HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Business Park Property Acquisition / Bond Issue Authorization •, � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SITMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 5, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: City Ordinance - Business Park Bond Issue Old Business PREPARED BYz AGENDA NO. Jeff May, Finance Director � � ATTACF�lENTS : Memo from Economic Development AP VED BY: Coordinator, Ordinance, Official Statement � � - � Tuesday, October 5th, the Port Authority is selling $580, 000 of General Obligation bonds for the purchase of a Business Park site. John Miller has provided a summary of the activities that have taken place in this process. In order for the Port Authority to issue this debt as "General Obligation° debt with the full faith credit of the City, the City must pass an ordinance stating that . The attached ordinance, prepared by Briggs and Morgan, our bond counsel, accomplishes this. David Drown, of Springsted, and John Miller, our Economic Development Coordinator, will be available Tuesday evening to answer any questions that you may have. K.-C RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY TO ISSUE T.AXABLE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS AND THE PLEDGE OF THE CITY' S FULL FAITH CREDIT TO THE PAYMENT THEREOF. COUNCIL ACTION: . r MEMO TO: Mayor McMenomy Councilmembers Klassen, Staats, Willcox, Wippermann FROM: Jahn Miller, Economic Development Coordinator � DATE: September 30, 1993 \� . �_ _ __ - --- - _ �: Business Park Acquisition Update Jeff May, the city's finance director, asked me to provide a brief inemo to be included in the council's agenda packet providing an update on business park activities. As you are aware, the ciry's port authority has been working on the business park issue for all of 1993. To date: 1. The site has been selected. � 2. Land use has been.addressed in a concept plan. 3. Utility costs have beeri estimated in a feasibility study. 4. The first land purchase by the city has been negotiated -- Roy and Laura Abbott -- and a purchase agreement signed. 5. City council has approved a project plan and project budget. 6. An environmental assessment has been completed. 7. Negotiations with the county over access have been started. 8. A contract has been approved to have SEH complete preliminary and final plats. 9. Advertisement of the sale of bonds to pay for the park has been authorized by the port authority. There are some pending issues also: 1. The port authority has not received a complete and accura.te survey of the property. At this writing that is being remedied. , , 2. "First Sales" of land in the business park are pending. 'Fhere are presently four possible buyers. 3. The planning commission has scheduled a workshop for October 6 to discuss content of a zoning ordinance amendment for controlling development in the business park. 4. The port authority has created an ad-hoc subcommittee to develop a marketing plan for the business park. That work is to be completed by December 31. It is expected that closing on the purchase cauld occur as early as November 5. dw 2 , , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MSNNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY TO ISSUE TAXABLE GENERAL OBLIGATION BQNDS AND THE PLEDGE OF THE CITY'S FULL FAITH CREDIT TO THE PAYMENT THEREOF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIiE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ORDAIN: SECTION I. Pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance and Minnesota Statutes, §469 .048 to 469.068 and §469. 088 and Laws of Minnesota, 1987, Chapter 257, Saction 2, the issuance of taxable general obligation bonds by the Rosemount Port Authority (the "Authority") in the aggregate principal amount of $580, 000 is hereby authorized and found to be proper; and said bonds shall be issued and sold by the Authority for the purpose of securing funds as needed, in said aggregate amount, to defray the costs and expenses necessarily incurred and to be incurred to finance land acquisition for development of a business park. The pledge of the full faith, credit and resources of the City as security for the bonds is hereby authorized. Additional terms and conditions of the bonds, including interest rate, date, denomination, place of payment, form and maturity scheduled and provision for the sale thereof shall . be determined by the Board of Commissioners pursuant to resolution. SECTION II. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force following its passage and publication. Adopted this day of October, 1993 . E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: 248251 OFFICIAL STATEMENT DATED SEPTEMBER 24, 1993 Rating: Requested from Moody's NEW ISSUE investors Service ln fhe opinion of Briggs and Morgan, Profesional Association, Bond Counse% the interest on the Bonds is includable in the gioss income of the recipient for United States and State of Minnesota income tax purposes and will be subject to Minnesota Corporate and bank'excise taxes measured by net income. $580,000 Rosemount Port Authority, Minnesota Taxabie General Obtigatian Bonds, Series 1993E Dated Date: November 1, 1993 Interest Due: Each February 1 and August 1, commencing August 1, 1994 The Bonds wiii mature February 1 as foilows: 1996 $30,000 2000 $35,000 2004 $45,000 20a7 $50,000 1997 $30,000 2001 $,35,000 2005 $45,000 2008 $55,000 1998 $30,000 2002 $40,000 2006 $50,000 20d9 $60,000 1999 $35,000 2003 $40,000 The Authority may elect on February 1, 2003, and on any day thereafter, to prepay Bonds due on or after February 1, 2004 at a price of par and accrued interest. The Bonds are general obligations of the C'rty of Rosemount for which the City wifl pledge its full faith and credit and power to levy direct general ad valorem taxes. Proposals for not less than $571,300 and accrued interest on the total principal amount of the Bonds. A certified or cashier's check or Financial Surefy Bond, payable to the order of the Authority in the amount of $5,800 must accompany each proposal. Rates must be in integrat multiples of 5/100 or 1/8 of 1% and be designated in ascending order. The Bonds will be awarded on the basis of True Interest Cost (TIC). The Bonds will be issued in integra! multiples of $5,000, as requested by the Purchaser, and wil! be fully registered as to principal and interest. The Bonds will be delivered within 40 days .• following their award. The Authority will name the Registrar and pay for registration senrices. PROPOSALS RECEIVED: October 5, 1993 (Tuesday)at 1:00 P.M., Central Time AWARD: October 5, 1993 (Tuesday) at 5:15 P.M., Central Time Further information may be obtained from S P R 1 N GSTE D sPR(NGSTED Incorporated, Financiat Advisor to the Issuer,85 East Seventh Place, Suite 100, Saini Paul,Minnesota 55101 {612) PUBLIC FINANCE ADVISORS ��gppp. , . ,, . . ,. .. ,yt 4� :�. .. �, f��i � �, �* �, �; �1 �'4 p . t • .. b ` F .�.. l ' �. ��r �� y'_ C. _:5 .h..[y.»' . . ' - For purposes of compiiance with Rule 15c2-12 e� oh co rected by the E suer fyrom t me t'o time this document, as the same may be suppiement � (collectively, the "Official Statement"), may be treated as an Official Statement with respect to ! the Obligations desc�ibed herein that is deemed ithe omissioneoa certa nr information referred supplement or correction) by the Issuer, except for to in the succeeding paragraph. The Official Statement, when further supplemented by an e Obfi ations, t getheawth any other maturity dates, principal amounts and interest rates of th g infarmation required by law, shall constitute a "Final Official Statement" of the Issuer with respect to the Obligations, as that term is defined in Rule 15c2-12. Any such addendum shall, on and after the date thereof, be fully incorporated herein and�made a part hereof by reference. j � By awarding the Obligations to any underwriter or undervvriting syndicate submitting a Proposal therefor, the Issuer agrees that, no more than seven au nneunderwrit r� oftthe synd cfate to award, it shall provide without cost to the sernor man g g which the Obligations are awarded copies of the Official Statement and the addendum or addenda described in the preceding paragraph in the amount specified in the Terms of ProposaL The lssuer designates the senior managing undenrvriter of the syndicate to which the Obligations are awarded as its agent for purpo An °uaderrwr te g del've ngf ah P o�posaOl ffwith Statement to each Participating Underwriter. y respect to the Ob}igations agrees thereby that if its bid is accepted by the Issuer (i) it shall accept such designation and (ii) it shall enter oses of assur ng the re'ceipt by each such Participating Underwriters of the Obligations for purp Participating Undervvriter of the Fina! Official Statement. No dealer, broker, salesman or other person has been authorized by the Issuer to give any information or to make any representations with respect to the Obfigat'oen orhmadeasuch contained in the Official Statement or the Final Official Statement, and, if, g other information or representations must not be relied upon as having been authorized by the Issuer. Certain information contained in the Official Statement and the Final Official Statement may have been obtained from sources other than records of the Issuer and, while believed to be reliab{e, is not guaranteed as to completeness orT�MENTyA DH THEF�INALTOFFIC A�L EXPRESSIONS OF OP{NION IN THE OFFICIAL STA STATEMENT ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE, ANDEN�1TNOR ANY SALE MADE UNDER EfTHER STATEMENT OR THE FINAL OFFICIAL STATEM SUCH DOCUMENT SHALL CREATE ANY IMPLlGATION THAT THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN THE AFFAIRS OF THE ISSUER SINCE THE DATE THEREOF. References herein to laws, rules, regulations, resol or definig eem A Is�refepences o such documents do no t pu r p o r t t o b e c o m p r e h e n s i v e documents are qualified in their entirety by reference to the particular doc�ment, the fu l l te x t o f which may contain qualifications o f and exce p tions t o statements made herein. Where full texts have not been included as appendices to the Official Statement or the Final Officiaf Statement, � they will be fumished on �equest. � � � �' TABLE OF CONTENTS Pa e s Termsof Proposal...................................................................................................................... i-iii Scheduleof Bond Years ........................................................................................................... iv introductoryStatement .............................................................................................................. 1 'fhe Bonds .......................................................... ............... ..................................................... 1 ThePort Authority ...................................................................................................................... 2 RelatedMatters_...................................................................... ........... 2-3 ........................................ CityProperty Values .................................................................................................................. 4-5 CityIndebtedness ...................................................................................................................... 5-9 City Tax Rates, Levies and Collections ...........................:....................................................... 10 Fundsorr Hand ............... .......................................................... ....................................... . 10 Generai Information Conceming the City ................................................................................ 11-13 Governmental Organization and Senrices ............................................................................... 14-15 Proposed Form of Legal Opinion ................................................................................... Appendix I Summary of Ta�c Levies, Payment Provisions, and Minnesota Real Property Valuation ............................................................................ Appendix II Annual Financial Statements ......................................... ... Appendix IIl .............................................. ProposalForms ............................................................................................................... Inserted �;��: "�� 3+d.iREd_�1:�;`��`.:.. :�:f&..�..�,�rs..=.a:�A. -�� ��._.e�i�?-,:4s r �'�'+� �:.�i+., _`�_ .c3.,--.....,...3 ..,... _ . ,.: .�._ ....w'u'+:.i�u�"'�._. .. . _ ..... . THE AUTHORITY HAS AUTHORIZED SPRINGSTED INCORA NR�`HED O�aWtNG BAS S'S ISSUE ON ITS BEHALF. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED _ TERMS OF PROPOSAL $580,000 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY, MINNESOTA TAXABLE GENERAL OBLtGATtON BONDS, SERtES 1993E Proposals for the Bonds witl be received on Tuesday, October 5, 1993, untif 1:00 P.M., Central Time, at the' offices of Springsted Incorporated, 85 East Seventh P(ace, Suite 100, Saint Paul, i Minnesota, after which time they will be opened and tabulated. Consideration for award of the �': Bonds will be by the Authority at 5:15 P.M., Central Time, of the same day. DETAILS OF THE BONDS - The Bonds will be dated November 1, 1993, as the date of original issue, and wiN bear interes# � payabie on February 1 and August 1 of each year, commencing August 1, 1994• interest wili be computed on the basis of a 360-day year of finrelve 30-day months. The Bonds will be issued in the denomination of$5,000 each, or in integral multiples thereof, as �equested by the purchaser, and fully registered as to principal and interest. Princ�pal will be payable at the main corporate office of the registrar and interest on each Bond will be payable by check or draft of the registrar mailed to the registered holder thereof at the holder's address as it appea�s on the books of the registrar as of the close of business on the 15th day of the immediately preceding month. The Bonds will mature February 1 in the years and amounts as follows: 2007 $50,040 1996 $30,000 2000 $35,000 2004 $45,000 2008 $55,000 1997 $30,000 2001 $35,000 2005 $45,000 2��g $g0,000 199$ $30,000 2002 $40,000 2006 $50,000 1999 $35,Q00 2003 $40,000 OPTIONAL REDEMPTION The Authority may elect on February 1, 2003, and on any day thereafter, to prepay Bonds due - on or after February 1, 2004. Redemption may be in whole or in part and if in part, at the option of the Authority and in such order as the Authority shall determine and within a maturity by lot as selected by the registrar. All prepayments shall be at a price of par plus accrued interest. SECURITY AND PURPOSE The Bonds wifl be general obligations of the City of Rosemount for which the Ciiy will pledge its full faith and credit and power to tevy direct general ad valorem taxes. The proceeds will be used for the purpose of land acquisition far development of a business park. TAXABILITY OF INTEREST interest to be aid on the Bonds is includable in gross income of the recipient forrUorate � The p States and State of Minnesata income tax purposes, and is subject to Minnesota o p and bank excise taxes measured by net income. - i - :>x TYPE OF PROPOSALS Proposals shall be for not less than $571,300 and accrued interest on the total principal amount of the Bonds. Prop08�s shail be accompanied by a Good Faith Deposit ("Deposit") in the form of a certified or cashier's check or a Financial Surety Bond in the amount of $5,800, payable to the order of the q��ority. If a check is used, it must accompany each proposaL !f a Financial Surety Bond is uaed, it must be from an insurance company licensed to issue such a bond in the State of•Minnesota and preapproved by the Authority. Such bond must be submitted to Springsted Incorporated prior to the opening of the proposals. The Financial Surety Bond must identify each underwriter whose Deposit is guaranteed by such Financial Surety Bond. If the Bonds are awarded to an underwriter using a Financial Surety Bond, then that purchaser is required to submit its Deposit to Springsted Incorporated in the form of a certified or cashier's check or wire transfer as instructed by Springsted Incorporated not later - thar� 3:30 P.M., Central Time, on the next business day following the award. If such Deposit is not received by that time, the Financial Surety Bond may be drawn by the Authority to satisfy the Deposit requirement. The q�ority will deposit the check of the purchaser, the amount of which will be deducted at sett�ement and no interest wilt accrue to the purchaser. !n the event the purchaser fails to comply W�h the accepted proposal, said amount will be retained by the Authority. No proposal can be withdrawn or arnended after the time set for receiving proposals unless the meeting of the Authority schedufed for award of the Bonds is adjourned, recessed, or continued to another date without award of the Bonds having been made. Rates shatl be in integral multiples of 5/100 or 1/g of 1%. Rates must be in ascending order. Bonds of the same maturity shall bear a single rate from the date of the Bonds to the date of maturity. No conditional proposals will be accepted. AWARD The Bonds will be awarded on the basis of the lowest interest rate to be determined on a true interest cost (fIC) basis. The qu�hority's computation of the interest rate of each proposal, in accordance with customary pfa�ice, will be controlling. The Authority wil! reserve the right to: {i) waive non-substantive informalities of any proposal or of mat�ers relating to the receipt of proposals and award of the Bonds, (ii) reject all proposals without cause, and, (iiiJ reject any proposal which the Authority determines to have failed to comply with the terms herein. REGISTRAR The Authority will name the regiStrar which shall be subject to applicable SEC regula#ions. The Authority will pay for the services of the registrar. CUSIP NUMBERS If the Bonds qualify for assig�ment of CUSIP numbers such numbers will be printed on the Bonds, but neither the failure to print such numbers on any Bond nor any error with respect thereto will const'rtute cause for failure or refusal by the purchaser to accept delivery of the Bonds. The CUSIP Service Eureau charge for the assignment of CUSIP identification numbers shall be paid by the purchaser, SETTLEMENT Within 40 days fol(owing the date of thei� award, the Bonds will be delivered without cost to the purchaser at a place mutually satisfactory to the Authority and the purchaser. Delivery wip be subject to receipt by the purchaser of an approving legal opinion of Briggs and Morgan, Professional Association, of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, which opinion witl be printed on the Bonds, and of�Ustomary closing papers, including a no-litigation certifieate. On -ii - . .,.. . . ..�: � ;. :.�.. •..=:� }, �; -,y;. . •: . _:c,. .-:.. .,.: . . . y.