MOTION CARRIED. III. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT � �, Dave Giliuson - None. �' Scott Rgnerson - Made calls to gather on the non-profit foundation for Parks. Minneapolis and St. Paul will be sending him information, and he will make this available to Dave when he �.. - PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING D� REGIILAR MEETING OF AIIGIIST 16, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENTs Deanna Simpson, Linda Ladzun, Scott Rynerson, Tom Reller, Dave Giliuson, John Howard STAFF PRESENT: Dave Bechtald, Director Parks and Recreation; Rick Cook, Parks Supervisor; Mark Joosten, Farks Department; Lisa Jost, Assistant Director Parks and Recreation MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Puciaty CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by 7 :35 p.m, by chairman, Scott Rynerson. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. - � APPROVAL OF THE JIILY 19, 1993 MINIITES: MOTION by Dave Giliuson to accept the minutes of the July 19, 1993 meeting as written. SECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. AIIDIENCE INPIIT: Cathy Busho extended her appreciation to the Parks � and Recreation staff for their help and efforts during Leprechaun Days. Cathy listed the recreation events eoordinated by Jane Mollman that are ran during Leprechaun Days and noted other areas city staff helped out during the city celebratian. City staff and community volunteers did a good job of making the 4 day celebration a success. Dave Bechtold asked who will be the 1994 Leprechaun Days chairperson. No one has been appointed to this positi4n at this time. Cathy Busho was the 1993 Leprechaun Days chairperson. Q��3 �3�S��ESS I• RAAA IIPDATE: Directar Dave Bechtold stated the annual golf tournament at Valleywood Golf Course was held on August 6, 1993 . There were 84 entries. RAAA board members will be involved in the process of setting fee structures and fee policy for charging non-resident fees. Rich Lonnquist wanted to come to commend the staff for their efforts, but will do it at a different time. Dave Giliuson gave his appreciation ta the parks staff for all of their help in the rainy weather and for a job well done during the first annual RAAA baseball tournament on July 31 through August l for the Class B teams. Coaches complimented the facility. It was a very successful weekend and again, thanks_ to the crew. II. CARROLLS WOoDB IIPDATE: Mike Busho was selected to be the president of the Carrolls Woods subcommittee, and Loretta Loesch is the secretary. Dave Giliuson reviewed an itemized list of expenditures totaling the amount of $15, 004.00: 1) Trail groomer to graom both woodchips and lime rock, $6,563 .59; 2) 300 tons of limestone/rock �• �� ��� � ������7`.�... � 1� . . %'� PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING j��'r August 16, 1993 Page 2 (1993) , $1,725.00; 3) 300 tons of limestone/rock earmarked for future work, $1,725.00; 4) 2 brush cutters, $1, 000.00; 5) Herbieide application(s) , $50.00$� 6) Encumber balance of funds and earmark far expenses ` such as timbers,' part-time wages, rental equipment, signage, etc. , $3,936.41. Much discussion followed regarding the particular area of the trail starting from the hockey rinks and asphalt trail and goes south and then curves west (first part of the Halloween Trail) to the second major junction on the trail. Dan Be2ting stated this area of the trail system is a deviation from the concept of the master plan. The master plan states that this trail should be eliminated because of steep grade, etc. The "etc. " could mean the trail is too soft. Maintenance vehicles have gotten stuck in this trail. - Discussion followed that the locatian at which the lime roek would stop gives the flexibility of the trail either continuing west or in another direetion (north/northeast) which follows the master plan concept. Either direction would allow trail to develap and connect with the S.E. access po.int ta the Carrollton Development. Trail work with lime stone is needed for present and future construction and general maintenance. The traii would begin at the hockey rink area to the present devils pit area. The subcommittee needs to look at signage, Issues discussed about the upgrade of the mentioned trail section follows: �l) It was understaod that support of why the concept �in. the master plan would be deviated fram needs to be identified. It seems to be the biggest trouble spot in the whole system. The section would need to be used for maintenance vehicles. 2) Rick Cook and Dan Belting said if the trail is changed from woodchips to lime rock that 4 ' to 6 ' of the woodchip trail has to be taken out. Rick received a quote of $14,000 for all of the halloween trail. The subcammittee decided it was too much and came up with only daing a part of the trail. 3) Loretta Loesch stated that the people didn't want a thoroughfare and we still can curve the trail if need be. 4) An 8' lime rock trail would be put in. 5) Links off of this section could be discussed and evaluated at a later date. Tom Reller MOTIONED to maintain the existing trail with lime rock from the hockey rink ta the present devils pit. John Howard SECONDED the motion. Ayes.6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARR.IED. Dan Belting said if we cauld get the Tree Trust crew to help there could be a iot done (for less money) . The Tree Trust can rake out .the lime rock. City staff wauld need to pil� limestone in sectians ~� of the trail. Upon approval of the Parks and Recreation Committee, the proposed project (with plan} would be presented ` at the September 7th City Council Meeting. The project would be done this year if possible. Dave Giliuson made the MOTION that we take the request to the City Council; the $15, 000. 00 to be used for Carrolls Woods as itemized '�'u"'.�� C. �►�r ,�'.�!!5►+�.` "� PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING DRAF'T August 16, 1993 Page 3 from encumbered account #202-24415 to be used for the trail project in Carrolls Wood. Scott Rynerson SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTYON CARRiED. Tom Reller MOTIONED to support the alteratians of the master parks concept plan. BECOND by Scott Rynerson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION GARRIED. Discussion followed confirminq that this request was valid because of the need for maintenance vehicles to be on the trail, need a trail to pass the lowland area when it is developed, and the stopping point still allows the trail to go west or north of which the latter follows the master plan. III. WORRSHOg- MEETZNG FQR SEPTEMBER 2, 1993: Scott Rynerson suggested reviewing the Parks Master Plan. Director Dave Bechtold commented that an evaluation of the master plan can take place at the next meeting. The topic will be to organiz�e and develop a process to do the evaluating. :.......:....,. ��:�:�:$�5��t�5 :<::�:�:.:��:�:�>;��:::v.::��:�;:::<,..:.N.:::::« I. PARR DEDICATION CARLSON PROPERTIEB: This area is by McDonalds south of County Road 42. A cancept site plan was distributed. Director Dave Bechtold stated that discussion of the commercial park dedication fee needed to take _place. Scott inquired what the anticipated (cash) park " dedication would be. Director Dave Bechtold said the formula is industrial with an estimated acreage of 9 . 094 (acres) . 5� X total land of development at $22 , 000. 00 per acre. Deanna Simpson MOTIONED to recommend cash as park dedication in the Carlson development property. (Discussion referred that consideration may want to be given far overhead passes. } Trail aspects within the development is the developers responsibility. Linda Ladzun SECONDED the mation. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED. , II• PARR DEDICATION RERRY JOHNSON PROPERTIES; Discussion took place in reviewing the park dedication for this commercial development. Scott Rynerson asked how the cash dedication would correspond with the land they (Kerry Johnson) needs. The land Mr. Johnsan needs to provide to allow for his proposal to continue should not be a part of the park dedicatian. This refers to the land and dollars needed to put in the trails, landscaping, and parking areas on the north of his property,, . Thas was agreed to be done from the onset of this proposed project. The park dedication should be considered as a separate item from this required land and/or the development costs of present park land to allow his proposal to work. John Howard made the HOTION that we accept the cash dedication on the Kerry Johnson property. Linda Ladzun SECONDED the motion. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. MOTION CARRIED.