HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.b. Minnesota Valley Transit Authority Update F � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 5, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: MiNNESOTA VALLEY TRANSIT AGENDA SECTION: AUTHORITY UPDATE DEPARTMENT HEADS REPORTS PREPAR�D BY: SHEILA KLASSEN AGEN COUNCILMEMBER �� � �,� ATTACHMENTS: MEMO, ROUTE INF�RMATION APP VED BY: �� ,�.' ., �� See attached information. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None. COUNCIt ACTION: I ___ October 1, 1993 To: Mayor McMenomy Counciimembers Staats, Wiilcox, Wippermann From: Councilmember Klassen �' �� Re: MVTA service to Dakota County Technical College I am very pleased to announce that beginning September 27, 1993, the MVTA will imp{ement bus service to Dakota County Technical College. Having transit service has long been a goal for the college in order to better accommodate the number of students who do not have their own source of transportation. This service can also serve students that may have cars, but would prefer to use public transportation. These new routes also demonstrate the respons�ve nature of our agency to provide increased transit service to our area as the need is recognized. Working with the DCTC, MVTA staff was able to identify where the potential riders are and how best to route the service. Realizing the "proof is in the pudding", the college will be aggressively marketing thase routes to their students. The service has been set up on a demonstration basis for up to 18 months and will be funded with existing monies. � Attached is the MVTA staff memo to tF►e MVTA board and a copy of the routes. This item passed with a unanimous vote of the MVTA board at its September monthly meeting. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding this item. Agenda Item VII Ta nnvrA FROM: Beverley Milier SUBJECT: Service to Dakota County Technical College DATE: September 14, 1993 Summary Dakota County Technical Coilege (DCTC) is seeking transit service to#he Coliege. DCTC is located approximately 2 miles from downtown Rosemount or the terminus of MVTA route 42E and 77C. The college has provided MVTA with figures showing a large number of students from our member cities in attendance. Discussion For some time, DCTC has sought regular route bus service to the callege. MVTA has asked for and now received, client data supporting their request for service. Information was compiled acxording to city and zip code for attending students by program. This informatian was then plotted on a map to determine routing and how new service may be integrated with existing service. The number of patential users is relatively high, approxima#ely 3,230 students reside in Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Rosemount and Minneapolis. These are the persons that would most likely use the proposed service. The mode split, or the number of persons needed from these cities to make their commute to the college using this proposed service is 2.1%,(of the trips originating in Apple Valley, Bumsville, Eagan, Rosemount and Minneapolis) which is considered high based on experience with transit service at other area communtty colleges. To attain this level of ridership, marketing the new service will be of primary importance. On-going caoperation and support from the college will be cannot be overstated. To reach a subsidy of $4.00 per passenger, there would need to be a total of 68 passengers (23 passengers pe� farge bus and 11 per small bus). (Large Bus 23 passengers @4 trips = 92 passengers Ca� $1.60 = $14720. $509.25 - $147.20 = $362.05. $362.05/92 passengers = $3.94 subsidy per passenger. Small Bus 11 passengers �4 trips = 44 passengers @ $1:60 = $7`�►•��• $�4�•�6 - $�0.40 = $174.16/44 passengers = $3.95 subsidy per passenger). With this passenger count, there would be a net annual cost of $137,270. However the MTC rate of $159.14 pe� revenue hour will drop in 1994 due to the elimination of capital cost in their hourly rate. As a result, our cost to provide service to the college (using the same trip and passenger data) would be reduced to $108,958 and the subsidy per passenger would be approximately $2.73 assuming ridership is maintained or increases. The MVTA Standards For Implementing New Service were used to evaluate the proposed service, and the request met the guidelines. Some of the strengths bore out in the evaluation were: the proposed service compliments and e�hances service by offering reverse commute and intra city t�avel, operates in cooperation with other service, ability to transfer to other routes, and has major travel generators within 1/4 mile of the proposed route which maximize the potential for ridership. The DCTC offers students an opportunity to make a better life #or themselves and their families. The college views transportation as a major challenge to mee#ing students goal of self-sufficiency. Whether reliable transportation makes a difference and contributes toward their success, can best be demonstrated by implementing the service. If subsidies can be maintained at regional performance standards, service will have proven itself viable which is the goal of a demonstration project. Recommendation Approve the expendituce of funds to expand service to the Dakota County Vocation Coilege beginning September 27, 1993 for up to eighteen {18) months as a demonstratio� project. � � � �� . IOVItYA� � � I IYpr � � � � . � R��T E ( �T Sauthbou�d hdomin De arEures '9 E#fect�ve� 9-27-93 IAaI� of Cedar+rate 9lackhawk Galaxle 147th 143th DCTC � " Amierioa Rark Ride C?Iff18 192ncF Dlamond Rth Hw 3 Arrival ?7T •fi:02 AM fi:09 AM 6_16 AM 6:2v AM 6�9 A1ul fi:45 AM 6�0 AM 77T •6:5T AM ?:Od AM 7:11' AM 7:24 AM 7�4 A�6 7:40 Ah�l ?�p AM ' transler irom routa 54 (Sf. Paul) or 80 {Minneapolls). Northbound ARernoon D� ariu�es DCTC 145th 147th Galaxie Blackhewk CedarYala �IaU af De arture H 3 Diamond �#h 132nd Difffe Park Hlde America 777 2:14 Ptv1 2:1 S PM 2:21 #�M 2�5 PM 2s44 PM 2:1 S PM '2:57 PM 77T 3:1fl PM 3:15 FM 3:21 Pl+ul 3�5 PM 3:44 PM 3:51 AM •3;47 pM ' Kansfer io foute 54 oJ �0. Hemaln on the bua for Uans�ortation to downtovm MinneapoAs. .....� 75th 8t.. Soulh CBrage * ; 81s[St � �11 0(Arnerica Q Rts.3,7,19,B0, 68, a Kil�rew Dr. 69,S4, S54 Cedarvafe Partc&Ride Inset � �-- � Bloomingtnn � a '�� � N �3 c���a�'� Fare Infarrnatior�: � � > `�y, �a ��• ,�y, All Rides $�.fi Q 2 �$` �� �' 06 � '��,� ($i.35 with punch card} � � � � �� � : � .� K,�:��y,i„�, �Ie�SE havB exBCt ChefigB. Supersayer�area are avaitab�r:al '� � 4- ��b�°" Drivers carry n� change. �e MfC'S hAinneapolis ira�cit Store,719 Marquetle,i:3tl a.rn 5 30 p.m.Mc�ndap ihrough Friday.Also availabie at Oaytun s. � � Carson Pirie Sooil,�edera!CouR Smake 5i►ap.Henr�pin�ountp m � � m Coa�emRlenl Ce�ler,Riverplace.Malt af America.Ournsvill�: ��9 :Cedanrale cr �o.Rd.30(O�iffley) v�n�,Cub Funds in Apple Valley,and S��yder flras.in lqrpl�� . � + � 1�downlo�vnSt.Paut,,*wperSayer Paresare aMailableai MTG's W . �� : Blaekhawk St PauF Tra+tSit Slore,Arnerican Hatixral Uank B¢ilding Skywas `� �Park��nd Ride � i:3�a.m.