HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.e. Review of Port Authority Operating Powers 7 ;►. .. . . . . . . � . . . � .. � � . . . . . �� � . � . .. . . . � . . . ... . . A�. . ' .. � . � � �� � . .. � � .. � .. . . . . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUN.�IARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MA.RCH 2 , 1993 AGENDA ITEM: REVIEW OF PORT AUTHORITY AGENDA SECTION: OPER.ATING POWERS NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: COLTNCILMEMBER HAR.RY WILLCOX AGENDA ���� �R � � ATTACHI�2ENTS: MEMORANDUM AP O� B : . .�!f'-._� `��t-' d Councilmember Willcox will address his attached memo regarding the statutory powers of the Port Authority. s RECOI�Il+�iENDED ACTION: MOTION TO INSTRUCT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO RESEARCH THE APPLICABLE STATUTES TO SEE IF THEY HAVE BEEN CORRECTLY FOLLOWED WITH RESPECT TO THE SIX BUSINESSES NORTH OF THE CITY AND TO THE STRESE PROPERTY AND TO REPORT BACK IN 30-45 DAYS AND TO REQUEST THE COUNCIL T0 RECEIVE A COPY OF THE MARCH 1ST FINANCIAL REPORT THE PORT AUTHORITY SENDS TO THE STATE. COUNCIL ACTION: � , . . ,; � �� 4 Z� L � i✓"" I F�B. 21 , iqqa / SUE�J ECT: F�EV I EW OF THE F'ORT AUTHDR I TY QFERAT I NG F'OWEFS. IN VIEW OF THE FECENT F'FO�LEMS WITH 7HE SIX BUSINESSES ON THE NORTH END OF TOWN AND THE STRESE FROF'EFTY I FEEL IT IS TIME T0 SEE IF THE F'O�T AUTHORTTY IS OPERATING THE WAY THE COUNCIL WAS LEAD TO BELIEVE WHEN 7HE AUTHO�ITY WAS AF`FFOVED. SEE THE A7TACHED LETTER FROM THE HOUSE FtESEARCH DEPAFtTMENT. TNE AFiEAS OF CONCEFN A�,E AS FOLLOWS: 1 . SECT I ONS 469. 0��1 TD 469. t�47 AND 469. C748 TO 469. U68. THE F'ORT AUTHOR I TY SHALL NOT EXERC I SE ANY F'OWEFtS W I THOUT THE F'Ft I OR AF'PROVAL OF THE CITY COUNCIL. 2. SECTION 117.52 WITH RESF'ECT TO ALL AC�UISITIONS, 3. ANY OTHEF� STATE LAWS THAT MAY F'ERTAIN TO THE FORT AUTHORITY. __ _ I fi�E�UEST THAT THE CITY COUNCIL INST�UCT THE CITY ATTOF:NEY_ •TO F�ESEARCH AND INVES7IGATE 7HE ABOVE MENTIONED STA7UTES AND SEE IF THEY HAVE bEEN COFRECTLY FOLLOWED WITH RESF'ECT TO TH� SIX �US I NESSES NOFtTH OF TOWN AND THE STRESE F'ROPEFiTY AND REF'OFi7 �ACF, �' —'�Q THE COUNC T L W I TH I N 3C� TO 45 DAYS. I ALSQ Ah'I fiE�UEST I t�lG 7HAT —" l'HE CS�UNC T L RECE I VE 1"HE SAME F I:NANC I AL FtEF'OFtT THAT 71-1E F'OFiT AUTHO�;I 1"Y SENDS 70 TNE Sl'ATE MA�CH F I RST. �ESF'� �F LLY DU�i , �> , � . , , HAFiRY fi. W I LL.COX C� . e. �UUi--r. � 1K I.MUI.UJ lu • - - -- - - � • Research Department Minnesa��. Thomaa Todd, Diroctor HQ�se Q� � S� of��Bu��g ;X .°>- Representatives sL �,��o� ssiss-Yao1 (612) 296-6753 [FAX 296-9887] October 2A, 1992 TO: Repr�scntacivc Dennis Ozmcnt �� FROM: Gary R. C1�rric, Legislative Analyst RL: Certain Powcrs of the City of Rosemount Port Authority _ This mcrno is in regard ta y�ur quesuons about certain p�wers of lhe Roseinount Port Authority. 1, Citv Councii Control Laws 1991� chapter 291, arucle 21, section 17, autl�orized the city council of the city of Rosernount to cstablish� by resolution, a port authority� and dc.ccritsed ti�c procedural rtyuiremcnts for adopring thc ciiabling resolution. Thc fimitauon of powers of the pc,rt authority rr�y bc dcter�nineci by thc city councit as provided in subdivision 2, of sccrion 17. Ttus stales that thc cnablin� resotution inay impose linutations upon dic acrions of thc pon - autl�ority as enumerated, including thc stipulation that the pon authority shall not exercise any specified powcrs contained in Minnesota Statutes, sections 46y.OQl to 469.U47 (Housing and Redcvelopmcnt Authorities) and 469.048 to 469.