HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Armory/Community Center and Fire Station Project Update CITY OF ROSEMOTJNT EXECUTIVE SUNIlKARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MARCH 2, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: ADMINISTRATOR' S REPORT, AGENDA SECTION: COMMUNITY CENTER AND FIRE STATION PROJ. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT pREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA NO����� � � ATTACF�+iENTS: MEMO APP OVED BY• �; /� r ,G�� � .�:� This is an update regarding these two projects: 1. Armory/Community Center 2 . Fire Station Referendum Attached find a mem� on these matters. No action is requested and this will be a verbal update for your information. RECOMMENDED ACTION: �None. Informational only. ' COUNCIL ACTION: ROSEMOUNT CONIl�ITJNITY CENTER UPDATE MARCH, 1993 REPORT #3 FROM: STEPIiAN JILR, CITY ADMINISTR.ATOR Construction Construction is proceeding along well. Work is actually a bit ahead of schedule. Please refer to the attached drawing. Lower level walls are complete in the Phase I area on the west, north and east sections. Footings have been poured in Phase 2B (Armory North and footings are to be poured in the Community Center tPhase 2A) the week of March 1. That footing schedule is almost a month ahead of time based on the existing schedule. Structural steel for the lower level of Phase I should be on site next week. No delays on the work schedule have been experienced. Project ScheduT�e._ : - - - Please refer to the schedule (attached) provided to you on February 2, 1993 . This_ schedule has not been changed and is still based on an arena completian of December 15, 1993 . Project Completion Move Up In our request to receive a cost estimate to move up the completion date of the Arena to December 15, 1993 the _�ontractor had.provided a cost estima�Ce of $51, 000 based on the additional cost put together by the subcontractors. These costs have been challenged and the cost increase estimate of $7, 000 to $10, 000, put together by our cost analyst has been provided to the contractor. I have conducted a cost analysis of the revenue and expenses related to the operation of the arena to determine what our break even point would be in deciding whether to move ahead with a "move up° completion of the Arena. Based on this review it is apparent that based on our budget used to develop financing for the project we would experience the following: 1) Weekly revenue of $7, 973 . 2) weekly operating expense of $3, 790 3) Net Revenue for each week of $4, 183 4) To cover an additional cost of $51, 000 would take 12 weeks to recover 5) To cover our additional cost of $10, 000 would take 2 .4 weeks to recover. 6) We are looking to move the schedule up by some seven weeks so we could expect a net income of $29 ,281 difference between a completion of Feb. 4 and Dec. 15 Rosemount Community Center Update Page 2 7) If the Arena is not open until Feb. 4th we may experience a greater loss than seven weeks net revenue because some ice users may not be willing to book ice at all in 1993-1994 if they can' t get in earlier - that is they may likely just go to another arena for the season. So our actual "net" loss may be greater than just a seven week net. That cannot be determined until we experience it. At this time the contractor is reviewing our cost analyst's numbers and on Monday, March 1, we will be meeting with him and representatives of all subcontractors, the architect and the cost anaiyst. We should have a final cost for consideration by Tuesday evening. I believe, at this time, based on our cost analyst' s numbers and the fact that the proj ect is slightly ahead of schedule now that we should be able to get the December 15th completion date with a cost that is acceptable. ' ARMORY SCHEDULE Jan. 1993 Construction - Bi�ildinct Construction - Utilities - Water, no activity - Sewer, no activity - Highway 3 Improvements - plans being made Relocation - Port Authority approves quick take of properties - Port Authority receiving/�'eviewing relocation payment requests � Staffing - Consider alternates for Administration February Construction - Buildincr - Consider "move up" schedule - Construction Continues Construction - Utilities - Water, no activity - Sewer, no activity - Storm, Plans being made - Highway 3, Plans being made Relacation - Schedule Public Hearing for Quick Take - Continue to negotiate for purc�ase/relacation Staffing - Approve facility ma.nagement structure ° - Authorize Hiring of Manager March Construction - Buildincr - Start up for "move up" schedule - Gonstruction Continues Construction - Utilities - Water, no activity - Sewer, no activity - Storm, Complete design, advertise for bids - Highway 3 , Complete design, authorize bids Relocation - Continue to negotiate for purchase/relocation - Demolition Bid/Specs developed Staffing - Accept applications for Manager Position - Select applicants for interview April Construction - Buildina - Construction Continues Construction - Utilities - Water, work