HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.h. Armory / Community Center - Engineering Testing Service Pay Request #2 � ,: � CITY OF ' ROSEMOUNT EXECTJTIVE SUNIlKARY FOR ACTION . CITY COUNCIL MEETING" DATE: FEBRUARY 16, 1993 3�1GENDA ITEM: ARMORY/COMMUNITY CENTER: AGENDA SECTION: ENGINEERING TESTING SVC. , PAY REQUEST #2 CONSENT � PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTR.ATOR AGENDA ���� �r " � � � ATTACffi+2ENTS: PAY REQUEST AP OVED BY: . Attached is Pay Request #2 for the Engineering Testing Services provided for the Armory/Community Center Project. This work is being done under a separate project contract with Construction Engineering Laboratory, Inc. As with other pay requests the project contractor MSABC, processes the pay reques�s after approval by the architect. This pay request is being recommended by both the architect and MSABC. RECO1!Il�SENDED ACTION: Motion to approve Pay Request #2 to Construction Engineering Laboratory Inc. in the amount of $1, 996 . 67 charged to accounts 426-48000-01-303 for $1, 138 . 10, 424-48000-01-303 for $559 . 07, and 427-48000-01-303 for $299 .50 . COUNCIL ACTION: . _ SE\T B�`��i I L. AFF�I RS ; 2- 1-93 ; 16�22 ; n�:\�G-F1�0-� 1 612 -�23 ��U3;� 2/ -� ..._..-- ��`��.��, STATE Of MINNE50TA,t�PARTMENT Op AAfUTARY AFFAIRS u" . MINN�,�OSA AIlMY M4'�i4NAL GpARa =vx� ,"A +`'�.� � � FAClUAES NWNAGEMEM OFFlCE � '.�: P.b.�,c 3ae,Camp ttipleY � � N��,�' Ms_Swobada/ame/ -.. � Gnie Fe.11s,Mi�nasola 563dS-03d8 '�' w � � (612)632-73(�3 .'�*1�M� Februa 1 I993 rY . St3a3ECT; ab�ervation and Teatinq 5ervicea far the National Guard A.,rYppry and Cammuni�y Center, Roeecuount, Minne�ota iFrpject No. 8909) Mr. Stephgn Jilk City of Ro�emourct 2875 245th strQet West ` Rae�roour�t. MtQ 55068 De�r Mr. .Tilk: - subj�ct Payment C�rtific�tion No. 2 (PART=AI,J j,s fqrwaxded for payment act�,an. pay�nent is zecvmmen�ed based on our underetanding of the pro resa cf the work. Reqraest payment, in the amount of $1,996.67, be mad� to Construction Enginaering Laboratory, Inc., 5�561 International p�gWaY, Minneapo3is, MN 55428. =n accordance with State contracting prooedures, payment must be receivsd by the vendt�r NLT 19 February �3g3, �QPY af Payment c�rrtirication ivoa. 2 (pARTIAL} ($922.56 , MSA8C Share of Payment, and $2r767.67 Federal share of pa ent are furnlshed for irsfo�mation and reoordsj no �ct.ion is required. }� Your If you hav� any quastions please contact Mr�. Caroi Engeihardt cf thi.e b;Efice (612} 632-7303. si.ncerely, • � �Wa n A. Johnson �nalosurea Lieutenant Colonel, IN, t�v ARNG l. M-Ccntr�ct Facilitiea� Maaagement officer . 2• MN Statiute 1fiA.124 3. Loc�l Pymt Cezt 4. � MSA�C Py�nt Cert �. Fed Pymt Cert C'�PY SurniahQd; MSABC, ATTN: Mr, Paltuer 8909 159 � AN EOUA�QppORTUMIIY EMPLbYER SE\T BY�1iIL. �rF:�iRS ; 2- 1-93 ; 16�23 ; 1i\aG-F19�y 1 �;12 �23 5203;� �% '� ' STATE OF MINMESOfA DEAARTMEN7 Of MILiTARY AFphIRS F/4CILtT1E5 NANAGEiIENT DfFICE, CAMp RIPLEY p•Q• BaiC�348, t27TL� FAtl4, MIRNH50TA 56345-0348 Stf9dECT: CONTRACt PATMENT CER7IF;CATIOl1 N0, 2 (PARTIAL) IOCALLY BONOEp SNARE OF PATMENT PROJECT M0: $909 PRQJEGT TlTLB: Observation and Tas=ing Ssrvic�s for the Nationai Guerd Armory and CGteTAAC7 1t0: 3�GB21=42-G005! / M-5365 Carn�un;ty �rntcr� Rosamounc, Mimesota CnMTRACT ANOt1NT; 517,555.00 CO�7RqCTING OffICER. MG Eupe� Andr�atti GoltSU1.TAN7: Th� AdJuta�ft Ce�raL, S[atc of Mirx�esata ConBtruction Ectfline�rinQ Latsoratory, tne_ 5661 tntirnatiqr,$1 PsrkWay PAYNEliT pERI40 ENDtkG: 31 Decanbar t992 Ninrwapotis, Mimesota 55428 DaTE THi4 CERtIFICA7lON: 21 J$rwary 1943 � � lY�li'��3i»f=!f!'2S'i'ii�il�i!