HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.m. Auditorium Fees and Fee Policy CITY OF ROSEMOUNT FsXECLTTIVE SUN,Q2ARY FOR ACTION CSTY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 7, 1993 . AGENDA ITEM: Auditorium Fees and Fee Policy. AGENDA SECTION: Consent. PREPAR.ED BY: Jim Topitzhafer, Community AGENDA ��� Center Manager. � � �� ATTACHI�IENTS: Draft of policies and market — Y: study. , �� The Cammunity Center Commission is recommending audit rium f and fee policies, presented in exhibit A. These policies are written in the exact format of the existing banquet fee and fee policy, approved by City Council on July 20, 1993 . These two policies can be combin.ed in the policy handbaok. The only significant difference between the two documents are the auditorium fees and audiovisual equipment charges. A marketing study is attached describing seating capacity, fees, and special considerations of auditoriums in colleges, universities, schools, and theaters. The stud�r shows that most auditorium fees are expressed in an hourly rate. It appears there are four general sizes and market rates of theaters: Seating Capacity Non-Profit Market Rate Commercial Market Rate 150+ �19 .97/ hr $32 .22/ hr 350+ $33 .25/ hr $45 . 75/ hr 600+ $47. 08/ hr $64 . 18/ hr ' 900+ $23Q/ hr $230/ hr The seating capacity of our theater is 350. A market rate of -$35 per hour was used for determining the auditorium tee of fee class 3. A slightly lower hourly fee is given for a events lasting 8 hours af more. A package fee for the auditorium, banquet room, and adjoining lobby is priced at $200 more than the existing banquet fees. Audiovisual equipment charges were based on charges developed by Bloomington School District #271. - : REC4bIl+�NDED A�TION: Motion to approve the attached Auditorium Fees and Fee Policy for the Community Center_ � COTJNCIL ACTION: ROSEMOUNT COA�VIUNITY CENTER AND NATIONAL GUARD ARMpRY AUDITORZUIVI FEES AND FEE POLICY August 23, 1993 DRAFT 1. DE;FII�TI'TIDNS A. Citv �rouus. or�znizations or activities Includes groups, organizations, or agencies that are directly related to, controlled by or sponsored by the City of Rosernount. �. Civic and Non-profit rouns Includes civic organizations, politicai groups, churches, athletic associations, � fraternal groups, charitable groups, and character building organizations devoted to social, educational, recreational and civic development or other like purposes. C. Commercial grouns Ineludes groups that operate for profit or the purpose of promotion or advertisement. D. Governmental aaencies Includes county, state, federal, and special ta:x districts serving Rosemount residents. E. Nan-resident rou,,.ps IncIudes groups having more than one-half of their members not living within the Rosemount City li.mits. F. Resident Any person who maintains a residential address in the City of Rosemount. G. Resident rouns Includes groups having more than one-half of their members living within the Rosemount City limits. H. Rosemount Hi�h School Includes all directly related Rosemaunt High School and Middle High School . activities to include cumcular, co-curricuiar, extra cumeular and all directly controlled school organizations. I. Remainder of School District #196 Includes all directly related school organizations to include curricular, co- cumcular, extra cumcular and all directly controlled school organizations; excluding Rosemount High School and Middle High SchooL 2• PRIORITY FUR S CHEDULING AUDITORIUM FACILITIFS A. Pur:��e Due to the large number of organizations that request community center facilities, the City Council has deemed it necessary to group by activity these organizations and establish a priarity in order to �nsure that community center facilities are made available so as to best meet community needs. Rosemount Community Center Policies August 23, 1993 B. Priority Classification of Users 1. City groups, organizations, or activities. 2. Resident groups and resident civic and non-profit groups sponsoring community wide public service activities. 3. Individual Residents. 4. Resident groups and resident civic and non-profit groups. 5. School District #196 sponsored pragrams and events. 6. Other governmental units serving Rosemount residents. 7. Individual Non-residents, non-resident civic and non-profit groups. 