HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.e. Interim City Administrator � i�h 'f :'+`. . . . . �. ��� MOTION TO ADOPT THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS RELATIVE TO MR. RON WASMUND'S SERVICE AS INTERIM CITY ADMINISTRATOR 1 . DUTIES . Mr. Wasmund, as interim City Administrator, is empowered to exercise the same powers and perform the same functions as have been traditionally undertaken by the City of Rosemount Administrator. These functions and powers include chief staff responsibility for personnel issues , financial approvals and authorizations and representation of the City of Rosemount at any and all meetings . 2 . COMPENSATION. During his tenure as interim City Administrator and commencing October 25 , 1993 , Mr. Wasmund shall receive as special additional compensation, the sum of $500 per month . In the event that M�. Wasmund' s tenure as interim City Administrator concludes during the course of any month, he shall be paid his special comgensation on a pro rata basis . Additionally, Mr. Wasmund shall be entitled to a one-time benefit of five additional days of vacation leave, provided that such leave may only be taken after Mr. Wasmund concludes his tenure as interim City Administrator and has resumed his normal duties as Public Works Director. 3 . TERM. Mr. Wasmund shall commence his service as interim City Administrator on October 25 , 1993 and conclude such service on the date on which a new City Administrator undertakes his or her responsibilities or upon such earlier date as the City Council shall determine . Mr. Wasmund may terminate his' service as interim City Administrator at any time upon the giving of four week' s written notice to the City Council . In such event, Mr. Wasmund shall then return to his normal -„ � . .. , responsibilities as Public Works Direetor. 4 . EVALUATION. At any time during Mr. Wasmund` s service as interim City Administrator, the City Council may evaluate his performance in that position. If such an evaluation is undertaken, it shall focus on his efforts as interim City Administrator and be kept and maintained separately from his evaluations and other personnel matters relative to his role as Public Works Director. 5 . COOPERATION. In order to assist Mr. Wasmund in undertaking his role as interim City Administrator, the City Council shall pledge its support and provide availability and direction, as appropriate, to Mr. Wasmund. Rosemount�Int-Admi.Mot