HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.j. Fire Service Contract - City of Coates CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECIITIVE SUNIl�fARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:September 7, 1993 AGENDA ITEM:Fire Seruice Contract AGENDA SECTiON: City of Coates Consent PREPARED BY:Stephan Jilk AGENDA��C�A � � 1 GIYI � ATTACffi�1ENTS:Current contract with revisions AP ROVE BY: The City of Rosemount provides fire protection service to the City of Coates under a contract. This contract will e;xpire an December 31st, 1993 . The contract sets a annual payment and a per hour charge for vehicle and equipment use. In review of the equipment rates Scott Aker has found our rates to be quite low in several areas. Please see Scotts remarks attached. In review of the contract and the amount of time spent by our department in Coates 3 would recommend approval of a two year contract with them with the following provisions and changes, 1) Increase the base, or annual, rate by l0o for. 1994 and 10p for 1995 . _ _This would set the annual payment as follows: 1994 $2530 . 1995 $2800 . 2) Increase the per hour/unit charges to bring them closer to what the average is in the County. 1993 Proposed Ladder/�umper $100 . /hour $150/hour Tanker $50 . Jcall $50 ./hour Rescue $50 . /call $100 . /hour Grass Rig $50 . /call $50./hour As outlined in Scotts comments there are several drawbacks to providing __ service to Coates . we must at least bring our prices to a rnore competitive level to justify the continued service. RECOMMENDED ACTION:Motion to approve a �wo year fire service contract with the City of Coates with increased per annu:m and per call/hour charges as proposed. COUNCIL ACTION: F�QSEMQUNT �IOLUNTEEi� FIKE DEPAI3TMENT R4SEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 MEMO I TO: Steve Jilk, City Administrator FROM: Scott Aker, Fire Chief � � � DATE; August 17, 1993 � RE: Fire Contract far the City of Coates As per your request, I reviewed the fire protection agreement with the city af Coates. I would concur with your suggestion that a 5 percent increase in the fees which we charge them would be in arder. Below I have listed what the Dakota County Fire _ ,_ _ Chiefs have determined to be appropriate charges for contract areas, railroad fires; and hazardous materials incidents. `You can see thaf the on-scene fees which we charge for fire protection are considerabiy below those standards. These fees were - determined, considering such things as the actual manpower costs for an incident, and vehicle replacement. ' I have noted instances over the past few years where our on-scene fees do not completely cover the cost of the city's response, I do understand that the annual payment would make up for part of this, however, should there be a large number of calls to this contract area, the city of Rosemount would be subsidizing the cost of their fire protection. Again, I would strongly concur that at a minimum our fees to the city of Coates should e ' b zncreased b 5 ercent. Be ond the reasonable rates which we have been Y P Y charging them, there are some other factors which could be considered. Responding to the city of Coates does take us out of our fire district for extended periods of time and tends to compromise our ability to respond to the city of Rosemount. They do require extensive documentation and information when they are billed for calis which requires time on the part of the city staff. Even-though our contract is with the city of Coates, they do pass on most of those hourly fees to whomever is the responsible party for the fire call, which at times creates an additional burden om our billing Fire Contract for the City of Coates Page 2 department and delays in payment. And there are instances where a responsible party is not identified, or a ca11 is canceled while our firefighters are enroute where we still pay our firefighters but do not receive any compensation from the city of Coates. I will plan to be an hand for the September 7 council meeting when this item is on the agenda. I would be happy to respond to any additional questions or concerns which could arise at that time. dw attachment Rosemount Fire Department � Dakota County 1993 Contract Rates 5tandardized Rates Pumper $IQO per hour $250 per hour Aerial $100 per hour $500 per hour Tanker $50 ep r call $150 per hour Rescue $50 ep r call $100 er h ur Officer's Vehicle No charge $50 per hour Grass Rig $50 ep r call $50 �er hour Utility Vehicle No charge $50 - $100 per haur CITY OF COATES 15660 Clayton Avenue ' ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 August 10, 1993 City of Rosemount � 2875 West 145th Street Rosemount, i�II�1 55068 Dear Mayor and City Council: At the August 9, 1993 Coates City Council meeting our Fire Agreement with your city , which is scheduled for renewal at the end of the current year, was reviewed. A motion was made and passed to renew the �,resent agreement, keeping the fee the same, just changing the dates for the coming year. Would you kindly take this matter into consideration at your next city council meeting? A copy of the present agreement is enclosed for your convenience. Thank you for the service you ha.ve provided for our residents. Sincerely, �1 � � ����., �� Marjorie Karnick Clerk/Treasurer . . .,� � �-�le �ar�� CITY OF RO�EMOUNT AND CZTY OF COATEB