8. All other authorized groups to include non-resident, commercial and profit groups. C e Permits and Leases Uses may be determined by permit, contract or lease on such terms as mutually agreed upon. 3. AUDITORILTM FEFS A. Purpose The City Council establishes the following user classification for the purpose of setting fees. Specific fee charges are dependent on the purpose of the activities, type of group, facility which is requested and special services and/or equipment needed, with consideration to the mazket place and such other factors as may be deemed relevant. A fee schedule will he established by the City Administration after review and recommendation of the Community Center Commission. The fee schedule will be reviewed as necessary but not less than annually by the Community Center Commission. B. Fee Class of Users l. City groups, organizations, or activities, and Rosemount High School and Middle High SchooL 2. Residents, resident civic and non-profit graups. 3. Non-residents, and non-resident civic and non-profit groups, remainder of School District #196, and other governmental agencies. 4. Commerczal groups. : 2 Rosemount Community Center Policies August 23, 1993 C. Auditorium Fees Auditorium alone: Fee elass Haurly rate 8 hours or more Class 1 $25 per hour $150 Class 2 $30 per hour $200 Class 3 $35 per hour $250 Class 4 $40 per hour $300 Auditorium combined with banquet room, and adjoining Iobby: (all day fee) Fee Class Saturday Friday Weekday (Sunday - Thursday) Fee Fee Fee Class 1 $550 $500 $175 Class 2 $650 $600 $225 Class 3 $750 $7Q0 $2'75 Class 4 $850 $800 $350 Audiovisual equipment: Stage lighting system $i0 per hour Pro�ector (16mm) $i 0 per use Projector (overhead) $1:0 per use Projector (slide) $10 per use VCR and TV monitor $10 per use Microphone and/or podium $10 per use Markers & Paper $15 per use D. De osits l. A damage deposit of $150 is rec�uired two weeks prior to the event. 'Fee class one and School District #196 are exempt from damage deposits. Pending there are no damages, the deposit will be refunded, within 21 days after the event date. 2. A non-refundable reservation deposit of ane half the room fee is required within two weeks of perrnit issue. The renter will farfeit the reservation if the reservation deposit is not received within two weeks after the permit issue date. The balance of the room fee is due two weeks prior to the event. 3 Rosemount Community Center Policies August 23, 1993 4. BUILDING USE A. Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the building. B. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is allowed in the Community Center in designated areas according to the procedures and guidelines af the Community Center and any applicable laws. Liquor must be served by an approved liquor provider as designated through the City of Rosemount Liquor Ordinance. C. Discrimination - The City of Rosemount will not discriminate against or harass any applicant because of race, colar, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, marita:l status, or status with regard to public assistance. D. Auditorium fee includes On-Duty Manager, table and chair set-up, tear-down, and cleanup. Additional charges are required for audiavisual equiprnent. The Auditorium and Banquet Roam fee includes danceflaar and portable bar. The liquor provider and caterer is responsible for busing tables after the event and consolidating trash into receptacles. Linens and table skirts axe not provided, E. The renter may amange food service through the caterer of their choiee. All caterers must receive a facility orientation from the Community Center Manager before the date af the event. F. The City of Rosemount has the right to exclude caterers or liquor providers if appropnate policies and procedures are not followed. G. Fees cover the use of the Auditorium from to , unless determined otherwise on the Facility Use Permit. This includes all set-up tune by the caterer and/or the customer. Occupancy of the facility after 11:3Q p.m. will result in additional rental fee which will be deducted from the damage deposit or assessed to the renter. H. The Rosemount Community Center is not liable for any loss, damage, injury, or illness by the users of the facilities in the Community Center. Neither the City of Rosemount or its emplayees can be held responsible for any items that are left at the facility by either the renter, caterer or contracted service. 