HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.g. Armory / Community Center Pay Request #1 CITY OR ROSEMOUNT EXECLTTIVE SUNIl�IARY FOR ACTI�N CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: FEBRUAR.Y 2, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: .ARMORY/COMMIJNITY CENTFR AGENDA SECTION: PAY REQUEST N0. 1 C4NSENT PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR `AGEND���� � � ATTACH[MENTS: MEMQ/PAY REQUEST N0. 1 APP VED Y: � �' This is the first pay request for the construction of the A ry and Community Center. Pay requests will be submitted to the Architect' s office (Arthur Dickey & Assoe. ) by the Cont�actor, PCL. The Architect will review them and submit them to the owners (MS.ABC and City) for review. Then, based upon preliminary approval the final pay request will be provided by the Contractor. The City will approve the request and then the MSABC. The City' s payments for the "City only components" will be made directly to the Contractor. These payments will be charged to various accounts as designated in the attached memo and as designated through the funding mechanisms used and accounts established. I have attaehed the memo for your reference this first time. In future pay requests only the request and funds charged will be provided. RECOMMENDED ACTIONz Motion to approve Pay Request No. l to PCL Construction in the tatal amount of $805, 032 .26 and City only share of $274, 238 . 62 to be paid from account 424-48000-01-521 ($117, 062 .45) , account 426-48000- OI-521 ($155, 857.68) and 427-48000-01-521 ($1, 318 .49) . COUNCIL ACTION: Deceznber 22, 1992 Notes - Stephan Jilk, City Administrator The Gommunity Center - Arznory Project creates �unique funding, construction, and management apportunities for the City. Because it is a joint operation between the Gity and the State of Minnesota, through the Minnesota State Armory Building Commission (MSABC) there is an opportunity for problems an .construction management and operation as it pertains to design approval, construction change order approvals, payment reguests, contract management and finally, operational scheduiing and maintenance. The City has direct ownership over several components of the facility, shared ownership of several components and fiseal respansibility far a share af the remaining portion. These components are: ` 1. Armory. Not including the Auditorium, G�rmnasium, Parks & Recreation offices, Banquet Facility and Multi-Purpose Arena - City has fiscal responsibility to pay 12 .50 oi the cost of canstruction of this portion. 2 . Gymnasium. The City will have ownership of 1700 square feet of the space and is providing upgrades to the entire space for air conditioning, athletic equipment, athletie playing surfaee on the floor, and celestial windows . 3 . Auditorium. The City and the MSABC agreed to utilize classroom space from the Arznory towards the construction of a "Auditoriurn�� (theatre) . The City then added to that funding sufficient amount to provide seating capacity to 350, storage space for theatrical productians and certain AD� access required improve:nents. The National Guard has agreed to fund half of the eost of upgrading the audio- visual equip�nent in the Auditorium with a total bid price of this upgrade set at $30, 000 . The City will pay half ar $15, 00� . 4, �.Banquet Hall . The City is adding a full service kitchen and ban.quet hall totally at City e�ense. The "banguet" seating capacity of this facility is set at 350 to matcY� the capacity of the Auditorium with the idea that these �wo components will, during certain events, be used together and that for such mini-conferences or theatrical/social events the joint availability will create a stror�g marketing tool . The banquet hall will be built with a small stage and wood parquet floor area for dancing. Chairs and tables far the banquet hall were not part af the - construction bid and wi11 have to be purchased separately. Funds have been appropriated for this acquisition. , 5 . Multi-Purpose Arena. This addition is totally at City expense and will provide for ice skating/hockey skating events, dry land events and spectatar seating of up to 1D00 . All equipment and facility enhancements are par� of the . construction bid except for the hockey boards and the "Zamboni�� machine. It is expected that the cost of these two items will be picked up from the local hockey groups contributions . 