HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. 145th Street Reconstruction, City Project #235 -� � L _ . � � � � * .: , Y E T I T I O N Since Street Kc�constrtiction Project r1o, 235 wa.l'1 �.dd no-�hing ta the vr�,lue o� our property, but wil'l benefit the entire Gity of Roseu►ount, the ur�de�si�ned. property owners on l45 3trePt, C:hippendale Avenue, and C2zili. Avenue 1'�,TITI(3N that, i� the reconstructiott�. is comn3eted` a� proposed, the co�t of the asse�s�.ble portion of t.tz� �roject be fin�nced by the General Fund of the City of Ro�emownt. If this is not done, we Pr:lITlOrd that 1'roject No. 235 be withdr�wn. Name utreet Addresa ► . �., �,�,=r ��'�v ��'S� � �T � > � %;! .� . � � . � � . .. . � . ... .� � � . � . '' � -�. 3 ��o f�� � 57r � � ; � ��Q �,�3 J � " �� ' .-,-,,'" - ' � ,-- % �'� �t�`� ��,1'l�� �'`�.� � �� __r__- � , , � � } �fi�., 1�� Q�.,�-o�-(-� -� , ����Q /�� �� _ �� < < � / .. , WE �I`F�IE UhIDE.FiS I CaItiIEU A� �ESI DENTS U I FrEC7'LY AFF'ECTED BY 7HE C I TY 'S PRpF'C]SED FECQN�7RUCT S ON 0� 14�TH STREET F�tQM EAh1EQ TO THE CH I LE! CH I FF'ENDALE AVE. I NTEF�SECT I ON. ASF� THE C I TY COUIVC i L NOT T0 RR(3CEED W I TH 7H I 5 f'ROJEC7. I T I S IVaT CflST EFFECT I VE AS F�FESENTED �I'�II� W 1 LL IVC17 �EN�f=x T TME F'�QF'E�iTY OWNERa I N THE AMOUNT WE ARE �ETNC ASSESSED. DATE NAME ADDFiESS 1 � • -� ! _ � • -\ � �f o S �1 ,� z ! �f ,3 �S� � _ • �� '_ —r'_ `�� W .� .� - � � � � I -�� y a � f'i Gt. � � �` i..- r��l.. ;"� ;?,j � i�*�`� / 2 � � /�� R .,c,ci� ,� .�"L /y 5 - �l_ , r-a� -� � � , ;;; �Jt ; ; _ �1 ,- -� �.,� � ., -, , , � --`; . � - ,, ( �- �, 1 �. ,� � C, �� �� �� � - �3 ,�-ri� �G� �'�--� � �6 U n � `��'- j ,,� �L .CZ�f"' � � G �" `� ��,-, /�1 � �i�ii a/�a 3 ��o � :� � � ;� � t� �;-�, �. ' ' `� � �' `�' � `� �` � „ . . t _ �,� �_, � ,�iF _r k,;�,�,� '� � ��� _,- � °� � . ti . . . �; ,.. �� � . ., t ., �, .. �_ , _. .. , ���= -� , ..�,, � � � �� Feb. 10, 1993 Cit;- ef Rosemount � 2875 145th st. w. Rosemount, PJ�V. �5�68-0�10 T0 THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCTL ' SUBJECT: Project #�235 14�Sth St, Street & Utility Tmprovements aince we are currently in Arizona� we wi11 be unable to attemd the public hearing an the subject of Project r�235 to be held F�bruary 1b , 1993. I�owever, based on the inforination made avail- able to, us we will atteMpt �o list our OBJECTIONS ta this projeet via this letter. IT SHC�LTT,^:D �r NOTED e 1. we have signed a petition ob jectir� Uo to your pror:osed manner of assessment and have requested your withdrawal of this project if this cannot be changed. 2. tae do not believe the replacement of sidewalks is necessary as they were recentiv rQplaced and are in good condition. 3• ��Ie do not need a 12 inch watermain OR replacement of sanitary sevaEr iznes, and therE v��ll be no benef it fram thsse enlargements to our property. 4. Storm water drainage is ade�uate for our situation and we have been previously assessed and paid for thsse improvements. ,�. Curb and gutters are in good condition �nd serve ou� property adequately. Changing will not add benef its to our property. 6. NO unde,rground electrical utili�ies �hould be cansidered � sine� present lines serve very well. Lnderground electrical would only increase our costs and would cause untold hardships for the prop- erty owners with less than 100 amp services. 7. �f�Ie object to your plan for par�ing on one side of the street only, as it will make get�ing ou� of our draveways even more" haza: ous. This present street is wide enougfi to handle two lanes of traffic and two parking lanes. ?�Je have rio desire to make this por of 145th Street a thoroughfare for more east-west traffic. County Road 4?_ bypass was built to provide reliEf to this very street an� improve safety. Our REST_DENITAL street shouid not be changed to encourage great traffic use. Notes Placing an east-west street �'OR`1H `of the loc schools would rel�eve congestion. u�de do not need a freeway throu; the 14�th Street residential area. Any such project(s) as yaU propase in i�23s should be the concern payment by all the citizens of r�osemount. t�J" did not ask �'or and not want to be held financial].y accountable for somEbody Elees pr lems. �ry truly yo�r� �� �ou.�:�' �x� J " �. � 145th' St , ��I. 3135 �ox l02 :ZdSEIt]OU71t",i Is'ii� . 5���8 i CITY OF ROSEMOIINT ' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 16, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: 145th Street Reconstruction AGFNDA SECTION: Ci�y Project #235 Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA�D�G�� � . City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director � t � � � ATTACHI�SENTS: Rev. Gen. Funding Overview; Memo; APP D Ys Kelly Fuels Letter; City Atty Ltr;Appraisal Com � ����,/��� At the January 19, 1993 regular Council meeting, the Council received the Feasibility Report and called for this public hearing. I will give an overview of the proposed project including the improvements, funding, assessment calculations and appraisals. Brian Bourassa, P.E. of OSM will also be at the meeting to answer any questions . - Attached is a revised general funding overview. This is revised from the Feasibility Report overview. The assessment calculation now uses the minimum lot size credit. We apologize for any misunderstanding caused by this. As you compare the revised overview with the original in the Feasibility Report, you wi11 note that this "credit° lowered the total assessments by $100, 000 . The bonding information requested by Council will be provided at the meeting with handouts and overheads. Attached is a memo which addresses some of the issues regarding this project and Staff' s position on them. Staff' s recommendation is to proceed with the project and pass the necessary resolutions. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION FOR APPROVAL OF 145TH S�REET AND UTZLITY IMPROVEMENTS FROM SHANNON 'PARKWAY TO CAMEO AVENUE, AND CHILI AVENUE FROM 145TH STREET TO NORTH TERMINUS, CITY PROJECT #235 . MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS `FOR 145TH STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FROM SHANNON PARKWAY TO CAMEO AVENUE, AND CHILI AVENUE FROM 145TH STREET TO NORTH TERMINUS, CITY PROJECT #235 . COUNCIL ACTION: 2 MEMO TO: MAYOR McMENOMY COUNCIL MEMBERS: KLASSEN STAATS WILLCOX WIPPERMANN FROM: BUD OSMUNDSON, CITY ENGINEER DATE: FEBRUARY 10, 1993 RE: CITY PROJECT NO. 235 � 145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT This memo will hopefully address some of the issues regarding Project No. 235: • The sanitary sewer between Cameo and Chili is in fair to poor condition and was installed 38 years ago (1955). However, if we are to spend $7Q0,000 to improve the street, it is unwise to not put in the sanitary sewer improvements amounting to S 138,000. We have televised it and have the tape available for viewing. By replacing it now we reduce 1/I as our goals are stated in the Comp Plan, • The older area of the City on either side of 145th Street lacks water pressure and volume. This is the result of having only 6" mains throughout this area, which are 1947 vintage. Secondly, the Comprehensive Water Plan (page 13) points out that a "potentially dangerous fireflow deficiency exists at the Rosemount Schoofs." The proposed 12" trunk watermain along with the proposed 12" main in Cameo and the existing 12" main to the Armory will significantly reduce these deficiencies. � � � The street is in poor condition between Cameo and Chippendale because of unsuitable soils in the subgrade. We cannot recommend an overlay over this segment because of this poor subgrade. It just won't hold up. Secondly, with the installation of the 12" watermain and services, most of the street will have been disturbed; thereby making a case for total reconstruction of the street. • Attached are letters from the SuperAmerica owner, the City Attorney and OSM Engineering regarding the proposed