HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. RAP Update CITY OF ROSEMOIINT EXECIITIVE SOMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 19, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: RAP UPDATE AGENDA SECTION: DEPT. FiEADS REPORT PREPARED BY: COUNCILMEMBER SHEILA KLASSEN AGEND��A � � � ��� ATTACHMENTS: MEMO APP D : , Councilmember Klassen will provide an update to Council with regards to the RAP Project. RECOMMENDED ACTION. COIINCI7� ACTION: ___ __ _ __ . �°_ . _ :■ At tlus point, I would like you to meet Penny Butler, RAP representative, to tell you more about their program and the problems with which they must deal. Dave Bechtold will discuss the role the Park and Recreation Board can fill and representafives from the other agencies will be present to discuss the benefit of this type of coalition. I hope after discussion, you will agree with me that this is a effort worth backing. ■ ..i� ° �. LENt�Ii� �lF P1N CITIES TEL=61`_'4�000�� �ep 10 �� .��5=� hac, .C.- � •�,: � �� � � �1/ltii i��•iwl+/iW.�{��T���� �A�� � . . . � � . � . . oF�n��oTa. ��c�s, � L��rc�h A'VENUE i�R1'H. ST. PAL1I... Mt1�i4+��SOTA �521i-� L�novative City Award: Fublic S�fi�j- Ccrtntnunitr Orieu#ed Fdk�Ic+�Fro�C'a� j��-�iC'L�4N The CM�ige Gcov�e Poiice D�part�et, thc Farnily ��ialCnce Neiwork vf Wast�on Co�wnt�,� � VPa�ingtan County �iot�ing � t A�nKhflrit�', Lave f°rmed a �� pvlicing tn�e! t1�at addres�es � grass�-rvots selt he�P �PP�h ta the r�uctiaa of cr�, tbe Eear of c�run�, vi�teaae, tiru�; d�m9nd, soe.i�9nd �l�Y�t d�ordM' � �ighborbood ck�cay tku �_ � . • • is b�h tLc philagopb� shi� i� tIx "way � P+�� deparEment tttinks abrout a�r mi�iou as wefl as � comm�tu�tt f�o thc strtxxuc�d dzan�s nec�sY �oc these P���- �'F����.�*f�r me pe��m d��aer�e�1 p�P�►nce ecrvices,vrhich of'1'ers evecy!aw�bidiag ati�ea an c��p+utuait�'t�beoome a�c.tivety iatvdFed ira ttte pulic�ng proce�s. B�„�KGRUU�TD Tt� bi�star� af C�►tta�e Grove � #�at a�a �P3dtY �ro�ring �d dcr �ub�i,� com�nrt7'- C� Grnve bcgan its tc�formation from a roral,�g�r�c�iltw'a�c�ualty to an aUno�slere�typicsd��+� of m middle class badroom suburb Tun 1958. Toduy ai#hin �attage Grave's thict� sfx t'3t�} squane mii�s, s�ppraa�rimatdJ�ane third of the c�ty is�cdicated#�o�density.mui#i-familT.urbaa.and�ate haa�g- In �987, tfie Washingtan Couuty�on�iag and R�de�aprnent �uthor�t� begxn coastru�tia� of t�c first la�w incomc, multf-famfiy apartment aampiex witliln thc cIt}�. Thc uccd for m�tti-f�mity hc►u.ci�g �as evldetrt b�►the ztt�nmum occnPanCy+a�rtai�,�d shoctly afttr the t,�e�ting ttf this cun�ex. 'I'6e Nuusiag�tnd Rcxl+evelopntent Autha�'ity, alou�vv�t tp`i�te d�e�e�°� bave since confianed to�rud mutri-�antilY housing units within the Parksi�e neigi�twrhood. '1'he Parkside multi-Eamity hou�g comP�ex is now the largcst k�w inco�ae campleac w�t6in the r.it3►and the vn1)'one af its tppe in Wasl�n�ton Gowxt}. The Park�ide a�d svrroanding multi-famQy nefghbochoods,had a lwPulAtion cepr�ent�g APiu'oserr�t�y )19� of the popul�oa withln t� c�y- This papplation was cxtra�cly trarrsie�+t aod camp�scd ot approxio�ateiy b496 pevple of calor. 1'he 19g0 cea�sas showed the Parkside neig�b�rhood to ha�� 2S4b of its gopulat.iou�t ar bdow th�e pov�erty level. For the i99O-1991 school year, a s�gnific�t percwta$e of the children in the Park�ide n ' �rades b - 12, were from �ingle �t Cs�milies. Thc crime rate with�tn the Parksicle�tr.3ghborhood�d surroundin�mult!