6 . Parks and Recreation Offices. The City i,s adding, at City expense, office area and storage space for the Parks & Recreation Staff and storage for equipment to be maintained at the gymnasium by Parks & Recreation operation. 7 . Utilities . As agreed, the City is extending water and sewer utiiities ta the site at no cost to the project. The costs for water and sewer wili be taken from the �ity Utility Core Funds . ., The City will also pick up the cost of providing �tormwater retention on site with payment for this cost coming from the City' s Stormwater Core Fund. 8 . Highw�.y 3 Upgrade. Certain casts for providing access roads ' and right-of-way improvements to Highway 3 were included in the construction bid. The City has agreed to provide additional right-of-way improvements to High.way 3 inciuding turn lanes on both sides of the highway as required by �l�e Minnesota Department of TranspQrtation (MnDot) . The City has recxuested that the cost of the work included in the project bid be broken out sa the City can delete the work from the contract and include it in the City' s contract � with the rest of the right-of-way wark. 9 . Relocation of Businesses. The businesses alang Hi_�hwa� 3 , _ on the south�ast part of ` the Armory property are to be purchased and/or relocated. If the business chooses to be relocated it will be done by the ,Cit:y' s Port Autho�°ity. The completion date for this work is June, 1993 . The l�usinesses have .been advised that �hey will be gane by Nlay 1, 1993 . ' John Miller and the Port Authority are working on this portion of 'the` proj ect. _ 2 _ . � �� � � I� � ARMORY - COMIV�[I:JNITY CENTER P`UND A�C(JttN'T T��IBERS 220 - National Guard Armory Project 222 - Armory Improvement Cantingency Fund (#427� 30i - Debt Service, Community Center - 1992C 330 - Debt Service, General Improvements including Armory Utilities 381 - Debt Service, Port Authority Issue - 1992E 413 - Armory Project Sanitar�� Sewer Construction Account 414 - Armory Proj ect, V�'ater Utility Construction 415 - Armory Project, Stormwater Improveinents 417 - Armory Project, Highway 3 Improvements 424 - Community Center Construction - Referendum Only 425 - Armory Relocation, Fort Authority Relocation of Businesses 426 - Ice Arena, Arena Construction Costs � 427 - Other, non-referendum construction, office furnishings and Highway �mprovements ARMORY - CO1VII�ZUN3['TY CENTER PROJECT BID IT�IVIS / C05TS - B(�NDING �REAKDOWN � FUND # 220 Armorv/Community Center Fund. Originally set up as master fund into which all levies came and all expenditures went from. MSABC issued debt to pay for the construetion of the Armory, the City� s improvements to the Armory, Gymnasium and Parks & Recreation Offices ' construction. Funds will be used to service MSABC debt incurred by - the City and to fund initial operational startup cos�s . f The $95, 000 per year levy and the .0007980 levy wi11 be colle cted into this fund. Need to consider payment schedule of deb� with MSABC to determine how much is available for c�perational startup � - cost. � 222 Armory Continaency Improvement Fund. Funas were tran.sferred into this account as a source af "buydown" of debt incurred to complete the Community Center project. $200, 000 eame from CIP and $3-b, 210 came frorn accoun� 102 . These funds will be drawn on after Fund 427 is drawn down and depleted. 301 Debt Service Fund. For repayment of 1992C Bonds. General Tax Levy callected annually will service this account. 330 General Improvement Prajects . Includes the funding for the sewer, water and stormwater improvements to the - site. Funding to pay this del�t wi11 be through assessments and Care Funds. No Arena revenue or Axmory levies will be used. 381 Debt Service �'und for Port AuthQrity 1992E Bonds . revenue to this account will come from several sources; tax incrernent to pay off relocation segment, revenues from arena operation to pay for arena segment and the difference between the levies collected under Fund 220 and that debt owed to the MSABC on an annual basis . I � ', � . ., Armory Site Sanitar,y Sewer. Project #236. General sanitary sewer line and lift station relocation for project and other city locations . Debt service is in Fund 330 . No Armory levies are used in this funding. 414 Armory Site Water. Project #237. General city water extension to site and improvements to school property water service. City' s share of this project to be paid by Water Core Fund. Debt service is in Fund 330 . 