HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.b. Engineering Technician Position CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMAR'Y FOR ACTION - CITY CQUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 2 , 1993 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: Engineering Technician New Business Staffing Position PREP�RED BY: Bud Osrnun.dson AGENDA ��� � � � City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director ATTACHME'NTS: Memo, Job Description � R D B ' ���G< � � rove the hiring of Rich This item is a request for Council �OTechnician. Lonnquist as a fu11-time Engineering lained in detail in the attached rnemo, We aaWell as�an1lnterna As exp erforme for a full-time teehnician and Rich �a� p lus he has the driv� and He has the qualifications for the position, p desire to improve Rosemount through his work. _ I t is Staff' s recommendation that you approve the hiring of Richassing Lonnquist with a starting date of Mae�hSllicensescheckt �Mrh1Lonnquist the pre-employment physical and driv wi11 start at the bottam of the Enhenbottom of�thec°Bn pan3e1afterlar� range ($12 .17 per hour} , move to t six month successful. probationary period and follow the salary range according to the Administrative Policy. NDED ACTION: Mt3TION TO AFPROVE THE HIRING OFCHIIH 19934SUBJEC�TR RECOMME THE POSITTON �F ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN EFFECTIVE TO PASSING THE PRE-EMPLOYMEN'T PHY�S�IO�L NED IN THESCITYEENGINEERS �D APPROVE THE SALARY AND BENEFTTS MEMO. � COUt�TCIL ACTION: t I 3 _ __ _ _ __ ________ _ __ __ _ _ ,, . I �-- 4 danuary 20. 1989 � YOSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP CITY OF ROSEMOUN'� PosiLion Tit�.e ENGIN�ERING TECHNICIAN nepartment PUBLIC WORKS Accountable To City �ngineer Primar� Ob�ective of Position he This position i.s responsible�nor COh��ructioncand�maintenanceGoflthe areas of engineering, survey $• . lities. City' s infrastructure for streets and u t�. Major Areas of Accountability � I ],, Maintenance Assist with maintaining infrastructure inventories and records. i _� T� Provide technical assistance for in-house projects . 2, EnRineering Implement comprehensive engineering prog ram for the extension of new or replacement of o1d City infrastructure that w:lTl best ser e the CiGy` s current and future needs. Im lement enforcement of engineering and construction 'of �%it ' S F �.nfrastructure to City standards. Review and recommend for approval plans and specs for pvblic i.mprovements, grading plans, development �lans , site plang ► etc. Desi�n and draft plans and prepare speci£icati.ons for CitY Public Improvements `Projects. Provide construction inspection, staki.ng and cantract documentation far City projects. � ��_ 1 � �NGINEERING TECHNICIAN January 20, 19$9 PUSITIpN RESP�NSIBILITY WRITE-UP PAGE 2 t�Iaintain maps �nd £iles to keep them current. IIase maps, iitfrastructure maps, section maps, park maps, etc. Recoxd plan files, easement files � permit files, etc. Provide technical assistance to o�her department�. Obtain traffic counts and prepare summarized results. 3 . E4uipment Operate and maintaixt survey and drafting equipment. 4. Tnspections/Safetv Assist with implementing inspectian -schedules of CiCy ' s infrastructure and maintain records. 5 . Public Relations � -� Responds to service requests and complaints of citizens iti a pleasant and tactful manner and resolves probl.ems in a manner which maintains respect for City oovernment , Represents the Citp in contacts wi�h the publa.c as wel� as wi.th ather employees, other City officials and o�itside units of. government in a manner whick wi11 command respect. 6• Special Pro �ectsJDuties Keeps City �ngineer informed of all matters of major importanc:e as they relate to �he engineering division af the Public Works Departm�nt. Performs othsr duties� assu.mes other respon:;:tbiltttes �s c�ppa:ren� or as delegated . �xa�nples o£ Performance Criteria Demonstrates abili.tp to perform drafting tasks in a timely , efficient and neat manner. Demonstrates abilitp to perform engineeiing design taslcs in a timelp, effieien� and accurate manner . � I �" 2 r . _ ) ENGIN�ERING TI��GHNICIAN January 20, 1989 ', Y4SITION RLSPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP PAG� 3 0 Demonstrates ab-ility to perform field surveping in a timelp , efficient and accurate mannez . Demonstrates abil.itp to per£orm construction inspection and documentation logicallp aitcl accuratelp. ' Pro�ecting a positive and favorable image of the Public Works Department to citizens. Demonstrates abi7.itp to e£fectivelp structure his time and works �asks. 7 . Responsibility for t��or�: of Others None regularlp assipned.' May provide on-the-job direction to temporary employees as required in certain �ob related situa�i.ons. 8. Desirable Trainin� & Experience . ,�,�� Graduate from a 2 year vocational Qr technical scitool accredited program as a civil engineerin� technician. �nowledge of and experience in design, fielci surveying and staking, inspection of public streets, wastewater collection and water distribution system, etc. Wortcing tcnowledge of pergonal computers and typical softwere applications - CAD , database, spreadsheet, word processing, etc. Mini�aurn 5 ye�rs experience as engineering technician with 2 pears experzence with municipal citp . 9 . , Mi:nimum Req uirements ' Must now have or be willing to obtain a Class C Minnesota Drivers License wirhin probationary period. Ability to understand and follow written and oxal instructions , Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with employees, staff ineinUers , and the general public. Ski�l in the use of all survey and drafting instruments , tools �nci equipment assaciated with the work. 1 .e�' 3 i