HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Armory / Community Center Project Update M_ � ' � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ROR ACTION % CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: FEBRUAR.Y 2, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: ARMORY/COMMUNITY CENTER UPDATE AGENDA SECTiflNs ADMINISTRATOR' S REPORT PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMTNISTRATOR AGENDA �'r�; r� .�., ���t3� i`i� `�r' � ATTACHMENTS: COST ESTZMATES, SITE PLAN, MEMO AP ROV D PROJECT(S) SCHEDULE c.� On a month7.y basis we will provide a report on 'the status of the Armory and ' Community Center Project . This is the second of those reports. Our report this month specifically will addressc 1. The construction progress 2 . A project schedule 3 . Estimated costs for moving completion of the arena up to Dec. 15 4 . Preliminary change orders/preliminary cast estimates RECOMMENDED ACTION: None at this time. COUNCIL ACTION; � ROSEMOUNT COI�Il�I[TNITY CENTER UPDATE FEBRUARY, 1993 � REPORT #2 FROM: STEPIiAN JILR, CITY ADMINISTR.ATOR CONSTRUCTION Construction is proceeding along even with the weather conditions of the last two weeks. Foundations are laid in areas marked in green on the attached site plan. Lower 1eve1 walls are built in the areas shown in yellow. Interior walls for two large vaults , needed for secure storage in the armory, are completed. As footings are poured and cured then heated enclosures are established to allow the building of the walls. No delays in. the work schedule has been �experienced to date. PROJECT SCHEDULE We have drafted a schedule for the completion of all of the camponents of this project including the building, the utilities, the highway and staffing. This project schedule is dependent on the ability to move up the completion of the arena to December 15, 1993 which is yet to be determined. PROJECT COMPLETION MOVE UP As previously discussed we have asked the contractor to provide us with a cost estimate reflecting any additional cost needed to move the completion of the arena from the February 4th date to December 15th. Also, in that regards, the Council approved the expenditure of funds to have a private cost analyst review the praject and provide a separate cost estima.te to move this schedule up. The cost estimate provided by the Contractor is $51,297: the cost estimate provided by the Cost Analyst is "not to exceed $10,227" . I received the estimate from PCL today and have asked the architect to review these costs to compare them to the cost ana yst ' s value. In rder to consider any change in completion schedule we should loo to the potential savings to the City by having ice sales ava lable at an earlier time than February 5, 1994 . Based on our bud et established at the time finance was determined we expect to et approximately $13, 000 a month from the operation of the ice arena. To recover the $51, 397 we would need to recover four Armo y/Community Center Update Feb. 1993 #2 Page 2 months of ice revenue net. The approximately six weeks that we would recover would not be cost effective. If we can succeed at getting the campleta.on date moved up at a cost of $10, 000 as sug ested by the cost analyst we should consider it. We ill continue to review this with the architect and the con ractor and provide a recommendation on the final cost est'mate as we have it. C GE ORDERS As ith any project there will be change orders. Some will be an add d cost, some will provide credits. To this point there are sev ral proposed change orders. None of these have been brought for consideration yet. There are cost estimates provided but non of the estima.tes are confirmed and none of the change orders are approved by the architect yet. After they are approved by , the architect they will be brought to the owners (MSABC and City) for consideration. As these are finalized we will bring them to you for your consideration. 