==E�3*��ii�t1lf�,Qw`w5iil�lif=�C�`.�iiia��3aS.�«.TL�ttiRd" �xaii���iQGG Oii���f�Ja�sC� . PA1fMENT pATA: STA7�HENT OF ACCOUNT: F�darBt Sbare (FC 4t) Sz»,333.75 prieinal Cqlltract Amount s17,555.00 MSABC Bonded Shara (FC 14) SS,'171.25 Cacalty 8orxfsd Sharr (FC 163 517,555.(SO Net Chanses ey Iiodiftcatton(s) EO.OA SS�,OOO.Qp Contratt Prica To DaTe S1T,55S.flo Total aeyabte To Dnss �3,483,40 P�RCFNTAGE OF upRK COMRLETE Less 6X ReLalnaga 50.00 AS OI� THIS PAYkENT: 1q.$4x Atnount Payat�(e t�as Rttdttoeg� t3,483.40 tess Pr�Y{ously Approred Payments S1,486.T3 N�t Mrou�st Due This GrtiflCBtion i1,996.67 PA7MENT RECORD: R0. Date Ampt,nt i- t1 Dac 9Z 51,486.73 APPR4VED fOR PAYHE}tT • FACiLI7tES MAMAGEHEYT pFFiCE: -�,,,{lAYttE . dONNSCtN, LTC, i faM MNARN� �f Facilitft9 Man:g�rnent Officfr kEMARKSs :.�ssss�teva7tOi�as�t�=t�.4Y�- t�f��R�xssr��s . . . . ��=sa:a�a�=��s�aa ae�aatSSxssz==:ez�sc�as:�.�ars=:ar��:a - 1. T.h4� paym��nt vilt bt made by �he City o! xo9�t, MinnesoCe. 2. Gopy �urnished: construction Engiaeering LabprBtory. (nC. ArthUr Dickey Archi#eCts MNAG•PFa-P MSABC 8909�CE1 + , �t:�� �Y:t91L. arF�!RS ; 2- 1-93 ; 16�2� ; D1\�G-F1i�y 1 fi12 �?3 52G3;� �/ -� .�' �.�!' CC3NS�'RUCTION �NGINE�RiNG: lABORATC�►RY, 1NC. TE5TING FflR 6lUAL11Y ANd STRENGTH .rt�vOI�� f? i l.).i r►ca P�r i od: D�c 92 t�at�= i �10l l92 Sitlinr; 1'c,: �=��i1i �Cv Nf�r,dt�etii�nt Of7`ice s�.O . So;< 348 G�mo RioleY _ �� rr 1� F.� 115 . MN 5634S-f��4$ PrvAi�ct : qrrr�y NatiGnal Guard Ar�rnory R�s�marTt . MN Ir�voic��i; 92155.21 Att�,r,tiori : t_`rai d J .W�ber 8 � + l i ►�g �?rv 7 C�5 rrr,ni 1 1 t�6192 ta 12/25/9? E1r• tt� wc�rk ubs�rvation . f�eld cnmb�c:ticrr; cor,tr�l t�st , . ,am�� l� <_:a13.�c•tior•� ancJ r�er�or��ts Pr ir�c. ic�a1 Er�dir�eMr ; ? Wrs � '� S�. nO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ l7D . Q0 l:r��ir�eer R. S. �andie�r► i ��.zt �Qz . � ?J � or9Z . az/� z� � �/�3 , i2fz � �92 , � �����s� � n r�,rs €� � �;�. 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � ��c� . oa r�whr��ci�r•� �Ftfrev ��essm�ver� . . . . i �I26/�2 . 1112719� , 12/3�/92 . 12/01 !02 , 1 �/o2/g� , i �/Q3%92 , ! �!;l4/92 . 1 2! 16/92 . J 2/17/92 1 1 J��192 . �I ! !24/92 io r�r�:� � g 4� . ao . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 3isa. c�c� T���hniciar� G�rv Peterson i2/�i/92 . 1 �l7/9� . t2/f3/9Z . 12/9l92 , 12f1 �J92 , 12/11j92 1� hr� � � 4�,. Q0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ � i0 . 00 F•i�ald te�t an concr�te , slump . temp�rature . � � . . � � casting � s�mple cr��l�ctior� and re�parts Technician: J2ffrev Dc�ssm�yer: 12/22f9� , 12I23J�2 B hrs @ _S 4'�; 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 3��. Q0 Cy 1 i r�t�Ar 8roken . � . Se�: # 1 � � .. 