HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.c. 1994 Debt Service Levy ' CITY �F 1ZOSEMOT7NT EXECUTIVE SUI+�MARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 2, 1993 AGENDA ITEM; 1994 DEBT SERUICE, LE�TY` AGhNDA SECTION: NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRAT(�R AGENDA ��� � � ATTACHMENTS: 1993 DEBT SERViCE LEVY' AP OVED,BY• Councilmember Willcox has reques�ed that this item be brought for discussion. Councilmember Willcox has requested that the Council be advised of the projected debt service levy requirements for taxes payable in 1994 . In order to provide this staff wi1.l have to make some fairly liberal assumptians on what projects will be funded in 1994 such as the Fire Station and other improvement projects. If Council wishes to consider this at the present time, we can provide data which reflect certain assumptions. Some of these assumptions may not prove true depending on the final status of certain projeets which will require financing and therefore subsequen� tax levies to support a31 Qr a portion of that debt. When looking at the 1993 Debt Levy and the projects already fin.anced, we can easily provide the 1994 needs for those same projects. It is when we assume the completion af certain projects not yet approved we have to understand that we are creating cost figures now which may change drastically befare the final Tevy is established for 1994 , If Council wishes this work to be done a� this time the following motion would be appropriate: RECOMMENT3ED ACTION• Motion to direct staff to provide debt service levy projections for the 1994 Levy by March 2, 1993 . COUNCIL ACTION• 1992 GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY PAYABLE 1993 Generai Levy GENERAL FUND $2,069,671 5-YE�,R CIP PROGR�Ni FUND 171,4 6 0 RETIREMENT/SEVERANCE FUND 6Q, OOfl TOT.AL GENSRAL LEVY $2,3D1,131 Bcaded Indebtedaess G.O. MUNTGIPAL BLDG BONDS 1986 (Autharized-$150,444) $ 150, 444 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1987A(Authorized-$319, 523) 92, 132 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1988B (Authorized-$72, 6591 -0- G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1989B{Authorized-$88► a89) 88, 089 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1991A{Authorized-$d} -0- G.O. YMPROVEMENT B�NDS 1992A(Authorized-$0) -4- G,O. CONQ+�iTJNITY CENTER BONDS 1992CtAuthorized-$106,222) 106,222 G.�. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1992D(Authorized-$?, 622) -0- G.O. MUNTCIPAL BLDG BONDS 1992EjAuthorized-$152, 728) -D- TOTAL BONDED INDEBTEDNESS $ 436, $$7 Certificates of Sadebtedaess • G.O. EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES 1951C (Authorized $50, 054) $ 50, Q54 TOTAL CLRTIFICA�S OF INDEBTEDNSSS $ 50, 054 Priacipal and Interest on Axmory Boads ARMORY ANTICIPAT�RY LESTIESf$95, 000 + $3$0, 064, 70Ox.00798�s} $ 125, 329 TOT,AL PRINCIFAL AND INTEREST �N �iRMORY BONDS $ 125,329 - . GRAN� TOTAL 3992 PROPERTY TAX LEVY $Z,913,401 a��=ass=sasa 3-5