HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Approve Job Description & Hiring Process for Part - Time Deputy Registrar Clerk , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE S'CTMNlARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: March 2, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Approve Job Description & Hiring AGENDA SECTION: Process for Part-Time Deputy Registrar Clerk New Business PREPARED BY: AGENDA �E� � � � Jeff May, Finance Director ATTACF�tENTS: Memo, Job Description, Job Ad, APP OVED�BYs � Comparable Worth Point & Salary Worksheet � � ;, � .� � �� � �. This item is on the agenda for Council consideration to approve the job description for the position of part-time Deputy Registrar Clerk and to approve the hiring process for this person{approved and included in the 1993 General Fund budget) . The attached memo goes into detail items that were discussed during the budget process for 1993 to justify the Finance Department' s needs for the hiring of this position. This position was much discussed during the budget process and very needed to help the aperations of the Finance Department as the City continues to grow. The following is a praposed employment schedule ailowing us to get a person on board and to begin the training process: March 2 , 1993 - Council Approves the Hiring Process _ __- ___, March 6, 1993 fhro�.i�h March 14, 1993 - Advertise f�r Employmen� --- < March 19, 1993 - Application Deadline March 22, 1993 through March 26, 1993 - Review Applications March 29 , 1993 - Conduct Interviews __ ,_ April 6, 1993 - Council Approval to Hire New Employee April 7, 1993 - Offer Position to Successful Applicant _ April 26, 1993 - Successful Applicant Begins Employment RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the job description for the position of Deputy Registrar Clerk, the hiring process and the points & salary r�.nge as outlined in the attached memo from the Finance Director. COUNCIL ACTION• DATE: FEBRUARY 23, 1993 TO: MAYOR McMENOMY COUNCIL MEMBERS: KL�SN WILLCOX WIPPERMANN FROM: JEFF MAY, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PART-TIME DEPUTY REGISTRAR CLERK POSITION During the 1993 budget process, much discussion occurred about the Finance Department' s need for additional esentnand� future. I discussed department responsibility, past, p would like to summarize my justifications for the additional personnel in the next few paragraphs. Traditionally; the Finance Department has been responsible for roll, accounts payable, accounts operations including pay investments, property receivable, cash receipts, fund accounting, Re istrar office. and workmen' s comp insurance, and the Deputy g As the City has grov�m and moved exclusively into the personal computer environment, we have inherited the responsibility of Y _ -- ---- maintaining those personal computers, the network the reside- on, and many software issues as well . In 1989 , we added a fourth person t�1nanceeDirector, Accountant that our department consisted of a and Deputy Registrar Support Person. Adding that person changed the structure of our department so it then consisted of a Finance Director, Assistant Finance Directar, Finance Support Person and Deputy Registrar Support Person. At that time, the addition of the PC network, increased insurance responsibilities, increased reporting requirements and overall growth of the City and its' needs were the justifications for the new position. Since that time, our department has maint6i�e�d9tmonthperiodlwith employees, four, and even operated for a only three employees for parts of 1990 and 19g�oW.Atlnsurance time, our responsibilities have continued to g requirernents have become greater as rules have changed and we have made much needed improvements to our system. The day-to- day operations like payrall, accounts payable, cash receipting and fund accounting take more time because of ever changing