HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.o. Set Public Hearing for Zoning/Subdivision Ordinance Text Amendment City of Rosemount Executive Summary far Action City Council Meeting Date: SeAtember 7, 1993 Agenda Item: Set Public Hearing for Zoning Agenda Section: Ordinance Text Amendment: CONSENT AGENDA Landscaping Standards; R-3 & AG Density. Prepared By: Lasa Freese Agenda ���/� � /, Director of Planning 11ft �-j� Attachments: Public Notice; Praposed Text Ap yz Amendment B-30 . , The Planning Commission reconsidered the Zoning rdina amendment that failed to pass at the August 17, 1993 City Council eeting. The Commission decided to forward a madified version of this amendment back to the City Council for consideration. This amendment, as presented, excludes all changes proposed for setbacks from roadways, � pipelines, and railroads. The gross densit� requirement for the R-1 District has also been removed so the minimum lot size will remain at 10, 000 square feet. � The Planning Gommission has added one additional item to thi� amendment which will change the minimum lot size in the Agricultural district to 10 acres . This change is necessary to bring the city into compliance with the Metropolitan Council' s rural policy standards. The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council proceed with a public hearing for this amendment on September 21st . Recommended Aetion: MOTION to schedule a public hearing on September 21, 1993 at 8 :Q0 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible to cansider Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment B-30. City Council Action: 09/07193:40b Public Notice TEXT AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE B - CITY OF R�SEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS �IEREBY GIVEN, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a public hearing to consider the items listed below on Tuesday, September 21, 1993 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 28'15 145th Street West, beginning at 8:00 p.m. or as . soon thereafter as possible. The purpose of this hearing is ta consider text amendments to Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance that will establish the following: 1) clarifying landscape standards in the General Industrial District and defining Planting Strips / Bufferyards; and � 2) lowering the maximum density alloweci in multi-family residential district (R-3) to � twelve (12) dwelling units per acre from 18 dwelling units per acre (but allowing density bonuses). 3) esta.blishing the minimum lot size for residential deveiopement in the Agricultural District at 10 acres per unit in order to bring the city in compliance with Metropolitan Council rural development policies. Capies of the praposed amendments are available for review and commenf at City Hall located at 2875 145th Street West, between the hours of 7:�0 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Persons wishing to speak on these proposed amendments are invited to attend this publie hearing on 'htesdav, September 21 1993 at 8•00 p m Written comments will also be accepted priar to the meeting date. Please forward all comments and inquiries to the City of Rosemount Planning Department. Dated this 7th day of September, 1993. 5usan M. Walsh, City Clerk City of Rosemount CITY OF ROSEMOUNT oRniNa�vcE No. B-3o AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZO1vING ORDIN.ANCE Section 1. Section 6 7 R-3 MULTIPLE FAMIIrY RESIDENCE DISTRICT, Subsection B.2. Uses Permitted B�ght of Ordinance B - City of Rosemaunt 2oning Ordinarzce is amended to read as follows: 2. Multiple Family Dwellings� A�artments and accessory uses at densities no grea.ter than _ twelve_(12) dwelling units per gross acre. Density bonuses of up to eighteen (18) dwelling units per gross acre are available per Planning Cornmissian recamrnenda.tion and at the discretion of the City Council if the praposal includes amenities in addition to minimum ordinance requirements. Such amenities rnay include but are not limiteci to, intensive landscaping, outdoor group apen space, indoor and outdoor recreational amenities, tugh quality design standards, energy conservation, provides for mass transit needs, or a proposal that satisfies unique and special market niches and needs for affordable housing. Section 2. Section 7.1 DnvtElvSYolv�, S'rAt�m�s of Ordinanee B - �'ity of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as fallows: Minimum Lot Size (ft) Minimum Yards (ft) Other Standards � Maximumg Max Bldg Max Lotg GUOS( Districts ZoneZ Width(ft) Area Depth Front Sidel� Rear Density Ht(ft) Cover Unit(sfl AG N!A 300 l0 AC � ' S0 30 30 1/10 AC 50 N/A N/A AG-P N/A 300 40AC 50 30 30 1/4QAC 50 N/A N/A RR N/A 200° 2.S AC° 4p 30 30 1/S AC 35 N/A N!A RL N/A ll0 20,000 180 30 t5 30 N!A 35 30& N!A R-1 N/A 80 10,000�� 125 305 10 30 NlA 35 3096 N/A R-lA N/A 80 1U,000�� 125 305 512 25 N/A 35 3096 N/A R-2(S� N!A 100 12,000 120 305 10 30 6/AC 35 309fu N/A (3+� N/A 120 18,000 I50 305 30 30 6/AC 35 755b NtA R-3 N/A 150 22,500 150 305 30 30 12/AC 35 759b 500 R-4 N/A 150 22,500 150 305 30 30 40lAC 35 75'Y 500 G1 1 AC3 150 15,000 125 305 lUb 106 N!A 35 75'% N/A C-2(CBD) N/A N!A N/A N/A N/A N/A N!A 35 N!A N!A C-3 .S AC 120 0.5 AC 305 106 106 N/A 35 75% N!A C-4 1 AC I20 20,000 305 106 106 N/A 35 7596 N!A IP 5 AC N/A 0.5 AC 30 30� 307 NJA 40 759b N!A WM 10 AC N/p 5.0 AC 75 507 507 N!A 75 SU% N/A IG 10 AC N!A 5.0 AC 75 507 507 N/A 75 50% N/A P N/A N/A N/A 30 30� 30� NiA 40 7596 N/A FP N/A N1A N/A N/A N/A N!A N!A N/A NlA N/A � For additional requ'vements refer to Secqon'7.2,SupptemenWry RegulA6ons;Secqon 8,Off-sueet Pnrking;and Section 9,Speciul Overiny Regulations. Z Unless contiguous w an existing such district. 