HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.d. Appeals Review Committee, Building / Fire CodeI I CITY OF ROSEMOtTNT �-. EXECIITIVE SUMMAR'1 FOR ACTION � CITY COUNCTL MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 2 , 1993 AGENDA ITEM: APPEALS REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA � �t�t � � ATTACHMENTS: BOARD OF APPEALS - FIRE AND APE BY. BUILDING CODE ��� .� :�J�'` _ ✓ �, The City has received two formal appeals to orders written b� the City' s Fire Marshall . Those apgeals have been made specifically to the City Council . In order to respond to those appeals the City must establish a process which has legal merit . In city staff review of such matters, we have found that the Uniform Building Code and the Uniform Fire Code which are adopted by the City, both set out processes by which appeals are to be handled. This process requires the establishment of a "Board of Appeals" for this purpose. The Building Department has drafted a recommended set of procedures which, if approved by the City Council, would allow for the establishment of the Board of Apgeals for this process . Though the appeals we have received are directed to the City Council, I believe it would be improper to grocess the appeal through the Council as the Building and Fa.re Code both specifically state that the separate board should be established. Ron Wasmund and 2 will provide a verbal ov�rview of this process and we request your consideration for approval so that the Board may be selected and the appeals may be considered. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the establishment of a Fire and Building Code Appeals Baard of Review and to direct the selection of Board Members, the writing of the Board Bylaws and the drafting of the Ordinance establishing the process . covrre=L ACTION: •� r � i ; II� ' � I', §299F.011 PUBLIC SAFE7'Y F[RE MARSHAL §299F.011 � ' Subd. 56. When considcrin als for variances from the fire code,the �i, (2) regutating the me�ns of e�rrss from (amily or group family day care B aPPe homes in addition to the egress rulrs that apply to thc hume as a single family locai appea!board or governing body,the state fire marshal,a state adminis- �' ` dwelling; or trative law judge,and a court shall take into consideration the benefit to be �;„ (3)confining famity o�group family day carr home activitiesto the floor of obtained by complying with the fire marshal's orders and the effect on �' exit discharge. affordable housing,provideJ that the spirit oF the code is complied with and For purposes of this subdivision,"family or group family day care home" public safety secured. �':! means a dwelling unit in which the day care providrr provides the secvices Subd. 6. A person who violates a provision oF tMe uni(orm fire code shali � referred to in section 2d5A.02, subdivision t0, to one ur more persons. be guilty of a misdemeanor. No person shall be convicted for violating the '�' uniform fire code unless the person shall have been given notice of the � Nothing in this subdivision prohibits the department of human services violation irt writing and reasonable time to comply. The notice must contain i,� from adopting or enforcing rules regulating day care, including the subjects a statement explaining the right to appeal the orders. in subdivision 4a,clausas(1) and(3). The department may not, however, ���97a,c.550,§ i,eff.Aprii 13,t974. Amended by taws 1978,c.777,§ 1; Laws adopt or enforce a rule stricter than subdivision 4a,clause(2). , 1981.c.106,§ 1: Laws 1982.c.324.§§ t l4,l30: Laws 1984.c.544.§89; Laws 1984, ! The department of hum�n Services may by rule adopt procedures for c.654,ari.5,§58; Laws t984,c.658,§3,efE.bfay 8,t9&1; Laws 1985,a 248,§70; ���i' requesting the state Eire ma�shal or a local Fire marshal to conduct an Laws 1986,c.444; [aws t986,lst Sp.,c.3,art.J,§ 10,eFf.April t2,1986: Laws 1987, � inspection of day care homes to msure compiiance wilh state or local(ire a 201.§§ i to 3; [aws 1987,c.333.§22; Laws 1990,c.388,§ I: Laws 199i,c.149, i�: codes. §3: laws 1991.c.235,art.3,§2. �;', Subd. 46. The uniform fire code shali not require stairways of existing }ilator�cal and Statutory Notes j�� multiple dwelling buildings of two stories or less to be enclosed. For the rhe iv78 ame�meni reviud ehis sec�ion The �9at amondment in subd. r required �i' purposes af this subdivision the cerm"stories"has the meaning given it in the which(wmerly read: that�he fira code cwnform inso6r as prac[ica- ��}" state building code. bk w malel 4ire codes and permilted sraee �. � "Subdivision i. The rnmmissioner of pub H,�� specialry codes and malel cudes with !I! Text of subd.�k'2t added by LawS 1991,C. 139,§3 and Laws 199/, lic ssfery through the division of firc marsha! necessary modi(ications to be adopted�y rcfeo- �, . � . may promulgate a uniform firc code and make ( c.135,aiG 3,§Z,ejfutive lanuary/, l99�i. amendments thereta in acwrJance wieh the enca `� � � SLLbd.�1e. EXit slgn illumination. The uniform fire codr must prohibit administrative procedure aa,Minnesota Stat Laws t982,c.424,§1 t4 in wbd.1 corrected � �� � � utes,Chapter IS. a s�awto rcference. Laws t982,t.J24,$130 the use of incandescent butbs,except for battery-powered back•up bulbs,in '�' � 'u internal! 111uminated exit si s. "Subd.2. (a)Unless otherwise specifically authoriud �he rcvisor oE stamtu to change . . Y B� . uatutory referenca to�he administrative pro � listed,wherever in the Ies�o(the unitorm code ���ure ac� if it is recom led as�a u arate Subd. 5. Appeal policy. Upon application, the state fire marshal may rekrcnce ia made w a national(ire protcc�ion w P grant variances Erom the minimum requirements speciEied in the code if there assoclation pampAleq the date of Issue of that �haP�er. is substantiat compliance with the provisions of the code, the safety of the pamPnk�shau be�he o�e liucd in tMe 1973 Laws 198i,c.3J4,§89,in wbd.4,wbuitut• edition of the na�ional(ire codes.az promul• ed"I68.54 ro 16B.83"for"16.83 to 16..86T. public and oecupants of such building will not be jeopardized, and undue gated by ihe national(ire pro�ection associa• hardship will rault to the applicant unless such variance is granted. No �ion. taws 1984,ch.654,an.5,§S8,authoriud the revisor ro changes refercnces to the com- appeal to the state Fire marshal for a variance from the urtiform fire code •(b)Wherever in the text of tfie uniform firc missioner or depanmem of'publie welfarc"io shall be accepted until the applicant has�rst made application to the IOCaI tode re(ernrce is made to�he electrical code,it rcfer to�he commissroner or dePanmem oE governing body and the local unit has acted on ihe application. The sWtc fire +�+���b��be na�ional eI«�rical code,iv��edi• "human urvices"wherever�hey appear in tht marsha!shall consider the dscision of the local governing body. Any person �+Ofl' Minnesota Stalutes. aggrieved by a decision made by the Eire marshal under ihis subdivision may :; "S��•3. The commisseoner sha11 adop� laws 1984,c.658,added wbd.na. roceed before the fire marshal as with a eontested case in accordance with ': ^'� ana rcsul��ions, in necwaance wiih P � Minneso�a�S/alu�es,Chapter I5,as may be nec• Th°�985 amendmeN instructed the rcvisor t}18 3(�RIIIfISttOtlVt pPOCetfU[0 eCL � � �y. essary to administer and en(orce the code,spe• �o wbsli�uted"rule"w"ruks"for"regulation` � � cifica4ly including but not limited to wla and or"tcgulation"wherever�hey appear in the Subd.Sa Local boarda of appeal.Local governing bodies may appoint ?�` regula�ions for mspeaion of buiwin8s and o�h- htinnesota Staw�es: boazds aE appeal to hear and Yule on appeals from orders issued under the µ' a'aeructurcs rnvered by the codc and conform- Laws 1986,c.44A,authorized�he removal of ,;� fire code. An appeal from a local board oE appeal may be made to the loca[ i"�����o�he governmeneal organizaiion nonsubs�antive gender sprcific rc[nrnces. overnin bod if a board of a eal is not a �: °f M'""�'�ua'°�°"�'�,�oi��i���a�bai�- B B Y• pP PPointed,the appeals Of orders �bm and local governments." Laws 1966.Ist Sp..e.3,an.4.5 10,inxn�d must be made direcdy to the governing body. Local boards of appeal and � s�be.ab. . Laws t978,c.7T7,§2t.Provides: governing bodies are not liable for damages in connection with granting ,+�, t,aws�9a�,a 2m,gg i io�,added subds.sa � variances,abatements,denials,or mod�i€ications of orders from the firc eode �`. �T�"s�is sffec�ive on�he day following and 56 and added'Che naice muu eonuin a � Rnal enae�mmt�April 6,t978)exttp�that sec• s�a�ement explaining ehe rigM to appeal the � � that are made in good faiih. �bn t,wbd.a,;s ett«iive tyiy t,1979". orden"as Ihe last senlence of wbd.6. 582 583 k:�; . . � � . .i.. . � . . . .:..r.. � . ___-'. � . . � ...""'.._.. � � � + � 202-204 UNIFORM BUI�OMG CODE . -,j � , . � . � . � . J ` � official after receipt of such notict to make thc structure, or portion thereof, , . comply w•ith the requirements of this code. " (�Liabttit}:The building officiat,or his suthorized representative charged � with the enforcement of this cade,acting in good faith and without malice in the dischargt of his duti�s.shall not thereby render himself personatly liable for any ' damage that may accrue to persons or property as a resuit of any act or by reason of any act or ornission in the dischugc of his duues.Any suit brought aeainst the building official or emplo��ee because of such act or oinission performed by him ' � in the enforcement of any provision of such cades or other pertinent law�s or ordinances implementtd tluough the enforcement of this code or enforced by�the 1 � code enforcement agencp shall be delended b}•this jurisdiction ur.til final termi- .NWAO; nation of such proceedings, and any judgment resulting therefrom sha11 be ( s: assumod by this jurisdicuon. .7AGiM3 ' This code shall nat be consuued to relieve from or lcssen the responsibilitt�af any person owning,operating or convolling an��building or struccure for any damages to penans or propert�•caused b�•defecu,nor shal!the codo enforcemenc agency or its parent jurisdiction be held as usuming any such liability b}�reason of i � the inspections authorized by this codror any permics oc certificaees issued under this coda ` (g)Cooperation of Other Offictals and Ofticers.The building official ma�• raquest,and shall receive so far as is tequired in thedischarge ofhis duties,the assistance and cooperation of othor of�ciats of this jurisdiction. � Unsafe Buildings or Structures Sec.203.Alt buildings or svuctures reeulaud by�this code w•hich are struccur- ally�unsafe ornot provided w•ith adequate egress,or which constitute a fue hazard, � ; or are ocherw•ise daneerous to human life are, for the purpose of ehis scction, unsafe.Any use of buiidings or svuctures constimung a hazard to safet�•,health or public w•elfare by reason of inadequatt maintenance,dilapidation,obsolesrence, � fire hazard,disaster,damage or abandonment is,for the putpose of this section,an nnsafe use. Parapet w�alls, cornices, sp'ues, to��en, tan}:s, statuaz}• and other � appendages or strucmrai memben which are supported b�,attached to,or a part of a building and w•hich are in deteriorated condition or otherx•ise unable to sustain 1 the design loads w•hich are specified in this code are htreby designated as unsafe building appenda2es. , Ail such unsafe buildings,suuctures or appcndages are hercby declared to be + public nuisances and shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or remo�•al in accordance w•ith the procedures set forth in the Dan¢erous Buildines Code or such alternate procedures,as may have been or as may be adopted b�this jurisdiction.As an alternative,thrbuilding official,or other employee or officiai of this jurisdiction as designated by the governing body,may institute am�other appropriate action to prevent,restrain,correct or abate the��iolation. ' Board of Appeals � Sec.20.i.(ap General.In order to hear and decide appeals of orders,decisions or determinations made by the building official retative to the applicatiod and 6 i � . . i „ � 1988 EDITION 204-205 intctprctation of this code,there shall be and is hercby crcated a Qoard of 4ppcals � ' consisting of inembcrs�►�ho are qualified by�experience and trsining to pass upon �� matters pertaining to building construction and w�ho are not employees of the . jurisdiction.The building official shall be an ex officia mernber of and shall act as secretary to said board but shall have no vote upon any matter before the board. � The Board of Appeals shall be appointed b}•tht govemir.g bod��and shati hald officc at its pleasure.The board shall adopt rules of procedure for conducting its business and shali render all decisions and findin�sin a•riting to the appellant with a duplicate copy to the building ofCicial. • • : � (b)Limitations oC Authorit}•.The Board of Appcals shall have no authori[y � . relative to interpretauon of the administrative provisions of this codc nor shall chc � •- Board be empowered[o w•aive requirements of this code. � Yotations . � See. 205. It shall be unlaw•ful for any person,firm or corporation to erect, consvuct,enlazge, altcr,repair, mo��e, improve, remos•e, com•ert or demolish, 1 equip,use,occupy or maintain any building or structure or cause or permit the . satne to be done in viotation of this code. _ � 1 � 7 ! \ � 2.205-2.302 UNIFORM FIRE CODE . , mai!to his last knou•n address.Orders or notices w�hich are givcn verbally shal!be � confirmed by servicc in��riting as hcrein providcd. ' Division 111 � SPECIAL PROCEDURES Aiternate Materfals and Methods ° : Sec.2.301.