HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.e. Pay Equity Compliance Notification .s �� ♦:., �� . . .. . . . . . . �� . . . . . - � . � . � . . . � . .. . . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SIIMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MARCH 2, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: PAY EQUITY COMPLIANCE AGENDA SECTIONz NOTTFICATION DEPT. HEADS REPORT PREPARED BYt SUSAN M. WALSH AGENDA N}���;� .�V,. � � ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT �� �� � ATTACHI�lENTS: LETTER/CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE APP VED BY: � ° �G�. ; � � I will give a brief explanation on the notification the City received that it is in compliance with the Local Government Pay Equity Act. Rosemount' s pay equity report was filed in 1992 for salaries effective December 31, 1991. Our next report will be due on Janua 31 1996 . rY . , RECOI�LENDED ACTION: NO ACTION NECESSARY. COUNCIL ACTION: / /� . Minnesota o�i�..�s �O �.:av�✓c-i�.. Department of Ernployee FdR YOUR lNFORMATION Relations �k,�� _ �i, Leadership a►ul�arniersl�ip in • �� ,. human resource mctnageme�it _ _ __ -. February 8, 1993 Susan Walsh, City C.lerk : Rosemount 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN � 55068 Dea� Susan Wal,sh: , : Congratulations: i am very pleased to send you the enclosed notification of comgliance with the Local Gov�rnment Pay Equity Act. Since the law was passed in 1984, jurisdictions throughout Minnesota have been working diligently to meet the requirements of the aet, and I commend your hard work and commitment to achievi�g compliance. As you know, our department adopted a rule specifying procedures and criteria for ,measuring compliance, and information about your situation is enclosed. If you have any questions about the materials or about pay equity in general, please contact Pay Equity Coordinator, Faith Zwemke at 612-296-2b53. One of the •things the rule re+quires is that our department notify each �� ' ._,,.jurisdiction.. when the- next pay equity'report is due. In your case, this_:date - , -- is January 31, 1996, and we will be sending you forms and 3.nstructions at. a� later time. Also, this notice and results of the compliance review are public _ information and must be supplied upon request to any interested party. _ Again, congratulations on a 3ob well done: Sincerely, __ _ �/,1#��i'%���d( ;/�a:�;f 1�L`'� Linda Barton Commissioner Enclosures 200 Centennial C�ffice$Idg.�•6�8 Cedar St.+St.Paul,h1N 5�15�-I�b03 ��TDD(61_')'_9 i-'����3 •Ait eyuc�l oj�portirnit��em�lo��er � � No V�VV O , . . � �� �$f}��F� Pa E u�t Com ' l2ance � .. . . ' ¢�%.c'% �.:�••`•rt:.,i � � . . ./ / � . . . . �� �'`.v 1 !� ���'�. ��;t�+ �'.�li F�f�.!`r`..� ; s � presented to � . � � ��` � �� � . .. � ` G'�t o Rose�ount .�:.: y �� for successfully meeting the requirements of the Locaf Government Pay Equity Act M.S. 471 .991 - 471 .999 and Minnesota rules Chapter 3920. This notice is a result of an official review by the Minnesota Department of Employee Relations of your 1992 pay equity report. Your cooperation in complying with the local government pay equity requirements is greatly appreciated. c.. �(, - , �� C_3 ��;u��� ������� Date Linda arton, Commissioner . i � .� ' RESULTS OF TESTS FOR COMPLIANCE , Date: ��i '? Juri sdi ction: �L6 5��1.t6ZGtif.T� ID# /�v/ 1 . Completeness and Accuracy Test: . Passed. All required information was submitted accurately. 