HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. S.O.A.R. Dual Track Airport Plannng Update � � , CITY OF R4SEMOUNT EXECLTTIVB SIID�3Al2Y FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JULY 6, 1993 AGSNDA SSCTION: A��DA IT�D2: SOp,g, DUAL TR.ACK AIRPORT DEPAR'TMENT HEADS ,RFPORT pI,,ANNING UPDATE PREPARED HY: LISA FRFESE.► BLANNING DIRECTOR AGFND��� � , � ATTACBMENTS: MEMQ, SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS & APP VED y. GRAPHICS � Please refer to the attached memo and reference material. RECONIl�i'ENDED ACTION: None. COUNCIL ACTION: . i� o osev�couvi� � MAYOR PHONE (612)423-4411 2875-t45th Street West.Rosemount.Minnesota Edward B.McfiAe�omy FAX (612)42&5263 Mailing Address: COUNCILMEMBERS . P.O.Box 510.Rosemou�i,Minnesota 55068�0510 S�la Klaese� TQ: Mayor E.B. Mr.Menomy �em�tR�st�c� City Couacil Me.mbers Klassen, Staats, DTillcox, and "�`ryw`"`�" Dennis Wippermann W j.p�3 EX 1113Z121 ADMINISTRATdfl FROM: Lisa Freese, Director of Plaaaa.ing T,�/�� StephanJiik DATE: June 30, 1993 SUBJ: Suumnary of Receat Airport Meetings As part of the City' s Qngoing efforts to monitor airport related activities, �he Planning Deparment has attended or monitored several meetings during June. Attached you will find related ma.terials and the following is a summary of the highlights of those meetings . MAC Technical Advisory Coa�xnittee Wednesday, June 15 The Technical Advisory Committee and the Site Selection Committees meet jointly to review the three eandidate sites based on the site selection criteria and began the preliminary analysis of the criteria. Twa additional joint meetings are scheduled in Ju1y. Atached are copies of the handout distributed at the meeting. The graphics are particularly interesting, especially Figures l and 4, Aixport expandability and Ldn noise, flight tracks and airspace. In reviewing the criteria to date, it appears that site 6, the one closest to dowtown Rosemount, has several constraints as a new airport. In fact one of the committee members sugested that it be removed from consideration, but the consultant HNTB discourage premature elimination of a candidate site until all the selection criteria was examined. Governors Task Force Dual Track Airnort Planniaq Proeess The Governor` s task force met five times during the month of June to examine aviation forecasts, MSP capacity, ways to shorten the dual track process and to determine if a shortened decision making process can pxoduce a technieally sound report. They also had a meeting that the public was allowed to testify regarding the airpart process. The task force issued a one page report that was due to the governor on July 1 stating that additional work is needed and they have scheduled two meetings for July. In summary, to date they have not accamplished their charge. ATTACIIl�RENTS: 1. Governer' s task force agendas 2 . Site selection criteria & graphics �ver���ings �oming �tlL,� CcJ�osemoun��� � � . . � � ts rlCVLIldD2M!r � '. '� ., , , CQVERNOR'S TASK FORCE DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCES�S - Meeting �2 10:00 a.tn. Tuestlap,Jwne 1, 1993 R4om 10-State 4ffce Bwlding � Chaiiman graun called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m, The following were present: Task Force Members: Hugh Schilling,Dottie Rietow,Peter Gillette,Representative Jean Wagenius, Representative Teresa Lynch, Senator Martha Robertson, R�Yresent�tve Connie M�rrisc�n, ard Chairman Ricbazd Braun Sugport st� Nigel Finney, Lynn Sorensen, Metropolitan Airports Conunission Nacho Diaz, Metropolitan Council A�vroval°f As�enda Chairman Braun requested approval to place the following item on the agenda: Discussion of Future Agenda Items. Hugh Sctu'lling moved and Dottie Rietow seconded approval to place the item 'Discussion of Fut�me Agenda Items'on the agenda. Motion cazried bY unanimous vote. Anvroval of Minutes Senatar Robernon moved and Representative Lynch seconded approval af the miautes of the May 26, 1993 Task Force meetin8• Modon carfied by unanimous vote. Chairman Braun d:rected se:pp�rt st�#'f to A.ev�ei_ap a list of items which reflect concerns expressed hy Task Force members as ta what should be considered within the Dual Track Airport Plannin8 Process related to the three charges to the Task Force. Reviewr of Aviation Acavrtv For�Develovment and Discussion of Forecast Invut A��t�tions an S+een,arios As a result of informatian reQuested at the last Task Force meeting,Nigel Finney presented a review , of aviation activity forecast developmen� He referred to a report which had been distributed to the Committee entitled"Dual Tlnack ForGcast Prooc�s-P�FO^�Q�MQ�'�O�''`¢s'���� Scenaioc�'. This report, prepared in May, 1993 for a Forecast Review Fanel Session, addressed the methodologies and assumptions proposed for use in the development of forecasts of passenger ,, 1 . � Gowerno�'s Task Force Jeuie 1, 1993 � Page 2 enplanements and aircraft operations associated with air carrier, regional carrier and international activity. Mr. Finney noted that these categories account currently for 80 gercent of MSP aircraft aperations and their levels will ultimately determine the extent to which additional facilities are required. A summary report of the forecast process was also distributed for discussion. Mr. Finney discussed present forecasts of population,employment and income for the me�opolitan area and responded to questions regarding passenger data, airline farecast information, and county definition. He pointed out that the eleven county definition is being used for this study to maintain a consistency with the majority of data sources and economic forecasts available at this time. The National Noise Policy regarding elimination of Stage IIT aircraft has been incorporated in the development of the forecasts. Comm+ttee���cussior_co:�*�.�ued cti�ith:e6W tc a�r'��.