�68 (Port Authorities) or that the port �uthority shall not exercisc any powers witliout the prior approval of the city council. Sec subdivision 2 (I enclose a copy of thc entire act�. 2. C�ndemnation Power and Relocation Assistance Minnes�ta Statutes, seetion 469.OS9, subdivision 2, authorizcs a port authority to acquirc pro�erty by scvcral devices i��cluding condemnation. Subdivision 4 of thut secuon authorizes a part authority to exercise tt�e rigtit o�` cminent dorilain under Minnesota Statutes, ehapt�r 217 (Eminent Domuin) to acquire pzoperty if i[ is autharized to acquire by condemnatie�n. Thus a port authority may acquire property hy condemnation, Minne.cota Statutes, secdon 117.52 provides that ii� all acquisitiot�s undertaken by any acquirin� authority �in tlie case statcd, the �ort authority) in which, due to lac:k of federal �inancial participation, relocation as�istance, serviccs, payments and bcnefits under federal law arc not ava.ilable, the acquirin� authority, as a cost of acquisition, must prvvidc reloczrian � ;'�U U J t�� 1 1C 1..1-t U l,V J l u • - - - - - � � � � 's . . . . . .. . . Rcsearch Dcpartrnerit Octot�cr 2D. 1992 2�kinnesota Hcwsc of ReprescnL�stives Fage 2 assistance, scrviccs, paymcnts and bGnefits rcquired by fcdcral law following a public hcaring and commcnt. Again, from your dcscription, I undcrstand that thc port autharity is thc acquiring authoriry as contemplatcd in the eininent domain description. 3. Qpen Meetin� Law The descripEion and interprctation of entities that arc under thc provisions of the Minnesota Opcn Mceting Law (Minnesota Statutes, scction 471.705) is braud. Port authority commissions no doubt fall within these provisions. It is noted that Roscmount's enabling legislation also auttiorizes the city council to grant to the port authority thc powers of a housing and redevclopment authority and thc port authority may constitute an "agency" tt�at may administer one or more rnunicipal development disaiccs untier Minnesota Statutes, section 460.110 (At�ea Redcvelopmcnt). GRGfa Enc. __ - � � ! JUJ�:, � K LHULUJ 1L • -- -- - - . 4 4p F �r 1991 1646 1647 LAWS of MINNE507�1 for 1991 Ch. 29t, Art. 21 .vc a st4u or federal wx rcturn �stimatod�the United Statcs Dcvartment of Hauting and Urban Devclopment tiiation or other taxpayer ih�ll for thc nonmcironolitnn eoun or rianclard m��roaolitan atatistical nre1 Which- � �uthoriud nmpt�yeee of�hc CVCf tf 6DDT'oDriate. ` �e Suvia in ►.ho counc of an � ��t, pc�spn� �prpo:y�an, p�R_ Scc, 17, t469.Ok13j ROS8I1SOUi1T:POR't'AITi'H�BrTY. Ify wppoiatcd represenutive of ��ivision l. pSTABI.ISFIMRivTt pOWERS. '1'hc c� o� �os�moune �potcnt or othcrwlu unzble lo ma f an enablin reso�uti�n in campliance _th thc groccclurul sion �ali not appty to disclo- —Y!