HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. Minute January 23, 1993 and January 26, 1993 Special Meetings ������� � �� �� �" � RO5EMOUNT CITY FROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 23, 1993 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Saturday, January 23 , 1993 at 8 : 00 a.m. a� the Rosemaunt City Hall in the Cauncil Chamber. Mayor McMenomy opened the special meeting with Councilmembers Wi1lco�t, Staats, Wippermann and Klassen present. Also City Administrator Stephan Ji1k was present. The purpose of the meeting was to interview applicants ft�r the open �, pasitions of the Utilities Commission, Planning Commission, Port Authority and Parks and Recreation Committee. Each applicant was interviewed for approximately twenty minutes. The City Council discussed the applicants and determined that the final appointments wauld be made at the regular February 2, 1993 City Council meeting. M4TION by MeMenomy to close the speci�l meeting. Second by Klassen. The meeting was adjourned at 12 : 15 p.m. - Respectfully subrnitted, Stephan Jiik City Administrator ATTEST: E.B. McMenomy, Mayor The City Council Agen�.a Packet is Clerk� s File 1993-4 . ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDTNGS SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 26, 1993 Pursuant to due ea11 and notice thereof a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesday, January 26, 1993, at 7:30 p.m. in the Gouncil Chambers at City Hall . Acting Mayor Wippermann. called the meeting to order. CQuncilmembers Willcox, Staats and Klassen were present. Mayor McMenomy jbined the meeting at 7:40 p.m. Administrator Stephan Jilk reviewed the different options for staffing the Gommunity center. These options were reviewed by the Parks & Recreation Committee at their January 25, 1993 meeting. Administrator Jilk also re�riewed a revised Option 3 which was the staffing concept the Parks & Recreation Committee members reached a'' consensus on. Parks & Recreation Committee Member Scott Ryn�rson presented a further revision to this Option 3 which he advised was agreed . upon by some members of th� Committee following their meeting on January 25, 1993 . Rynerson advised some members fel� the management of the ice arena should be assigned to one person rather than the responsibility of the facilities manager. Scott Rynerson further advised a consensus has not been reached by the Parks & Recreation Committee members as to what the extent of involvement will be by the members with regards to the community center. Administrator Stephan Ji1k advised his recornmended staffing option was based upon community center sta�fing at Brooklyn Park and Shakopee, These cities mirrored the closest to �Lpsemount' s community center operations. Follo�saing discussion, staff was directed to obtain staffing information from other cities_ who have community centers. Council diseussed different alternatives for communicating with the citizens. 'Suggestions provided by the Council were eable broadcasting, re-establish the "Happenings Page" in the "Town Pages° on a monthly or weekly basis, or publish a "Happenings Page" , or something similar, in either the "Rosemount This Week° or "Current" . Discussion was also held on whether to continue the City� s legal notices with the "Earmington Independent�' or with the "Dakota County Tribune" . Fol�.owing further discussion, Council reached a consensus that staff should negotiate with the owner of °Rosemount This Week" to find out the cost tor a monthly ad, legal notices costs and weekly community service announcements such as meeting agendas. Discussion was held on the finai appointment to be made by the City Council as a sesult of their interviews of applicants for the City' s commission and eommittees held on January 23, 1993 . Council concurred that Pat McDerznott should be appointed to the P�.anning Commission. ROS�lOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 26, 1993 City Attorney Mike Miles updated Council on a recent meeting he attended with the city adzninistrator regarding the Starks/Fields litigation matter and how this matter should be defended on behalf of the 36 cities since a determination was made by the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust that the majority of cities' liability insurance would not cover this law suit. Attorney Miles advised that the majority of cities agreed to have the law firm of Holmes & Graven represent them and that each city would pay $500, plus an assessment based on population, if ' needed. � MOTION by Wippermann to approve the joint defense with other � cities and MPRS by retaining the law firm of Holmes & Graven and ! agreeing to the $500 fee plus any additional assessment based on population. SECOND by Willcox. Ayes: Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. Nays: 0. f � MOTICJN by McMenomy to adjourn: SECOND by Willcox. Ayes : 5 . j Nays : 0 . Respectfully submitted, Susan M. Walsh Administrative Assistant � ATTEST: ; � Stephan Jilk, City Administrator E r f 2