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Minutes of October 5, 1993 Regular Meeting ,Rp$EM,p��"` `� 19y� O T�BER 5� of the Ci5 1993 r Meetl�.g D�toY�er • ` ' a geg'ila Tuesday' . ther�of yield on ltY gall• Ca7.1 and n�tount was dulRosen`Ount C' ,Klassen, t ers due Rosem ers a me� pursuant o the Cit e Coun�il Ch� With COun��l was a"aay dsor�:� Coun��-1 m, in th etin.g tO �ember wlpp J�lkn��'Y C�Y Att��neY at � :3� p d the Tne Coun�i1Tn FreeSe� �e was or M�Men�wil1C xe pre t we�e $eC�Als' ln atte�aa� in the Pledge �a ess nd Staf f 5hre arid wasmund• d led the grOup ats� TopiZhofer� wal ting tO °rder an EXe�ut1ve C7-osed Mi7.es• ed the me Item � , c� Item g , d; ana e call enomY U te► l.0 oYa.� NiaY A1 eg anCe• in�luded �ease ent r e•� tl • er Plg roast �f eS to the aRosemount �e a or� Item a ' the £und rb 8 sts� .kshops� rt hire wor 1 SeSsgo� fon. of Flanning Dl •o•A•R• ' rw 11 helpefer t oha11 be a Iar°ng on ReSlgnat1 representlnmo eY sa;.a a t WOu si er Th a the P�1i19 3 at ? �op gevin Carr��cess£ul• Co�15�i°n tiQ.n o f the 9 p.m• a oVember �-$ � School• was VerY ,su Air'P°rt the 1°�a 6 p.m• tO ings on Nbe the high t� MetroP°��"slnce tvembe 1� � w911� be inw 11 ProbablY tion has stmon t xast1�iouse on N al Do�ument e mee�ings ansit Ass°el a.n eight�le� an� �he�Envlr°ocati°n �� thes esota Valle�e r I�e s of 7p1nt ag�n e 1 m. Th t the M�'�s ech cooperatiVen to the p• en a'�°un�D�o a Co?t Sri� the a,n axnen�e tember 2'i al��ut tr t1onepr e to tY�.e communitY� �se�t Age�'a reino in�a bY g t ats. AYe dem°r's se�1C t11e CO uteS an Sec° a gooa ve in w• is a��en tO apP ar C°un�lfu ther reVNone' of b°na �pTI�N bY 21� lgg3 ReMln'ites taats• NaYS� the i�Suan�Dan ��Ne� September al Meetin9 enomY, S S used f°Comm1Ssi°na�.d sale of 1993 Spe�Will�ox► McM d the pr°Ce Auth°rltY reSt rateS Klassen� re'vieWe the Pozt the tinte � eCtor �Y through tlon on ,��� P�R� �y�an�e �ir �y gOS GE OF r the b�sy d�S In ar gaVe inf�� ,�ORIZ=NG p�TD �S M� fa en.omY, °£ pp 000 bo ds• � ORD='1z O LIG TION 80'ND Se�p9'd bY a t $ggOF- $5a bY Klasse�,°rp�p,BLT���pAYM'�s�W117-�Ox� r �ew�r cap aY Y A�UTB�I� L FA'� C'R�D ST K.lassen• SAC v`nits► 11 �rket t�.me. CI'1'Y� S �enomY� Sta � ted th ComPlete es� pa K a� thi5 es en AYes' meTnber wil ec su�ey suPp°r the busln as p�-a�ed Mi esa felt �ounavailablei t could not eSa park. w AttOrs�'eY n°t foreSe no so e busin CitY did cl� .be n aOne h teg that t veloPed Soon lnent and h Au�gt• T all i: or M�Men a to be f u ned surve ent was�pp not pro eed '�n1esS °t ie ione��e purchase 5 g lg9 ► a�d will pr ea iea for November sCn orde�' P�rt Autho �� rl t R�SEHlO Kl �he �Oncer„s o�Cssioner C �' CITy p `-- ._, SAC un n Said �h °unci1me�e�oll no�ed RgG���cEEDrNGs 1�S is tee busin�s Willcox �hat the OCT�BE,R �ETING 5 �e°r Mc1Kenom mpOrary, S Park is a 1 ong and f�1 t c m fo,r ab h�ri ty was � .I9g3 �lnap d aft o rd n9 14 �d that a �e� proJec� and 1e Pr°Ceedin�are gre r Mc1►�eno � the aJe da nd w� ReC nst �he a5e the Shorta5e o f re�o et and Ut y °Pened °uld not b�C�lon was tha� Wa� NotzCe were eCretaYy.Impr vemen�i� Heari Present�dnO ni ncludedli sh�d in to�y En9'ihee �n fl�e e noted tha�s�he A�fm n�o Ci�annon Hil 5ht, n the MO al1y Aaid bY thesmundson idavits oY P��e�t 225rd T�dit�on �dai�N bY Mc1Ke devel°Per evi ewed �he and Publ she o c�ga �Y Kreet a d �� ClOSe Ground DeVe oAe C� �OSts a ne. lassen• Uti11tY Ihe P�li� rs' InC, Whi�h would b� 'TION b AYes; MC�e r�m ements��in9' on sh Y W' Y, Sta Sessment annon HiI. ��'1"30g �DITIO,Nt� ad�Pt A ats� Kjassen �tY Pro�eC3rd .IC�x� McMenoml5.9g�$s AND�,iLIIZ'ION �p � ��lCOx• NaYsS. t MCMenOmY o y• NaYs: e N�ne by R�S�'RO�TV��Sgsg� �RO �rdin n d Ut�1 i P e n e d �he Pu A Y es; S�aa� PRO�FCT� S�NN'O,N Ce We e°n etary 2n�te Vements As earing fo �S' Klassen 25 IN q*gE En f lle' d that the Se�Sment r Shanno � , n ddgi�on deVeunds�n r� Af�idavits Y Pos�eC��34�h Ad�itlo obY 1�Ic1►�eno 1OPment_ '�i�wed the Cost b ted and Pub�shed n bysstaatsa d Util�Se the pu reakdOWns fOr the bY K1ass Ay�s' Klassenvements Arin9' for shannon g111s en �g �9oTIO.IIT ST�EPt `�! �SO ' wl�1C�xs McM n mSh c tY P�n Hi�ls K 1 assen 2 9 1. 7 g, s A N D �,I L�'r p l�l � Y, s taats r O.]ect 23 4�h Di NaYs' None d b y L���MP R OpT2NG A S s NaYs: No OV�,�,�__ s S,L s�'NT n�� ,�i reCtOr Li s' AYe's vT ' cIZ,�, RpLL, ire�tlon CO Prehe updat�d W�llCOxp M Me o234��� nsiv Clt my, E � for�h• A iand e Kell�,� Guide Pi Counc1l o he C1ded t e �u51ness pa kfa� approx,� whiChDise s monsN�A allo�at • �tl�n un�ll furt �he SPeC nd Poss1b���C He na res VCo p d bu� InC• her ln�o�tlpn wer 12' 19 artland De�e o�e�de�o - as a.va�1ableMeeting to diSC � 2 uss _ � , . � ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 5, 1993 MOTION by McMenomy to hold a Special Meeting of the Cit,y Council on October 21, 1993, at 6 :30 p.m. to review the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Second by Willcox. Ayes: Staats, Klassen, Willcox, McMenomy. Nays : None. Community Center Ma.nager Topitzhofer recommended the hiring of Randy Moe for the Building Maintenance Supervisor. The Selection Committee chose Randy Moe based on his experience with building ma.intenance, HVAC operation and management skills. MOTION by Staats to approve the hiring of Randy Moe as Building Maintenance supervisor at a salary of $28, 177 with a starting date of October 18, 1993 subject to a successful pre-employment physical and driver license check. Second by McMenomy. Ayes: Klassen, Willcox, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: None. Parks and Recreation Director Bechtold requested authorization to hire for the Assista:n.t Parks and Recreation Director position. Suggestions were made from Council to wait until the new city administrator is hired and possibly hire a temporary person ir� the interim. Director Bechtold said his programs would be in jeopardy and council had indicated that they would not let that happen at a past meeting. Even proceeding as normal will cause a difficult length of time before someone can be interviewed and hired, give notice on their job and be available for work here. MOTION by Staats to approve the job descriptions of the Parks and Recreation Programmer and Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation and authorize the posting and advertisement for an Assistant Director of Parl�s and Recreation. Second by Klassen. Ayes: Willcox, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. Nays: None. MOTION by Willcox to have Ron Wasmund and Dave Bechtold review the position to see if it can be filled by a part time person. No second. Ma.yor McMenomy called for a break at 8 :40 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8 :45 p.m. Wayne Delfino, representing CMC Heartland Developers, introduced Al Blaom, an architect, who gave a presentation of the residential housing proposed. Several different styles would provide a quality neighborhood. The value of the homes would range from $100, 000 to $150, 000 with square footage ranging from 1300 to 2400 square feet. Parks and Recreation Director Bechtold described the passive, down graded amphitheater proposed for the Erickson Community Sguare. Dave Simons, SEH Engineering, said it would be pie shaped with nine grassy tiers that would seat up to 450 people. The bulk of the cost would be in the grading. In the future trails would connect the park and ride parking area on Highway 3 . Councilmember Willcox voiced concerns on the cost of maintenance of the amphitheater. Bechtold noted this was taken into consideration. 3 . l:�.a�. L �a ROSEMOt7NT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 5, 1993 MOTION by Klassen to approve the plans and specs and authorize staff to advertise for bids for the Erickson Community Square grading, seeding and sodding for the amphitheater construction. Second by Staats . Ayes : McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willcox. Nays : None. Planning Director Freese reviewed the Wensmann Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment and requirement of a public hearing. MOTION by Klassen to hold a Public Hearing for the Wensmann Guide Plan Amendment on October 19, 1993 at 8 :00 p.m. at the regular City Council meeting. Second by McMenomy. Ayes : Staats, Klassen, Willcox, McMenomy. Nays: None. Planning Director Freese submitted her resignation to City Council . Council thanked Freese for her hard work, leadership and plan performance. MOTION by McMenomy to accept the resignation of Lisa Freese as Director of Planning effective October 29, 1993 . Second by Willcox. Ayes: Klassen, Willcox, McMenomy, Staats . Nays: None. Council directed Interim Administrator Wasmund to evaluate and make recommendatons regarding planning staff positions. Mayor McMenomy proclaimed the week of October 4th through October llth as Brain Injury Awareness Week in Rosemount. � MOTION by McMenomy to have a Closed Executive Session to discuss final settlement on easement with Rosemount Woods. Second by Klassen. Ayes: Willcox, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. Nays: None. Mayor McMenomy reconvened the regular meeting at 9 :20 p.m. MOTION by McMenomy to approve the offer of $20, 000 to acquire easement for the Armory sanitary sewer from Rosemount Woods, Inc. Second by Klassen. Ayes : McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willcox. Nays: None. MOTION by McMenomy to adjourn. SECOND by Staats. Ayes: Staats, Klassen, Willcox, McMenomy. Nays : 0 . The meeting was adjourned at 9 :3-0 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary ATTEST: Stephan Jilk City Administrator The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk' s File 1993-37. 4