(a)The chief may modify any of the provisions of this code upon application in writing by the owner or lessee or his duly authorized reprcsentative w•here there are practieai difficultics in the N•ay of canying out the strict letier of the code,provided that the spirit of thc code shalt be complied with,public safe[y secured and substantial justice done.Theparticulars of such modification shalt be granted or allow�ed and the decision of the chief shall be entcred upon the records of che d�panment and a signed copy shall bc furnished the applicant. (b)The chief on notice to the building department rfiay approve anp alternate material or method,provided he finds that the proposed design,use or operation saeisfactorily complics with the incent of this code and that thc materiat,method of wurk performed or opention is,for the purpose intended,atleut the equivalent of that prcscribed in this code in quality, svength, effectiveness, fue rcsistance, durability and safety, pro��ided,howtiver, that any appro�al under the authority hercin contained shail be subjcct to the appro��al of the buildin�official w•henever the altemate material or method involves matters regulatcd by the Building Coda (c)The chief may require tests as prooi of compiiaace with the intrnt of this , code,such tests to be made by an approved agcncy at the expense of the person requesting approval of the alternate material or method of conswction. ± (d}If technical expertise is una��ailable w•ithin the department because of new � technolog�•,proctss,producu,facilities,materials and uses attendinc the dcsign, � operation or use of a building or premises subject to the inspection of the department,the chief may rcquirt che owner or the person in possession or convol � of the building or premises co provide, a•ithout charge to the deparcment, a � [eehnical opinion and report. The opinion and repart shall be pr�pazed b} a qualified engineer, specialist, laboratory or fire•safety specialc?• organization , acceptable to the chief and the owna and shall analyze the Cuo-safety propertiu • of the design,operation or use of thc building or premises and the facilicics and � appurtenances situated thereon, and prescribe che necasary recommcnded , changes. { Board of Appeals � Sec.2.302.!n ordcr to determine the suitability of alternace materials and type of conswction and to providc for rcasonable interpretations of the pro�•isions of � this codt,there shall bo and hereby is created a Board of Appeals consisting of t five members who aze qualified by experience and training to pass upon pertinent ; matters.The fire chief shall be an ex offieio member and shall act as secretar�•of ! the board.The Board of Appeals shali be appointed b}•the executive body and shatl hotd offiee at their pleasure. The board shall adopt reasonable rules and , rcgulations for conducting its investigations a�d shall render att decisions and 6 � � I I . , ' 1982 EDiTION 2.302-2.303 = � findincs in M�riting to thc frrc chief, w�ith a duplicatc cop}•ro the appcliant, and , . may recommend to [he executi�•e body such ncw legisi�tion as is consistcnt ) thcrca•ith. ' Standards - Sec. 2.;03. (a) Uniform Fire Code Standards. ?'he Uniform Fire Code " Standards referenccd in this code are those standards contained in the Uniform Fire Code Standards.198'_'edition,published by'the R'estern Firc Chiefs Associa- tion and the International Confercncc of Building Officials listcd bdow. Thc " • � Uniform Building Code Standards published by the Imernational Canfercnce of BuildinQ Officials and referenecd b�•this code are hereby declared to be parc of this code as if set forth in full herein. UNIFORM FIRE COD�STANDARDS U,f.C.STD.AND SEC.NOS. 71TLE y� ARTICLE 9 � _ 9-I:9.108 = 1. Standard!�lcthod of Test for Flash Point t+y Tac Closed Tester. � . � : • 9-2;9.108 : � '� Scandard �iethod of Test for Flash Poin[by the Pens�;}•-t�fartens Closed =:_ Tester. £ t 9•3:9.108 -`- ( Standazd �iethod of Test for Flash Point of A��iation Turbine Fvels bp z � _ . Setaflash Closed Tester. £ � 9-�:9.)OS � Standard Dlethod of Test for Flash Point of Liquids b�� Sctaflash Closed s Tescer. � � _ 9•5•9.124 = Standard\1ethod of Test for Vapor Pressure of Petrolcum Products(Reid � �lcthod). � 9-6;9.108 and 79.'_0] (a) Standard r4ethod o['I'est for Flash and Firc Points by Cle��eland Opcn Cup. _ ARTICLE l0 10-I: 10.30I (a1. 10.303 tb). ?4.l}3 (b). 24.113 (c), 34.i13 (dl. 30.104 (b). -•` 30.105(b).45.309.45.307(al.79.?OS la)and 79.807(c) ' � Selection, lnstallation. Inspection, �4aintenance and Testine of Portable ' Firc Extineuishcrs. . 70-3: ]0.307(c)and Appendix Itl C a Use of Sprinklcr Alarm and Firc Alarm S}�stzms. � 7 � CHARLES NOVAK A.I.A. ARCHITECT November 18, 1992 Board of Directors Rosemount PZaza Condominiums Rosemount, MN RE: Terrace Remodeling Dear Board of Directors: Enclosed please find two copies of a cost comparison report comparing three different options for the correction of the water penetration problems on the existing terraces. - The f irst option (called Option "A") leaves the terraces open with a new waterproof inembrane being applied over a new plywood subfloor, The second option (called Option "B") proposes to enclose each of the terraces with a woad frame window-wall and wood clad casement windows to form a three-season porch at each terrace area. The final option (called Option "C" ) is similar to Option "8" , but has an aluminum frame window-wall and sliding aluminum windows. Both Option "B" and "C" include the roofing of the one open third floor deck at the northeast corner of the building. Also provided in the report is a cost comparison of all three of the option types. The cost comparisons are broken down for each type af terrace and a total cost of each option is included. Please review this report and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Ed McMenomy indicated that once you have decided upon the course that you intend to follow, there would be a need for the preparation of some detailed construction documents so that competitive bids can l�e taken prior to canstruction. After you have made a decision, please contact me and I will be happy to work with you to carry this through the bidding and constructian phases. Sincere , Charles Novak, Architect 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TftAil. - SUITE 200 - ROSEMOUNT, MINNfSOTA 55068 (612) 423-2254 COS`I' COMI3E�RISON REPURT ' FOR TERRAC'.E ENCI�USUI2ES. OR RE-WATERPROOF i2USEMOUN`.t' F"..,AZA CONUUMINIUMS dtUS�MUUN7', MTNNF'SO`1'A This report is prepared to offer a cost comparison for three different solutions to correc;t the existing water penetration problems at the existing terraces oF the conciominium. Eacfl solution incorporates th� removal of the existing waterproof membrane and plyscor.e subfloor in order to correct the structural damage that has already taken place. The exi�sting plyscore subfioor will be replaced by a new 3/4" tongue and groove p2ywood subfloor, allowing each unit the option of installing any type of finish flooring the condominium ow�ier may choose. The three solutions �re identified by the titles Optian "A" , Option "B" , and Option "C" . �: 24" x 36" drawing is included to explain the construction methods involved�� in each individual option. A construction cost estimate is provided for each option, with each estimate broken down to show the estimated cost for each particular terrace desic�n. 4PTION "A" This solution wi11 keep the existing looks of the condominium building the same as it presently exists by substituting a new waterproof inembrane for those �hat presently exist. The new membrane will be one that is specifieally designed to be installed on a flat plywood deck; and a manufacturer's warranty of 5 to 10 years will be provided, depending on the particular membrane selected for installation. Each individual unit owner will have the option of leaving the membrane as the finished walking surface or covering the membrane with an outdoor carpet. Material cost and installation of carpet will be at the unit owner's ex�,ense. The fallowing is a listing of the work included in the Option "A" proposal . l . Removal of the existing waterproof inembrane and plyscore subfloor. 2 . Installation of new 3/4" tongue and groove plywood subfloor. 3 . Installation of a new waterproof inembrane. 4 . Re-installation of the existing steel and glass railings after cleaning �nd repainting. , ESTIMATED COST 1S`P LEVEL 2Nl) LEVEL 3RD LEVFL Terrace Type 1 2725.00 2525 .00 2525.00 Terrace Type 2 3375.00 300fl.00 3000.00 Terrace �l'ype :s 270p.UO 2500,00 , 2500.OU Terrace Type 4 2700 .00 2500.00 2500.04 Terrace Ty�e 5 3150 .00 2900. 00 2900.00 Terrace Type 6 3350.00 3150.00 3150.00 `Perrace Type 7 3100.UO 2900 .00 2900.00 Estimated Total Project Cost for Option "A" ----- $60,050. 00 OPTION uBn This solution proposes to enclose each terrace area with a wood framed window-wall . The wall surfaces will be finished on the interior and exteric�r with cedar lap siding to match that already existing on each of the terraces. Wood clad casement window units are proposed within the new wall areas. The windows are of a design that allows for easy cleaning of both the interior and exteri�r glass surfaces. The new plywood subfloor will allow each unit owner to select the type of floor finish that will best fit his own specific requirements from carpet to tile. The material cost and installation of the floor finishes will be at the unit owner's expense. The following is a listing of the work included in the Option "B" proposal . 1 . Removai and disposal of existing steel/glass railings. 2 . Removal of the existing waterproof inembrane and subfloor. 3 . Installation of a new 3/4" tongue and groove plywoad subfloor. 4 . Installation of a wood frame window-wall . . 5. Staining of new wood surfaces to match the existing. 6 . Installation of a roof enclosure at Terrace Type 5, 3rd Level . _ ESTIMATED COST 15T LEVE]'� 2ND LEVEL 3RD LEVFI, Terrace Type 1 5035.00 4900 .00 4900.00 Terrace Type 2 5600 .Q0 5850 .00 5850.00 Terrace Type 3 5050 . 00 5300.Oq 5300.00 Terrace Type 4 5050.00 5300 .00 5300.00 Terrace Type 5 4850.00 5100.00 7900.00 Terrace Type 6 4750. 00 5000, 00 5000.00 Terrace Type 7 4150.00 4350.00 4350.00 Estimated Total Project Cost for Option "B'' ----- $108 ,865.00 OPTION "C'' This solution proposes to enclose each terrace with an aluminum framed window-wall. The opaque wall surfaces will be finished with an aluminum skinned insulated panel above and below a full width sliding window unit. All exposed surfaces will have a bron2e anodized finish. The new plywood subfloor will allow each unit owner to select the type of floor finish that will best fit his own specific requirements from carpet to tile. The material cost and installation of the floor finishes will be at the unit owner's expense. The following is a listing of the work included in the Option "C" proposal . 1. Removal and disposa3 of existing steel/glass railings. 2. Removal of the existing waterproof inembrane and subfloor. 3 . Installation of a new 3/4" tongue and groove plywood subfloor. 4 . Installation of an aluminum framed window-wall system. 5. Installation of a roof enclosure at Terrace Type 5, 3rd Level . ESTIMATED COST 1ST LEVEL 2ND LEVEL 3RD LEVEL Terrace Type 1 6500.00 6250 .00 6250.00 Terrace Type 2 7750.00 7500. 00 7500.00 Terrace Type 3 6500 .00 6250.00 6250.00 Terrace Type 4 5450.00 5200.00 5200.00 Terrace Type 5 8000.00 7850.00 10,000.00 Terrace Type 6 9400.00 9150.00 9150.00 Terrace Type 7 5050.00 4800.00 4800.00 Estimated Total Project Cost for Option "C" --- - $144,800. 00 /'�1 ' ' � m�du.�ay national bank September 14, 1992 ` Rosemount Port Ruthority Mr. John Miller Rosemount City Hall � 2875 145th St. , West, P.O. Box Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Rosemount Condominiums - 14575 Burma Avenue Dear Mr. Mill�r: I am writing in response to your request for information regarding the amount Midway National Bank would be willing to - sell its interest in the above referenced property. Based upon the Bank's internal analysis and the ir.formation obtained by the Bank from its July 1992 appraisal, we would consider an offer for the remaining eight units of $406 , 000 . The sale of the units would be "as is" with the Bank transferring its rights, title, and interest in the property by quit claim deed. Additionally, for your information, I have enclosed excergts from the Bank's appraisal which show each units assessed, mark�et, and liquidation/quick sale value as well as a brief description of the units . This letter represents an expression of interest for discussion purposes only. Any sale would be subject to the terms an3 conditions of a written purchase agreement between the parties . If the Port Authority is interested in pursuing this matter '` „"� ,- .,,- ; f = ^� p -,t • �' �'-" • , ' nLcr�r�at�an, plzas� do not ��.