HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.i. Legal Fees � : CITY 4P ROSEMOUNT EXECIITIVE St.Ti�?ARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MARCH 2, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: LEGAL FEES AGENDA SECTIONz CONSENT PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA N��� � { . . , � � � � � .. ATTACAMENTS: ATTORNEY BILLS AP OVE B�'r: � - , ;r ,,� Attached find two bills for legal fees for legal representation regarding the McDonough/Sunrise Builders case. These bills have been reviewed and found to represent the services provided. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve payment of bills frorn Lindquist and Vennum in the amount of $15, 052 .43 and Fredrikson and Byron in the amount of $6, 923 . 75 . COUNCIL ACTION: ti. e `` - ' . � . . . . . . � . . In Accaunt With LII�DQUIST £r VENNUM � � 4200 IDS CENTER� . . . � . � � . . � . . . . . � � MINNEAPOIIS, MINNESOTA.55402 � , . . � . 612-377-32/7 . .. . � � . � . . � �� AMOUNT ENCLOSED$�� � . . .� E.B. MCMEAiOMY, 3R . M+CM£N�MY ASSOCIATES, INC. 28'I 0 145TH STRE�T WES1' f��tl'E ��€B�tUARY 19, i �9� ROS�NlDUN7, MN 55468 c`-'IL.E N0 . �#:ii3t$ . 00{!{ INtlOiC� N{3. �0�9?. i�5� � J r►�c�;g�►_ rrcnon�au�M v. ci i�ra3 41l1 ! !93 A V VIKSNINS Reviewed tran�crf€�t af �ummary judgmer�t hearing in �� cor�n�rtion witl� fitin•� ��P��lat� braet-: 4t �t2�'93 A V VIKSlVIt�S Revised a�►pellate brief; created �p�et�dix . U i l 13/�33 � T OS7Lt1lVQ 'i'e l�phone �anFerence w i t h Nd ragar<�i nc� counc i l me�ting resultt anr� optian� . 0#l14f93 A iT VIKS�iINS kevi�ed �c�p�113t� �Yfilt�f 3s'Y�� t.4I�CjCte<7 m4.t�riats - . f or app e�cf i x . ". --�._ i. :. 41fi1/'93 A V VII{ShlItJS Revis�d a�pel2a#e bri�f. , Ot�f$f93 A V VIKSNiNS Revis�d appellate bri�f; drafled Ietter to c . hl<_Mersa�y . 01 �24/93 R T fl��'�UI�U Aggregate of ti�►e ic� t>rief �,r€pa�etior�, canferences with �_orrespond�n�.e regar�iing - inde�nity iscues . . 41/G9f93 A V WIttSNINS '�.eiephane r_ortfer�n<.e with Mary �iantan �.�_ , __ _ . �redrikson & Byron regarding a�>p�Ilate brief. FE�S FOR S�RVIC�S RENOFRi�#7 � 1 : 59?_. SO I)ATE QI SBURSEME:�t�S P#�ot ocopy Charges e � . 30 70TAL DISBUhS�MEh!'F� � �7. 3G , TOTAL CUR�tE�fT F4:E� ANf� fa I�BUR-SE�EPIT� � 1 , 559 . 8Q AMOLIN7 UNt'AID Fh4M 's'RfOR S`fR't'EM�NTS � {# 1, '�Sr�. . 63 ��ES FOR S�RVIC� f , 54?. '.�'G �3ISE�URS�M�N'fS �'T . 3t1 TOTAL TN I� STAT`c'Nt:h11 � i 6 i Or,2. /#; LINDQUIST&VENN�MISAN LINaQUIST Et VE�dNUM FEO/A4 F.MPlOYER. FcD.I.D:�4?(165??�g „ , III FREDRIKSON & BYRON ■�� . ”' . i 1'R(IFCtitii()ti:1L.4SS(K'IATIOV. � . . . . .. INVOICE NET 30 DAYS Client No. 30395 City of Rosemount _ � _ P.O. Box 510 February 9, 1993 2875 145th Street West Invoice No. Z08326 Rosemount, MN 55068 ATTN: Stephan Jilk, Cty. Adm. For Professional Services through January 31, 1993 : Ma�ter No. 1 Mi�hael McDonough v. _ _ ,__ - - - --- 0.1/03J93 N�. �I�n�on . _ Research- regarding qualified 3.5 -. _ immunity and absolute immunity as defenses to City of Rosemount and S. Jilk . ' O1/04/93 M. Hanton Legal analysis and review of 2. 8 case law regarding immunity defenses; analyze summary - � - ..-� -judgment memorandum prepared - -- _. - .. ;. by def endant McMe�omy. O1/05%93 K. Harbison� . Read and analyze recent 1. 5 Minnesota cases describing - official and discretionary = - - immunities rules; outline - - _ _ _. _ �._ . _ their effect on appeal facts. Ol/06/93 M. Hanton Review Minnesota case law - - . 