reporting requirements and because there is a larger volume of activity in all of these areas because of our growth. The personal computer network has grown and required a corresponding attention requirement. Page 2 In addition to continuing growth, we have also assumed two other major responsibilities as well . In 1991, our department was made responsible for the majority of the Utility Billing process. We assumed the responsibilities for the mailing of the meter cards and utility -bills, as well as the collection of both items. We took over the handling of the com uter generation of all reports applicable to Utility Billing�g Wee became responsible for generating final bills and setting up new accounts on the computer system. We also assumed full responsibility to responding to all complaints. Since 1991, we have also added a third utility, the Storm Water Utilit � increased o�r number of customers to service b a y� Which � 1, 500, so our total customers toda is y PPrOximately contrast, in 1991, the total number of customers�was�a�little over 2, 000. To summarize, we assumed a responsibility with no additional personnel, that has doubled in size in two years, still without adding any personnel . The second responsibility added to our department has been the ordering of. office supplies . This is a time consuming task that has become .even more time cansumin� as we have made attempts to improve the system and increase the efficiency of ordering and -- accountability, -- __.. _ � For the future., in 1993 we are looking at the implementa_tion of a Fixed Assets system for the Cit � y. This is a long overdue area of � importance for the City from an auditing standpoint and an efficiency standpoint, as well . We have budgeted funds to have someone set up this system �or us, from the actual physical inventory to the implementation of the software program needed to make it go. But, that does not mean that we will have nothing to do during this process . We will be required to provide information to the contractor in order for the process to succeed. Even more importantly, we will be xequired to maintain that system once it is in place. That is when our real work will begin. To the credit of the Finance Department staff, payroll is completed Qn time, bills are paid on tzme and reports are filed on time. 3'r� most observers, every�hing seems to be operatin `� smoothly. But, there are areas that are not getting the g attention that they truly deserve. Most of these areas concern long-term issues, especially policy issues. We should u date current policies and establish new policies in areas incpuding, but certainly not limited to, purchasin controls, debt management and others. We canestments, internal these changes and additions, but should we? WeedonytWthinkts but at this point in time, they are things that constantl � y get� put on "the,back burner" because of time constraints in dealing with the day-to-day operations of our department. Page 3 What we are proposing -at this time is a part-time person to assist in the operations of the Deputy Registrar office. This would allow the current Deputy Registrar to assist the other department personnel in the finance and accounting related functions of our department. The Deputy Registrar is a break- even or less operation that is a benefit to the citizens of Rosemount . We have reached a point where the Finance Department has to have additional help and we felt that this would be the most cost-effective approach to take to help ease our problerns (at least as a short-term solution) . The position of Deputy Registrar Clerk would be a 1/2-time position that would work four hours a day during the time of breaks and lunch. This would also alleviate a backup problem that we have had for quite some time and will probably escalate with the formation of the third union. We have not been able to provide an uninterrupted lunch for a person when that person' s backup is not in the office because of illness, vacation, seminars or the like. Hiring this position would eliminate this problem, as we would then have three people, rather than two, capable of providing Deputy Registrar services. The position would assume a Comparable Worth paint value of 43 and a salary range of $7. 60 an hour to $10 .26 an hour with a midpoint salary of _�8 . 86__an hour. This would be accomplished by starting the person out at the bottom of the "A° range, or $7. 60 an hour; moving to the bottom of the °B'� range, or $8 .42 an hour, after successful completion of a six-month probation period; and moving to the middle of the "B° or the midpoint, $8 . 86 �an hour, after eighteen months. This _is consistent with current poli_cies _� that we have in place. _ I feel that this position is warranted for our department, and hopefully, I have addressed any areas of concern that you may have. If not, please feel free to contact me if you need further information.. _ - _ --- -_ _ f DEPUTY REGISTRAR CLERK The City of Rosemount is accepting applications for a part-time Deputy Registrar Clerk. Duties include issuing motor vehicle licenses with heavy public contact. Minimum requirements include one year clerical or customer service experience, 30 wpm typing speed and knowledge of computer operations. 20 hours per week. $7. 60 per hour starting salary. Completed applications must be received by March 19 , 1993 . Application forms avaiiable at Rosemount City Hall, 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, NIl�T 55068; (612) 423-4411. Qualified females and minorities encouraged to apply. Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Actian Employer. .. 1 ........... � � . � � . . .. . to 1991 adjust MIDPT. for ANNUAI 1992 A Range 8 Range C range JOB TITLE PTS RATE 1.0400 ----------------------------------------------:---------------------------------- CITY ADMINISTRATOR �1Y8 � 57,289.13 59,58Q.70 51,082.1A 53,�70.63 56,b00.6b 56,601.66 59,580.70 62,559.73 ' 62,560.73 65,688.77 69,973.20 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR �102 � 47,968.55 49,887.29 42,771.21 45,022.33 47,391.93 47,392.93 49,887.29 52,381.66 52,382.66 55,001.79 57,751.88 POIICE GHIEF �101 � 47,493.08 49,392.80 42,347.25 44,576.05 46,422.16 46,923.Ib 49,392.80 51,862.44 51,863.44 54,456.62 57,179.A5 fINANCE DIRECTOR �100,� d7,017.42 48,898.12 41,923.12 44,129.60 46,452.21 46,453.21 48,998.12 5i,343.02 51,344.02 53,911.22 56,606 J8 DIRECTOR OF PARKS 3 RECREATION � 99': 46,485.08 48,344.48 41,448.45 43,629.95 45,926.26 45,927.26 48,344.48 50,761.71 50,762.71 53,300.84 55,965.88 DIRECTOR OF PLANNING � 99 : 46,485.08 48,344.48 41,448.45 43,629.95 45,926.26 45,927.26 48,344.48 50,761 J1 50,762.71 53,300.84 55,965.88 � CITY ENGINEER/ASSISTANT P.W. DIRECTOR � 96 � 43,270.00 45,000.80 38,581.66 40,612.27 42,749.16 42,750.76 45,000.80 47,250.84 47,251.84 49,614.43 52,095.15 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MANAGER � 96 : 43,270.00 45,000.80 38,581;66 40,612.27 42,749.76 42,750 J6 45,000.80 47,250.84 47,251.B4 49,614.43 52,095.15 ADMINiSTRATIVE A5SI5TANT � 94 � 40,630.73 42,255.96 36,228'30 38,135.05 40,142.16 � 40,1d3.T6 A2,255.96 d4,368.76 44,369.76•46,588.25 48,917.66 BUILDING OEFICIAI � 94 : 40,630.73 42,255.9b 36,228�30 38,135.05 40;142.16 ,40,143.id 42,255.96 44,368.76 44,369.76 46,588.25 A8,917.66 PARK & REC SUPERVISOR � 94 � 40,630.73 42,255.% 36,228':30 38,135.05 40,142.16 '40,143.16 42,255.96 44,368.76 44,369.76 46,588.25 48;917.66 POLICE LIEUTENANT � 94 c 40,636.73 42,255.96 36,228.30 38,135.05 40,142.1b ` 40,143.16 42,255.96 44,368:76 d4,369.76 46,588.25 48,917.66 PUBIIC WORK5 SUPERVISOR � 94 : 46,630.73 42,255.