3 Thtee(3)acres maxunum zone size. 4 300 Eeet width and 5-ae�e1ot size minimum when Inad is not platted. 5 Refer w Section 9.2 C.4.a.for estabtished front yards. 6 30-foot minimwn side or rear yurd where nbutting an"R" District. � Refer to Seetion�.2 C.2.c.for buildings exceedmg 35 feet in height. 8 UnitslGross Acre. 9 Ineludes structures,pnved parking nrea,nnd othet impervious surfoces. to See Section 7.2 C.2.n.and 7.2 C.2.b. �� Comer L.ois in R-1 shat!6ave a minimum of 12,000 squnre feet in area. �Z 5 feet for aingte story rcsidences;10 feet for tavo-story residences. Ord.#B-30 Page 1 of 3 Sectian 3. Section 8.3.B, l�� Nim18ER oF P�.�vGs of Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning 4rdinance is amended to read as follows: _ . _ : �+ri��� _ _ �4�����.�or+� : ��S't't�'� �'�x��.'�'.'�'�..:........:...... ....... ........._:::.....::...:..�N'�t�i:G��::>::> ::::::::.:::::::.: AG None None ...................................................................................................................................... ............................................... A -P . None None ..................................................................................................................................................................................... RR 2 trees/unit/frontage� None ............................................................................ .............................................................................. RL 1 tree/unit/frontagel.......................... None .....................................................................................................................................:............................................... R-1 1 treelunit/frontagei None ............................................................................. ..................................................,............................. R-2 1 treelunit/frontage�� � " None ................................ ....................... .................................. .................. ........ ......................... R-3 1 tree/open space unit exposure3 �(footnote) _.............................. ......................... ... ......... ...... ........................................ • ............... , - R-4 8 trees minimum plus 1 treelunit� � .............. (foomote) ................................................................................. .................... ..... , R-4 8 trees minimum plus 1 tree/2 unitsb � �(foornote)� ................................................:........ ....................................................... .................................. .......All Cs 8 trees or 1/3,000 sq. ft. land area7...............�................. ...................................................'................................................ ................ ...... IP 8 trees or 1/3 OQO sq. ft. land area�...................... �'(foomote) � �IG Per Recommendation of Planning�Commission g(footnote) .. , .. ,. ;, ;, ,,. .. .. „ ,,.. ., .. ;. . ; ,; ., .. .. _:. .. _,. 1 Trees shall be deciduous,planted at the boulevard of each tree exposure. 2 Two Famiiy Dwellings: Trees shall be deeiduous,planted at the boulevard of each sOreet exposure. 3 Other Attached Dwellings: Trees shall be deciduous;spacing must include trees at the boulevard at fifty (50) foot intervals. 4 One founclacion planting�er ten(lU)linear feet of building perimete�(principal or accessory)andlor an equivatenf value in overstcjry trees;or combination thereaf. ' - ` � $ One to Three Story Building: Spacing must include trees at the boulevard at fifty (50)foot intervals. 6 Over Three Story Building: Spacing must include trees at the boulevard at fifty (SQ) foot intervals. � Whichever is greater: Spacing must include trees at the boulevard at fifty (50)foot intervals. g One foundation planting per five(5) linear feet of building perimeter(principal or accessory)and/or an equivalent value in overstory trees, or combinarion thereof. Section 4. Section 8.3.C. l�tiQvtNiuM Pt,�tTnvG S'rANn�s of Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinaizce is amended by adding the following: 1l. Planting strips or bufferyards intended to screen residential uses from - adjacent commercial, industrial or public/institutional uses, railroad right- - of-way, major and minor arterial and collector streets must be a minimum of fifty (50) percent opaque to a height of eight feet at the time of installatian if vegetative materials are used, andlor seventy five (75) percent opaque to a height of eight feet if inechanical screening is used. Section 5. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publicatian according to law. Ord.!{B-30 Page 2 of 3 . , . ADOPTED this 7th day of September, 1993. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT E.B. McMenomy, Mayor �i�TTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Published in the�akota County Tribune this day of , 1993. Ord.#B-30 Page 3 of 3