FIRE PROTECTION AGREEMENT �fih THIB AGREEMENT, made and entered into this -��t3r day of S�'.P-rEmg,Ef� t99 _ -Daee�ef, �, by and between the City of Rasemount, a municipal corporation, of the County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, party of the first part, and the City of Coates, party of the second part, WITNESSETH: wHEREAS, the party of the second part is desirous of having fire protection and rescue service furnished by the City of Rosemount Fire Department; and WHEREAS, the part of the first part has facilities and equipment and is willing to make available fire and rescue protection service for the party of the second part; and RHEREAs, the party of the first part has by appropriate action authorized its Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a � cantract with the party of the second part for furnishing of said service. NOA, THEREFORE, in cansideration of the premises and the mutual covenants of the parties hereto, it is agreed as follows: l. Party of the first part shall provide fire protection service to the City of Coates, Dakota Gounty� Minnesota. 2 . Par`y of the first part, through its said Fire Department, shall endeavor to protect and save life, and property from destruction by fire, in the City of Coates. FIRE PROTECTION AGREEMEh'T CITY OF COATES PAGE 2 3 . That at times weather and road conditions through the various seasons of the year may interfere in the ' � rendering of such service, in which event; failure ta furnish the service herein agreed upon, shall not be taken as a breach of agreement. Party of the first part shall not be liable to party of the second part for loss or damage of any kind whatsoever resulting from any failure to furnish or and delay in furnishing fire fighters or fire equipment, or from any failure to � prevent, control or extinguish any fire, whether loss or damage is caused by the negligence of the officers, agents, or employees of the City or its Fire Department, - or otherwise. further, party of the second part further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless party of the first part, its officers, agents, employees or fire department members, from any and all liability, claims, damages or expenses, including but not limited to attorneys fees, resulting from this Agreement. 4 . (a) Party of the second part agrees to submit a listing of all locations in the City of Coates that store or handle explosive or hazardous materials. This listing shall contain information including owner, address of owner, � phdne number and name of contact person, description of explosive or hazardous materials stored at the site and location of site. Part of the second part agrees to update said listing at least once every six months. FIRE rROTECTION AGREEME:�•T CITY OF COATES PAGE 3 (b) Party of the second part further agrees to keep the party of the first part informed, on a regular basis, of its own fire fighting equipment and procedures if any. 5. {a) Party of the second part agrees to pay the party of the first part as compensation for all service furnished pursuant to this Agreement, and amount as follows: � �2 �qay $2 , l00. 00 2530 1� �9q5 $2 , 300. 00 �8oa .(b) In addition to the annual payment due pe= Section 5 above, the party of the second part agrees to compensate the party of the first part for actual : fire service furnished.- Additional compensation : shall be based upon the following equipment schedule: Unit Rate or Charae 15�• • Ladder/Pumper $1�0 per hour per unit houR„ Tanker $ 50 per c� per unit !o �tUu€�, Rescue $ 5� per �11 per rescue unit hauR, Grass Rig $ 50 per c'a�l per unit For the purpose of calculating the hourly charges, the following method will be used: 60 minutes or less � 1. 0 hour 61 minutes to 90 minutes 1. 5 hours 91 minutes to 120 minutes 2 . 0 hours etc, using one half (',) hour increments as minimum additional charges beyond the first hour. FIRE PROTECTION AGREEMENT CITY OF COATES PAGE 4 z.�3a (c) The amount of $2�00 shall be payable. upon execution - _..�_-------.__�_�__ _. ,_._ . �_--�_. ._ _ ��a S of this Agreement, The 1�3 amount due shall be �9a� payable on January 1 of 1�3 . (d) Party of the first part agrees that it will bill the party of the secand part on a periodi� basis for those charges set out in subparagraph 5 (b) . 6. (a) This Agreement shall be for a two (2) year period � `°1L1`} starting January 1, 'T9�1 and expiring December 3i, 1995 l� , subject to terminatian by either party on the contract anniversary date upon a one hundred eighty (180) day notiee served upon the 'other party; and both parties shall review this agreement starting no Iater than September l each year to renegotiate for another period. (b) If this contract is terminated prior to the completion of any calendar year, it is in effect, a prorated amount of the prepaid contract amount as set out in subparagraph 5 {a) of this Agreement and shall be refunded to the party of the first part. FIRE PROTECTION AGREEMENT CITY OF COATES PAGE 5 - 7. This -Agreement is executed in duplicate, each party has a copy and each copy shall be deemed an original for all purposes. i�fficial City SeaZ� CITY OF ROSEMOIINT ` � , � i� MAYOR E� - c. '('t\c��.s o r•�� �, � � � -<-_.�� �� C Y CLE SUSAN M. WALSH Official City Sea1 CITY �F C�ATES � N /�-���'9�'r►�---�f!c�f..`..�... � y� � . , �,� CLERK T ASURER MARJORIE KARNICK