HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Newspaper / Newsletter Options r � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECIITIVE SIINII�IA,RY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: `MARCH 2, 1993 AGENDA ITEMs NEWSPAPER/NEWSLETTER OPTIONS AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: SUSAN M. WALSH, AGENDA N��E� � � � ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ATTACF�SENTS: MEMO AP O B : . ���C� / f v City Counc�.l at theix January 26, 1993 special council meeting directed staff to contact the publisher of the "Rosemount ThisWeek° to discuss costs for the City having a one page ad on a monthly basis. Staff was also directed to discuss cost and placement of agendas and costs for legal notices and city council minutes. The attached memorandum addresses the result of my discussion with representatives of the "ThisWeek" which include the following: (1) Full page ad once a month at a cost of $516 .98 or $4652 . 89 for remainder of year; (2) Agenda for council and commissions published at no eost; (3) Legal notices in the "Dakota County Tribune" published at a cost of $6 . 67 per column inch or approximately $5400 for rema.inder of year; {4) Minutes published in the "ThisWeek" at a cost of $5 .63 per column inch or approximately $4500 for remainder of year. A suggested forma� for the monthly city page would include a city department column, park & recreation events, meeting notices, etc. Total cost for the remaining nine months for monthly ad, legal notices and minutes would be approximately $14, 553 . RECONa'lENDED ACTION: MOTION TO PUBLISH A MONTHLY NEWSLETTER, AGENDA, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES IN THE "ROSEMOUNT THISWEEK" AND TO DESIGNATE THE "DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE° AS THE CITY' S OFFICIAL NEWS'PAPER EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1993 . COUNCIL ACTION: .� •. z�� o osemouvL� PHONE{612)42&4471 2875•145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Address: Edward B.MCMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemourrt,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen M E M O ,7ames(Red)Staats Harry Wilicox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR TO: Mayor McMenomy stapne����k Councilmembers Willcox, Wippermann, Staats, assen 1�'�' FR�M: Susan Walsh, Administrative Assistant � � DATE: February 24, 1993 SUBJ: Newspaper/Newsletter Options This memorandum will discuss the results of my discussion with the owner and sales staff of the °ThisWeek" newspaper with regards to the city publishing a newsletter once a month in their paper. Full Page Ad Cost: 4nce a month: $ST6:98 for full page �� [Twice a month: $488; Weekly: $452.16] � Ad would appear as close to the front of the paper as possibl�, somewhere close to page:5 and would always appear on the same page. City staff would work with our sales representa:tive for designing a consistent header. She would give us copies of the header which would allow us to layout the city page to our sa.tisfaction. The sales rep will come to city hall to pick up the ad and spend some time to review the page with staff. The format of this page would include articles from city departrnent staff, parks & recreation events, notices of ineetings and other information our citizens should be informed about. Staff in the administration department would be responsible for the coordination of the articles and layout of the paper.__ Agenda Agenda for city council and city commission meetings would be published at no cost. Although the paper cannot guarantee consistent placement of the city's agenda, the publisher advised that most of the time they: will be placed on the same page. Tl�e deadline for getting agenda to the paper is Wednesday, at 5:00 p.m., which works out well for staff getting a near final draft agenda to the paper. Legal Notices The quoted cost to publish legal notices in the "Dakota County Tribune° is $6.77 per column inch. If the city designates the "Dakota County Tribune" as its legal newspaper, our notices would be published free of charge in the "ThisWeek": The "Farmington Independent" currently charges the city $2 per column ineh. �ver-���ings �oming `UC� �osemounl�� � � � . � Li�ecoc:ee:.ana, . � � � . . -, Minutes The cost for publishing the city council minutes in the "ThisWeek" would be $5.53 per column inch. The cost for publishing the minutes in the "Dakota County Tribune° would be $6.67 per column inch. If we published the minutes in the "Dakota County Tribune", they would be published at no cost in the "This Week�� State statutes requires a statutory city to publish its minutes unless the city makes the minutes available, at city expense, to its residents upon request. This alternative allows the city to publish the minutes in the "ThisWeek° rather than the city's official newspaper ("Dakota County Tribune"). Distribution: The "Rosemount ThisWeek" is delivered to 4,805 households in Rosemount and Valley Park. A total of' 200 papers are in news stands at Tom's, APCO, Tom Thumb, Loch Pharmacy and Super America. I advised the sales representative that I personally am aware of Rosemount homes not receiving the paper. She said they recently retubed all the cities and all homes should be receiving the paper. The newspaper pays a route carrier to deliver to all homes. Her only suggestion is that homeowners contact their office on Monday, and the office will have the route carrier bring one to their home. The majority of newspapers are delivered on Saturday, but the delivery deadline is 10:00 a.m. on Sunday. Rosemount and Apple Valley residents receive the same paper; but the he,�ding changes depending on -�`T"°'-- which city the paper is being delivered. __ _.�_. __- Summarv of Costs: If the council approved an April start date, the costs for 1993 would be as follows: Full Page Ad $4,652.82 Agenda -0- Legal Notices (estimate) 5,400.00 Minutes in "This Week" (estimate) 4,500.00 Total $14,552.82 Plus funds for publication & distribution of Parks & Rec semi-annual brochures 10,000.00 Tota1: $24,552.00 , Funds Available: Newsletter-Acct. 101-41110-01-307 Balance $27,690.00 I.egal Notices-Acct. 101-41810-01-351 Balance 1.045.00 TotaL• $28,735.00 2 1' , : Recornmendation: The City Council approve publishing a city page once a month in the "Rosemount TlusWeek" to begin in April. The City Council authorize publication of city council minutes in the "Rosemount ThisWeek° effective April l. The City Council direct staff to publish:all�agenda for city council and city commission meetings in the "Rosemount ThisWeek" effective April 1. T'he City Council designate the "Dakota County Tribune" as its official newspaper effective April l, 1993. 3