2 x 3 x $ 10 . �5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 22 . 50 Extr•a �oaies of the r�part sent: 8 repr,rts sent from 1 �1�/�� tv Ij8193 Z?_ sli��ts x 4 x $ .50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 44.Q0 S�cretaria3. Time: . . . . "L 11!"s � � 35.fl0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ia.QO Mileaqe . . 18 tr�i�s � 75 m.ii�s � $ . 30. . � 410 .44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T01'AL. dF THIS INYUIGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g 56$6.90 � 5b61 Intemc�licmQt P�rkway• 1Viinneapvfis, Minnesafia �5d28 • (612) 533-953�4� FAX d�2 �33-q� t � PURCHASE ORDER P.O. # 2 0 5 3 5 Minn.Tax Exempt Status No.9757275 Fed.Tax No.41-6005501 �t�� o��osetz2ouzz� 2875 145th Street West • PO Box 510 Vendor ID: Phone (612} 423-4411 Invoice #: Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 Date: ��,�sz-Rc�cT�a r.� C� ►����c.tc �1 � AcCt. #: 1 1 C.�BorA-r��y -�vv Amount � s�� � ��-e ua,�c. P�ek�aY TO �'1, a,����c s � M� �-+� . Acct #: � � S5 �f Z� � Amc�unt $ F/C: DATE DATe REQUIRED TEFitJ.S SHI?VIA F.O.B. : '. . REOUISITION NO. `r�Cl.'it3TfTY _ c'� -.,- ,.,._ -- -- -,_ ..__- ---- -• - .- - •t -.._ - a•�:-i�i.,�r':4 DESCRlP-710N S7 NUMSEA.s , . k.i, OCK G� �w<' r` '�.�`'�':E�'�,^*"�PRI�w�3/ �`*ideAMObDi'f'T: �m�-►-Y � Co�,�.�...�-,�.��-y Cc-�r-r�e_, = - - - - � . Coyvsrevc-rzrnv T�s-r�� �.�-cc�5 . �{26-y8�o -o � -3e3 1t3S'. 1C3 �tZ �-�F�riov -a r - 3�3 s`�9. �7 �117- ��rdaa-�� - 30� a`�`�ts o -� .�-�.� t9�r 6� �� � � f � ' BS , � White:Vendor Copy • Yellow:Accounting � Pink:File • Goid:Department ` •,� � =a- ,i;, y:, ,, =.�.�. :•� � g.�. ;,.� �,,`.> ��� �:� �}. a�i `S t� �. � '��`w 3'- s�>' � _ ^� �k... ` ��;. h� { .g'>-"a. �^� .-' .:... � . .�. :. w - :. ,%s. .�»..�.� :.. �.. �. . _, . :.. . . .. ... ..�. . .�. .. .. . � r ;bray 1 ►,ur;t:�h'tt'i tutt riiu,iE:�'t' UK E:4iUlYC��til' r'UtillihG k''�hSiES1LLTY 11/12/91 Pro�ect Hame or Item Hame: �' Project Number or Iteaa Hame � Description: �G.��ti�%�-G.i ,�.�BJt�i�G,�,,�G�t,�> Totel Esti�aated Costs: S ��'1�/(a . � � Department/Person Submitting Proposal: � �A2lOUbIT) t tACCY � IF APPLICABI.E) Funding Froa�: � 1) Assessments: g � I 2) Mater Core (Fund 605): $ � 1 3) Sanitary Sever Core (Fund 606I: S f . i 4) Storm Sever Core lFund 607): S � 1 5> liSA Funds (Fund 203): g � I 6) S-Year CIP Funds tFund 202): S � I 7) Mater/Serer CIP Fund (603): S � I 8) General Levy: $ � I 9) EDA Funds (Fund 201) $ � I 10) Park Improvement Funds (Fund 205) S � I . 11) General Operating Budget (Fund 101) S � (Any item over 5250.00> - � 12) Flater/Sever Operating Budget: S � (Fund 601 or 602) � (Any item over S250.00) t I 3 �. ►b - j 42�'�80Qo -01" 3a3 13) Other Funda: S SS9. p7 � ���l- %QoQ -o I -3 0`� a9°I• sU ---{-�F�� - '{�000 -ar - 303 I Total Funding � �4�� � �-7 � tShould Equal Esti�ated Coste) -------------------------------------------- -------------------------- Departnent Bevier snd Acknorledg�ent: NA1fE TITLE DATE Finance=. P.k./Building Dept: . Parks b Recreation: Planning Department: Police: Fire: SuLmitted to Administration for approval on: 7 � .3 _�,�%'�,' � iDate) (Signat e) Submitted to Council for approval on: o�- /� -9 3 Approved by Council on: