HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.h. County Road 42 Principal Arterial Update . , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SIIMMARY FOR ACTTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JULY 6, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: COUNTY ROAD 42 AGENDA SECTION: PRINCSP,AL AR:TERIAL STATUS UPDATE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY; STEPHA.N JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AG�T��� � ATTACIiMENTS: PRESENTATIOIV MATERIAL APP VED Y. COUNTY PROPOSED AGREEMENT On Tuesday, June 22, the Dakota County Physical Development Committee of the Dakota County Board considered the recommendations of County staff to put into place interim guidelines for spacing requirements of accesses on CR 42 as if it were to be a principal arterial. At that meeting the Physical Develapment Cammittee voted 3 to 2 in favor of allowing the development of the two proposed plats, the business park and CMC, under current guidelines. This recommendation was passed on to the full County Board on Tuesday June 29th. At that full board meeting Iengthy discussion was held on this matter with the result being that the full County Board voted 5-2 in favor of the follawing; 1) That the two developments would be allowed a full access at a quarter mile spacing from the railroad crossing. This will require that the existing entrance on to CR 42 be moved about 200 feet east of where it is currently located. This may cause a problem with grading because of the lower areas of the proper�ies, especially on the north side. This will probably not be a insurmountable problem. 2) That both plats be redrawn to provide a more direct, seeond access, to Biscayne ave. This is being requested to provide a access to Biscayne if the full access to CR#42 is ever closed. 3� That the property owners of the property north and sauth of CR#42 be required to sign an agreement with the County whieh would eliminate the County' s financial �iability for closing the fu11 intersection on CR#42 if that does occur. This requirement is not acceptable and I believe should be discus.sed further. The County is offering alternatives to this final requirement and that is to place a 3/4 intersection at one quarter mile spacing which would allaw all turning movements except a "left out" turn from both developments. Th.is option should be considered further. I will be pleased to discuss this matter further but at this time I believe the City should continue to work with CMC and on its own business park plan to decide on which option will work best. RECOl�lENDED ACTION: None. COUNCTL ACTIONs i�� o osevycou�c� PH4NE (&12)4234411 2875-ta5th Strest West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYQR FAX (672j 4Y35203 MailiAg Addreu: Edward 8.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Hosemount.Minnesota 5506&0510 COUNCiLMEMBERS Sheila Kiessen James(Red)Staats June 21, 19 9 3 . HB�ry wincox Dennis Wippermann ADMlNlSTRATd�i Stephan Jilk Dcar_ Maher, Chaix Dakota County Physical De�relapment Committee Western Service Center 7.4955 Galaxie Avenu� Apple Valley, Minnesota 55124 Dear Mr. Maher: On June 22nd the Physical Development Committee af the Dakota County Commissianers will consider recommendations from County s�aff regardir�g the designation of CR 42 as a principal arteriai and tYie adoption of interim guidelines for spacing of aceesses on highways with this designation. The City af Rosemount has reviewed the alternatives, as recommended by County staff, and requests that the County consider only one possible action in this ma�ter, The position that the City of Ros�mount is requesting that the County takes is two fold: 1. That the County reconsiders its request to desigr�ate CR 42 as a principal arterial; and 2 . That the two preliminary plats that the Plat Commission has reviewed, the CMC xesidential development and the City' s Business Park, be allowed accesses under the current spacing guidelines which would allow a full intersection between Biscayne Avenue and the railroad crossing on Highway 3 and right-infright-out accesses at one-eighth m�le spacing. The.. �ity- Port Authority and Planning Com�-nissian have taken action in support of this position. The reasons the Cit� has taken this position and is ma.king this request are the follawing: 1. The City has been planning for and working with Dakota County for several years on the development of CR 46 (160th St. ) as the majar cross county roadway. This planning was at the direction of Dakota County and with the intention that CR 46 (160th St. } would relieve traffic off of CR 42 as it was being develaped as a minor arterial and as a collectar street. �ver•�;t�iveg's �omis�g �� C�'11,osemouhl�� � CR 42 Principal Arterial June 21, 1993 Decisions reflected in the City� s Comprehensive Guide Plan, recently completed and sent on to the Metropolitan Council for approval, were based on 160th Street being the major east-west county corridor through Rosemount and CR 42 being allowed to develop as it has with current county road access guidelines. Designation of CR 42 as a principal arterial with access ' restricted to those ��proposed guidelines° for principal arterials, will severely affect the City� s Guide Plan and development of plats already being reviewed such as the CMC Heartland and City of Rosemount Business Park. It is the City�s understanding that CR 46 was to be a principal arterial under the work that was approved for the Highway 35W and CR 46 interchange and that the Metropolitan Council understood this to be the plan for this xoad and might not otherwise have approved this interchange, 2 . The County has requested that CR 42 be designated as a principal arterial and this classification was adopted by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. But, the Metropolitan Council is only now reviewing the proposed additions �o �he Principal Arterial System to see if these highways, as currently developed, eould meet the criteria of such designation. The Caunty proposes to regulate the City by a "proposed - interim - potentially - yet to be approv�ed designation. ° It is not fair for the City of Rosemount to be caught up in this process and held hostage by regulations that are not yet determined or to be held hostage on potentially valuable, well planned out development, until this designation process is fully complete. 3 . Dakota County has not amended its own transportation plan to reflec.t either. the designation of County Road 42 as a principal arterial or proposed access spacing guidelines. The County is suggesting that even if the guidelines; as proposed by County staff, are adopted now, they would be temparary until the Dakota Caunty Transportation Plan is updated. The City believes that current spacing requirements should be followed and �that the County should be working more closely with all cities affected by potential revisions to these guidelines. 2 CR 42 Principal Arterial June 21, 1993 To cause the City to follow °gotential and temgorary« guidelines could be less than effective, in the I.ong �term and may be devastating to proposed develapment now under consideration. 4. On March 1, 1993 the Dakota County Plat Commission took under consideration two pre2iminary plats in Rosemount wzth accesses to CR 42 . On June 21 the P1at Commission considered a third. On Ma.rch lst the Dakota Cvunty Plat Commission provided written comment to the City indicating that those two plats, CMC Heartland and the City' s Business Park wauld be allowed access to CR 42 under current county spacing guidelines. This would have been acceptable to the City. On May 24th the County provided additional comments ' indicat.ing that CR 42 had been designated a principal arterial and .these two plats artd future plats requiring access to CR 42 may be subject to proposed spacing guidelines for principal arterials. The City finds the seeond response unacceptable and more over unreasonable since these two projects are in the final stages of planning and received the review and appropriate comments on access spacing on Ma.rch 1, 1993 . 5 . The report �o the commissioners, f-rom County staff, indicates that the desa.gnation o� CR 42 would provide a consistency in spacing of prineipal arterials within the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. The City believes that, following a review of the principal arterial system, existing and proposed, for the Metropolitan Area, that the designatian of specific roadways as principal arteri�l �and minor arterial is much more a facet of good transportation planning than it is a function of spacing. Designation of CR 46 would seem to make much more sense, from a land use and transportation planning development aspect, though it is a mile south of CR 42 . This is why the City of Rosemount has canta.nued its support of CR 46 as the cross county roadway and not CR 42 . 3 • CR 42 Principal Arterial June 21, 1993 Because of these reasons and so that the City of Rosemount may continue to work with Dakota County to develop a strong program for City and County transportation elements, the City asks that the County consider our two request. The City stands ready to discuss this and other planning issues with you and asks your consideration of our requests. Sincerely, . Step n Jilk City Administrator cc: Dakota County Commissioners Dave Everds, Dakota County Physical Pianning . . Mayor McMenomy and Rosemount City Cauncilmembers Cathy Busho, Planning Commission Chairperson Ed Dunn, Port Authority Chairperson Lisa Freese, Planning Director Bud Osmundson, City Engineer John Miller, Economic Development Coordinator _ _ �. 