HomeMy WebLinkAbout5. Wensmann Guide Plan Amendment AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS County of Dakota ) 3PUBL.IC`NOTICE,��:; �µ,.�u,ae oown���vE�� ;� , �B PLAN AMFJipbdEMT�, tYEt'�SAIANN GIl/DE fLAN.�AIEND�AIEAIT ' !�H''�"i tew�er:�d u bw»... . NANCY J. GUSTAFSON, being duly swom,on oath says thot she is on authorized ogent ond ` ��1T�Y���'�Y��. employee of the publisher of the eewspaper known as Dokoto CouMy Tribuee,cnd hos fuli knowledge ';� lVOTICE 1S.HEREBY-GIVEN; the(55ty `Coimcii of the City�RasemounE will hold a of the facts which are stated below: �C�W�ambers o�'the�45ty�H ll,�� 1�lSth Street West,beginning at S:00p.m;or as�somWereatter�aspossible..�.;_ ; � The purpos�ot this hearing is to r�� (A)The newspaper hos complied with cl)of the requirements constituting quolification us o legoi :t�►c inpuE and comments on a proposed a�adment to thstScy�Rdsemounr Major newspoper,os provided by Minnesote Stetute 331 A.02,331 A.07 and other appiicable laws,es amended. �t�me�Pre.�ive Guide P1aqAmendmeot,.The ':ma,io�;,,amendnieat�pertaias�to;property �located on fhe south side of Cainty Roaid 4t �d.Meed S6aipnoo Paekwa and:Djamood ��aW..legallY d�a�ibed as f llows;� ��- � ��B)The priMed «'1Yact 1:Eisher Property �,,_��,.. ' :3'6�%�.;-1275.36,feet of the„norM west �Ysrbee'ot Se�on S1:Towffihip:�i5�`Ra�$e �i�?8k0�i CAUOh'i�10�0�8.8U(1 . . . ��.�'�::48 CO�1Sf10g Of 9�[�i� . � . � �.7B HCi'88.IDO[!� � . � ���s£��:.t,,�s.,n. ,.-. - � � � 'h�flCf S> �T6e north west quartet of Sectiopp S�tpyyvp. �s�p 125,liange 18,Dakota CauntY�I�'Iim�e- sota;�cxpt the East i�3,gg{�� which is o�tached was cut from the columns of soid newspaper,ond wos printed ond published once �asdescept khe soutb 1615 beettbereaf:Sub= �eCt to_the proposed extens[on.ot C.S.A.Fi. � � tva 4Yand hmited aocesson C.S.A.Ii Na 4z. "�P�P'P���hesrinB is to'caosida� C��4dc'".#'er-- weraesiw�+w�eeks;it wqs a msjonamendment tn�e,City*s Compr� s�eoeive.Gaide Plaa to change the land�ree , � / ;d�natiwl af the 47 actC 4�aM oE land from /�+ C�-� ABricult�al�AG)W Urban Residential(iTR) first published on Thursdoy,the�doY of �l , +ad1,COmmercia!(C)."1Le developer�pro. ;posiag to de,welop a 42 acre housing d�wNap. m�co�istin6 ot 28 siogte family homes,57 ���1��tON`"h0°D�' � , and wos thereaker nted and blished on er Thu►sd to ond includin The develuper;is aiso-proposiog a s.acre �9 Pry P� �Y a!' 9 i�g�bai'l�ood Cammercial t�enter atthc eoutL ;east iwrner.�;Diamond Pat6 and;Gounty `no�a�x.x����;���y jociwle a twt►veoi�ca store,bani�;daycare Thursdoy,the doy of ,19 , -and small_i'etail/service shops. �-.,;�v ' - Persausaishingtoccaomeatmthisamead. and primed below is a copy of the lowe►cose olphabet hom A to Z,both ieclusive,wMch is hereby meof are invited to attend this;meeGag on .T•�r%�>>9�79f�a ieo0 P...�w� ocknowiedged es being the size and kind of type used in the composition ond publication of the notice: Date�l this s;h dap#,October,1893 ��.$1�auM.;V981Sh�{�tYzQerk,�'��,�9, alxvli�f�;hijkluirnryx�i�iu��wx�i � �kSty*of RoY�otmt:;,�'r'� �, �'� t�P�7'��'�� �--� � �},_ � � - ���«�c .. _ . �-��-.:° �;,aR�� � .� � � - . � � . . B�: "r � � , � �T�.E:$@CfC� f�f6 �IS . . 5ubscribed or►d swom to before me on ia day of���',19 �� , Notory Pu �c ,.� CAROL J.HAVERLAND �'�A�e a NOTARY PIJBLiC•MiNNESOTA �'��•f�" pAKOTA COUNTY y.�'�� G,y Commission Facpitzs Dec.3.t995 �•..,,: .-._-,,,..�,.,..�c*A�592�a• t City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action City Council Meeting Date: October 19 1993 Agenda Item: Wensma.nn Guide Plan Amendment Agenda Section: PUBLIC HEARING Prepared By: Lisa Freese Agenda No: Director of Planning 'T�� � / � , Attachments: Resolution, P.C. Reviews; Approved By: Application; Hearing Notice & Ma.iling List; Concept Plan; - Location Map Herb Wensmann is requesting to redesignate 47 ac es of ricultural land between Diamond Path and Shannon Parkway south of County Road 42 . This area in Update 2000 was designated Agricultural as a result of a compromise between the landowners and the City. Mr. Wensma.nn is requesting Urban Residential designation for 42 acres of the site and Neighborhood Commercial for the 5-acre portion of the site at southeast corner of Diamond Path and County Road 42 . The Planning Commission reviewed this request at their regular meeting on September 28, 1993 and revisited the commercial component of the development on October 12, 1993 . They are forwarding a recommendation that the guide plan amendment be approved by the City Council. They concurred that with the Planning staff analysis as to the appropriateness of the location of the proposed neighborhood commercial addressed in the October 6 Planning staff inemo. They a3so supported Urban Density Residential for the remainder of the site and concluded that the Comprehensive Plan provided some flexibility for considering densities up to six units per acre under that designation. Comprehensive Plan Amendments require public hearings before the City Council . If the Council decides to approve this amendment it is Planning staff' s recommendation to include the amendment in the modification of Update 2000 rather that as a separate amendment submitted to the Metropolitan Council . The attached resolution provides for that process. Reaommended Action: A MOTION to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE WENSMANN SIXTH ADDITION COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT. City Couacil Action: 10/19/93.001 . s CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAROTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1993- A RESOLUTION APPROVING TSE WENSMANN SIXTH ADDITION COMPREHENSIVE GIIIDE PLAN AMENDMENT WHEREAS, Wensmann Realty, Inc. has entered into a purchase agreement with property owners Fischer, Gunderson and Hirschhorn to purchase a 47-acre site on the south side of County Road 42 between Shannon Parkway north of the existing Wensmann Addition; and WHEREAS, Wensmann Realty desires to construct a housing development on 42 acres including a combination of single family detached and attached dwellings; and wHEREAS; - Wensmann Realty desires to develop a five acre neighborhood commercial center in the northwest corner of the site comprised of uses such as a daycare, convenience store, bank and small retail shops; and WBEREAS, the Comprehensive Guide Plan currently in force designates this site for Agriculture; and �HBREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount considered the proposed redesignation of the site from Agricultural to Urban Residential and Neighborhood Commercial on September 28 � and October 12, 1993 and February 23 , 1993 and recommended approval of the amendment to the City Council; and �PSEREAS, the City Council scheduled a publie hearing, according to law, to consider the plan amendment and the hearing was held on the 19th of October, 1993 . WHEREAS, the City is nearing completion of a major update to the 1980 Comprehensive Guide Plan; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount approves this amendment and includes it as part of its major Comprehensive Guide Plan revision, Update 2000; and 1 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that upon approval of Update 2000 by the Metropolitan Council the amendment can be placed into effect. ADOPTED this 19th day of October, 1993 . E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted for• Voted against• 2 . � z�� o osemoun� PHONE (612)423-4411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (672j 4235203 Mailing Address: Edward B'.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 5506&0510 COUNCILMEMBEAS Sheila Klassen TO: PIallIllllg COR1II11SS10II James(Red)Staats Harry Wilicox Dennis Wippermann FROM: Richard Pearson, ASSIS�1Ylt PI$11110I' ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jiik DATE: October 6, 1993 SUB7: October 12, 1993 Regular Meeting Reviews Item No. �- ATTACHaV�NTS: Location Map; Concept Plan. ' � 7. WENSMANN REALTY, INC. - COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT DISCUSSION The City Council scheduled a public heari.ng for October 19, 1993 regarding the Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment for the Wensmann multi-family and associated commercial proposal for the 47 acres south of C.S.A.H. 42 between Diamond Path and Shannon Parkway. Questions were raised about the location of the commercial element of the proposal, and the criteria. that was discussed which resulted in the Diamond Path and C.S.A:H. 42 location. COMIIVEIERCIAL PROPOSAL DISCUSSION ` The commercial use is intended to be oriented to serve the limited needs of the unmediate and peripheral neighborhoods as a convenience stop, rather than a destination commercial use. Convenience commercial uses are normally located at the entry and exit points of residential areas. Such uses are usually developed on small sites that give the residents a chance to stop, refuel and purchase lirnited consumer goods and services with out significantly altering their typical daily commute trip. The best locations are at the intersections of arterial and collector streets in areas separated from more intensely developed commercial uses that are considered destinations. A destination commercial trip is probably on a weekly basis, involves several different objectives or errands and often requires a special trip. In the case of the Wensmann proposal, the commercial element was located at Diamond Path (County Road 33) and C.S.A.H. 42 which will carry higher volummes of traffic, and will be located in the path of the highest level of anticipated traffic. Shannon Parkway has been built as a residential collector street, and would require some modification to accommodate the commercial access. The level of improvement depends upon the amount of additional trafFic genera.ted which would be determined by the intensity of the commercial development. The level of improvements range from restriping to expanding the roadway for additional lanes. , � // B:w6-os-�.00� ' �ver-���ivegs �oming �(/l.�i �osemoun�ll Page i of3 ' ' October 12, 1993 Regular Meeting Reviews Page 2 Diamond Path has yet to be improved in this area and will be built to a higher standaxd as a county road. The opportunity also e�sts to upgrade the road knowing what type of uses will need access with those factors being incorpora.ted into the design and construction of the road. Other site specific factors include the location of the high power electric transmission line that is generally located in or near the Diamond Path Right-of-Way (ROW). These transmission lines may be preferable in other than residential districts wherever possible. Iast of all, the C.S.A.H. 42 comdor and related commercial uses should be discussed. The concept of the Mixed Use Planned Unit Development involves a transition from commercial to residential uses. One scenario for this transition would have C-4 General Commercial type uses on the east side closer to C.S.A.H. 42 and Chippendale Avenue, with transitions to less intensive development (such as offices) near the e�sting residential development to the south and Shannon Parkway to the west. DOWNTOWN SCOPING CONIlVIlTTEE RECONIlVIENDATION The Downtown Scoping Committee final report and recommenda.tion presented (but not yet adopted) to the City Council would confine commercial development to the "Downtown Area" and the "Associated Cantiguous Commercial Area". The westernmost boundary for the latter is Shannon Parkway. Only fuel station/convenience stores would be allowed a minunum of two miles outside of the Downtown Area or the Associated Contiguous Commercial Area. The proposed convenience commercial use is one half mile west of Shannon Parkway, at the westem boundary of the City. If commercial development does not occur west of the Rosemount National Bank at Chippendale Avenue, then the convenience commercial would almost meet the two mile separation criteria. Locating the convenience commercial use at the southwest corner of Shannon Parkway and C.S.A.H. 42 would have the effect of extending the Associated Contiguous Commercial Area beyond the boundary suggested by the Scoping Committee. The likely zoning to the east along C.S.A.H. 42 would be C-4 General Commercial which is generally incompatible with with low density residential uses adjacent to the south without screening or some type of transitional use in between. All of the above rational caused Planning Staff to discourage the developer from proposing convenience commercial along Shannon Parkway and suggested that the Commercial element be located at Diamond Path. RECOM1t�NDATION If the Planning Commission agrees with the direction Planning Staff has given the developer, then a MOTION affuming the apprapriate location of the convenience commercial element of the Wensmann Realty mixed use proposal. B:\06-08-93.007 Page 2 of 3' . A v h� n v d 'N ._ �r �o � K. 1 y+ }"C/�`� H '�'H s _�--�� � � � ` �� ��� '------�-�- � .� _ _� _ ' ���) I' -bf �' � � _ � U�' � )� . � � 1 < � � —_ �7 Ct� ,4�'m ��_ --- , } � -- � ��� ` --- � . - � �� � ' �� �- ---1 _ � ��.,� __._� . . - �- -- - , � � . .� �- � __ a��� . --1 -_ _- _ - � �- ---� - �- - ��- ----� � o .. � ' �_ ��_ � . ----} . - � � _ -- . � � � � _.� ` ���x �,�a � _—___► "�nV 71"i'11nHv4 d � - � � r � Q - _ __- Y` � J ` 4. __.�I _._� t ,� -_ _- �u� �' . � � Q S�- _, �_ - '�t S3 _ 5 t �� � -- � P� � E1J ' I �>>� C�� , .� - - : r'� , - -� -�� ----�-I - � I4 U r ` - --� u�J- � - `� �- - — — --- t � �� .�t 3 � � L. 0 . � , � _ o (�,��, ��-��,��� __.Y.- � (1 Y n � ,y�,��%P�,> . 9 � � _'(I_ �� _t1'__����� r m�nn (�� ------) `-b I' W - 't- � 1 -_w - _ •�� �► - n ' - � 4-d6t 16h(_ U U _l1 E- y- _ C�� _ . � L ��, _, _ ., -�-.-.�. � ��. � �-���x =q=1'_��� __ 1__i . � , \ �'� '�x�2�_� � I � � - , ______.i.___, ;r' . Y i 3 \ `1� a ;) --�)- -j��� --- '\ � ,�. I - - � ',� �� �_ _� Y � ---,� �- � �'' �- �_!� � � ��; �—�—�- �'-- � 2�� )�l `l�l -' � ) .� ---�..._.. � � � _� � L � �.! � - "' � . I N '..I �6 � . . . ( -- \ . ___ l .-----�- -----a___.1. - , � G v o 2f � }1.1�vd QNowY►q � . . � � . . . � 2�� o osevv�oun� PHONE (612)423-4411 2875-145th Street West,RosemounC,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 5506&0510 COUNCIIMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James(Red)Staats Harry Wilicox T�: PZ a.11I11I1g COITlICl1 S S 1011 Dennis Wippermann ADMiNiSTRATOR FROM: Richard Pearson, Assistant Planner s,ePna����k DATE: September 23 , 1993 SUBJ: September 28, 1993 Regular Meeting Reviews Agenda Item ATTACHIKENTS: Concept drawing X. Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment - Land use designation change from Agriculture to Urban Residential and Commercial, south of C.S.A.H. 42, between Diamond Path and Shannon Parkway. PROPOSAL Mr. Herb Wensmann is requesting the redesignation of 47 acres `of Agricultural land to a combination of five acres of Commercial and 42 acres of Urban Residential in the Comprehensive Guide Plan. The 47 acres are north of Wensmann Second and Fifth - Additions, between Diamond Path and Shannon Parkway, south of C.S.A.H. 42 . DISCUSSION This area was the subject of considerable discussion during the Comprehensive Guide Plan Update Workshops last year. The resulting land use designation of Agricultural was viewed as a compromise offering maximum flexibility to the property owner. At the time, one of the two property owners desired a Commercial designation while the Planning Commission generally supported Urban Residential . Since those discussions occurred, the Downtown Scoping Committee recommended the limiting of retail development to the Downtown Area and the Associated Contiguous Commercial Area whose western - boundary is Shannon Parkway. The Downtown Scoping Committee did offer an exception to allow fuel/convenience stores no closer than two miles to the intersection of 145th Street and S.T.H. 3 . The proposed five acre commercial area would be on the southeast corner of Diamond Path and C.S .A.H. 42, one half mile west of Shannon Parkway. �ver�l�tngs �oming �UL,�S �osemoun��� � . .. ��,..„�.. September 28, 1993 Regular Meeting Reviews Page 2 URBAN RESIDENTIAL DENSITY The concept as submitted indicates 42 acres developed to an average density of 6 dwelling units per acre. The Comprehensive Guide Plan Update 2000 Housing and Neighborhoods (Section V A-3} criteria establishes a cap of six dwelling units per acre (DPU) for Urban Residential . Densities of up to 12 DPU are allowed for High Density Residential (HR) designated land only if the following criteria is met: _ 1) Located within MUSA; 2) Does not require the use of existing local residential streets for access; 3) Is compatible with adjoining uses; and 4) Represents a logical transition from higher to lower intensity land uses or provides sufficient on-site open space to effectively buffer dissimilar uses or is adjacent to a permanent open space that buffers dissimilar uses or is adjacent to the CBD or represents a logical extension of exist.ing multi-family zoning. � The density calculation includes 29 single family dwelling units that keeps the entire project density limited to six DPU. Lisa is preparing additional information including flow figures that will be available for discussion at the meeting on Tuesday evening. City of Rosemounf N°• �t�N{�RE�ENSiVE GE11DE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATtON Date: 9�10�93 Ap�l i Ca�iL• Herbert Wensmann DBA Wensmann Realty phone• 4 2 3-1179 4edress• 3312 151st Street West, Rosemount MN 55068 STATUS OF APPLICANT: Owner XX Buyer Lessee OTNER: !OCATION: Lot , Block , Addition Street Adc�ress: Metes & Bounds Description Attached: s ee at t ac he d Survey or Plot Plan Attached: . � Presently DPsignated: Agricultural . Proposed Designation: comercial, R-1 and R-3 RE�SOh FOR REQUEST: 1 . See attached narrative 2. 3. �� ig ature of kpplicant _. _ FOR 0 ,ICF U�E OIJLY l�ppl i cat i on rec�i ved oy: � � Date: 4�-� '= Fee: S, ��� -'-' How Paid: Date: T�9� � _ Planning Commission Action: Date: REQLEST \ARRATIVE COi�A4ERC I AL AREA: The approximately 5 acre parcel ��e are requestino be rezoned is located on the corner of Co Rd 42 and Diamond Path Road. we are requesting this parcel to be rezoned commercial due to the hi�h traffic volume that will be using this intersection. We have potential buyers interested in this property which would include : Bank Day Care Center Hair Stylist Con�Tenience Store with fuel R-1 F-3 AFEA: The remaining approximately 40 acres w�ould consist of townhome communities including: one-level to��nhomes w/attached 2-car �arages t��o-storti• townhomes t�T/attached 2-car garages and eYpandable lower 1evels , 29 single family lots . The proposed residential area «-ould 'na�-e a densit�- of 6. 6? units per acre . �� LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS Fischer Property: The east 1273 . 36 feet of the NW', of Section 31, Township 115, Range 19 , Dakota County, Minnesota, excet the South 50 acres thereof, and except C .:S .A.H. 42 , consisting of approximately 22 .76 acres, more or less . Gunderson/Hirschhorn Property: The NW4 of section 31, Township 115 , Range 19 , Dakota County, Minnesota, except the E 1273 . 36 Ft . thereof, and except the south 1613 ft . thereof . Subject to proposed extension of C.S.A.H. No. 33 (Diamond Path Road) . Subject to C.S.A.H. No. 42 and limited access on C.S.A.H. No: ��42 . DATE: SEPTEMBER 15 , 1993 TO: LISA FREESE ROSEMOUNT CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR FROM: KELLY MURRAY - WENSMANN REALTY RE: GUNDERSON/FISCHER LAND RE-ZONING APPLICATION The 5 acre parcel we are requesting to be re-zoned from agricultural to commercial has not been pre-sold. We are in the process of �designing a "neighborhood center" . The commercial uses we are proposing would target the local population, not the Co Rd 42/ Diamond Path Road through traffic. To ensure this we would set up an architectural control committee in order to keep the site discrete . We envision a convenience store with gas limited to 4 two-sided pumps . The canopy over the pumps would be integrated with the roof lines of the building. This area would need approximately 1 . 5 acres including parking. � Other uses would be a cluster of approximately S stores (a photo of a similar retai�l center is attached) . They would possibly include : video store professional office dry-cleaning bakery candy shop This cluster would use approximately 1 . S acres including parking. We currently have a bank interested in 1 acre . This bank would also fall under the architectural guidelines we would set including a canopy with an integrated roofline. Another commercial use we would like to see is a Day Care Center. This area would require about 1 acre and would also fall under architectural guidelines . Another feature that would benefit the community would be MTC stops . At this time we have not contacted MTC about adding future stops but would like to include them in future discussions . If you have any questions or require more information for the Planning Commission please don' t hesitate to call . i�� o osemouvi� PHONE (612)423-4411 2875-145Ih Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)42&5203 Mailing Address: Edward 8.McMeoomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen ����� �0+��^ James(Red)Staats �+ L�i Harry Willcox Dennis Wippertnann MAJOR COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT A�MiNisrw+roa Stephan Jilk WENSMA1vN GUmE PLAN AMENDMENT (South side of County Road 42 between Shannon Parkway and Diamond Path) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a public hearing on Tuesda.y, October 19, 1993 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 8:00.p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The purpose of this hearing is to receive public input and comments on a proposed � amendment to the City of Rosemount Major Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment. The major amendment pertains to property located on the south side of County Road 42 between Shannon Parkway and Diamond Path, legally described as follows: Tract 1: Fisher Property The east 1273.36 feet of the north west quarter of Section 31, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota and except C.S.A.H. 42 consisting of approximately 22.'76 acres, more or less. Tra.ct 2: Gunderson/Hirshorn Property The north west quarter of Section 31, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, except the Fast 1273.36 feet thereof, and except the south 1613 feet thereof. Subject to the proposed extension of C.S.A.II. No. 42 and limited access on C.S.A.H No. 42. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a major amendment to the City's Comprehensive Guide Plan to change the land use designation of the 47 acre tract of land from from Agricultural (AG) to Urban Residential (LTR) and Commercial (C). The developer is proposing to develop a 42 acre housing development consisting of 29 single family homes, 57 patio townhomes and 162 deck townhomes. The developer is also propasing a 5 acre neighborhood commercial center at the south east corner of Diamond Path and County Road 42. The intended commercial uses may include a convenience store, bank, daycare and small retaiUservice shops. Persons wishi.ng to comment on this amendment are invited to attend this meeting on Tuesdav, October 19, 1993 at 8•00 �m. Dated this Sth day of October, 1993. ' S , (� � ('�ver�l�ings �omivag `(/C�i �osemounl�l - . � . � � I�i recvcieaaaoa � . . . . � QUALITY ABSTRACT, IN�' 7582 Cunell Boulevazd, Suite 112 Woodbury, Minnesota 55125 Fho�►e 739-8597 Fax 739-8492 September 12, 1993 Suburban Title, Inc. 7300 West 147th St. #404 � Apple Vailey, Minnesota 55124 - Attention: Gwen Re: Abstracter's Certificate Legal Description: Parcei 1: The East 1273.36 feet of the Northwest �la of Section 31, Townsh�p 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, except the South 50.00 acres thereof. Subject to County Road No. 42, and Shannon Shannon Parkway. Parcel 2: The Northwest �/a of Section 31, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, except the East 1273.36 feet thereof, and except the South 1613.00 feet thereof. Subject to County Road No. 42, and County State Aid Highway No. 9 (Dodd Road). , , QUAUTY ABSTRACT, INC. does hereby cert'rfy that it has made a search of the pubiic record in Dakota County, Minnesota and discloses the apparent owners and addresses of real estate within a 350 foot radius of the above referenced property and has shown them as Entries No. 1 to 136, inclusive, on attached Exhibit "A". Dated this 14th day of September, 1993. G�ualiiy Abstract, Inc. 'censed Abstract ` A FULL SERVICE ABSTRACT COMPANY EXH I B!T "A° Owner PID A r Pro�erty Address 1. Harvey L. and Denise K. Enerson 34-83601-010-01 15206 Danbury Avenue 15206 Danbury'Avenue Rosemoun#, MN 55Q68 1594 Rosemount, MN 550fi8-1594 2. Wayne L and Rhonda S. Weigand 34-83601-020-01 15186 Danbury Avenue 15186 Danbury Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 3. Todd M. and Barbara A. Urban 34-83fi01-030-01 4112 151 st Street W. 4112 151 st Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 4. James R. and Diane M. Hamilton 34-83601-Q40-01 4102 151 st Street W. 4102 151 st Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 5. Mark D. and Carolyn L. Maiers 34-83fi01-050-01 4088 151 st Street W. 4088 151 st Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 6. Kevin M. and Kristy L Brist 34-83601-Ofi0-01 4066 151 st Street W. 4066 151 st Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 7. Randolph L. Koeb 34-83601-070-0� 4056 151 st Street W. 4056 151 s# Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 8. Richard and Linda Raschke 34-83601-080-01 4042 151 st Street W. 4042 151 st Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 9. Bradiey J. and Angela M. Ledel 34-83601-090-01 4026 '151 st Street W. 4026 151 st Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 10. Richard L. and Colette Biesman 34-83601-010-02 4025 151 st Street W. 4025 151 st Street W. Rosemount, MN 55�8-1594 Rosemaunt, MN 55068-1594 11. Oudone and Chanthanom 34-83601-020-02 Soumphonphakdy 4041 151 st Street W. 4041 151 st Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 12. Richard A. and Laurie A. Giordano 34-83601-030-02 4055151 st Street W. 4055 151st Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 13. Donald, Jr. and Uctoria Nelson 34-83601-040-02 4065 151 st Street W. 4065 151 st Strest W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068 1594 14. John J. and Janice L. Olesick 34-83fi01-050-02 4085 151 st Streefi W. 4085 151 st Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 15. Daniel R. and Julie A. Brown 34-83601-060-02 4'I 01 151 st Street W. 4101 151 st Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosernount, MN 55068-1594 16. Todd A. and Mechelle R. 34-83601-070-02 Stephenson 4111 151 st Street W. 4111 151st Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 17. Joseph G. and Paulette Genske 34-83601-080-02 4125 151 st Street W. 4125 151 st Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 18. Brian K. Taft and Deborah K. 34-83601-090-02 Schwartz-Taft 4137 151 st Street W. 4137 151st Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 19. Timothy L and !Gm C: Erickson 34-8360f-010-03 15145 Danwiile Avenue 15145 Danvilie Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55Q68-1594 20. Patrick J. and Vicki L Ruiz 34-83601-020-03 15163 Danvilie Avenue 15163 Danviile Avenus Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Roserr�ount, MN 55068-1594 21. Willis W. and Kay D. Dekruif 34-83601-03t)-03 15183 Danviile Avenue 15183 Danville Avenue Rosemount, MN 55U68-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068 1594 22. Raymond and Betty Jean Holtz 34-83601-040-03 15199 Danville Avenue 15199 Danville Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 23. Thomas T. and Victoria tQooz 34-83601-050-03 15215 Danvifle Avenue 15215 Danviile Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-t594 24. Adeline J. Wapies 34-83601-060-03 15223 Danville Avenue 15223 Danville Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 25. Michael and Sherri Burback 34-836�-020-03 4119 152nd Court 4119 152nd Court Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 26. Frederick John Dyck 34-83600-030-03 4105 152nd Court 4105 152nd Court Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 27. James L. Acker and Margaret M. 34-83600-Q40-03 Capra 4091 152nd Court 4091 152nd Court Rosemount, MN 55068 1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 28. Wayne D. and Robin L. Lamoreaux 34-836�-050-03 4075 152nd Court 4075 152nd Court Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 29. David and Deborah Kangas 34-836fJ0-06�-03 4065 152nd Court 4065 152nd Court Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 30. Duane J. Jurgens and Nicole 34-83600-070-03 Nelson Jurgens 4051 152nd Court 4051 i 52nd Court Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 31. Charles M. and Terry L Carter 34-83600-080-03 4041 152nd Caurt 4041 152nd Court Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 32. Wayne E. and Barbara A. Charles 34-83604-010-02 ib315 Dewberry Court 15315 Dewberry Court Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 33. David R. and Cinda C. Pankratz 34-83604-020-02 15325 Dewberry Court 15325 Dewberry Court Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 34. Thomas A. and Louise M. Paget 34-83604-050-02 15320 Dewberry Court 15320 Dewberry Court Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 35. Stephen E. and �ctoria Smith 34-83604-060-02 15310 Dewberry Court 15310 Dewberry Court Rosemount, MN 55068-4594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 36. Lawrence J. and Diane J. Burke 34-83604-070-02 4390 152nd Street W. 4390 152nd Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 37. Geron P. and Jill R. Helling 34-83604-080-02 4370 152nd Street W. 4370 152nd Street VII. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 38. C.J. Grant and Brenda Mattison 34-836040�-02 4350 152nd Street W. � 4350 152nd Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 39. � �Gregory J. and Melissa Oeel 34-83604-010-03 4465 152nd Street W. 4453 152nd Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 40. Kurt A. and Carolyn T. Jensen 34-83604-020-03 4445 152nd Street W. 4445 152nd Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 _ 41. Matthew J. and Debra K. Church 34-83604-030-03 4435 152nd Stree# W. 4435 152nd Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 42. Ramsahai and Sandra L Kowlessar 34-83604-040-03 4415 152nd Street W. 4415 152nd Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55�8-1594 43. David J. and Jennifer J. Preston 3483604-050-03 44�5 152nd Street W. 4405 152nd Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 44. Ralph W, and Nancy E. Godbey 34-83604-010-04 4375 152nd Street W. 4375 152nd Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 45. Rory S. and Lona L. Richards 34-83604-02t?-04 4365 152nd Street W. 4365 152nd Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 46. TimotMy R. Johnson 34-83604-030-04 15235 Darieeling Court 15235 Darjeeiing Court Rosemoun#, MN 55�8-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 47, John E. and Vickie P. Gehrman 34-836a4-04fJ-04 15315 Darjeeling Court 15315 Darjeeling Court Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 48, Thomas L. Haliaway and Sharon R. 34-83604-050-04 Hallaway 15305 Darjeeling Court 15305 Darjeeiing Court Rosemount, MN 550fi8-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 49. Mark R. and Deanna K. Daus 34-83604-060-04 . 15310 Darjeeling Court 15310 Darjeeting Court Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 50. Brian M. and Cheryl L. Olson 34-83604-070-04 15320 Darjeeling Court 15320 Darjeeling Court Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55Q68-1594 51. Terry L. and Kathleen L. Walczak 34-83604-080-04 t5330 Darjeeling Court 15330 Darjeeling Gourt Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068 1594 52. Edward A. and Diane M. �tzgeraid 34-83604-090-04 1534� Darjeeling Gourt 15340 Darjeeling Court Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55�8-1594 53. Christopher Qstertag 34-03010-040-52 14888 Dodd Bivd. 14888 Dodd Bivd. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068 1594 54. Lutheran Church of Our Savior 34-03010-060-52 14980 Diamond Path 14980 Diamond Path Rosemount, MN 55068 1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 , 5�. City of Rosemount 34-03010-061-52 2875 145th Street W. Not Assigned Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 56. Kevin J. and M.K, Ervasti 34-30310-01Q-54 14950 Dodd Bivd. 14950 Dodd Blvd. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 85068-1594 57. Wesley and Diane Rolfing 34-03010-020-54 14930 Dodd Blvd. 14930 Dodd Bivd. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 550fi8-1594 58. Merien and Joann Teai 34-03010-001-55 1671 Brookshire Avenue Not Assigned Tustin, CA 92680-6640 59. Contract Purchaser: 34-03010-002-55 Fioyd C. Harlow 14958 Dodd Bivd. 14958 Dodd Blvd. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Fee Owner: Arnold L and Elizabeth Teal 14962 Dodd Blvd. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 60. David A. Johnson and Diana 34-03010-003-55 Louise Urban 14956 Dodd Blvd. 14956 Dodd Blvd. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 fi1. Floyd E. and Teresa Teai 34-03010-004-55 6406 Loughborough Not Assigned Saint Louis, MO 63109-3642 62. Leigh G. and Michele L. Anderson 34-15210-080-01 14940 Delft Avenue W. 14940 Delft Avenue W. Rosemount, MN 55068 1594 Rosemount, hAN 55068 1594 63. Dakota County HRA 34-15210-040-03 2496 145th Street W. Not Assigned Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 64. James L Clark 34-15210-050-03 14949 Delft Avenue W. 14949 Delft Avenue W. Rosemount, MN 5506&1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 65. Timothy and Erin M. Zemanovic 34-15203-170-01 14915 Danville Avenue W. 14915 Danviile Avenue W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 550fi8-1594 66. Christopher G. Ostertag 34-15207-010-01 14888 Dodd Bivd. Not Assigned Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 67. Dennis M. and Susan E. Lien 34-152�7-020-01 4215 Upper 150th Street W. 4215 Upper 150th Stree# W. Rosemount, MN 55068 1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 68. William P. Murphy 34-15207-030-01 4i95 150th Street W. 4195 150th Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068•1594 Rosemount, MN 550G8-1594 89. �eroy A. and Kathieen D. Olson 34-15207-040-01 4175 Upper 150th Street 41275 Upper 150th Street Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 70. �onald M. and Joy Ludescher 34-15207-050-01 4155 150th Street W. 4155 150th Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 71 e Steven B. and Karen E. Davis 34-15207-010-02 4280 150th Street W. 4280 150th Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosernount, MN 55068-1594 72. Robert E. and Janet B. Dolan 34-15207-020-02 4260 150th Street W. 4260 150th Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068•1594 73. Joseph J. and Pamela Foreman 34-15207-030-02 4240 Upper 150th Street 4240 Upper 150th Street � Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 74. John R. and Sandra J. Wallace 34-15207-040-02 4220 Upper 150th Street 4220 Upper 150th Street Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 75. Michael R. and Mary B. Ince 34-#5207-050-02 4200 150th Street W. 4200 150th Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 76. Carol Jean Motz 34-15207-060-02 4180 Upper 150th Street W. 4180 Upper 150th Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55Q68-1594 77. Scott G. and Amy B. Adams 34-15207-070-02 4160 150th Street W. 4160 150th Street W. Rosemount, MN 55�8-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 78. Richard J. and Kristin Schneider 34-15206-010-00 4100 150th Street W, 4100 150th Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 79. Micahel A. and Penny J. Effertz 3415206-050-01 14955 Damask Avenue W. 14955 Damask Avenue W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 80. Dako#a County HRA 34-15206-060-01 2496 145th Street W. Not Assigned Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 81. Caro! J. Broadbent 34-15206-040-02 14950 Damask Avenue W. 14950 Damask Avenue W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 82. Arthur C. Broback 34-15206-050-02 10341 204th Street Not Assigned Lakeville, MN 55044-8804 83. Eugene T. and Lonnie L. Baka 34-15206-010-03 4060 150th Street W. 4060 150th Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068 1594 84. Raymond F. and Phyllis Pike 34-15206-010-04 4120 150th Street W. 4120 150th Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55�8•1594 85. Kenneth J. and Karen K. Loomis 34-15206-020-04 4140 150th Street W. 4140 150th Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 86. Marc J. and Barbara M. Retterath 34-15205-070-01 14955 Dallara Avenue W. 14955 Dallara Avenue W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 87. Scott M. and Marianne Nelson 34-15205-080-01 14975 Daliara Avenue W. 14975 Dallara Avenue W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 88. Geraid M. and Sharon Peterson 34-15205-080-02 14950 DaUara Avenue W. 14950 Dallara Avenue W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 89. Thomas R. Bayer 34-15205-090-02 1497t3 Dailara Avenue W. 14970 Dailara Avenue W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 90. �ontract Purchaser: 34 15205-100-02 � Todd M. and Joan A. Jagerson 14990 Dailara Auenue W. 14990 Daltara Avenue W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 - Fee Owner: Walter M. and Rosalia M. Bauer 14990 Dallara Avenue W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 91 e Ronald W. and Cynthia Westlund 34-15205-110-02 4030 150th Street W. 4030 150th Street W. Rosemount, MN 55U68-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 92. Richard W. and Lee A. Kroener 34-15205-120-02 4040 150th Street W. 4040 150th Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 93. Biilie L Lane 34-152Q5-130-02 4050 150th Street W. 4050 150th Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 94. John and Delores Tentinger 01-03600-010-01 15072 Dodd B1vd. 15072 Dodd Bivd. Apple Vailey, MN 55124-G889 Appie Valley, MN 55124-6889 95. Leo and Sharon Tutewohi 01-03Ei00-020-01 t6942 Pilot Knob Road 16942 Pilot Knob Road Apple Valley, MN 55124-6889 Apple Valiey, MN 55124-6889 96. Raymond and tucille Tousignant 01-03600-012-02 4550 150th Street W. 4550 150th Street W. Apple Valiey, MN 55124-6889 Appie Valley, MN 55124-6889 97. Raymond and Lucilfe Tousignant 01-11755-010-00 5440 150th Street W. 5440 150th Street W. Apple Vailey, MN 55124-6889 Apple Vailey, MN 55124-6889 98. Raymond and Lucille Tousignant 01-11 55-020-OQ 5440 150th Street W. Not �signed Apple Vailey, MN 55124-6889 99. Mark R. Nachreiner and Sheila 01-11755-060-01 A. Bakalyar 15109 Dunbar Court t5109 Dunbar Court Apple Valiey, MN 55124�889 Apple Valley, MN 55124-6889 100. Roger and Qebra Sedler 01-11755-070-01 15107 Dunbar Court 15107 Dunbar Court Apple Vallsy, MN 55124-6889 Apple Vailey, MN 55124-6889 101. Justin and Dianne.Moritz 01-1 1 755-080-01 15105 Dunbar Court 15105 Dunbar Court Apple Valley, MN 55124-6889 Appie Valley, MN 55124-6889 1�2. Virginia L. Berg 01-11�55-090-01 15103 Dunbar Court 15103 Dunbar Court Appie Vailey, MN 55124-6889 Apple Valley, MN 55124-6889 103. Richard E. and Jeanne E. Haus 01-1 1 755-'100-01 15101 Dunbar Court 15101 Dunbar Court Apple Vailey, MN 55124-6889 Apple Vafley, MN 55124-6889 104. Glen and Carol Rautio 01-11755-110-01 15104 Dunbar Court 15104 Dunbar Court Apple Valley, MN 55124-6889 Apple Valley, MN :55124-6889 9 09. Jeffrey T. 4snes 01-11755-12t)-01 15106 Dunbar Court 15106 Dunbar Court Apple Valley, MN 55124-6889 Apple Valley, MN 55124-6889 106. David H. iverson 01-11755-130-01 15108 Dunbar Court 15108 Dunbar Court Apple Valley, MN 551246889 Apple Vailey, MN 55124-6889 107. David L. and Marian A. Stankoski 01-11755-140-01 15110 Dunbar Court 15110 Dunbar Court Apple Valiey, MN 55124-6889 Appie Valley, MN 55124-6889 108. John R. and Patricia A. Champon 01-11755-150-01 15112 Dunbar Court 15112 Dunbar Court Appie Valley, MN 55124-6889 Appie Valiey, MN 55124-6889 109. Frederick L Roybai and 01-11755-160-01 Les(ie A. Condon Roybal 15114 Dunbar Court 15114 Dunbar Court Apple Vailey, MN 55i24-6889 Apple Valley, MN 55124-6889 110. Brent L. and Patricia Dunn 01-11754-010-01 4556 152nd Street W. 4556 152nd Street W. Apple Valley, MN 55124-6889 Appie Valley, MN 55124-6889 111. Peter W. and Donna J. Putnam 01-17754-020-01 15497 Dresden Trail 15497 Dresden Traii Apple Vailey, MN 55124-6889 Appie Valley, MN 55124-6889 112. Jeffrey and Joan Rambaum 01-11754010-02 4565 152nd Street W. 4565 152nd Street W. Appfe Valley, MN 55124-6889 Apple Vailey, MN 55124-6889 113. Seott Hilgert 01-17754-020-02 4553 152nd Street 4553 i 52nd Street Apple Vaqey, MN 55124-6889 Apple Valley, MN 55124-6889 114. Guy and Candy Albertus 01-1�754-030-02 4541 152nd S#reet 4541 152nd Street Apple Vailey, MN 55124-6889 Apple Valley, MN 55124-6889 115. Joseph and Jean Hassenfritz 01-11754-040-02 4529 152nd Street 4529 152nd Street Appie Vailey, MN 55124-6889 Apple Vailey, MN 55124-6889 116. Tade 0. and Theresa A. Osita 01-1 1 754-01 0-03 15502 Dresden Traii 15502 Dresden Trail Apple Vafley, MN 55124-6889 Appie Valiey, MN 55124-6889 117. Thomas M. and Lori A. K�pner 01-11754-020-03 15500 Dresden Trail t5500 Dresden Traii Apple Valley, MN 55124-6889 Appie Valley, MN 55124-6889 118. Stephen J. and Marsha I. Cramer 01-11751-110-03 15260 Dresden Way 15260 Dresden Way Apple Vailey, MN 55124-6889 Appie Valfey, MN 55124-6889 119. Richard and Kathleen Nelson 01-11751-120-03 15240 Dresden Way 15240 Dresden Way Appie Valley, MN 55124-6889 Apple Valley, MN 55124-G889 120. Albert W. and Phyllis Wefel 01-20501-060-04 4528 149th Co�rt 4528 149th Court App1e Valiey, MN 55124-6889 Appie Vailey, MN 55124-6889 121. John T., II and Lajean Peterson 01-20501-070-04 4520 149th Court 4520 149th COurt Apple Va{ley, MN 55124-G889 Appie Valley, MN 55124-6889 122. Clifford C. and Mary E. Nelsen 01-20501-010-05 4512 149th Court 4512 149th Court Appis Valley, MN 55124-6889 Appie Vailey, MN 55124-6889 123. Paul J. and Gloria .!. Stier 01-20501-020-05 4504 149th Court 4504 149th Court Apple Valley, MN 55124-6889 Appie Valley, MN 55124-6889 124. City of Appfe Vailey 01-205C11-010-00 41200 Cedar Avenue S. Not Assigned Apple Valley, MN 55124-6889 125. City of Apple Valiey 01-20501-020-00 41200 Cedar Avenue S. Not Assigned Apple Valley, MN 55124-6889 126. Daniei R. and Sheifa M. Bethke 34-16402-060-03 3910 Upper 149th Street 3910 Upper 149th Street Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 127. Gary R. and Kim M. Ohiemacher 34-16402-070-03 3938 Upper_149th Street W. 3938 Upper 149th Street W. Rosemoun�; MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 128. Henry irizarry and Genevieve 34-16402-080-03 Rodriguez Not Assigned 2174 Crotona Apt 4C Bronx, NY 10457-2719 129. Mark W. and Michele R. Toffefson 34-16402-090-03 3972 Upper 149th Street 3972 Upper 149th Street Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 130, William E. and Harriet Day 34-16402-100-03 14955 Crestview Avenue 14955 Crestview Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 131. Gregory A. Truso and Jacqueline 34-16402-120-03 A. Hallatz 14931 Crestview Avenue 14931 Crestview Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 132. Gary A. and Victoria S. White 34-1fi402-110-03 14945 Crestview Avenue 14945 Crestview Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 550fi8-1594 133. Marvin and Joanne Teai 34-0301D-001-56 20476 Hamburg Avenue S. Not Assigned LakeviAe, MN 55044-7723 134. Contract Purchaser; 34-03010-002-56 Steven J. Teal 14966 Dodd Bivd. 14966 Dodd Bivd. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 - Fes Owner: Marvin and Joanne Tea1 20476 Hamburg Avenue S. Lakeville, MN 55044-7723 135. Contract Purchaser: 34-03010-003-56 Troy A. Teai 14964 Dodd Blvd. 14964 Dodd Bivd. flosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Fee Owner: Arnold Teal . 14962 Dodd Bivd. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 136. Arnold Teal 34-03010-004-5fi 14962 Dodd Blvd. 14962 Dodd Blvd. Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 Rosemount, MN 55068-1594 , DI�,MOrID p,4T'ti RoAD i �_._--�.----- - -` r -I.--.-� � �p . �N \ � � r ,I " . . `?� I'`�� � I } .. y/ . .. . . �\\� � � ■ � c ' � . . � ! �.Jl"� � � ""` � .. . !�i I �" L�V _V� l�� \ t {T —' -i �---P'--- � ,..�� p� , � ,> , � _1� ��- �� .�� � � � � -----�------- \ - t:�tq_�-'(,�� _�� � m � � � � � _.__---�- -- '1J-Ll�t_�__�_� � ,; \ , , �� I n � � L__ �°���'��� , I--3 _ �., ,� .,C � _._� _ �)�°�O�d�� � ` ~"� . I � � � • � . � Z (--~- � � - ,� � -�_ - � -_ � � ��� � �. - n - . --_____ t _ �.��'�� . . 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Rayner and DATE OF MORTGAGE: April 14,1989 ; AND SUBDIVI510N ORDINANCES TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Christine M. Rayner,husband and wife,as ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF (Accessory Appendages) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the City f mortgagors to Investors Savings Bank,F.S.B. MORTGAGE: $70584.00 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a ------ ------------------------ as mortgagee,filed for record in the office of MORTGAGOR(S): Thinh D.Dinh,Singie � NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the City public hearing on Tuesday,October 19,1993 pU B LIC NOTIC E the County Aecorder,in and for the County of Person Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a in the Council Chambers of the City Hall,2875 Dakota,and State of Minnesota,on the 13th MORTGAGEE: Investors Savings Bank, � public hearing to consider the items listed 145th Street West,beginning at 8:00 p.m.or ORDER AND NOTICE OF HEARING day of February,1990,as Doc.No.925595;the F.S.B. below on Tuesday, October 19, 1993 in the as soon thereafter as possible. ON PETITION FOR PROBA7E OF WILL original principal amount secured by said DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Council Chambers of the City Hall,2875 145th The purpose of this hearing is to receive AND APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL mortgage being$258,000.00;that no action or Recorded April 24,1989,Dakota County Re- M Street West,beginning at 8:00 p.m.or as soon public input and comments on a proposed REPRESENTATIVE IN SUPERVISED proceeding has been instituted at law to corder,Document a885724 thereafter as possible. amendment to the City of Rosemount Major ADMINISTRATION AND NOTICE recover the debt secured by said mortgage, ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE:Assign- � The purpose of this hearing is to consider Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment.The TO CREDITORS or any part thereof,that prior to commence- ed to:Cowger&Miller Mortgage Company, text amendments to the City of Rosemount major amendment pertains to property STATE OF MINNESOTA ment of this foreclosure mortgagee complied Inc. Dated: November 30, 1989, Recorded: zoning and subdivision ordinances for the located on the south side of County Road 42 COUNTY OF DAKOTA with all notice requirements as required by December 26, 1989, Document �918363 And t darification,distinction of accessory appen- between Shannon Parkway and Diamond DISTRICT COURT statute; that there is due and ciaimed to thereafter assigned to:PNC Bank,Kentucky, dages into specific categories, and estab- Path,legally described as follows: PROBATE DIVISION be due upon said mortgage, including in- Inc.f/k/a Citizens Fidelity Bank and Trust � ]ishment of setback requirements for each Tract 1:Fisher Property Court File No.P9-93-9398 terest to date hereof,the sum of Two Hun- Company,f/d/b/a PNC Mortgage Servicing category. The east 1273.36 feet of the north west In Re Estate of Susan K.Lathrop,Deceased dred Fifty-nine Thousand Eighty-two and Company,d/b/a PNC Mortgage Company, � Copies of the proposed amendments are quarter of Section 31,Township 115,Range TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS AND 03/100($259,082.03)DOLLARS,and that pur- Dated: December 24, 1992, Recorded: available for review and comment at City Hall 19,Dakota County,Minnesota and except CREDITORS: suant to the power of sale therein contained, January 19,1993,Document�1094729 f located at 2875145th Street West,between the C.S.A.H. 42 consisting of approximately It is ordered and notice is hereby given that said mortgage wiil be foreclosed and the tract LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: k hours of 7:30 a.m, to 4:00 p.m., Monday 22.76 acres,more or less. on MONDAY,the 25th day of October,1993, E of land lying and being in the County of Lot 3,Block 12,Morningview Third Addi- through Friday. 1'ract 2: Gunderson/Hirshorn Property at 9:00 o'clock a.m.a hearing will be held in Dakota, State of Minnesota, described as tion,according to the recorded plat there- � Persons wishing to speak on these propos- The north west quarter of Section 31,Town- the above named Court at the Government follows,to-wit: of,in Dakota County,Minnesota. f ed amendments are invited to attend this ship 115,Range 19,Dakota County,Minne- Center,1590 Hy.55 Hastings,Minnesota for Lot il,Block 1,Highland Hills Fifth Addi- COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LO- public hearing on Tuesday,Ocwba.l9,1993 ar sota,except the East 1273.36 feet thereof, the probate of an instrument purporting to be tion,according to the recorded plat there- CATED:Dakota tt 8��vm• and except the south 1613 feet thereof.Sub- the will of the above decedent Susan K. of,in Dakota County,Minnesota; AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE I Dated this 5th day of October,1993. ject to the proposed extension of C.S.A.H. Lathrop and For the appointment of David L, µ,ip be sold by the sheriff oF said county at DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE,INCLUD- f Susan M.Walsh,City Clerk No.42 and limited access on C.S.A.H.No.42. Lathrop whose address is 4126190th St.,Prior Public auction on the 19th day of November, ING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORT- E( City of Rosemount The purpose of this hearing is to consider Lake,Ma 55372 as personal representative of 1993,at 9:00 o'clock A.M.,at the Dakota Coun- GAGEE:$7561528 182 Dakota County,Minnesota a major amendment to the City's Compre- the estate of the above decedent in supervis- ty Law Enforcement Center,1580 Highway 55, THAT all pre-foreclosure requirements hensive Guide Plan to change the land use ed administration.That,if proper,and no ob- �bby�S-100,in the City of Hastings in said have been complied with; that no action or , designation of the 47 acre tract of land from jections are filed,said personal representa- county and state,to pay the debt then secured proceeding has been instituted at law or other- P U B LIC N OTI C E Agricultural(AG)to Urban Residential(UR) tive will be appointed to administer the estate, by said mortgage and taxes,if any,on said wise to recover the debt secured by said mort- and Commercial(C).The developer is pro- to collect all assets, pay all legal debts, premises and the costs and attorney's fees and gage,or any part thereof; � CITY OF ROSEMOUN7 posing to develop a 42 acre housing develop- claims,taxes,and expenses,and sell real and disbursements allowed by law. The time PURSUANT to the power of sale contained -- REQuEST FOR PROPOSAL ment consisting of 29 single family homes,57 personal property,and do all necessary acts allowed by law for redemption by the mort- in said mortgage,the above described proper- r The City of Rosemount, Minnesota will patio townhomes and 162 deck townhomes. for the estate. Upon completion of the ad- gagors, their personal representatives or ty will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as ' receive sealed proposals for Medical/HMO, The developer is also proposing a 5 acre ministration,the representative shall file a assigns is six(6)months from the date of said follows: ; Dental and Long Term Disability Benefits un- neighborhood commercial center at the south final account for allowance and shall dis- f til 3:00 p.m.,Friday,October 29,1993.Mail east corner of Diamond Path and County tribute the estate to the persons thereunto en- sale. DATE AND TIME OF SAL.E:November 19, � proposals to the attention of Ms.Susan Walsh, Road 42.The intended commercial uses may titled,as ordered by the Court,and close the THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR RE- 1993,10:00 A.M. Administrative Assistant,City of Rosemount, include a convenience store,bank,daycare estate. DEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR,THE PLACE OF SALE:Dakota County Iaw En- E 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minne- and small retail/service shops. Notice is further given that ALL CREDI- MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL REPRE- forcement Center,1580 Highway 55,Lobby sota 55068-0510, (612) 423-4411. Mark seaied Persons wishing to comment on this amend- TORS having claims against said estate are SENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS,MAY BE RE- S-100,Hastings,MN � envelopes containing the proposal on the ment are invited to attend this meeting on required to present the same to said personal DUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and lower left corner. "SEALED PROPOSAL-- Tuesdoy,Oetober 19,1993 a�8:00 p.m. representative or to the Clerk of Probate ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNE- taxes,if any,on said premises and the costs GROUP BENEFITS". Dated this 5th day of October,1993. Court within four months after the date of this SOTA STATUTES, SECTION 580.032, DE- and disbursements,including attorneys fees , The Re uest for Pro sal (includin this Susan M.Walsh,Cit Clerk notice or said claims will be barred. TERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, apowed by law,subject to redemption within 4 Po B Y THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE 6 months from the date of said sale by the notice), general instructions, all pertinent City of Rosemount Dated:September 27th,1993 IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL mortgagor(s),their personal representatives underwriting and general information are on Dakota County,Minnesota MARTIN J.MANSUR DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, or assigns. file at the office of Ms. Susan Walsh. Pro- 181 Judge of Probate Court ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRI- Mortgagor(s)releasedfrom financial obli- posals received within the required period will (Court SeaU CULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE gation on mortgage: NONE be open and reviewed by Ms.Susan Walsh and Thomas E.Ticen ABANDONED. Dated:September 21,1993 the City's consultant/agent-of-record,James Attorney at Law Dated October 7,1993 PNC Bank,Kentucky.,Inc.f/k/a , Bissonett& Associates, Ina NO FORMAL Atty.Reg.No.109861 INVESTORS SAVINGS BANK,F.S.B. Citizens Fidelity Bank and Trust OPENING OF PROPOSALS WILL OCCUR. Ste 100 Mortgagee Company,f/d/b/a PNC Mortgage Please provide two(2)copies of your pro- 7011 James Ave.So. dohn R.Carroll Servicing Company,d/b/a PNC posal. All responding companies should be Minneapolis,Mn.55423 BEST&FLANAGAN,�15362 Mortgage Company prepared to make oral presentations if re- (612)869-1333 4000 First Bank Place Assignee of Mortgagee quested.Proposals will be evaluated and the 157 32-33 Minneapolis,MN 55402 0'Neill,Burke,0'Neill,Leonard contract is expected to be awarded at[he Ci- s a v a g e Attorney for Mortgagee &0'Brien,LTD. ty Council Mee[ing on Tuesday,November 16, 178 32-37 Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee 1993. John B.Burke,Jr. The City Council reserves the right to ao- Lawrence A.Wilford cept or reject any or all proposals,or parts I e ga s ■�■ 800 Norwest Center thereof,and to waive any informalities or ir- St.Paul,MN 55101 regularities.The Request for Proposal is be- PU B LIC NOTIC E (612)227-9505 ing made under conditions set forth in Minne- NO7tCE OF MORTGAGE fORECLOSURE SALE Client ID:30463 sota Statute Section 471.6161. 176 32-37 ' Dated this sth day of October,1993. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default � SUSAN M.WALSH has occurred in ttw conditions of the follow- Administrative Assistant ing described mortgage: City of Rosemount DATE OF MORTGAGE:November 21,1979 , Dakota County,Minnesota pUBLIC NOTICE �RIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF pUBLIC NOTICE 167 MORTGAGE:$59200.00 _T_. __ ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID MORTGAGOR(S):Diane E.Senne,Single pU B LIC NOTICE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE , Ciry of Savaye,Minnasoto Person and Laurie K.Senne,Single Person NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,That default PU B LIC N OTIC E NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed MORTGAGEE:United Mortgage Corpora- NOTtCE OP MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE has occurred in the conditions of that certain CITY OF ROSEMOUNT proposals will be received by the City Coun- tion NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default mortgage,dated the lst day of June,1992,ex- DAKOTA COUNTY,MINNESO7A cil of the City of Savage,Scott County,Minne- DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: has occurred in the conditions of the follow- ecuted by David L.Beck and Sharon J.Beck, NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENTS sota,attheofficeoftheCityClerk,SavageCi- Recorded December 3,1979,Dakota County �ng described mortgage: husband and wife,as mortgagors to United FOR SECTION 31 TRUNK SANI7ARY ty Hall,6000 McColl Drive,Savage,Minnesota Recorder,Document�551103 DATE OF MORTGAGE:June 12,1987 Mortgage Corporation,as mortgagee,filed for SEWER FACILITIES 55378unti12:00p.m.onthe 2lsedayof Ocrober, ASSIGNMENIS OF MORTGAGE:Assign- ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF record in the office of the County Recorder, 1993,and will be ublicl o ned at said time ed to: Federal National Mort a e Associa- MORTGAGE:$68600.00 CITY PROIECT NO.233 p Y � g g MORTGAGOA(S):James G.Pelinka and �n and for the County of Dakota,and State of TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: and place by two or more designated officers tion, Dated: January 18, 1980, Recorded: Minnesota,on the 26th day of June,1992,as Notice is hereby given that the City Coun- or agents of the City of Savage,said proposals January 22, 1980, Document a554530 And �e Ann Pelinka,Husband and Wife Doc. No. 1052072; the original principal to be for furnishin of all labor and materials thereafter assi ned to:Secretar of Housin MORTGAGEE:Fullerton Financial Corp. cil of the City of Rosemount,Minnesota,will g g y g DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: amount sewred by said mortgage being meet in the City Hall in the City of Rosemount, for the construction,complete in place,in ac- and Urban Development of Washington,D.C. $69,699.00;that no action or roceedin has 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minne- cordance with plans and specifications for the Dated:August 18,1988,Recorded:August 22, Recorded July 7, 1987, Dakota County Re- �n instituted at law to recover the debt followin work: 1988,Document�&53076 corder,Document u'792937 sota,on the 28th day of October,1993 at 8:00 g ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE:Assign- secured by said mortgage,or any part there- p.m.,or as soon thereafter as possible,to con- Ciry Project No.9?'1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: of,that prior to commencement of this fore- sider objections to the proposed assessments �o�1•Trunk Sawer and Woter Impro.emams Lot 48,Blxk 1,Wood Park Plat 8,accord- ed to: Fleet Real Estate Funding Corp. closure mortgagee complied with all notice re- for sanitary sewer and appurtenant work for �i��ms: ing to the plat thereof now on file and of Dated:June 19,1987,Recorded:July 2Q 1987, uirements as r uired b statute;that there Section 31 Trunk Sanitary Sewer Facilities, Sanitary Sewer 36"R.C.P. 5,300 L.F. record in the office of the County Recorder pocument�'795997 And thereafter assigned to: q due and claimed to be due upon said mort- City Project No.233,heretofore ordered by the Watermain 12"-16"D.I.P. 10,600 L.F. within and For Dakota County,Minnesota, �retary of Housing and Urban Development gage,includin mterest to date hereof,the �. City Council. Jacking 36"R.C.P. 200 L.F. together with the benefits and subject to the af Washington, D.C. Dated: June 2Q 1989, sum of Seveng Thousand Three Hundred And other necessa urtenances burdens of that certain Declaration of Recorded:July 3,1989,Document�894493 Y � The proposed assessment roll is on file with I`Y aPP Sixty-seven and 40/100($70,367.90)DOLLARS, the City Clerk and open to public inspection. Plans and specifications, proposal forms Covenants,Conditions and Restrictions as LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: and that pursuant to the power of sale there- The area proposed to be assessed consists and contract documents may be seen at the Document No.527119.First Supplementary �t'hvo(2)Block Five(5),Vista View Sixth in contained,said mortgage will be foreclos- of every lot,piece or parcel of land benefited office of the City Clerk,Savage,Minnesota Declaration of Covenants,Conditions and Addition,according to the plat thereof on ed and the tractof land lying and being in the by said improvements, which has been and at the office of the City Engineer,fi000 Restrictions as Document No.5377431/2 and file or of record in the Office of the County County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, de- . I ordered made and is as follows:all that area McColl Drive,Savage,Minnesota 55378. First Supplementary Declaration of Ease- �corder in and for Dakota County,Minne- scribed as follows,to-wit: I � generally described as Parcel Identification No bids wID be considered unless sealed and ments as Document No.537744. 5��� Lot 7,Block 9,Cari Park; Numbers 34-03110-011-91 and 34-03110-012-91 accompanied by a bidder's bond naming the COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LO- COUNTY 1N WHICH PROPERTY IS LO- ,x,�ll be sold by the sheriff of said county at which are part of the SE �ia of Section 31, City of Savage as obligee, certified check CATED:Dakota CATED:Dakota public auction on the 19th day of November, Township ll5,Range 19,Dakota County,Min- payable to the City Clerk of the City of Savage AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE 1993,at 9:00 o'clock A.M.,at the Dakota Coun- i nesota,as on file and of record in the office or a cash deposit equal to at least five percent DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE,INCLUD- DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE,INCLUD- ty Law Enforcement Center,1580 Highway 55, of the Count Recorder, Dakota Count (59�)of the amount of the bid,which shall be ING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORT- ING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORT- # _ I Y y' GAGEE:$13516421 Lobby S 100,in the City oF Hastings in said I Minnesota. returned or forfeited as set forth in the Infor- GAGEE:$88898.64 THAT all re-foreclosure r uirements county and state,to pay the debt then secured The total amount proposed to be assessed mation for Bidders. THAT all pre-foreclosure requirements have been complied with; that o action or by said mortgage and taxes,if any,on said I is$77 qg�.pp. The Council reserves the right to retain the have been complied with; that no action or remises and the costs and attorne s fees and 1 � Written or oral objections will be considered deposits of the three lowest bidders for a prceeeding has been instituted at law or other- Proceeding has been instituted at law or other- disbursements allowed by law.YThe time � at the hearing. period not to exceed sixty(60)days after the wise to recover the debt secured by said mort- �'�e to recover the debt secured by said mort- allowed by law for redemption by the mort- � f An owner of property to be assessed may date and time set for the opening of bids.No gage,or any part thereof; gage,or any part thereof; gagors, their personal representatives or � appeal the assessment to the district court of bids may be withdrawn for a periad of sixty PURSUANT to the power of sale contained PURSUANT to the power of sale contained assigns is six(6)months from the date of said � � Dakota County pursuant to Minnesota Stat- «)daYs after the date and time set fa the in said mortgage,the above described proper- in said mortgage,the above described proper- sale. utes,Section 429.081 by serving notice of the opening oE bids. ty will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as ty will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR RE- � appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City Payment for the work will be by cash or follows: follows: DEMPTION.BY TFIE MORTGAGOR,THE � within 30 days after the adoption of the assess- check. DATE AND TIME OF SAI,E:December 3, DATE AND TIME OF SALE:December 3, MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL REPRE- ment and filin such notice with the district Contractots desiring a copy of the lans and 1993,10:00 A.M. 1993,10:00 A.M. g P SENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS,MAY BE RE- court within ten da s after service u n the specificatlons and proposal forms ma obfain PLACE OF SALE:Dakota Count L.aw En- P�10E OF SALE:Dakota County Law En- y po Y Y DUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL Mayor or Clerk, them fmm the office of the City Engineer,6000 forcement Center,1580 Highway 55,Lobby forcement Center,1580 Highway 55,Lobby ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNE- � No appeal may be taken as to the amount McColl Drive,Savage,Minnesota 55378,upon 5-100,Hastings,MN S-100,Hastings,MN $OTA STATUTES, SECTION 580.032, DE- � of any assessment adopted by the City Coun- payment of$15.00(non-refundable). to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and TERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, ' cil unless a written objection signed by the af- Note: The City of Savage has adopted a taxes,if any,on said premises and the costs �xes,if any,on said premises and the costs THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE fected property owner is filed with the Clerk standard document to be used for utility and and disbursements,including attorneys fees and disbursements,including attorneys fees IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL + prior to the assessment hearing or presented street wnstruction within the City.Each con- allowed by law,subject to redemption within allowed by law,subject to redemption within DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, � to the presiding officer at the hearing.All ob- �'actor bidding on this project is required to 0 months from the date of said sale by the 0 months from the date of said sale by the ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRI- � jections to the assessments not received at the P�'�hase a copy of this standard dceument en- mortgagor(s),their personal representatives mortgagor(s),their personal representatives CULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE assessment hearing in the manner prescrib- titled, "Standard Contract Dceuments and or assigns. or assigns. ABANDONED. J ed by Minnesota Statutes,Section 429.061 are Technical Specif"ications for Utility and Street Mortgagor(s)released from financial obli- Mortgagor(s)released from Financial obli- Dated October 7,1993 i waived, unless the failure to object at the Construction, City of Savage, Minnesota" gation on mortgage: NONE gation on mortgage:NONE UNITED MORTGAGE CORPORATION assessment hearing is due to a reasonable published March,1991.This standard dceu- THIS FORECLOSURE IS IN ACCORD- THIS FORECLOSURE IS IN ACCORD- Mor a ee cause. ment includes the contract docutnents and ANCE WITH 12 U.S.C.§1710(1).THERE IS ANCE WITH 12 U.S.C.§1710(I).THERE IS John R.�Cargi�oll I Under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, ��cal specifications which are the basis NO RIGHT OF REDEMPTION IN THE NO RIGHT OF REDEMPTION IN THE gEST&FLANAGAN,a15362 Sections 435.193 to 435.195,the City may,at its for each project and referenced as such in the MORTGAGOR OR ANY OTFIER PERSON. MORTGAGOR OR ANY OTHER PERSON. qppp First Bank Place discretion,defer the payment of assessments Special Provisions.A copy can be obtained Dated:September 23,1993 Dated:September 23,1993 Minneapolis,MN 55402 for an homestead ro rt owned b a r- from the Sava e E De rtment for Secretar of Housin and Urban Secretary of Housiag and Urban y p pe y y pe g ngineering pa Y B Attorney for Mortgagee son 65 years of age or older for whom it would the sum of forty dollars(#40.00)per copy. Development of Washington,D.C. Development of Washington,D.C. 179 32-37 be a hardship to make the payments.How- The Council reserves the right to reject any Assignee of Mortgagee Assignee of Mortgagee ever,the City has elected not to establish any and all bids,waive irregularities and infor- O'Neill,Burke,O'Neill,Leonard O'Neill,Burke,O'Neill,Leonard deferment procedure pursuant to those Sec- maliGes therein and further reserves the right &0'Brien,LTD. &0'Brien,LTD. �la�_ to award the contract for the best interests of Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee Dated this 2nd day of October,1993. the city. John B.Burke,Jr. John B.Burke,Jr. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. BY�r of the Savage City Council this 26�h Lawrence A.Wilford I.awrence A.Wilford Susan M.Walsh day of Auyuse,1993. 800 Norwest Center 800 Norwest Center (Continued on next page) City Clerk /s/Bruce Bullert St.Paul,MN 55101 St.Paul,MN 55101 City of Rosemount City Engineer (612)227-9505 (612)227-9505 Dakota County,Minnesota 112 30-32 Client ID:30870 Client ID:30869 173 159 32-37 160 32-37 DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE OCTOBER 7,1993 7B I ' PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLI P BLIC OTICE � PUBLIC NOTICE C NOTICE U N ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICEOF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALE NOTICE OF INFORMAL PROBATE (Continued) STA1'E OF MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that defaalt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That OF WILL AND APPOIN7MEN7 OF COUNTY OF DAKOTA has occurred in the conditions of the follow- default has occurred in the Conditions of that PERSONAL REPRESENTATrvE AND IN DISTRICT COURT ing described mortgage: certain mortgage,dated the 27th day of May, NOTICE TO CREDI70R5 FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICf DATE OF MORTGAGE: March 2,1977 1992, executed by Suzan Lee Murphy and STATE OF MIN ESOTA + COURT FILE NO.C2-93-9324 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF Richard A.Hoyt,both single individuals,as COUNTY OF D OTA � In the Matter of the Petition of: MORTGAGE:$31000.00 mortgagors to United Mortgage Corpora- DISTRICT COURT � Metmor Financial,Inc. MORTGAGOR(S):Donald G.Latterell and tion,as mortgagee,filed for record in the of- FI ST JUDICIAL DISTRICT � PUBLIC NOTICE in Relation to Certificate of Title No.76898 �sley G Latterell,Husband and Wife fice of the County Recorder,in and for the PR BATE COURT DIVISION NO710E OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE �sued for land in the County of Dakota and MORTGAGEE: Minnesota Housing Fi- County of Dakota,and State of Minnesota,on Court File No.PX-93-9393 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default State of Minnesota legaAy described as nance Agency the 26th day of June, 1992, as Doc. No. In Re:Estate o Helen C.Nelson also known ] follows,to-wit: DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: 1052106; the original principal amount as Helen L.Nels n,Deceased. � has occurred in the conditions of the follow- �t Four(9),Block Seven(7)Town View Recorded March 18, 1977, Dakota County secured by said mortgage being$66,587.00; TO ALL INTE ESTED PERSONS AND 3 ing described mortgage: Recorder,Document b485568 that no action or roceedin has been in- CREDITORS: � DATE OF MORTGAGE:February 21,1986 First Addition according to the recorded P 6 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF P1at thereof. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: stituted at law to recover the debt secured by Notice is hereb given,that an application MORTGAGE:$71362.00 TO: MARGARET J. POST; JOHN A. H'est 30 feet of Lot 5,and East 1/2 of Lot 6, said mortgage, or any part thereof, that for informal pro te of the above named dece- � MORTGAGOR(S): Timothy W.Connolly, P�ST;LORI A.SWENSON;and to parties, Block 5,Koch and Kerst's Addition to West prior to commencement of this foreclosure denYs last will, ted June 3,1993,has been Single Person and Lynne M.Connolly,Single �any,in possession of said premises adverse St.Paul. mortgagee complied with all notice re- filed with the egistrar herein, and the to the Petitioner. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LO- quirements as required by statute; that application has en granted informally pro- � Person Upon receiving and filing the Report of the CATED: Dakota there is due and claimed to be due upon said bating such will. ny objections may be filed MORTGAGEE:United Mortgage Corpora- E�caminer of Titles in ffie above entitled mat- AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE mortgage,including interest to date hereof, in the above nam d court and the same will � tion ter, DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE,INCLUD- the sum of Sixty-nine Thousand Two Hun- be heard by the C urt upon notice of hearing DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: IT IS FIEREBY ORDERED,that you and ING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORT- dred Sixty-five and Ol/100 ($69,265.01) fixed for such pu ose. Recorded March 17,1986,Dakota County Re- all persons interested, appear before this GAGEE: 823028.07 DOLLARS,including taxes,if any,paid by Notice is hereb further given that informal corder,Document+�"719267 Court on the 27th day of October,1993,at 9:00 THAT all pre-foreclosure requirements mortgagee;and that pursuant to the power appointment of S irley R.Sandquist,whose ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE:Assign- a.m. in the Dakota County Government have been complied with; that no action or of sale therein contained,said mortgage will address is 2916-2 6th Street,Luck,Wisconsin ed to: Shearson Lehman Hutton Mortgage �nter,Hastings,Minnesota,and then,or as Proceeding has been instituted at law or other- be foreclosed and the tract of land lying and 54853,as personal epresentative of the estate Corporation f/k/a Shearson Lehman Mort- soon thereafter as said matter can be heard, W��to recover the debt secured by said mort- being in the County of Dakota,State of Min- of the above nam decedent,has been made. gage Corporation,Dated: October 30, 1987, show cause,if any there be,why this Court Bage,or any part thereof; nesota,described as follows,to-wit: Any heir,devisee or other interested person j Recorded: April 6,1988,Document+�833410 should not enter an Order as follows: PURSUANT to the power of sale contained Lot 2, Block 1, Whispering River, accor- may be entitled t appointment as personal � LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: �t the Registrar of TiUes,upon the filing �n said mor[gage,the above described proper- ding to the plat thereof on file and of record representative or may object to the appoint- J Lot 4,Block 1,Wood Park Plat Fifteen,ao- t will be sold b � cordin to the recorded lat thereof in µ'�th him of a certified copy of this Order, Y y the Sherift of said county as in the office of the County Recorder,in and ment of the personal representative and the � g p and without the surrendering of the Owner's follows: for Dakota County,Minnesota; personal representative is empowered to ful- Dakota County,Minnesota,together with Duplicate Certificate of Title,cancel Cer- DATE AND TIME OF SALE:October 22, will be sold by the sheriff of said county at ly administer the estate including,after 30 the benefits and subject to the burdens of tificate of TiUe No.76848 and enter a new 1993,10:00 A.M. public auction on the 29th day of October, days from the date of issuance of her letters, the Declaration of Easements recorded Certificate of Title for the land therein P�10E OF SALE:Dakota County Law En- 1993, at 9:00 dclock A.M., at the Dakota the power to sell,encumber,lease or distri- � November 7,1985 as Document No.706327; described in favor of Metmor Financial, forcement Center,1580 Highway 55,Lobby County Law Enforcement Center, 1580 bute real estate,unless objections thereto are and subject to the Declaration of Covenants, Inc.,a California corporation subject to the 5-100,Hastiogs,MN Highway 55, Lobby �+S-100, in the City of filed with the Court (pursuant to Section j Conditions & Restrictions, recorded Memorial of Document Nos.65222,71143, to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and Hastings in said county and state,to pay the 524.3-607)and the Court otherwise orders. � , Yovember 7,19&5 as Document No.706326. 78934 and 78935, but free from all other �xes,if any,on said premises and the costs deb[ then secured by said mortgage and Notice is further given that ALL CREDI- COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LO- Memorials now appearing on the present and disbursements,induding attorneys fees taxes,if any,on said premises and the costs TORS having claims against said estate are � CATED:Dakota �����qy�e.��t of which is Docu- allowed by law,subject to redemption within and attorney's fees and disbursements required to present the same to said personal AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE 6 months from the date of said sale b the allowed b law.The time allowed b law for re resentative or to the Court Administrator � DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE,INCLUD- ment No. 272336, and free also from the Y Y Y P ING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORT- Memorial of this Order. mortgagor(sl,their personal representatives redemption by [he mortgagors, their per- within four months after the date of this notice i IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that this or assigns. sonal representatives or assigns is six (6) or said claims will be barred. � GAGEE: $70366.29 Order be served: Mor[gagorls�released from financial obli- months from thedateof saidsale. Dated: September 22nd,1993 � THAT all pre-foreclosure requirements �a)at least 10 days prior to such hearing 8ation on mortgage: NONE THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR Eleanor Charlton ; have been complied with; that no action or upon the above named parties residing in Dated: August 2Q 1993 REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, Registrar proceeding has been instituted at law or other �State in the manner provided by law for :H�nnesota Housing Finance Agency TIIE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL REP- McGUIGAN,HOLLY&INGEBRAND,P.L.C. wise to recover the debt secured by said mort- �e service of Summons in a civil action; Mortgagee RESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE George B.Ingebrand,Jr.-a207536 � gage,oranypartthereof; (b)itshallbeservedatleastl4daysprior 0'Nei1l,Burke,0'Nei1l,Leonard REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A Attorney � PURSUANT to the power of sale contained to such heanng upon any of the above nam- &0'Brien,LTD. JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER 200 Liberty Bank Building insaidmortgage,theabovedescribedproper- �nonresidents by sending a copy at this Attorneys for Mortgagee MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 176 North Snelling Avenue ty will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as Order to such nonresident at his post office John B.Burke,Jr. 580.032,DETERMINING,AMONG OTHER St.Paul,Minnesota 55104 follows: address, by registered or certified mail, Lawrence A.Wilford THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED (612)646-6325 DA1'E AND TIME OF SALE:November 12, return receipt; 800 Norwest Center PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A 142 31-32 ' 1993,10:00 A.M. (c)it shall be served upon any party who St.Paul,MN 55101 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS PLACE OF SAI.E:Dakota County Law En- cannot be found by two weeks published (612)227-9505 THAN FIVE UNITS,ARE NOT PROPERTY forcement Center,1580 Highway 55,Lobby notice and by sending a copy of this Order Client ID:30733 USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, p V B LIC N OTIC E S-100,Hastings,MN at least 14 days prior to the hearing by first 19 27-32 AND ARE ABANDONED. NOME OP POSSESSORY LIEN to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and class mail to such rt at this last known Dated Se tember 9,1993 � taxes,if any,on said premises and the costs � Y P FORECLOSURE SALE � and disbursements,including attorneys fees addc�es.s and by sending another copy of this UNITED MORTGAGE CORPORATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Order at least 14 days prior to the hearing Mortgagee Sheriff of Dakota Count will sell at allawed by law,subject to redemption within y public 6 months from the date of said sale by the by first class mail to his addt�ess as stated pU B LIC NOTIC E John R.Carroll � auction to the highest bidder for cash,on the on the Certificate of TiUe if an address is so BEST&FLANAGAN, 15362 mortgagor(s),their personal representatives SUMMONS 21st day of October,199a,at 11:00 dclock a.m., stated. 9000 First Bank Place at the remises of Citi-Car or assigns. (Fo.Servica by PubGcaefon) p go&Storage Co., Mortgagor(s)releasedfrom financial obli- DAT'ED:September 17,1993 STATE OF MINNESOTA Minneapolis,MN55402 Inc.,501 E.Richmond St.,So.St.Paul,Min- gation on mortgage:NONE BY THE COUAT: Attorney for Mortgagee nesota,5,5p75,the following described personal COUNTY OF DAKOTA Robert F.Carolan 45 28-33 { Dated:September 10,1993 DISTRICT COURT property: Judge of District Court Shearson Lehman Hutton Mortgage FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT One lot of cable television equipment con- Corporation f/k/a Shearson Lehman �PROVED:JAMES O'CONNELL FAMILY COURT DNISION sisting of approximately 80 pallets of cable, EXAMINER OF TITLES Mortgage Corporation In Re the Marriage of: plastic pipe, electronic gear, tubing, Assignee of Mortgagee BY�JAMES P.O'CONNELL DORCELL L.OMBATI,Petitioner, motors,splitters,connectors,tracisponders, O'Neill,Burke,0'Neill,Leonard Attomey for Petitioner and underground vaults,and many more items James J.'h�zinski,111429 � &O'Brien,LTD. JOHN O.OMBATI,Respondent. too numerous to mention,which property is 7050 Brooklyn Blvd. � Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee Minnea lis,MN 55429 THE STATE OF MINNESOTA TO JOHN O. owned or believed to be owned by Telcom John B.Burke,Jr. p° OMBATI TI-IE ABOVE-NAMED RESPON- Group International,and which is current- Lawrence A.WilFord �3� DENT: ly in the possession of Citi-Cargo&Storage S00 Norwest Center Attendance is not required at said hearing y0U ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and re- Co.,Inc.Amount of said lien is$990920. St.Paul,MN 55101 except to object to the entry of the above quired to serve upon Petitioner's attorneys an Citi-Cargo & Storage Co., Inc. claims a �612)22?-9505 described Order. Answer to the Petition for Dissolution of Mar- possessory lien in the above said property pur- Client ID:30819 1� 31-32 riage which has been filed in the office of the P U B LIC N OTIC E suant to Minn.Stat.514.18,et seq.,by reason { 98 30-35 Clerk of the above-named Court within thirty NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE of the nonpayment of charges for the storage, ��. �30)days.If you fail to do so,Judgment by NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,that default handling and warehousing of said property. -- Default will be taken against you for the relief has occurred in conditions of that certaia The amount of said lien which will be due on ' PU B LIC N OTIC E prayed for in the Petition for Dissolution of mortgage dated August 28,1986,executed by the date of sale,exdusive of the expenses of Marriage. John A. Dunton (single), as mortgagor, to advertising and sale.The debt upon which SUMMONS Dated:9-29-93 David C.Bell Investment Company,as Mor- such lien is founded is due and has not been STATE OF MINNESOTA KNUTSON,STIER,ILSTRUP& tgagee,filed for record in the office of the paid. COUNTY OF DAKOTA KNUTSON County Recorder in and for the County of DA1'ED:September 20,1993 DISTRICT COURT By David L.Knutson Dakota, State of Minnesota, on September William L.Sherman FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT PU B LIC N OTIC E 120 Midway Bank Building 22,1986,at 4:29 o'clock p.m.,and recorded as Genera]Manager APPLE VALLEY DIVISION NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE 14300 Nicollet Court Document No. 743359; which mortgage Citi-Cargo&Storage Co.,Ina FAMILY COURT DIVISION Notice is Hereby Given,That default has Burnsville,MN 55306 thereafter was assigned by said Mortgagee So.St.Paul,MN 55075 In Re the Marriage of: occurred in the conditions of that certain Telephone No. 1612�435-7709 to Norwest Mortgage,Inc.,a Minnesota cor- 125 31-33 � KIM HIEU NGUYEN,Petitioner, !�Iortgage,dated the 20th day of March,1987, Attorney Reg.No. 176345 poration, by instrument dated August 28, and between Robert C.Stepanek and Jeanne K. Attorneys for Pe[itioner 1986, and filed in the office of the County pU B LIC NOTICE '�IIKE NGOC NGUYEN,Respondent. Stepanek, husband and wife, mortgagors 162 32-34 Recorder on September 22,1986,and record- THE STATE OF MINNESOTA TO THE and Margaretten & Company Inc., a New ed as Document No.743360; and thereafter ORDER AND NOTICE OF HEARING ON ABOVE-NAMED RESPONDENT: Jersey corporation, mortgagee filed for said mortgage was assigned by assignee of PETITION FOR FORMAL PROBATE OF � You are hereby summoned and required to record in the office of the County Recorder, mortgagee to GMAC Mortgage Corporation W���AND APPOINTMENT OF � serve upon Petitioner's attorney an Answer in and for the County of Dakota,and State of of Iowa,by instrument dated December 31, pER50NAL REVRFSENTATIVE IN � to the Petition,which is hereby served upon Minnesota on April 9,1987,as Document Na p U B LIC N OTIC E 1986,and filed m the office of said County UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION AND , you,within thirty(30)days after service of 776832; assignment to Metmor Financial, ORDER AND NO710E OF HEARING ON Recorder on March 23,1987,and recorded as NOTICE TO CREDITORS � this Summons upon you,exclusive of the day Inc., a California wrporation recorded in pETITION FOR FORMAL ADIUDICATION Documen[No.774373;the original principal STATE OF MINNESOTA of service.If you fail to do so,judgment by said office as Document No. 797868; the OF INTESTACY,DETERMINATION OF amount secured by said mortgage being COUNTY OF DAKOTA ' I default will be taken against you for the relief original principal amount secured by said HEIRSHIP AND APPOINTMENT OF $�.450.00; that no Mortgagors have been DISTRICT COURT j I demanded by the Petition. Mortgage being$93,420.00;that no action or pERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE IN released from financial obligation on said FIRSTJUDICIALDISTRICT NOTICE OF TEMPORARY RESTRAIN- prceeeding has been instituted at law to UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRaTION mortgage;that no action or proceeding has PROBATE DIVISION I� ING PROVISIONS. UNDER MINNESOTA recover the debt secured by said mortgage, pND NOTICF TO CREDITORS been instituted by law to recover the debt Court File No.P3-93-9395 ' LAW, SERVICE OF THIS SUMMONS or any part thereof, that prior to com- STATE OF MINNESOTA secured by said Mortgage, or any part In Re: Estate of Rudolph Joseph Petrof- I MAKES THE FOLLOWING REQUIRE- mencement of this foreclosure assignee of COUNTY OF DAKOTA thereof;that there is due and claimed to be ske,Jr.,Deceased � MENTS APPLY TO BOTH PARTIES TO mortgagee has complied with all notice re- DISTRICT COL'RT dae upon said Mortgage,including interest to TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS AND i THIS ACTION,UNLESS THEY ARE MODI- quirements as required by statute; that PROBATE DIVISION the date hereof,and taxes,if any,the sum of CREDITORS: FIED BY THE COURT OR THE PROCEED- [here is due and claimed to be due upon said Court File No.P4-93-9468 $g7,496.13; that all conditions precedent to It is Ordered and Notice is hereby given � ING IS DISMISSED: Mortgage,including in[erest to date hereof, In Re: Estate of Craig B.Chambers.De- foreclosure of the Mortgage and acceleration that on the 25th day of October,1993,at 9:00 � � 1.NEITHER PARTY MAY DISPOSE OF the sum of Ninety Seven Thousand, Three ceased of the debt secured thereby have been dcicek A.M., a hearing will be held in the � � ANY ASSETS EXCEPT(i) FOR THE NE- Hundred Eighty Three and 09/100 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS AND fulfilled;and that pursuant to the power of abovenamedCourtat1560WestHighway55, CESSITIES OF LIFE OR FOR THE NE- ($97,383.09)Dollars,and[hat pursuant to the CREDITORS: sale therein contained,said Mortgage will be Hastings,Minnesota,for the formal probate � ! CESSARY GENERATION OF INCOME OR power of sale[herein contained, said Mor- It is Ordered and Notice is hereby given tha[ foreclosed and the tract of land lying and be- of an instrument purporting to be[he will of � PRESERVATION OF ASSETS, (ii)BY AN tgage will be foreclosed and the tract of land on the lst day of November, 1993, at 9:00 �ng in[he County of Dakota, State of Min- the above named decedent,dated March 1, I AGREEMENT IN WRITING,OR(iii)FOR lying and beinR in the County of Dakota, dclock a.m„ a hearing will be held in[he nesota,described as follows,to-wit: 1991,and for the appointment of Richard A. RETAINING COUNSEL TO CARRY ON OR State of Minnesota,described as follows,to- above named Court at Hastings,Minnesota. Lot 31,Block 2,Eden Addition,according petrofske,whose address is Rt.1,Box 343, i TO CONTEST THIS PROCEEDING; wit: on peti[ion of Clark B.Chambers,for[he ad- to the recorded plat thereof in Dakota prescott, WI 54021 as personal represen- 2.NEITHER PARTY MAY HARASS THE LOT 10,BLOCK 1,CEDAR GROVE N0.9, judica[ion of intestacy and determination of Coun[y, Minnesota, [ogether with the tative of the estate of the above named dece- ( OTHER PARTY;AND ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF heirship of the above named decedent,and for benefits and subject to the burdens of that dent in unsupervised administration, and 3. ALL CURRENTLY AVAILABLE IN- ON FILE OR OF RECORD IN THE OF- the appointment of Clark B.Chambers,whose certain Declaration of Covenants, Condi- that any objections thereto must be filed with � SURANCE COVERAGE MUST BE MAIN- FICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER, address is 7711 Harmony,Wichita,KS 66106, tions and Restrictions, Document No. the Court.That,if proper,and no objections TAINED AND CONTINUED WITHOUT DAKOTA COUNTY,MINNESOTA. as personal representative of the estate of the �1�4• are filed,a personal representative will be I CHANGE W COVERAGE OR BENEFI- will be sold by the sheriff of said counTy at above named decedent in unsupervised ad- �+'�»be sold by the Sheriff of said County at appointed to administer the estate,to collect ` CIARY DESIGNATION. public auction on the 20th day of October, minis[ra[ion,and tha[any objections[hereto public auction on November 19,1993,at 10:00 all assets,pay all legal debts,claims,taxes IF YOU VIOLATE ANY OF THESE PRO- 1993,at 10:00 a.m.,at the main office of the must be filed wi[h the Court.That,if proper o'cicek a.m.at the Sheriff's Office,Dakota and expenses, and sell real and personal ( VISIONS, YOU WILL BE SUBJECT TO Dakota County Sheriff's Department, Law and no objections are filed,a personal repre- County Law Enforcemen[Center,1580 Hwy property,and do all necessary acts for the i SANCTIONS BY THE COURT. Enforcement Cen[er, Lobby 5-100, 1580 sen[ative will be appointed to administer the 55,Lobby�S-100,in the City of Hastings,in estate. UPON SERVICE OF THE SUMMONS, Highway 55,in the Ci[y of Hastings,in said esta[e,[ocollectall assets,payall legal debts, said County and State,to pay the debt then Notice is further given that ALL THE RESTRAINING PROVISIONS CON- county and state, to pay khe deb[ [hen claims,[axes,and expenses,and sell real and secured by said Mortgage,and taxes,if any, CREDITORS having claims against said ( TAINED IN THE NOTICE APPLY BY secured by said mortgage and taxes,if any, personal property,and do all necessary acts on said premises,and the costs,attorneys' estate are required to present the same to ( OPERATION OF LAW UPON BOTH PAR- on said premises and the costs and for the esta[e. fees and disbursements allowed by law.The said personal representative or to the Court � TIES UNTIL NOTIFIED BY FURTHER disbursements allowed by law. The time Notice is further given that ALL CREDI- time allowed by law for redemption by the Administrator within four months after the ORDER OF THE COURT OR DISMISSAL OF allowed by law for redemption by the mor- TORS having daims against said estate are Mortgagor,his personal representatives or date of this notice or said claims will be THE PROCEEDING,UNLESS MORE THAN tgagors, their personal representatives or required to present the same to said personal assigns is six (6) months from the date of barred. ONE YEAR HAS PASSED SINCE THE LAST assigns is six f 6) months from the date of representative or to[he Cour[Administrator said sale. Dated:September 23rd,1993 DOCUMENT WAS FILED WITH THE said sale. Mortgagors released from finan- W�thin four months after the date of this notice Dated:September 8,1993. MARTIN J.MANSUR COURT. cial obligation on the Mortgage:None. or said claims will be barred. GMAC MORTGAGE CORPORATION Judge Dated:September 22,1993 Dated:August25,1993 Dated: October ist,1993 OFIOWA (COURTSEAL) LEGAL ASSISTANCE OF DAKOTA METMOR FINANCIAL,INC., MARTIN J.MANSUR Assignee of Mortgagee Eric S.Rehm COUNTY,LTD. a California corporation Judge OISON,USSET,AGAN&WEINGARDEN pttorney By:SUSAN J.McDONOUGH AssigneeofMortgagee (COURT SEAL) By:PaulA.Weingarden 301 W.BurnsvillePkwy.,a202 Attorney for Petitioner James J.Tuzinski,1ll429 Karen E.Sletten Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee Burnsville,MN 55337 15025 Glazier Avenue,Suite 226 AttorneyforAssigneeotMortgagee Primus Law Office,P.A. 6600FranceAvenueSouth,#590 (612)890-7050 Apple Vailey,MN.55124 7050 Brooklyn Boulevard 630 Norwest Midland Building Edina,MN 55435 151 31-32 (612)431-3200 Minneapolis,MN 55429 !14inneapolis,MN 55401-2350 (612)925-3844 Attorney Registration No.212003 (612)560-3900 1612)333-0909 �«05� 31-36 (COntinued on next page) 158 32-34 22 27-32 177 32-33 145 SB OCTp�ER7, 1993 QAKOTACOUNTYTRIBUNE `' ' ' ' " '9"""'`�rPt4ne: K� eusrr����� �' �r '' ,'� �.. _ , ;,.