-fArnity cx�g,hUorhoocls v►�s�4�F, greater tban any�ther ne�ghboc�ood within tiie city. Of sigt�fic�t co�sccrn to taw enforc�ncnt wcrc the crim�s cl�ssi�ed as crin�es of vSolence As defl[ned wlthin thc Statc's Uuiform Crime Repo�ting S,�stcm. The above neighborhoods w�ere respoasib�e�or: - ib�'o ut all domestic viata��ssawtts in tt�e!city - 12.5°.b of alt crimes agSinst the fam[ly, chiid abu�e stnd n�glect wit�in the city - 60°.6 �aU arr�e�s for vidation of orders of p�rotection within thc tity - 209b of all �ssaults conma�ted v►ithin iht dty - 1596 ot these assaulUt.tavdve kntv�c oc cirtting instruments - and���u ggi,inace�ase in drng and t�antmltpi swhstanoc vidatioc�within the past year LEAGUE DF MN CITiES TEL=6124900072 Sep 10 9� 14 �58 No .J12 = .0_ - ` � 1) Addrt.ss tl�e drug pcoblems in the Parksid�aeighbo�h�+o►d thrm�h�cor�cdinatiQn of u�focmativr� and enforc�t efforts, �nd partic�pation in su��tnce ahu�e�ducstian �farts 2) Yncrcase �rensitirity and resp�ct #or minar�ty conc�rn�s �mong th� o�icers of the Cott�gc �rove �'olicc Department 3) Reduce domcstic violence in the�'ark�de neighb+�rhao�l#hrough improved police sez�ice, � �Qre - successfua p�ccutian rate of domest�c viotence,and conuuunity cducation that reaches the di-•�erse n�Ighborhood population A) Irnprove tht social and physical envirenmeat of the a�rea w�#h coniinued property manage�ent, educ:�tiun, c+�ordiva#ictn of city 6ousing, block c2ubs, �►Qlunteers s�nd 1��+ auforccment wa�c fn targetct� ar�.� � �Regain ihe con�idence vf tt�ne�ghbarhood toward the p�nlice degartment bp�wvrk�ng w'„�h di�crsc gr+�aps in orcf�r ta effechv�y a�dclress crime and soc�et�l prol�leen� through the csombtaed �orts of la�r enforcement and the commutity 6� Enh�nc� �.f sut#"uiency of the resideuts of the Parkside neighba�rh�d � Improv� �n;g tertn re�itleac9 �f ht►�sing �pui�n t� t�p m�lce �'csiderats �vant tu 3iv� ia� the �ack�Wz n�gbbochovd 8) �i�ip preoe.nt cbildr�fro�t expeximeat�ng witl� dru�s 9) Prevcnt, �ttd cuc#ai�t,thc furmattan of gangs, aad prnvid�e int�esrti�rn r�itb bigfi � youth 10) Iucr�a,se self�steem c�f high risk yauth 11j �mPr�rv� rdatip�tship� be.tween g�uerations_in t�razbl�d f�ies X�) I�nprovc p�xen#Lzg skilLs of�lt fsmily memb+�rs . I3� Tncr� crime reparting l�j De�ei�p a pratflcol aad raodel for future prublern Qriented Polic3ag tuv�ects d�aling�vrth mi�+o�rit� gmauQs Once �nplem�uted, the Park�ide 2�nd surraunding area, the Commr�n'cty Paixcin�'7'eam qnicl:3y rea�ized thaf aa arganizatioaal structurc vYithin the communitp Eiad to be �orYn+ed �vhich cc�u[d erxsure the participatictn of all cx�mpeting fa�ctt�rs. The natn� of this grrvec'u���e �ructure was called the Pari�de Rcsident Council. 't'he Poliee I�artment prov�ided the initial trAining #'or m:�ubers af this Rrsi�cnt Cc►unc:it which was selecxed thrangL a votiog pra.�ess by tnet�abers af their enare cammunity. Ta this esid, we have implemented a community structirne within the Parksidc community, ��'iich we believe �ref�ctts aur conamitment to effcetivc Snnovatiou and extenseve cit�en invotvcment. �'arksi�e ltesidents . Cotnrt�unit� B�sed ' . Palicin� T�ams Par�:side Resident ' CfluTiEll `��ashinato» CvuntY '�Yashinb ori County Famt13�Vio}ence Nef�york ` ��,, Al! Qther Su�p4rtin�Organizations ar�d Services � • � LEAGllE tJF �4t`�1 CTTiE� TE_ :G1�'141�n0;-2 Se}� lfl �13 i.1=5� NL� .