continues - Sewer, work continues - Storm, Construction Contraet Awarded - Highway 3, No activity 1 (�pril con� t) Relocation - Relocations concluded - Property is officially acquired - Advertise for Demolition of Properties Staffing - Conduct Interviews �.y Construction - Buildinct - Construction Continues Construction - Utilities - Water, Construction Continues - Sewer, Construction Continues - Storm, construction begins - Highway 3, Construction Contract Awarded Relocation - Demolition of properties on Hwy 3 Begins Staffing - Ma.nager Hired June Construction - Buildincr - Construction Continues Construction - Utilities - Water, complete � - Sewer, complete - Storm, complete . _ - Highway 3, Construction Begins Relocation - Demolition complete Staffing - Other facility staff designated July Construction - Buildinct - - Construction Continues Construction - Utilities - Water, complete - Sewer, complete - Storm, construction continues - Highway 3, Construction Begins Relocation - Completed Staffing - Advertise for other facility staff positions August Construction - BuildinQ - Construction Continues Construction - Utilities - Water, complete - Sewer, complete - Storm, construction continues - Highway 3 , construction continues Relocation - Completed Staffing - Applications received and interviews held for other positions 2 �eptember Construction - Buildinct - Canstruction Continues Construetion - Utilities - Water, complete - Sewer, complete - Storm, construction continues - Highway 3, complete Relocation - Completed Staffing - Other facility fuli-time staff hired October Construction - Buildincr - Construction Continues Construction - Utilities - Water, complete - Sewer, complete - Storm, construction continues - Highway 3, complete Reloc�tion = Completed � ---�--- __ Staffing - All facility ful7�--�ime staff hired November Construction - Buildinct - Construction Continues Construction - Utilities• Completed - Water - Sewer - Storm - Highway 3 Relocation - Completed Staffing - Complete Hiring December Construction - Buildina - Arena Open for Operation - Construction on remainder continues Construction - Utilities - Completed Relocation - Completed Staffing - Completed Hiring Jan. 1994 Construction - Buildinct - Construction Continues February Construction - Buildina Completed - Entire Facility Grand Opening 3 . . . Rosemount Armory/Community Center 1993 1994 Timeline J F M A M J J A S O N D J F a e a p a u 1 u e c o e a e n b r r y n y g p t v c n b t � Building ,` •3� VJater :L Sewer ' r. . . ... ....,. .� . ;;,,�,•.. ..,.•,.:: • =: • � h�•�� .�y�:.� • '� . . . � . . . . . . . , . .; .v{ Stormwater �,:� : :. . :��'"�•~- � �• -- -- . .. » • .. .... . , . , .: <, ., .: . .;e. _. . _ . . . . . . . ____:_�. __ _ ---- __ . .... ....., . .... .. . ,.. . .. .. .. . � : _ Higkway 3 `' ' � � � •f. .. v. . . . . . ..... . . .., .. ... . ... •r . . . �yr. r ••.. . . ._... ..... .. ?:�y+' . . • ..' • . . . Reiocation . .:.<. . . . . .... .� . . ; - : • .. ., . . . . .:..- �-: -:-.. � ♦� .L {� •4 SM�LII�P . }• . .� �5..: I (Shaded area shows start of project to finish) FIRE STATION REFERENDUM PROJECT MARCH, 1993 FROM: STEPHAN JILR, CITY ADMINISTR.ATOR The F'ire Station Referendum Committee, Fire Department Representatives and the Architects have progresses successfully in their last three meetings to a point of providing the follawing information as an update with a final report to you coming on March 16, 1993 in preparation for the May 4th referendum. 1. In consideration of the different issues, Fire Station construction, Fire Truck purchase and existing station remadeling the committee will be recommending that one question be placed on the ballot and that should be to build the station and purchase the truck. Remodeling of the existing station should be constructed with funds from the CIP __ reserve. These costs are estima�ed to be about -$65, 000. - ---- .. 2 . The preliminary design of the building is almost complete.- . _ The estimated cost of the site acquisition, sit-e_ preparation, -- - fees and constYuction is now e�timated at $2, 900, 000 . These . _ costs are expected to be lower-ed with final design and cost estimates put tagether on Ma.rch lOth when the committee meets. - 3 . The cost of the fire truck is still estima�ed to be $650, 000 . ' 4 . Combining both items into one question will result in a total cost estimate of $3, 500, 000 which may be reduced slightly by the committee before March 16. On March 16, 1993 the Council will have to decide on the form and cost estimate for the ballot to be used in May. The Committee is also working on two brochures to be sent out to the community between March 16 and May 4, 1993 and a process to get the information on the need and cost for the project to the public before the referendum. David Kroos, the architect on trie project will provide presentation to you on March 16, on the project. Again, the dollar amount and the form of the question(s} will have to be decided on March 16 to meet county notification of the election on May 4th.