2 � ARMORY SCHEDULE Jan. 1993' Construction - Buildincr ' Construction - Utilities '� - Water, no activity I - Sewer, no activity ' - Highway 3 Improvements - plans being made ' Relocation - Port Au�hority approves quick take of properties - Port Authority receiving/reviewing relocatiQn i payment requests �I Staffing - Consider alternates for Administration February ,, Construction - Buildinq - Consider "move up" schedule - Construction Continues Construction - Utilities � - Water, no activity - Sewer, no activity - Storm, Plans being made ' - Highway 3, Plans being made ', Relocation - Schedule Public Hearing for Quick Take - Continue to negotiate for purchase/relocation Staffing - Approve facility management structure ' - Authorize Airing o€ Manager March Construction - Buildinct ' - Start up for "move up" schedule ' - Construction Continues ' Construction - Utilities - Water, no activity - Sewer, no activity - Storm, Comp3ete design, advertise for bids ', - Highway 3, Complete design, authorize bids ', Relocation - Continue to negotiate for purehase/relocation _ - Demolition Bid/Specs developed ' Staffing - Accept applications for Manager Position , - Select applicants for interview April ' Construction - BuildinQ ' - Construction Continues Construction - Utilities ' - Water, work continues �- , - Sewer, work continues - Storm, Construction Co�tract Awarded ', - Highway 3, No activity 1 � (April con't) Relocation - Relocations concluded - Property is officially acquired ', - Advertise for Demolition of Properties ' Staffing - Conduct Interviews May ', Construction - Buildincr - Construction Continues ' Construction - Utilities ' - Water, Construction Continues - Sewer, Construction Continues - Storm, construction begins � - Highway 3 , Construction Contract Awarded �I Relocation - Demolition of properties on Hwy 3 Begins , Staffing - Manager Hired June ' Construction - Buildina ' - Construction Continues ' Construction - Utilities ' - Water, complete '' - Sewer, complete ' - Storm, complete - Highway 3 , Construction Begins Relocation - Demolition complete Staffing - Other faca.lity staff designated July Construction - Buildincr ' - Construction Continues ' Construction - Utilities - Water, complete - Sewer, complete ' - Storm, construction continues ' - Highway 3, Construction Hegins ' Relocation - Completed ' Staffing - Advertise for other facility staff positions August Construction - Buildincr ' - Construction Continues ' Construction - Utilities ', - Water, complete , - Sewer, complete - Storm, construction continues ', - Highway 3, construction continues ', Relocation - Completed Staffing - Applications received and interviews held for ' other positions , 2 September Construction - Buildinq - Construetion Continues Canstruction - Utilities - Water, complete - Sewer, complete - Storm, construction continues - Highway 3, camplete Relocation - Completed Staffing - Other facility full-time staff hired October Construction - Buildinq - Construction Continues Construction - Utilities - Water, complete - Sewer, complete - Storm, construction continues - Highway 3, c�mplete Relocation - Completed Staffing - All facility fu11-time staff hired November Construction - Buildinct - Construction Continues Construction - Utilities: Campleted - Water - Sewer - Storm - Highway 3 Relocation - Completed Staffing - Complete Hiring December Construction - Buildincr - Arena Open for Operation - Construction on. remainder continues Construction - Utilities - Completed Relocation - Completed Staffing - Completed Hiring Jan. 1994 Construction - Buildinq - Construction Continues February Construction - Buildincr Completed - Entire Facility Grand Opening 3 Rosemount Armory/Communi�y Center 1993 1994 Timeline J F M A M J J A S O N D J F a e a p a u 1 u e c o e a e n b r r y n y g p t v c n b t Building Water Sewer Stormwater ""' ' ' '� � '. :�: .�- Highway 3 - .`. .. �.� ..�� . .. . Relocation �G.;�� `' • . . Stcl�illg (Shaded area shows start of project to finish) Consti•uctive Ideas Planning • CPM Scheduling • Project Cost Analysis • Preconstruction Services January 25, 1993 Mr. Steve Jilk Rosemount City Administrator 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: National Guard Armory/ Rosemount Ice Rink . Dear Mr. Jilk: At the request of Steve Belmont of Arthur Dickey Architects, I have reviewed the construction details and proposed construction scheduling for the Rosemount Arena (bid items 15A, 15B, 15C and 15D) , associated with the National Guard Armory presently under construction in Rosemount, Minnesota. The purpose of this review was to determine what the impact, if any, on cost would be if the contractor moved up this portion of the work to December 14, 1993, rather than completing on the current projected date of February 4, 1994. To facilitate my review, I was provided a copy of the plans and specifications for the project, as well as a payment breakdown for the project prepared by the contractor, PCL Construction Services Inc. , and a copy of the preliminary construction schedule for the