HomeMy WebLinkAbout10. Police Union Negotiations CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTI�TE SU1�Il�IARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MARCH 2, 1993. AGENDA ITEM: CLOSED SESSION - AGENDA SECTION: POLICE UNION NEGOTIATIONS GLOSED SESSION PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK AGENDA � !, .- -�;.. \ 4 CITY ADMINISTRATOR ����3a tY i ` _ t.: ATTAC�iMENTS t NONE VED BY �y��YG-- . I am requesting that Council adjourned into a closed session in order that staff can discuss with you the proposals that are on the table regarding the police union contract with LELS. A confidential memorandum wi�l be provided to Council in a sealed envelope marked confidential . RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE COUNCIL ACTION: . � * � � CONFIDENTIAL MEMO * * * * TO: Mayor McMenomy Councilmembers Klassen, Staats, W' ox, Wipperm FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator �-;, t�`� v� ��� DATE: February 26,1993 RE: LELS (Police Union) Negotiations On February 4 Susan Walsh and I met with police union representatives to continue negotiations with them. The following is their response and request for settlement for contract years 1992 - 1993. Following is my recommendation and consideration to these demands. 1. Contract Period - I have suggested a one-year contract or a twa-year contract with a wage opener. This is in consideration of the proposed legislatian regarding wage freezes in 1994. The union is objecting to this and retains a request (see #2}€vr salary increases for 1994. - 2. Salary increase - City proposal 2 percent increase in 1993, wage opener for 1994. Their demand is 3 percent ui 1993 and 3.5 percent in 1994, I feel the 2 percent is appropriate and in line with what the council would consider. Other cities are beginning to settle at between 2 - 3 percent with several, that I am • aware of, settling at 3 percent. 3. Clothing allowance - This is now at $425.00 per year. Police request $450.00 per � year in 1993, $475.00 per year in 1994, with no lunit in carryover of unused amount. My response is OK with this. It is not an automatic expenditure and is only released when needed. 4. Dental Insurance - Police request to add ov�rage like all other employees. This is about an $18.00 per month cost. I recommend approving. • 5. Health insurance coverage after retirement. This has been dropped as a demand. 6. Add employee spouses' parents and grandparents to use of sick leave options so employees can use their own sick leave to assist these people. I recommend this to be approved. 7. Proposed sergeant pay increase from $175 per month above top patralman pay to $200.00 per month in 1993, $225.00 per month in 1994. This continues to be a demand. I have recommended that we move the sergeants out of the union and make them exempt employees. It is the feeling of Lyle and Dwayne that this position should not be in the same bargaining unit as the patrolmen. These are first luie supervisors and it would be more appropriate to have their positions I more clearly defined. The cost to have them separated, even with a higher base salary would probably prove to be no more expensive to the city. The union objects to this as it would remove these positions from the union. But, I would like to pursue this. It is our right to define these positions as exempt and cause them to be non-union without the union having any say but I would like to work with them on it if possible. 8. Outside Contract Involvement - Agreed that when there is an opportunity for contracting, between outside agencies such as the Dakota County Technical College and the city, the city will involve the union in these discussions. That is, the city will "meet and confer" with the union in these matters. This will not give the union the right to decide on these issues but will involve them. I recommend language should be added to allow this. ' 9. Call back and overtime provisions - This is not a change but an issue:that has-been ` raised because the union feels that these provisions have not been enforced. I agreed that in the future they will. It may require a more stringent scheduling of personnel than has been done in the past. • - ��""`- 10. I suggested the elimination af longevity pay for new hires after 1-1-93 and the addrtion of a performance pay program for 1994. The union is strongly opposing this proposal. They are afraid that unless the program is very clearly defined, the possibility of obtainmg perforrnance pay is unlikely. Most-unions are concerned about these kinds of programs. There exists only three such programs in place in Minnesota as of today for police unions. Since they are untried to date, there is much skepticism. = I would like to spend some time discussing this issue with you.on Tuesday to explain . - ' the package we are proposing in more detail and to get your support for continuing this idea. I believe that we can get agreement on this program long term possibly by leaving the existuig longevity in place as an option for all employees both e�cisting and new requiring the employee to choose one tune which one he/she wants. This may be the best option in moving toward that concept. 11. Sick leave pay at severance. 12. Retirement pay. At the present time the following is in place: 2 s , � . - . � � . �. � �. Sick Leave Pav - If the employee leaves employment, on good terms, the city will PaY� • 2 weeks pay with 5-9 years of service • 4 weeks pay with 10+ years of service and no payment for unused sick leave. Other employees had the benefit but in the last two years the ciry eliminated the 2 or 4 week pay and replaced it with a buyback of sick leave accumulated at increasing � rates depending on the length of service with the city. I am proposing the same feature with the police department. Retirement Pav - Presently the contract reads that upon leaving the ciry's employment for retirement purposes, the employee will receive compensation for a portion of their accumulated sick leave. • 25 percent at 5 years vf service • 50 percent at 10+ years of service I am proposing tfiat the same increasing scale of sick leave buyback is used but � allowing the 2 or 4 week pay benefit in addition to the sick leave buyout (retirement � only). The union has �greed to this. The buyout then would be: Severance 0-5 years 15% 6-10 years 30% 11-15 years 45� 16+ years 6Q% of accumulated sick leave Retirement 0-5 years 15% + 2 weeks pay 6-10 years 30% + 2 weeks pay 11-15 years 45% + 4 weeks pay 16+ years 60% + 4 weeks pay of sick leave 13. Health Insurance payment - We are at an impasse on this. I proposed that the city cap the dollar amount we are paying in 1993. The union wants to maintain the percentage that the city and the union pay now. I think it is vital that we begin capping our potential cost or we will simply be attempting to change percentage of share to do it. I would like to discuss this more with you, 3.