cul-de-sac`ing of Dodd Road at Chippendale Avenue. As you will note, both the attorney and OSM feel we have a very good case for safety reasons to close this road and that S.A. does not have a very good case objecting to the closure. The alternative (Dodd angled to meet Chippendale) would be acceptable when MEMO-145TH STREET RECONSTRIICTION PAGE 2 and if the Connemara Traii - northern Schooi aceess is completed and the Chili School entrance is ciosed thus reducing the peak ADT volumes. • As shown on the attached appraisal comparison, the four homes appraised would have an increase in value of 54,300 to 54,800 due to the proposed improvements, compared to the assessment policy calculation of 55,763 to 56,192. Do we lower the proposed assessment to the average of 54,443 per lot? Staffs recommendation is yes. It must be understood that general tevy must fund the difference. • Lights - The issues regarding street lights are as follows: 1. Do we install the same "decorative" lighting as we presently have in the downtown area or do we fiave N.S.P. install their approved type of lighting? Either way the City pays for the actual installation of the lights. The City then pays approximately $2.00 more per month per light for N.S.P. maintained lights. If we match the existing all maintenance costs are the City's responsibiTity. We currently have an estimate of $20,000 for repairs to existing decorative lights. 2. Should we wait until the Downtown Scoping Committee addresses this lighting issue and then follow suit. We can install the wiring and conduit for crossings with the proposed project and change the lighting when it can be addressed in more detail with the downtown plans. 3. How do we integrate aesthetical lighting with more illuminating lighting? Downtown we have ultra-modern ball type illuminating lights with old fashioned lamps which are aesthetically pleasing to the old town preservation. We believe this whole issue requires rnore discussion and investigation but can be accomplished after the street reconstruction is completed with minimal disruption. + Electrical Lines - Do we want to bury or re-route the overhead utility lines? We have identified the alternatives for these utilities in the Feasibility Report. Should this be - investigated in more detail? (Perhaps by the Downtown Scoping Committeef What are the implications for future reconstruction projects? Do we bury the lines only on Collector Streets or on all residential reconstruction projects? These questions need to be discussed with Council providing direction for Staff. We can make recommendations but they all affect the cost of the project. The costs ultimately affect assessment amounts or general levy amounts. Council must be ready to support the decisions made. ESTIMATED GENERAL FUNDING OVERVIEW 145TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION FROM SHANNON PARKWAY TO CAMEO AVENUE PLUS THE CHIPPENDALE-CH1LI AVENUE REAUGNMENT ITEM ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT STORM WATERMAIN SANITARY STREET CORE TOTAL COST SEWER CORE FUND • SEWER FUND REVENUES CORE CORE FUND �'� FUND Sanitary Sewer S80,40b 510,800 S0 SO 569,600 $0 580,400 Sanitary Sewer 558,100 529,500 S0 SO 528,600 SO 558,100 Services Watermain 5130,600 526,800 SO $103,800 SO SO 5130,600 Water Services 557,700 548,500 SO 59,200 SO $0 557,700 Storm Drain 594,200 SO $0 SO SO 594,200 594,200 Street 5678,400 5189,000 $0 SO SO $489,400 5678,400 Street/L.ighting 57,000 SO SO SO SO 57,000 57,000 Sidewalks/Trails 599,200 SO SO SO SO 599,200 599,200 Overhead S0 SO SO SO SO S0 SO Utilities TOTALS 51,205,600 $304,600 SO 5113,000 598,200 5689,800 $1,2Q5,600 **Street Core Fund includes MN/DOT State Aid Funds Revised: 1-26-93 CITY PROJECT NO. 235 COMPARISON OF APPRAISAL OF BENEFITS AND ASSESSMENT POLICY PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT FRONT PER APPRAISED DIFFERENCE STREET ADDRESS FOOTAGE ASSESSMENT BENfFIT POLICY 3400 145th St. W. 100 $6,192 $4,300 $1 ,892 3335 145th St. W. 110 $6,192 $4,800 $1 ,392 3320 145th St. W. 72 $5,763 $4,300 $1 ,463 3185 145th St. W. 110 $6,192 $4,370 $1 ,822 AVERAGE 98 $6,085 $4,443 $1 ,642 All properties are proposed to be assessed for water, sanitary sewer and street. _� Attorneys At Law . 1303 South Frontage Road Hastings, MN 55033 Telephone 612-438-9777 FLUEGEL MOYNIHAN & MILES, P.A. FaXbiZ_`'38'9"5 Donald J. Fluegel Shawn M, Moynihan J. Michael Miles Joan M.Fluegel " PR/ViLEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL a M E M O R 3� N D II M TQ- Bud Osmundson, Rosemount City Engineer FROM: Mike Mil �ls�. DATE: February 2, � 1993 RE: City Project No. 235 ' This memo is in response to your inquiry of January 25, 1993, regarding the legal implications (as it relates to the Superamerica Store) of closing Dodd Road as per the attached sketch. In order to respond to your request, I will summarize the facts as I understand them and comment on the legal issues which the City's proposed action raises . FACTS: � � � � � � � � � � The City of Rosmeount is proposing to sever the connection between Dodd Road and Chippendale, in effect, causing Dodd to "dead end" in a cul-de-sac some distance prior to Chippendale. Under the City's ' proposal, Superamerica would continue to have two accesses to Dodd Road, both of which would in the future be to the circular part of the proposed cul-de-sac. LEGAL ISSUE- The principal legal concern raised by the City's proposal is _. somewhat complex and requires a fair amount of discussion: �- Essentially, it must be decided whether the City's decision to . close off (dead end) Dodd Road, and thus eliminate it as a thoroughfare, is a compensable "taking° within the confines of eminent domain law. To answer this question, it is necessary to dispose of the following issues : • WILL DEAD-ENDING DODD ROAD DAMAGE SUPERAMERICA? In order to make a claim against the City, Superameriea must show that the City' s actions have damaged or hurt its position in some way. Clearly, eliminating Dodd Road as a 1 thoroughfare will reduce the amount of traffic passing by the Superamerica on that street. Superamerica must argue that the traf fic f low reduction occasioned by the closing off of Dodd Road results in some measurable reduction in the business that the Superamerica store does . This is a fact question and must be proven to be true (the counter-argument, of course, is that the motorist who normally took Dodd Road would, upon its closure, tra�el down 145th Street instead and, therefore, pas's the Superamerica on this different route) . • IS THE DODD ROAD CLOSING A COMPENSABLE TARSNG? Even if Superamerica can show some damages flowing directly from the closing of Dodd Road as a thoroughfare, it rnust be noted that not every element of damage suffered by a proper owner is compensable. For example, many actions by the State of Minnesota such as rerouting highways or creating overpasses may cause damage to an individual having a commercial establishment on the roadway rendered less traveled by the State' s action. However, Minnesota _ case law has held that diverting traffic flow is not a � compensable damage to. businesses adversely affected because they have no ongoing and continuous right to a guaranteed amount of traffic on the roadway on which they are situated. Consequently, it is arquable that the closure of Dodd Road, despite its potentially adverse effect on the Superamerica Store, is not the type of municipal road activity which entitles Superamerica ta collect damages from the City. This memo is simply an attempt to raise some of the issues that will have to be considered at length if the City decides to proceed with the plan il3ustrated by the attached sketch. Please contact me if you have any questions . JMM:dso cc: Steve Jilk � Ron Wasmund 2 . � —_.- -__.------------ .—______.-- -------- -- - � ! _��..�t Z.- G�►�d L���- GGO S�� . < . 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'C`. . /:f .• \.�A��./�' ./ /S� . � . . . . � ' 'O O \ � / `\~�� l� ���`Y� � 4s�R _ � � '�.•S � '; ./p. 4��r �,¢�3` , �� �_._._—' � I _.1---� (��� � � orr Schelen Mayeron& Associates,tnc. January 26, 1993 s�is w nau B�o�ie�ara Minneapolis,MN 55416-1228 612-595-5775 . MI'. Blld �SIIillIIdSOII FAX 595 5774 5 Engineers City Engineer arcn�ceccs Planners Cl� Of ROSem011IIt surveyors - 2875 145th Street Rosemount, MN 554b8 Re: Super America Access-145th Street at Chippendale Avenue Dear Mr. Osmundson: A.s you requested, we have reviewed the proposed closing of Dodd Road at Chippendale _ Avenue and its associated impact on the access to the Super America store. The • proposed roadway improvements include a cul de sac for podd Road west of Chippendale Avenue and new 16 foot wide one way access provided directly into the Super America store. Based on these improvements, the followi.ng conclusions can be made: • The e�cisting intersections of Dodd Road at Chippendale Avenue and 145th Street at Chippendale Avenue have inadequate spacing. This spacing creates traffic conflicts and delays, thereby creating a traffic safety concern. • Direct access to the Super America. store is not proposed to be changed. (i.e., access to 125th Street and Dodd Road). In fact, a direct access into (one way inbound) the Super America store is proposed from Chippendale Avenue with these roadway improvements. Access is proposed to remain on Dodd Road via the cul-de-sac. • The only change in traffic patterns would be egress from the Super America. store via Dodd Road to Chippendale Avenue. Alternative egress is ava.ilable via 145th Street to Chippendale Avenue. • The proposed roadway improvements will create a safer intersection with fewer traffic conflicts. • No right of way or easements are required where the proposed roadway improvements exist. Therefore, Super America would have to pursue and prove any claims for damages. • By providing a direct ingress access from Chippendale Avenue, any basis for damages by Super America should be minimized or eliminated. Equal Opportunity Emplqyer Mr. Bud Osmundson January 26, 1993 Page 2 A.s you can see, closing Dodd Road at Chippendale Avenue has minimal impacts on the Super America traffic patterns. However, to quantify any impacts, we would recommend that traffic counts be conducted, prior to a.ny roadway improvements, documenting the volume and pattern of traffic currently entering and exiting the Super America store, A traffic study could then be conducted after the roadway improvements are completed to determine the actual impacts. We hope this information is of use to you in your decision maldng process. Should you have a.ny questions, or need any additional information, please feel free to give me a call at 595-5666. - Sincerely, � ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. ��,.�..�.•� ,� '�`� Ronald B. Bray, P.E. Manager, Transportation Department bjf Hfll�,Bv�'1"S��C111S011� Steil� Weulbe��ge�,P.A. Attor,rc�:s utLu�1' Metru�olitan Federal Bank Plara• 1Q10 West St.Germain ' Suite 6iH)•St.Cloud,MN 56301 Lcr w.N:m�m (61?)252-4�11d•FAX(61?)?52-44R3 Paut H'.Stcil s�:��,�z,�.w��„n�r_•«.,�. January 28, 1993 4 EdN'ard 1.Laubarh.Jc Rc,hcn J.Fei:h' frunk Runclr.ii Phillip L.Kunkcl Str�'en B.Kul.rhrid Lynne\7.Rid,��a� ri,�,�»�,N.���u,,, BUD OSMCTN ON Pe�crJ.Fuch.�rincr CITY EN NF''.,�''R Rutxn J.�1'rher= Timrnh�R.I�o.l,i 2875 1 TH STREET WEST °°"�'°`''.'�°"`' P O B X 510 Jetfrr�M.Ata�rr N���s.'�+����,� ROS OUNT MN 55068-0510 or a���.�i. GrorceB�er. g�. Kelley Fuels, Inc. � Bradle��1.Slee�r . � . . Rosemount SuperAmerica store "CirrlTriulSp��<rcrliv OLIr File No. "*Re�il Prnpern Sprri�di.c� Cerlilird!n �6r Minne�nr�� s,�,r�•r�„:�,,,,�,.,,r�„� Dear Mr. Osmundson• This office represents Mr. Vern Kelley and Kelley Fuels, Inc. , the owner of the SuperAmerica store located at the intersection of 145th street, Dodd Road and Chippendale, in Rosemount. Mr. Kelley has reviewed with us the plans to terminate and construct a cul de sac on Dodd Road. Our client is strongly opposed to the construction of a cul de sac and would urge the City to consider an alternate plan. The SuperAmerica store was constructed in 1989 and opened in January 1990. In the planning phase our client had discussions with the City about Dodd Road and it was represented to him that if the location of the road changed, it would be to square off its approach to Chi.ppendale. Ther.e were no statements that Dodd Road ��rould be closed off. Kelley Fue1s relied on the representations of the City in constructing the store. As you know, it faces east to take advantage of the access to not only 145th street, but also Dodd Road. In fact, the store has two accesses to Dadd Road and only one to 145th street. The store was oriented to the east to maximize its visibility to not only 145th street but Dodd Road as well. The SuperAmerica store relies heavily on drive by traffic for its business. If Dodd Road were terminated, the traffic flow it currently supports would be lost to SuperAmerica. Obviously the damages to SuperAmerica would be substantial. adminedel01293.1tr Bud Osmundson January 28, 1993 Page 2 We would strongly encourage the City to consider an ' alternate re-routing of Dodd Road. Enclosed for the City's consideration is a copy of the engineering map of the area showing Dodd Road being re-routed so as to form a right angle intersection with Chippendale. We believe that such a xealignment would better address the needs of all ` concerned in the area. F'urther, it would not have the dramatic, negative effects of the proposed termination and cul de sac for podd Road. We would be happy to discuss this proposal with you or any other City officials at your earliest convenience. This is a very important issue for our client and we would appreciat� your response as soon as possible. It is our understanding that a public hearing has been set to discuss this issue for February 16. We would appreciate your making this letter and attachment a part of the record for that hearing. Thank you. Sincerely, FOR THE � . Edward . ubach, J EJL JR Enclosure cc: Kelley Fuels, Inc. Edward B. McMenomy, Mayor Council Member-s:_ � Sheila Klassen �es Staats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippemann Stephan Jilk, City Administrator adminedet01293.1tr —_ --�_ � .4 . r Z i � ' `G i �D i C�! i � . 1 "� t� C I �' m ��� �.. . �� �� N / ' ' � 100 50 0 100 200 Q- / � m OUTLOT A � � ji � � SCAIE I N FEET •� � i . ; i � � VZ � ,`. ' � ' _ _ { � � � o / � . � �-- � " `� i E-- m ��� wnot � / . � � �-. r s- � :7 y� � � p � C4 oio-ao � I .�g = o . tu � 2� . � . a ��" �a -- a � o I . . Y/hYJiS� / � $ 'v2 !rj {�� �� =Q'�E ° f� �i" sc-oi, �`N' .� �`�r = .... _ , _ + � I'��:��`;";. .�✓ :„'►ai _' � T � o � 0 �. � C'1 � �,� TML£R��a -. !P�!S71S� � '�:..�� _''' 1�' -r ar a� `' , sra� (�r.-,._y"�?,�,C3��_ 5'_ Ltz'�f.�_._ __�.L� -�lGec�..--�r,►;�`�_ �Il!LTx yo . ���j�Mi� r� �r�� Y Sf� � .N,�: _ a '� Si:'t r.: �i'� . of .�'_ -.a!p'sa'P•1i�...n..c;�a.-_�+x 4Y.:..x:�,t1"u , . ,._.;.` T �7 �� ..�..' � � . . ~ �'..�s��� _'.i`-.:._. . . . r i.. '�� ' . . . . '. ; ' _ . � . � ~1 Qf�'�'. �.s�k^T ,� . . � * . . . ��� � . �_-s.:.i,y_;u_�....�e....a_ _..___._. _.... . +t t!:_..... � . ~ – _. _ :. ' ��*+ri•'f i r"' �' � p. _• :��. �.�r',^, - � t ,,ti ��r-- „ : .� :_, .�_3'.: -t!----s�- �� , I ,k •._...'`.,._..��-r��.`r..s....._..'I` -Sbi'r�31i.'T;"_j �i4re. S�' • 2 ,, �^- �. ! t.y -Fm,, ' +'.� i Ll�c D-.�� � _""fcr —�i'�_ ` J�� � � � s ,-4 ((/ S li;n �. � ' (----; � `� �= r �=`� ;:'� <o-.sK � i f .`�l• _ ^' S• �J a � r ; = _ , N � TOM YHUMB � SUPERAMER�CA � o ti � 4 `�r� �a•.�°��'.�'e ' s.�, � !:—� ' ,:' �� +�;� � = 3 �s � i � 010-l0 ' �� 07Q-A3 '�'3 .-f`�i'� 7t . �+ � � � ��`{. ti.>�-' _ x il CC/ �1'F1L iM. 1 Cn � � . . . . i%ti7. �'" \� �"' L. '�Q � � � � @ I i .., r�a�s''' r' � � � t<�Y .' ',��'�, � � ^+. . �. • ���~'. ��-;�.':'� �• �: , �C�i RAHN' S 4T ADD I T I ON `�s'�'`%/,r�,�•/ � i�' .t' � — - ' ..