project jwhich I assume was prepared by PCL Construction Sezvices, although no contractor' s name shows on the schedulej . The schedules are dated: data date, 9 November 1992; and plot date, 18 Dece�er 1992. A review of the schedule for Phase 2D, the ice rink portion of the work, shows activity in the area starting with excavation {activity 2D005) commencing on approximately April 5_, 1993, and ending with the completion of the punch list (activity 2D615) on approximately February 4, 1994. The schedule type used is commonly known as a Gantt (or bar) chart, which sets forth the construction logic broken down by main trade areas, but does not show the definite relationship between activities, which would be apparent f rom a CPM logic )Ol Jcffcrson Avcnuc,Suitc 3�0• St.Paul,MN 5�102•(6l2) 22�-�7�0• Fax 22�-�7-31 Mr. Steve Jilk January 25, 1993 Page 2 diagram. Nevertheless, a review of the bar chart is useful to determine the overall construction logic applied to the project and the anticipated start dates for the various activities. Within the listed activities, one ean clearly differentiate between "critical" activities {those activities which drive the const=uction process) and activities of convenienee (those activities which "detail" the project but are unimportant for structure or life safety issuesj . Obviously, the completion of structural steel, precast and masonry enclosures is more important to the overall completion of the project than is the completion of interior painting or installation of toilet accessories. In light of this ability to identify critical items, I first reviewed the schedule to determine what, if any, critical items presently extend past the desired completian date of December 14, 1993. In analyzing the schedule in this manner, it appears that only the completion of inechanical/electrical finish items, installation of bleacher seating and miscellaneous metals presently extend past the December 14 date. The trigger for the start of these activities is the completion of preceding activities, commonly refezred to as the end-to-start relationship. While it is true in some construction activities that the preceding activity must be 100$ complete bef ore following activities can start, it is more common that there can be overlap between two sequences, i.e. , finish materials can begin to be installed before all of the rough-in materials are complete (although completion of finish materials cannot be attained until all rough-in materials are completed) . Taking advantage of this, I would suggest that the roof _ - blocking on the project {activity 2D085) could be moved up at least one week to precede the total completian of exterior masonry wall with face brick (activity 2D060) . In addition, the installation of the roofing (activity 2D090 ) , can be moved up to overlap one week with the completion of roof blocking. This change will gain two weeks ' time and should not impact the cost of the project. What it will do is allow a watertight building on September 24, 1993, instead af October 8 as presently planned. Once the water integrity of the building is established, interior finishes could be applied to all areas of the project. This will allow all interior doors and hardware to be completed {activity 2D107 ) , Mr. Steve Jilk January 25, 1993 Page 3 a majority of miscellaneous metals to be installed (activity 2D120) , and approximately half of the bleaeher seating to be installed {activity 2D140) prior to December 14 . Moving the comgletian of inechanical and electrical finishes (activity 2D155) up in the schedule by approximately three to four weeks will allow completion of the ice rink by the desired date. In arder to do this, however, it will be necessary to overlap the completion of the mechanicall electricai rough-in with the installation of inechanieal/ electrical finishes. If a trade item is planned to be installed with one crew, scheduling an overlap of activities will someti.mes require a contractor to add additional crews or per�orm limited work on an overtune basis in order to complete the same amount of work in the shorter period of time. This is where acceleration claims are often made. Looking at the payment breakdown for the project, it appears as though the value of the mechanical system is approximately 19. 