2. Statistical lysis Test: assed. Jurisdiction had more than three male classes and an . _ _ 'underpayment ratio of 80X or more. ` Passed. Jurisdic�ton had six or more male ctasses, at least one class with a salary range, an underpayment ratio below 80X, � but a T-test which �ras not statisticalTy significant 3. Salary Range Test: Passed. Too .few classes had an established number of years �move through a salary range. Passed. Salary range test shows score of 80X or mare. 4, Exceptional Service Pay Test: �ssed. Too few classes receive exceptional service pay. ` ' ✓ Passed. Exceptional service pay test shows score of SOX or more. --- — — _: ---- __ --- _�_. The enclospd material describes comptiance� req��--r�ents i�n-more -detail . If you have questions, contact Pay f�uity Coordinator, Faith Zwemke, at 612-296-2653. , >. _ , �: . ��=�=�� � -m, _ - - . , , . . February 1, 7993 Pay Equity Statistical Analysis Report for Rosemount 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount MN 55068-0000 Pay Equity Contact Person: Susan 4lalsh Phone: 672 423-4411 Female Male Balanced All Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Number of Jobs 72 18 0 30 Number of Employees 15 33 48 Ave. Pay per Emptoyee 2,573.93 3,119 12 2,948.75 Predicted Pay Neighted By Nunber of Ert�toyees Under Payment Jobs At/Above Predicted 5 7 Ratio Jobs Below.Predicted `7 11 ------- P-ercent Below Predicted 58.33 61.11 104.8 Ave. Difference in Pay from Pred. per Employee S -121 S 38 T-Test 2.124 DF 4b � Salary Range Test 133.33 VExceptional Service Pay Test 85.71 —..�_,.------ ~ � � f s � � � . � . 2/01/93 Job List page 1 Job Male Femate Totat 41ork Max Mo. Predicted Pay • Nunber Class Title Empl Empl Empl Sex Points Salary Pay Difference - ------ --------- --------- ---------- 1 Secretary Aide 0 1 1 F 44 1,638.00 1251.16 386.84 2 Receptionist 0 1 1 F 46 1,986.00 1525.42 460.58 3 Asst Program Director 1 0 1 M 47 1,385.00 1662.55 -277.55 4 Asst Program Director 0 1 1 F 47 1,646.00 16b2.55 -t6.55 5 Secretary 0 2 2 F 50 2,087.00 1974.87 112.13 6 Maintenance I 4 0 4 M 51 2,739.00 2211.56 -72.56 7 Mechanic I 1 0 t M 51 2,139.00 2211.56 -72.56 8 Deputy Registrar 0 1 1 F 53 2,252.00 2486.32 -234.32 9 Maintenance II 5 0 5 M 53 2,734.00 2486.32 24T.68 10 Maintenance IlI 2 0 2 M 57 2,836.00 '2959.67 -723.67 11 Mechanic III 1 0 1 M 57 2,836.00 2959.67 -723.67 72 Secretary - Department 0 2 2 F 60 2,477.OQ 3044.05 -567.05 13 Accountant 0 2 2 F. 60 2,477.00 3044.05 -5b7.05 14 Engineering Tech 1 0 1 M 65 2,666.00 31TT.18 -511.18 ]5 Police Officer 8 0 S M b5 3,369.00 3177.18 191.82 16 Admin Assist - Police 0 1 1 F 66 2,761.00 3196.72 -435.12 17 Building Inspector 1 0 1 M 75 2,912.00 2893.44 18.56 18 Pire Marshal 1 0 1 M 79 2,721.00 2734.26 -13.26 19 Asst Park & Rec Director . 0 1 1 F 80 3,043.00 2987.86 55.14 - 20 City Clerk' " 0. 1 1 F 88 3,341.00 3318.12 22.88 ' -' ' 21 Police Lieutenant 1 0 , 1 M 94 3,686.00 37Q1.20 `-15.20 22 Parks Supervisor 1 0 1 M 94 3,717.00 3701.2Q 15.80 23 Maintenance Supervisor 1 0 1 M 94 3,b86.00 3701.20 -15.20 24 Asst Ci�ty Administrator " ` � - _ .�_ : .�.,�.. F y`.'�`�,686.U0 3701.20 -15.20 25 Park & Rec Director 1 0 1 M 99 4,175.00 4175.85 -.85 26 Planning Director 0 1 1 F 99 4,1'T4.00 4175.85 -1.85 27 Finance,Director 1 0 7 M 100 4,218.00 4216.86 1.14 ` 28 Police Ghief • -� 0 1 M 101'- �,258.00 4257:�72` � ` ,2g � = __ 29 Public Works Director t 0 1 M 102 4,298.00 4298.57 -.57 30 City Administrator 1 0 1 M 118 5,384.00 5377.10 6.90 , ■ ' � o � Rose m o u nt 5500 ; 5�00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- 4500 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------.---------.- --------------.----------- 4�40 - .--- ---------------------------- - ----------------.-----------.-----.---- --- - -------- ----- -- - ------------- �- - -----------.---- , , �, 3500 ------------------------------------------+_----------------------------------..----- -.-------------------.---------.-----.------------- , c� °' 3000 =------------------------------ '-----.------.------- -----------. ---..--------.--.-------.--------.------------.-.-----.-------------- + � .,� 2500 --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- � ----------------- ---------p- - ------------------------- 0 , 2000 - ___ �___________________________________________________________________.__.____._____.______..______..__._..__.- ___.__.�.___ .-..-.-- 1500 ___�_ _________________ _ _ ________________________ _ _ ___ _.__ ._ ______. ___.._______ ________._______..____..__.__._._ .�. 1000 40 50 60 �� 70 80 90 100 110 120 ; Points Pred Pay ♦ Maie Jobs � Fem Jobs � Bal Jobs � � � � ��;� � �� � � � � � � � � fF