��k �;�"., - ...p . -i. :�w.x �;r" .i'P' �`s`±F'.' . the date of settlement payment for the Bonds shall be rnade in federal, or equivalent, funds which shall be received at the offices of the Authority or its designee not later than 12:00 Noon, Central Time. Except as compiiance with the terms of payment for the Bonds shaii have been made impossible by action of the Authority, or its agents, the purchaser shall be liable to the Authority for any loss suffered by the Authority by reason of the purchaser's non-compliance with said terms for payment. OFFICIAL STATEMENT The Authority has authorized the preparation of an Official Statement containing, pertinent information relative to the Bonds, and said O�cial Statement will serve as a nearly-final Official Statement within the meaning of Rule 15c2-12 of the Securities and Exchange Commis�ion. For copies of the Official Statement or for any additional information prior to sale, any prospective purchaser is referred to #he Financial Advisor to the AuthQrity, Springsted Incorporated, 85 East Seventh Place, Suite 100, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101, telephone (612) 223-3000. The Official Statement,when further supplemented by an addendum or addenda specifying the maturity dates, principal amounts and interest rates of the Bonds, together with any other information required by law, shall constitute a "Final Official Statement" of the Authority with respect to the Bonds, as that term is defined in Rufe 15c2-12. By awarding the Bonds to any underwriter oc underwriting syndicate submitting a proposal therefor, the Authority agrees that, no more than seven business days after#he date of such award, it shall provide without cost to the senior managing underwriter of the syndicate to which the Bonds are awarded 25 copies of the C?fficial Statement and the addendum or addenda described above. The Authoriiy designates the senior rnanaging unden+vriter of the syndicate to which the Bonds are awarded as its agent for purposes of distributing copies of the Final Officia! Statement to each Participating Underwriter. �Any underwriter delivering a proposal with respect to the Bonds agrees thereby that 'rf its proposal is accepted by the Authority (i) it shall accept such designation and (ii) it shall enter into a contractual relationship with a11 Participating = Undervvriters of the Bonds for purposes of assuring the receipt by each such Participating : Underwriter of the Final Official Statement. ; Dated September 21, 1993 BY ORDER OF THE PORT AUTHORITY .� � /s/Stephan Jilk � Executive Director '� ,� � .�� . . . . . . . :•..>".3. . . . . . . . .-r.'� . . ..::..:�F . . . . . � ".;'»� . . . . . ._.'f� .. � � ��� � . . � � � - . SCHEDULE OF BOND YEARS $580,000 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY, MINNESOTA TAXABLE GENERAL OBLIGATtON BONDS, SERIES 1993E Cumulative Year Principal Bond Years Bond Years � 1996 $30,000 67.5000 67.5000 1997 $30,000 97.5000 165.0000 1g9$ $30,000 127.5000 292.5000 1999 $35,000 183.7500 476.2500 2Q00 $35,000 218.7500 695.0000 2001 $35,000 253.7500 948.7500 20�2 $40,000 330.0000 1 ,278.7500 2003 $40,000 370.0000 1 ,648.7500 2004 �45,000 c 461 .2500 2,110.004Q 2005 545,000 c 506.2500 2,616.2500 , 2008 �50,000 c 612.5Q00 3,228.7500 2007 �50,000 c 662.5000 3,891 .2500 2008 $55,000 c 783.7500 4,`675.0000 2�09 $60,000 c 915.0000 5,590.0000 Average Maturity: 9.64 Years Bonds Dated: November 1 , t993 Interest Due: August i , 1994 and each February 1 and August 1 to maturity. Principal Due: February 1 , 1996-2�09 inclusive. Optional Ca11: Bonds maturing on or after �ebruary 1 , 2004 are callable commencing February 1 , 2003 and any date thereafter at par. (See Terms of Proposal. ) c: subject to optional call - iv - OFFICIAL STATEMENT $580,000 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHOR[TY, MINNESOTA TAXABLE GENERAL OBUGATION BONDS, SERIES 1993E INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT This Officiai Statement contains certain information relating to the Rosemount Port Authority, Minnesota (the "Authority") and its issuance of the $580,000 Taxabie Generai Obligation Bonds, Series 1993E (the "Bonds" or the "Issue"). The Bonds are general obligations of the City of Rosemount (the "City") for which the City pledges its full faith and credit and power to levy direct general ad valorem taxes without limit as to rate or amount. The purpose and additional sources of security are described in the following sections. THE BONDS Authority and Purpose The Bonds are being issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 469 and 475. Proceeds from the Bonds will be used to �nance the purchase of 80 acres of land for use as a business park. The 80-acre site is Iocated near the intersection of County Road 42 and Highway 3. The installation of streets and utilities within the business park will be accomp{ished in phases. It is the intent of the Authority to maintain the park on a self- supporting basis, with combined revenues from the sale of land and special assessments against benefitted property. Components of the Issue are as follows: Land Acquisition $500,000 Issuance Costs 28,400 Capitalized Interest (15 months) 42,900 Allowance for Discount Bidding 8,700 Total $580,000 Security and Financing The Bonds will be general obligations of the City for which the City pledges its full faith and credit and power to levy direct general ad valorem taxes without limit as to rate or amount. In addition the Authority anticipates sufficient revenues from land sales in the business park to cover debt service payments on the Bonds. The Authorrty wilt be required to certifij future annual levies to the County for payment of the debt service with consent of the City. Nowever, these levies may be abated annually as land sales occur. First land sale revenue is projected to be avaiiable in 1995. • The first interest payment due August 1, 1994, as well as interest through February 1, 1995, will be paid by capitalized interest included in the Issue. Thereafter, each August 1 semiannual interest payment and the subsequent February 1 payment of principal and interest will be made from income generated from land sales and/or ad valorem tax levies. - 1 - . _ �� �� ., .� � �, � . . . _ > � � .i� .