���Q--"--$ ue or of tha Inlernal itevenue rcauircmrnts g_f cubdivision 3,cstablish a ep_+n authori� commission that,sub- ;servia where such discle:ure �L�the orovicions oC sabdivision?,hac the rame s�owers aa g�authorit he taz lawc of the suu or ihe establishrd under s,�ction 469.044 or othtr IAW, end a houxing and redevclop- E ment authorit 1ab!' unde�sections 469.00t to 469.047 or othor law,and n 469.167, subdivi:ion 2, ic ehall c�nstitute in"a cn " tha n�y adm'tnis�er one or more mUnicipat devct• ovmcnt di6trict under�enion 469.11 tf the cit escablishes a op�n authorit Commiuign nnder lhis s�CCtion,the cit shatl cxcrcisc all tht powers relatin to� an ar�u as en cn�crprisc zone o�rt authosit rg pnted to a�c��cxt�onR 469.i1d8 to 469.068 or othet law. "dai�nation,oxcopt that enter- and aU rowen rctatin to a h u in and rodevcioament auihoril ra� ntcd�o a� _ allocauons for tax rcduccion= ci bv section a69.0(�i co 469.04� or othcr I,aw. j under section 469.1T1, subdi- ationt have bcen expcndcd. 51,�• �• �-�M�TA7ION 4F POWERS. � ThC onabfirc resolution ma �9.171,u amcndcd by sdding a �m��he fotlowin limitations uDon the accions of thc�authoriey: ��t1� or euthoritY s Il nQt exercise an saccificd o� wcrs contnined. .t.IACA'I70N8.jn,�tldition�Q in scctio A ,041 to 4G9.047 and 464A4R co a69.068 or that thc�authorit subdivisions 1 n��nnd u�• :hall not exercice an aowen without the nriof annrovai of the cit council: �1,000,d00 C,or tax rcduction:as ' i nat undc�r ecs tion 469.168. � that, oxce t when arcviouslY i�odRed � the c��rt auchoritv, th� city >caccd in titice of the fi_rst clas�. council may,liy�u i n reouirc the po�ruthorit to tran+sfer an op nion�f �n a�er,earita basie.Limiu on L�scrvcs cncrat jty activities of Ihc�authont which the cit councit �.^,ction 469.164, cubdivisipn � dtterminc:is not ncccssa �t}+e successful ovc^s+tion of the�wthoritv, �o 3ivision. the cit enera!fund,js be uscd fo�gny e� neral g,uraose of►hc cit ' n 462C.03� subdivision t0, is �that ihe salc of all bonds or obliAationx i5sucd � the � authorit ro aoarovcd�tttt cit �uncil bcforo �ssuance; ' f Ihis chapttr, not more than 20 4 that the rt authont fotlow the bud¢ct process for cit dc�artmcnts sts xcm t bond procecds� k*�y u--�'—'Y .=—L- �rovided jy the cit and��mvlemented�the cit counr.il end ma or y calu►dar ynr to make or pur- - dwcTlin� unitr for tale within �Ihat sil official ution:of,t,t��n_authorit n�uit bc cons�st�nt with thc scction 462C.05,subdivision 3. adooted com r�h n iv plan of h�r.e'�1 , ne�1 an oIT'ie+nt contro}s imoitmentina noudne for perconi or fimilies, t C�omnrchensive lp an; �vl�oce erou income exceeds thc raent of the total amount of tnx• ��hat thc o�rt thorit aubmit to thc�j1y c1�un�il for a�DfOyAI����u• n any ealenAar year!R expcnded ; tion nn pron4sed rp bl�et as deRned in scction 469.174. tubdivision j undc mey be cxpandt� purcurnt � �hpt jE1 n authont 6uhmit all la� nncd activitics Cor influcncinR thc �nainine 80 perccnt is txpendod �——� °p—---"x — subdivi�ion �,j� •£i�y� +� actio of a�othtr eovern;}mcntal a en subdivision or b�to the i�yt coun- (or ono and tamili� w,.,,ith ��+1 f�r apbrovrl: s _�_.._. _f thg edia amil incame os � that thc �euthorit submit its admin�i „stra�i�'e xtruccure and mana e- ment �racticos to thc cit oc unci{ fQr aDrrnv�l; and dc�etions by�re�wer�t. NeM lan�u��t lo fndkatsd by underline.deletloru ey s+��• sUUJt lK l,t1Ul.UJ �u . �+ _ —— �<� %; I�I I iy,;il I � ji� Ch. 291, Art. 21 I.AWS of MINNESO'I'A for 1941 16AS � a� 4thtr limitation or ntrot established � the c� council � titt ena_ b1in�rtt0lution. �b The enabline resolutiom m��v brr mudified At any ti_ mc, subicct tQ clause � en ron �ided jhgj�n,�modification ii madt in accordanct with t1i� roce- dunJ requiremenls of iuhdivision 3. -- �Withoul limitin thc rieht of Ihe�authority to tilion tht c�coun- c,�l et an time.