HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of September 27, 1993 Special Meeting ROSEMOIINT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING SEPTE�2BER 2?, 19 9 3 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the City Council of the Gity of Rosemount was duly held on Monday, September 27, 1993, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Ma�or McMenomy called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Staats, Willcox, Wippermann, and Klassen present. Staff present were: Freese, Heimkes, Miller, Osmundson, Pearson and Wasmund. Some Commissioners present were Planning: Busho, Baago, Ingram, DeBettignies, Droste and Port Authority: Dunn, Anderson. Also present was City Attorney Mike Miles: The audience had peaple that represented CMC Heartland Developers, U.S. Homes Developers, Carlson Propertie�, and the National Guard Maintenance Facility. _ Ma.yor McMenomy opened the meeting and led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. . Councilmember Wippermann asked to add to the Agenda a discussion on the City Administrator Search. Council agreed. Discussion followed. MOTION by Wippermann to direct Administrative Assistant Susan Walsh to contact the League of Minnesota Cities for the purpose of obtaining information on firms to conduct a search for a new City Administrator and also resources for selection of an interim Administrator including how long these processes may take. Secoad by McMenomy. Ayes: McM�norny, Wippermann, Rlassen, Staats, Willcox. Nays: None. ' Mayor McMenomy advised the group that the goal for this meeting was' to have the City Council direct staff in regard to where the sewer capacity should be allocated during the next few years. Planning Director Lisa Freese reviewed the phasing of sewer capacity shown on the NNSA Maps; the Interim Ma.p, the Year 2000 Map, and the Year . 2010 Map. The City is required to remove the Year 2000 Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) boundary and in effect the Interim MUSA will become the City' s year 2000 growth boundary. Planning staff anticipates that in 1998 an e�cpansion will be made to the Rosemount Treatment Plant which will allow the City to expand the NNSA. The Treatment Plant is under the control of the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission and as a result the City cannot have access to additional capacity until it is budgeted for in the Implementation Plan of the regional agency. The City is in a situation where developers are in control of more land than the Metropolitan Council will allow in the MUSA. Furthermore, the City does not have enough capacity in the Rosemount WWTP service area to guarantee full development of all of the land within the proposed Interim MUSA. Until improvements are budgeted by the MWCC in their implementation Plan, the City will be limited to 1, 130 units of capacity in the Rosemount WWTP service area and only 735 units are not committed thraugh plats/final project approvals at this time. It is highly probable that by the time this capacity is gone the treatment plant will be on-line. In the shor� term, however, it is prudent for the City to plan as if the capacity does not exist, Director Freese also pointed out that the City has ample land available in the Empire WWTP to provide for a sustained residential growth level through the end of the decade. ROSSMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAI, MESTING SEPTEbiBTR 27, 1993 It was noted that developers along with the City need to lobby Metropolitan Council in order to let them know that it is a hardship for developers and city governments. Several other communities are going through the similar situations; Cottage Grove, Hastings, and Stillwater are some. A coalition of these cities in similar circumstances could be beneficial in effecting policy decisions at the Metropolitan level. Director Freese overviewed the projects approved and on the drawing board. The capacity required to serve ali of these potential projects was based on residential equivalent units estima.tes. Until final building plans and/or final development plans are submitted the exact capacity needs can not be determined. Those representing projects within the area under consideration for NNSA and sewer capacit�r allocations were allowed to present their concerns. Lee Johnson of US Homes, Ron Carlsan of Carlson Properties, Harold Hawks of the Minnesota National Guard, and Wayne Delfinc� and Reid Hansen representing CMC Heartland Partners all presented comments regarding each of their organiza�ions development plans and capacity needs. Ed Dunn, Port Authority Chair, noted that one aption would be to let the development market drive the usage issue. Expansion would follow the dema.nd perhaps with some performance criteria so that a maximum number of units per year would be allowed. Discussion indicated that the larger' home developers could build a maximum of 75 units a year under these - capacity constraints. Planning Commissioner Ingram noted that facilitating residential development could serve as a discouragernent for the development of a regional airport in Dakota County. Port Authority Commissioner Anderson spoke in support of setting aside capaci.ty for the proposed Business Park stating that a Marketing Committee has been formed. In order to ma.ke the project work it will be necessary to have lots served by utilities and available to turn over to potential developers. Councilmember Willcox noted that a first come first serve allocation of sewer units makes sense given the limited capacity available to wark with and the number of potential projects. ' Councilmember Klassen noted the frustration to have to turn away any development. She inquired as to whether or not more MUSA could be allocated to CMC from other areas such as the Kelly property or the Business Park to provide a level of comfort to CMC that the second phase of their project was acknowledged. Director Freese indicated that adjustments to the boundaries could be ma.de so long as the Cauncil understood that until the treatment plant is expanded that such a reallocation does not insure addition units of capacity to CMC to serve the area. Council consensus was to direct staff to review the Interim MUSA and to identif� possible areas where the MUSA boundary could be adjusted in order to xeal�acate MUSA on the 226 acre property owned by CMC. Potential areas identified for considera�.ion were the Business Park and Ke11y Trust Froperty, An update of this 2 . r . ROSEMOiTNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL METTING SFsPTEMBER 27, 1993 information should be presented to City Council at the next regular meeting with a special meeting to follow. � Mayor McMenomy called a Special Meeting of the City Council for October 12, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. to review further the MUSA allocation. MOTION by McMenomy to adjourn_ SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Five. Nays: None. The meeting was adjaurned at 9 :30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink Recording Secretary ATTEST: E.B. McMenomy, Mayor The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk' s File 1993-34. 3 '