415 Armory Stormwater. Project #238 . Completion of s�ormwater retention pond on site. City Stonnwater Core Funds used to pay costis . 417 Armory Highway 3 Improvements. Project #239 General ' Right-of-Way improvements including turn lanes, overlaying and access roads inta project . Funding will come from either fund 427 or 222 as needed. '� 424 Community Center Project - Referendum Partion. This portion of the project is that which was approved by the 1991 referendum. That referendum approved $1, 065, 000 in expenditures. this was not sufficient in covering all of the eventual costs of the auditorium, banquet hall and lobby. Fund 427 will pick up the remaining costs . The general levy each year, approved by the passage of the referendum, will support the debt service in Fund 301 . 425 Armory Relocation Pro 'L ct. The purchase of the business property along Highway 3 and the relocation of some of those businesses is the cost allocated to this fund. The debt retirement, a portion of Fund 381 is to be paid by the Port Authority through the use of tax increment funds. 426 Ice Arena Project. The construction of the Multi- Purpose Arena will be paid aut of this Fund. Debt payments, Fund 381, will be made through the revenue from the Arena operatian. �.. 427 Other Armory Improvement Projects. The remaining: por�ion of the Community Center, not approved by the 1991 �eferendum, banquet hall and Parks & Recreation office furnishings, and Highway 3 improvements are to be funded out of this fund as well as 222 . - 2 - f Construction Item Funding Source Charge to Fund# Armory Bid Items MSABC Bonding 220 1 - 13, 17-38 30 - 38 . Includes City only(100ro) share items 12, 13, 17, 1$, 24, 31,37 Totals $171, 400 ', Arena Bid Item Part Authority 426 15a, 15b, 15c, 1.5d Bond 1992E Totals $2; 127, 000 , E Community Center Project City Bond 1992C 424 Bid Items 14a, 16 Totals $1� 601� 00� (51,065,000 oniy this account, 67°� of 14a and 16) ''� � Cornmunity Center Other Port Authority 427 & � Bit Items 39 @ $18, OOQ Bond 1992E 222 Highway 3 Improv. G $60, 000 Furnishings for P&R @ $60, 000 Bid Items 14a & 1b, 33% not funded by referendum Architectural Fees and Engineering Testing 1) Architectural Fees and Engineering Testing on Armory will be paid through MSABC and charged to Fund 220 . 2) City Fees charged by architect and Engineering Testing will be charged back to Funds as follows based on praportional amount of PCL Contract; . Arena 426 is 57°s Community Center 424 is 280 Armory Reloaatian 425 is 0% Other Improvements 427/222 is i5o r � , � ' 1-1�'`'.�� � Lc���� � .�i.�yu � .�,v �E\T WY:'�f 1 L at=F�1 R5 � � ' StATE OF MINNESQTA,DEPARThi[N7 t�MtU7ARY AfFA1R5 . � �'{lIFySr•. hn�NN�SOTA ARMY NaT�ona� GUARa :��,. �, �1.'t.. FACi'JTIES MA^iAGEMENT C�FfICE ,-r � � 0„�r•(Z:' Sf.O.gpX.�A,B.CAOlf7 Rl�t�y Mr a. Enge ihazdt J ce/ ����«,'��'-�,�,- ��.,. '�� �„iQ ra�;t,nti����,►a 5b3.�,•o3<s (612) 632-7303 � � �� � �wd���'���y ',�,��Z',►�,gK•3,.::�' January 19, 1.993 SU83ECT: Payment Certification No. 1 fQr �prorect tFo.o$909) �ipnal Guard Armory Facility, Roaemaunt, Minnesota { � Mr. Stephan Jilk City of Rosemount 2975 145th Street Weet gosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Jilk: . � Subject Payment Certification tdo. ] (PARTTAL) far subject proj��� i� forwarded fdr payment action. Paymerit is r val ea�of t e materials�andrlaboding of the progress of the work and estimated Request paytnent, in �he amount of 5274,238.62ori e�d55431PCLIn�accordanca Servi_cea, Inc. , 9330 Jamee Avenue South. Hloaminqt with State contracting pracedurea, payment must be received by the vendor no later th�.n 5 February 1993. Gopie� of Paymcnt C�rtifitation Nos. 1 (PARTIAL) �$����lfurnishe�d�farSyour af Pa•f►nBnt: and 5351,597.71, Federal Share af Payment� , information and records; na action is required. =f you �ave any questivr�s please contact Mrs. Carol Engelhatdk of thi.s office (612} 632-7303. Sin rely� t �f Wayn A. Johnaon Lieu enant Colonel, IN. N RRNG • . Facxli.tion 2�ias�agomwnt O��ic�r 4 Enclosures l 1. Pytttt Cert (Local Share) � 2. gymt Cert (M5148C Share) 3. Pym� C�rt (Fed Share� 4. Appl for Pymt Gopy Furnishedz MSASC, ATTN: Mz- Palmer 8909 170 /.N EC.,�'U<1 OPFt:�2'U�il'Y FM�lO"ER " TRANSMITTED VIA ' STATE OF MINNESOTA,DEPARTMENT OF MIUTARY AFFAIRS FACS IM I L E 15 JAN �� ��v��E�q?��, MlNNESOTA ARMY NATiONAL GUARD 0 FACIUTIES MANAGEMENT OFfi�E F.