HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.h. Payment #2, Armory Site Sanitary Sewer, City Project #236 ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FqR ACTION, CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 5, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Payment #2, Armory Site Sanitary Sewer, AGENDA SECTION: City Project #236 Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA NO. City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director � ATTACHMENTS: Payment Voucher #2 APP OV � This item requests the second payment to Richard Knutson, Inc. in the amount of 5122,755.82 for City Project #236, Armory Site Sanitary Sewer. Work completed and represented in this amount as of September 20, 1993 is 49% of contracted work. The work has been inspected and is in compliance with contract documents. Attached is a copy of the pay voucher for your information. Staff reeommends approval of this second payment request. RECOMMENDED ACTIOIV: MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT #2 TO RICHARD KNUTSON, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $122,755.82 FOR THE ARMORY SITE SANITARY SEWER, CITY PROJECT #236. COUNCIL ACTION: 6 , < < CITY OF ROSEMOUNT APPLICATTON FOR PAYMENT NO. 2 CIT'Y PROJECT NO: 236 SEH FILE N4: 92040.01 PROjECT: Armor�r Site Sanitart,y Sewer Im�rovements CONTRACTOR: Richard Knutson, Inc. CONTRACT DATE: 11/3/92 12585 Rhode Island Ave So.APPLICATION DATE: 9/20/93 Savage, MN 55378 FOR PERIOD ENDING: 9/20/93 Total Contract Amount $323,875.00 Total Amount Earned $167,245.35 Material Suitably Stored on Site, Not Incorporated into Work $ ' Contract Change Order No. Percent Complete $ Contract Change Order No. Percent Complete $ Contract Change Order No. Percent Complete $ GROSS AMOUNT DUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $167,245.35 LESS 5% RETAINAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8,362.27 , AMOUNT DUE TO DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $158.883.08 LESS PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 36,127.26 AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . $ 122,755.82 APPROVED: l l..z �--,--- ���� Bud undson, City Engineer / Assistant Director of Public Works 6129809346� � S ENT BY�Xcrox Tciccopicr �0�0 ; g-2a-83 � 1��51 ' J 4b �4�2 , FOR PAYMEN'1 APPLICATION _----- –'�_ �(UNIT PRICE CONTRACT� NO. 2 ----- ___-- ._ --.. 236 OWNER'S PROJECT NO. __....-------------- ROSfiMOVNT, MINNE60TR --•�' � OJ�e'1' NU. y1Q40.d1 _ �WNER: ----------------------" ENGINEER S PR __------------ -•------ QCATION: AItMORY SZT6 ------------ --- ' ----------- . ZNC. CONTRACT DATE__�------------ -------- 'ONTRACTOR RICHARD KNIT'I'sON, �323.875 00_-- •------ OUN'r -•---- --------""'__w"'--- CONTItACT AM -- 1a68S RHODB I9LAND AVE SQ _---- ------- ������....