�� I ���� � � '��' I ���'`,��`{�. •i `���'°`'�' �,� � i f ,-.�*+:a p���'" � s ,�; ' '0 { ..- �. ��,,$'�"�-S � ,� f I �, � � � ` - ��� �p�A��'C° � u' �,� w oP�° o � '� O � � � 6 CITY OF ROSEMDUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1993 - A RESOLUTION FOR APPROVAL t?F 145TH STREET & UTILITY tMPROVEMENTS FROM SHANNON PARKWAY TO CAMEO AVENUE, AND CHILI AVENUE FROM 145TH STREET TO NORTH TERMINUS CITY PROJECT #235 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibility report for 145th Street and Utility Improvements from Shannon Parkway to Cameo Avenue, and Chili Avenue from 145th Street to north terminus, City Rroject . #235; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the feasibility report on January 19, 1993 on City Project #235; and WHEREAS, the City Council ordered and held a public hearing to receive input on the project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby orders the improvements of 145th Street & Utility Improvements from Shannon Parkway to Cameo Avenue, and Chili Avenue from 145th Street to north terminus, City Project #235. ADOPTED this 16th day of February, 1993. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: . ,. � Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: � Voted against: I .�:=.- CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1993 - A RESOLUTION ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR 145TH STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FROM SHANNON PARKWAY TO CAMEO AVENUE, AND CHILI AVENUE FROM 145TH STREET TO NORTH TERMINUS CITY PROJECT #235 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibility report for 145th Street & Utility improvements, City Project #235; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the feasibility report on City Project #235; and NOW THEREFORE 6E IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount orders the plans and specifications for the improvements of the 145th Street and Utility Improvements from Shannon Parkway to Cameo Avenue, and Chili Avenue from 145th Street to north terminus, City Project #235. ADOPTED this 16th day of February , 1993. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by; Voted in favor: • Voted against: � � - ��'--�=—f : - - � G - i " i �.��r— : # %�'�' ��.` �l, �"`-" .��`/sR��"�----fr�"�s"'i�C . . . � � i C,�d�,����:,�%',?`�`��--.�-.�-_/7z��--��� � � J � . � . .. � s t _ ! ..•' �.t w uJ �i��sp��� � . . . --! � r—, a � _ � __","`_-- � � ts- � �q/J -__–ei2� c _ f�i'i'�l/!1,/��-k��y�=�� ,/�j� �.�–.= .� . . ir...� � 1��72� . _ . � ��, u.��?o � ,�'��.� �� .�� 0 � -- �, ��-���-- f � p .-�-+`-rV' �� . ' . . �� ` . � . � � � .• � . � . . �. . . � _ �. � . � -- ��-�--��- -�° �'f' -_' --- _ . � � ���-��-�--���- _ _ � . 4 � . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . � \� � � . . • � \� � � y � � ` � � • � � � . � , � � � , � 1 � �� � � , � � , � . c� I �, ' i I � I I � � � � � a � � � . } . � , � L � � � I"`' , v . i � � � 'i � I � � � �� �� n � � , � S � � a � r� � , � ,, . ; _ __. � � February 8, 1993 To the Mayor and City Council of Rosemount, Niinnesota Since street construction project �235 will add nothing to the value of our property� but will benefit the entire city of Rosemount, the undersigned property owners on 145th S�reet and Chili avenue . . . PF�T1I01�' that if the reconstruction is completed as proposed , the cost of the assessable portion of the �roject be financed by the General Fund of the City of Rosemount. yf this is not done , we petition that project ;r235 be withdrawn, � � �� � � ' �/ -� ,- ;' � �3 y'o l.�'�, , �{S � � 7-� � � � � � �� ew'/� � . cx��� ; �.�:� ���� � . 5-�,�. :� ���v � /� �. ���� t �3 � �� u� . ���' • 3 3 y 6 r.0 � ys-�� � ���� � �� d, , � % �5� / �J�� �: �� 3 � ; ;� 1 �s i �s.��� �-. ��, � � �/ , ���� /1� — -//�� ,f>�[�_ _ 3 ��� 1�5� � "_�/l.��✓C.. / .�// ..r"��/(,.� . � ��,y�� ' ..�. ! 'v�/J` . ' �.. l � ? J '/ l"_ �/��C� .J lC � .� v �� ✓�� �t i .�; ��? ,) /�� .� � . X ' 1 � � .. :�... P � T I T I � N Since Street Heca�n�trizction Project P1oo 235 ��l'1 F3.dd nothing to the value of our property, but wil'l bene�it the entire Gity of Rosernaunt, the uriders3.aned property owners on l$5 `3txeet, Ghippendal� Avenue, and Cliili Avenue� 1'�:�ITSUN that, iP �he reconstructiaim is camnleted a�s propo�ed, thP co�t of the a�sess�.ble portion of tn� project be financed by the General Fund of the City af Hosemounte If this is not dvne, we 1'r:1'ITIOTI that 1'roject No. 2j5 be withdra.wn. � � Name Street Addres� •G�.-i ,,'�"���- __�c�c) /'�'�j� � �� � , �.; � '`�' � '�. '3 `t4 D f�� � �l Ct) � � � � 3.�3.i / .5'" � ..�--- r-.'-" — —' . . . 1 .. . . � � . . � �r�y� j� ��l�l�t� �-'z� �-d�� , � !�f'1 �-'L�GS-�� , , } ) ) � <J-t.r�, -�— ���D� ��� � �t �� y � , , , r WE l"HE UI�I7EF�S�G�IED A� F�E�I DEhl7S U I FiEG7LY AFFECTEI? EtY THE C I TY 'S PFtqPqSED FtECp1��T�tUCT I C7N 0� 14�TH 87�EE1" F�t�h1 CAMEO "I'Cl- THE CH I LE/ o CHIFPEIVDALE AVE. INTEFiSECTIOhl. ASI; THE CI'TY COUNCIt NOT TO PFOCEED W I 3H 7'H I 5 PROJ ECl'. T T T S NQT' C05T EFFECT I VE AS PFESEt�TED A�II� W T LL NqT ��NF'F I T 'THE F'FtiOF'EFi7Y OWI�IEFi�'-a I 1�! 7HE AMOUNT WE ARE �SEING ASSESSED. DATE NAME ADDRESS . . � � �. � � - . . .. � . . . . � . �� � . . � . !' . ( � . � ` . . . � . . _ � - �� � i�° s � �, z � 1f3 '{S� _ /� _ . _,� i- '— ,�� �. .,- � �- - � . � �� �OS, r�� `�9 / 1�(. � �� � . .� � . . . .` t . . ���� .� �� � �� 1- _ � ,�� ^ - , ,� L R �� � � -/y,� �- �-�� -f � r� , . s G � ''/;, -�?:� � � L;.1 ,;� ' __`'1 -�-� �� 1 / ` � ,-7 f ', i , . , � Ci\ �/ �� / �`� � 3 �-� ��,�f' %2c-�' .�3 �4 � n � �c.�' ��j � � . ; � � � � � � ��- i y � ��, �/'a -3 ��o i , �.�% ,%� �"^��. ,�, �� :�� � � ,�� � � `�:" '" �' �� � � ri �,�� } a`� n �s�"=^ . Feb. lfl: 1993 Cit;- cf Rosemount 287� 1�Sth st. w. Rosemount, T�1. ,�5o68-OS10 TO THE MAYOR AND CITY CQUNCTL SUBJ�CT: Project #�235 145th St. Stree� & Utility ?mprovements Since we are currently in Arizona, we will be unable to attend the public hearing on the subject vf Project r�235 to be held February 36, 1993, However, based on the information made avail- able to� us we will atteMpt to list our OBJECTIOPuS to �his project via this letter. IT Sj-IOU?�J t3E NOTED. 1. we have signed a petition objectir_� �o to your pra�;ased{ manner of assessment and have requested yo'ur withdrawal of th�s project if this cannot be -changed. 2. We do not believe the replacement of sidewalks is 'necessary as they were recently rpplaced and are in goo�i condition. 3• We do not need a 12 inch wa�termain OR replacement of sanitary sewer lines, and there will be no benefit frorn these enlargements to our property. 4. Storm water drainage is ade�uate for our situation and we have been previousl;r assessed and paid for theee improvements. 5. Curb and gutters are in good condition and serve our property adequately. Changing �vi11 nat add benefits to our property. 6. NO underground electrical utilities qhould be considered, since present Tines serve very well. L'nderground electrical would on7,y increase our costs and would cause untold hardships for the prop- erty owners with less than 100 amp services. 7, ti�e object to your plan for parking on one side of the street only, as it will make getting out of our dr�veways even more hazard- ous. �'has present. street is wide enough to handle two lanes of traffic and two parking lanes. ?�de have rio desire to make this portior. of 145th Street a thoroughfare for more east-west traffic. County �oad 4?_ bypass was built to provide relief to this very street and improve safety. Our RESTDEI�TTTAL street should not be changed to encourage greater traffic use. Iv'o-te : Flacing an east-west street �tORTH of the local.- schools would relieve congestion. ir�e do not need a freeway through the 14,�th Street residential area. r�ny such project (s) as yc�a p'ropose in r�235 shauld be the concern for payment by all the citizens of Rosemount. .