�"��,�"'"�,�,`_ P.O.Box 348,Camp Ripley � Little Falls,Minnesota 56345-0348 MTS. Engelhardt/ce/ W������ , � �.� �' (612) 632-7303 �,�'� �-`��� ' „�t,�ls�k�'" January 19, 1993 SUBJECT; Payment Certification No. l for Constructioa pf a National 6uard Armory Facility, Rosemount, Minnesota {Project No, 8909) Mr. Stephan Jilk ; City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 j Dear Mr. Jilk: i _ I Subject Payment Certification No. 1 (PARTIAL) for subject project is ; forwarded for payment action. Payment is recammended based on our understanding !, of the progress of the work and estimated values of the materi,als and labor. - Request payment, in the amount of $274,238.62, be made to PCL Construction Services, Inc. , 9330 James Avenue South, Bloomington, MN 55431. In accprdance with State contractinq procedures, payment must be received by the vendor no later than 5 February 1993. Copies of Payment Certification Nos. 1 (PARTIAL) ($179;195.93, MSABC Share of Payment; and $351,597.71, Federal Share of Paymentj, are furnished for your infprmation and records; no action is required. If you have any questions p2ease contact Mrsa Carol Engelhardt of this affice (612) 632-7303. Sin rely, n �f , Wayn A. Johnson Lieu enant Colonel, IN, ARNG Facilities Managem�nt Of icer 4 Enclosures 1. Pymt Cert (Local share) 2. Pymt Cert {MSABC Share) 3. Pymt Cert (Fed Share) 4. Appl for Pymt Copy Furnished: MSABC, ATTN: Mr. Palmer 8909 170 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER STATE 4F MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF MIIITARY AFFAIRS FACIIITIES MANAGEMENT OFFICE, CAMP RSPLEY P.O. BOX 348, IItTLE FACIS, MINNESOTA 56345-0348 SUBJECT: CONTRACT PAYMENT CERTIFICATION N0. 1 (PARTIA4) LOCALLY QONDED SNARE QF PAYMENT PROJECT N0: 8909 PROJECT TITIE: Construction of a Nationat Guard Armory facility, Rosemount, Minnesota CONTRACT NOt N�B21-92-G 0044 GONTRACT AMOUNTc 53,746,000.00 £ONTRACTING OFFICER: NG Eugene Andreotti CONTRACTOR: PCL Construction Services, Inc, The Adjutant General, State of Mimesota 9330 James Avenue South eloanington, Minnesota 55431 PAYMENT PERi00 ENDtNG: 31 December i992 OATE THIS CERTIFICATION: 6 January 1993 =--=-=====-==--==-=-===----------� ---------------------x=-------_-------_----------___-----�---------- PAYMENT DATA: STATEMENT OP ACCOUNT: federal Sharc <FC Ot) 66.24X Y4,400,568.04 Originat Contract Artaunt S3,TG6,000.00 MSABC Bonded Share tfC 14) 33.76X 52,242,831.96 Locally Bonded Share (FC 16) 53,746,000.00 Net Changes ey Modification(s) ` 50.00 Total Contract Artwunt 510,389,400.OD Contract Prite To Date 53,746,000.00 Total Payable To Date 528$.672.23 PERCENTAGE Of 410RK COMPLETE AS OF THIS PAYMENT: 7.71X Less 5X Retainag� �214,433.61 Amount Payabte less Retainage 3274,238.62 PAYMENT REC�RD: No. Oate Amount �ess Previausly Approved Payments SO.OQ Net Amount Due This Certification 5274,238.62 APP VED F PA MEN - FACILI S MANAGEMENT OfFICE: �„�. ��. t1AYW A. JONNSON, C, Infantry MNARNG faci ities Management Of#icer REMARKS: _�sers�_sn�exazaaescr_.:craxxe��xaaxss�ezxaassasma=e��sasez:ssraasssx�saos�xasaxsa�s xasssasa�soasexaxa. � . . t. This payment wilt be made by the City of Rosertaunt, 2875 145th Street Yest, Ros t, Mirnesota 55068. 2. Copy furnished: PEL Gonstruction Services, Fnc. Arihur Dickey Architects, Inc. MNAG-PPO-P MSABC 8909CCPYMT STA7E QF MINNESOTA TL 43-501 DEPARTNENT OF MILITARY AFfAIRS FAGILITIES MANAGEMENT OFFICE, GAMP RIPI,EY � P.O. BOX 348, ItTTLE fALLS, MINNESOTA 56345-03k8 � SUBdECT. CQNTRACi PAYMENT CERTIFICATION N0. 1 (PARTIAL) FEDERAI SHARE OF PAYMENT PROJEGT N0: 8904 PROJECT TITLE: Gonstruction of a Natianat Guard Armory Facility, Rosemount, Minnesota CONTRACT N0: NG621'42-G-0044 CONTRAC7 AMWNT; S4,GOO,S68.04 CONTRACTING OFFICER: MG Euge�e Andreotti COHTRACTOR: PCL Construction Services, Inc. ; The Adjutant General, State of Minnesota 4330 dames Averwe 5outh Bloomington, Minnesota 55431 PAYMENT PERIOD EMDING: 31 Dece�rtiber 1�2 DATE THIS CERTIFICATION: 6 January 1993 FEDERAL TAX Id N0: 84-095-7552 ==----==-=-=------------------=-- ---- ----------- ----------- ---- --------------------------- PAYMENT DATA: STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT; Federal Share (FC 01) b6.24X 54,400,558.04 Original Contracs Amount 54,400,558.06 MSABC eonded Share (FC 14) 33.76X 52,242,831.96 loeally Bonded Share (FC 16) 53,746,000.00 Net Changes By Modification(s) 50.00 Totat Contract Amount St0,389,4Q0.00 Gontract Price To Date 54,400,5b8.04 7otal Payabte To Date 5370,102.