�����..�w��r���..���� . � . . .. � . $AVI►OE MN 55378 ..------------- rITS --__..�' •----- ••�------SANITARY SEWER IMPROVBME -------��-----"-' � 1+RMOAY 8I'�b - -----�� .ON'TR. 1�OR �---------------------------------....' .PPLIC.DATE___--- ----------------- �ERIOD END. _--Q9L20(9�----------"" �- � APPLIC!►TION FOR PAYMENT ------------- tJNIT CONTRAC'T 4U�TITY pRICE TOTAL UNIT SWANTITY TO DATE ---------�-.00 DESCRIP'1'lUN ---- -----------------------i---%_�----`3C�OO.UU 3�— __- -- •--MOBILIZATION L•3• :�-'�����.� 115U.5o1 //lr� 1.25 ' L.F. 4000 �___.----W� �153.5D1 TEMPORARY FENCZNG . �— 2J�D��p 2__ ,OOO��Q L.S 1 )157.2Q1 TKAFFIC CONTR�L f"-�'D 1.5U "�' %�� L.F. 100 �--�–�---�� �.5p 562.50 )'LU7.a01. REMOVfi CONC C & G 4'l 1�—Cp�' . L.F. � 39Q.40 t207.�102 REMOVE CM CULVERT Z ,/ 195.�0 ,_�E_.._— �2d7.409 FEMOVE SANITARY MANHULE EACH 0 3.f1�0.00 – - s207.414 REMOVE CONCK�TE LIGH'T2NC� EACH 2 --��"""" UNzT �R6E 3?O.aO 370.40 �2�7�42g sALVAGE SEWER METER EAGH � --_.._1'""'""" SHORT-ELLIQTT-KENDRICKSON, INC. �AGL 1 UF 5 , • � SENT BY=Y,crox Tciccopicr 702Q : 8-20-63 : 14�51 . 6128806346� 4802150c# 3 'LU7.424 SALVAGE LIGHTING UNIT EACH 2 p 1000.00 _ -0-_ �- 211.502 CLEARING TREE 100 74 45.00 3 .330.Op_ 211.507 GRUeBING TREE 100 _'_ 74 , 45.Q4 3 .330.00 213.001 81hL� CIiECK SAL$ 5Q 0 5.00 �D� 213.003 6=LT FENCE, PREAS$EMHLED L.F. 600 220 1.5U _�30.00 213.405 ROCK CON3T. ENTRANCE EAGH 1 0 595.00 _p_ Z22.101 CRU5HSD ROCK P�PE . FOUr1t�AT20x TON 2Q0 n 7.65 -0- . 222.103 GRANULAR FIPE FOUNDATZOPt TON 100 U 4.50 -Q- zaa.107 REPL�C�MENT BACKFILL TON 85U0 0 d.IO _p_ 222.70I TEST ROLLING R.S. 12 • 0 10.00 -Q.. 222.801 SUBGRADS FREPAItATION R.S. 12 0 125.00 -0- Z23.803 AGG. BASF� PLACED, CL 5 ;C.Y. I80 10 1Q�.b5 14�.50 230.Q01 k3URE l6" STFEL CAStNG L.F. 124 124 142.OD _�2.240.00 230.0].1 JACK 8" PVC CARRI�R L.F. 2,20 120 lO.RS 1.30�.00 350.701 AGG. SURFACING, CL 2 R'ON 900 0 7.10 -4- 250.9Q3 AGG. SHOULt1ERIN0 PLACFD, . CL1�$6 2 C.Y, 150 0 15.55 -0- 251.I08 TYPE 41 i1TEARING CDURSE . MIXTURE TON 135 4 26.OS -0- Z51.110 TYPE 31 HINDER COURSE MIXTURE TON 135 0 27.00 -0- 254.702 SZT. MAT, FOR TACK CUAT GAL. 70 d I.50 �0- 259.001 AGG. l3ASE RESTnRATION IN-SY 700 0 p,.�5 -Q- 259.011 87T. SURFACE RESTORATION IN-SY 35Q 0 3,$5 -p- 259.021 C & G REBTORATION L.F. I00 0 ].2.00 -0- 272.311 12" CM PIPE CULVERT L.F. 45 8 i5.25 _0- 27�.315 12" CM PIPE AFRON EA{:H 2 0 83.50 -0- 293.011 4" PVC S�WER SERVIC:R L.F. 7b 16 6.Ga 1Q4�00 Z73.112 f3"PVf: .S'FWER�1.0� -15� DEEP L�F. 638 � 58"7 lb.90 -6--3�$3--7f1 ✓ �y - q9��.� AGE 2,OF S . SHART—ELLIOTT—HENDRICKSON, ING. , S�tiT BY�Xerox Telecopier 7020 � 5-20-93 � 14�52 � 6128908346� 4902150�# 4 2'788,5'� 73.I13 8"PVC SEWER, IS ' -20' DEEP L.F. 589 -�'1'I��,�, 16.90 _3-�6-.