��y did not ask for and do not �vant to be neld financiaily accovntable for somEbody elses prob- lems. '���,� truly yo�rs ..�-�>���- ��`�-e�-�' �. 3135 1.45th st , .�. _ox 102 nasemount, �=:r�. 55a68 � � � � � . . . . � . � � . � . . 9 City ot 8ss�no�#, Miunesota ' `��ropar�d february 18� 78@.9 ! 0.�. Improwa�at 8ondf, BaMes 1983it By SPBINtiSTEO Incorporat�d o Dabt 6ervica ProJection ° �� �.,r .. . . . . . . . � . . . � . . .. . . F+ . . � � . � � . � � � Qatad: 8- 1•4893 SCHEOULE A m YatU�e: 2- 1 t„a Pirst Iotortst: 8- i•1991 r Total Proiactad Watsr Se�wrr Ston Total � Year af Ysar oi Principsl tOSIc Assess�erR Care Cor� CnrQ IISA 7ota1 Net '~ cn Lavy Yat. Principal Hates I�srest 6 3�ti�est ot Total Inco�� Fends Funds Funds FYnds tncosa Requiranent (1} (2} {3} {4} {5) {8} (7} {9} (9) {10} (S1} (12] (18j (14} y N 5993 1985 140,006 3.'149� 84�28D 22A�280 2�5,505 60�391 11�36� 9�820 1�Sdp 129�22D 212�271 29�234 !W-� t� 7994 189$ 170,000 3.809� �B,894 218,084 228�899 52�613 11�3QU 9�820 1�540 129�220 2M�493 22.44$ N 198� 1997 175�OD0 3.80$ 39�97A 2t4�$74 225.723 50�404 11,3b0 8,820 1�540 129�220 202�2@4 ?3,#38 �� t,+ 1898 1899 180,660 4.Z0� 33,1�9 2t3,t48 223,8U8 46�185 11,340 8,820 1,�40 129,220 200�075 23.731 � 1�897 1998 185 Oa0 4.45ic 25 599 210 589 221 118 45 888 11 300 B 820 4 540 12B 220 197 b66 23 252 � , , , s , � � , � � � p 7898 2000 85r0U0 4.659s 17�358 82,358 88,4T4 43,i]$ ti,300 e,&20 1,5A0 0 88,�56 20�O�B �`' 1999 ' 2001 74�OOU 4.804� 14,933 E4,339 b8,550 41,667 i1�30Q 9�$28 1�549 O 84�227 2��823 2000 Y002 78��QQ 4.95�1 10,873 84,875 85,022 39,958 11,3fl0 9,S2a 1+5A� 0 62,Qt8 29.Od� 2061 2003 70�ODU 5.ltlht 7,SQ8 T?�SOB B1,3B3 57�1�8 11�3D0 e,e2a �,s4a a 58�6a$ 21�574 2002 2�Od 75�000 5.299c $�835 78�938 B2i665 3i�939 11�300 9�62Q 1�540 Q 57�599 25�2a6 ' � TQTA�S. 1,200,(100 2B�,2d4 7�483,204 1,557,985 45�,9T8 113�000 88�200 1S�d00 &S8�1Q6 1�327�078 230�2aT � ►-a � � � Bond Years: 8,210.�0 Annual Interest: 288,2M � Avg. Yaturity: 5.23 Plus Discount: /3,200 � Avg. Anaual Nate: 4.5f79c Nst interest: 296�404 � T.I.G. Rste: 4.7149s N.I.C. RatY: 4.12Tjk Interest rates are estimatas; changns say aausa algniticant alterations of thie schedule. � Tha actaal updarwrit�r�s discou� bld a�y alao uary. �� � -I \ � � � �� � � --- --__ _ --_- -_ __-- --- -- - -_ ___ ___ _ _----- -__---_ __- --_ __ _ _ -_ _ � _-- 0 � r, a � o �c= �� c�; . CLty of RosQ�ount, Yioneaota � r; P�'ppar'eA F�bruary t6, ti993 . R.O. I�provemeat Bonda� Serias 1893k By SPAIN�BTEQ Incorporatad o r� Debt Sa�vice Projactian ' r CAr Dated: B- 1-1990 SCHEDULE B m cs Mature: 2- t First Int��sst: 8- t-1994 r Total a Fotal Proiacted Water Sew�r Stora � r-, Yea� 01 Y�a� of Principal IU59s Aessssme�t Cflre Cors Oor� YSA Total Het ay Levy Yat. Prihcipal Ratas I�tart6t a Ir�terost oi Total Iacowe Funds Ftends FunAs Funds I�as� iie�uirewant � t�D tx) 1s1 (�1 t�i is} �7} ta) Isa i�o) t��} tt2l ttsl ;u� �a W 1893 1885 155�90@ 3.2091 107�116 262�118 275�2Z4 80�381 11�900 9,B20 1,640 128,626 E06�0�1 68�.95� f'' ro 1994 1886 7��000 3.60�6 58�9t1 254�811 267�OM 62,813 i1,300 8,62iF 1�540 128,820 198,083 87,834 N 7995 1897 20U,OQ0 3.809t 52�29t 252,291 26i,8D6 SU,4�0 41.900 8�62Q 1,510 123,820 198,8i4 68,022 N ca 1998 S99$ 2U5,000 A.24� 44,f91 248,A81 2$1,868 �8,195 11�300 $,820 1,640 123,820 194.876 8T,2ei G 0 198? 1999 214�OOQ 4.45k 35�881 2d5,i81 238,t75 45,886 51,309 9,820 1�5;0 123�820 182�4@B fi6�7�9 p t3 1996 2000 40Q�OOR A�65ii 28�SSB ��'126,536 13?,663 43,7?8 11,300 9�820 1�540 0 88,136 6$�427 1989 200f 105�U00 �.s0� 21,BBB 1ZB,a86 133,250 41�567 11�3QQ 9�820 1�5A0 4 64�227 69�003 2QD0 2Qa2 105�40Q +1.95�c 18�896 121��48 127�99B 38,958 11��00 B�B20 1�540 0 82�018 65�820 2001 2063 110�Q�A 5.109� 1f,&lb 121,848 t27�730 87,149 11�000 9�BYi! 1�540 8 59�888 67�9�21 2002 2000 115,900 5.23�4 $�038 121�U38 121�090 34�939 11�a00 8,82Q 1�5�10 0 57�598 69�461 � T07AL8: 1�56D,000 362,048 1,882,OAfi 1,976,149 454,376 153�000 88�200 15,40Q fii9,100 1,300�076 878,071 � H � � � � b Bond Yea�s: 8,930.OD Mnual Iatorost: 382,d�d6 �+ Avg. liatu�fty: 5.55 Plus Dlscount: 16,500 ci A�g. Annual Rat�: 4.5�889c !!et Ir�tsrost: 38B,5A8 � T.I.C. Fate: 4.772+k A.I.G. Rate: 4.78A+6 Intsrest rat�s are estimat�s; chanp�s eay cause si8nificaat alterations of thia sct�edule. The actual underwrita�'s discount bid nay also vary. � a ------=-------- --------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- ------ 0 _ - :-----�;r 0 0 r- , OZ`1B/S3 10:�6 FAY 61.� 2�� 3002 SPRINGSZ`ED INC. �I fM0#/00-� I C1ty of Rasemount, Minnesota Prepared February 16, 1993 � G.O. Improvement Bonds, Series i993A By SPRINGSTED Inco�poratad � FROJECTED ASSESSNENT INCOMF 1993 Assessments � Fi3ing p�ta: 10/ 1/1993 � i Filing Collect Interes� � Year Year- Principal @ 6.750� Tatal � 1993 1994 52,730 2T,661a 60,391 ' 19s4 1995 32,730 19,883 52,fi13 1995 �996 32,730 17,6?4 50,40d �� 1996 1997 32,734 15,485 48,i95 � 19�� 199$ 32,730 13,256 45,986 1998 1999 32,730 11,048 43,776 ; 1999 2000 32,73d 5�837 41 ,567 � 2000 20�1 32,734 6,628 39,358 2001 2fl02 32,73Q 4,419 37,149 � 2002 20D3 32,730 2,2�9 34,939 � i 70TALS 327,3t30 127,078 �5�,378 a) Includes interest firom fi].ing date to 1�131/1984. � I I , � i i ; ; � i i � ; � ; ; , _ i ; � I , � . ; , ; i , , � I I � � i , i � F., � �� �i. ( ' %/� ��If � (T ,'R'�, i:I.TH GT 'r �� �-� �� � r;,���;i nt�,t;r�i A�ir�r�lf >;t�I � .,�.�,i��i "�< l,�'"„' (,`. � �:� � ����� �� ��,�€.����������� a��� � r., � ,.�.: ,,,, � � - � � � � � , `"' -��.o� a �, �� ;i��� � ��o�s �°��. . TO: PLANNING COMMIStiION �d�i� ��-�i��` FROM: MICHAEL WOZNIAK, CITY PLANNER, AiCP DATE: MARCH 3, 1989 . SUBJ: MARCH 7, 1989 - RCGLII.AR NICETING REVIEI�'S 3a. SAND & GRAVEL NIINING POLICY DtSCUSSION The City has recently been approached by property owner, Otto Ped, and Sand �F Gravel Operator, Bituminous Roadways, lnc., President - Palmer Petersen, with a proposal to remove up to 1,600,000 cubic yards of Sand & Gravel from Mr. Ped's property over a period of 5-7 years. The property in question is a 160 acre parcel al the intersection of C.H. 42 and Emory Path. Mr. Pcd wishes to lower a ridge which traverses his property to improve the property for agricultural use. The desire of Bituminous Roadways is to obtain an additinal source of sand and gravel for construction and asphalt production. Staff has elected to place a discussion of Sand & Gravel Mining po(icy on the agenda as a discussion item because Planning Commission has approved provisions in the Proposed Zoning Ordinance which would not atlow Sand & Gravel Mining in the Agricultural District and because City Council has not yet discussed and reached a consensus on this issue. It is the feeting of City Staff that to continue to issue permits which allow sand & gravel mining in agricultural areas would disregard the intent of previous Planning Commission action and would put the City Council in the awkward position of setting a precedent of allowing mining in an area where lhey would desire to resCrict it upon adoption of the Revised Zoning Ordinance. Clear direction is necessary from both the Planning Commission and City Council l�efore C;ity StaEf can take liberty to issue short tcrm Grading/Excavation Permits and/or long term Mining Permits in the Agricul[ural District. Among the options available is to recommend a moratc�rium on the issuanee of new mining permils untii City Council reaches a consensus regarding Cily policy. I �vill further presenl this issue al the mceting. Olto Ped and Paimer Pelersen have bcen invited to attend and participate in the discussion. Sa. SUPERAMERICA SITE PLAN REVIEW The owner of Texaco Station located at 14515 1451h Streel (abutting Tom Thumb), Kelley Fuels, lnc., has reyuested approval of the necessary permits required for removal of the existing improvemenls and for construction of a new SuperAmerica convenience store/self-service gas station. Enciosed with this review are lhe following: lelter introducing proposal, site plan, landscaping plan, [loor plan, sketches oE building facades, sketch of pylon sign, speci[ication oE proposed lighting and a sketch of lhe City's proposed realignment of Dodd Boulevard and Chippendale Ave, Thc proposal is for an cxisling parccl of land and therefore does not involve sabdivision. The exisling parcel is zoned C-3 (Highway Service C:ommercial) and lhe proposed use is an altowed use in that District. The proposed structurc meets zoning selback requirements for the District. r '�` � � ,�r • .,� � �� , �� . C� �. �� ; t � .,. � � ` � \ r � ` � � r � � � � � . � . � 1� � e � � � �,,,/ � � � - � � � � � � ,l � s. � .