��i� :�' .47 - '��ha�e tnembcrsitip an #hc R�dent Cvardin�ting Co�rutti##�c - To�d �Leside�t Advisary Counc3l me�tings - To partiripate i� the Scrvicc Pro�lder Ad�isory Comn�iiitee BUI��I' The actu�tl Progr�m pperating Bnd�et is in�ludtd. (seE Exhibft A) FR+(��AM EVAWATiON Cv�Si�tent wlEh the �detrti#�'icatiun af pcv�r�u +e�lt�ation a� being a ker issue in t'6e p� p�ooess coaducted by the Chi�f's offi�, We C,�tta�e Grove P+olicx �artme�ri pcopose� a �rong e�aiu�tion eatnp�nc�nt for th:s pro�cxt, � PRtJGR�i1VI E�TAUUATIUN PROCL.S�: 8ecause af the uniquc diffcrence�s in tl�e target gopulatian fi�m t#u�se in wh�►cammunit3'Pc�icing�ffc�rts t�ave prcvic�u�ly bcen ianplcanc�nted in Cetta�c Grore, a s�trong driphasis an pr�ocess svaivatic►n �s s�ade so that the Ltforr��ion rcc�ei9t;d p�+ be Inco�Orated bac�lnto the ongtdng p�'Qject in a tii�lp fsshion and for future raplication parpoxs. Baged c►n the pr�viou�► �tated objecti� far this pr°�'am+ �ue �c to be devdoped �nd impte.mcntod by ttie+evaluati�t tcmm includes thc fulluwing. 1) Dcvelopmcn# and an�lys�s of pohcc a►�fet� �i#y act's��ty 1u�s. k'�mph�s herc is datdmir�fng the° actua! daily �cti�ities of the ot�'keY's, �ntl any signiF�ant differe�¢e� when contp�rtd to officers engage+d in m�re tra�iitian.a! patrol �s des�crihed iQ the i�ature. T6ese lo�;s are a)�o u�sed #n determine the numbec, types and tw�teact af c�tizen-�tcer contactg. >2) Qua�rterly o1�►`�tt�oo of rncetings of the txxnmunity advi�ory t�c�c�'1 to determint the prt►cess far, lcvei and types of input being made to the pra�ram's officers, . 3) Quartexly interviewx�vith m�x�be�s c�the cammunity aclv�ory co�w�cil io ascertaeu tbar subjective e�ralustians �f the progcam's effectivffiess, to what eac�ent t6ey 6elieve it � folio�ving tt�ir diceetion, the extecit of cammunity goal s+etting and decisiar�nu�lciug,and to what de�ree they feel the couatiuuiiy pert�i�es the program as beiag ��iheics". 4) Quarterly in-dcpth interviews vrith ti�e pro,�ect's goHce ot�icers eorncerning their perceptlans o�Ehe _ Progcam, and their su6jectioe evuluatbns of its cffcr.ii.encss,thc adequ�cy of their i�ritial training and vther trainfng Pr+ngr'arns �fiich m1�t be indfcs►te@ an the bas�of their experieaces, as well as their recornmaids►tiuns for improvcrncnt. � of calledi aad analyun� 5'� Related crimc inform�tion collccted t�a a monthly basi�. T'ar purpoaes n� crime statist�cs, the Cc►ttage C�rove Fotice�Depart�ent has divEded tltc caty it�to niue grids. Thc �arkside project sites are located in grid 10�4, with sobgrids 1U90, 109'l, 1Q92 awd 1093 fc�r specffic areas within the Parksid� c�ammunity. Th�e subgrids �ccupy Lhe majority af the land within the grid, as we!! as in exces� oi 6Q percent of their population. Thcc^cfore, it wilt be rei�tively easy to extract the cxime slrati��ics. Thcsc indudc thc uumber of c�tls for scxvicc segregated as ta the in�tiai classificatian as relayed to police dispatci� or ihc projcct ofCeer. thc re.spo�ding aifficer's classif'tcatian i� differptt classificatio�t, titnc +�f day and day of week information, �od arre� i�afo�rnsat�on, 6) Thc number of rarrests bY t3`Pe dir+e�tly or pactialty aitr�b�ttabk to iuformation provic�ed by mcmbers of thc oommun�ty. 7) Number of rd'crrsiis to outside social eervsoe age»cies rnade by the afficecs. and the�� otrtcomes, and the number and types of counseling gervices dice�tly pco�+dcd by the inta�ventionist advocate.