�ct year, within 60 da of the anniv datt of the initia! —� --—--�,�, � do to ��h,g nablin tesolution, the � authoritv st�ail submit W the c�' . counci p�nori taf tfnR whcther gQd �ow the n li recolvtion hould be mod. i`fled, Wi hi �0 � of recei of the rccommrndation, the cit counci! shall nview jh� enablins resolution, eonsiAer the rccommendations Qt' � o�n authorltv, �nd ma,�ke a� modi'_,_ fication6 it considcn appro�riate; providcd t� �ny modification shnl be made m accordanee with the proccdurel rcquirtmcn,t of su ivieion 3. � A detcmiinotion�the� opunciCthat thc limitation� im osed undu� — this: iion have boen comolicd with �thc�authoritv chan t�c conclusivo. � imitationt im under this se ion rnust no� be Iicd in a tnanner_ _ }h�'m aus the cari Qj�ny bpnds issued or contract� txecuted rior ta the imDos�tion Q,�the limitetion.Thc city council shall no modifv ony limitations in eRect at the � e an r 4bliAaeions are isauod or contraccc execu�cd io _ I.�L._.1 h Sz. tho dctriment of the holdcr Qf the bonds or obfi tionc or a�contr�ccine panv Subd, ,3.. PBOCEpURAl, RF,�LIIREMF:NT. � Tfio creation of a � authoricv�the�,isy 9j Roaemount must be�written rosolution kn��the enablinc r�solution.Prior to adoptio�t of the ena_ bline r�solut�the city council shall ndu g ublic heanntt• Notic� of tht timc and D18CC p,f'heerina' a statr-- ment of th,r� ose g,f the hcarin¢, and a summarv of thc rer.c�lution must be u lishui' Qj 8 � _�_____Y�_ p�,��r ��ewsv�ner ene I circulat+on w�thi thc cit once a wcck for t,ws consecutive weck�.T�6rsR ication mus ap�se&r not more than 30 daVs - from th��of jhe public hea_cinr _ . ;j�:,. �„�b Llll modificationF jo Lhe ablin rcsolution must be� wrilt�n msoiu- tion a_nd must�e ad6ptC�after noticc is ig ven and a publie hcarine conductcd as uircd for thc o_ rigina) adopcion of th� cnabling resolution. Subct. 4. NAME. Notwitfistandin¢ an,Y law to the con_ trarv, thc cit ma . choose�he namc of the commission. Subd. 5. REMOVwL OF C�MM15S10NE1ZS FOR CAUSE. A commis- sloncr of tht o�rt ut rit may be removed �th�ci�cvuncil for inet�icienc��, n cct of duty'or miceonduct in office. A commissioner shall bc rcmoved onlv atler g h_cartnR•�CODY of thC char es mus� be iven lo the commicsinntr at Icast ten devc bcfore eh� hcxrine• The commissioner must be i�ycn an�pportunity to Now 4�tusge ir indicuod by undcrline.d.kr3om by�Frikea+rt. rrUUbk' J.K I.HUI.UJ lL • -- - ' ! •91 t648 1b49 LAWS oCM1NNESOU for 1991 Ch. 291, Art. Z1 ,I he h�arcl in c�,rson gt�y un 1�t tFic hcarin .�+�lien written chs a have b�cn u mitted ain g Con�miesionor,the eitv councii me tcmoorecilv susnend thc ;v ihe c� council � the �mmiiuioner.