� e� v r � . (J v � \ ' � ' � .. , � ;� J . �"'`i ti e � � � � � - , � : 1 � ' � � - � . . � � : � - � � � � � , ���, � . . .. . . S .. . . . . . .. . . , . . � . . . � 1 � . . � .. � � � � � .. � � � � � . . , .. . . .. � . . . �� h � .�. �. � R � ' . . . . .. . . . . . s � . . � . . � . . r . . , , ,�- � � � v 1 , � I " � �` � �, , � � ` ^ b� ., � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � . . ,` � � . i� . r . , � 1 � � � o �. -��,y � � � ` , �1 4� � �� 1� � � � + . � : . � . . (� �1 r � . . . � . � . . � . . . . y .. .. . . -� .. . . . . � _. � . � � � �i . � �� � � � . . . � . � � � .; � � ,� �� a .. � � � _ -� � ' � � � � � ��� • . . �, � .� � a �� � � � � � � . � : . � � � � � .� Feb. lo, 1993 City of Rosemount 2875 1�5th St. W. Rosemount, P�T. �5068-0510 TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCTL SUBJECT: Project #�235 145th St. Street & Utility Tmprovements Since we are currently in Arizona, we will be unable to attemd the public hearing on the subject of Projeet #�235 to be held February 16, 1g93. However, based on the information made avail- able to us we will attempt to list our aBJECTSONS to this project via this letter. IT SHC�US,D BE NOTEDs 1. we have signed a petition objectix�� to to your pro�ased manner of assessment and have requested your withdrawal of th� project if this cannot be changed. 2. We do not believe the replacement of sidewalks is necessary as they were recently replaced and are in good condition. 3• We do not need a 12 inch watermain OR replacement of sanitary , sewer lines, and there will be no benefit from t�eee enlargements ' to our praperty. 4. Storm water drainage is ade�uate for our situation and we have been previously assessed and paid for thsee improvements. S. Curb and gutters are in good condition and serve our property adequately. ChaMging will not add benefits to our property. 6. NO underground electrical utilities �hould be considered, since present lines serve very well. Underground electrical would only increase our costs and would cause untold hardships for the prop- erty owners with less than 100 amp services. 7. We object to your plan for parking on one side of the street only� as it will make getting out of oui�' dr:�veways even more hazard- ous. This present street is wide enough to handle two lanes of traffic and two parking lanes. We have rio desire to make this portion of l�5th Street a thoroughfare for more east-west traffic. County Road �2 bypass was built to provide relief to this very street and improve safety. Our RESIDENTIAL street should not be changed to encourage greater traffic use. Note : Placing an east-west street NOR�.PH of the local schools would relieve congestion. We do not need a freeway through the 145th Street residential area. Any such project(s) as yQu propose in �#235 yhould be the concern far payment by all the citizens of Rosemount. W did not ask for and do not want to be held financially accountable for somebody elees prob- lems. V ry truly yo rs O3 ��• 3i35 i�n st, w. Fox l02 Rosemount, MN. 55068 F 4 .r� � : • P E T I T I Q N Since Street Rec�n.struction Projeet Noo 235 will add nothin� to the v�,lue o� our property, but will benefit the entire City o� Rosemount, the undersi�,n.ed property owners on 145 �treet, Ghippendale Avenue, and C:hili Avenue P�:TITIUN that, if the reconstructi�an ie completed a� proposed, the coat of the assessable portion of the project be fin�.nced by the General Fund of the C%ity of Rosemount e If this ia not dcrr�.e, we YF.rITIOPr that 1'roject No. 235 be withdra.wn. Name Street Addres� %�. �'� ,�-'�'��r�_ _4 !C�r� /�� � �T ' ` � i.�.���.��`�• _�t',� 3 ��O ���� s� �- � v ; �,�3�l ��" S r..� � -- _ �" � �- ,_._ _- i /L✓1�'-� '� � �� �� �. _ �� _ .___ d� ��..�_ ' , ' ) . ' ) ��Oa ��� � � � � � �� �� � ; ; � -. ,� . � . W� �'t�l� LlNI}���I t�yIV�I7 A� I���I��.NT� �I�t�'��"I�Y A�'�'�CT'�;� EsY "I"F•!� C�TY 'S I��,C�I�C]��L'� F;�'CC1ttiI�TI�IJCI'I�JN CJF 1���'M �'T��.�'1" �'Ft�7M CAM�'i� '1`0 TH� CF��1.,�:t �H I�'�'E hiJ�AL�. AU�. I N�"�����T I�ll�. A�k: Th�IE: C 11"Y �C7tJhIt�.I I� I�CIT T(� �'�,aC���} W��"�I "fW Z S �'�i��f��T o I T I� Npl" Ci��'T ��'���T'I VE AS F'�i���hl1"�� F�NTJ W�I�L» hIQ'T ��.N�F"x 1" T'4�I� F'�t��'�:f�1"Y �)W�I�f�� I N TI-I� F�M�tJI�T W� �►�� lE��'I N� (���E��EA. 17ATE IVAh'I� ADDI�ES� 1 � � � . � - _ � � �{�o��5 c� ,�� z / �f ,3 ��s� � _ �� a" `—^ `�� (,.�'. �' ✓ � .� c � -� ,r oJ � C � �- �"' . �� � � . / � .,c-v� � � -/�'� . �� , i—a� -� , c; �-, —��.� � � � R . .� ' F � ., ... ' .F ' �-. r� �� �7�� � 7 "] S p� �,�.. � �• � � ✓ ,1�,. �'� � 3 �.�(� � d U_ ""' /� ^ j ' =t.. r 4� 0 1� a� ��6 �GO % . � z�� o os�vt�toun� PHONE (612)4233-4441t 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)423-52�3 Maili�g Addfess: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 510.Hosemount,Minnesota 5506&05t0 COUNGiLMEMBERS Sheila Klassen AFFIDAVIT OF MAlLED AND PQSTED HEARING N4TICE �$'"��R�s�� Ha�rry��WipCox 145TH STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FRQM SHANNON PARKWAI(�B�Es'•°P�°^gnn CAMEO AVENUE AND CHILI AVENUE'FROM 145TN STREET ^D"""'sTF'""T°f' Stephan diik TO NORTH TERMINUS PROJECT 235 STQTE Of MINNESOTA ► C�UNT�f Of DAKOTA ►ss. ClTY OF ROSEMOUN'P ) Susan M. Walsh, being first cluly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. . On February 2, 1993, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at#he City Hall, 2875 � 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Post Office of Rosemount, Minnesota, copies o#the afitached notice of pubHc hearing regarding 145th Street and Utility Improvements€rom Shannon Parkway to Cameo Avenue and Chili Avenue from 145th Street to north termirius, Project #235, enclosed in sealed envefopes, with postage thereon fuily prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses Iisted w�th their names. There is delivery service by United States Mai1 between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. r- i � . . . � � ,�t•Q�� . Su an M. Wa sh �_ _ City Clerk - City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this �"�a day of February+ 1993. . < __, . CtNDY(10RNIG�EN '�' , . � ruorA�vpuat�c-r�r��►�.so��.. 'l-`".��� -�..- "1,.��.%.�.��----- ���o�A Coum'v N r pub c1 � ' +�f"Corr�m.E�tres I1ug,7�,s� Y s �ver�thing's �aming �tJl,�i �osevKoun��� . � � M � � . � . . . . . � . . . �, 4 r iea�ar.e� � . . . . . i�� o osevrcoun� PHONE (612)4234411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Addross: Edward B.McMenamy P.0.Box 510.Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNGIIMEMBEAS . Shsila K►assa+ Jam�s(Redj Stsets CITY OF ROSEMOUNT "°`"w'"`"" Dennis wppsrtnann DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA . noMir��sTRaTOR Stephan Jitk PUBLIC NOTiCE NOTlCE OF PUBLiC HEARING ON tMPROVEMENTS '145TH STREET AND UTtLITY fMPROVEMENTS FROM SHANNON PARKWAY 1 TO C1�ME0 AVENUE AND CHlLt AVENUE FROM 145TFi STREET T0 NORTH TERMINUS CITY PROJECT NO. 235 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE iS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota wi(I meet at 8:00 o'clock p.m. or as soon thereafter as possibie, Tussday, February 16, 1993, in the Cauncil Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, to consider the foflowing irnprovements: Project #235 - 145th Street and Utility Improvements #rom Shannon Parkway to Cameo Avenue and Chili Avenue from 145th Street to north terminus The nature of improvements shall include the construction of curb and gutter, street surfacir�g, sanitary sewer, sanitary sewer services, watermain and water services, storm drain, sidewafk, street lights, private uti(ities and restoration. The total estimated cost of said improvements is S 1,575,600. � The area proposed to be assessed for the foregoing improvements will generalty be: Outlot A, Carrollton Additian; Lots 15 & 16, Block 1, Motz Addition; Lot 10, Block 2, Moiz Addition; Lot 10, 61ock 1, Matz 2nd Addition; l.ot 10, Block 2, Motz 2nd Addition; Lot 10, Block �, Motz 3�d Addition; Lot 10, Block 2, Motz 3rd Addition; Lots 1-3, Biock 1, Rahn's 4th Addition; Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, Rahn's Additipn; Also included are the following parcels all within Sections 29 and 30, Township 115 North, Range 19 West, with tMe Parcel Identification Nurnbers as follaws: 34-03010-(012-80; 016-80; 014-8$; 010-91; a10-90; 410-85; 010-20? 34-03700-(0$0-06; 100- 06; 120-06; 130-06; 090-06; 010-06; �70-06; 050-06; 060-06; 171-06; 160-06; 180-06; 010- 11; 011-14; 011-12; 012-12; 010-13; 010-15; 030-44; 020-44; 0'10-44�; 020-43; 010-43; 010- 42; 020-41; 010-41; 190-06} 34-03800-{020-12; 030-12; 130-12; 120-12; 200-12; 190-12; 020-11 ; 010-11; 0'I�-44). (�ver�l�zings �om�ng ��fi �osemounl�� .�. . ..< . ..._ MAILtNG LIST PUB�tC NEARING NOTtCE CtTY PROJECT 235 145TH STREET AND UTtLITY 1MPROVEMENTS FROM SHANNaN PARKWAY TO CAMEO AVENUE AND CHILI AVENUE TO THE NORTH TERMINUS FEBRUARY 16, 1993 @ 8:00 P.M. Marguerite A. Tste Miilard Robert F & Joyce A Shimota John D & Brandi K Felstead 3405 144th St W 10703 Prescott Ct 3395 145th St W Rosernount, MN 550fi8 Burnsviile, MN 55337-1032 Rosemount, MN 55068 Ricfiard C. & Hulda Skille Vernan R. Kelley Marvin & Natalie Scheoeder 3400 Upper i 43rd St W 7�30 Pleasa�t Ave S 3375 145th St W Rosemount, MN 55068 Minneapolis, MN 55420 Rosemount, MN 55�6$ Patrick F & Mary R Finnegan Robert & Lavonne Feuerstein Box 16 Ashtey J Kornc�vich 3405 Upper 143rd St W Rosemount, MN 55068 3355 145th St W Rosemount, I'VtN 55068 Rosemount, MN 550fi8 Vista Telephone Co 14450 Burnhaven Dr William Jr. & Marilyn Carlon Burnsville, MN 55337 Wiiliarn C & Jeryl G Mawe 3400 143rd St W 3335 145th St W Rosemount, MN 55068 Rosemount, MN 550fi8 Carl & Ruth Rechtzigal Box 294 Charles F. & Jean �. To�ld Rosemount, MN 55068 Rabert & Betty Toombs 3405 143rd St W 3325 145th St W Rosemount, MN 55068 Rosemount, MN 55068 Donal & Mary CarroU 2440 Southview Ct Tom Thumb Food Markets Has�tings, MN 55033 110 17th St"E Steven & Deborah Strese' Hastings, MN 55033 Mary E Hynes 3315 145th St W 3405 145th St W Rosemount, MN 55068 Rosemount, MN 55068 Richard L. & Emmet Carroll He{en W Johnson 4485 Oak Chase Lane Kenneth & Margaret Gist 3305 145th St W Eagan, MN 55123-1814 3400 144th St W Rosemount, MN 55068 Rosemount, MN 55068 Eugene & Gioria Qlson John J & Elaine D Fischer Ka.therine F Baumgartner 32$5 145th St W 3125 145th St V1/ 3310 145th St W Rosemount, MN 5506$ Rosemount, NIN 55Q68 Rosemount, MN 554f8 Daniel P & Renee N Margaret Sfirese Marion Kelly Klemenhagen 3300 '!45th 5t W 3265 145th St W 3115 145th St W Rosemount, MN 55068 Rosemaunt, MN 55068 Rosemount, MN 55068 Sara A McDanough Regina R Rahn Riegert 3:260 145tfi St W William J & Kymi M Kieffer 3450 145th St VJ Rosemount, MN 55068 3245 145th St W Rosemount, MN 55068 Rosemount, M11� 55068 Luella Harpster Lucille K fischer 3240 145th St W Thomas & Mary Steinle 339� 145th St W Rosemount, MN 55068 3195 145th St W Rosemo�nt, MN 55068 Rosemount, MN 55068 Kimberly A Flueget Mary Moeller 3220 7 45th St W Harry & Genevieve Smith 3384 145th St W RosemQunt, MN 55068 31$5 145th St W Rosemount, MN 55068 Rosemaunt, MN 55068 Lawrence A & Susan E John P & Judith Wiederhold Jacobson Bradley A. O{son 3370 145th St W 3270 145th S't W 3175 145th St W Rosemount, MN 55068 Rosernaunt, MN 55068 Rosemount, MN b5068 Kevin Ries Norbert & Kathleen Samson 3190 145th St W Richard F & Darlene Keller 3340 145th St W Rosemount, MN 550fi8 3165 145th St W Rosemount, MN 55068 Rosemo�nt, MN 55068 Timothy & Joan D Loeseh 318� 145th St W Theresa Wallachy Rasernoun�t, MN 55068 Robert L & Diane R Cherry 3330 145th St W 3155 145th St W Rosemount, MN 55068 Rosemount, MN 55068 Wesley D & Catherine Smith 3170 145th St W Rosemount, MN 55068 Helyn & Eugene Duff 3135 145th St V1/ Jarne A & Angeline Nelson Rosemount, MN 55068 3324 145th St W Sherri Rae Swanlund Rosernount, MN 55068 3160 145th St W Rosemaunt, MN 55068 Jeffrey W & Denise A Sesger 3150 145th St W Rasemaunt, MN 55068 Richard J Heinen 3110 145th St W Rosemount, MN 55068 Joan W Erickson 3100 145th St W Rosemount, MN 5506$ Thomas G Egan . Danna Burkard Egan 3490 145th St W �. Rosemount, MN 55068 , Rosemount Community Housing 3810 145th St. W. Rosemount, MN 55468 � , � City of Rasemount: Dakaa County,Minuesou , Public Notice • ; Notice of Public Hearing on Improve�t�s I 145th Sa�eet and Utility Improvements&�xi ' Shannon Pazkway to Gamao Avemx aad j,ar��g�0� ��e�en�en� � Ch7'Avenue from 145th Src�eet to Nath '�� Teaminus AFFIDAyIT OF FUBLICATION ' c'`Y P`�°;e"N°.z�s `'t'O WHOM Tf MAY CONCERNs �` Diane Berge, being duly sworn, on oath says that she is an autt�orized �`xoTtcE is xEitE�}y o�f�,Ras mo�ntY < agent:and employee of the publisher t��the ne�vspaper, knf,wn as Tlae �Ouncil of che Mtnneaota w�71 meet at 8:00 ockck p.m.� Farmington Indepenu'ent , and lias full 1�owlCdoe Of[hC f8G[S WIIiCh ai'� Fe$O°n thereafter as possibie,Tuesday, stated below: b�ary 16,I9s3,in the cpunpl cbambers of the City Hal1,2875 14Seh Street Wes^t,to (A) The�ewspaper bas complied with all of the requirements constitutin� °O�iaa��ffluow;n$;n,�e�u,�s; qualification as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statues �� 331A.02,331A.07 and other applicable laws,as amended. Pralect #235-145th Street and Utility (B)The printed �%C,�t f „ Impiovernents from Shaanon Patkway to . • Cameo Aveaue and Chili Avenue from 145th Sueet to nocrh ternvnus Tlie nature of impp�ovements shall include WhiCh iS gC�g� the construction of curb and gutter,straet ed, was cut from the coi�nnns of said newspaper, and was s�ac,ng,sanitary sewer,sanitary sewer Princed and published once each week for—.� _k.i..l • services, watermain and witer services, successive weeks;it was first published on Thursday,the�u,�, �ant+d�ain,sidewalk,street lighu,�;y� C�y Of„_,�--� utilitiesandrestoration. +:19 � and was thereafter printed and The total estimated cost of said published on every T ursday�, to and includino Thursda , -��`_day of ,�P .��Q� . 19 Y the ��ementsis$1,57s,soo. �- �.�. �; arid j?iitlled Tbe�'�Proposed to be asseased fa the belaw is a copy of the lower case alph�$et fram ,�, to Z, boili inclusive, i faegoing improvemenis will genetally bec which is l�ereby acicnowledged as being t�e size anci };ind of type used in ouxtoc A,Carroikou Addition;i,oc� is� the composition and publication of the notic�: 16,Block i,Motz Add•,tion;lat 10,$lock 2,Motz Additioa;Lot 10, $lock 1,Matz ,��;�-,.. 2nd Addition•Lot 10 Biock 2,Motz 2nd �'•�c����A''Z Addition; Lot 10,Blook i, Motz 3rd (�� Additioa; Lot 10, $lock 2 Motz 3rd BY�_.;�L��lL..!'� � � Addition;Lots i-3,Blvck 1, Rahn's 4th Title: Administrator for th P� Addition; Lots 1 &2, Block 1, Rahn's Addition;Also iacluded are the followiug Subscribeti and sworn to before me on this �arcels a11 w;chin Sections 29 and 30, 19�_, ��Y dP�_� Township 115 Non1�,Range 19 West,with the Parcel Ideatificatioa Numbers as � follows: . � r:l1y-\� . �..^ . � . � . . , � � . � . . Notary Public 3a-o3oia�a�z-8o;ois-so;oia-ss;Q�a9i; o�a9o;oiass;oia2o�3a-o��oo-�oso-o6; '"�. AIFIDAVIT ioo-ob i2o-ob; i3o-o6; o9ao6; ioi-o6; -._ 070-06; 050.06;060-06; 171-06; i60-06; iso-o6; oio-i�; oir-ii;oii-i2;ot2-i2; 010-13; 010-15;030-44; 020-44;010-44; 020-43;010-43; 010-42; 020-41;010-41; /,r.��,,� CONNIE E FiFAREK 140-06)34-Q3800(020-12;03Q-12; 130=12; .!� • Notary Pubiic•MirtnesOta 12U-12;2Q0-12; 190-12;o2air;U10-11; � Oakota County 010-443. .. MY C'•omm Ez0 5•15-96 Such person{s)as des'ues to be heard wit6 reference to the proposed improvements w�71 be heard at this rneeting. WriEteo or aral . c�iaian will be consfdered. Dated tlus 19th day of Jaauary 1993 BY ORDER OF THE CITY CpUNCIL. By/s!Susan M.Walsh Susan M.Walsh City Clerk Gty of Rosemount Dakota�ounty,Minnesota 2/4,11 . e '�'' � ° A key concern which City Staff has had in working with the applicant to ' develop an acceptable proposal has been the location of the gas pumps and pump island canopy. City policy has bcen to utilize existing setbacks within the same block lo determine required setback for strucwral elements. The pump islands meets or fall wi[hin exisling setbacks clsewhere within the same block both along 145th Street and Dodd Boulevard. There is no setback issue regarding the location of pump istands and in respect to either zoning ordinance or building code requirements. The proposed pump island canopy fall wetl within existing setback within the same block along 145th Street however the pump island canopy would exceed minimum existing setback (Tom Thumb Store) along Dodd Boulevard. As proposed the pump island canopy �voutd extend [o within approaimately 15 feet of the property line along Dodd Boulevard. This is an area that is subject to interpretation by the Planning Commission. The proposed canopy would be approximately at an 18 foot height and therefore represents no - visibility concern in respect to traffic safety or vehicular access within the site. Further the canopy does not restrict movement of air, drainage patterns nor does it impact the amount of naturat light availabie to structures on or around the site. Location of the the proposed pump island canopy does not lrigger any of [he issues or concerns that would normally preclude structurat elements with yard setback. It should be further noted that there is a precedent for allowing a pump island canopy to be constructed within a required yard setback with the Apco Store on South Robert TraiL The proposal as submitted meets parking requirements for the C-3 District, including required handicapped �arking. Aiso, the �rlan nr���a�s safe access and egress {or the accessory carwash and adequale s[acking area Tor vehicles waiting to use the carwash. �( An important aspect of this proposal is that it provides better organized, more ( limited access and egress to both 145th Street and Dodd Boulevard than is the case wilh the existing Texaco Station. Along 145th Slreet access/egress will be limited to one curb cut set back over 150 feet from the intersection with Chippendale. Along Dodd Boulevard lhere will be two curb cuts limited to 3(? foot width openings. The proposed access egress points have been approved by the City Engineer and represent a safer situation than that which currently cxists. Regarding traffic safety il is important to nole that the City has completed a engineering [easibility study for the rcalignment of the Dodd Blvd./Chippendale Ave./145th Street intersection. Enclosed with this review is a copy of che proposed reali�nmenl. T(ie proposed realignmcnl wou(d bend Dodd Bl��d. to thc ;outh at [he eastcrn cnd of lhe sitc anc! wot�id ��uslz Chippezidalr slighlly to the east. This realignmcnl woutd ef[ectively enlarge the site and providc evcn. grca[er sctbark I'rom thc 145th Str�ct/C'hippcndalc Av�. interscction. Funds for this realignmcnl arc not currentty with thc City budget but this project is likely to occur with a coupie of years. In respect to future City need for additional right-of-way for abuiting streets, the City Engineer has recommended that the City require dedication of an additional five feet of easement around the complete perimeler of the site which could be used for drainagc, slope, or utility purposes. Aclion on this proposal should be conditioned upon agreement hy the owner to dedicate this additional easement. Another area which should be addressed in reviewing this proposal is landscaping of the site. I should first note that the proposal exceeds open space requirements of 25% site area. There is no currently no landscape plantings present on the site. The proposed landscaping plan provides an mix o[ hi�;h quality plant materials including a combination of deciduous sliade trees, � ' evergreen trees, deciduous ornamcntat landsca�e trees and decidous and cvergreen shrubs. All lawn areas will be sodded in conjunction with site development. The landscape element of the plan represent a big improvement in the appearance of the si[e and is a very positive aspecl of the SuperAmerica ProposaL "� It should be noted that a pedeslrian currently exisls al�ng lhe site boundary with 145th Street this trail will be retained. An issue of discussion in negotiations with the developer has bcen whcthcr or nol the Cily will require the Developer to construct a segment of pedestrian traii along Dodd Boulevard. Since it is the desire of the City to realign and reconstruct Dodd Boulevard ii would not be logical to require inslallation of trail at this time. However, the recommendation of City Staff is to require the Developer to place in an escrow an amount equivalent to the construction cost of pedestrian trail along the southern boundary of the site. The City Engineer has estimated that an amount of $2,200.00 would cover trail development costs. As is always a very important component o[ any Planning Commission Site Plan review, Building Aesthetics must be considered when reviewing this proposal. Included with this review are elevation sketches of ali facades of the proposed building. The majority of wall surface area of the buitding will be faced with a brick veneer (brown) including a completely enclosed trash area which is an integral par[ of the building. The other significant architectural elemen[ of the building is a sign band along the roof line with the standard SuperAmerica logo (white Band with red stripes). The applicant will have photographs available at Che meeting to indicated the appearance of a comparable store. I would comment that the proposed structure represents a substantial improvement over the appearance of the existing Texaco Station and is suitable in character for its location and is compatible with the abutting neighborhood convenience center. The proposed pylon sign meets zoning ordinance size requirement and has been sited in a acceptable location, however, the proposed height of 23' exceeds ordinance requirements by three feet. Action on this proposal should recognize that the maximum height for a pylon sign is twenly feet. � Overall, the proposed SuperAmerica represents an improved use of the site wilt provide a much improved service amenity to the surrounding neighborhood. The applicant has worked closely with the city to attempt to meet all city requirements. The awkward shape of the sile has made it difficult to produce an acceptable si�e which wi11 allow a contempory facitity which n►eets requirements of SuperAmerica Corporation. Considerable efrort over a period o( more than a year has resulted in what represents an acceptable solulion. The proposal woutd allow an antiquated gas station which is no longer operated (fu11 service) for the purpose for which it was built to be replaced with a more alCractive facility with greater services. I would recommend that lhe Planning Gommission approve the SuperAmerica site plan subject to the changes and conditions outlined in this review. - _.� _. �- ; , __ �._ - � , `,— J _ ' ��. ._�. , -....,, � �s�„� ;�� �� y , �.- � ^� --• -• . . , __._. � . . . --= . , _.__._... �.— _ .. .._..- 1 � i - _ .._ -- . ' �-�� �..�-�_�._. . . . ._. �� . ; , � ,, � � � � � , � � � ; f ' ; , ..____-----, i � i {f � ____ ------ �---.......... � '�U . : �,----=�45,� _._._._.t-- .___�_. _-.�.�.��'�� m � . 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