HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.d. CDBG Funding Update . r CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SII�lARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE': October 19, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: 1994 CDBG Funding Agreement AGENDA SECTIONz New Business PREPARED BY: Ron Wasmund, Director of Public AGENDA �n� � Works/Building Official ���� ATTACffi�iENTS: Application and Resolution APPROVBD Dakota County Housing Redevelopment Authority makes an annual application for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds on behalf of the Cities in Dakota County. The exact level of funding for 1994 is anticipated to be equal to the $1, 851, 000 the County received in 1993 . The County is split into several districts for distributian of the funds to various Cities. Rosemount as well as Hastings, Lakeville, and Farmington are in District 4 . Last year's allocation of $300,476 .00 was distributed to Lakeville and Farmington. District 4 funding is shared by the �'our Cities with pairs receiving funding on alternate years. In 1994, Rosemount and Hastings are the Cities to receive funding. Rosemount must submit an application to Dakota County HR.A by December 17, 1993 so that they may hold a pnblic hearing in February or Ma.rch on their total funding application. There are funds from our 1992 allocatian for the acguisition of the Stresse progerty which have not been used yet. There is a little over $100, 000.00 balance in those funds. It ma.y be desired to use those funds pius the 1994 allocation for such pr.ojects as acquisition and demolition for the Elderly Housing Praject, downtawn parking expansion, property rehabilitation or any other e�.igible projects the Council and Port Authority determines. The suggested approach is to have the HRA and Port Authority meet to discuss eligible items and come back to Council with recommendations. It is the advice of the HRA to reprogram the outstanding balance of the 1992 funds. That need �rour approval to do` it. The attached resolution pravides the approval and authorizati:on to proceed with the applieation process. A motion adopting the resolution and authorizing staff to work with the HRA to reprogram the 1992 funds is the desired actian. .:_,� , RECObIl�:NDED ACTIOId: MOTION ADOPTING RESOLUTION NUMBER 1993- APPROVING THE APPLICATION OF THP CITY OF ROSEMOUNT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1994 DAKOTA COUNTY CDBG FUNDING AND DIRECTTNG STAFF TO WORK WITH THE COUNTY TO REPROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 1992 FUNDS. COiTNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUN'I'Y, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1993 - A RESOLIITION APPROVING THE APPLICATION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOIINT FOR FISGAL YEAR 1994 DAKOTA COIINTY GOI�+B+lUNITY DEVELOPMSNT BLOCK GRANT FIINUING BE IT RSSOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount as follows: 1. The City Administrator is authorized ta submit the attached application to Dakota County for a Community Dev�elopment Block Grant in Fiscal Year 1994. . 2 . The application is approved by the City Council and the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute it an behaif of the � City of Rosemount. 3 . That the Dakata County HRA be designated as the administ�ative entity to carry out the program on behalf of the City_ ADOPTED this 19th day of October, 1993 . E. B_ McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor• Voted against: Dakota County Community Development B1ock Grant Proposal Fiscal Year 1994 Legal Name of Applicant Community Dev�lopment District Legal Address of Applicant CitY State Zip Contact Person Title Phone Numi�er Project Name Brief Description of Project Amount Requested �CD�cdbg-pro 1. Has this project received funding CDBG before? Yes No 2. Praject duration: One Year Other (Specify) : Proposed beginning date: Proposed completion date: 3. Grant funds will be used for: Acquisition Clearance Activities � Disposition Economic Development Planning Public Facilities Public Services Rehabilitation Other (Specify) : 4. Federal objective addressed (attach documentation) : Benefit to low and moderate income persons - TotaZ number of persons benefittings - Percentage of lowjmoderate income: Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums and blight Alleviation of urgent community development need 5. General description of the project (include project goals and importance to community) : S , � S 10. Additional supporting items submitted with proposal (check if attached) : Benefit documentation (See guestion 4) Resolution of gov�rning body requesting grant Additional project information Map or sketch outlining project area Professional's certification of feasibility and accuracy of scope and budget (engineer's, architects, etc. j Letters in support af project/or letters of commitment Other (Specify) : Certif ication I certify that the statements and application requirements of this official proposal are correct and that this proposal contains no misrepresentation or falsifications, omissions, or concealment of material facts and that the information given is true and complete to the best of my knawledge and belief, and that no bids have been awarded, contract executed, ar construction begun on the proposed project. Signature of Authorized Official Dat� Title