HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.b. Legal Services Contract - Fluegel-Moynihan-Miles e y CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUNIl�IARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 19, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Legal Services Contract AGENDA SECTION: Fluegel, Moynihan and Miles Old Business PREPARED BY: Stephan Jilk, AGENDA N���n� � � � City Administrator ��� ATTAC�NTS: Proposed Contract, AP VED BY= Existing Contract At the Council' s direction we have met with Mr. Mike iles, presenting the Fluegel, Moynihan, and Miles Law Firm to discuss a new egal services contract for the first six months of 1994. - A proposed agreement is attached for your consideration along with a copy of the existing contract. There are a couple of changes proposed in the new contract. 1) Prosecution services - the set amount for prosecution services has been prorated on a monthly basis to be equal to what is in the current contract for a year. 2) General services and Port Authority services, which are now set at $15,400. and $2200 . respectively, are proposed to go to a hourly rate of $90.00 an hour. 3) The contract period is set at six months ra.ther than the 'two year period now in effect. In reviewing the time currently spent by the law firm on these types of services it is apparent that either the firm has to spend a lot less time in performing these services for the city or the amount of payment has tc� increase substantially. Generally, it is felt that the time involved by the firm has been appropriate. It is staffs opinion that rather than increase the retainer, or fixed fee, by any great amount it would be better to put these services on a hourly rate. This way the city can monitor the time spent, the projects being worked on and help reduce the time spent. The firm will then be paid for the time actually spent at a fair rate which seems to be very comparable to what other cities are paying. There probably will be some increase in cost to the city but the city will be in a good position to control the cost. It is staffs' recommendation to approve the contract as submitted. RECObIl�NDED ACT=ON: Motion to approve the contract for legal services with the Law Firm of Fluegel, Moynihan and Miles for period of time from January 1, 1994 to June 30, 1994. COIINCIL ACTION: CONTRACT FOR LEGAL SERVICES This Contract for Legal Services (the "Contract" } , is made this 19th day of October, 1993, by and between the City of Rosemount, Minnesota (the "City" ) and Fluegel Moynihan & Miles, P.A. (the "Law Firm" ) . RECITALS 1 . The City entered into a Contract for �,ega1 Services with the firm of Hertogs, Fluegel, Sieben, Polk, Jones & LaVerdiere, P.A. , for the period from January 1, 1992 through December 31 , 1993 . 2 . On August 31, 1992, the attorneys 'principally performing Legal Services for the City left the firm of Hertogs, Fluegel, Sieben, Polk, Jones & LaVerdiere and formed a new firm by the name of Fluegel Moynihan & Miles . 3o On September l , 1992, the City Council voted to transfer all City legal files to the firm of Fluegel Moynihan & Miles for the duration of the contract previously entered into with Hertogs, Fluegel , Sieben, Polk, Jones & LaVerdiere, P.A. 4 . At its regular meeting of September 21 , 1993, the City Council voted to renegotiate and extend the contract of Fluegel Moynihan & Miles for the period of January l , 1994 through June 30, 1994 . NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, the City and the Law Firm do hereby make the following contract for Legal Services : � 1 . Emplovment of Law Firm. The City agrees to and hereby does, employ the Law Firm to provide its Legal Services on the terms and conditions set forth below. 2 . Services and Compensation. The Law Firm shall provide the City' s Legal Services on the following basis : Prosecution Legal Services $ 4,583 per month General Legal Services $ 90.00 per hour Litigation and Special Port $125.00 per hour Authority Services . . For the purposes of this contract, the following terms shall ` ; have the meanings set forth below: � t PROSECUTION LEGAL SERVICES shall mean any and all legal � services necessary to carry out the prosecutorial functions'of the City, including, preparation of formal complaints, attendance at � first appearance, pretrial hearings, omnibus hearings, court trials and jury trials at the district court level and availability for consultation with police department personnel . GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES shall mean provision of advice to the City Council, Planning Commission, Utility Commission, Park and Recreation Committee, and other committees and staff , and general advice to the Port Authority, attendance at City Council meetings, ti Port Authority meetinqs and such other meetings as the City '`s s Administrator may deem appropriate, preparation of opinions on miscellaneous legal issues, including zoning, platting, the issuance of permits, procedural matters dealing with the operation of the City Council, Planning Commission and other committees, ordinance drafting, preparation of documents, including development : 2 and planned unit development agreements, preparation of agreements of a miscellaneous nature (except for Port Authority projects) , review of transcripts for industrial