% 36,228.30 38,135.05 40,142.16 � 40,143.16 42,255.96 44,368,76 44,369.76 46,588.25 48,917.66 ASSISTANT fINANCE DIRECTOR � 88 : 36,495.32 37,955.13 32,540.88 34,253.56 36,056.38 36,057.38 37,955.13 39,852.89 39,953.89 41,846.58 43,938.91 ` PLANNER � 85 : 35,207.63 36,615.94 31,392.68 33,044.93 34,784.14 34,785.14 36,615.94 38,446 J3 38,447.73 40,370.12 42,388.62 ASSISTANT PARK 5 REC DIRECTOR � 80 � 32,919.86 34,236.65 29,352.75 '30,897.63 32,523.82 32,524.82 34,236.65 35,948.49 35,949.49 37,146.96 39,634.31 �' y FIRE MARSHAL � 79 : 31,702.43 32,910.53 28,267.20 29,754.95 31,321.00 31,322.00 32,970.53 34,619,05 34,b20.05 36,351.06 38,168.61 ASSISTANT PIANNER � 75 � 30,831.46 32,064.72 27,490.59 28,937.46 30,4b0.48 30,461.48 32,064 J2 33,667.95 33,668,95 35,352.40 37,120.02 ri BUILDIN6 INSPECTOR : 75 � 30,831.46 32,064.72 27,490.59 28,937.46 30,460.48 30,461.48 32,064.72 33,667.95 33,668.95 35,352.40 37,120.02 " ECONOMIG DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST � 75 � 30,831.46 32,064.72 27,490.59 28,937.46 30,460.48 30,461.48 32,064.72 33,667.95 33,668.95 35,352.40 37,120.02 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN � 65 � 28,393.36 29,529.09 25,316.60 26,649.06 28,051.64 26,052.64 29,529.09 31,005.55 31,006.55 32,556.88 34,184 J2 � � ACCOUNTANT � 60 : 26,121.93 27,166.81 23,291.24 24,517.09 25,807.47 25,808.47 27,166.81 28,525.15 28,526.15 29,952.45 31,450.08 ADMINISiRATION bEPARTMENT SECRETARY � 60 � 26,121.93 27,166.81 23,291.24 24,517.Q9 25,807.47 25,806.47 27,1b6.81 28,525.15 2H,526.15 29,952.45 31,450.08 BUILOING INSPECTIONS SECRETARY � 6d � 26,121.93 27,166.81 23,291.24 24,51T,09 25,807.47 25,808.47 27,166.81 28,525.15 28,526.15 29,952.45 31,450.08 � EGONOMIC DEVELOPMENTlPERSONNEL SECRETARY : 60 � 26,121.93 27,166.81 23,291.24 24,517.09 25,807.47 25,808.47 27,16b.81 28,525.15 29,526.15 29,952.45 31,45U.08 PIANNIN6 DEPARTMENT SECRETARY � 60 � 26,121.93 27,166.81 23,291.24 24,517.09 25,807.47 25,808.47 27,166.81 28,525.15 28,526.15 29,952.45 31,450.OB POLICE DEPARTMENT SECRETARY � 60 � 26,121.93 27,166.61 23,291.24 24,517.09 25,807.47 25,808.47 27,166.81 28,525.15 28,526.15 29,952.45 31,450.08 PUBLIC WORKS SECRELARY � 60 � 26,121.93 27,166.81 23,291.24 24,517.09 25,807,47 ' 25,808.41 27,166.81 29,525.15 28,526.15 29,952.45 31,450.08 DEPUTY RE6ISTRAR � 53 � 22,426.82 23,325.97 19,998;20 21,050.74 22,158.67 22,159.67 23,325.97 24,492.2) 24,493.27 25,717.94 27,003.83 PROGRAM DIRECTOR � 53 � 22,428.B2 23,325.97 19,998,2Q 21,050 J4 22,158.67 22,159.67 23,325.91 24,492.27 24,493 37 25,717.94 21,003.$3 � , RECfPTIONIST : 46 : 20,231.48 21,040 J4 18,038.90 18,988.32 19,98i.70 19,988 JO 21,040.74 22,092.78 22,093 J6 23,198.46 24,358.39 ASSISTANT PROGRAM DIRECTOR � 44 : 14,035.86 19,797.29 16,972:80 17,866.11 18,80b.43 18;807.43 I9,797.29 20,787.16 20,788.16 21,827.57 22,916.95 SECRETARY AIDE � 44 : 19,035.86 19,797.29 16,972.80 17,866.11 18,806.43 18,807.43 19,797.29 20,781.16 20,788.16 21,827.57 22,916.95 flEPUTY REGISTRAR CLERK � 43 : N/A 18,428.80 15,799.49 16,631.04 17,506.36 17,507.36 18,4�8.80 19,350.24 19,351.24 20,31$.SO 21,3�.74 �.��� 4.ya�� ���t��� �o.ati�we CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITZON RESPONSIBSLITY WRITE-UP Date: March, 1993 POSITION TITLE: Deputy Registrar Clerk DEPARTMENT: Finance Department ACCOUNTABLE TO: Finance Director SUMMARY OF POSITION The Deputy Registrar Clerk is responsible for providing motor vehicle registration and related permit and licensing services to the public. The duties of this position include, but are not limited to, providing customer service to the public, being knowledgeable of motor vehicle laws and procedures. Assists in maintaining reguired records and inventory of license tabs. ESSEI3TIAL DU'I'IES AND ??ESPONSIBILITIES 1. Serves the public for motor vehicle registration and licensing. _ __ ___ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ ____ _. _ 2 . Possesses a workir�g knowledgs nf current motor ve�icle laws and _ _�.�rocedur�s . _.,.._�... - 3 . Enters licens�ng information into computer. - __._ 4 . Assists in maintaining inventory records of motor vehicle license tabs, DNR reeords, and reordering of inventory as needed. 