-}�8 73.114 8"PVC BEWER,20'-25' DEEP L.F. 60 Q 16.90 -p- --.: : r I-�.�v�.-� 73.119 8"DIP SEWER,O' -10' DEEP L.F. 30 -8- '��''"�'40.45 � _�_ .t�l.�,�;o 73.121 8��aiP SEWER,15'-20' DEEP L.F. 34 -�g- D arz 40,dS � n �a^ �^ �c�-- 73.122 B"DIP SfiWER,20' -25' DEEP L.F. 151 � a0.45 _p_ 73.123 8"DIP SEWER,25' -3�' DEEP L.F. 130 0 40.45 -p- 73.124 8"DIP SEWER,30'-35 ' DEEP L.F. 43 , ..g-- � " 4Q.45 �g�• 73.125 S"DIp SEWER,35' -40' DEEP L.F. 24 0 40.45 -0- 73.126 8"DIP SSWER,40' -45' DE6P L.F. 18 0 40.45 -0- iy7t1.2o � ?3.ZZl 12"DIP SWR, 15'-20' DFEP L.F. 43 -�-8'�"' 4�W'Z- 35. 10 - ,9--9fr$;-�b- 'Ll tjl� 73.331 27"RCP SWR, 15' -20' DEEP L.F. 31 .�3�9?»�Z- 64.10 3...?.,-�Y¢, N ✓ ?3.332 27"RCP SWR,20 ' -25 ' DEEP L,F. 3�5932 tao " 520 --8-5`I.a�z-69.10 --@� 73.333 27"RCP SWR.2� '^30 ' IIEEP L.F. 186 -$���Z- 69.1Q JZy$--�.� `� __.., 73.334 27"RCP SWR,30'-35 ' DEEP L.F. I68 -$/�� �'� ��b�� � ` 6 9.10 --9�- 73.335 27"RCP SWR,35' -40' DEEP L.F. 162 a 69. IO -0- ?3.336 27"RCP SWR,40'-45 ' DEEP L.F. . 22 0 fg. 20 -0- 73.501 STD MANHOLE, 20' DEEP EACH 11 � 985.00 b , 895. Q0 73.5I1 EXCESS MANHOLE DEPTH L,F. 145 52 .84 65.00 3 .434. 64 73. 525 MANHOLE DROP SECTION L.F. 25 10.26 172. 50 _1 . 769.8$ 73.531 MANHOLE CONNECTIQN EACN 2 _3' 235.DO 7D5.OQ 73.6I.1 8" X 4" PVC WYE EACH 3 � 35.00 70. OA ?4.2U1 ABANDON EX. LZFT STATION L.S. 1 IOQ� 4900.00 4 . 90Q.{}0 74.211 WET PIT SEWAGE LIFT STATION L.S. � _ 95� 22350.00 �,�32.50 '4.221 TEMPORARY PUMPING L.S. 1 _104� 5040.00 � "4.31Z 6" DIP FORGEMAIN L.F. 530 �4�-e�- bJ"`z-- 12, 60 �...� ,� � . 4.321 CONNECT TO EX. FORCEMAIN EACH l 1 235.00 _ 235�0� 4.40I VALVE VAULT L.S. 1 9,�$ 7130.pp _ ��773, 50 E 3 OF 5 SH�RT-ELLIOTT-HENDRTCKSON, INC. SENT BY=Y.crox Tciccopicr 7020 : 8-20-93 ; 14�52 . 6129808346� d802150.# 5 �293.001 SEEDING ACRE 3 0 185.00 —D- �293.002 SfifiD, MIXTURE 6Q0 LB. 225 Q d.40 -0- �293.a05 SODDINC, TYI'E LAWN S.Y. 9600 � 1.50 _p_ �2�3.Q21 MEJLCii MATFaRIAL, TYPE l TON 5 0 20Q.00 -p- �293.OI9 D=6C NNCItORINC3 ACRS 3 �,_Q 165.QO -0- �293.023 WOOD FISER BLANKET, TYPE HV S.Y. 200 n 2.10 _n,. 4293.032 COMM. FERTILIZER, � • . • RNALYSl'S 12-12-12 LB. 500 0 0.50 —p� �'195.5U� FURNISH AND Pi,ANT EVERGREEN TREE, COLORADO SPRUCE, 6' 8&B TREE 6 1 150.00 15U.OU '2Q5.�02 FURNISH AND PL11NT SHADE TREE, MARSHALL 6��DLBS3 A8H, 2"TRES 32 10 180.00 1i800.00 �296.503 FURNZSI; AND PLANT SHADE TREE, NORTHWA�n MAPLE, 2" CAL. TREE 33 5 1l30.00 9OO.Q0 �295.505 FURNISH AND PLANT D�CIDVOUB $HRUB, ALYINE CURRENT SHRUB 10 0 25.OQ -p- �295.505 FURNISH AND PLANT DE.CIDUOU9 SHRUB, FO'i'�N'IILLA SHRUB 12 p 25.00 -p- . i?.95.507 FURNISH AND PL11NT DECIDUOUS SHRUB, DWARP' KUREAN LILAC SHRlJB 10 0 25.00 -0- 1295.5Q8 FURNISH AND PLANT DECIDVOUS �IiRUB� " PURPLE LbAF SAND CHERRY SHRUH 10 0 25.00 -0- �29b.551 RQGK GARDEN S.Y. 230 0 10.Q0 �0- ,652.2p1 CONSTRUCT LI�IITINp UNIT BASE EACH 2 0 1pQ4.00 -4- fi52.211 INSTALL SALVAGED LIGH'1'1NG UNIT F,ACH 2 0 1000.Q0 -Q- AGE 4 OF 5 SHORT-ELLIO'1"1'-H�:iVDRICKSON, iNC. " ' ` SENT BY�Xcrox Tciccopicr 7020 : 9-20-83 : 14�53 , 6128608346� 4902150,# 6 3 . , � APPLICATtON FOR PAYMENT- Gon#inued . /�7 Z�r�, 3-�''� Tot�I Contract Amount$_ �23►8��•00 Total Amount Earned $ ' "� .�-=�-•-� �� Mate�ial Suftably Stored on Site, Not lncorporated fnto Wo�4c $ • •�"� �.�2- Contraat Change OrderNa Percent Comp�ete � Gontract Ct�ange Order No. Percent Complete $ Contract Change Order No. Percer�t Complete______ � J�7 2��",3� GROSS AMOUNT DUE.........................$. .3.b=tir-;�._�5'�4#' � � ,2� LCSS 5 °Yo R�TAINAGE..................$ .8.,-2��'r.z� . � d8 �� - AM(3UNT DUE TO DATE .....................$�3�*'� > �Z, �� LESS PREVIOUS APf'LiCAT10N..........� 35,12�.Z5 �� � � /��,?.�';� AMOUNT DUE THIS aPPI.ICATION.....$ 1 z�. .10 2.91 GQI�TR/�cTOR'S AFFIDAVIT �� The undersigned Cantractor heraby sweare under psnaity of perJury that (1) sl) prevtous progro�s psty mants received trom tho Owner on accQunt of woric perfarmed ur�dar the contract referred to above have been applied by the undersigned to discharge In fuit al!obligatlons of the under5lgned IncuRed in connectfon wlth w�rk�vAred by prior Appiications tor Payment under sa(d contract, and (2}�al! materi- Sls and equipment incorporated !n safd Pra)ect or otherwise listed in orcovered by this Appiication for Paymen# are iree and clear of al! tiens, ciaims,security interests and encurnbrances. � D�tted soptombor 20 , 19 93 . Richard Xnutson I , � (Cont or) 6y: .__ __ ( me and Tit{e}� COUN'[Y OF Scott ) SS Treasurer � STATE OF Minnesota ) 8efore me on iltls _...,.20th_ �ay p{ September , i9 93 pBrSOnally appeared sheri �'o So�um known to me, who being duly awom, dici depose and say that he is the Treasurei of#he Contractor above mentioned;that �e {Office) axecuted the above Appiication for Payment �nd Affidavlt on behalf of said Contractor; and that aU af the stetements contalned therefn are true, oorrect and compl4to•--- ��E�Q,�R�s� PUQI •MINNE30TA R Ms Ourm 31 on "".2°°° My Gommission Gxpires: J� � - (Notary Publio) The undersigned has checked the Contr�ctor's Applicatlon for Payment shown abov�. A part of this Appllcatlon ts the Contractor's Affidavtt stat(ng that all previous p�yments to hlm under thls Contract h�ve been applied by him to dischar�e �n fu1E all ot his obllgatlons {n connectlan wlth the work covered by all prfor Applfcatlons for Payment, In accordance with the Contract, the undersigned approves paymont to the Contracto�of the Amount Due. SH -ELI.t TT EN 1CKSON, tNG. Date q " �p -c�3 By � , Page 5 of 5