� �-� f� �.;.: � - , . � -�,rr_ THE PORT AUTHORITY The Port Authority of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota is a pubiic body duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota. The Port Authority is considered a governmental subdivision, and the area in which it may exercise its power is coterminous with the City boundaries. � The Port Authority was established on September 3, 1991 by resolution of the Rosemount City Council to provide a conscientious aad coordinated effort to encourage and precipitate future deveiopment within various development district� established by the C'�ty. The Port Authority is charged with the role and responsibility of carrying out economic and industrial developrrient and redevelopment within the Ciiy in accordance wi#h policies established by the City Council. As administrator of the City's development districts, the Authority may exercise development and redevelopment powers pursuant to those authorized by the State of Minnesota Development Act, the Industrial Bond Act, the Housing Finance Act and the Tax Increment Act, except that the Authority may not issue obligations without prior approval of the City CounciL The goveming body of the Port Authority is a Board of Commissioners consisting of seven members, two of whom must be members of the City Council. The members of the Port Authority Board are chosen through an application and interview process. The current Port Authority Commissioners and fength of appointed term are listed below: Length of Term Expiration of Term Edmund Dunn Chair 2 years January 31, 1994 John Edwards Vice Chair � 5 years January 31, 1997 Jaan Anderson Treasurer 3 years January 31, 1995 Kevin Carroll Commissioner 6 years January 31, 1999 E.B. McMenomy" Commissioner 6 years January 31, 1998 Donald 8innwell Commissioner 4 years January 31, 1996 Dennis Wippermann" Commissioner 6 years January 31, 1998 " Mr. E.B. McMenomy is tfie City Mayor and Mr. Dennis Wippermann aJso serves on the City CounciL Mr. Stephan Jilk serves as the Executive Director to the Port Authority. Mr. Jilk has resigned this position effective October 29, 1993. RELATED MATTERS Future Financing The Authority intends, within six months, to issue approximately $600,000 General Obligation Bonds to provide financing for public improvements for a portion of the business park, acquired with bond proceeds of this Issue. Litigation The Authority is not aware of any threatened or pending litigation affecting the validity of the Bonds or the Authority's ability to meet its#inancial obligat�ons. - ?_ - Legality The Bonds are subject to approvai as to certain matters by Briggs and Morgan, Professional Association, of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, as Bond Counsei. Bond Counsel has not participated in the preparation of this Officiai Statement and wiU not pass upon its accuracy, completeness, or sufficiency. Bond Counsel has not examined, nor attempted to examine or verify, any of the financial or statistical statements or data contained in this Official Statement and will express no opinion with respect thereto. A legal opinion in substantially the form set out in Appendix I herein will be delivered at closing. Taxability of Interest The Authority intends that the interest to be paid on the Bonds be includable in the income of the recipient for purposes of United Stated and State of Minnesota income taxation and be subject to Minnesota corporate franchise and bank excise taxes measured by net income. Ratings An application for a rating of the Bonds has been made to Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's"), 99 Church Street, New York, New York. If a rating is assigned, it will reflect only the opinion of Moody's. Any explanation of the sign�cance of the rating may be obtained only from Moady's. There is no assurance that the rating, if assigned, wilt continue for any given period of time, or that such rating will not be revised or withdrawn, if in the judgment of Moody's, cireumstances so warrant. A revision or withdrawal of the rating may have an adverse effect on the market price of the Bonds. . Financial Advisor The Authority has retained Springsted Incorporated, Public Finance Advisors, of St. Paul, Minnesota, as financial advisor (the "Financial Advisor") in connection with the issuance af the Bonds. In preparing the Officia! Statement, the Financial Advisor has relied upon governmental officials, and other sources, who have access to relevant data to provide accurate infarmation for the Official Statement, and the Financial Advisor has not been engaged, nor has it undertaken, to independently verify the accuracy of such information. The Financial Advisor is not a public accounting firm and has not been engaged by the Authority to compile, review, examine or audit any information in the Officiaf Statement in accordance with accounting standards. The Financial Advisor is an independent advisory firm and is not engaged in the business of underwriting, trading or distributing munic�pal securities or other publ.ic securities and therefore will not participate in#he underwriting of the Bonds. Certification The Authority has authorized the distribution of this Official Statement for use in connection with the initial sale of the Bonds. As of the date of the settfement of the Bonds, the Purchaser will be fumished with a certificate signed by the appropriate officers of the Authority. The certificate will state that as of the date of the Official Statement, it did not and does not as of the date of the certificate contain any untrue statement of material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. -3- �;: . . . . � .;::i; CITY PROPERTY VALUES .�r�� ��:� 1992 indicated Market Value of Taxable Property: $412,263,031" -�h�l �> ,�,.. * Calculated by dividing the county assessor's estimated market value of$378,045,200 by��:7 sales ratio of 91.7�o for the City as derermined by the State Deparimeni of Revenue. Zf__ . _�,I 1992 Taxabie Net Tax Capacity: $7,753,399 - I ,�.� , 1992 Net Tax Capacity $ 8,467,5 , Less: Captured Tax Increment Tax Capacity (392,949 Contribution to Fiscal Disparities (1,357,408 Plus: Distribution from Fiscal Disparities 1.�3s,162 -•,, I 1992 Taxable Net Tax Capacity �7,753,399 � �;- -� � 1992 Taxabte Net Tax Capac'rty by Class of Property - _ Commercial/lndustrial, Public Utility and �= _ Personaf Property* $3,774,Q54 48,7% Residential Homestead 2,877,361 37.1=t�;<- Non-Homestead Residential 851,263 11 A T Agricultural 24Q,146 31 '�� Railroad 10.575 0.1 =Y . Total $7,753,399 100.0%- * Ref/ects adjustments for fiscal disparities and captured tax increment tax capacity. `i I�I Trend of Vafues ��' Inc(icated Estimated Taxable Tax �` Market Value�al Market Value Ca aci �b�_ 1992 $412,263,031 $378,045,2�0 $7,753,399 1991 388,029,900 350,391,000 7,�s�g� 1990 345,155,639 318,233,500 7,604,632 1989 295,120,543 271,510,900 6,865,898 1988 239,101,182 222,603,200 6,611,84_ - - 1 �a1 Ca/culated by dividing ihe county assessor's estimated markei value by the sa/es rafio dete the Cityr each year by ihe Staie Department of Revenue. ��- __�a tb) See Appendix ll for an explanation of tax capacity and other Minnesota properry7ax law. =_ _ � , i _ �i � �� I ,;::� �' �i, _ � �� .;_� _ .___ , :;f� �� �'j�,F ° �i ..�- : - 4 - _ ..