� he_ .,.. � ,...n r., r�..� G..u�t��:.a� � hesitate to contact me at 643-8478 . Sincerely, ' dway National B k ��+.�,,, - _ tr' James K. Simons Vice President Enclosure JKS/kmb apple valiey 730�t:?th st.w:•app�e val!ey.mir,nesota 55124•612'431-470�•tax:43t-4502 burnsviile 143v0 nicollet couR•bumsviile. rrinneso:a 55337•612'892-55E5•fax:892•So58 saint paui un�versity 8 sneliirg•sa�n?paul.mirnesota�570�•612 64o-2o6t•'ax:6�6-200� SUMMARY OF SALIENT �ACTS AND CONCLUSIONS Pcoperty Address: 14575 Burma Avcnuc Roscmount, MN Legal Description: Sce Report Gross Land Arca: 27,210 SF Gross Buildias Arca: 10 Unils � Zonins: Mulliple Residcntial Indicatcd Land Valuc: NJA Indicated Value by N/A Cost Ap�roach: Indicatcd Valuc by $ 641,500.00 Sales Comparison Approach: Indicated Valuc by Income N/A Capitalization Agproach: ALLOCATION OF VALUE - FINAL VALUE ESTIMATE Liquida[ion or Unit # Indicated Market Value "As Is" "Quick Salc Price" w 64,000 $ 51,200 i0G S 50,800 101 � G3,SOQ � 42,400 103 - � 53,000 S �0,000 105 $ 62,500 , � � $ 53,200 200 $ 66,500 � �1,200 �pl S G4,000 $ 51,200 - 203 $ G4,000 � 56,800 206 5 71,000 � � � � � � 1 Eri ��irJ'�J � ��i�� � �C �AY�1"C� V:�:�''.�" �+.h��!n a�v' �c1J�M"Z.n� C. R. PELTON & ASSOCIATES, IAC. a , � ' ASSESSORS MARKET VALUE & TAXES TAXES ° Unit #100 Proper[y ID # 34 64651 lOQ 02 $2,069.78 1990 Markct Value $64,000 Unit #101 ' PID # 34 64G51 101 02 $2,014.34 1990 Mar�:ct Valuc �62,300 PID # 34 G4651 103 02 $1,720.96 Unit #103 m 1990 Markct Value $53,200 . Unit #105 PID # 34 64651 105 02 $2,166.80 1990 Markct Value $67,000 , 6 , Unit #200 PID # 34 64G51 200 02 52,118.30 1990 Market Value $65,500 Unit #201 PID # 34 64G51 201 02 $2,Ofi2.86 1990 Market Valuc $57,800 Unit #203 PID # ' 34 64651 203 02 �2,044.38 1990 Markct Valuc �G3,200 Uni[ #206 PID # 34 64G51 20G 02 �2,218.78 1990 Markct Valuc SG8,6U0 .., . , C. R. PELTON & ASSOCIATES, INC. ld T T Many units havc uncovered floors, allowin� a purchascr to choosc flooring to mect individual tastes. Some appliances are in place. Each unit has one or more entranccs to a covered deck. Trim ia thc uni[s is good quality. The following dcscriplion of each indivic�ua( units. _ M aster Unit# Sizc Carnet ApAiianccs Skvtieht Bath w � c�uzri 100 1156 SF Ycs RIOR No 1-3/4 Ycs W & D 101 1112 SF Yes R/OR No 1-1/2 Yes W & D 103 800 SF No R/OR No 1 No 105 1270 SF No -- No 1-3/4 Ycs -�H 200 1156 SF Yes -- No 1-3l4 Yes` 201 1112 SF No - No 1-1/2 Yes 203 1100 SF No R/O No 1-3/4 Yes The average quality ol the projec[ far exceeds average and could be described as good. The quality of the units is good. This is a quality project ihat su[fers from locational effects, some functional obsolescence and deferred maintenance. The average condition of the improvements is considered to be new or lil:e ncw for lhe agc and type of use. . There are some roof groblems occurring, primarily leakage. This may be from a lack of maintenance or maybe caused by not being lotally finished when originally completed. Design also is contribucing to problems on [he decks that nced immediate a[tention. C. R. PELTON & ASSOCIATES, INC. . . t . � � . � . . . . . . : i � � Dakota County Office ���� 1875 Plaza Drive 1 Eagan.A1N 55122 , 612/452-5950 Fax 952-5481 ROSII�'lOUNr PI�AZA C'ONDO'S � UNIT ;# LIST PRICE SQ. F�OCyrAGE 100 �66,900. 1156 101 66,900 1112 103 54,900 800 105 68,900 1270 106 72,°00 12�8 200 65,94Q 1156 201 66,900 1112 203 66,QUO 1100 2�6 72,900 1258 303 67,900 1i0� i�1ID�ti'AY NATIC7N�I, B�1N�� WII� FAY ALL NOi�t HQMESTEc� TA�S* 1�,L L'I�IITS HAVE DISHWAS�IER, DIS?�OSAL, AND h�ZL}?OOL ZUt3 * ��'�� � � IVlyrna R. Sens, GP.I � �'_ �lillioi� Club cxecutive Sales A�so�iate ' ' \e�v C�nstruction& Ezistin� Har, Q3 Q ��:, I�akota County Uffic� ��,.�• ;,:�. � » 1S?5 Plaza Dri��e /' � . �-_ . .�.. �..���������.�.�_�'����.'__'..__��.._�.�.�.�...�.�.�����'_��.�.� . ����`_��... _.. _...�.......���.�..�.. . + . . . .. . � . . • . ' ` ' '' '���� . . 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' � � � =--=�-`=--=_�.� .� �� �;.. .__•,,.-- - --- Burnet Realiy Welcames You To 14575 Burma Ave 104 ° Rosemount Offered At: $66,900 Fresented By: Myrna�Sens Year Built 1989 Camplex Name Rosemount Plaza Foundati.on Size 1156 Total Finished 1156 1992 Property Tax $2070 Homesteaded 1992/ N Assessments $ Home Style Low Rise "`• Home And Room Information ** - Total Baths 2 Kitchen RT M 7X9 Full Baths 1 Other Room 3/4 Baths 1 lst Bedroom 1B M 12X19' 1/2 Baths 2nd Bedroom 2B M 1OX15 School District 196 Other Room Basemenz Bath No Other Room Master Bath Yes Family Type Adults Only Total Bedrooms 2 Pets Weight Living Room LR M 13X16 Association Fees $137 Dining Roam DR M 1OX14 Fees Include SA,SL,OM,HI,WS Fireplace No Air Conditioning Central Air Heat Type HW /GAS Exterior Brick Stone Basement No Basement Walk Out No Parking l Und Gnd Garag Gar. Door Opener Yes *� Included Items '"t Disposal Microwave Range Refrigerator Dishwasher Security System Whirlpool Bus Line Deck/Patio Metro Phone Bright S.e. Corner-main Level-security Bldg-underground Pkg Cab�.e" Hook-up-disposal-range-refrig-micro-oak Cabinets-l.rg Oval Whirlpool Tub-sep Laundr� Rm W/ Storage-new Neutral Carpet-3 Walkouts-carefree Living-drastically Reduced: Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed. For Further Information or help with your Real Estate Needs, Please Ca11 Myrna Sens Home: 423-246fi Office: 683-8266 Burnet Realty Welcomes You To 14575 Burma Ave 107 Rosemount Offered Att � �66,900 Presented By: Myrna Sens Year Built 1989 Complex Name Rosemount Plaza Foundation Size 1112 Total Finished 1112 1992 Property Tax $2014 Homesteaded 1992/ N Assessments $ Home Style Low Rise x* Home And Room Information ** Total Baths 2 Kitchen RT M 8X11 Full Baths 1 Other Room 3/4 Baths 1 lst Bedroom 1B M 13X16 1/2 Baths 2nd Bedroom 2B M 11X18 A School District 196 Other Room Basement Bath No Other Room Master Bath Yes Family Type Adults Only Total Bedrooms 2 Pets Weight Living Room LR M 15X23 Association Fees $135 Dining Room DR Fees Include SA,SL,OM,AI,WS Fireplace No Air Conditioning Central Air Heat Type HW /GAS Exterior Hardboard Mason Basement Full Walk Out No Parking 1 Assigned Und Gar. Door Opener Yes ** Included Ttems *" Disposal Microwave Range Refrigerator Dishwasher Exercise Room Whirlpool Bus Line Deck/Patio Metro Phone � 2 Bd-2 Bath-master Has Whirlpool-more Closet/storage Than Sing. Fam-plus Secured Basement Storage Area-no Maint- Carefree Living In The Heart Of Rosemount-minutes To Shop- Ping & Churches Sr Cit. Bldg Next Doar For Activities . Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed. For Further Information or help with your Real Estate Needs, Please Call Myrna Sens Home: 423-2466 4ffice: 683-8266 ' Burnet Realty Welcomes You To 14575 Burma Ave 103 Rosemount Offered At: $54,900 Presented By: Myrna Sens Year Built 1989 Complex Name Rosemount Plaza Foundation Size 800 Total Finished 800 1992 Property Tax $1721 Homesteaded 1992/ N Assessments $ Home Style Low Rise '* Home And Room Information �`* Total Baths 1 � Kitchen RT M 9X11 Fu11 Baths 1 Other Room 3/4 Baths lst Bedroom 1B M 11X13 1/2 Baths 2nd Bedroom 2B School District 196 Other Room Basement Bath No Other Room Master Bath No Family Type Adults Only Total Bedrooms 1 Pets Weight Living Room LR M 12X23 Association Fees $124 Dining Room DR Fees Include SA, SL,OM,HI,WS Fireplace No Air Conditioning None Heat Type HW /GAS Exterior Brick Stone Basement Walk Out No Parking 1 Assigned Und Gar. Door Opener Yes ** Included Items '* Disposal Microwave Range Refrigerator Dishwasher Whirlpool Bus Line Metro Phone 1 Bdrm W/ Sunshine-all Appliances Included- Lots & Lots Of Closets-2 Walk Outs To Deck-elevator Access To To Al1 Floors-private Garage-washer/dryer Hook Ups-european Style Cabinets-whiripool Tub-great Carefree Living: Information Deemed Reliable Bu� Not Guaranteed. For Further Information or help with your Real Estate Needs, Please Call Myrna Sens Home; 423-2466 Offiice: 683-8266 � r . , , Burnet Reaity Welcomes You To � 14575 Burma Ave 105 Rosemount Ot�fered At: $68,900 Presented By: � Myrna Sens Year Built 1989 Complex Name Rosemount Plaza Foundation Si2e 1270 Total Finished 1270 1992 Property Tax $2166 Homesteaded ?992/ N Assessments $ Home Style Low Rise ** Home Aad Room Informatioa ** Total Baths 2 Kitchen KT M 12X12 Full Baths 1 Other Room i�D M 7X8 3J4 Baths 1 lst Bedroom 1B M 12X19 1/2 Baths 2nd Bedroom 2B M 12X13 School District 196 Other Room Basement Bath No Other Room Master Bath No Family Type Adults Only Total Bedroorns 2 Pets Weight Living Room LR M 21X24 Association Fees 514i Dining Room DR Fees Include SA, SL,OM,HI,WS Fireplace No Air Conditioning Central Air Heat Type HW /GAS Exterior Brick Stone Basement Full Walk Out No Parking �� Garage Und G Gar. Door Opener Yes � Included Items "°" Disposal Dishwasher Fan Hood Whirlpool Bus Line Deck/Patio Metro Phone Laundry Area-wash Tub-in Foyer-plus 7 ' Of Upper & Lower Cab. Lead To Bright Kitchen With Window Over Sink-snack Bar For Informal Eating -1rg Lr & Dr Comb. W/ 2 Walk Outs Bump Out For Hutch-piano Area-very Open Design-3/4 Bth Off 2nd Bd Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed. For Further Information or help with your Real Estate Needs, Please Call Myrna Sens Home: 423-2466 Office: 683-82fi6 Buraet Realty Welcomes You To 14575 Burma Ave 200 , Rasemount Oifered At: $65,900 Presented By: Myrna Sens Year Built 1989 Complex Name Rosemount Plaza Foundation Size 1156 Total Finished 1156 1992 Property Tax $2118 Homesteaded 1992/ N . Assessments $ Home Style Low Rise '* Home And Room Information *" Total Baths 2 Kitchen RT M 7X9 Full Baths 1 Other Room 8X8 3/4 Baths 1 lst Bedroom 1B M 1OX15 1/2 Baths 2nd Bedroom 2B M 12X19 School District 196 Other Room Basement Bath No Other Room Master Bath Yes Family Type Adults Only Total Bedrooms 2 Pets Weight Living Room LR M 13X16 Association Fees $137 � Dining Room DR M 1OX14 Fees Include SA, SL,OM,HI,WS Fireplace No Air Conditioning Central Air Heat Type HW /GAS Exterior Brick Stone Basement Full Walk Out No Parking �1 Assigned Und Gar. Door Opener Yes ** Included Items ** � Disposal Microwave Dishwasher Fan Hood Security System Whirlpool Bus Line Deck/Patio Metro Phone New Neutral Carpet-micro-stainless Sink-disposal-european Cabinets-laundry With Shelving-.fiberglass Shower In 3/4 Bath Whirlpool In Master-seller To Pay Homestead Difference--bonus To Buyer For Quick Sale! Information Deemed Reliabl.e But Not Guaranteed. For Further Information or help with your Real Estate Needs, Please Ca11 Myrna Sens Home: 423-2466 Office: 683-8266 Burnet Reatty - Welcomes You To 14575 Burma Ave 201 � Rosemount . Offered At; $66,900 Presented By: Myrna Sens � � Year Built 1989 Complex Name Rosemount Plaza Foundation Size 1112 Total Finished 1112 1992 Property Tax $2462 Homesteaded 1992/ N Assessments $ Home Style Low Rise ** Home And Room Information ** . Total Baths 2 Kitchen KT M 8X11 Full Baths 1 Other Room 3/4 Baths Zst Bedroom 1B M 13X16 1/2 Baths 1 2nd Bedroom 2B M 11X18 Sehool District 196 Other Room Basement Bath No Other Room Master Bath Yes Family Type No Restrictions Total Bedrooms 2 Pets Weight Living Room LR M 15X23 Association Fees $135 Dining Room DR Fees Include SA, SL,OM,Hi,WS Fireplace No Air Conditioning Central Air Heat Type HW /GAS Exterior Brick Stone Basement Full Walk Out No Park.ing 1 Und Gnd Garag Gar. Door Opener Yes ' �* Included Items '"* Disposal Dishwasher Fan Hood Security System Whirlpool Bus Line Deck/Patio Metro Phone 2 Bedroom -2 Bath Plus Walls & Wa11s Ful1 Of Closet Space - 1/2 Bath Right Inside Entry For Convenience - Private Master Bedroom With Fu11 Bath Plus Whirlpool-south West Exposure- Appliance Allowance Available- Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed. For Further Tnformation or help with your Real� Estate Needs, Please Call Myrna Sens Home: 423-2466 Office: 683-8266 Y Burnet Realty Welcomes Yon To 14575 Burma Ave 203 Rosemount � Offered At: $66,900 Presented By: Myrna Sens Year Built 1989 Camplex Name Rosemount Plaza Foundation Size 11Q0 Total Finished 1100 1992 Property Tax $2044 Homesteaded 1992J N Assessments $ Hame Style Low Rise ** Home And Room Informatioa ** Total Baths 2 Kitchen RT M 9X11 Full Baths 1 Other Room 3/4 Baths 1 lst Bedroom 1B M 11X34 1/2 Baths 2nd Bedroom 2B M 9X13 School District 195 Other Room Basement Bath No Other Room Master Bath Yes Family Type Adults Only Total Bedrooms 2 Pets Weight Living Room LR M 23X13 Association Fees $134 Dining Room DR Fees Include SA, SL,OM,HI,WS Fireplace No Air Conditioning Central Air Heat Type HW /GAS Exterior Brick Stone � Basement Full Walk Out No Parking 1 Assigned Und Gar. Door Opener Yes "�" Inciuded Items "°" Disposal Dishwasher Fan Hood Security System Whirlpool Bus Line Deck/Patio Metro Phone 1100 Of Privacy - Security - 2 Bd 2 Ba - Plus Loads Of Storage Closets And Walk Out To Lrg Deck - Seller Will Pay Non-homestead Tax Difference - Come Loak! Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed. For Further Information or help with your Real Estate Needs, Please Call Myrna Sens Home: 423-2466 Off ic�: 683-8266 . ; . Burnet Realty . Welcomes You To 14575 Burma Ave 206 Rosemount Offered at: $72,900 Presented By: Myrna Sens Year Built 1989 Complex Name Rosemount P2aza Foundatian Size 1258 Tota1 Finished 1258 1992 Property Tax $2218 Homesteaded 1992/ N Assessments $ Home Style Low Rise ** Home And Room Information ** Total Baths 2 Kitchen KT M 8X11 Full Baths 1 Other Room LD 5X6 3/4 Baths 1 lst Bedroom 1B M 12X12 1/2 Baths 2nd Bedroom 2B M 11X11 School District 196 Other Room Basement Bath No Other Room 8X11 Master Bath No Famil.y Type Adults Only Total Bedronms 2 Pets Weight Living Room LR M 15X19 Association Fees $141 Dining Room DR M 1OX13 Fees Include SA, SL,OM,HI,WS Fireplace No Air Conditioning Central Air Heat Type HW /GAS Exteriar Brick Stone Basement Full Walk Out No Parking 1 Assigned Und Gar. Door Opener Yes '� Included Items ** Disposal Microwave Range Refrigerator Dishwasher Security System Whirlpool Bus Line Deck/Patio Metro Fhone Largest 2 Bedroom - 2 Bath Unit With Bright East Exposure - Walk In Closet 6x7 Off Master Plus Whirlpaol Lux Bath - Seperate Laundry Room - All Appliances Included - . Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed. For Further Information or- help with your Rea1 Estate Needs, Please Call � Myrna Sens � Home: 423-246fi Office: 683-8266 ROSEMQtJI1T PLAZA CONDOMIN IUM ASSOGIATTON INC. 14575 Burma Ave. Rc�semount, Minneso�a, 55�68 Mr. Stephan Jilk NOTIC� OF APPEAI, FROM CITY Rosemount City Administrator FIRE MARSHAI,'S �RDER DATED City Aall OGTOBER 8, 1992 Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Dear Mr. Jilk: I have been authorized and d3rected by the Board of Directors of the Homeowner's Assn. of Rosempunt Plaza Condominium Association Inc. to appeai from the above described fire marshall's order, a copy of which is attached hereto as Ex. A and incorporated herein by reference. This leCter represents my notice of appeal from said order. The specific basis for this appeal is as follows: 1. This b uilding was approved for occupanc,y by the City of Rosemount in the year 1989. The first units were occupied by myself and others at that time. The City did not require remote monitoring. Z'he fire code gives the Chief discretion to require mon- itoring. The code is the s ame tod�yas it was in 1989. The fire chief's present attempt to overrule his 1989 waiver. of monitoring at the expense of the purchaser's of the units is an abuse of his discretion, and is both arbitrary and unreasonable, as it relates to tfie unit owners and to the appellant, who represents the unit owners. TEie unit awners, and not the £ire chief, should have the righC to decide whether they wish to pay for monitoring under Che circumstances . 2. There are several other multiple dwellingsin Rosemount, includin� the 39 unit senior high rise i�nediately North of appellant's 21 unit condominium, where no telephone monitoring exists. Qn information and t�elief, ap�ellant states that the Fire Marshal has not attempted and is not presently attemptin�, to require telephone monitoring of these buildings. The selective enforcement here attempted b} the fire marshal is therefore inequitable on its face, and additianal evidence that his order is arbitrary, unreasonab le, and an abuse o£ his discretion. 3. Exhibit B attached is a bid obtained by thzs appellanC to secure moniCoring, and shoc�s she cost thereof. For. reasons hereinafter stated, appellant has no f�nds to pay for monitoring. Lae}�r of ability to pa_y is therefore a further reason for the CiCy Council to determine that the Fire Piarshall`s order is an abuse of his authority. 4. The undersigned is a sen��r citizen, and a resident of Rosemount for in excess of the past 20 years. tdhen the Rosemount Plaza Gondominium pxoject�aas announced to the public in the mid '80s, The City of Rosemount liousin� and Redevelopment Auth- ority and the developer of the project �oined in representing to me, and to the public generally, that this would be a senior. housing project, endorsed and sponsored by the City, we11 worth the askin� prices for the units , with substantial finan- cial support from the City to ensure that purchaser.s of the units would get value received for their liousing dollars if �}iey }�urchased a unit. Based in large part on tlie City of Rosemount's representations and backin�, I ciecided to purchase a unit, at a cost in excess of $80,000.0�. };xhihi.e C; attached is ample evidence that I r have lost a substantial sum of money, and that my losses are going to increase, before the building is properly co�p3eted. Exhibit C ment�.ons that there are structural and design problems with the decks, and that we have h3.red an�rchitect to study the problem and recommend a solution. These statements are true. Based on prelil{inary information, the cost of the solution wil.l exceed $130,000.00. So far as I am concerned, the City was negligent in agproving the desigg of the decks, and in approving the b uilding for occupancy upon completion of their con- struction. We are presently canaidering a law suit against the city'because of its negligence. This notice o£ appeal is therefore also notice to you, and to the �ity's liability insurance carrier, of this problem, Kindly ask a representative of your liability insurance carrier to contact me to discuss settlement. 5. Exhibit D atCached ia a description of the problems which w� have with respect to our parking loe, and other coAanon area facilities, in our redevelopment b lock. You have made no response to Mr. McMenomy's letter to you dated August 20, 1992. , nor have you given any indicatian whatsoever that you intend to give us any help in solving the problems described in Exhibit D, notwithstanding that the Rose- mount Housing and Redevelopment Authority was instruznental in creating the prohlems. It is my imderstanding that the Rosembunt City Council will hear and decide this appeaL It is my request that you furnish each of the cd�icil members with a copy of Chis notice of appeal, together with the attached exhibits, and that you do this without delay. John Miller states (Ex. C, P. 2. , Par. 2) that the City of Rosemount Part Authority has the following option; 2. "Forget any additional involvement in the RosemounC P1aza Project. En�oy the tax increment revenue. Let someone else have rhe headache of selling and repaixing the units ." I do not know who Mr. Miller meant by "someone else" . I hope he did not mean me and the other senior citizens who purchased units in this huilding. I cannot believe that he, and in Curn the City Council, really intenda tha� we senc6or citizens should lose a substantial part of our re�irement savin�s, pick up the tab for the City staff's negligance in sup�rvising the pro�ect, and in addition use our tax increment dollars for other projects, or raises in staff salaries, without giving us some attention and assistance: Res�ectfully submitCed, ROSEMOtJNT PT A7.A CONPnTtT.NIti�t ASSOC7ATION IP;(:. � ` � � B . ..��' � l �i �� ��- � F abeth AicDonough-Pr.esi_denC �r.:..�""a,�N� �;;.��'' :'•� " i .' ;"'vC , MEMO TO: Rosemount Port Authority FROM: John Milier, F�conomic Development Coordinator ��� DATE: October 9, 1992 . . RE: Rosemount Condominiums - 14575 Burma Avenue � o 1 j About 60 days ago Mike Miies, the Port Authority's attorney provided you with an update i of the Rosemount Plaza Condominium's project. As I'm sure you will remember, we were � all told that the Port Authority through its predecessors has about $350,U40 in the projcct ; that is lost through foreciosure of the property. The Midway Naitonal Bank had a fust mortgage, the ciry a second mortgage. I was interested in the $350,O00 and wandered if there was some alternate way of getting at least a portion of it back. After all the Port - Authority is considering or is in the midst of several projects a.nd money is needed. I had one session with Mike Miles and Steve Jilk where we discussed severai options of working with the bank. Unfortunately, none of them were feasible and in some cases not even very plausible. After giving the issue more thought and discussing it with Ed Dunn, I decided there was only one possibility of getting some of the money. It's really common knowledge that banks are presently holding a Iot of real estate and that bank examiners are "encouraging" them to dispose of it, i.e. get the money. I thought this � might be the case with Midway National Band and the Rosemount Plaza Condo's. In this regard I contacted James Simons a vice-president at the bank who has responsibility for the � condo's. Sure enough the bank does want to get rid of them and Simons - after meeting f with the banl:'s other officers - sent me a letter dated September 14. A copy is attached for ; your review. As you will see tlie ban� is offering eight units to the Port Authority for � �406,000. That's $50,750 a piece. � j At ttus point in time, I thought there was a glimmer of hope. After all I had heard that ; original asking prices were much trigher and even with a discount perhaps we could mal:e ? some money. � , On October 2, I vieweri each of the units with Myrna Sens, the broker given the listing by � the banl:. In lool:ing at the units and visiting with Ms. Sens this is some of wtiat I learned: o Tlie building is for adults anly. No children are permitted. : o Average age of the residents is probably over 60. : o The most recent sale of a unit was to a couple in their mid-50s wllo were lool:ing for an adults-oniy t�uilding. o The building recently had the roof repaired. o There are structural and design problems with the decl:s. Water leaks from one level to the next and as a result both interior and exterior ���alls have t�e,en stained and the deck iloors are rottin�. i'.�- t.�',���i� �', ROSEI�UNT PLAZA CQNDOMINIUM ASSDCIATiON, INC, 14575 Burma Ave. �Rasemount, Minnesota, 550b8 September 9, 1992 To: The Board of Directors of the Assn. From: Ed McMenomy Sr.-Unit 305 • . At your May, 1992 meeting, the Board accepted my offer to investigaCe and report on the following matter: THE RIGfiTS AND QBLIGATIONS OF THE CONDOMINIUM WITEi RESPECT TO THE PA.RKING LQTS ANp OTHER CO�N AREAS ANb FACILITIES AS BUILT IN THE BLOCK IINOWN: AS "ROSEMOUNT PLAZA" .AND "ROSEI�UNT PLAZA SECONU ADDITION". Following is my report Co date. I will leave for Arizona for the Winter of 92/93 about Nov. l, 1992. In my view, the matter should be pursued by someane other than mysel.f from this point on, since I will not be able to atCend to it properly during my absence. Attached as Exhibit "A" is a map shawing the plats of Rosemount Plaza and Rosemount Plaza second addition�. Based on a review of the Records in the Dakota CoLmty Recordex's Office, an 19/Aug./92, ownership of the lots in these subdivisions are as folloRas: ROSEMOU:�TT PLAZA: Lot l. (colored red on Ex. A) - Rosemount Plaza Co. , a partnership Lot 2. (colored blue on Ex. A)- Rosemount Plaza Ltd�. Partnership ROSEMOUNT PLAZA SECOND ADDITION: LoG 1 ( colored green on Ex. A)-City of Rosemount Housing and Redevelopment Authority Lot 2 (colored yellow on Ex. A)-Fridlim d Group ParCnership Lot 3 (colored orange on Ex. A)-Our Condominium Attaci�ed as �xhibit "B" is a survey shotain� the locations of the various buildings, parking lots and other amenities as constructed in . these subdivisions. I have outlined the approximate locations of the boundary lines of the various lots ahove described, usi.n� the same colors as shown on Ex. A. My isvestigation of the Dakota County Recorder's records did not disclose ,�.-�''1-,�/(s f''� � �`�.�^�;. _ �� -- any cross easements or other documentation granting the owners of the respect3ve lots, and/or the public generally, rights to use the parkinR lots and other conanon amenit3es as constructed. The record is alsa si�ent as to haw these facilities are to be maintained, and as to who wiTl bear the expense of maintenance. � In late July, 92, Steve Jilk, City of �Rosemount Administraeor, indicated that the City (and its Redevelop�nt Authority) had no in- terest in the sub�ect property. Upon receiving this news from Mr. Jilk �(sub�ect to confirmation by the City Attorney) , I consulted Milt Bruflodt (the Architect. in charge of developing both subdivisions) . Mr. Bruflodt's response, together with copies of my correspondence with Mr. Jilk, are attached as Exhibit "C". I have not received a response From Mr. Jilk, to my memo to him dated ZOfAug./92. The sub�eet parking lotsaaepresently in need of maintenance work. Snow removal for the 92/93- winter should be glanned for at this time. In my opinion, the sculpture should be repainted soon, and bhher plans should by made relating to the long term use of ti�ese common facilities, and reasonably sharing the costs of their maintenance. Kady's Restaurant, and the other commercial buildings on tihe block, have the primary need for well maintained parking facilities. I do not think that our Condominium Association should assume a leader- ship role ( at least at this point) in trying to straighten these matters out. In turn, we should not incur major expense to ourselves in doing so. We should, hawevex, cooperate reasonably with whoever does assume a leadership role, I am mailing a copy of this report to Sandra Winters of Midway Bank. The Bank is offering its foreclosed un3.ts for sale. I request the Bank to make sure that its purchasers are informed of the matters addressed in this. report, so that they are not disgruntled with our Board of Dir- ectors at a later date. if you wish to deaignate sorneone to cariy on for our Association on these maCters prior �o my departure for the Winter, I will be glad to meet and cooperate with that person prior Co my departure. Respectfully Submitted, L.