HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Highway 3 Project Update, City Project #239 f�.: � � � .. . . . ... .... � . . � . � . � . . . .. . .. . .. , .. . . .. . .. . . CITY OF ROSENiOUNT EXECUTIVE SIIMP2ARY FOR ACTIDN CITY COUNCZL MEETING DATE: February 16, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Highway 3 Project Upflate AGENDA SECTION: Project #239 Old Business PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGEND����j� � � � City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director ii�i ATTACHI�SENTS: Memo APPR D ���..��`' ��� The attached memo addresses three (3) issues which should be discussed with Council . The three (3) issues are: 1. A temporary connection of Connemara Trail anad elimination of Dodd Boulevard intersection with Trunk Highway 3 . 2 . Access closures to Trunk Highway 3 . 3 . Ancillary improvements to south end (north of County Road 42) of the project. Staff asks for Council direction on these issues RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE COUNCIL ACTION: 3 r {= � MEMO TO: MAYOR McMENOMY COUNCIL MEMBERS: KLASSEN STAATS WILLCOX WIPPERMANN FROM: BUD OSMUNDSON, CITY ENGIMEER DATE: FEBRUARY 11, 1993 RE: HIGHWAY 3 UPDATE PROJECT NO. 239 - • In reviewing the Highway 3 Project in more detail with MNDOT, they have asked us for alternatives to eliminating the Dodd Road intersection with Highway 3. lnitially we were investigating a temporary access at Connemara Trail and the closure of the Dodd Road intersection, however for the following three reasons we do not feel this is justified at this time and will bring this to MNDOT's attention. 1 . We would have to acquire the land for the Connemara Trail segment between Dodd Road and Highway 3 on the north side of the Lutheran Cemetery. This land acquisition cost is estimated at S 10,000-515,000. We may in the future be able to have this land dedicated for Connemara Trail with the development of the Kelly property. 2. The Connemara Trail corridor will be required for extensions of trunk sanitary sewer and watermain in the future when the Kelly property develops. The jacking of the utilities that will be required across Highway 3 is expensive and is not justified at this time. -Also, since that area is not within our MUSA boundary it is inconce¢vable-#hat we could get P.C.A. and Health Department permits to instalf those utilities. 3. Just a temporary access through Connemara Trail would cost approximately 540,000 in construction and engineering costs of which the paving surface and grading would be totally obliterated during the future utility construction discussed in Number 2 above. I will go over the Connemara Trail issue with you at the Council me�ting and show you on a drawing exactly what we are discussing. �. " �� MEMO-HIGHWAY 3 UPDATE PAGE 2 ' i • We will continue with the driveway closings as described in the January 29, 1993 memo � to the Council and continue talking to property owners, business owners with problems with�the "No Parking" in the downtown area and the effect of that experiment. • The third item to discuss is the issue raised by a business owner on the south end of Highway 3. This business owner is concerned about the undesirable view as you're entering the downtown area from County Road 42. There is also a concern raised about the service road on the west side, the ditch and associated maintenance of those items. At this time, the Council should be aware that other utilities may be effected by trying to solve the problems in this area. I have spoken to MNDOT and they are investigating whether there are any other funds available for any work required besides the mill and overtay project. I would advise that the Council urge the Downtown Scoping Committee to finish its investigation of the downtown area and wait unti( we have tried the experiment of "No Parking" in the area prior to any major reconstruction projects which would be required to best address the undesirable view and service road issues on the south end of the downtown area. A Feasibility Report could be ordered to investigate what should be done in that area, however we feel that this may be premature in light of the Downtown Scoping Committees recornmendations.