�t��}y council finds that those cha c have not be,_n subsiTn- tiatcd, the comm____issione* ch��� be immcdiat�iv reina___t__8t�d• t�a c4mmissioner is 3�}ime• subiect�ctause T�mo�� a record of}� p,roccedin¢a. tneether _.ch thr cha �nd findin j,l. *•c�r s with the roce• �hall�F1ed in thc offi�of th��ity clerk. , c. d nce r——�- Suhd. 6. EFFECCiVE DA7'F'-.Thi: iv j,�sRoct[ve or thc cit of Rose- _v�o U t n thc ett c u mount che�gfl r comDlianco w�,th Min�nea_ o_ta Statut t :ection 645.021,sub- p� t 0 ----Y-p�: division 3,�the ttovcrninY bodv of the ntx of Roumount. �ivcrs�+ dete of the initial + ;�chatl s bm� io�� cit Scc. l8. LaWn 19'l4, chapter 285, uccion 4, s: amcnd� by Lawc 1984, __ - �resolution shovid be mad• chupter 328,artiele 4, :ection 6,is amended to rud: :ion, the �cuuncit s ai mmendatione ,� the �o„n_ Sx. 4. ISSUANCE OF BONDS. �� ���� �� T'o finnqce the programa authoriud '+n section 2, 2n, and 3 of this act, lht 1e roccdun �uiroments governin:body of t1►e city may by re:ol�tion authorize, issuc, and-toll eeneral - ob►igation bon� oC t1►e city +a aeee�++e� � �° �� °���°°�� � .limita � nt imnos�d �nder _ &fet�le�;C�D��'�1�=ua.-m--�ut°° nf the uca st�on�1�Sc 1�� ctars of iht ` :ho h us+v . ci�notwithttandine an r visio gf the�chartcr,01 jQg$�o��nnncx. Min- --�'������ nesota Statutet.chautcr 475,gp lp 1es to the i�uuancec ot�bonds.The tota!amount not be aDplied in g mnnner of all bonds ouunndin,� for the proYramr Rhall not cxcccd S25.00U,OOQ• 7`he •�tracu executed p�rior�o thc amount of elt be�nds issucd shali be ieeiaded�*►excludcd from the net iadebtod- ot modtf in limitxti in . ntss of thc cily for the puiposc oC any charitr or s�atutory dcbt limitatian. ed or 1 ac txecufcd tQ S�. 19. PFNNINGTON COUN'il';TtiI�:N WVER FAL.LS; SI'UDENT ;ns o��,,,ny�ontractin�partY. . HOUS1hG. � ;� Thc crcation ,o_f g p�n .zn resolution known as the Subdiv�s�on 1• Pennin ton caunt or the c�of Th►ef Rivcr Falis ma con- struct an ,d own stu ent housin in thc count or citv. Thc counc or � ma ,a,rc:olution,�ha ci �u^„��� �ncur debt as nrovidcd�Minneso►E Ststute:,chantcr 475•ts finance the cnst oF nd 1p,ac,e of hcarin g state• the tuden o►tsin which is�nurPose��kt other pu�oscs stated in Minnesota ,y of the t,�solut�on r,�,�b� i n 475.52. Ps cn o h d �„a+j�aec�qred � ithe or bolh C Statute sstt o - __1__..�-�}�-� ��L�Sc 'SJC 4l1S�g W� � �he alcdae� v n om�h,ov�ipg Q ti�e ie edAo of�he full fa`th And credit I �a:er not morc then 30 d� of the count o� � n ciccti n ie not ne sxa to auihor+�e obii tiono►ssucd ._�1�Sr�L•�...�Q.--— ..�—_.�? � undtr the authoril �oo vided�this sectio . must t�e �writtcn resolu- Subd.2. u 'v' i ], aL Yet�ftcet se aratel for Pcnn�n on c unt and thc un blichearin conducted as cit 4f 'I'hic '� r F;IIs uqon comafiance with Minn ,csota Scatutca, section :solution. 645.021, �ubdivisi �,�,iy thcir re5pecti��c nvtmin bodics. the contrarv, ih� �i5.'. ^�a Subd• ��ro�eny taxes�t,$y no � vitd undcr th�s seccion�,ntil the 1992 �p�ynbic in 199 a��d thcr��• i FOit CAUSE. �cosnm� ' Scc. 20. VALIDATInN OF iNUEPEhDENt' SCHOUL DISTRTCT NO. :c��.ountil�j 12r„ i n 625 BONDS. sioncr�ig11�e�9� :to the eomm! �sf�onW a�,�� Subd�vision 1 YALIDA'i'ION.'Chc sa�e�t eg ncrnl obli aiion scltool bonds s����� ��ppottun�to undet ihe authorit of L�v+t 1994•ch�lptCi�04,article 8,s�ction t0,�+nde cn- rtlo�t by�trii��ew• Nex 1anQ�►[e�����by underlinq d�lotions Dy�'►�+f• i