�/! � � • �� Ed McMenomy Sr. .iti;�'4'�'s:t.y^ �'�r:r�?At��ia�k 1.3�'� ti,; -'��`w,�,3i�j� . ;s���c�`�.`��?uX�f�=},i� 1 Sj"a<��''3;''��.�?.iLy,r;(. y�.�f'.���"�X:.�t'-1.:�;'u�l !li'J i�+��:ih�f`,S�t(: I.�_�:'ils.....It',i lji'i ?����t�f � I*��.Y���Yf��fi ti4l�"�� '��. 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'.{'�Ti�� ( 4 �,��`ry't����4�'+u!_`;�i�4� 7 u i hltil'�j� � I • tc .t 's�S,t�L �f • yr �j :.7* � '. a ; �,�,.{R . .i. � .{g�f'y;i�'9. � � � Ky ,l ,r�yk !i f�F:7�:t�'s:•'�"t1, 7 �*V ii'`�''�`5����,°`?• ��.�+�7J�N .S ,�E � i'1^{�1 � }��R w q ���i*��. • , ft`;��yr°�:�';.`_r�� I `� :'� ,��_b,ya�� .. �c��;�}, i�.; y ,�� I �� �. , ,u .M,'1�t����J� �}.r fo'� / q'�) ` . },� {; � 4�,�'��1������s � �a'r .t�,.L i'��� 4�?""'X���� � ��'�'w�t;���,g. t' ��" am;� . .'Q.�d ., �;.i�� u��� ������u���,� �,�:�s � `Sff'7�y���r;;� �;�' �s� ,� ♦ t,.��.:.:43 a � _ � � — � � • • �� • • n � � � ROSF�f0UI1T PLAZA COHDOMIIIIUM ASSOCIATI4H, INC. � c/o Elizabeth� A:"McDonough=PresidenC Suite 300-14575 'Burma Ave. Rosemo.unt, ;Minnesota 55068 � June 1; 1992�• Cfty of Rosemount � Att: Steve Jilk-Administrator City Hall • , Rosemount, Minnesota, 55068 � Re: Rosemount Plaza Parking Lots ! � Dear Sir: � Z am the recently elected PresidenC of Rosetnount P1aza Condominitmm Association, Inc., having succeeded MiZton T. Bruflodt, the builder of the condo. For reference, I attach. a map showing Rosemount Plaza and Rose- . mount Plaza second addition. I also attach a schedule Bof a Minnesota ` Tit1e Insurance Commitment on one of the units which, so far as ��I . : , am aware, show the condition of the record title to the condo common areas, as it relatee to any easements of record. You wi11 note that it contains nothing with respect to parking easements . Wf�en I. purchased my condo, Mr. Bruflodt informed me that the j ' existing parking lots (both Ilorth and South Lots in the block,}were for the �oint use of all the b uildings. in the block, that the East line nf cars next to Che condo building (So uth Lot) was reserved for the exclusive use of the condo owners and their guests, and ( I beleive) ;::.j that the City had some rights and obligations with respect to these ' lots . The lots are in need of some repair, and so I am aCtempting to get the rights and obligations of all parties in interest clarified. Kindly write me a letter stating what rights and obligations the City of Rosemovnt has in these lots, if the City claims any. If there is anything in �ting with respect to these rights �and obligat ions, ltin�q ae�d ,m.e copies. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Sincerely, ROSEtfOULIT PLA7.A COI�DOMIi1IUM ASSOCIATION, ItiG. B � ��� �� ����-�- Y �C . Eli�etti h McDoncugh-i resident • f �. � � ;-oR YouR irvFo�uT�oN � � z�� o osemoun� i� iPHONE (612}4334aii 2875•taSth Stroet West,Rosemount,Minnesou MAYOR FAX (612)423-5203 MaNiny Addrou: fdwud 8.McM�ram P.O.Boz 510,Rosemoun(,Minnesoq 5506&0510 COUNGIL6AEMBERS • SMi1s Klass�n Jsmts(R�d)Stsats Nury WAkox D�nn�s NfWOermann Ju 1'y 21+ 19 9 2 , ADhttNISTHaTOR ' Stephan Jdk Elizabeth A. McDonough, President Rosemount Plaza Condominium Association, Inc. �� � Suite 300 . 14575 Burma Ave. Rosemount, Mt�t 55058 Dear Elizabeth: Thank yoii for your letter, dated June 1, 1992, regarding the parking areas next to the Condominium project and the Rosemount Plaza. To respond to your inquiries, first let me say that I wiil answer your questions to the best of my knowledge, and I am sending a • copy of this letter, along with yours, to our City Attorney, Nik� Miles, to check county files to see if any other in€ormation is available. 1 . The existing lots, the one off of 146th street or the one off of 145th street, are owned by the City or the City� s Port Authority. 2 . The City does not maintain an easement for public parking purposes over those lots . 3 . The agreement between Mr. Minea and Mr. Bruflodt was thaC the City would remove snow, once plowed off to the sides by the ownerts} , if the lots would be open for public parking. 4 . The north lot has been designated for plaza parking only, so the City will not be removing snow from that lot . 5 . The southern lot has been open for public parking (not designated otherwise) so snow will still be removed. 6 . The City holds no responsibility for repair or maintenance on those lots . ,�, ,G"�/7f 1.� / 1� .f, l , (� // �ver-��tzifzgs �oi�zis�g `C�'L� �osc�s�2vuf�1.�� �S�- /'-;�t�a �� ..1 .. i . �� � f Page 2 7. The eastern strip oE parking stalls, on the sou�hern lot, is par� of the Condominium Property, and was completed � as part of that project. S . If a common use or '�common area�� does no�,, by title, include a use of that area, I cannot suggest a reason why. This is a much as I know of these parking areas . Again, I am asking our City Attorney to review �my comments, and research county files to see if any further information is available. � If we are able to uncover any other information I will provide that to you. •. . Sincerely, ;..1 ' � ; �� �.��"G�`'•.C;itic..� ��'�`� i Ste an Jilk� Administrator � JLK/crc cc Mike Miles, City Attorney � Mayor E. B. McMenomy Port Authority Chair, Ed Dunn John Miller, Econornic Development Coordinator Ron Wasmund, Public Works Director Ed McMenomy Sr. � � •. f - � � . � � � . . . � � .Z � ` . . � . . a � w r . � . . � . z�� o osevnoun� � PHONE {6t2)423�4411 2875•145th Street Wsst,Rosamount,Minnewta MAYOR FAX (612)423�5203 MsilinQ Addresst Etlwutl 8.MtMae� P.O.Boz 510,R4sssmounl,Minnesou 5566B-UStO COUNG[LMEM6E � , . . . . � � SMiI�IWf3�n Jam�s{Rsd)Sta� July 28, 1992 Ha,y�,��, � � � . � . � � O�nn7s.w�pperms AOMIN157RhT0 � . � � � , '' � . SteP�+an J��k Elizabeth A. McDonough, President Rosemount Plaza Condomir�ium Association, Inc. Suite 300 - 14575 Burma Ave. . . Rosemount, N�t 55068 • � Dear Liz• Thanks to Ed McMenomy, Sr. a correction needs •to be made to the letter of July 21, 1992 . Item 1. of the letters should read: "The existing lots, �he one off of 146th Street or the one off of 145th Street, are r.ot owned by the City or the City' s Port Authority, ° This correction is significant and changEs the nosition o� th� City as related to the ownershin of the prop�rty and I tnank idr. . McMenomy for his scrutiny of the letter. Sincerely, � i� � �./ �-- - �i/ . i �, ,��� .__.= �-�l-��L,;_.=.. � �eph Jilk Ci�y � lminis,�rator JLK/lj cc: Mike Miles, City Attorney Mayor E.B. McMenomy Ed Dunn, Port Authority Chair John Mi11er, Economic Development Coordinator Ron Wasmund, Public Works Director �/Ed McMenomy, S r. I vvc�-�?�ii>1qs �o»1i��q `C��(.� ::JLas�f�►zoit>it�� � , _, . .-. . . . .- ,.. .<..�..�.• ,. , . , .�.....�:, . , •. __,,...._:_ ... . . . .�'w�.�� :.yi':Y:.T. . . . . ... - . , ':!'.• ... ` .. .. � I � . . � . ' � . . . . _ P.osemount .Plaza.Condominium Association, :Tnc. � . . Memo: To Steve Jilk • From Ed MeMenoary, Sr. 20/Aug/92 Dear Steve: ` In prepatation to.write a report.� the Condo Board of Directors related to the parking 1ot to tha West of the Condo, I checked the records at the Dakota CoLmtp Recorders Office on 19, August.92. Uiiiess I overlooked.something, it appears that record title to lot 1, Rosemount' Plaza_. Secon� •Additian (the North 35 feet of the parking I.at� is tn Sity of Rosemount Housing and Redevelopment A}athority. This is the enti'ty that platted the subdivision. Your letters of 21 July and 28/�u1X, 92 indicated that the CiCy had no interest in the property, subject to confirmation by the City Attorney. In addi.tion, I .made inquiry .of Milt Bruflodt,. the�developer . . of the Condo. �His letter to me of I7/August/92 is enclosed fox your in fonnati on. Important questions exist related to the maintenance and us e of this parking lot, and�to the other areas in this redevelopment block naw open for public use. I am very concerned rhat there is no understanding between the abutting owners as to how these areas are to be properly maintained. I feel that the City should play a role in straightening things out, in view of its involvement in the - matter. I would ap�reciate it if you would arrange a meeting between you, the City ACtorney and me for further �iscussion, at an eax�y date. In my search of the records, I did not discaver an,y easet�nts on any part of the redevelopment block, relating to joint use and maintenance of the sub�ect facilities. . Sincerely, _ . �.-� �'"' `�' f // � �� Ed McMenomy Sr. . , , . nugUSt 17 , 1992 Mr. Ed MeMenomy , 14575 Burma Avenue � Rosemount, MN 55068 Re : Parking Lot Dear Ed : � The south parking lot for� Rosemount Plaza received a $10,000 grant from the city of Rosemount to construct��a parking lot that would extend the existing Marc ' s Restaurant (now Kady ' s ) to 146th Street . For that grant the parking lot would be designated a municipal lot with cross-easements for the restaurant and our building (Plaza Building- #3) . The city wanted parking for the seniors vi �iting the center. The city agreed to clear the stored. snow from the lot after we plowed . This agreement was � handled by Oean Johnson , the H .R .A . and Council under a Planned Unit Development . When the condo was developed ( also under a Planned Unit Develop- ment ) land was deeded ta the condo to provide one row of park-ing (approximately 20 feet ) . The existing agreements are still in force and the condo owners and renters have the same rights as everyone to travel across the parking lot . The condo owners also have the right to sign and restrict parking on their row of parking . Steve Jilk was not the City Manager at the time the original Planned Unit Development was initiated - and has said as per his letter to you that they would research this matter . The condo plat is on file at the Dakota Caunty Offices - this is an as-built drawing and it shows the improvements to the site. The attorneys and officials involved with the condo development (our attorney , Marty Stapleton ,: bank attorneys , Title Insurance Company , City of Rosemount staff , and V .A .IF .H .A . office) found nothing wrong with the plan or concept of this project . SincerelY Yours , . ..•� Milt Bruflodt MB : eg r i�� o osemozcvc� PHONE (b12)423-4411 2875•/45th Straet West,iiosemount,Minnesota MAYGH FdX (612j a235203 Mailing Address £o+�artl 9 M�kAvr���r PA.Box 510.Fiosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 CnUNCiLMEM8E�5 . ' . . � She.�a nla,sen � . Jamea iHea{Staats January 2 2, 19 9 3 Ha�ry w,�:�:�; � . � . � � � � Denn�s YJ�ppdf117'anr. ADMINISTRATOF Slephen Jdr John T. Burns, Jr. McMenomy, Hansen & McCann Dakota Central Offices, Suite 201 1445Q South Robert Trail Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 RE: Rosemount Plaza Condominium Project Property Ownership Dear John: At your request I am responding to you as the representative of the Rosemount Plaza Condominium Association Inc. regarding matters of ownership of properties. This is in response to questions of ownership in the Rosemount Plaza first and second addition. The city engineering department has reviewed ownership records and found the following: A. Easements ; The City retains three utility easements over the property. These are shaded in green on the attached drawing. 1. A 20 ' X 115 ' easement on Lot 1, Block l, Rosemount Plaza Addition 2 . A 15 ' X 130 . 01 ' easement o� Lot 2 , Block l, Rosemount Plaza 2nd Addition 3 . A 15 ' X 405 ' easement across Block 1, Rosemount Plaza Addit�.on and Block 1 Rosemount Plaza 2nd Addition These easements are recorded on the pl.at and not recorded separately. They are shown on the plat as "Utility Easements" and correspond to the location of water and sewer lines. Why the City retains those is not clear. Normally, the City would not retain those since the pipes are serving private property. I would suspect it was because of the City� s initial involvement in trying to get development of the property. � 1 , (�'�vcYrr��hings ��mtnq �� �osc�vnounlll � �:�..�.�,t,��a�w, . . B. Property Ownership Ro_semount Plaza Addition Of this addition there are four properties awned by two parties. Parcels 34-64650-012-01 are owned by Rosemount Plaza Co. Parcels 34-64650-013-01 are owned by Rosemount Plaza Co. Parcels 34-64650-014-01 are owned by Rosemount P1aza Co. Parcels 34-64650-020-01 is owned by Rosemount Plaza Partnership Limited. I have included a map showing the location of and identification of ownership of these and the following parcels as indicated by County records as of January 1, 1993 . I have also included the parcel I.D. pages we have on file for them which are used to check the validity of these ownership issues. Rosemount Plaza 2nd Addztion In this addition there are individual owners of Lots 1 and 2 and common ownerships of Lot 3 as follows : Lot 1, Block I, Dakota County HRP,. This is the 35 ' wide by 150 ' long area south of Kady' s Restaurant and the strip some thought was owned b�r the City. Parcel 34-64651-010-01. Lot 2, Block 1, Fridlund Group Partnership. Parcel 34-64651-p20-01. Lot 3, Block 1. Twenty-one separate parcel I.D. �s are listed for this parcel since this is the entire lot owned and occupied by the Condominium project and each parcel reflects ownership of the individual condominium unit and 1/21st of the entire parcel for common use areas such as the parking lot. Our drawing indicates that the parking area directly west of the block wall is part of Lot 3 and thereby is part of the common area owned individually and in common by the condominium owners. 2 , « Let me also reiterate my comments in the letter of July 21, 1992 to Elizabeth McDonough in regards to the use of the parking lots on this block. 1. None of the existing lots are owned by the City or the Port Author�ty. 2. The City does not maintain any easements for public parking purposes on these lots. 3 . The agreements, none written that I know of, were between the City and the developers (Minea and Brufoldt) and allowed for ��public use" of the lots in exchange for the City removing the snow if it were plowed to a pile. 4 . Since the North Lot has been designated for ��Plaza Use On1y" , the City does no snow removal on that lot . 5 . The Southearn Lot is open to public parking so the City will continue to remove snow ance piled. b . To my understanding the City holds no responsibility for repair or maintenance on these lots . 7. The eastern strip of parking stalls on the southwest lot is commonly owned property by the owners of the condominiums. S . The recording of the ownership of the "common areas" of Lot 3 puzzles me, since the parcel listing for the County indicates 1/21st ownership for each condominium owner. I would be pleased to continue Lo assist the owners of the various properties in clearing up these issues by discussing what city staff may know of the history of the development, but beyond that, I�m not sure what more I can offer on the ownership issue. Please contact me if there are some ideas I can help with. Sinf rely, / Ir ,_ •,���rwi,` . .,;,� '�-./`_ � Ste�an Jilk�' City Administrator lj Enclosures cc: Elizabeth McDonough, Rosemount Plaza Asso. Mayor McMenomy Ed Dunn, Port Authority John Miller, Economic Dev. Coordinator Ron Wasmund, Public Works Director 3 •• ' D8l13/91 D A K 0 T A G 0 U N T Y PAGE 619 XVAR7231 VALUES REPORT FOR ROSEMOUN7 GITY DTSTRZCT 34 FAXPAYER OR ONNER PROPERTY SClf ESTIMATED PARCEL CODE NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIP7IQN DIST WS EXEHP7 MARKET DS PLAT l0T BLK NIGH VALUE 00 QO , ExEHPT 00 00 _.---.�--------------------�--^�---------�--------------�----__-..,------------�-------------------�--------._. DUANE S REGINA NICKS ROSEMOUNT HILLS 3RD ADD 196 V lND 24000 �4 64602 090 03 3022 131S7 ST k 9 3 ,. ROSfHOUNT MN 55068-5027 ASSMNT ACCT BLD = 94000 ' OA TOT = 118000 RESD � LOAN COMPANY TRASOI HHSTD = 1 FULI HOHESTEAD , � TCAP YEAR 0000 NET TAX CAPACITY NARKET VALUE INCREMENT LON VALUE 1,760 118,000 NI6N VALUE 00 ' 00 EXEMPT 00 00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ROSEMOUNT PLAU CO ROSEH�UNT PLAZA 196 V LND = 30200 34 b4650 012 O1 BOX 18U15 S 55 FT OF W 135 F7 OF � % D M 0'RQURKE S ASSOC 1 1 ASSMNT ACCT BLD = 250900 WEST ST PAUL MN 55118-0015 OB . TOT = 281100 C�NL HMSTD = 0 NON-HUMESTEAB TIF PROJ= 0005 " TCAP YEAR OOAO NET TAX CAPACITY MARKET VALUE INCREMENT LOM VALUE 13,914 281,100 HT6H VALUE 00 00 EXEMPT 00 00 .�• ������������.�...�����������������������������������������������������������������^���������������=�����������������...������..��������� . . ROSENOUNT PLA2A CO ROSEMOUNT PLAZA 196 V LND 43000 34 6kb59 013 O1 ,� % A M OROURKE i ASSOC N 140 FT OF II 95 FT OF � BQX 18015 1 1 ASSMNT ACCT BLD = 198500 • • MEST ST PAUL HN 55118-0015 OB S TOT = ' 241500 CQML � HMSTD = 0 NON-HOMESTEAD TIF PROJ= 0005 .-�• TCAP YEAR 0000 NET TAX CAPACITY MARKET VALUE INCREHEN7 • LOH VALUE 10,204 241,500 • HIGH VAIUE 00 00 ' ' EXEMPT 00 00 -�---_�__-�-��_-----_�--------------------�^___--------------------------------------------�----------__-_ _ ^ � ROSEMOOUNT PLAZA CO ROSEMOUNT PLAZq 196 V lND 370Q0 34 64b50 014 O1 ' B�X 18015 LOT 1 BLK 1 EX S 55 FT OF J % D M 0'ROURKE 5 ASSOC M 135 FT i EX N 140 FT OF ASSMNT ACCT BLD = 6900 MEST ST PAUL MN 551Y8-0015 N 9S F7 EX PT PLATTED ROSEMOUNT PLAZA SECOND ADD OB S TQT = 43900 1 1 COML • � titISTD = 0 NON-NOMESTEAD , TIF PROJ= OOQ5 ' TCAP YEAR 0000 NET TAX CAPA�ITY HARKET VALUE INCREMENT � LOW VALUE 1,405 43,900 HIGH VALUE 00 00 EXEMPT , ' 00 00 • � --------------------------------------------------^_----^-----^---------------------------------------------- f�� ROSEMOUNT PLAZA LMT PTNSHP ROSEMOUNT PLAZA 196 V LNfl 111200 34 64b50 020 O1 , � C/0 MN HOUSING FIN AGENCY 2 1 , .,• --• •^� � , , . ..i � . . . . ' . . • , OSf33191 ' D A K Q T A C 0 U N T Y PAGE 620 XVAR7231 � VALUES REPORT FOR ROSEMOUNT CITY DISTRICT 34 • TAXPAYER OR ONNER PROPERTY 5Ctt ESTIMATEO PARCEL GODE NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRZPTION DIST HS EXEMPT MARKfT DS PLAT LOT BLK 400 SISLEY ST ASSMNT ACCT BLD = 1092000 - SAINT PAUL MN 55101-1941 . OJ2 TOT = 1203200 ' 'EH' APT RESD UNZTS = 39 NMSTD = 0 NON-HOMESTEAD TZF PROJ= 0005 , ,., TCAP YEAR 0000 NET TAX CAPACITY ' MARKET.VALi1E INCREMENT lOM VALUE 29,119 1,203,200 HIGN VALUE 00 QO . fXEMPT �0 00 . -------------•_-____�__-�_•____----___-___�__�___-___-__-----�-------------------------�-----^-y----�--^_�__--__-_�---_______��__--- � �" ROSEMOUNT PLAZA ZND ADD 196 V 9402 LND 12140 34 64651 OIO O1 DAKOTA COUNTY NRA 1 1 . 2496 145TH ST il ASSHNT ACCT BLD = 3000 ROSEMOUN7 • ' NN 55068-4929 . .. _. w... l • OX TOT = 15100 ' ' EXEMP? HMSTO = 0 NON-HOMESTEAD TZF PROJ= 0005 TCAP YEAR 0000 NET TAX CAPACITY MARKET VALUE INCREMENT - ''" !OH VAIUE 00 00 � • NI6H VAIUE 00 00 , . EXfMPT 453 15,100 • '`' FRIDLUNb GROUP PARTNERSHIP ROSEHOUN7 PLAZA 2ND AD0 196 V LND = 50300 34 64651 020 O1 14590 ROBER7 TR S � 2 1 ROSEHOUNT MN 55068-3132 ASSMNT ACCT BLD = 11b200 � OB S TOT = 166500 COMI tiHSTD = 0 NOM-HONES7EAD TIF PROJ= 0005` TCAP YEAR 000� NET TAX CAPACITY MARKET VALUE INCREMENT +• ' LQN VAWE b,492 16b,500 • HIGN UALUE 00 00 • EXEMPT 00 . 00 r HERLYH A 8 NARRIET N BARFKNECHT ROSEMOUN7 PLAZA 2ND ADD • 19b V LND = ' 6000 34 64651 100 02 ROSEMQUNT PLAZA CONDO 1k575 BURHA AVE i1100 FILE #102 UNiT 11100 ASSMN7 ACCT BLD = 58000 ROSEHOUNL MN 55068 1/21% INT BEING PT OF ,... • . . _ �-- LOT 3 BLK 1 ROSEMOUNT OA C TOT = 64000 PLA2A SECOND AbDITION CONDO 3 1 HNSTD = 0 NON-HOMESTEAD TCAP YEAR 0000 NET TAX CAPACITY HARKET VALUE INCRENENT LOM VALUE 1,920 � 64,000 . NIGH VAWE 00 00 EXEMPT � 00 00 MIDNAY NATIONAt BANK . ' RQSEMUUNT PLAZA 2ND ADD 196 V lND = 6000 34 6465i 101 02 . • � 7. SANDRA J kZY7ERS ' ' ROSEMOUNT PLAZA CONllO 3.378 UNIVERSITY AVE FIIE N102 UNIT M101 ASSMNT AGC7 BlD = 5630U :iT PAUL HN 5510�i 1/2U'. INT 8EIN6 PT OF . � ____.�___,. � LOT 3 8LK 1 ROSEHOUNT OA C TOT = 62300 � � PLAZA SECOMD ADDI7ION CONDO ' . 3 1 HMSTD = 0 NON-HOHESTEAD .--� . �""� , ' ,-� . � �" OSl23/41 D A K O T A C O U N T Y PAGE 621 XVAR7231 VALUES REPORT , FOR ROSENOUNT CITY DISTRICT 34 -• TAXPAYER OR ONNER ' PROPERTY SCN ESTIMATED PARCEL CODE NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION DIST NS EXEMPT MARKET DS PIAT LOT BLK ' TCAP YEAR 0000 NET TAX CAPACiTY NARKET VAWE INCREMENT . • LOW VALUE 1.869 62,300 HIGN VALUE 00 00 EXEMPT 00 00 ,.. DAKOTA COUNTY HRA ROSEMOUNT PIAZA 2ND ADD 196 V 9402 LND = 6000 34 6465I 102 02 2496 145TH ST N � ROSENOUNT PLAZA C�NDO ROSEMOUNT HN 55068-4929 ' FILE It102 UNZT It102 ASSMNT AGCT BLD = 45500 1/21'!. INT BEIN6 PT �F , LO7 3 BLK 1 ROSEMOUNT OX TOT = , 51500 • . PLAZA SEGOND ADDITON EXEMPT 3 1 NNSTO = 0 NON-HONESTEAD TCAP YEAR 0000 NET TAX CAPACITY MARKET VALUE INCREMENT , LOFI VALUE 00 00 . HIGH VALUE 00 � 00 • EXEMPT 1,545 51,500 ,., MIDMAY NATTONAL BANK • ` ROSEHOUNT PIAZA 2ND ADD 196 V LND = 6000 34 64651 103 02 • % SAhDRA J NTNTERS : ROSEHOUNT PtAZA CONDO 1578 UNIUERSITY AVE FI�E Y102 UNIT N103 ASSMNT ACCT BLD = 47200 ' ST PAUL MN • 55104 � . 1/21% INT BEING PT OF - - • -- •-• - LOT 3 DLK 1 ROSEMOUNT OA C TOT = 53200 ' PLAZA SECOND ADDITIOH CONDO 3 T HHSTD = 0 NON-HOMESTEAD TCAP YEAR 0000 WE7 TAX CAPACITY MARKET VALUE INCREMENT � L04J ItALUE ' 1,596 53,200 �^' HIGN VALUE � 00 00 EXEMPT 00 00 _ __ ..__-_---�------..__-..�----_...._------^--------------»__.__--------.._..--�---��----� AU6UST N & fVELYN RATZLAFF ROSEMOUNT PLAZA 2ND ADD 196 V LND = 6000 34 64651 104 02 .••• 14575 HURMA AVE 8104 ROSEMOUNT PLAZA CONDO � ROSEriOUNT MN 55068-3100 FILE il102 UNTT p104 ASSMNT ACCT BLD = � 44100 . 1/21% IN7 BEING PT OF � LOT 3 BLK 1 ROSEMdUNT OA C TOT = 50100 PCAZA SECOND ADDI7ION CONDD . , 3 1 NHSTD = 1 FULL HOMESTEAD " ' TCAP YEAR 0000 NET TAX CAPACITY HARKET VALUE TNCREMENT LpN VALUE 501 50,100 ' . .�. NI6N VALUE � 00 00 . . . EXEMPT 00 00 • - --- -- -----------------------------------�--------------�--------- MZd11AY NATIONAI B�iNK ROSEM4UNT PLAZA 2ND ADD 196 V LND 6000 , 34 64651 105 02 ,,, % SANDRA J NINTERS . ROSEMOUNT PIAZA COt�DO • � 1578 IJHIVERSZ7Y AVE � FILE q102 UNIT i1105 ASSMNT ACCT BLD = 61000 S7 PAtlI MN ' S5104 ti. 1/21% IN7 BEING P7 OF ' �+- • - � . -.__—._.._ ___._..__ ' LOT 3 BLK 1 ROSFMOUNT OA C TOT = '67000 . ' , PLAZA SECOMD ADDITION CONQO • . ' 3 1 HHSTD = 0 NON-NOMES7EAD TCAP YEAR 0000 NET TAX CAPACITY � NARKET VALUE INCREMENT � � LON VALUE 2,010 67,000 � � � NIGN VALUE 00 00 � , � , EXEMPT , 00 00 ^ ' ''~ ' !'.'` � .� e • �"' Q8/13f41 DAKOTA COUNTY . PAGE622 XVAR7231 VALUES REPORT FOR ROSEMOUNT CITY DISTRICT 34 ' � TAXPAYER OR ONNER PROPERTY SCH ESTIMATED PARCEI CODE NAHE AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION DIST MS EXEMPT MARKET DS PLAT LOT $LK -__-----__^-�---------��--------------------��____-_�_--------- " DARRYL SCtIROEDER + ROSEMOUNT PLAZA 2ND ADD 196 V LNd - 5000 34 64b51 106 02 HONNIE K FRYE '� ROSEMOUNT PLAZA CONDO 14575 BURHA AVE 11106 ; FIIE ii102 UNIT tt106 ASSMNT ACCT BLD = 61100 ROSEHWHT MN ' 55068 1/21% xNT BEINC PT OF ,�•. LOT 3 BLK 1 ROSEMOUNT OA C � TOT = 67100 _. _ .. ... _ —'" PLAZA SECOND ADDI7ION CONDO 3 1 HMSTD = 0 NON-HOMESTEAD TCAP YEAR 0000 NET TAX CAPACITY MARKET VALUE INCREMENT r. LON VALUE 2,013 67,100 . ' HIGN VALUE 00 • . 00 ' EXEMPT 00 00 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^-----^--------------- I HIDNAY NATZOMAL BANK "•, , ROSEMOUNT PLAZA 2ND ADD 196 V •LND 6000 34 64651 200 02 % SANDRA J NINTERS ROSEMOUNT PLAZA CONDO . 1578 UNIVERSITY AVE � �,32 FILE N102 UNIT M200 ASSMNT ACCT BLD = 545D0 ST PAUL MN 55104 1/21% IN7 BEING PT OF --� �- •� LO7 3 BLK 1 ROSEMOUNT OA C TOT = 65500 ' � • PLAZA SECOND ADDITION CONDO 3 1 HHSTD = 0 NON-HOMESTEAD � � TCAP YEAR 0000 NET 7AX CpPACITY MARKET VALUE INCREMENT LQ4! VALUE 1,965 65,500 ' ' NIGH VALUE 00 00 • . ' • EXEHPT ' 00 , 00 - - --------------------------------------------------------------�------=------------------------------------ • F MIDkAY NATIONAL BANK RUSEMUUNT PLAZA 2ND ADD 196 V LND 6000 34 64651 201 02 ' % SANDRA J HIHTERS . RaSEHOUNT PLAZA CONDO 1578 UNIVERSZ7Y AVE • 32 FILE Y102 UNIT #201 ASSMNT ACCT BLD = 57800 S7 PAUL MN - 55104. 1/21% INT BE2NG PT OF ' LOT 3 BLK 1 ROSEMOUN7 DA C T07 = 63800 • .^• PLAZA SECOND ADDITIOM CONDO • 3 1 NMSTD = 0 NON-HOMESTEAD TCAP YEAR 0000 NET TAX CAPACITY MARKET VALUE INCREMENT . . , lON VALUE 1,914 63,SOQ • • NIGH VALUE 00 00• EXEMPT ' � 00 ' 00 � - - ^- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAKOU COUNTY HRA ROSEMOUNT PLAZA 2Nn ADD 196 V 9402 LND = 6000 34 64651 202 02 , � 2496 145TN S7 H ROSEHOUNT PLAZA CONDO ROSEHOUNT HN 55068-4929 FILE q102 UNIT 1I202 ASSMNT ACCT BLD = 47000 ' 0 1/21% TNT BETNG PF OF ' LOT 3 BLK 1 ROSEM4UNT OX TOT = 53000 � � PLAZA SECOND ADDITION EXEHP7 � 3 �1 NMSTD = 0 NON-HOHESTEAD TCAP YEAR 0000 NET TAX CAPACITY MARKET VALUE TNCREMENT • . LON VALUE 00 00 . HZGH VALUE 00 00 � EXENPT 1,590 ' 53,000 ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- �F NIDItAY NATIONAL BANK , ROSEMOUNT PLAZA 2ND ADD 196 V ' LND 6000 34 6465] 203 02 ROSEMOUNT PLAZA CONDO .� X SANDRA J NINTERS 32 FILE �102 UNI7 1t203 ASSMNT• ACCT BLD = 57200 � 1578 UNIVERSITY AVE� 1/21% ZNT BEING PT OF � ST PAUL MN . 55104 , _-- -- -- ,,"'+ .-� � • � +" 08/i3/91 D A K d T A C 0 U M T Y PA6E 623 XVAR7231 VALUES REPORT F8R ROSEMOUNT CITY � DISTRICT 34 . • � TAXPAVER OR OMNER PROPERTY SCH ESTIHATED PARCEL CODE • ttAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION DIST MS EXEMPT MARKET DS PLAT LOT BLK f " ' lOT 3 BLK 1 ROSEMOUNT ' OA C TOT = 63200 ' . • PLAZA SECOND ADDITON CONDO 3 1 HMSTD » 0 NON-NOMESTfAD TCAP YEAR 0000 NET TAX�CAPACITY MARKET VALUE INCREMENT LOM VALUE . 1,8% 63,2�0 • �. . HIGH VALUE • 00 00 . EXEMPT • � 00 00 - ---�---------------------^-------------- --- DAKOTa COUN7Y NRA � ROSEMOUNT PLAZA 2ND ADD 196 V 9402 LND = 6000 34 64G51 204 02 . r" 249b 145TH ST M � ' ROSEMOUNT PLAZA CONDO • ROSEHWNT . FIIE qZ02 UNYT N204 ASSHNT ACCT BLD = 45600 MN 55068-4929 1/2I% IN7 BETNG PT OF • '�� " -'�"`� LOT 3 BLK I ROSEMOUNT OX TOT = 51b00 ' PLAZA SECOHD ADDITION EXEMPT � � ' • 3 l HNSTD = 0 NON-HOMESTEAD � TCAP YEAR 0000 NET TAX CAPACITY MARKET VAIUE TNCREMENT � . , LON VAWE ' 00 00 ' � , NI6H VALUE � 00 00 � � , � � EXENPT 1,548 51,600 - - -- - -^-------------�---------------------�------------_------------------------------------ � GERTRUDE A MEYER ROSEHOUNT PLAZA 2ND ADD 196 V LND 6000 34 64b51 205 02 14575 BURMA AVE M205 � ROSEMOUNT PLAZA CONDO r'� " ROSEMOUNT . MN 55068 � 2 FILE g102 UNI7 it205 ASSMNT ACCT BLD = b2500 _.