HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.d. Community Center Commission Establishment r... . �� .. . . . . � . . .. . . . � � ' . . . . : . . � . .. . . � � .. � � .. � . � . �. ;Y'. . .. � . � . � � . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . � .. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUNIl�IARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MARCH 2, `1992 AGENDA ITEM; COMMUNITY CENTER COMMISSION AGENDA SECTION: ESTABLISF�lENT OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA �r ��� �"7" � � ATTACHMENTS: COMMISSION ESTABLISHMENT PROCESS, AP VE BY: COMMUNITY CENTER COMMISSION GUIDELINES / �,� ,,,�� With the decision to remove the operation of the Community Center from the Parks and Recreation Committee it will be necessary to establish a new committee/commission to provide advice, direction and oversight to this operation. A draft of the guidelines for the establishment of this new commission, the Community Center Commission is attached. These guidelines outline specific responsibilities for the commission members and the role they will play. The Commission is proposed to be rnade up of seven members with desired representation as follows: One member from Business {Chamber) — One member from the School District 196 One member from RAHA, Rosemount Area Hockey Association One member from RAAA Rosemount Area Athletic Assoeiation One member from Rosemount Parks & Recreation Committee One member from Senior Citizen Population (Senior Center) One member from Youth (High School) Population The members wauld be appointed by the City Council through a process which would allow each one of these groups to reeommend a person to represent them and then receive appointment from the City Council . T would recommend that the City xequest that each of these groups each provide a name, and some relevent background, for a person they would like to see sit on the committee. RECONII�IENDED ACTION: MOTION to approve Community Center Commission and the appointment process to select Commission members . COUNCIL ACTION: ROSEMOUNT COMMUNITY CENTER COMMISSION The Community Center Commission is an advisory commission appointed by the City Council . The purpose of the commission is: 1) to provide input, direction and oversight as to the operation of the Rosemount Community Center. 2) to advise and make recommendations to the City Council concerning the ogeration of the facility, its management and programing. Organization: The Commission consists of seven (7) members who are appointed by the City Council for three (3) year terrns. Members will be appointed following an interview`and selectian process as established in City Policy. Seven members should represent, as closely as possible, the business community, school district, Rosemount Area Hockey Association (RAHA) , Rosemount Area Athletic Association (RAAA) , Rosemount Parks & Recreation Committee, the seniar citizen_populatian, and the youth ---- _ . population: _ . _: Ex--�-fficio members of the commission shall be the Mayor and City '� Administrator. The Community Center Manager wi31 act as the staff -liaison and Commission advisor, and direct link to the City Administrator and City Council. The Commission will meet at least once a month, at a time and place decided by the Commission. Jurisdiction: The Commission has certain responsibilities pursuant to the operation of the Rosemount Community Center. Included in the commission' s jurisdiction is the following: 1) Review, adopt, and recommend operating capital: budgets for the Center. 2) Authorize expenditures for funds specifically set out for use in the operation and maintenance of the utilities as designated in the approved budgets . 3) Make recommendations to the City Council on the hirzng of personneS and purchase of additional equipment for operation and maintenance of the Center. 4) Review and recommend general operational programming, user fees, and contracts for the Center. Members Role: The Commission will act as advisor, overseer and community representatives to the City Council for the operation of the Community Center and work closely with the Community Center Manager to effectively and efficiently operate the Rosemount Community Center. 1 Staff: The Community Center Manager provides the staffing needs to the Commission and provides direction for implementing the Commission' s policies and deals directly with the Commission. � Representation of the community on the Commission should retain a cross section of the community to insure all community interests are represented and that the Community Center provides an appropriate opportunity for service to as many and as varied users as possible while still maintaining a cost effective management pragram. Members must remain objective in their representation and decision making. � JOB DESCRIPTION/QUALIFICATIONS i k Oualifications: 1. Resident of the City of Rosemount � 2 . willingness and dedication to commit both time and personal ' energy to the Cammission. 3 . An interest in recreational programs . � 4. Desire to provide .a broad range of reereation service to citizens of the community. 5. Interest in the knowledge of the community of Rosemount. 6 . Recognize that recreati.r�n fulfills a vital- role in the quality of life for Rosemount. _ � 7 . Willingly: seeks input from neighbarhoods, organizations; � , and individuals on the operation of the Center and programs ; offered. f 8a �bility to maintain an objective approach to recreation. issues. Responsibilities: 1. Attend and participate in regular meetings and special meetings . 2 . Attend and participate in appointed study committees which � may be required to conduct the affairs of the Commission. 3 . Make recommendations concerning Center operations and development to City Council and the Center Manager. 4 . Review and make recommendations concerning Center programming. 5e Annually elect officers of the Commission. 6 . Annually review the budgets, providing input to the Center Manager and recommendation to the City Council . Reports to• l . City Council 2 y Performance and Evaluation: 1. Self evaluation by Commission and City Council . 2 . Regular attendance and participation in meetings. 3 . Knowledge and satisfaction that the Commission is fulfilling a vital role in the community. Duties of Chairperson: 1. To preside over regularly scheduled and special commission meetings. 2 . To call special meetings when required to conduct the responsibilities of the Commission. 3 . To act as spokes person for the Commission. 4 . With the Community Center Manager establish a tentative agenda for meetings. 5 . Assign members to special study committees. 6 . Advise and consult with individual members concerning their participation on the Commission. Duties of the Community Center Manager to the Commissian:� 1. - To assist in the development of the agenda and pr�pare __ packet material . 2 . To act as a managex of the Community Center and its -- budgets, user development and liaison to the City Council for the recommendations made by the Commission. 3 . Provide direction and input to the Commission concerning Center operation, staffing, and budgets. 4. To attend meetings of the Commission. 3 . '_ . COMMUNITY CENTER COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS SCHEDULE � March 2, 1993 Cit� Council approves Community Center Commission establishment, job descriptions, and Establishment Guidelines March 3, 1993 Applications received for Appointment to March 16 March 22, 1993 Council reviews applicants Appo�nt new members _ , � . . . � . . . .. f . ApriL 5, 1993 Community Center Commission meets lst time i h [ ___ __ __ _ . � 4