6� of the total cost of the work {this is based upon a mechanica2 value of $2, 045,577 and a base project price of 510,389,400 ) . Applying this percentage to the value of bid items 15A and 15B identifies a mechanical cost for these items of $393,372. Again, this is the total value of mechanical rough and finish work for the ice arena portion of the work. Of this value, approximately 80� of the work could be classified as rough-in and equipment cost, and 20� af the work would represent finished items . In other words, the mechanical finishes for the area, i.e. , diffusers, tri.m, balancing, testing and adjustment, are worth approximately $78, 674 . This is the work which may have to be escalated either through judicious use of overtime or possibly the use of a second crew. Increased crew size causes inefficiencies in production due to reduced supervision, and second shift work allows seven hours ' work for eight hours ' pay. Loss of efficiency due to supervision may approach a l0 to 15� loss, and a seven-hour work day with eight hours ' pay results in an increase in cost of 12. 5� of the associated value. Using this increase as a benchmark against a value of $78,674 of identifiable work would allow an escalation for finishing this area early in the range of 10 to 13� increase in cost, which would translate to an increase of $7 ,867 to $10,227. Anything greater than this should be questioned and analyzed. Mr. Steve Jilk January 25, 1993 Page 4 In looking at the schedule, however, and realizing that there are still eleven months of construction before completion of this area of the work, I feel that completion should be able to be attained with no increase in cost by merely resequencing certain activities of work. This, however, may never be achieved, since no contractor will voluntarily shorten his allowed construction time without a corresponding adjustment to his construction contract, . If you have any questions at all concerning my analysis or methods used, please don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ' � � � � William A. Wolters President /lai c: Steve Belmont " , ' JAM 2� '93 65��EPM PCL CGNST�UCTION P.Zi13 �-".' � � c�u«�e�.i aoa 72IIu��$, �4g� Mr. Steve Belmont Arthur Dickey Architects ' �93Q France Avenue 5outh �dina, Minnesota 55410 Re: Ro�emavnt Natioaal Guard Trsining and Communitp Cent�ar 2C.13 �ear Mr. �almont: We are in receipt of your corrQspondence dated 1/8/93 and i/6/93 requesting pricing for an accelerated � ice arena substantial com�tetion date fram 2l5I94 ta 12/1S/93 on ihe abave raferenced. After review of t1-Le proposed change we have a cost impact of $51,297. Enclosed for yaur review, pleasa find detal supporting this cost Impact. Generat PCL pclicy requires that no work is to proceed on any changes until writtcn authorizatian to proceerl is reeeived. If you woutd like PCL tc� proceed with this work, plea�e notify this office in writing. By copy of this correspondence we notify the State of Minnesota snd the Ciry caf Rosez�wunt af the same. This quotation i� subject to eevision unless accepted within 30 d�ys firom the date of this quotatian. If for any reason you require additional inforrnation or have any questionsregarding the aforement4oned, please contact the undersigned. Yours truly, PCL Construct�on ServIces, Inc. ��:../�',�..`3 � � I7avld F. By$ Project Mat�ager �nciosure xc: Steve Jilk� City of Rosemount, Cratg Weber - 5tate of Minnesota� �ile; 513�428 -2C.13 WPFile: DPBL0128.001 PCL CONSTItIJC't'YON SERYfCES�ING 9330 Jame+A�enue South�Bioomtngtoa�biianeeota 55431-2381 Telephooe: (611)�88-4200 • Fax:(67Z}888-1733 FCL C4NSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. � Diatri�t Of!'ioe � �., Pro�act: Natia�al Guard Armory BloamingtoR, Minn��ata Bid Dake t z Loc�tion: Rossmou�t, MinroesotaE ES�iY1� Time: r� o� Estima#e#: 5130428 �C.13 Estlmatar: D.P.B�re {aurrertt D t/281�3 � Cost Labor Manhoisrs I.�or Cc�at Materi�d Cost Stebtrsde Gtsst Tdal � C�e Descri�on t�uantity O �'rod To#al Rate Total Unit Totai Unit Tatd Direct Cc�st m Q, -o GEI'+l. 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' [kstrict Offce � Proja�ct: Na#ianal Guard Armory Blacmingtan, Minnesota B�d Dat�e : z Locatiors; Roaemout�t, N�nrresata Est�mate nrne: N Esfirnaie�: 5130428 2C,13 E�imator: D.P.B�e al Current D 11��f93 � Cnst L.abor Manhtwrs Labor Cast Material Co�t Sub�rade Cost Totai e C�de Descripfion Quantity C) Prod Tatai Rate Tatai LMit Tatal t�rrtt TaffiI Direct Cas# cn 4 LS O.tN�Q 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0 � < .,_ �' `;�,, �,�� La+ 50 1608 i 1850 0 13458 3 -a n r COi11CRETE � 0 u� WfNTER HEAT-CONC 30t! 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