$5 PERCENiAGE OF I�ORK COMPLETE - . AS OF THIS PAYMENT: 8.41X Less 5X Retainage St8,505.14 Amount Payabte Less Retainage 5351,597.71 PAYMENT RECORD: Na. Date Amount Less Previously Approved Payments SQ.00 Net Amount Due This Certification 5351,59T:71 APP OVED f0 YM i - FACiLI7IE5 MANAGENENT OfFICE: (' YATN A. JOHN50N, LTC, Irtfa try, MNARNG Faci ities Management Offic r REMARKS: s,=:sa==a=s=xc=====__�=----=-==--=========--=-===--=-=-----==------= -=Sz-=r_za_s ---__=�='=s----=-- � . 1. This payment witl be made by the USPFO-Minnesota. Check wilt be issued from f rt NcCay, tiisconsin.` 2. Copy Furnished: PCL Co�struction Se�vices, 1nc. Arthur Dickey Architects, Inc. MSABC City of Roseeno�x�t 8909CFPTMT I f S7ATE Of MlNNESOTA DEPARTMENT Of MILITARY AFFAIRS FAGILITIES NAHAGEMENT OFF2CE, CAMP RIPLEY P.O. BOX 348, LITTIE FALtS, MINNESOTA 56345-0348 SUBJEC7: CON7RACT PAYMENT CERTIFICATION N0. 1 (PARTIAL) MSABC BONDED SHARE OF PATMENT PROJECT N0: 8909 PROJECT TITLE: Construction of a National Guard Armory facitity, Rosemount, Minnesota CONTRACT N0: NG621•92-C-0044 CON?RACT AMOUNT: 52,242,831.96 CONTRACTiHG OFFIGER: MG Eugene Arxireotti CONTRACTOR: PCL Construction Servises, Inr. The Adjutant General, State of Minnesota 9330 James Avenue South Bioomington, Minnesota 55431 PAYMENT PfRIOD ENDING: 31 Decertiber 1992 '� ` DA7E THIS CERTIFICATIONs 6 January 1993 ==-=_==_� -=---�--_=_ ------- --------------- - --------`--- ___=-----__==_=_= --- ------ ------�___===___---�-------------------------- - ----- _===_==__`-- ,�;. _ : PAYMENT DATA: STATEMENT Of ACCOUNT: Federat Share (fC 01) 66.24X 54,400,568.04 Original Contract Amount S2,Z42,831.96 MSABC Bonded Share tPC 14) 33.76X SZ,242,831.96 MSABC State Share 51,052,Q61.98 Net Ghanges By Modification(s? 50.00 MSABC local Share $1,190,7b9.98 Localty Bonded Share (FC 16) 53,746,000.00 Contract Price To Date 52,242,831.46 Totat Contract Amount 510,389,400.00 Total Payabte To Oate 5188,b2�.30 Less 5X Retainage 59,431.37 PERGENTAGE OF f�ORK COMPLETE AS OP THIS PAYMENT: 8.47X Amount Payable less Retainage 5179,195.93 Less Previously Approved Payrn�nts 40.0f1 PAYMfNT RECORD: No. Date Amount Net Amount Due This Certification it79,195.93 A ROVED NT - CILITIES MANAGEMENT OFFICE: �k � �(` WAY E A. JOHNSON, LTG, In aM ry, NNARNG faciiities Manageaient flff cec REMARKS: °5========'_==_===_===_==__='=_=======Q=====-==----==-�'_'__==____========_= ____=======�T=======___ 1. This payment uilt be made by tha Minnesota State Armory Building Cortmissiort (MSABC), Department af MiCitary Affairs, St. Paut, Mi�nesota. 2. Copy furnished: PCl Construction Services, Inc. Arthur Dickey Architects, I�c. - MNAG-PFO-P City of Rosemo�t $909GMRYMT APPLOCATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT filA DOCUti1ENT G7o2 t��s��u��i���� ���� reversc sicle) vnc:��N� ��� ,�.,,;,, TO (OWNER): State of Mi nnesota PRnJECT: Nd�1011d� GUdf d AY'm0Y'y APPLICATION NO: l f3istrik�ution i��: P.O. Box 348, Camp Ripley Rosemount, MN p owN[r. � Ci ttl e Fal l s, MN 56345 PERion To: 12/31/� (X1 Aac:i�irrcr �7 cor,i iinr r��K FROM ECONTRA�x(JR� VIA (ARGHITECT): ARCIIITECT'S [_) l,L onstruction Services, Inc. Arthur Dicke Architects, Inc. 9330 James Avenue Sauth 4930 France Avenue SOUth PRO)[C`f NO: $9Q9 (-� 8loomington, MN 55431 Minnea olis, MN 55410 CONTRACT FOR; p CONTKALT t)ATI:: 7/16/92 � Applicatian is macie tor Raymeni, as shcn�vn I�cic�w, in cu►ancclion with �hr� Cuntr.�cl. CONTRACTOR S APPLtCAT14N FOR PAYMENT co���n�aro� sneef, AIA Document G703, �t .�������,«,. ,...,, CIiANGE ORDER SUMMARY 1. ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM .,..................... $ 10,389,40Q.00__ Change C?rders approved in ADDITtONS DfDUCT10NS 2� Net chanbe by Change Orders ..................... $ ___00 __ _ previ�us montlas by Owner 3. CONTRACT SUM TO DATE (t-ine 1 +-2).............. $ 10,3$9,400.00_ ' TnTAL 4.70TAL COMPLETED & STORED Tt�DATE............ 9� ��1,40?.3f3 Approved this Month (Column G on G703) Number �ate Approved 5. RET�INAGE: a.�. ^/� uf C�mpleted Work $ ''��, ��7C�. i:� (��`L (Column D+E on G7U3) b. � % of Stored Malerial � v (Column F on G703) To1a1 Retaina�e (Line 5a+5b ar ��, i7C�• � ��- TOTALS Total in Column I ot C703) . .... ... .... � _�" _._ .. .. .. ---- Net chan�e b Chan e Orders G. TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINACE ................... $ $����'� The undersibned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowled�e, (��ne 4 less Line 5 T�tal) ti'�C)5,L�3.