2 regarding official :immunity. -01/06/93 K . Harbison Analyze various types of l . l �. immunity defenses and plan • appe.11ate brief arguments, ;01/08/93 K . Harbison Read transcript of summary . 6 � judgment court hearing and analyze for use in appellate brief . Ol/11/93 M. Hanton Research regarding various 1 .4 immunity defenses for City of Rosemount and S. Jilk . ' PLEASE RE�1IT TO: � FREDRIKSO �T & BYRO '�' l l00 ItiTER\ATIOti:�L CE\TRE, 900 SECO\D .��'E\t;E SOliTH, �iIti1EAPOLIS, :11\ 55�102-3397 TELEPHO\E 1612)3-17-7000 I„ TELECOPIER i61'_) 3i7-7077 I,I TELEX?90�b9 FREDRIKSOti �1PS T.�.� ID \O.-t1-0971937 QLESTIONS REGARDItiG THIS I1�'OICE SHOCLD BE REFERRED TO OLR BI;5I\ESS OFFICE AT (612) 347-7057 PLE.4SE RETL�R_\"PI:��1:COPY If7TH }'OLR P.4r:�7E:��T �e� I:I FREDRIKSON & BYRON �,� :1 PNUFEti�{ON:1L:1titiOCiATIOV . . . . . . INVOICE NET 30 DAYS Client No. 30395 Page: 2 City of Rosemount February 9, 1993 Michael McDonough v. Ol/12/93 M. Hanton Research regarding official 2 . 5 immunity and other defenses of S . Jilk . Ol/12/93 K. Harbison Research for appellate brief. 1 .4 O1/13/93 M. Hanton Legal research regarding 4 . 5 immunity defenses, torts of � iritentional misrepresentation _ ____�_- ---,-.e__� -- anc7-iri��eritiona�--'interfe-rence with contract; draft appellate brief �egarding same. O1/14/93 M. Hanton � Draft appellate brief; 3 . 0 research regarding tort of fraudulent misrepresentation; confer with K. Harbison ` regarding same .- O1/14/93 Ko Harbison Telephone conference with S . . 9 Jilk regarding s"tatus of appellate brief drafting and , scope _of brief; office - conference to outline organization and substance of appellate brief . O1J15/93 K. Harbison Telephone conference with 1 .4 State attorney regarding research on community issues for appellate brief; continue planning brief . Ol/15/93 M. Hanton Draft and analyze court of 5'. 5 appeals brief . O1/16/93 M. Hanton Legal research and analysis of 3 . 4 torts of interference with PLE.-�SE RE�IIT TO: FREDRIKSO :� & BYROti 1100 INTERNaTIO\AL CE\TRE, 900 SECO\D .-���E\CE SOI�TH. �II\�E.-�POLIS, �i\ 5��02-3397 TELEPHONE (612)347-7000 I„ TELECOPIER 1612i 3�7-7077 I,I TELEI 290�69 FI2EDRIKSON 11P5 T.�i ID ti0. #i-0971937 QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS IIVOICE SHOL'LD BE REFERRED TO OLR Bi SItiESS OFFICE AT (612) 347-7057 PLEaSF_ RETL-R.��PI.�h'COPY«7TH )'OL�R P.-1Y_11E\�T „' �II FItEDRIKSON & BYRON „� ,�reoecssiov:��assoct.�r�o� INVQICE NET 30 DAYS Client No. 30395 Fage : 3 City of Ros2mount February 9, 1993 Michael McDonough v. _. contract and fraudulent , misrepresentation; draft appellate brief regarding ; S a m e�.�-----�-------- - 01/16j93 K . Harbison - - Read recen�� Minnesota cases - 1 .3 regarding standards for . __ -_� _ _ - a��lying public o�ficial . _ __ � immuni�.y for Steve Jilk and � ,, _ City in appellate brief; _ ._,_�...�. ,� . � supplement draft brie� _ _ . . - , , ��_ _ . _ � ..� . � __� -- r : . .. �__ :___ ou�line :�_. �_� ��._.,�. .. ._._. . _ , � , O1/17�93 K. Harbison Continue analyzing recent . 5 Minnesota court decisions regarding immunity defenses. - Ol/18/9� K_F__�Harbi.�on �.�.�.� ._ D.r�,ft brief to Court of 2 . 2 __ � _ . _ _. � ,�.__ - _. _ - -:__� __ _ `._`-.Y_ ---�PPea1s-and �on�u�'�`updating research regarding three causes of action by McDonough, Ol/18/93 M. Hanton Legal review and analysis of 5. 0 - _ caselaw regarding immunity . . defenses of City and S . Jilk . ._ Ol/19/93 K. Harbison Draft Court of Appeals brief 3 . 2 . _ and continue updating research . __ __ ._ for brief'. Analyze_ and select . documents ancl transcript .� . excerpts for brief and appendix to brief for Court of appeals; outline key language for appeal arguments . PLE.aSE RE'11IT TO: FREDRIKSON & BYRO \? , 1100 INTERNATIOti.-�L CEITRE, 900 SECO\D .��-E\L'E SOUTH, �II\1E:�POLIS, 1I\ :�-102-3397 TELEPHO\E (612)3�7-7000 "I TELEGOPIER 1612� 3-17-7077 �,� TELEX 290�69 FREURIkS01 1IPS TA.1 ID �O. �31-0971937 QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS I\FOICE SHOtiLD BE REFERRED TO OL'R BL'SI\ESS OFFICE �T (612j 347-7057 PLE.-I.SE RE7C'R.\'PI.�"1:COPY Ii7TH Y�OL-R P.-15'1fE.\'T „' . III FREDRIKSON & BYROI ■�■ ,,, . 1 PN()FEStiI()\ai.:\Sti<;('1:\'li(IV � . . . � � . . . INV�ICE NET 30 DAYS Client No. 30395 Page: 4 City of Rosemount February 9, 1993 Michael McDonough v. Ol/20/93 K. Harbison Continue selection and . 6 analysis of documents for appellate brief and appendix . O1/20/93 M. Hanton Analysis and review of 2 . 9 appellate issues respecting immunity defenses and defenses ' _ � -- - _____ - _ to==tort claims agains-t S . ' __ Jilk . O1/21/93 K. Harbison Read and analyze letters from . 9 - -S . Ji1k regarding sing]�.�--- —` �-i �� �— attorriey representation of documents; telephone call and letter to S . Jilk responding ,_ ___ . � to such questions . O1J21/93 M. Hanto�r Research and ana3.��is of case 2 . 7 1aw regarding asbestos and legislative immunity. _ Ol/22/93 S. Davis Prepare audit letter . . 6 01/22/93 K. Harbison Select excerpts from court and . 6 deposition transcripts for appellate brief arguments . Ol/22/93 M. Hanton Draft appellate brief; 5 . 2 research regarding punitive damages and defenses available to S, Jilk . O1/23/93 M. Hanton Review and draft appellate 5. 0 brief; compile materials to be , included in appendix . O1/24/93 M. Hanton Review and revise appellate 2 . 7 brief regarding statement of facts and City of Rosemount ' s legislative immunity defense: � PLE.�SE REIIIT TO: FREDRIKS01 & BI' RO \ 1100 I'�TERNATIOti:�L CEtiTRE, 900 SECO\D .-��-E\LE SOITH. �iI\\E.aPOLIS, �I\ �5-102-3397 TELEPHOtiE (612) 3�7-7000 �,I TELECOPIER�6131 3�7-7077 II� TELE1 290�69 FREDRIKSO\ 11PS T.�.1 ID ti0. �1-0971937 QUESTIOn'S REGARDING THIS I\��OICE SHOCLD BE REFERRED TO OL�R Bi:SI\ESS OFFICE AT (612) 347-7057 � � � PLE-1SE RF_TCR_��PI.��I,'COPy'I17TH FOC�R P_-i5:11��-T � � � 111 ■■■ FREDRIKSON & BYRON � ,,, . . APROFEStiIOVAL.455UC1.4T10V � . � . � � . . . ... . INV�ICE NET 30 DAYS Client No. 30395 Page; 5 City of Rosemount : Februaxy 9, 1993 Michael McDonough v. _ O1/25/93 M. Hanton Draft appellate brief. 4 .9 Ol/25/93 K. Harbison Continue drafting appellate .9 brief and analyze trial court __ �w._ __ -___ , .. . _ __ ----- - _..__ O1/2b/93 K. Harbison _ Telephone conferenc�� witfi M. �' 4. 0 _ � __...�.-�..�_ . . --t � � ` - � � �Si.les and Eric_ Short regarding � - _ _ , ._ .,� . _ case fact� and backgr-ound _ - __ • _ __ . w..� . ,._ - regarding proposed lea�eback __ - ._ ___ � provisions; telephone call to Supreme Court to obtain : l -- -- ' -- 1/26/93 opinio-� in case __ ___� ._r_ _ inyolvir�g _gaver��►��t--_�. __ _..__: ----- � .'.-X ` immunities; outline immunty arguments for appellate brief; '- compute filing deadlin� : - . _ _ _ '__� Review and analyze letter and �' property purchase a�greement from S. Jilk; letter to S. Jilk regarding effect of property sale on appeal . Review documents to determine correct brief exhibits -- reflectin.g- various lease 4 � termination clauses-; read _� _ - iJ26/93 decision by Minnesota Court of APPeals regarding new rules on public official' s immunity to liability and _ _ analyze :effect on brief to Court of Appeals . PLEASE RE�IIT TO: . ;' FREDRTKSQ \ & BYRO :�T 1100 INTERN,�TION.aL CEtiTRE. 900 �ECn1D .���E\LE SOC'TH. 1fI\\E:�POLIS. 1Iti 55-t02-3397 TELEPHO\E (612) 3�t7-7000 „� TELECOPIER f612)3�37-7U77 "' TELE\3y0�69 FI2EDRIKSO\ RIPS T,�,Y ID �O.-ti-0971937 � � � QtiESTIONS REGARDII'G THIS I1��'I�ICE SHQULD BE REFERRED�TO OC�R Bi;SI\ESS OFFIGE�T�(612) 3�7-7057� � PLE.�SE RETL-R.Z'PI.�"K COPY 1d7TH}'OL'R P-1Y"11E.��T „ , „' FREDRIKSON & BYRON ”, .�reotessiov.��.:�ssuci,�rios. INVOICE NET 30 DAYS i Client No. 30395 Page: 6 City of Rosemount February 9, 1993 Michael McDonough v, 01/26/g3 M. Hanton Draft, review and revise appellate brief; confer with 8�2 O1/27/93 K . Ha�rbison K• xarbison regarding same. Continue�re�ar'ation of : appellate brief; telephone � $ _:_, . _ conference with Linda of S. --- ___ J i 1 k-!-s---o.f-f-i c e r e ga-r d i n g .- ,. O1/27/93 M, Hanton transcript of 12/17/91 . - Compile appendix materials; - incorporate_ same into �� 8 __- --� -____ _. _ _-�PPell_at-e--�rief; edit _�- _, -----�. _-, O1/27/93 Audit aPPellate brief. --- _ Solicit information for response to Auditor ' s request, 1• 0 Ol/29/93 M. Hanton -- Telephone conference wit�---1�, Viksnins regarding appellate �4 Ol/31/93 K. Harbison matters and considerations . Revise appellate brief. tal Hours ' 4 95. 5 �'otal For Services - _..�_ Disbursements, Costs and Other Charges �6� 800. 00 PhotocoPY Charges Express Messenger 8 .20 Telecopier Charge 7, 95 Photocopy Charges 25. 00 Photocopy Charges g, 20 Telecopier Charge 10. 00 Photocopy Charges 5. 00 Telecopier Charqe 34 .20 3,00 PLE.aSE RE�IIT TO: 1100 I'�TERNATI01:-�L CE.TRE 90 R CO D .O�E OL�H.OII.\'\ -- TELEPHONE t612)347-7040 1„ E��POLIS, �Iti ��4p2_3397 TELECOPIER iF11)3;i_7p77 "� TELEZ 290�69 FREDRIKS01�fPS T.�k ID 10. -17-0971437 QUESTIO\S REG.4RDING THIS I1�`OICE SHOI`LD BE REFERRED TO OL-R BL'SI\ESS OFFICE AT (612j 347-70�7 PL E_-1 SF_ RE TC R.\-YI\I,"COP}'tt 7TH)'OL:R P�l'11F_.\�T . F . . ", � . .. � . � . III FREDRIKSON & BYRON ■�■ "' a rHOFess�uvu..+ssuci:aa�� INV�ICE NET 30 DAYS Client No. - 30395 Pag�= � City of Rosemount - February 9, 1993 Michael McDonough v. Fho�tocopy Charges 12 .2Q Tel�copier Charge 4. OQ TeZ�copier Charge . ,, , , 6 . a0 � - - � � w. _ . _.�. Total `for Disbu�sements,_'Cos�s arid Other: Charges - �123 . 75 Tota3� This Invo��ce . f- __ . �6,923 .75 , .` ._ - ' "BALANCE DUE BY FEBRUARY 2 6, 19 9 3, -- ` ' - : -�_ . = � , PLE.�SE RE�1IT TO: ' FREDRIKSOI & BYRON . � 1100 I\TERNATI0IAL CE\TRE. 900 SECO\D .�«10E SOI:TH, �tI\tiE:�POLIS, 1I1 �S�Q2-3397 TELEPHOtiE (612) 3d7-7000 ", TELECOPIER (6121 3�37-7077 ", TELE�390�69 FREDRIKS01 '�1P5 T.4.� ID \O.-t1-0971937 QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS I\�'OICE SHOULD BE REFERRED TO Oi:R Bi:SI\ESS OFFICE AT (612) 3�7 7057 PL�:-1SE RETC'R�"PI.�X COPY i17TH YOL"R P.aY.1fE��T