�... ...�---- —._:_...__ _.^_._...,._..�...._._ 1/2I% INT BEING PT OF , . � . , LOT 3 BLK 1 ROSENOUN7 OA C TOT = 68500 PLAZA SECOND ADDITION COMDO , ' � 3 1 HHSTD = 0 NON-NOMESTEAD . � TCAP YEAR 0000 NET TAX CAPACM MARKET VALUE INCREMENT � LON VALUE 2,055 68,500 , HI6H VALUE ." ' pp ' 00 ' • . EXEHPT` • . 00 00 . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------- � MIDNAY NATIONAL BANK• • ROSEHOUNT PLAZA 2ND ADD 196 V LND 6000 34 64651 20b 02 - % SANDRA J NTNTERS � ' ' , ROSEMOUNT PLAZA CONDO �•� 1578 UNIVERSITY AVE ' � •32 FILE N102 UNT7 N206 ASSHNT ACCT BLD = • , 62600 ST PAUL MN � 55104 � 1�21'/. IN7 HEIN PT OF � - _._ : L07 3 SLK 1 ROSEMOUNT OA C TOT = 68600 • ' PLAZA SECOND ADDITION CONDO ,». � • ,. 3 1 HMSTD = 0 NON-NOHESTEAD . TCAP YEAR 0000 NET TAX CAPACZTY MARKET VALUE INCREMENT . . � LOM VALUE 2,058 68,600 • , H26H VALUE 00 00 �• , �.« . EXEMPT 00 � 00 ' .'. .. ' ""'��""�"�"""..�""""'�"""�""""'„"""'..'�'�""""='�'�""""..""""""""""'�' . . ELIZABETH A HCDONOUGH ROSEMOUNT PLAZA 2ND ADD 196 V � LND 6000 34 64651 300 02 14575 BURMA AVE N500 � ROSEMOUN7 PIAZA CONDO . , ' ROSEMWNT HN 550b8-3100` FZLE #102 UNIT Y300 ASSMNT ACCT BLD = 61000 • � �•.. I/21% IMT BEING PT OF ' . ' ' LOT 3 BLK 1 ROSEMOUNT OA C TOT = 67000 � PLAZA 5ECOND ADD2TION CONDO � � • 3 1 HMSTD � 1 FULL HOHESTEAD . • • �"'' � TCAP YEAR 0000 NET TAX CAPACITY HARKET VALUE INCREHENT � ' • ' � LON VALUE 670 67,000 . � ' � r �'"`t . ."�'` •� � • . . ' . � C • "' 08/13/!1 D A K 0 T A C 0 U N T Y PAGE b24 XVAR7231 • � VAIUES REPORT FOR ROSEMOUNT CITY � DI5TRICT 34 • TAXPAYER JR ONNER PROPERTY • SCN ESTIMATED PARCEL CODE NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION DIST WS EXEMPT MARKET DS PLAT LOT BLK � HI6H VALUE 00 00 . , EXEMPT 00 00 � ...._•_�_-_ _�_�----------------------------�---_�_-------------------____�----_--__-_�______---__--___�-- �' MIDwAY NA7IONA� BANK , E ROSENOUNT PLAZA 2ND ADD 196 V LND 6000 34 64651 301 02 % SANDRA J NINTERS . ' : ROSEMOUNT PLA2A CONDO '"� 1578 UNIVERSITY AVE PILE p102 UNZT It301 ASSMNT ACCT BlD = 39300 ST PAUL Mti � ' 55104 1/21% INT BEING t'T OF � _._...�_.. .... -•-�-- r L07 3 HLK Y ROSEMOUNT OA C TOT = 65300 • PLAZA SECOND ADDIjION CONDO . '_ ' HMSTD = 0 NON-NOMESTEAD r 34 64652 30i 02 14575 BURMA AVE N M301 �,')���'t' 8610 195TH ST N'REMENT 65 300 � ROSEHOUNT MN l� '(O LAKEVILLE MN ' �� ... . 55068-3100 ' 00 � ----------------------- ..�.._..«-- -------------- 55044_----_..�__. ----- ------------------------------------- ------------------- BERTHA F PETERS ROSEHOUNT PIAZA 2ND ADD 196 V LND = 6000 �34 64651 302 02 14375 BURMA AVE It302 ROSEMOUNT PIAZA COND� ' ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3100 FILE #102 UNIT il302 ASSt�IT ACCT BLD = 48500 • 1/21% IN7 BEZNG PT OF � • ' . LOT 3 HLK 1 ROSEMOUNT OA C TOT = 54500 ' PlA2A SECOND ADDITZON CONDO , 3 1 HHSTD = 1. FULL HOMESTEAD • �"'� TCAP YEAR 0000 NET TAX CAPACITY MARKET VALUE TNCREMEHT lOM VALUE 545 54,500 HI6H VALUE 00 . 00 EXEHPT ' ' 00 00 --------------------------------------------------------------^------------ FRANCIS A t NARY J LIpINSKI i ROSEMOUNT PLAZA 2ND ADD 196 V LND 60Q0 34 64651 303 02 14575 BURtIA AYE R303 � ROSEMOUNT PLAZA GONDO . • • • ROSEMOUNT HN I: FZLE iF102 UNIT It303 ASSMNT ACCT BLD = 58700 ' . . 55068 1/21� INT BEIN6 PT OF • .- "�" "' "'�- ` ' � • � •_-- L07 3 BLK 1 ROSEMOUNT OA C TOT = 64700 • ' ` PLAZA SECOND ADDITION CONDO • 3 1 HMSTD = 0 NON-HOMESTEAD , • TGAP YEAR 0000 . � NET TAX CAPACITY MARKET VALUE INGREMENT . � � ' • � LON VALUE ' 1,941 64,700 . , ' HIGN VALUE 0p pp • • EXEHPT '00 ' OU � ,.•. --------------------------------------------- --------- -------- ----------------- --- --------------------------------------- DAKOTA COUNTY HRA • ROSEMOUNT PLAZA 2ND ADD 196 V 9402 LND = 6000 34 64651 304 02 2496 145TH ST M ROSEMOUNT PLAZA CONDO • ROSEHOUNT HN 55068-4924 FILE N102 UNIT 1t304 ASSHNT ACCT SLD = 47100 • �... 1/21% INT BEING PT OF . , � • . LOT 3 BLK 1 ROSEMOUNT OX TOT = 53100 � . . . • PLA2A SECOND ADDITION EXEMPT ' � 3 1 HMSTD = 0 NON-HOMESTEAD . r... TCAP YEAR 0000 NET TAR CAPACTTY MARKET VALUE INCREMENT � . �o� v�tuE oa oo . . ' • : HZGH VALUE . OU pp EXEMPT 1,593 , �53,100 ----•--•----•-------------------------------------------^-------------------^-----------------_---------------------------------^-- •'�' ELLEN T NCNENONY ROSEHOUNT PLAZA 2t1D ADD 196 V LND 6000 34 64651 305 02 14575 SUkMA AVE M305 � ROSEMOUNT PIAZA CONDO. , • �` r �". � . �_ . ' . . � .-. � . _ � � a . . � . . �' .• . . . . . . . . . . . . . r"' 08/13/91 D A K 0 T A C 0 U N T Y � PAG@ 625 ' XVAR7231 VALUES REPORT � FOR ROSEMOUNT CITY DISTRICT 34 /" TAXPAYER QR QNNER o PROPER7Y SCH ESTIMATED PARCEL CODE � NAME AND ADIIRESS DESGRIPTION DIST MS EXEMPT MARKET DS PLAT t07 HlK ROSEM0IJNT HN 550b8-3100 FILE 1{102 UNIT M305 ASSMNT ACGT BLD = 64000 • , . . 1/21% ZNT BEING PT OF . , ' • . ' LOT 3 BLK 1 ROSEMQUNT 8A C TOT = 70008 ' ' PLAZA SECOND ADDITION CONDO • ' 3 1 F�iSTD = 1 FULL kOMESTEAD • ' f... TCAP YEAR 0000, NET TAX CAPACI?Y MARKET VALUE INCREMENT , • LON VALUE , 720 '70,000 ' , , MIGN VALUE ' 00 � 00 ' . EXEMPT . 00 00 �-�__-__�_�_�__�-----__-__��_�_----�_--_____�____�-__.^_--�---�___-------�----------------�-------_-___-�______-_____-_--____-___--- r M2LTON T BRUFLODT � ROSEMOUNT PLAZA 2ND ADD 196 V LND b000 34 646�1 306 02 . . 14575 BURHA AVE �306 . ROSEMUUN7 PLAZA CONDO ROSEMOUN7 MN 55068-3100 FILE �IO2 UNIT Ii306 ASSMNT ACCT BLD = 64200 • ,.. , , 1/21% INT BETNG PT OF • ' LOT 3 SLK' 1 ROSEMOUNT OA C TOT = 70100 . PLAZA SECOND AODITION CDNDO . � . LOAN COMPANY TRASOI 3 1 WtSTD = 1 FULL NOMESTEAD ' • TGAP YEAR 0000 NET TAX CAPACITY MARKET VALUE INCREMENT . lON VALUE 722 • 70,100 � � �. HIGN VALUE 00 00 � ' . EXEMPT • 00 40 �` PATRICK 6 MCMENOMY ROSE PARK ADDITION 196r V` I,ND = 17100 34 64700 030 O1 14625 CAMEO AVE LOTS 1 THRU 'ROSENOUNT > MN 55068-4441 3 1 . ASSliNT ACCT BLD = 46800 '" OJI T07' e ' 63400 • ' r . • RESD • . IWSTD = 0 NON-HOMESTEAD TIF PROJ= 0013 � TCAP YEAR 0000 NET TAX CRPACITY NARKET VALUE INCREMENT � • � LOW VALUE • 1,917 63,900 HI6H VALUE ' 00 ' 00 . • EXENPT 00 • 00 ------------ --------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -s------- ---------- ----- '`�� . RONALD J i DONNA L 60TT . ROSE PARK ADDITION 1% V LND = 20000 34 64700 090 O1 • 3280 1447H ST N ALL• OF LOTS 4 Y0 8 BLK 1 i ROSEMOUNT � ' MN 55068 . ' E 11 f7 OF _ ' ASSMNT ACCT BLD x , 37100 _ . . _.�. " • � ` 9 1 ' ,.... ROSEMOUNY . ��s5b�� ' ' OA TOT = 57300 • � RESD � . NMSTA = 3 FRACTIONAL TIF PROJ= 0013 . • TCAP YEAR 0000 NET TAX CAPACITY HARKET VAIUE INCREMENT . ,.. . LON VALUE 1,143 57,100 • . HI6H VALUE 00 pp . • EXEMPT 00 • pp . . _____�_-�__�_____________�-____�_-___�______�^_ _-__�_--�--- --------�-----�-�------_-__�-____-_--_�________�_,.__.^--___^_______� TERRENCE P MOONEY � ROSE PARK ADDITION 196 V lND = 18000 34 64700 110 O1 � 3135 146TH SY M M 11 FT OF LOT 9 BLK 1 S � ROSEMOUNT f�l 550b8-4426 ALL OF LOTS l0 i ASSMNT'ACCT BlD = • 24800 ' 11 1 . OA TOT = 42800 . �� � RESD . LOAH CONPANY TRASOI ' - FqfSTD = 1 FULL HOMES7EAD . TZF PROJ= 0013 , ,, � ' �� � . .� r. , • f ���:rrt-�'A�S. . ;�:'�����'� ��'y u�yM� ,��t. �'i' i F�r<��� y��; I ��v� fi iCS��� P °�;yh 'C�-�,F�{ I ,aok`�t��'�t. �;�-s����' 1���" � . �,i.. 1� n• � -.�s�`L;i=s esry:.,S��.P,�� Y,;i�:str�`��'r?t:�a 'F':y���uCK��^�''�}�� � �!i, k • ,���r:i:',•,y,tki,;" .. . ...uR.}t.-�,` I ��� � � f , `- ----- � . r r .i+ � I � r�. , t c A � . 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' p i• 55, � + ! O 1 '1 �c �„� _—� �^ ��' �� a. _ � � , , y. �; , � � ._ ._ i "---� ' '' � � � -" �- 150 I i _�" � � � ; � � _ � . , . , j L �� �.t.00 � -� ��D _„ i . ' � . 300.00 I-�.1 ' ' � 3to 0 �� ?3 ;� i�j ;,; 19 �o€�Ma u�T �c.�'�.A �1u p �b b tT�oN 9-/�-�4 I��oS d� �t ir q Ji/,C' �,��...r� GJc,•rfy�' /S�� Dc en �,.�c.i_ �'},a-�oJr� %hc� c�;�j ,� , / . ��.v�.. nc� �r�.,c,s �f� ,�frG✓i� �S ��f.� vb/yc��� yw �<v�I� r�j, � ����._ ��c�,,L o:wh �✓ -----� � � , �. z�� o osemouvi� PHONE (612j 423-4411 2875•145th Sueet West.Rosemount.Minnesota AAIIYOR FA)j(612)423-� ' Maiting Address: Edwatd B.AAcAilenomy P.O.8ox 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 Cp�J������s _ ` SheUa lflassen James(Rs�Steala Hury WNbox DATE OF ORDER: October 8, 1992 Den"''`"'�°"n�"" DATE OF INSPECTION: July 27� ].992 A��NISTFiATOR IN5PECTOR: George A. Lundy s►.�,�,r� CORRESPONDENCE TO: Elizabeth McDonough, v Rosemount Plaza Condaminiums Assaciation FACILITY: Rosemount Plaza Condominiums - � ADDRESS: 14575 Burma Avenue ORDFsR . This order is formal notification of violation at the" Rosemount Plaza Condominiums located at 14575 Burma Avenue, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 . Pursuant to the authority vested in me by statute, you and each of you upon this order is served and are hereby ordered effective immediately to: 1. The automatic fire alarm and sprinkler system at the above location shall be monitored by an approved Remote Station Service meeting the requirements of the National Fire Protection Association Article 72 . Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 299F. 011, you have the right to appeal this order. Any appeal must be in writing and must state the sgecific basis for your appeal . You rnust file this written appeal with the Rosemount City Administrator no later than the close of business on October 29, 1992 . Upon receipt of an appeal, y�L ::i1Z be no�ified as tc when your appe�l c�ill be heard. If you have any questions plea�e let me knaw. Sincerely, �`�.,� • � \ George A. Lundy . Fire Marshal GAL/crc ��ver-�t�ztnqs l��m:saq �(/l.� C'�osc�vnounl// �,sj���''.'. � �/ � � �.,.,�.�.,:,.,��, " NQ 337-S-1112 � 1� � ► � � ����"�'��'e�( Simplex Time Recorder Co. Simplex Plaza Gardner, Massachusetts 01441 U.S.A. P1aza Suites Condominiums TO: Ms. Lib McDonough 14575 Burma Ave. BRANCH OFFICE ADDRESS: Rosemount, 2�d 55068 5593 West 78th St. , Edina, MN 55439 TELEPHONE: 612/941-6970 DATE: September 3, 1992 PROJECT: SALESMAN: . ,Tom Cashman CONDITIONS: This quotation supersedes any orai quotaUon which may have been furnished by Selier to Buyer with respect to the Products.The prices and terms on tnis quotation are not subJect to oral chanQes or other agreements uniess approved by the Area Office Manager of the Seller. Ouotation vatid tor 30 days but ca�celable In the event ot strlkes,accidents,fires,materia!availability and all other causes beyond Seller's controt. Quotatlon sub)ect to applfcable taxes now Irt effect or It and when levied. Quotation includes supervision of finai connecilons,test of system and Instructfons to owner. Conditions not speciticaliy stated herein shall be govemed by established tcade customs.Terms inconsistent with those stated herein which may appear on PurchasePs formal order wtll oot ba binding on Seller. TERMS: "Terms are net 30 days from date of involce where satisfactory open account credit is established.Seller reserves the right to revoke or modtfy any credit at its sole discretion.Delivery Is F.O.B.GarCner." I am pleased to submit the following fire alarm quotation .for your consideration: Central Station Monitoring Simplex will install a 2080-9023 digital communicator, includes installation labor, programming and first year af monitorin� service. This does not include any additiona2 wiring if needed or the installation of any phone lines. Frice $975.00 2nd year of annual monitorin� service would be $324.00_ Note: Customer must have electrical contractor mount comrnunicator panel . !.= � 1�/ �� i� h:> •i ----- -- ---------- — .. __ _ -- - . _ _ �sna<nev SALESPERSON MANAGER F . ., . . . . . � . .. . . .. ...... . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . c=TY oF xosn�o�rrr EAECUTIVE SIIMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COLTNCIL MEETING DATE; FEBRUARY 2, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: APPEALS REVTEW COMMITTEE AGENDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS PREPAR.ED BYt STE�HAN J'ILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA �f�L�.