�. <�c, information and belief the Work c�vered Uy this Application for Payment h�s been 7• LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR completed in atcordance wilh the Gc�ntract Docume�ts, that al)amoants havc�been PAYMENT(Line G frc,m �rior CerN(icate)......... S •�� -- ---- paid by Ihe Contrador for Work t<>r which previotis Certificates fbr ('ayment were H. CURRENT PAYMENT DUE ...........�Qa,C)''�.�,.��$ �'�4�.��3 }�'' issued and payments received froin the (}wner, and that current �a ment shown 9 541 997 62 � � Y 9. BALANCE TO FINISN, PItJS RETAINAGE.,.,......... $ � � : :.> herein is naw ctue. (t_ine 3 less Line G) -- --_-_- - GONTRACTO • State �f: � ��r�l'�`.;C_)�Cl_1 Co ►'�t�if• ) B(a! -- Subscrihed and swom to �efore me this ,- � ` � c� ���'��'ibsql`� ►�! Nalary Puhlic:�-_ �t Yl r lt �_. �•�ll�',r�.' '� Wa�ePM COt"ry ' � , Deeember 31, 1992 � ��� , , C comm.r�a• 2-s-�� '� , y: Da1c: My Commission e �ires. -.1 �. My �,t,,.; �I ', . L. AMOUNT CERTIFIED..................� .'�=J.•�i'c b r �- �' ARCHtTECT'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT rA«ach explanation i(amount cc tified c�iffers /r�rn 1hc amount.,��,;���r��,.j � In accordance with lhe�ontrac� Dc>cuments, based on on-sit�qbservations and the ARCtfITES.T data comprising Ihe above anplicatiu�,the Architect cerli(ies to ifie Owner�hat to the �'' � - best of the Architect's knowledge,in(ormation and beliel the Work has progressed as �Y; _� �/ =_ ni��: �� �' indicalecl,the quality of Ihe Work is in accordante with the Con�ract Documents,and This Certiticate is not negoliable. TI►c AMOUNT GERT11=1[D is �ayable c,nly tu �h�r the Contractor is entitted to payment of tlie AMOUNT CER71FtED. Contraetor named I�crein. Issuance,�ayment ancl�eceptance of nayment are�vi�h��ii1 prejudice: to any rigi�ts af ltie Owner�r Contractc�r under Iliis C�nlrac�. AM DOCUMENT G703•APPUCATION ANn CERTIFICATE FOR f'AYMENT•MAY 1983 EDITI�N•AI�••Ua tyA3 THE AMERICAN INSTJTUT} OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASNINGTUN, n•C. 2l�UG G702•f90:{ WARNING:UnBcensed pholocopyl�g vfolatea U.'�.r-rr{�yrlgtat lewa a»d ia s+,�t�cl to legnl prosecutlo�. , � AiA Docuncnt G702 Application No. 1 PCk. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC Pa9e 1 of 4 App. Date 12/31/92 � ROSEMOUNT NATI�NAL GUARD Period From it/t0/92 TRAININt? & COMMUNITY CENTER Period To 12/3t/42 Architects Pro cct No. A B C D E F G N 1 J No�k C leted Total Ca�Qlete Belance Item 5cheduled Previous This A lication end StoFed To Reteinege Na Description of Work Yalue Applications Work In Place Stored Kateriel To Date X Finieh (not iR D o� E) {D+E+F) (C-G) Div #1 GENFiAL REQUIREMENTS 1D00 Site Steff ,�.�..,, . Sup'tendeM/foreman/Engr 166,U00.00 0.00 14,940.00 0.00 14,940.00 9X 151,060.00 0.00 1T00 Construction Equipment ````�`�`��:��"+���'�� Forktift/Hoisting 8�800.00 0.00 U.00 0.00 0.00 OX 8,800.00 0.00 :...•'.*:;:::�>:;�» ..:.:::.:.:::. <:.;•.�;:,.;: ........�. :.::::::: ...,g.,;.:..:;;,; .,' Gonsunebtes/Expendabtes 13,75b.00 0.00 1,238.04 0.00 1,238.O�i 9X 12,51T.46 0.00 <�': . Misc Equip/Smalt Toots 2T,581.00 0.00 2,482.29 0.00 2,482.29 4X 25,098.71 0.00 1300 Pro)ect Werheed z� ,.:, MobilizelSetup 5,500.00 0.00 5,500.00 0.00 5,500.Q0 t00X 0.00 0.00 _ . �': Demobilize/Move-out ft00.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.Od OX 800.00 0.00 }'� Ciose-out/final Req'cmnts 600.00 0.00 0.00 O.OU 0.00 OX 600.00 O.OU 1350 Site Conditlons ���?�:z�>::'>'>.`'; ffetd Office/Tertip Btdgs T,950.00 0.00 715.50 0.00 715.50 9X 7,234.50 0.00 �'•�:`:�:�*;»:<�>>'::>: Field Office-FurnishBEquip 2,440.00 0.00 216.OQ 0.00 216.00 9X 2,184.00 O.OQ { �� Temp Utiti'ties - instatl 3,700.00 -0.00 3,700.00 0.00 3,T00.00 t00X 0.00 0.00 } { :..:::::� ��':>:::`>��: Site Services itelephone 92 568.00 0.00 8 331.12 0.00 . 8 331.12 4X 84 236.88 0.00 . ... ..,�:•>:•;:•::•. . � , . � housekeeping� t�ucking, temp ec/ heat/elec/water, messenger, ect.) ry`•�'���":`�:z�>:`�>�°s' Surveying 5,b25.00 0.00 3,600.00 0.00 3,600.00 64% 2,025.00 0.00 ...:E�`i:3::....... 