� �� _ _ � � =,;� . � �:_� Ten of the Largest Taxpayers in the City ! ,�a. "�92 Net T`ef �pe of Business -�Capacitv � Great Northern Oil Ca (Koch Refining) Oif Refinery :�486,�12 �' Northern States Power Utility 324,239 CF Industries Inc. (Cenex) fer#ilizer 156,136 �' �ntr Companies Trucking/Warehouse 106,164 �� Peopies Natura! Gas Utility 81,850 = Gre'rf Brothers Corporation Multiwall Bag Mfg. $�,997 � Continental Nitrogen & �esources Corp. Chemicals ����8 -�= Central Farmers Fertilizer 76,423 '�� Shannon Park Townhouse Partners Townhouses 62,900 - NHD Rosemount Woods Assn. RetaillApartments 53.120 Total �:.504,999'` E * Represents 45.21°�of the City's 1992 taxable net tax capacity. C1111 INDEBTEDNESS Legal Debt Limit Debt Limit (2% of Estimated Market Value) ����-� �ess: Outstanding Debt Subject to Limit �2•�--�� Legal Debt Margin at September 2, 1993 � 5��� General Obligation Debt Supported by Taxes Principal Date Original '�� �utstanding of Issue Amount Purpose Mf�.,r: .=s of 9-2-93 4-1-86 $1,300,000 Municipal Building 2-1-T995 S 165,OOO�a� 12-1-91 210,000 Equipment Certificates ►2-�-1996 170,000{a) ; 11-1-92 1,080,000 Community Center 2-'�-�0�3 t,080,000(aJ ' 11-1-92 3,425,000 Municipal Building 2-�2018 3,425,OOOt�'� � 8-1-93 845,000 Municipal Building Refunding Z-Z-�Q02 845.OqOfa1 ; Total �,685,000 fa1 These issues are subject to ihe statufory debt limit _ �b1 The City anticipates debt service payments on ihis Issue will be made prirr�rily from��.;mbination of ; user fees from ihe municipal multi-purpose arena and tax increment ���enues. � �ddition, the ' proceeds of certain specia/ta�t levies, levred by the Ciry to support�`r�-rv Natio.a�:ard Armory, will also be used to support a portion of the debt service on this lssue. ii ;+ -5- �� ; � � General Obligation Debt Supported Primarily by Specia{ Assessments Principal Date Original Final Outstanding of Issue Amount Pur ose Maturi As of 9-2-93 8-1-87 �4,995,000 Local Improvements 2-1-1996 $1,500,000 10-1-88 2,750,aao Local (mprovements 2 1-1999 1,550,000 7-1-88 2,575,000 Local Improvements 2-1-1995 500,Q00 6-1-91 1,180,000 Local tmprovements 2-1-2002 1,060,000 12-1-91 265,000 Local Improvements 2-1-2003 265,000 9-1-92 895,000 Local Improvements 2-1-2004 895,000 11-1-92 1,470,000 Local Improvements 2-1-2004 1,470,000 8-1-93 555,000 Local Improvements 2-1-2005 555,000 8-1-93 1,415,000 Improvement Refunding 2-1-2001 1,415.000 Total $9,210,000 General Ob[igation Debt Supported Primarily by Tau tncrements . Principal Date Original Final Outstanding of Issue Amount Purpose Matur' As of 9-2-93 6-1-88 �1,100,000 Tax Increment 2-1-1999 $765,000 General Obligation Debt Supported by Revenues Principal Date Original Final Outstanding of Issue Amount Purpose Matur' As of 9-2-93 4-1-89 �1,320,000 Water Revenue 2-1-1997 � 310,000 9-1-92 1,525,000 Storm Water Revenue 2-1-2008 1,525,000 8-1-93 945,000 Water Revenue Refunding 2-1-20Q5 945,OQ0 11-1-93 580,000 Taxable Port Authority {this Issue) 2-1-2009 580,000 Total $3,360,000 - 6 - Annual Calendar Year Debt Service lnciuding This issue G.O. Debt Supported G.O. Debt Supported Primarily by by Taxes Special Assessments Principal Principal Year Principal & Interest Principal & Interest 1993 (at 9-2) $ 40,000 $ 43,835 (Paid) (Paid) 1994 205,000 538,213 $1,415,000 $ 2,005,918 1995 275,000 586,997 1,480,000 2,023,792 1996 310,000 599,303 1,395,000 2,289,362 1997 285,000 560,968 99C3,000 1,218,860 t998 325,000 587,812 940,000 1,121,766 1999 340,000 587,718 900,000 1,035,362 2000 230,000 464,4$6 5&5,000 663,025 2001 250,000 473,058 535,000 604,972 2002 265,000 475,167 400,000 444,645 2003 145,000 344,021 285,000 310,216 2004 155,000 344,931 255,000 264,867 2005 170,000 349,907 50,000 51,275 2�06 180,000 34$,953 2007 19Q,000 347,251 2008 205,000 349,658 2009 215,000 346,164 2010 225,000 341,918 2011 245,000 346,623 2012 260,000 345,303 2013 280,400. 347,772 2014 155,000 208,503 2015 165,000 208,023 2016 180,000 211,680 2017 190,040 209,470 2018 200,000 206,600 Total $5,685,OOOta� $9,774,334 $9,210,OOO�b7 $12,034,060 (a1 47.1%of this debt witl be retired within 10 years. (bl 96.7%of this debt wil!be retired within 10 years. -7- . . :::� � . . . . ,G,.. b Annual Calendar Year Debt Service inciuding This Issue (continued) �ti G.O.Debt Supported G.O. Debt Supportecl Primarilv bv Tax increments b Revenues(b) � Principal Princip Year Principal & interest Princi al & in._�; r.� 1993 (at 9-2) (Paid) (Paid) (Paid) {Pa� 1994 $10Q,000 $ 167,i 85 $ 100,000 $ 287, 1995 110,000 167,575 135,000 324� 1996 120,000 166,935 185,000 365, ., 1997 130,000 165,245 200,000 358, 1998 145,000 167,247 220,000 356;__� Tgg9 160,000 167,680 235,000 361, 2000 240,Q00 355,7 2001 250,000 354,2_ 2002 270,000 361, 2003 280,000 357,7 2004 295,000 357,76 2005 310,000 356,608 2� 185,000 217,885 2007 190,000 211,$90. 2008 205,000 215,147 2009 60.000 62 01 Q .�. Totai �765,000 $1,001,867 $3,360,OOO�a) �,904,081��' : 3 la1 62.9°�of this debf will be retired within 10 qears. =� (b) lncludes this Issue at an assumed annual interest rate of 6.35%. - Summary of Direct Debtlnciuding This Issue Gross Less: Debt Net ;�' Debt Service Funds(a1 Direct Debt �- G.O. Debt Supported by Taxes $5,685,000_ $( 87,168) $5,597,832 �;�, G.O. Debt Supported by Special . - Assessments 9,210,000 (4,951,434) 4,258,566 � , G.O. Debt Supported by Tax Increments 765,000 (838) 764,162 = G.O. Debt Supparted by Revenues 3,360,OOQ (b} 3,360,000 <:= �a) Debt service funds are as of Augusi 31, 1993 and include money io pay both principal and interest _� �b1 Debt service paid directly by revenues. t ,t-•�. _ 8 _ t � -_-'�'' Indirect Generai Obiigation Debt Debt Applicabie to 1992 Taxabie G.O. Debt Tax Capacitv in Citv Taxinq Unit�al Net Tax Capacitv As of 9-2-93��1 Percent Amount Dakota County $ 227,043,015 $ 7�,235,000��1 3.41% $ 2,565,513 ISD 196 (Rosemount- � Apple Valley-Eagan) 76,559,529 1�7,g62,503 8.12 9,570,435 ISD 199 (Inver Grove-Pine Bend) 15,539,047 6,310,000 13.81 871,411 ISD 200 (Hastings) 15,749,461 4,995,000 0.68 33,966 Dakota County Techflical CoAege 244,48Q,087 2,090,000 3.46 72,314 Metropolitan Council 1,862,579,652 40,g40,000��1 0.42 171,528 Regional Transit District 1,701,455,732 4.4,400,000 0.46 204,240 Total $13,489,407 ta1 On/y ihose units with debt outstanding are shown here. (bJ Exc/udes debi supported by revenues and tax and aid anticipation debt. (�J !ncludes Jai! Facility Revenue Bonds, SQries 1986 with an outstanding principal balance af $2,355,000; Jai! Faciliry Revenue Bonds, Series 1987 with an ouisfanding princrpal balance of $1,225,000; and Jail Facility Revenue Refunding Bonds with an outsianding principal ba/ance of $6,430,000 issued by the Dakota County HRq and payab/e solely