HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of June 15, 1993 Regular and Closed Meetings � �, , ROSEMOIINT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGIILAR MESTING JtTNE 15, 19 9 3 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesday, June 15, 1993 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Rosemount City Hall . Mayor McMenomy called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Klassen, Staats, Willcox, and Wippermann present. Staff present were Jilk, May, Wasmund, and Osmundson. Also in attendance was City Attorney Miles. Mayor McMenomy led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Changes to the agenda inc].uded adding 3 . b) Ma.rkos Schourliaris' Water Bill, and 6 . h) ArmoryjCommunity Center Pay Request. Diane Pinkert, a member of the Chamber of Commerce Government Action Committee, was present to update the City Council on their activities. Ms. Pinkert advised that the committee would like to hav� city staff persons attend their meetings. She explained the purpose of this would be for the committee members to meet city staff, find out what they do and ask questions. The committee feels that this wouid be a way to open up communication=between the business community and city staff . Ms. Pinkert also advised that members of the chamber will staff a booth at the Renaissance Fair this year and the proceeds from the sales will be donated to the Town Green proj ect and also used to purchase banners. She al.so requested that an update on the one-stop shop concept be provided. Roger Schanus, of Boeckermann, Heinen, & Mayer, reviewed key pages af the City of Rosemount' s 1992 audited financial statements. Discussion centered around whether a list was being prepared of the city' s assets. Markos Schourliaris was allowed to speak regarding his water bill. Mr. Schour3iaris felt that his past bill was unreasonably high due to meter problems and felt that �he should receive a credit. He was also concerned that he was continuing to receive late penalties while trying to resolve the problem. Public Works Director Wasmund advised that he would gather information regarding water meter readings and meter calibration tests and present it to the council July 6, 1993 . MOTION by Willcox to approve the consent agenda with the correction to the June l, 1993 regular meeting minutes and moving item 4 .g) Receive Bids/Award Contract, Valley 0ak Pond 0utlet, Project 197 to Old Business. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Willcox, `Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. Nays: 0 . City Engineer Osmundsan advised council that MnDot had recently completed the city ordered speed study for podd Road between 12�th Street and Highway 3 . It was determined that a safe and reasanable speed limit for podd Road would be 40 m.p.h. , as opposed to the current 55 m.p.h. Council questioned whether the tonnage limits on Dodd Road could be lowered and Osmundson advised that it could not because of its State Aid Road designation. Council also requested that a letter be sen.t to residents along Dodd Road informing them of the results of the study. Osmundson explained that the letter would also encourage residents to meet and discuss future improvements to the road and express their wishes to the city. ROSLMOONT CITY PROCBSDINGS REGU'LAR MEBTING JD1�TE 15, 19 9 3 MOTTON by Wippermann to adopt A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SPTED LIMITS ALONG DODD ROAD (BOULEVARD) FROM 120TH STREET TO TRUNK HIGBWAY 3 . SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willcox. Summaries regarding the negotiations to acquire the easements needed to complete the 145th Street construction project was provided to the council. City Engineer Osmundsan advised that the plans for Gity Project #235 were presently at the State Aid office and should be ready for bid on June 25. City Administrator Jilk advised that the Highway 52 Corridor Study is proceeding and as a result of this work, the task foree is asking MnDQT to proceed with improvements at the 117th Street intersection of Highway 52 . Improvements would include extending the frontage road a.nd installing signal lights. Because safety issues at this intersection warrant immediate attention and MnDot funding would not be available until 1995 or 1996, a Cooperative Agreement Program is being suggested as an alternative wa� ta complete the project in a more timely manner. Council questioned whether this agreement �would cause the city to pick up the costs for the improvements as opposed to the state. Jilk advised that the state would still gick up the majority of the costs and the city would look to Koch Refining ta pay for the remaining eost. MOTION by McMenomy to adopt A RESOLIITItJN AIITSORIZING THF CITY OF ROSSZAiiDUNT T4 NEGOTIATE A COOPERATIVE AGREEN�NT �ITH THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND ANY OTHER APPROPRIATS AGENCIES FOR IMPROVFMENTS Tf3 THFs INTERSECTION OF TI3 52/55 AND li7TH STREET. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willeox, Wippermann. Nays. 0. Councilmember Klassen pulled this item from the consent agenda to question whether the Valley Oak Pond Outlet - Phase I bids had been verified. City Engineer Osmundson stated that they had. MOTION by Klassen to ADOPT A RESOLUTION RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR VALLEY OAK POND OUTLET, PHASE 1, CITY PROJECT 197. SECOND by Willcox. Ayes: Staats, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: 0 . Debb Marthaler, representing the Leprechaun Days Committee, reviewed their scheduled events for this year' s Leprechaun Days. Along with the number of days being reduced from ten to four, she advised that a new event this year will be a family dance and picnic. She also advised that the parade route will be the same as last year because of 145th Street construction. MOTION by Klassen to approve the Leprechaun Days events on city property and to approve the parade route and close the streets on the date an.d times presented by the Leprechaun Days Committee representatives. SECOND by Wippermann. 2 . , ROSED20UNT CITY PRQCEEDING3 REGtJI�AR MEETING J'tTNE 15, 19 9 3 Discussion followed regarding the need to amend �the motion to include the June 11, 1993 memo from the Leprechaun Days Committee regarding the release of funds to purchase fireworks. MOTION by Klassen to amend the original motion to include the committee' s June il, 1993 memo regarding the request to release funds for� the purchase of fireworl�s. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: 0 . Poll of original motio�: Ayes: Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. MOTION by McMenamy to adopt A RESOLUTIQN PROVIDING FOR THE COMPETITIVE NEGOTIATED SALE OF $555, 000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS, S$RIES 1993A. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: Wippermann, MeMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willcox. Nays: 0 . MOTION by Willcox to adopt A RESOLIITION PROVIDING FOR THE COMPETITIVE NEGOTIATED SALL OF $l,415, 000 GENER.AL OBLIGATION IMPROV'�ENT REFU',NT)ING BONDS, SERIES 1993B. SECOND by Staats. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: 0 . MOTION by Willcox to adopt A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE COMPSTZTIVE NEGOTIATED SALE OF $945, 000 GENERAL OBLIGATION WATER REVE:NUE REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 1993C. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes : Staats, Klassen, Wil-lcox, Wippermann, McMenomy. I�ays: 0. MOTION by Klassen to adopt A RESOLIITION PROVIDING FOR THE COMPETITIVE NEGOTIATED SALE OF $845, OOQ GENERA]'., OBLIGATION MUNIC2P3�I, BUILDING REFIINDING BONDS, SERIES 1993D. SECOND by Staats. Ayes: Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, MeMenomy, Staats. Na�ss 0 . City Administrator Jilk� reviewed the request to approve three change orders on the Community Center. The first change order was due to backfill materials not being available from the Highway 3 business sites because of possible hazardous material contamination. Fill mat�erials had to be imported in order to keep the praject from being held up. The second change order is to add two additional control points for the sound system and the third is deleting a small portion of rockface block in the arena, which will amount to a savings for the city. MOTION by Klassen to approve change orders #97, #98, and #99 as submitted an the Community Center project. SECOND by Willcox. Ayes: Willcax, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. N'ays: 0 . City Administrator Jilk led discussion an the County Road 42, principal arterial designation being proposed by Dakota County. Discussion �ollowed regarding the city' s position on the issue. Jilk advised that the Met Council is just now developing guidelines for arterial designations for guidance to cities. Consensus was reached to add a paragraph to the resolution stating the city's desire to be compensated for an� costs incurred to modify County Road 42 and adjacent properties to allow for accesses. 3 , r ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MSETING JUNE 15, 3993 MOTION by Willcox to approve as amended A RESOLIITION SNDICATING A POSITION AGAINST DESIGNATION OF COETNTY ROAD 42 AS A PRINCIFAL ARTERIAL. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: 0. MOTION by Wippermann to approve payment of $29, 137.98 to PCL�Construction Services, Inc. for construction services to be paid out of accounts: 424-48000-Q1-521 {$12,452 .89) , 426-48000-01-521 {$16, 545 .12) 427-480D0-01- 521 ($139 .97} . SECOND by Willcox. Ayes: Staats, Klassen, Willcox, Wipperma.nn, McMenomy. Nays: 0 . MOTION by McMenomy to adjourn to a closed session. SECOND by Willcox. Ayes: Klassen, Willcox, Wippexmann, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: 0. Meeting reconvened at 9 :50 p.m. MOTION by Willcox to adjourn. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. Nays: 0 . Meeting adjourned at 9 :50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Widstrom, Recording Secretary 4 MEM � assen, Sta.a.ts, w�lcox, 'wip�r'T'ann Mayor McNienomy A TO: Coun�ilmembers Kl FR�M� D ebbie Widstrom, Recording Secretary DATE: July 6, 1993 �: Amendment to the lune 15� 1993 Closed ExecuriVe Session Minutes �a raph (before the adjournment � ber Ktassen has Tequested that the last p g Counc�lmem sentence) be amended. Please see the attached amended minutes.