� � ! t �� ATTACHMENTS: BOARD 4F APPEALS` - F�RE AND AP' _ BY. BUILDING CODE l � w The City has received two formal appeals to orders written by the City' s Fire Marshall. Those appeals have been made specifically to the City Council . In order to respond to those appeals the City must establish a process which has legal merit. In city s�aff review of such matters, we have found that the Uniform Building Code and the Uniform Fire Code which are adopted by the City, both set out processes by which appeals are to be handled. This process requixes the establishment of a "Board of Appeals" for this purpose. The Building Department has drafted a recommended set of procedures which, if approved by the City Council, would a1Zow for the establishment of the Board of Appeals for this process. Though the appeals we have received are directed to the City Council, I believe it would be improper to process the appeal through the Council as the Building and Fire Code both specifically state that the separate board should be established. Ron Wasmund and I will provide a verbal averview of this process and we request your consideration for approval so that the Board may be selected and the appeal.s may be considered. RECOMMENDED ACTIONz Motion to approve the establishment of a Fire and Building Code Appeals Board of Review and to direct the selection of Board Members, the writing of the Board Bylaws and the drafting of the Ordinance establishing the process. COUNCIL ACTION: i: CfTY OF ROSEMOUN7 BUILDIN - G AND FIRE CODES B D OAR OF APPEALS 1. PURPOSE AND INTENT OF THE BOARQ OF APPEALS The purpose of the Board of Appeals is to hear grievances and appeals of orders fram citizens and contractors regarding interpretations, decisions and determinations of the code(s) made by the Building Official/Fire Marshal or their appointed representatives. The Board will also hear and det�rmine the validity of actions and arders required by Buifding Official/Fire Marshal and shall assist the Buifding OfficiatlFire Marshal in evaluating the merits of a proposed product or method of construction. II. THE AUTHORITY, DUTIES AND LtM1TAT{QNS OF THE BOARD The Board of Appeals shali have the authority to render final judgement of code interpretation and enfarcement and to superimpose its judgement upon the Building Official and/or Fire Marshal. The Boards decisions shali be final and not subject to further hearings by the local legislative body. The Board of Appeals shall have no authority relative to interpretation of the administrati�re provisions of the code(s) nor shal( the Board be empowered to waive any requirements of the code(s). 111. BOARD MAKE-UP The Board of Appeals shall be comprised of seven (7) members who� are qualified by experience and training to pass on matters pertaining to build'rng construction and #ire protection matters. The Building Official/Fire Marshal shall be an ex-officio member o# the Board, however he/she shall have no authority to vote on anymatter. The seven member Board shall consist of the following quafified persons: � Three (3) members shall have knowledge and experience in the building°construction and design fields. • Thcee `(3� rnembers shall have know(edge and experi'ence in the fire pratection and safety industry. • One (4) member shatl be a lay person, citizen of the Community, appointed by the Mayor. The Board shall be voluntary with terms determined as outlined in their Bylaws. :- , BUILDING & FIRE CODES BOARD OF APPEAL The City Council shalt, upon recommendation frorn the Building Official and Fire Marsh�l, officialty appoint ali members of the Board of Appeals for terms as outlined in the Bylaws. The Building Official and Fire Marshal shaii request and review applicants in accardance with , all appiicabie City poticies and procedures The Mayor shal[ solicit a citizen at Iarge who will fi11 the single "lay person" position. N. PROCEDURES � The Board of Appeals shall adopt Bylaws and Rules of Pracedure for conduc�ing its business. The Board shall render alf its decisions and findings by due pracess in writing to the appellant with duplicate copies to the Building Official/Fire I�lla�shal and the State Building/Fire Code(sy Divisian Directors. The Procedures of the Board shall foflow the nine (9� typical rules of due process: 1 . Notice 2. Opportunity to be Heard 3. The Right of Cross Examination 4. Disclosure 5. Findings of Fact 6. Conflicts of Interest and Appearance of Conflict of lmpropriety 7. Prarnpt Decisions 8. Records ofi Proceedings 9. Ground Rufes for Fair Hearings V. APPEALING THE BQARD OF APPEALS Should an appelfant wish to appea{ the Jocal Board of Appeals on a build'ing or fire code matter they rnay do so to the State Building or Fire Code Divisions and/or to the State Commissioner in accordance with Minnesota 5tatute 16B.67. VI. RESOLUTION C?F B.O.A. BY LOCAL JURISDICTION The City Council shall adopt the Bylaws, process and procedures of the Board of Appeals for building and fire code matters and make this process part of the City Cotle. 2 � � � � ' 202-204 UNlFORM BUILDING C4DE � official after receipt of such notice to make the structure, or portion thereof, ' , comply with the requirements af this code. (�Liabilitv The building official,or his authorized representative charged ,� ' with the enforcement of this code,acting in good faith and without rnalice in the discharge of his duties,shall not thereby render himself personallyliable for any � damage that may acerueto persons or property as a result of any act or by reas�an of , any act or amissian in the discharge of his duties.Any suit bronght against the building official or employee because of such act or omission performed by him in the enforcement of any provision of such codes or ottter pertinerst laws or • ordinances imptemented through the enforcement of this code or enforced by the �� code enforcement agency shalI be defended by this jurisdictian until final terrni- .Nw�o nation of such proccedings, and any judgment resulting therefrom shall be � a� assumed by this jurisdiction. .�AOiN9' ' . This code shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of ` any person owning,operating or conuoiling any building or strucnue for an}� damages to persons or property caused by defecu,nor shali the code enforcement agency or its parent jurisdictioR be held as assuming any such liability by reason of i � the inspections authorized by this code or any permiu or certificates issued under I this code. (g)Coaperation of Other Officials and Officers.The builciing official may request,and shall receiv�so far as is required in the discharge of his duties,the assistance and cooperation of other afficials of this jurisdicuon. •� . Unsafe Bufidings ar Structures Sec.203.Ail buildings or strucmres regulated by this code which aze structur- ally unsafe ornot provided with adequate egress,or which constitute a fire hazazd, ior are otherwise dangerous to human life are, for the purpose of this section, , unsafe.Any use of buildings or str�ctures constitudng a hazard to safety,health or � public welfare by reason of inadequate maintenance,dilapidation,obsolescence, fire hazard,disaster,damage or abandonment is,for the purpose of this section,an unsafe use. Parapet watls, cornices, spires, towen, tanks, statuary and other � appendages or structural memben which are supporud by,attached to,or a pazrof a buiiding and which are in deteriarated condition or othtrwise unabie to sustain , the design loads which are specified in this code are hereby designated as unsafe building appendages. All such unsafe buildings,suuctures ar appendages are hereby declazed to be public nuisances and shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition pr removal in accordance with the procedures set fotth in the Dangerous Buildings Caie or such atternate procedures,as may have been or as may be adopted by this jurisdiction.As an alternative,the building official,or other employee or official ' of this jarisdiction as designated by the governing body,may institute any other appropriate action to prevent,restrain,correct or abate the violation. ', � Board of Appeals � Sec.204.(a)General.In order to heaz and decide appeals of orders,decisions or determinations made by the building official relative to the appiication and 6 . I , i -_ 1988 EDITION 20#-205 � interpretation of this code,there shail be and is hereby created a Board of Appeals � consisting of inembers who are qualified by experience and training to pass upon � matters pertaining to building construction and who are not employees of the . jurisdiction,The building official shall be an ex of�cio member of and shall act as secretary to said baazd but shall have no vote upon any matter before the board. � 1'he Board of Appeais shall be appointed by the governing body and shail hold of�ce at its pieasure.The boazd shalTadopt rules of procedure for conducting its business and shall xender alI decisiqns and findir�gs in writing to theappellant with a duplicate copy to the building-affieial. - : � @)Limitations ofAuthorityt The Board of Appeals shall have no authoriry , relative to intetpretation of the adminisuative provisians of this code nor shall tfie = Board be empowercd to waive requiremenu of this code. volations . Sec. 205. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or carporation to erece, construct,enlazge, alter,repair, move, improve,remove,convert or demoiish, } equip,use,occupy or maintain an}�building or structure or cause or permirthe same to be done in violation of t}us code.: ' i l � 7 � � -. _ � , ; � � � � � 2.205-2.302 UNIFORM FlRE CODE ! mai3 to his7ast known address.Orders or notices which are givenverbally shall be ��. . confumed by service in writing as herein provided. Division IU � SPECIAL PROCEDURES Aiternate Materials and Methods Sec.2.301.(a)The chief may modify any of the provisions of this code upon application in writing by the owner or lessee or his duly autharized reprcsentative where there are practical difficulties in tht way of carrying out the strict letter of the code,provided that the spirit of the code shall be complied with,pubiic safety secured and substantial justice done.The pazticulars of such modification shall bc granted ar allowed and the decision of the chief shali be entered upon the records of the department and a signeci copy shall be furnished the applicant. (b)The chief on notice to the building department may approve any alternate material or method,provided he finds that the proposed design,use or operetion sausfactorily complies wit}►the intent of this eode and that the material,method of . work pedormed or operation is,for che purpose intcnded,at least the equivalent of that preseribed in this code in quality, strength, effectiveness, fue resistance, ' durability and safety,grovided,however, thai any approval under the authority herein contained shall be subjcct zo the approval of the building official whenever the alternatc material or methad involves matten regulated by the Buiiding Code. • (c)The chief may require tesu as proaf of compliance with the intent of this code,such tests to be made by an approved agency at ttte eacpense of the person ; requesting approval of the altcrnau material or method of conswction. (d)If technieai expertise is unavailable within the department beeause of new i technology,process,products,faciiities,materials and usss attending the design, � operation or use of a building or premises subject to the inspection of the department,the chief may nequire the ownet or the person in possession or control � of the building or premises to provide, without charge to the department, a technical opinion and report. The opinion and report shall be prepared by a � qualified engineer, specialist, iaboratory or fue-safety specialty organization acceptable to the chief and the owner and shall analyze the fue-safety properties � of the dosign,opention or use of the building or premises and the facilities and � appurtenances simated thereon, and prescribe the necessary recommended ? changes. Board of Appeals See.2.302.ln orderto determine the suitability of aiternate materiais and type of conswction and to provide for reasonable intetpretations of the provisions of this code,there shall be and hereby is created a Board of Appeals consisting of five members who are qualified by experience and uaining to pass upon pertinent matters.The fue chief shall be an ex officio mernber and shall act as secretary of .� the board.The Board of Appeals sha11 be appainted by the executive body a�d shalt hold offiee at their pleasure. The boazd shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations for conducting its investigations and shali render all decisions and 6 ; � _ i . ' 1982 EDITION 2.302-2.303 . ;.. ' findings in writing to the fire chief,with a duplicate copy to tfie appellant,and ; may recornmend to the executive body such new legistation as is consistent ) therewith. � Standards - Sec, 2.3Q3. (a) Uniform Fire Code Standards. The Uniform Fire Code Standards referenced in this code are those standards contained in the Uniform Fire Code Standards,1982 ediuon,published by the Western�ire Chiefs Associs- tion and the Internationat Gonference of Building Officials listed below. The � � Uniform Building Gode Standards published by the International Gonference of Building Officials and refecenced by this code are hereby declared to be part of this code as if set forth in full herein. UNIFORM FIRE CODE STANDARDS U.F.C.STO.AND SEC.NOS. TITLE � � ARTICLE 9 : _ . � 9-1;9.108 � - Standard Method of Test far Flash Point by 7ag Gosed Tester. _ � q-2;9.108 : _ � j Standard Method of Tesr for F7ash Point by the Pensky-A4artens Closed � Tester. � 9-3;9.10$ : Standazd Method of Test for Flash Point of Aviation Turbine Fvels by = Setaflash Closed Tester. � � 9-4;9.I08 f Standard Method of Test for Flash Paint of Liguids by Setaflash Closed � Tester. _ _ 9-5;9.I24 : Standard Method of Test for Vapor Fressure of Petroleum Products(Rcid = � ;vlethod). : 9-6;9.108 and 79.201 (a) _ Standard Method of Test for Flash and Fire Points b��Cleti�eland Open Cup s ARTICLE 10 10-t; 10.301 (a), 10.343 (b), 24.I13 (b), 24.113 (c), 24.113 (d), 30.104 (b), -�� 30.105(b),45.2U9.45.30�(a),19.205(a)and 79.807(c) Selection, Installation, Inspection, Maintenance and Testing of Portable � Fire Extinguishets. 10-2; IA307(c)and Appendix III C 4 Use of Sprinkler Alarm and Fire Alarm Systems. 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