-5_04 p.m.Monda throu h Frida .Wso avai�able al Cltff Rd TechnlcallnsiituSe Y 9 Y <'"�' • Daytnn's an0 Carsa��Pirie Scolt, �' : Eagan T�rnaround ancE Lsyrnrer �y � co Rd a2 You can buy anySupevSarer F�re Nrriwgh Uie mail. to receiee � ; �— a i�ee,no-pash�ge requFred order torm calF 349-7fi81. . � � � ty� L�� Lost and Found Last anc�Found is I�ated al the�.i7C.5;0 • 1' Sixlb Ave,N.tJusi x+est of downtavm�9pls.).Fou map r.atl ; � 3A9•7ai8 Monday Ih�nugh Friday 7:OQ a.m.ta 5.45 p:m.,aixf 9 L� Park and Rlda ; � > � 5aturday 4:Oa a.m �0 5:45 p.r�i,fountl itcros vriq be ke{�t tni 14 � r q days .—� L7 T1rne Pdn� ; y '~ � Pdnt ot Inte�e.si : �� Hos�err�ount Raate Infomiatbn ..... F��mn : � " •For route and schedule uiforniaUvn,�lial 827-7733 frorn 6 On �Illul �,ytilted 58rviCe � � � � � _ , tliesqa�res! �tcitappea�m�Fhismapa�esin�ph• : �.rn:1i:W p.nt.timeekd2:ys,i�00am.-4:30p.m.Saturda�•s � 4 Tirned Transler � � !m�e reieie�n:ex `2�1d from 7:D0 a.trt-l1:00 p.m.Sun�ys�nd ho)idays.II you �y •••� PuU-INPulI-0ut � � 1 a?�h �A5th CO�� 1Ais Is a"flag s�slem."8;�9��s�+ill strp at Any s��e 1�now yqAt route nUmbtY,cali 341-4BUS 2�1 h0urs�day. ,7 RDuGe � �n�er thinughoU!he sub�abs and at Cmlroiled '� * wer Poin1 • �a� �•� 'T� mt�rsectia�oKy e�un������urYuu�ir�arc�..i�m itansN Agenc�In(ormatfon � �+����•�..������ ������ •.• •• SIIrFJ��`17d7E10�YICd^'�317116'1I7Q��PbLLS1IMAi1."� . � . Co Rd 42 � �� � o � • � �I� IS S�lp�BCIJlEO ann e[pC�lilfs sen'IC�' il : � •To share your car.inrents ancl crnrcerns ab�ut Minnesol� z � ��' Dakoia Counly 1���pn9A5���dk<an eHort to a^ai+�in g�rnps Do i Valley Traasit Authorily,call our aaministratNe oiiiee at x �: a u�i�fui Ihu b�S wi�eri��asx4le► ;31-A311. � Tec�icAl Coll� �� 4�.D �• � 0 � Monday - �rlday Fare Informa�ton: East'�aun�l` All Rides $1 .60 Irving Portland Ga�denview Pennack DCTC t�1•35 �riih ,punch card) C Rd 42 Ad 42 Ct Rd 42 147th Street Arrival Piesse have exactchange. 42Q 6:1fl AM 6:18 AM '6:22 AI� 6:23 AM 6:4T AM arjvers carry no chang�. 42[? 7:14 AM 7:�8 AM 7:22 AM ?�9 AM 7:47 AIN SuperSarer forea area�ailabie a� ' transfer from ro11t8 7?K Ihe MTCs Mi��neapolis Ra�rsil Siore,7191Aai�etts,i:34 a ue 5:30�.m.Aionday IFuough friday.Also availaWe at Dayton's. Carsun Perie Soott Federal Cour!Smoke St�ap.Nennepin Guwity �1f�5t�?0�n� �overnmenl Ce�ter, Riverpiace,hiaif ai America,Bumsvilie Ce�er,�ub Foods in Appie 4alley,a�d Snyder B�os.in�4ppie DCTC PennacK Gsrdenvlew Po�tland trvfr�g 4a1ry. De arture 14Tth Street Ct Rd 42 Ct Rd 42 Gt Rd 42 z 1n dorvntc�,m Sl r'aul.SuperSaver fares 2re aeaila6�a1611C's � 420 2:1 D PM 2:28 PM '2:35 PM 2:39 PNE 2:�� PM 51_Paui Transit Slore,American t1�6irnal B:�k BuiF�ing Sk���,��s. 42D 3:10 PM 3:28 PM '3:35 PM 3:39 PM 3:47 PM ±3Q a.m.•5;00 p,m.hWnday U�mu�h fn�ay.Also available ai w Qayton's and(�rson Pirie Stoil. Q ' transfer io route 77K You canbuy airy SrqierSaver Pare Uuo�gh Ihernail.Ta�e�ei:� a free,no-pasbge required aMer formcali 34�-7G8L z � los!and Found:Gail 645•1959 . � _ Roate irtfarnwtion L� Fa•F'"�Rda 'Forro�te and y^cUedule in(amalion,dial 627•7733 hcm&:0� � r.me Ao�n a.m:11:OU p.m.weekdays,7:00 a.m.•A:�p m.Sahrrdaps � `�„p1�"�o••x ami hom 7:00 am.•11:00 p.m.Su�days and hotidays.if}�u ••••— F3`e="'" k+�ow your rouUe nurnbcr,calt 34t-48US 24 hours a day: �!1 Ecp�essR�v�s � . . . � . Transit hgepcy IMarmatlon � BurnsvU!• apple Va1�.g •Tu share your commenis anQ concems aboet Mian+esota y � � # � Yalley Transit Ituthorityt,calt nur adminisRalive oitice al � � � 431-�1311. .—�• � � �� � � # �y 3 e�+�.�a.+: .—� . � G��, � . � 117N!L � . . . . �4 � �� � � �� � � � Gnce tut�eran Churd� �r py,r¢ s ihis a a�tr�g syrlem'Bus�s � t�wo�C.t�i.o. � s,,,,vr�+''' N911 stop al any sate corner � Ihrauy�cul tl�e suburha a�id at �i10"�°c u � conlrolied inaersections oniy - ,T aieng majer 4torou�fares. 9 .kist sirnc�ly wave la 11p diuer and"lag tl�e bus down.'�Il is 11os�rnou� • ` aPW�iated end expeddes . service if paxsenge►s m�Ra �n et1�rt In aland in RrQups ta sxail Inr ihe hus when