revenue and tax exempt mortgage financing, negotiation for the acquisition, sale or transfer of title to personal and real property for miscellaneous purposes, including parks, general advice to the City regarding building permits, zoning, platting, assistan�e with insurance issues, employer relations and providing related legal advice. LITIGATION AND SPECIAL PORT AUTHORITY SERVICES shall mean the representation of the City in any litigation matter (other than prosecutorial) in nature and the provision of legal work on specific Port Authority development projects (other than discussion of such projects at a regular meeting of the Port Authority) , including negotiation with developers, preparation of development and related agreements between the Port Authority and developers and all legal activities specifically related to identified development projects. 3 . BillinQs. Unless otherwise agreed upon by the City Administrator and the Law Firm, bills for services rendered shall be submitted and paid on a monthly basis . These billings will reflect the attorney doing the work, �he issue the work was related to, the time spent on the item and the dollar amount associated with the work. 4 . Associate or Substitute Council; Conflicts. In the event that the City Council, by a majority vote, determines that a particular project or matter requires Legal Services which the Law 3 Firm is unable to provide, or that a conflict of interest exists with respect to a project or matter, the City may direct that the Law Firm associate with another law firm or consultant, or that another law firm or consultant shall provide the requisite services in place of the Law Firm. The Law Firm shall receive no fee from the City for providing a referral far such project or matter. 5 . Term. This Contract sha11 commence on January 1 , 1994 and continue in effect through June 30, 1994 . After June 30, 1994 , this contract shall continue on a month-by-month basis at the same � monthly rates as agreed herein, unless the City or the Law Firm terminates the contract by 30 days written notice to the other ' party. 6o Notices. Any notices required by this contract shall be , given as follows : To the City: City Administrator, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 . To the Law Firm: Mike Miles, Suite 5, 1303 South Frontage Road, Hastings, Minnesota 55033 . � Such notice shall be deemed to have been giden when deposited in the mail, by - certified or registered mail, or when sent and received by facsimile transmission. 7 . Minnesota Law. This contract shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnssota. 8 . Severabilitv. Each paragraph, sentence, clause or word of this Contract shall be deemed severable from all others, in the � determination by a court of competent jurisdiction that any paragraph, sentence, clause or word is invalid or enforceable shall not affect the remainder of this Contract. _ 4 9 . Incorporation of Recitals. The Recitals set forth above in this Contract are incorporated herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Law Firm have made this Contract on the day and year first above written. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT BY: Ron Wasmund Its Interim Administrator BY: E. B. McMenomy, Jr. Its Mayor FLIIEGFsL MOYNIHAN & MILES, P.A. BY: Donald Fluegel Its President 5 IN WITNESS WHERE�F, the City and-the Law Firm have made this Contract on the day and year first above written . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT " By: � Stephan Jilk Its City Administrator By: - � , � E. B. McMenomy, Jr.. . ' Its N:ayor _ � FLUEGEL MOYNIHAN & MILES, P.A. � By � Donald Fluegel Its President 5 CONTRACT FOR LEGAL SERVICES This Contract for Legal Services (the "Contract" ) , is made this 9th day of September, 1992, by and between the City of Rosemount (the "City" j and Fluegel Moynihan & Miles, P.A. (the "Law Firm" � . . RECITALS: _ _ . .•_ .._ _._�.'-:..�. - : . .. _ -• _ - - ` "'1 : - � The. City �entered into a: Contract;-for Legal_,Services with �. . _, . _ . . . . . _ _ _ . _ - -- ,- .. . .. . , . . , _ , . : .. �:.-. the �firnl of Hertogs, Fluegel, - Sieben, Polk, Jones & . LaVerdiere, . _:.. .. . . . _ P:A: f or :the peri.od f rom• January 1, 19 9 2 through December 31, 19 9 3. = -:-- 2..��- On�:August �3I; 1992;- the attorneys principally...performing ., . - .. : � ;_.. • :. . _ - _ . - "� :legal, services �for ;,the City -.left the •.firm of�� Hertogs,--;Fluegel, Sieben, Polk,�Jones & LaVerdiere and= formed_a -new firm 'by_ the name � � of Fluegel 'Moynihan &' Miles�. - . _ _ " �. .: : • ' ' - 3�". . On September 1,� 1992, the Gity Council voted.to transfer ' al1 City legal files to the firm. of: Fluegel Moynihan &_-Miles for � the duration of the contract previously entered into with Hertogs, Fluegel, Sieben, Polk, Jones & LaVerdiere, P.A• . NOw, TIiEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, the City and the Law Firm do hereby make the following Contract for Legal - -- - . .._ . . . � � _,_ : Services.� : ; ; _ _ . _ � , _t. ,_• . . . . _ :. _ ._ . . � � `._- ::1 . � -Emplovment-of`=�Law Firm. _ _The:City agrees� to,.;and hereby ' �'�does;:' em lo the Law- Firm� to provide its :,iegal���:.services on the P Y�. _ . . . . _ . : -� terms� and conditions- set"��forth below:� - = _ _ _ . _ . ._ . : . _ �_ . - , _ - - : -'�- . _.::_ 2. =' Se=irices� and� Compensation.