5. RESERVATION PROCEDURES A. All groups using the center must have an approved permit,;contract or lease prior to facility use. One contact person must be designated to make all arrangements with Cammunity Center staff. B. Facility Use Permit requests will be approved by the Community Center Department on the basis of the community center policies esta.blished by the City Council. � C. Group can make a tentative reservation over the phone and space will be held fourteen (14) days of permit issue. 4 , Rosemount Comrnunity Center Policies August 23, 1993 D. Fee class one and two can reserve the auditorium up to 18 months in advance of the event. Fee class three and four can reserve the auditorium up to twelve months in advance of the event. E. Copies of the permit will be distributed to Iessee, Community Center Manager, building maintenance, and the Assistant Manager. F. Users take full responsibility for their group's conduct and for any loss, breakage, or damage to the rooms, equipment, or other community center property. The City reserves the right to assign supervisory staff or mauitenance personnel at an additional cost to the user, if deemed necessary by tne particular function or activity. . G. Gmups who cancel will be charged 50� of the rental fee. H. Once a permit has been authorized, the holder cannot assign, transfer nor sublet ta another party the use of the facility they reserved. I. The hours stated on the Facility Use Permit must be adhered to as the facility � will be opened for the applicant and locked at the times stated an the permit. J. Youth groups (participants ages 18 and younger) must be chaperoned an a ratio of one adult per fifteen youth, or other ratio Community Center Staff deem necessary. K. No decorations, banners, or signs can be taped, pinned, or aff'ixed to the , walls, ceilings or windows unless permission has been granted by the ' Community Center Department. � 5 AI�DITORIUM/THEATER MARKET ANALYSIS Atcgrest 5, 1993 ' Auditoriums in this study have been found in the yellow pages under "Theaters" and by calling various school districts and local colleges. There are no auditariums listed in the yeilow pages under "Halls & Auditoriums". Fees are usually offered on an hourly basis with labor charges added (custodial, sound & lighting, etc.), depending on the specific needs of tt�e event. Damage deposits are seldom required. Most of the colleges, schools, and theaters mdicated they have aery limited availability for outside group rental, COLLEGE & LTNIVERSITIES: Narne Seatin� Fee Notes St. Thomas 3b7 $35 per hour Same rate appties to all fee classes. 620 $50:per hour Normandale 430 $35 per hour for non-profit In process of changing fees. They feel they are too low. $110 per 4 hours for non-profit Used mainly for school purposes. Rates for commercial $210 per 8 hours for non-profit groups are double the non-profit group rate. Inver Hills 600 $40 per hour, 2 hour minimum, Down payment required equal to room fee plus labor costs. $11.25/hr light & sound, $21 custodial fee. SCHOOLS: Name Seatin� Fee Notes #196, Rosemount, 600 $325 per 5 hours for class 2 No fee for Class 1 (school, City, or civic group). Eagan, Apple $650 per 5 haurs for class 3 Fee class 2 is a non-profit grvup charging a fee Valley far their event. Fee ctass 3 is a commercial group. 120 $81 per 5 hours for class 2 See attached policies. $162 per 5 hours for class 3 Burnsville 600 $5.44 per hour for youth activities See attached policies. $40.80 per hour for adult activities $68.00 per hour for religious activities Name Seatin� Fee Notes � y Roseville 550 $150/3 hours, $400 ali day, Non Resident , $75/3 hours, $150 all day, Resident 200 -350 $125/3 hours, 3Q0 all day, Non Resident $50/3 hours, $1Q� all day, Resident 150 $I00/3 hours, $250 all day, Non resident $50/3 hours, $100 all day, Resident Bloomington 975 $42.50 per hour Prices listed are for non-profit groups. The cammercial group rate is double the nan-profit rate. See attached 680 $27.50 per hour policies. 585 $27.50 per hour x � $249 $16.50 per hour THEATERS: . . Name eatin Fee Notes Hennepin Center 376 $250 + approx. $250 labor Labor covers sound, lighting, and custodial. For The Arts Security Iabor charge of $15 ger hour required if the 159 $125 + approx. $125 labor � event is scheduled after 11:00 p.rn. Limited ., aaaitability. Wor1d Theater 916 $1,140 room fee, average labor Limited availability. � charge is $1,100 to 1,300 Childrens 750 $i,500 per day, does not include Limited availability. Theater labar charges Old Log 655 $450 room fee, labor charges Dinner is available. Limited Theater range from $150 to $200. availability.