HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.h. Purchase of Fire Pagers CITY OF ROSSMOUNT EXECIITIVE SLII�II�lARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEET3NG DATE: SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: PURCHASE OF FIRE PAGERS AGENDA SECTION: CC�NSENT PREPARED BY: SCOTT AKER, FIRE CHIEF AGENDA��� � �;°��� ATTACffi�2�NT5: ONE MEMO Ap D y: This item is a request to spend $3 , 800 . 00 for the puxchase of eight replacement pagers. Money for this expenditu�e would ee�me from the three accounts listed below. The attached memo further explains this need and funding. CIP Account #202-49002-01-531 $2,400 CIP Account #202-49002-01-582 $1, 248 Operating Account #101-42210-01-329 152 Total $3 , 800 RECOI�SENDED ACTION: Motion to authorize the fire department to purchase eight pagers at a cost of $3, 800 with money to come from the accaunts listed above. COUNCIL ACTION: RQSEMOUNT VOLUNTEEA FIKE DEPAKTMENT ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 550b8 MEMO TO: Mayor McMenomy Councilmembers HIassen, Staats, Willcox, Wippermann FROM: Scatt Aker, Fire Chief DATE: September 7, 1993 RE: Purchase of Pagers for Fire Department In the 1993 CIP, $18,000 was budgeted for the purchase of communications equipment. That purchase was to inciude a base radio, two mobiles, ten hand-held radios, and 10 pagers. On August 17, 1993 the couneil approved the purchase of all necessary communication equipment with the exception of the ten pagers {total approved $15,600). If we were to include the ten pagers, we would have found ourselves over budget. This shortfall of funds was not due to a miscalculation but instead to the need to re-program a11 of our radios and replace a few additional radios because of our change in dispatch services from Dakota County to Eagan. For this reason, we did not request the pager purchase at that time. -- We have since that time evaluated the possibility of postponing the purchase of new pagers, repairing some of our old pagers in hopes of using thern for another year, or moving ahead with a purchase at this time. For the srnoother operation of the fire department and what appears to be a more sound financial decision in the long run, we are requesting authorization to proceed with the purchase of eight pagers at the present time. At this time we are requesting authorization to spend the $2,400 that is remaining in the cornmunications accaunt (Account #202-49402-01-531). We are also asking for special consideration to spend the $1,248 that is remaining in our CIP defibrillator account (Account #202-49002-01-582). We eame in under budget in this account due to donations from the pubiic for this project. The two accounts together with money we would save in our operating budget by not having to repair some of our old equipment would allow us to purchase the eight pagers at this time. Purchase of Pagers for Fire Department Page 2 The Sta.te bid on pagers at the present time is $446.00 per pager. The total cost for eight pagers, including tax and delivery would be $3,SQQ. If this project is approved, funding would came from the three accaunts as indicated on the executive summary. The purchase of these eight p�gers at this time would be adequate untii at lea�t :.;a�- 1994. � Thank you for your consideration in this matter. dw -