1400 Bonds/Permits/lnsurance ' � Permits 288,5T5.00 0.00 288,575.00 O.UO 288,STS.00 100X 0.00 0.00 ;'�`.;::;;::;:::;:: Performance eond-PCl 186,898.00 0.00 186,898.00 0.00 18d,898.00 1OOX 0.00 0.00 * Performance Bond-5ubs T6,1t5.00 0.00 35,774.05 0.00 35,7T4.05 4TX 40,340.45 0.00 { � lnsurence - PL}PD 124,673.00 0.00 124,673.00 0.00 124,6T3.00 100% Q:00 O.QO * . ° +� lnsurence - Builders Risk 9,350.00 0.00 9,35Q.00 0.00 9,350.OQ 100% 0.00 0.00 1800 Neather Expense �' �'%%>��'�•`•�`•� St10M RlIIIOYet 8 ZOO.00 ' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 6,200.00 0.00 ' +M°'••.{>:i<:'s':: irost Protection 6,800.00 0.00 1,224.00 0.00 1,224.00 18X 5,576.00 0.00 ' �'}�' Remove Frozen Ground(Prem} 7 500.00 0.00 O.QO 0.00 0.00' OX T,500.00 0.00 �:�>:<'>.��fi'�.�.�.�.:.;;':;;;>;��� Temp Htg/AC - B1dg 26,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 26,500.00 0.00 .>:•a��.,...... 01v N2 SlTE4�ORK/DEMOLITION "':�^`;:�;:'w` Ashphalt Peving 123,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 123,000.00 0.00 > ���! s : Curb a Gutter 37,516.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0f! OX 3T,516.00 0.00 '.��y �,�i�, t�4 S�te Cone•Velke/PedsfStrust 29,167.Q0 0.00 A.00 0.00 0.00 0% 29,ib2.00 O.E� � Site FenclMi 4,000.00 4.00 0.00 O.OU O,QO dX 4,Oti0.00 0.00 ..�.�'.:. ..'.: lrrigetion System 19,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Q.� O% 19,OOD.00 U.00 AdA Docunent G702 Applicetion Na. t PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, iNC Pagt 2 of 4 App. Dete 12/31/92 ROSEMQUNT NATI�NAI GUARD Period Fram tt/t0/92 ' TRAININCi & COMMl1NITY CENTER Period To 12/31/92 Arehitects Pro ect No. . A B C D E f G H I J Wo�k C teted Totat Complete estence item Scheduled Previous This A lication end Stored To Retalnege No. Description of Ha�rk Value Apptications Nork Jn ALace Stored Mete�ial To Date X finish (not in D or E) (D*E+f) (C-G) <���► ;;,.,.,; Lertidsceping 66,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 QZ` 66,0OO.OQ 0.00 Reteining Walt 18,244.00 O.AO 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 18,244.00 0.00 ��,.��{�,.,,,.,.; EerthWorklClearinglfrx! Drain 2T2,468.00 0.00 0.00 �.00 0.00 OX 272,468.Q0 0.00 Div N3 GONCRETE Eancrete - etdg 38+4,018.04 O.Op 3,840.18 0.00 3,840.19 1X 380,177.82 0.00 Reber - Supply 38,000.00 0.00 13,300.00 0.00 13,300.00 35% 24,700.00 d.00 Reber - Plece W/ Mete! Place 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 0.00 0.00 Precest Concrete 110,980.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX tf0,9&0.00 0.00 Div �4 MASONRY Mesonry 2,085,145.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 2,085,145.Q0 0.00 D1v #S NEATACS Metets - febricete 37T,6b7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 377,667:00 0.00 Metals • Pkece 122,980.00 �.00 3,9�55.36 • 0.00 3,935.36 3X 119,044.b4 0.00 Div �Yb CARPENTRY Rough Carpentry 86,900.00 Q.00 D:00 0.00 0.00 OX 8G,900.00 0.00 finsh Carpentry-Millwk/Hd Tr 91�200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 91,200.q0 D.04 Dfv k7 THERMItI & MQ[STURE �anproofing - Foundatio� 14,910.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 14,910.00 0.00 Roo#ing/fteahingJSheet Metet 405�000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 405,000.04 A.00 � Skyttghta - Framed 3B,a�0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 38,Q40.D0 O,QO Ceutklny/Joint Seetents 3fl,000.00 0.00 0.00 O.OQ 0.00 OX 39,000.00 0.00 D14 #8 DOORS d� NlNDOHS NM (loore/frame/fintsh HrdWre 119,335.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 119,335.00 0.00 Giess/Glazing/Alun Enterance 12,000.00 O.UO 0.00 0.00 O.OQ OX 12,000.00' 0.00 t)cod ckors 1T,000.00 0,00. 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 11,000.00 0.00 Overheed Doors-sectionel 11,405.Q0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 11,405.00 0.00 Coiling Doors-0.head�Caxite� 18,688.00 0.00 0.00 O.UO O.OQ OX 18,688.00 0.00 Nood Gted W1t�dats Sa,930.00 0�00 0.00 0.40 0.00 OX' S$,930.00 0.00 trans ueit/Skytipht Syetem 46,000.00 0.00 O.DO 0.00 0.00 OX 46,flU0.00 0.00 Div N4 FJNISHES ° Drywett 113,200.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O% 113,2U0.00 O.Op AcoustlC Celttngs 85,OQ0.00 0.00 0:00 0.00 0.00 OX 85,000.00 0.00 Acouatic Deck Penels 31,362.OQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.OQ , OX 31,362.00 0.00 Ceremtc/Porcelein T1le 68,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.QQ OX 68,000.00 0.00 , {lood/Athletic Floorinq 108,690.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.Oa OX 108,b90,00 A.00 Cnrptt/Reellient/Skate Tile 14d.110.