from/ease payments made by the Counry to the HRA pursuanf to a l.ease Agreement. The /ease paymenis are absolute arrd uncondifiona/and are unlimited tax obligaiions of ihe County. �� Metropolitan Council also has outstanding$5�9,pg0,000 of general obligation sanitary sewer bonds and loans which aie supporied by system revenues. De�t Ratios Including This Issue G.O. Net G.Q. Indirect & Direct Debt'` Net Direct Debt To 1992 Indicated Market Value 2.58a�o 5.85% Per Capita (9,750- 1992 Met Council Estimate) $1,pgg $2,473 " Excludes generaJ obligation debt supported ty�evenues. -9 - CtTY TAX RATES, l.EVIES AND COLLECTIONS Tax Capac'rty Rates 1992/93 For 1988 89 1989 90 1990 91 1991 92 Total Debt Oniv Dakota County 20.721°h 21.061% 22.542%0 25.536% 26.558% 1.897°� City of Rosemount 26.879 22.001 27.7Q5 29.224 29.810 6.265 ISD 196 (Rosemount) 52.249 40.793 47.058 54.602 58.486 12.790 Special Districts` 4.755 4.844 4.978 6.139 5.405 0.928 Total 104.604% 88.699% 102.283%0 115.501% 120.259% 21.8g0% * Mcludes Metropo/itan Council, Regional Transit Distric� Metropolitan Mosquito Control, Dakota County Technica/College and the Dakota County light Raii TransiL NOTE: For properly taxes payab/e in 1989, taxes were determined by muitipiying the gross tax capaciry by the tax capacity rate, expressed as a perceniage. This rep/aced the use of assessed va/ue muttiplied by mill rates. Beginning with taxes payab/e in )990, net tax capaciry has replacsd gross tax capaciry as the basis on which taxes are/evied(see Appendix l!). Tax Cotlections for the City Collected During Co{lected Amount Collection Year As of 5-31-93 Lew/Collect of Lew Amount Percent Amount Percent 1992/93 $2,913,401'` (In Process of Collection) 1991/92 2,748,113 $2,711,623 98.7% $2,719,725 99.1% 1990/91 2,498,285 2,453,637 � 98.2 2,489,677 99.7 1989/90 2,095,644 2,063,786 98.5 2,092,044 99.8 1988/89 1,745,243 1,692,876 97.0 1,744,552 99.9 '` The 1992/93 gross tax lery includes aids of$917,038, including Homestead and Agricultura! Credit Aid ('HACA'), Equalizaiion Aid and Disparity Aid. The net levy of $2,002,363 after subtracting the HACA, Equalization Aid and Dispariry Aid is the basis for computing the 1992/93 tax capacity rates. FUNDS AN HAND As of August 31, 1993 Fund Cash and Inuestments General $ 1,213,183 Special Revenue 1,132,713 Port Authority ' 339,985 Debt Service: Tax Supported 87,188 Assessment Supported _ 4,951,434 Tax increment Supported 83$ General Obligation Revenue Supported 72,417 Construction 5,506,870 Water, Sewer and Storm Water 3,587,853 Trust and Agency 2.125 Total $16,894,586 - 10 - GENERAL INFORMATION CONCERNING THE CITY The City of Rosemount, located in northem Dakota County, is a southem suburb of the Minneapolis/Saint Paul metropolitan area. The City encompasses an area of 22,000 acres (35.25 square miles) and has a 1990 U.S. Census count of 8,622, a 69.6% increase from the City's 1980 Census count of 5,083. The Metropolitan Council estimates the population, as ofi April 1992, to be 9,750. _ An important aspect of the City's tax base and economy is the 6,200-acre petrochemical industria! complex located in the northeastern portion of the C'rty near the Mississippi River at Pine Bend. Major firms located there include Great Northern Oil Company (°Koch Refining"), North Star Chemical and Spectro Alloys. Mid-American Pipeline Gompany#ransports gas from southem states and operates a bottling station at Pine Bend. Minnesota Pipeline Company transports Canadian and North Dakota crude oil to the Koch refinery. Koch Refining processes i 80,000 to 200,000 barrels of crude oil each day and employs 850 persons in Rosemount. A$17,000,000 project is under construction to add a security building, additions to an office, laboratory and cafeteria. The project is being built in four phases with final completion expected in 1993. z; Koch Refining is investing $240,000,000 in a clean air project that wil) reduce air emissions, ��� control odors and result in the production of cleaner fuels. These activities will result in the �� creation of approximately 500 new construction jobs. '�: �- �: The University of Minnesota's Rosemount Research Center is located on an 8,000 acre tract of " land situated partially in the Cit�r. This facility is utilized by the University for agricultu�al and � other �eseareh projects and also by other research agencies and private enferprises. The U.S. �:: Navy operates a satellite tracking station on the Rosemount campus. � �� �3 �: Some of the larger employers in the City are listed below: Approximate Number - Employer Product/Service of Emplovees Koch Refining Company Crude Oif 900 Independen# School District 196 Education 715 Dakota County AVTI Education (Vo-Tech) 475 Greifi Brothers Corporation MultiwalJ Bags 150 Spectro Alloys Corp. Aluminum Alloys 95 Knutson Services, Inc. Trash Disposal/Recycling 55 Genz & Ryan Plumbing & Heating Plurnbing and Heating 85 Peoples Natural Gas Natural Gas 36 Continental Nitrogen Chemicais 35 Carlson Tractor Industrial/Farm Equipment 30 Source: City of Rosemount, 'Comprehensive Guide Plan,'January, 1993. Labor Force Data June 1993 June 1992 Civilian Unemployment Civilian Unemployment Labor Force Rate Labor Force Rate Dakota County 172,7i 6 4.4% �65,893 4.6% Minneapolis/St. Paul MSA 1,473,386 5.0 1,414,933 5.1 Minnesota 2,532,753 5.5 2,452,837 5.6 Source: Minnesota Department of Jobs and Training. 1993 data is prsliminary. - - 11 - Buitding Permits issued by the City Single Family Total Permits Home Permits Oniy Number Value Number Value 1993 (to 8-31) 427 $25,525,034 123 �12,661,271 1992 633 43,352,223* 234 23,046,277 1991 512 19,939,006 200 18,087,341 1990 491 21,921,872 184 16,682,775 1989 480 2$,037,283 194 17,320,711 1988 506 30,974,532 267 22,232,787 1987 316 21,636,314 160 14,460,303 1986 232 9,401,135 75 6,721,265 1985 228 7,132,024 35 2,951,480 i 984 236 11,849,796 101 5,996,95i 1983 199 6,352,570 30 2,569,347 1982 188 7,239,563 56 2,927,999 1981 150 3,778,617 23 1,704,508 * lncludes$17,000,000 for Koeh Refining. ' Recerrt and Proposed Developmer�t Over the past four years, an average of$26,725,000 in new construction value has been added per year. During this same period the City has added over 230 housing units per year to its housing stock. Approximately 90°� of these units are single family homes. Some of the larger housing projects currently being developed are as follows , Units Units Built Development/Developer Housin Approved as of 4-30-93 Carrollton Second Addition/Entry One, Inc. Single Family 126 112 Cau�try Hills/U.S. Home Corporation Single Famify .567 452 O'Leary's Hills/Parkview, Inc. Single Family 213 111 West Ridge/Rosemount Dev. Co.. Single Family 233 183 Shannon Hills/Ground Development Co. Single Family 190 99 Shannon Park/Limerick Way Rental Townhouses Multiple Famify 128 96 Shannon Pond PUD/Hampton Development Corp. Single Family 89 0 Recent and proposed commercial and industrial development occurring in the City includes the following: • 38,000 square foot ch{orine processing facility owned by DPC Industries. • 35,000 square foot auto recyciing facifity. • 20,000 square foot commercial recycling materials recovery facility. • 12,000 square foot construction debris materials recovery facility. • $31 million Minnesota industrial containment facility designed to contain non-hazardous industrial so�id waste on a 236 acre site. The facility is owned and operated by United States Pollution Control, Inc., a Houston based subsidiary of the Union Pacific Company. - 12 - GOVERNMENTAL ORGAN(ZATFON AND SERVICES Organization Rosemount was established as a municipal corporation in 1858, and became a statutory City in 1974. The City has a Mayor-Councii form of government, with the four Council members being elected to overlapping four-year terms af office. The present City Couneil is listed below. Expiration of Term E.B. McMenomy Mayor December 31, 1993 Sheila M. Klassen Council Member December 31, T993 Harry R. Willcox Council Member Deeember 31, 1993 James Staats Council Member Decem6er 31, 1995 Dennis �ppermann Council Member December 31, 1995 The City's chief administrative officer is the City Administrator, who is appointed by and serves ' at the discretion of the City Council. Mr. Stephan Jilk has resigned this position as City Administrator, effective October 29, 1993. GUIr. Jeff May, who has served in the City's Finance Department since 1985, was appointed as the City's Finance Director in March of 1991. Growth and devefopment of the City is gu�ded by a Comprehensive Land Use Plan which was commissioned soon after the consolidation in 1971 of the former Viliage and Town of Rosemount. The Plan outlines long-range zoning and development policy of the City, and is designed to encourage and promote orderly development and growth which will perpetuate a sound tax base. This Plan was last updated in 1980. The City completed its update of the Plan for the 1990's through a process which involved the City Planning Commission, City Council, City staff and the Metropolitan Council. The updated plan is awaiting approval by the Metropolitan CounciL Services Po(ice pratection for the City is provided by 12 ful(-time officers and eight pofice reserves. Fire protection is provided by 39 trained volunteers. The City has a class 5 insurance rating. Municipal water, sanitary sewer and storm water services are provided to virtually all of the developed areas of the City. The municipal water service �is provided by four wells with two water towers having a total storage capacity of 1,500,000 gallons. The maximum pumping capacity is 2,225 gallons per minu#e with an average demand of 600,000 gallons pumped daily. It is the City's po(icy to finance all of its lateral sanitary sewer and water improvements by special assessments filed against benefited property; however, there is a provision for deferred assessments, in which case it may be necessary to provide some tax support. Core faci(ities are intended to be financed from water and sewer connection charges, but these too may require some tax support in the event sufficient connections do not occur in a timely manner. To date,tax support has not been necessary. The City �inances the construction and long-term maintenance of its stormwater core faci{ities through the operation of a Stormwater Utility. Each property in the City pays a mon#hly "stormwater user fee" and connection charges to support the program. Although the City construets and maintains its own sewer laterals, sewer trunk lines and treatment plants are owned by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission ("MWCC"j, an agency of the Metropolitan Council. The City is billed for its usage of MWCC facilities. - 14 - . . � Emptoyee Pensions Ail fuil-time and certain part-time employees of the City of Rosemount are covered by defined benefit pension pians administered by the Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota (PERA). PERA administers the Public Employees Retirement Fund (PERF) and the Public Employees Police and Fire Fund (PEPFF) which are cost-sharing multiple-employer public employees retirement plans. PERF members belong to either the Coordinated Plan or the Basic Plan. Coordinated members are covered by Social Security and Basic rnembers are not. Alt new members must participate in the Coordinated Plan. All police officers, fire fighters and peace officers who qualify for membership by statute are covered by the PEPFF. For the year ended December 31, 1992, the City's contribution to PERA was$113,605. - 15- �� SPRINGSTED � i2.ri $C��2h J!X',h j•',�@G�' �� $wte L5U7 � PUBLIC FINANCE ADVISORS Minneapolis, MN 55402-1800 (6121 333-9177 Fax: (612) 349-5230 Home Otfice 85 East Seventh Place 16655 West Bluemound Road Suite 100 ' Saint Paul. MN 55101-2143 Suite 290 (612) 223-3000 Brookfield, WI 53005-5935 Fax: (612) 2233002 (4141 782-8222 Fax: (414) 782-2904 6800 College Boulevard Suite 600 Overland Park, KS 66211-1533 (913) 345-8062 Fax: (913) 345-1770 1800 K Street NW Suite 831 Washington, DC 20006-2200 f202) 466-3344 Fax: (202) 223-1362 $580,000 ROSEMOUNT PORT�AUTHORITY, MFNNESOTA TAXABLE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 1993E AWARD: PARK INVESTMENT CORPORATION SALE: October 5, 1993 Moody's Rating: A interest Net Interest True Interest Bidder Rates Prtce Cost Rate PARK INVESTMENT CORPORATION 4.25% 1996 $571,300.00 $341,567.50 6.1253% 4.70% 1997 5.00% 1998 5.20% 1999 5.409b 2000 5.50% 2001 5.60% 2002 5.75�a 2003 5.90% 2004 6.00% 2005 � 6.10% 2006 6.20�0 2007 6.30% 2008 6.409'a 2009 DAIN BOSWORTH INCORPORATED 4.40% 1996 $573,330.00 $357,818.13 6.3940% 4.709'0 1997 5.00% 1998 5.25% 1999 5.50% 2000 5.75% 2001 ' � 6.00% 2002 6.10% 2003 6.25% 2004 6.40% 2005 6.50% 2006 6.60% 2007 s.70% 2008-2009 (Continue�i) Interest Net Interest True Interest Bidder Rates Prtce Cost Rate PIPER JAFFRAY INC. 4.5096 1996 $572,460.00 $371,648.13 6.6567% 5.00% 1997 5.40% 1998 5.75% 1999 5.90% 2000 6.00% 2001 6.25% 2002 6.50% 2003 6.60% 2004 6.70% 2005 6.7596 2006-2007 6.809'0 2008-2009 These Bonds are being reoffered at par. BBI: 5.30 Average Maturity; 9.64 Years