� _.The Law- Firm ;shall provide �' the� Ci.ty' s legal services on °the f ollowing_ basis: _ - _ __ _... ._ - . _ - � _ . _ �:_ . � . . .- _ . - - - : . 1 ' _ A. Flat Maximum Fee. The following legal services shall be provided at an amount not to exceed $63, 000 . 00 for all of : 1992, including f ees previously paid to Hertogs , Fluegel, Sieben, Polk, Jones & LaT�erdieze,. and an amount not to exceed 569 ,000 . 00 for 1993. These fees would be split as follows based upon the expected legal service needs of_,the City: - - .__ . _ .. 1992 1993 _, . . , :� . ;. . ' . General Legal Services " $14 ,-000 �- $15,400 ' � � Prosecution Legal Services $47,000 $51,400 . _ Port Authority Services ` - _ $ 2, 000 $ 2, 200 �. .. _. . . _ Totals -. .� :. $63,OQ0 - _ $b9,000 _ These legal services sha11 include advice to the City Council, � - � Plann�.flg Commission, Utility Commission, Parks and Recreation � Committee, Port Authority and other committees and staff, including attending City Cc:tncil meetings, Port Authority � -_ �'��;:`.�-�_:��me�etings� and such:other�meetings as .the CityAdministrator ma�� �. . ,. . - . - .. . _ - ; : . : . ..--- � , _. . . � � " � deem appropriate, preparation of� opiriions on miscelianeous � . �j � � i � �:�.� legal issues including zoning, platting;. and the issuance of . . . ..z . _ , • - _ � • . � � . . - . permits, procedural matters dealing with operation of' the City - Council and Planning Commission and other committees, ' ordinance drafting, preparation� of documents : including� : development �, and planned unit development :� � agreements, preparation of agreements of a miscellaneous natu=e',-review of transcripts for industrial" revenue �'and tax exempt mortgage financing, negotiat�ion for� the acquis���;:r.;� .��?e:.�r transfer ' of title to. _personal '�.`property arid �land:` for. miscellaneous purposes including parks, general advice to the City regarding building permits zoning, platting, assistance with insurance 2 issues, employee relations , and the prosecution for the City of petty misdemeanors, misdemeanors, and gzoss misdemeanors, and providing related legal advice. : B. Hourlv Services. The remainder of the City' s legal � services shall be provided by the Law Firm at the following hourly rates:. . Donald J. Fluegel -. 5150. 00 per hour; Shawn M. � Moynihan - $115 . 00 per hour; and �Mike Miles- - $125 . 00 per . hour. In the event that attorneys other - than� the above �� �� perform� legal� �s�ervices for the' City;- hourly �rates will be . supplied in advance. . � �• .._ � C: -� BillinQs.` �.` Unles�s `otherwise .- agreed� upon by the City , � Administrator and the Law -Firm, bills " for services rendered - - � -_ shall be., submitted_ and :paid on a � monthly basis. . These � billings will reflect the attorney doing the work, the issue • the work was related to, the time spent on the item �and the dollar amount. associated with the work. 3 : Associate or Substitute Counsel; Conflicts . In the event that the City Council, by a majority vote, determines that a particular project or matter requires legal services which the Law Firm is unable to provide, or that a conflict of interest exists with resge.ct to a project :or matte"r,�. the .City may direct that the. � Law Firm associate with another law' firm��or consultant,.• or� that � � another law firm or consultant shall :provide�.the:.requisite services in place of the Law Firm: �'•�The�� Law Firm-shall receive no - fee . f rom the City for providing a =eferral for such project or matter. 4 . Term. This Contract shall commence September 9 , 1992, � 3 t `. and continue in e f f ect unti 1 December 31, 19 9 3 . Af ter December 31, 1993 , this Contract shall continue on a month by month basis at the same monthly rate as agreed herein unless the City or the Law Firm terminate the Contract by 30 days written notice to the other PartY. _ 5 . Notices . Any notices required by this Contract shall be . _, gi'ven as f ol lows: . . . _ : � To the City; Stephan Jilk, :28?5 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, 55068 . _ To the Law Firm; Mike Miles, Suite 5, 1303 South Frontage Road, Hastings, Minnesota, 55033 . _ Such notice shall be deemed to have been given when deposited in the mail, by - certified or registered mail, or when . sent and- received by facsimile transmission. • � • . 6'. Minnesota Law. This .Contract shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota . 7 . Severabilitv. Each paragraph, sentence, clause or word of this Contract shall be deemed severable from all others , and the determination by a Court of competent jurisdiction that any paragraph, sentence, clause or word is ' invalid or unenforceable I shall not affect the "remainder o� this Contract. - • 8 . Incorporation of Recitals: The recitals set �forth above � � , in this Contract are incorporated herein: - °- 4 , , 9 . Incorporation of Recitals . The Recitals set forth above in this Contract are incorporated herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Law Firm have made this Contract on the day and year first above written. • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: - Stephan Jilk Its City Administrator ; By: � E. B. McMenomy, Jr. Its Mayor ' FLUEGEL MOYNIHAN & MILES, P.A. By: Donald Fluegel Its President � � 5