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 146,31Q.tl0 0.00 Reintft►gft�eaoreting 119,806.04 0.00 0.00 Q.00 0.00 qX 119,94b.OQ 0�.00 - � AIA Uocument G702 . Applicetion No. 1 . PCL CONSTRUCTtON SERVIGES, INC Page 3 of 4 App. Dete 92/31/92 � ROSEMOUNT NATIONAL GiUARD eeriod Fron� 11110/92 � TRAINING !�c COMMUNIlY CENtER P'eriod To it/31/92 . Architects Pro ect Mo. A B C D E f 6 H ! J York G teted Totat Ca�ptete Batence Item Scheduled Previous Tbis A lication and Stored To Reteinepc No. Descriptian of Nork Yalue Applicetions Work In Ptece Stored Material To Date X Ffnish {not in D or E) (O+E+F) (C-G) Div N10 SPECIALTIES Chatk & Teck eoards 2�891.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 2,891.00 0.00 toilet Partitton9 16,142.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 OX 16,142.00 0.00 Pleg Poles 10,022.00 0:00 0.00 Q.00 0.00 OX 10,022.00 0.00 Signage & Grophics 8,451.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 8,451.00 0.00 Mesh Partltlons 8,163.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 8,163.00 0.80 Folding Partttfions 15,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 15,50Q.00 0.0� Storege Shatving - Steel 24,900.00 0.00 O.QO 0.00 0,00 O% 24,900.00 0.00 Toilet Accessaries 14,648.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 OX 14,648.00 0.00 Ftre Exttnguishers/Cebinets 1�349.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 1,349.00 0.00 Expanston Jotnt Govers 5,242.00 0.00 O.dO 0.00 0.00 UX 5,242.00 0.00 6iv N11 EQUIPMENT Veutt Doors/fremea ' 12,581.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 12,581.00 0.00 Sefa 4,504.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 4,509.00 0.00 Food Service Equlpment 112,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 112,�0.00 0.00 Athtetie Equipneht 2T,T00.00 0.00 0.00 �.00 0.00 OX 27,TD0.00 0.00 Audio Visuet Equipnent 19�23q.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 19,239.D0 0.00 Rtfte Renge Equ{piaent 29,800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 29,800.00 0.00 Div N12 fURNiSNINGS Curtein - Stege 3,600.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 OX 3,600.00 0.00 Arena Seeting-8enches 1,800.00 O.Op 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 1,800.00 0.00 Auditoriun SeaNr�g-Upotsterd 43,T00.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 43,700.00 0.00 Otv �13 SPECIAI CONSTRUCTiQN Ice R1nk 303,000.00 O.Ob 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 303,000.00 O.QO 0.00 Div N14 CONYEY[NG SYSTEMS Etevatora 53�097.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 53,097.D0 � 0.00 dtv N15 MECHANICAL NYAGIT�C/Plumb - Mechanicel 1�824,077.00 0.00 25,008.fU O.OU 25,008.10 1X 1,T99,Ob8.90 0.00 iir� Prot�ctton - Sprinktere 114,0OO.OQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 119,000.00 0.00 •'�� ,ti:: ;:,�:�;. ::g���;zx�t, Utitittea - Outalde 102,500.00 0.00 92,250.00 0.00' 92,250.00 90X 10,250.00 0.00 Div �16 ELECTRICA� Etectrlcel 961,632.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX 9b1,632.00 0.00 D1v �14 CHANGE ORDERS C. 0. Mt 0.00 O.QO 0.00 0.00 0.00 OX O.Ob O.DO c. o. �rt o.00 o.no o.00 o.00 o.00 ox a.ou o.oa c. o. �rs o.00 o.� o.00 a.00 o.00 ox o.00 o.00 AIA Docunent 61U2 Paye 4 of 4 Appticaiion No. 1 . PCL COMSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC �pp. Dete 12/31/92 ° ROSEMOUNT NATIONAL GUARD Period Fram 11/to/92 TRAININt3 de COMMUNIIY CENI'ER Period To t2/31/92 Architects Pro 'ect No. . A' B G D E F G H t J Work C leted Totst Caiaplete 8alence Jten� Scheduled Previcws This A lication end Stored To Rehinepe No. Description of Itork YaCue Appticetions Nork tn Place'Stored Mete�iat To Dete X Fini�h (not in D or E) (D+E+F) (C-G) Oiv NO FfE ':; °;�,f,,.,{,': Diet. Office Overhead i Fee 2T5,000.00 0.00 21,851.74 0.00 21,851.74 8X 253,148.26 0.00 :.::.:......:::.:..�::.;•.�.:,•:::•.�•:::::•..:::::,..:..:..,•:::::.........:....;.........:.�.::;:<::.;:.:.::. ;>u:.y:o: o.v :•a.,..;: �<;;: :.<.v.:?:. •.n � t+ ....... ,:::.::::.: ::•.y::.::.:.y::::<;sn g: :;i;. •:..o-:•:..�. . .... � ....�..... . o:v• . rn:::.:.... �......... ....::: :...>:::Sl:.•.•y:•:::v.p;: .�i}:viiiii.... :�i:t�.. ..5.�.. ::. .'.ii' '•:'/� :.w:Y•i..; . �:::. � :� :.. . ..:.::.. .::. �, ..:.;.r �p�+ t }y� y. pg A ......... t�''�'� . . ..n...... ......:...........................>..:: �.�......:..�.....�....:..........::f::.•.....:..::•::...:::::::.�::::v.:::�v ....s:•:.::.n:i}•.:iC:iSf+•:f. 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