`nz yiziu an�the��tent�al impaci Qf new entrant air carriers. The issue of Passeager Facility Charges (PFC's) and their impact on the indus�y was discussed. Mr. Gillette asked Staff to comment on the significance of fleet management. Mr.Finney responded that the concept of fleet management has resulted in more effecrive air carrier loads with improved matching of aircraft types to routes. Mr. Schilling noted that the issue of international marketing is an important element which needs to be considered. He reported that the Metropolitan Airports Cominission recognizes this and has recently authorized preparation of an international mazketing study. Representative Wagenius questioned whether the MAC plans to compete with Detroit for international air service in view of Northwest Airlines' international facility in Detroit. Mr. Schiliing uidicated the Commission can address this issue only through the development of isnproved facilities. Representative Wagenius stated that Minnesota's economy is rapidly expanding in the medical azea and she believed we need � to market this field on an international basis. Committee members discussed cargo activity in terms ! of MSP operations. The following categories were summarized and reviewed by Mr.Finney: Originations,Enplanements, Air Carrier Aircraft Operations, Regional Carrier Activity, International Activity and Sensitivity Analysis. Discus.sion of Airoort Cavaciiv Mr. Finney provided an overview of annual airport capacity related to the FAA's Annual Service Volume (,ASi� concepL This approach takes into account airport use, weather and runway configurations; however,-is highly dependent on demand distribution. For this reason, hourly capacity is perhaps a better indication of the ability of the airport to accommodate demand. Mr. Finney bnefly reviewed existing hourly runway capacity, hourly runway rapacities in the year 2020, as well as runway configurations. He was asked to comment on how the new radar system will impact capacity and the status of this System. Mr. Finney stated the radar system for Minneapolis-St. Paul Internadonal Airport is scheduled to be in operation in 1994. The dual track review process has factored this system into its process as the capability for simultaneous operations under adverse weather conditioris substantially impacts capacity. _ �" _` Governor's Task Force June 1, 1993 , ��e 3 Chaiiman Braun requested that Mr. Finney continue his discussion of airport capacity at the next scheduled meeting of the Task Force on Friday, June 11 in Room 10. Discussion of Future Attenda Items Task Force members agreed that representatives of the Environmental Quality Baard and Northwest Airlines be invited to the June 15 meeting. The following items w�l be placed on the June 11 Task Force agenda: • Discussion of Airport Capacity • PreL**+�nary niscussiQn of Factors Governing Process Timetable Chairman Braun reviewed the following meeting schedule as established at the May 26 meeting. Friday, June 11 10:00 a,m. Tuesday,June 15 10:00 a.m.* Tnesday, June 22 3;00 p.m. Wednesday,June 30 7:30 a.m. _ � *Please note a correcdon waz made to the June 15 meedng time. The May 26, 1993 minutes had indicated an incomect meedng time of 3:00 p.m. Meetings will continue to be held in Room 10 of the State Office Building unless indicated othenvise. The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 p.m. o � Y .� � ' . . . _ _ GOVERNOIZ'S TASK FORCE DUAL TRACK AIRP�RT PL.��]NNII�TG PROC;ESS Meeting #3 10:00 a.m. Friday, June 11, 1993 Room �0 State Offive Building ,_ L Call to Order � 2. Discussion of Airport Capacity 3. Preiimin Discus.sion of Factors Governing Prooe.ss Timetable � #'�Pleas��nntacx Ly�e So�at?26-8186 if�u an wurbk to�tfus meatv��* � " � �y�g�TpR'S TASK FORCE ORT PI.��Nf NING PROCESS DUAI.,TRACK ���g #4 10:00 a•m• Tuesday, June 15, 1993 Room 10 State Office Build�`g 1. Call to Order 2. presentation by Northwest .Au�� • 3. Presentataon by ��esota Environmental Quali�Y $iOard ' ' t�s mtewss"°` ' ` , , � to� ; , ,at 7�-8186�'y�"�'ni°bt� So� ;> ' ' �.*;pleust��'3'� .,, ;: , _ , � r " � . . . . . . . . GOVERNOR'S TASK FORCE DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLAIVNING PROCESS Meeting #5 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 22, 1993 Raom 10 - Ground Floor ' � State Offic;e Building l. Call to Order 2. Public Testi�aony rf� ����1`'Q�y, �i��'�n�-s��. �o�t��►�t� t'vnir�d ro s`mvuitG� Wriva�carnr�unLs a�w�etcvmc`aruf musr tx.ecuved at ffu fo�o�g :.. ' addr�ss by Fizday,Iunc?6. Plcas�canfuu �+rittan and anl�.�vxraits to�c cha�gr of#he�Task. • Far.e as dcfined or� t3ri Go++tnsar's P�ss R�kasi (sec rev�rsc sidi) : :. ' ;: ; .. : L Son�ns�n;MAC_ ` ; N� : ;. ;> ,; <. : . . RE.I3Z,UiL�TRACKPRG�CESS : _ � :, ` ' ::� .,. : : ....t5!?40-�28fh�.Averwc��outh ... . : < ' ` ; ht'vvuapori� MN 5543D ` t�t-1`-�1�1AL C:Ull/1fl/I tl NI t.�A I 1 C.�N � '' * FRt3M �NE t3�FICE OF TH� G4V�RNOR UF TNE STATE �F Ml�iNESQTA ARNE N. CANLS�N JC3�AN�LL M. DYRS7AD GOV�RN+C}R . LT. G�JVERNOR POR IMMEDIATE �LEASE CONTACI': Cyndy Brttcata April �0, 199� 296-�01? {O) 924-i�512 (H j GO�''ERNOR CARLSON ANNOUNCES TASIf FO�tCE TO REVIEW DUAL.TRACK ATR.P4RT PROCCSS Guvernor A.rne H. Carlsan t�day �nn�unccd the creatiAn of a task force to rtvicw thc dual-tra.ck airport planning process. Thc task force will cxarnuie the curreni airpon planning process being conducted by the Metropo}itan CaUncil and the Mctropolitan Ai���orts Commission. Members af Lhe task force are: Mctrapolitah Council Chair I}ottie R.ietow; Minnesota Trxde anci Ecvnomic Development Commissioner Peter Gillette; Nlctropalitan Air�a�ts �ommission C'hair Hugh Schilting; Assistant Minority Leader Teresa Lynch . (TR-AndUvcr) s�ncl Rcpresentativc Jc�n Wagcnius (DI�I.rMinneapolis} from the - Minnesota Hous�; and Senatar Marcha Rabensc�n (IR-Minnetonka) fram the Minnesota Senate. The ta.sk force will be chaired by R.iehard Brauri, director of the Center for Transportation Studies �t the University of Min�aesc>ta. Governor Cartson has directed the task force ta exarnine three �uestians. The first is whether current projections af future airpot! iraffic �roperly incorporate the effecis af cliangcs in the airline industry, including changes at Northwest Airlines. Secandly, Ehe grvup will examine the feasibiiiiy of shortening th� dual-track plarining process so that a final report and recnmrnendations could be made to the Minnesota Legislature by January 1, 1994, c�r January 1, I995, instead of the current deadiine af January, ]996. Finally, if the ttisk force ciecicics to sharten thc time frxme, it will review whether � new deadline wi�l permit pregarati�n of a technically sc�und repori. "Q�estiUns h�ve been raiseci by the Legislative Auditor abc�ut same UE the preliminary findings of the dual-track planning process. yVtule the Metropolitan Councii and the � I�+Ies��tst�a: a:rg�rts G�m.