5 . Balances cash register on a daily basis . 6 . Receive telephane calls concerning motor vehicle or licensing information. & . Perfoxms such other duties as are assigned. QUALIFICATIONS _ 1 . High school graduate or equivalent with specialized course work in general office practices such as typing, accounting, data processing. 2 . One year of general clerical or customer service experience. 3 . Six months deputy registrar experience desirable. 4 . Ability to tyt�e accurately on a computer keyboard and/or typewriter. Have a typing proficiency of 30 w.p.m. 5 . Some knowledge of personal computer operations, including word processing and a spreadsheet program similar to Quattro Pro. . � 6. Some knowledge of modern office practices and procedures. 7. Ability to speak and write English clearly. 8 . Ability to perfonn arithmetic computations accurately and quickly; 9 . Ability to record names and numbers accurately (e.g. , not transpose numbers and/or -letters) . 10 . Ability to communicate effectively verbally; ability to establish successful working relatianshi�c�s with employees and the public; ability to work under pressure and/or frequent interruptions. 11. Ability to remain seated or standing at the same work station for up to two hours at a time. STATUS: Non-exempt 2p Hours a Week Reviewed b�: Approved by: _ ` Administrative Assistant Date City Administrator Date Date Approved by City Council : . . • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITION RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP Date: March, 1993 POSITION TITLE: Deputy Registrar Clerk DEPARTMENT: Finance Department ACCOUNTABLE T0: Finance Director SUMNlARY OF POSITION The Deputy Registrar Clerk is responsible for providing motor vehicle registration and related permit and licensing services to the public. The duties of this position include, but are not limited to, providing customer service to the public, being knowZedgeable of motor vehicle laws and procedures . Assists in maintaining required records and inventory of license tabs. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES . _ _1.__._.__Serves__the public for motor vehicle registration and licensing. 2. Possesses a working knowledge of current motor vehicle laws and _—.procedures. ___.. .. . ,. - 3 . Enters licensing inforn�ation into computer. - _ _� __._ 4 . Assists in maintaining inventory records vf motor vehicle license tabs, DNR records, and reordering of inventory as needed. 5 . Balances cash register on a daily basis. 6. Receive telephone calls concerning motor vehicle or licensing information. 6. Performs such other duties as are assigned. QUALIFICATIONS - 1. High school graduate or equivalent with specialized course work in general office practices such as typing, accounting, data processing. . 2 . One year of general clerical or customer service experience. 3 . Six months deputy registrar experience desirable. 4 , Ability to type accurately on a computer keyboard and/or typewriter. Have a typing proficiency of 30 w.p.m. 5 . Some knowledge of personal computer operations, including ward processing and a spreadsheet program similar to Quattro Pro: 6. Some knowledge of modern office practices and procedures. 7. Ability to speak and write English clearly. 8. Ability to perform arithmetic computations accurately and quickly; 9 . Ability to record namAs and numbers accurately (e.g. , not transpose numbers and/or letters) . 10. Ability to communicate effectiveZy verbally; ability to establish successful working relationshi�s with employees and �he public; ability to work under pressure and/or frequent interruptions. 11. Ability to remain seated or standing at the same work station for up to two hours at a time. STATUS: Non-exemnt 20 Hours� a Week Reviewed by_: Approved bY: __ ' Administrative Assistant Date City Administrator Date Date Approved by City Council: