HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda� � '.��, �,.�,�a�ss _ vs.� �� �.� x a � ; �° ,:.+,��, cg``° �ta;'��s, ��.� 3 ,�,���"` y�,�";+' �-�`i.� '�'��s '�"� -:x �;, `.�� � 4,r� � �� �V�7 '�471�3 } �y � k , r� , . . : . . �r .: i -'. � `'�. � � A G E N D A REGULAR CO�TCIL MEETING 1 a a ?,, ��(� FE&RI7�RY I6, 19 9� � � 7.3 0 �.1�t.. 1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2. Additions or Corrections to Agenda - Council, Staff, Audience 3 . DEPARTMENT HEADS REPORTS/BUSINESS a. i�i►Ico}C Rrpor on Hlle�i.-h�ohs b. 4 S CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes of February 2, 1993 Regular Council Meeting b. Minutes of February 4, 1993 Special Council Meeting c. Bills Listing � d. Licenses and/or Permits e. Joint Powers Agreement for Seal Coating f. 1993 Building Valuation Resolution �, 19�3_��c.�. Receive Petition/Shannon Hills 5th Addition Street & Utilities , h. Armory/Community Center-Engineering Testing Service Pay Request #2 i. Expenditure for Fire Dept. Repairs/Purchases j . Mosquito Control District-Set Pubiic Hearing for Guide Plan Amendment �'Y�oV�(k.) Broback Industrial Park - Lot Combination Resalution l . 5 . OLD BUSINESS a. Highway 3 Projeet Update, Project 239 �aq3ri� b. Building Permit Fee Comparison c. Set Pub�lic Hearing - Gomprehensive Guide Plan d. Goal Setting Schedule e. 8 :00 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARII�G 6 . PUBLIC HEARING - 145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION, PROJECT 235 a. Open c. Close b. Conduct d. Action — �"ahlec� -�-p '(�0.r, 3��;3Q�m � 7. NEW BUSINESS IQ�i3-13 a. ��I.K) ���a��u..��-I-rZia.� Park- �.o-�- C+.o�,b►r,a�i���j e��wrti't� b. _ , ,,, �c � � �" � 8 . MAYOR' S REPORT L� � r �l/� a._ .Volunteers of America Week Proclamation �"" �Z� b. _...,_. . _._ _ _.. 9 . ADMINISTRATOR' S REPORT a. b. 10 . ANNOUNCEMENTS a. b. 11. ADJOURNMENT