^.:i�:c: a�e n;,rl.�rg t�a�s."�4t' thGS� t�lt�Sii3n�, Y �atiGv� w� must review the process itseif�" �overnor Carlson said "In the shart term, we must ensure that the dallars supporting this pracess are bcin.g spent in thc rnast cx�st-effective w�y. In a braadcr scnsc, wc nccd assurancc that thc c3ual-track proccss is structurcd to deliver meaningful data as soon as pcac.sibie abc�ut aur regioa's future ai.r}�c�rt aeeds" The t�slc force will deliver a preliminary nssessment +�f the dual track pracess to the Governor by July 1, 1993. # # # Cyndy Brucsio 13fl State Capitot, St. Pau1, Mlnnesota 55155 Tpny Y}gnier) Dir�ctor of Communicat�ons Qeputy Press Se�crotary PrEss s8c�etary � � (s�2}2sa-7$es (612)296-OQ'!7 nHt-ouacaavrnu++nrE�+cr+�R i � 1 GOVERNOR'S TASK FC?RCE � DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS ' Meeting #6 7:30 a,m. Wednesday, June 30, 1993 Ra�om 10 -State Office Bwlding Chairman Braun called the meeting to order at 7:40 a.m. The following were present: Task Fone Members: Hugh Schilling, Dottie Rietow, Representative Jean Wagenius, Representative Teresa Lynch, and �hairman Richard Braun Absen� Senator Martha Robertson, Feter Gillette, Representative Connie Morrison Support Sta� Nacho Diaz, Metropolitan Council Lynn Sarensen, Metropolitan Airports Commission A.�uroval of Altenda Chaixman Braun requested that an item - Disc.�ussion of Preliminary Assessment be added to the agenda. He noted that the minutes of the June 22, 1993 meeting and the Preliminary Assessment had been faxed to Task Force members the previous afternoon for review. HUGH SCHILIaTG M(JVID AND DC)TTIE RiETOW SECONDID APPROVAL TO PiACE THE TTEM, DISCUSSION OF PR'�ELIMINARY ASSESSMENT, ON ZT� AGENDA. MOTION � CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS V�'TE. HUGH SQ�iILLiNG MOVED AND DOTTIE RIETOW SECONDED APPROVAL OF THE '� AGENDA AS REVISED. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE. A�uroval of Minutes HUGH SCHII.LgTG MOVED AND DOTITE RIETOW SECUNDED APPROVAL OF THE 1V�INUTES OF THE NNE 15, 1993 b�EETING (MEEI'II�TG #4). MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE DOTTIE RIETOW MOVED AND HUGH SQ3II.LII�iG SECOI3DED APPROVAL OF THE MINt]TES OF THE NNE 22, 1993 MEETING (IVIEEITNG #5). MOTION C.ARRIED BY UNANiMOUS VOTE. Governo�'s Task Force June 30, 1993 Page 2 Discussian- Contin�encv Planning Process � Nacho Diaz, Metropolitan Council, reviewed the Annual Contingency Assessment which was distributed to Task Force members. He noted the following points: • An annual report, prepared by the Metropolitan Council and Metropolitan Airports Cornmission, is presented to the Legislature by Februazy 15 of each year. • The primary gurpose of the report is to assess air transportation trends and factors that may affect major airport develapment in the metropolitan area for a prospective 30-year period. • The annual contingency assessment is also used to identify and recommend changes in the scope and timing of the dual track airport planning process. He briefly identified the components used in the development of the 'Annual Contingency Assessment Major Airport StrateS3�'which was presented to the Legislature in 1992: • Traffic Trends . • Acdons at Other ttirports � • Overview of the Airline Industry , • National Aviation Folicy and Its Implications ' • Regional Economic Trends • Issues for 1993 Annual Contingency Assessment - Decision Doctunent - Dual Track Forecast Re-Evaluation - FAA Capaciry Study In response to issues raised within the Legislative Audito�s R�port, the Metrogolitan Council has retained a new consortium of consultaztts and reassigned Council Staff to work on the dual track airport planning process. Representative Wagenius referred to the letter submitted by The Pillsbury Company which raises the issue of Minnesota's rale within the gZobal econamy and she questioned whether this aspect is being adquately addressed. Mr. Diaz responded it is very difficult to assess global unpacts and to develop forecasts in terms of the future economy; however, they wili attempt to address this aspect He noted that a group of business leaders is being formed, at the request af the Metropolitan Council and Metropolitan Auports Commission Chairs, to focus on the airport's future role in the business community. Representative Wagenius strongly supported this concept stating it is an essendal component which must be considered. She refened to the "State Economic Blueprint" developed by the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Develogment which establishes a gaal for Minnesota to achieve � internationally competitive levels of productivity and growth. Representative Wagenius stated it was the policy of the previous Adrninistration not to recruit new business because of limited environmental capacity. Governo�'s Tazk Force June 30, 1993 Page 3 The Airport Pianning Act mandates comprehensive review of airport capacity needs and does not direct the study to encompass projectian of the airport as an economic development tool. Chaitman Braun suggested that the Task Force recommend that this aspect be more thoroughly evaluated in response to the Governo�'s Charge No. 1. Review of Future Work Chairman Braun asked Task Force members if they were satisfied with the infoirnation presented to date and to comment on additional testimony they would like presented for consideration. � Representative Wagenius requested an update on the National Airline Com�nission pramulgated by President Clinton which focusses on the financial condition of the nation's airline industry and competition. Jeffrey Hamiel,Executive Director of the Metropolitan Airports Commission,responded he will be prepared xo present the information at the nem Task Force meeting. Dottie Rietow requested an assessment of potential problems resulting from shortening the process. Mr. Diaz indicated Nigel Finney had agreed to provide this information. Discussion cantinued and members agreed it is important to determine whether an accelerated process would be legally defensible. Hugh Schilling suggested that members of the business community be invited to discuss their views of the air transportation industry and its impact on the local ecanomy. Discussion of Draft Revort Transmit�al Letter Dattie Rietow suggested the transmittal letter emphasize that the dual track process is an ongoing process that reviews projecrions, changes and assumptions. Chairman Braun advised that the Task Force consider a transmittal letter which provides an Executive Summary due to the vast amount of information which may be included in the Final Report. Charge to Taslc Force, Membership ` Task Force members agreed that it is important to list each of the groups involved in the planning process including those oversight groups within the Metropolitan Airports Commission and Metropolitan Council, expert panels and broad community participation. Representative Lynch suggested the list be in flow chart form to illustrate the appropriate reporting relationships in addition to a listing of inembers. sackground It was the consensus of the Task Force to include an overview of the Dual Track Airport Planning Process. Governo�'s Task Force J� 30, 1993 Page 4 Stimm.azY of Yublic Comment and Input ed relative to public testimony as to how to incorporate commenrs received at Discussion follow , Members felt the testimonY in�°z�d�sed form as included in the June 22 Task Force meeting rior review by those �nd��du� tO ��e the minutes would be appropriate but required P� �s regard• accuracy. Support St�Was �ected to follow-up ���e rt��p�operiy incaipo Whedier current Pr°le�'ons of€uture a�irPo�cludinS cha�'8� at Northwest Charge No. l - �� of chai►8es u► �e airline industcY, Airlines- Chairman Braun sugg ested the followinS issues be listed in response to this charget Raznifications of high speed rail �t�y, operations � F�anci� and economic implications in movin8 • Is process legally defensible? . "Lost ogportunities" . Are safety issues adequately addressed? Economic viabilit3'to Minnesota � be embellishing Chazge No. 1 but roach we may � o f �e process. Chairman Braur' noted that v�rith °'�'�a �ese additional �sue whether the current process stressed the imPort�ce of insurin8 to determin . al re ort is made to the Legislature. She also suggested the followinS Representative Wage e�statep this is an apportunitY is complete before th be included: o�plann�g Process be consistent with the yvi11 the results of tY►e Dual Track �P ed by the Min�esota Department of Trade • goals in the Economic Blueprint" P P and Economic Development? h ical and environmental. e�� what are the . Capacity should be defined as both P Y� �Qnsidered? F� �e ��,S��ture issues being adequately • environmental consequences as a result of infrastru�t�e development? Discussions with KLM Sh°u�a be �ncluded. • � er it is the role of the Task Force to determine i€ the above Dottie Rietow questioned wheth el addressed• Cha�� Bra� responded the list of issues will be issues are being adequat y addressed by those involved in the process. of condensin8 the Dual Tmrk�►irQa'rt P�g Evalu�ation of the feasib�ifiY � rt and recomnnffidation to the Charge No. 2- �� with a submissioa of the fina1 P� 1�19qg��ead of the rti�nnesota L�eg��� �y JanuarY 1.1994°r JativarY current deadline of Ju1Y, 199�- Charge No. 3 - Will an accelerated deadline insure �e p�tion of a technicaltY s�und report Governo�'s Task Force June �0, i993 Page 5 � Discussion of Charges 2 and 3 was deferred pendi,ng further informarion regarding the environmental process. Discussion of Preliminary Assessm�nt Task Force members reviewed and discussed items contained in the Preliminary Assessment. Additions and modifications were made to the document. A copy of the revised document is attached. . HUGH SQ�LI.ING MOVED AND REPRESENTAT'IVE LYNCH SECONDED APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT,AS MODIFIED. THE MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VO'I�. Future Meetins�s Chairman Braun noted there is a meeting locatio�ehange for the July 15 meeting to Room S in the State Office Building. � • Room 5 Thursday, July 15 - 10:00 a.m. • Room 10 Friday, 3uly 23 - 7:30 a.m. The meering was adjourned at 10:12 a.m. GOVERNOR'S TASK FORCE DUAL TRAQC AIR.PORT PLANI�tING PROCFSS The Dual Track Airport Planning Process, mandated by the Legislature in 1989, is expected to identify the long-term major airport development needs in the metropolitan area. If additional majorairpart facilities are determined to be needed, the process is also expected to recommend whether those improvements should be made at the existing airport or at a new site. This Task Force assignment is limited to determining whether current projections of future airport traffic properly incorporate the effects of changes in the airline industry and the feasibility 6f shortening the Dual Track Airport Planning Process. P�T.iMiNARY AS�.SESSMENT � 1. The Task Force has held six meerings as of July 1, 1993. 'Itivo other meetings are scheduled for the month of July. Additional meetings will be scheduled if needed. 2e The main topics of discussion at the six meetings were: • Background/Organizational Matters (Meeting #1) • Aviation Forecast (Meeting #2) � Airport Capacity (Meeting #3) • Northwest Airlines and Environmental Quality Board Presentations (Meeting #4} • Public Testimony (Meeting #5) • Discussion of Draft Report and Preliminary Assessment (Meeting #6) FUT[JRE AIRPORT TRAFFIC PROJECI'IONS 3. The Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) is developing a new set of airport forecasts, utilizing the best turrendy available information, to be completed in early July, 1993. 4. Four expert panels convened by the Metropolitan Council and MAC in late 1992 and early 1943 provided opportunities for early input from interested pazties into the forecasting process, including Na�thwest Airlines. 5. The uncertainty inhererit in long term forecasts is compounded by the changing conditions of the airline industry and NWA in particuiar. • 1 A li 6. The MAC has developed a complex and competent forecasting process which takes into account a wide variety of aviation and socioeconomic assumptions,as well as changes in the glabal economy. 7e The new projectians take into consideration changes in the airline industry and include different alternative scenarios for various critical factors such as profitability and level of connecting activity (hubbing ratio). 8. Narthwest Airlines is rethinking some of the assumptions used by the MAC, which were based on previous NWA information, and intends to generate additional comments. DUAL TRACK PLANIIING PROCESS TIMETABLE 9. A customized environmental process for the Dual Track Airport Planning was designed by . the Environmental Quaiity Board, MAC and the Metropolitan Council, to streamline the environmental review throughout the process. The environmental review process defined for dual track planning activities virtualiy controls the length of the overall process. A broad based environmental review includes addressing issues such as safety requirements,econoraic impacts, etc. Any shortening of the process would require major changes in the environmental review activities. 10. As of July 1, 1993, the Task Force has not yet reached any final conclusions regarding the consequences of shortening the dual track airport process timeframe fram its current deadline of January, 1996 to January 1, 1995,but is certain the process cannot be completed by January 1, 1994. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS The Dual Tracic Task Force is developing a list of issues ti�at must be considered in a future analysis. T�is list w�l include concerns expressed t�rough public testimony, letters submitted to the Task Force and eupression by the members themsetves. ;,... , r � , • • • • . � ' • • • • �M .' u S � ♦ / 'e^' �• y •. � � • •��'.•.. ' �t. . •• �� �, � 1 � � � �4. �Y �, � ��'�\ l� r�. � . � .� . ��. . • }^y �w�, ^�^ � R.,�7 S I M a l.f� � ., •,,,,�� .�'.,l� `�,�;�;�•�?�+� ' �.. �I..' 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I � � l ' _.. �t()�� �� ... ��.�.. �..H A�rt P T C1�! � '.B � ! B I i � � � � _ - -- ---.�,iL�t ___ f --� P!EiW � ; , ' ' , ' � � �-- _ l 1 � _ I T R I�,R � ' ' � `'` ' ���:ll : � MIE.�v,�Li�� i i � £,,v�>�.�s S� Native American Site �r� fi �.ti�T � Rare Animal Species 0 � � � Rare Plant Species � Euro-Ameriean Site 0 1 2 mile Q}� � �o ' �N Significant Natural Area � Geological Feature Scale: N _ '8 ; • - 5 l���, �' �o�� • �,R�oK,s � Site 3 - Endangered Species and Archaeological Sites Page A-1 • i ' Revised: 15—Jun-93 DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS ' NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION SIUDY � � ���+ � SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS FA<CT�DR::3 CRI;?ER:I.> ;S''. TE ;':2.: :i31TE'..:3> ;.S.IT:E..;.:0.: AIRPORT CHARACTERISTICS OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY *Main runways usage with max.aliowable crosswind of 92.5°,6 93.3°� 92.7°,6 13 knots (%): (Primary runway coverage adequate;no (Primary runway coverage adequate;no (Primary runway coverage edequa6a;no stgnificant diNerenca among sites). significant difference smong sites), significant difference among sibes). *Annual taxiing cost: $75 million $75 million $72 million (No significant difference among sites). (No significarrt diHerence among sites). (No significant difference among sitss). . *Annual airspace travel cost: $359 million $358 million $369 million (No sig.diiference between Sites 2 d,3). (No sig.difference betwean Sites 2 d�3). (Site 8 farthet from most destinations which resuits tn higher airspace oost). *Potential adverse visibility impacts from Koch Refinery on qircrart have sur�cient auttuae ovar sta�tca. sut�cient aistan�e batween runways and Aircraft would pass refinery at low altituds. 11fpOtt O�fatlOfiS: Nearest approach path bo ref.nery which refinery. DrHt(ng piumes would raqufre more IFR oper could have minor impacta would be used ationa,roducing airport capacity, Additionai by oniy 1%of arrivals. stacks could increass tmpacts. � . ��� --•�3ourca: HNTB/StudyTeam Analysls " Metropoliten Airports Commission Page A-2 � r Revised: 15—Jun-93 DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS �� NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION STUDY � �� SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS F A>C:T O.R>;S/C R 1;:T.E.R�'i >S;I T.E.,>;2;' i3.�.T.E ::3:: ,';S:I.T�...:0..; AI RPORT CHARACTERISTICS AIRSPACE INTERACTION *Airspace interaction with other airports and enroute stn.tcure: St:Paui Downtown Airport: None N0112 New airpott depattures hom Runway 34fl depe�dent on inctroment approaches to SL Paul Downtown. Airlake: (�Of12 Interaction occura during crosswind oper— interaction occura during both crosswind ations at new airport. and parallel oparationa at new airport. SOUtI'1 St.P1UI: Eliminates instrument approaches into South Eliminates instrument approaches into South Proxtmity of airport to site wiil Nkoly�equira Saint PauL Saint PauL airport cbsura. EltlOUt@ StfUChlf@: N011@ NOII@ Raduced sequencfng tlexib(lity of�asbern artivals dw to proximity ot Chicego eirapaoa. SITE DCPANDA8ILITY *Runway expandabi liry potentiaL• AddiUOtld��8figth: All six runways can be Iengthened. Five oi six runways can be lengthe�ed. Three of six runway�can be le�gthened. ACICIIUO(1aI fU11WdYS: Site conditions conducive to adding run— Site conditions conducive to adding run— Constrained to west by watlands,to east by ways. ways. Vermillion Aiver. *T8ffT11�8I 2f212Xp1�dll�llitj/(�bt211�1aI: Site can acoommodate significa�tetminal Ske cnn accommodate signficaM tprminai Site can acoommodats slgnificant terminai expansion. expans(on. , expansion. *CdfgO$O�le�fdCl�l�/@Xpdi1C11b�lity pOt2�tia�: Site can accommodate support facilfty ex— Site can accommodate suppo�t facility ex— Site can eccommodate support facility ex— pansbn;however,area for expansion to east pansion. pansbn. would be limited and mey aHect Hastings' . growth. Source: HNTB/Study Team Analysis _ Metropolitan Airports Commission Page A-3 „, R evise d: 15—Jun—93 ' DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS � � NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION STUDY �� � SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS F A C:T.O:R::S./C,R.1<:T E R:,�': >i3:1 T E :.::2:: s;31 T E.:.i3'> ;::S 1 T,E ::;;g`: AIRPORT CHARACTERISTICS SITE ACCESSIBILITY *Differential travel time (in minutes) to airport from-- Minneapolis City Hall: 10 11 0 Saint Paui City Hall: 10 11 0 Anoka: 10 12 0 Chaska: 10 t i 0 Hastings: 7 0 0 Shakopee: 13 14 p Stiliwater. 2 3 0 Note: peak—hour conditions. (Site 2 ts farther 6om most metropolitan (Site 3 is farther from most metropotitan (Site 8 ts closest ot three sites to most matro locatans than Site e), locatans than Site 8). politan locations.This is the baseline tor com arin Sites 2 and 3 . *Differential travel time to airport(n minutes)for�esidents of 11 12 0 tFle I'2giOf1 (W21ght@d 8V2fag@�: (Site 3 has the highest weighted average (Sits 8 has lowsst weighEed avarege acoess access times of threa sites). tima of thna sites.This Is tha baselina tor Nofie: eak—hour conditbns. com a►in Sites 2 and 3. *Differential increase in intra—county travel times (for non— airport usets) (in minutes): Hastings to Bumsville: g � 4 Hampton to Hasfings: 5 5 � Miesville to Hastings: 0 0 1 Farmington to Hastings: ' � � 1 Hampton to Rosemount: � 0 2 (Site e puts more t�effic on CR 42 and Note: peak—hour conditbns. relocated U.S.52j. � _Source� HNTB/Study Tenm Annlysis Metropo�ftan Afrports Commisston Page A-4 �w.�sqd: 15—Jun-93 , r DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PIANNING PROCESS ��„r:. � �� NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION STUDY SITE SELECTION ANA�YSIS F A,G.:.:T O R:3`LC R 1;"f'E R,i;:: 3:'1rT E .:;2> 3:1 T E.'..:::3; `;S I.T.E.:.:e:: AIRPORT CHARACTERISTICS *DifferenGai increase in inter—county travel times (for non— airport users) (in minutes): Extemal northbound traffic on U.S.52 to-- Minneapolis Ciry HaIL• 1 0 1 Saint Paul City HaIL• 1 0 1 Anoka: 1 0 1 Chaska: 1 0 1 Hastings: 5 3 0 Shakopee: 1 0 0 Stiliwater. 2 2 1 (Additionsl distanoe resufting hom realtgn— of U.S.52 oftset by improvad speeda due to highway's upgrsde). Extemal northbound traffic on U.S. 61 to-- Minneapolis City Hall: 5 4 0 Saint Paul City HaIL• 5 4 0 Moka: 5 4 0 Chaska: 7 5 0 Hastings: 3 2 � Shakopee: 1 0 0 Stillwater. 4 3 0 (Increase in trave�timee prtmarily due to the Qncrease in traval times primarily due to tha diversion ot tratfic onto U.S.81 in Hastings& diveroion of traffic onto U.S.81 in Hastings$ the additional(ength of the retocated portion the add)tional length oi the relocated portion of U.S.81). of U.S.81). Extemal northbound traffic on T.H.3 to-- Minneapolis City HaIL• 0 1 0 Saint Paui City HaIL• 1 0 1 Anoka: 1 0 1 Chaska: 0 0 0 Hastings: 6 4 0 Shakopee: ' 0 0 0 Stillwater. 2 2 1 (Soma increase ts access times to west of (Some increase is access times to west of (Some increase Is access times to west ot Note: peak—hour conditana. sites due Eo hlgher traffic volumes). sites due to hfghet traffic volumes). si6es due to higher traffic volumas). Source: HNTB/StudyTeam Anatysis Mettopolitah Alrports Commissbn Page A-5 Revised: 15—Jun-93 DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION STi1DY � SITE SELECTIt�N ANALYSIS �� �1 � 1 F A:C!::T O:R.;3: .C.R:1.?,E R:;l: ;S:;I:T E ;::2 ,;3.:1 T E ''3.r ;:8 t T E ':;;8; AIRPORT CHARACTERISTICS *Total lane—miles of roads requiring relocation, by type: Discontinued segments: Arterial lane—mites: 81 68 95 Freeway lane—miles: 0 0 0 Realigned Segments: Arterial lane—miles: 50 44 50 Freeway lane—miles: 0 0 0 *Total lane—miles of roads requiring improvement, by type: Bridge lane—miles: 2 2 2 Arteriai lane—miles: 2 15 31 Freeway lane—miles: 118 146 72 (Changes in lane—miles requiring imps. (Chsnges in lans—miles requiringimps. dependent on final highway aliQnments). dependant o�fina�highway alignments). *Residential population, businesses,and other facilities ost�not yet avaiiabie. osta�ot yet a�s�iabie. �8ca not yet avsiisbie. displaced due to off—airport site impacts,airport access road&differential roadway improvements: Source: HNTB/SfudyTeam Analysis Metropolitan Atrports Commissbn Page B-1 Revised: 15—Jun-93 DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS NEW AIRPORT SI1 E SELECTION SIUDY � � � SITE SELEC710N ANALYSIS � F A C:T O Ri.S:/.G ii:l;T E.R:f S':I;T E: :2>:: 5:;:1 T.E..:<S; '::.S.I T.E..;:1f: COMMUNITY/SOCIAL IMPACTS DISPLACED COMMUNITIES/PEOPLE *Existing municipalities displaced due to airport development: None None Coates (City of Vermiliion border is less than 500 ft. (City of Vermillion border is approx.20001t. (City of Vermillfon approx.one mila irom hom Site 2 boundary. Residential area is ftom Site 3 boundary. Resldential atea is sitport boundary. Nearly all ot Coatea city approx,t mile from nearest runway). approx.l mile hom nearest runway). Ifmits contained wkhin airport boundsry). *No.of people within site boundary relocated due to airport 750 700 740 development(Year 2000 population): *No.of people displaced due to roads and utility 110 150 120 construction/relocation (Year 200o population): LAND USE PLANS *Acres of pianned residential&commerciai�ndustrial 9 9 53 development in site boundary(from local comp. plans}: (SiOes 2 and 3 constdered to have similar (Sites 2 and 3 considered to hava simt�ac (SPoe 8 has mors acres then eastern sibas tmpacts). impacts). due to displac�mentotCoatas). *Acres of plannec!residential land within Ldn 60 and Zones 95 308 6 A&B(from locai comp. p►ans): (Mostly Rural Reaidentian. (MosHy Rurai ReaidenNsn. *Distance from site boundary to major industrial facilities (miles): Koch Reflnery: Approx.7 miles southeast of Refinery. Approx.6 miles southeast of Refinery. Approx.1 mile southeast of Refinery. (Pf2111'T1Ii18f)/� (Not considerad significanQ. (Not considered slgnifica�q. (Conaidand significerrt. Expansion of rs— flnery and a(rpod dapendent on�ach other). Proposed Dakota Co. Resource Recovery Faciliry: 6.2 miles southeast of proposed faali 5.7 miles southeast of proposed faaliry Approx.700 ft.south of prop.facility. (Not oonsidered significan�. (Not considered significanQ. (Considered significar�t. Expansion of facitity and airpo�t dependent on each other). Source: HNTB/StudyTeam Mnlysis Metropolitan Airpo�ts Commission Page B-2 Revised: 15—Jun-93 DUAL TRACK AfRPOflT PLANNING PROCESS NEW AIRPORT SITE SE�ECTION STiJDY �� SITE SELECI'ION ANALYSIS � �� F:A;C;T O fi;S./C R.I:T.E R;1:: 5::1 T E ;:2>. 5:I T.E ;''9'; ;.S I.T E..;.6; COMMUNITY/SOCIAL IMPACTS *Height and other development constraints at large industrial faciliUes due to airport: Koch Fiefinery: No restrictions. No restrictions. 340—foot height restriction at south— (Preliminary) eastern boundary of refinery. (Could be maJor impact if Refinery plana to ' expand to the southeast). Proposed Dakota Co. Resource Recovery Facility: Unrestricted. Unrestricted. Restricted. (90—foot height rostrictbn et proposed facility. Current ptoposed heightof stackis 315 teet). COMMUNIN SERVICES/INFRASTRUCTURE *Number of schools within site boundary: 0 0 0 *Number of places of worship within site boundary: 0 0 1 , (St.Agatha's,located in Coates). *Number of cemeteries within site boundary: 0 0 1 (SL Augustine,located in Varmillton Twp.). *Percentage of 1990 assessed school district tax base(by oata not yet avansbie. �at$not yQt ava�iabie. �ata not yat sv�iisbie. district): � *Percentage of 1990 assessed township tax base eliminated oaca not yet s�8tiabi.. �ata noc y.t ava��abte. ;° �8ta not yet 8�attab�8. (by jurisdiction): • Sou�ce: HNTB/Study Team Anelysis Metropolitnn Airpo�ts Commisabn Page B-3 Revised: 15—Jun-93 DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNtNG PROCESS , NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION STUDY � � .. N �� SITE SELECTION A ALYSIS „_,,� J F..A C;T O.R,S;:Z.0 i�.1:T.E Rll' S.1':T E. :2; S':I T E.::':S< :3.1 T E ;::8r. COMMUNITY/SOCIAL IMPACTS NOISE IMPACTS *Year 2000 population residing within Year 2020 Ldn 65 in 250 1 s0 40 Search Area: *Year 2000 population residing wiihin Year 2020 Ldn 65 � 60 60 10 outside Search Area: *Year 2000 population residing within Year 2020 l.dn 60 640 690 200 (exciuding Ldn 65): *Year 2000 population within Year 202o Li o65 contours for aU tunway ends 1,800 i,800 1,400 *Number of noise—sensitive land uses within Ldn 65 by type: 1 0 0 (Excluding dwelling units) (seuwood carr�ee.ry). *Number of noise—sensitive land uses within Ldn 60 (excL 2 0 0 Ld1165): (St..bseph's and Wiliiam Lyon Cemeteries). (Exciuding dwelling units) *Average monthly number of jet arrival and departure over— flights on principal flightracks below 5,000 feet(departures); (see Fgure 4.) (see Fgure 4.) (see Figure 4.) and below 2,000 feet(arrivals): $ource� HNTB/Study Team Annlysts Metropolitnn Airports Commisaion Page B-4 Revised: 15—Jun-93 DUAL TRACK A�RPORT PLANNING PROCESS � NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION STUDY ��� � SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS F.A:CTO:RS;(CR.I..T:;ER'I:; SI:TE .:2; iS;ITE.:i3' S1TE..:6`; COMMUNITY/SOCIAL IMPACTS STATE SAFEfY ZONES A&B *Year 2000 residential population within state safery zones 310 260 110 in Search Area � *Year 2000 residential population within state safery zones 90 140 0 outside Search Area *1990 employment within state safety zones A&B in Dats not yet available. Data not yet avai�ebfe. Data not yet availabie. Search Area: *1990 employment within state safety zones A&B oata�ot yet e�g�iabie. osc$r,ot yet a�8�iabie, oata r,ot yet evaiigb�.. outside Search Area: TOTAL POPUTA710N IMPACTS SUMMARY *Total on—airport populaUon within site boundary: 750 700 740 *Total off—airport population within state safety zones A&B 730 730 230 and Ldn 60 in Search Area: *Total off—airport population within state safety zones A&B 270 330 40 and Ldn 60 outside Search Area: (Site 8 has tewest people). S�urce� HNTR/StudyTPnm An��ysis Metropolitnn Airports Commisston Page B-5 Revised: 15—Jun-93 DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION STUDY ��� SITE SELECTIUN ANALYSIS �� F A.:C;T O R S::/.0 R I::T.E R I: S.I;'T E Z': S';:I T E. :>;3i; • S 1..T.E:;;8;< COMMUNITY/SOCIAL IMPACTS HISTORIC/ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES *No. of potential NRHP archaeological sites Iikely to be 8 8 17 affected by airport facilities: *Number of potential NRHP individual standing structures, districts and rural historic landscapes likely to be affected by airport facilities: Low potential for inciusion in NRHP: 8 11 4 High potential for inclusion in NRHPt 7 13 27 Note: Based on preliminary survey of accessibis properties. Additbnal surveys and analysis wili be required to determine NRHP eli ibilit . *Number of NRHP standng structures differenUaliy impacted by 01f—al�(�Oft fOadW1Y Ye1�2020 tf1�C 811d hlghWay Data not yet available. Data not yet available. Data not yet available. improvements: Note: Based on preliminary survey of accessible properties. Additbnal surveys and analysis will be required to determine NRHP eli ibilit . FARM AND NON—FARM BUSINESSES *Number of 1990 non—faRn employees within site boundary 70 50 130 relocated due to airport development: *Number of farmsteads within site boundary to be relocated 40 40 40 due to airport development: FARMLAND *Number of acres of prime fannland within site boundary 6,000 6,200 7,100 (nciuding undrained land): Snurce� HNTR/StudyTeam Anelysis Metro�otitanAlrports Commissbn Page 8-6 Revised: 15—Jun-93 DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS � � NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION STUDY ��-•�� SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS F.A CiT O.fl';S:/.0 R 1;:T.E.R:I>' S:;1`T E. 2>I ;S.;I T E ;.3': ':S.f T E :;::gi COMMUNITY/SOCIAL IMPACTS PUBL�C PARKS/RECREATION LAND *Num ber of acres of park/recreation land within site 0 0 6 boundary: (Coates City Park). *Number of acres of park/recreation land outside the site 0 0 4 boundary and within the Year 2020 Ldn 60 noise contours: �sPrin9�aae Park a waystde Park�. < Source: HNTB/Study Tenm Analysis Metropolitan Airports Commissbn Page C-1 Revise d: 1 S—Jun-93 DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNtNC.�PROCESS NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION STUDY ��� ��. SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS FA::GTO.R:;S/CRiI'T:E.R1; .S::tTE: :::2. <S I T.E:.>i3.:: `::S;I.T E.:.:.:8;: OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS WILD AND SCENIC RIVERS *Number of monthly arrivai/departure overtlights occumng 0 0 over disignated rivers at alatudes of less than 2,000 feet � WEfIANDS *Number of acres of wetlands within site boundary: 4 2 128 (Primarily located elong aouthern edge of site). *Number of acres of wetlands likely to be removed by 2 � construcUon of operation of airport facilities: 31 WASTE QISPOSAL SITES *Number and rype of known landfilis within airport boundary: 0 0 1 {Coates dump si6e). *Number of known contaminated waste sites within airport 0 0 boundary: 2 (Research ongoing). (lundaoil spiil,2locationa. Does not fnciuda superfund and other potential contaminants at arsena UM ro ert . WATER G�UALITY �'Number of acres of Prairie Du Chien/Jordan Aquifer within g,gpp 9�8� ' airport boundary classified as highly sensitive or reater: 1�,� J (Considered atmilar for all three sites). (Considered simflar for ail thtee sites). (Considered similar for a�l three sttes). 1 Source: HNTB/StudyTenm Annlysis " Metropoliten Afrports Commission Page C-2 Revised: 15—Jun-93 _ , � DUA�TRACK AIRPGRT PLANNWG PROCESS NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION STUDY � � „�,��. SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS F::A>,QT.O'R>iS/C fl;l;:T:E R 1 ;S::I.T E; ;:2i ;:::5.1 T E;::;:S:s ';S 1:'C E >;;6:; OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AIR QUALITY *Differential year 2020 annual CO emissions from vehicle 10,000 9,000 0 trips to/from airport(tons): (Site 8 is closest to passe�gers). Note: 538,100 tons emitted annuall in re ion. . *Number of intersections with CO concentrations greater than state&federal air quality standards: Analysis�ot complete Analysis not complete Analysis not complats BIRD STRIKE ISSUES *Acres of undrained wetlands(Types 3,4,&5)within 10,000 3 32 172 feet of runway ends: *No. and type of conditions potentially conducive to bird 5 5 5 strikes within 5 miles of runway ends: a, 1. Spring Lake 8 Spring Lake Park Reserve. 1. Spring Lake 8 Spting Lake Park Reserve. 1. Sprtng laks h Spring Lake Park Reserve. � 2. Frtetz Heron Rookery. 2. Frietz Heron Rookery. 2. State Ptotected Wetland 341 W. 3. Lake Rebecca Patk 3. lake Rebecca Park 3. Northwest Comar Empiro Twp. 4. Gore's Pool Wildlife Mgmt.Area, 4. Gore's Pool Wildlife Mgmt.Area. 4. Gny Cloud Islands(Shiely Gravel Mines). 5. State Protected Wetland 341 W. 5, State Protected Wetiand 341 W. 5. Pina Bend LandfilL ENOANGERED/THREATENED&SPECIAL CONCERN SPECIES *Known communiUes of rare species(flora&fauna} 2 3 3 aCCOfdl�9 t0 Stc11@ d@Slgflcl�lOf1S Wltllltl SitB bOUfld11')/: (Loggerhead Shrike) (loggerhead Shrtke) (Loggerhead Shrike) ENERGY SUPPLY AND NATURAL RESOURCES • �: *�ifferential year 2020 vehicle fuel consumption for % Analysis not compiete Analysis not comple#e Analysis not complete automobile trips to/from site(galions): Source: HNTB/StudyTenm Analysis Metropolitan Airports Commission Paga C-3 , Revised: 15—Ju�-93 DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION STUDY 1� SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS � � �� �� . F;A;C T O:R:;S/G R;C:7E.R;1;; ;;S..I T E 2;. � S I T E:>::i3; :::S 1.T E:>:.8:> OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS FLOODPLAINS , *No. of acres of floodway within site boundary: 0 0 0 *No. of acres of floodway fringe likely eliminated by airport facilities: 150 190 130 *Ability to mitigate flood fringe impacts on site: Analysis to be conducted. Anal sis to be conducted. y Analysis to be conducted. S�vreP• HNTR/Rfu�lyTPnm Annlyxis • Metropolitan Airports Commfssbn Page D—t ' Revised: 15—Jun-93 DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS NE�IV AIRPORT StTE SELECTION STUDY SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS �� � ���J F:A`C T 0.::.R S/(`i;R;t T E':R<:li' S 1 T E s;;:y. DIFFERENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COSTS 5 I 7'�:;.:;s; S 1>.T.::E :tl; *Differenbal site land acquisiUon costs: $o $� $3 million *Differential costs to prepare site for airport construction arising from-- Costs not yet calculated. Road improvements(relocated roadways, airport Costs not yet calculated. Costs not yet calculated. access): Utiliry hookup/relocation: Topography/sdl/geoiogy/floodway structures: *Communiry re►ocation costs: Costs not yet calculated. Costs not yet calculated. Costs not yet calculated. NO�g� �• Approximata size of airport boundary ts 10,000 scres, 2. The criteria fw comparison of altemat(ve iayouts on the preierred site,and for comparison oi MSP,�Now Airport/No Build wilt be different from the abovo, This listin9 is cksigned soiely for salection ot the pretorred sit�. Source: HNTB/StudyTeem Annlysis Matropoiitan AlrpoHs Commission