4 CITY OF ROSEMODNT DAKOT3L Ct3tTNTY, MINNESOTA RESQLIITION 1993- 67 A RESOLUTION TNDYCATING A POSITIDN AGAINST DESTGNATION OF COUNTY ROAD 42 , AS A PRSNCIPAL ARTERIAL WHEREAS, Dakota County has requested, through the Transportation Advisary Board, the designation of certain highways in Dakota County as Principal Arterials; and WSEREAS, this designation will be placed on roads in the City of Rosemount including CSAH 42 from Diamond Path to TH 55 and TH 55 from CR 42 to Hastings; and WHEREAS, the guidelines for access to these raadways designated as _ principal arterials are more restrictive than other county roads, and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has been working with Dakota County for several years in planning CR 46 (160th Street) as the major "cross county" roadway to reduce traffic on CR 42 with existing and plainned development; and � WHE�EAS, the City of Rosemount has been developing its Comprehensive Guide Plan Update for over two years and has provided copies to "Dakota County for comments which plan includes a "Transportation Element -Streets and Highway Plan" ; and �++THEREAS, Dakota County has not provided comments on the plan which designated CR 42 as a minor arterial and based many other development assumptions on the "minor'� designation; and WHEREAS, the City o€ Rosemount submitted two preiiminary plats to the County' s P7.at Review Committee in March of 1993 which provided access to CR 42 under existing access guidelines; and WBEREAS, the Caunty' s Plat Commission indicated that access would be allowed under current spacing guidelines; and WHEREAS, two months later the County indicated that the "Principal Axterial" spacing guidelines would apply restricting access to these deveiopments; and WHEREAS, the process to designate CR 42 as a "Prineipal Arterial" did not provide for the County and cities to work together on this decision; and WHEREAS, cities throughout Dakota County, not just Rosemount may be severely effected by this designation and the planning that these cities have done assuming a minor arteriai status; and ' RESOLUTION 1993 - WHEREAS, Dakota County has a policy on having cities pay 45% of improvements to caunty raads and should have opportunity to have an effect on deciding matters of this nature, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT' RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City af Rosemount does hereby request that Dakota County reverse its position on this designation of CR 42 as a principal arterial; and BE IT FURTBER RESOLVED, that Dakota County allow a complete fully controlled intersectian on CR 42 between Biscayne Avenue and Highway 3 and the existing �spacing guidelines for the two proposed developments in Rosemount. BE IT FORTBER RESOLVED, that if Dakota County continues with this designation, and if modifications to CR 42 and adjacent properties a�e required, the City will be made whole financially by Dakota County for any costs. ADOPTED this 15th day of June, 1993 . , �� /C7• E. B. McMenomy, Mayar ATTEST: . us M. wals , City Clerk Motion by: W� � Icox Secanded by• Kiassen Voted in favor• McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann Voted against: None�. 2 � j � GARY N.S7EVENSON,R.1..S. ; �� /'\ ���..{ ���1 \J �� LANO�N ORMA iON ti1flECT4R LJ 1 \�J 7 / � �.1�,.% i r + (6i2)891-7087 SURVEY d�LAND lNFORMAT�t?N DEPARTMENT FAX 1612)89t-703t . ' 1d955 GALAXIE AVENUE APPLE VALLEY,MINNES07A 55t24-8579 .���p � . . . . . . "''7N�''`::...�•il �4: ,�'.i"` ' March 1, 1993 City of Rosemount � : 1167 - 145th St. E. Roseniount, MN 55068 ATT: Stephan Jilk, Administrator ROSEMOUNT BUSINESS PARK Dear Mr. Jilk: The Dakota County Plat Commission met an March 1, 1993, to � consider the Concept Plan for the ROSEMOUNT BUSINESS PARK. Said plan is adjaeent to C.S.A.H. NO. 42 and FROPOSED CO. RD. 46 and is, therefore, subject to the Dakota County Contiguous Plat Ordinance. County guidelines require the following: C.S.A.H. N0. 42 - Access is limited to one opening between Biscayne Ave. and the railroad. This �ccess must be loca�ed 1/4 mile east of the railroad. The guidelines require 75 feet of half right of way. Proposed Co. Rd. 46 - The existing acCess to 160th St. should be consolidated to meet the County guidelines of 1/4 • mile spacing. The guidelines require 60 feet of half right of way. The Ordinance reauires resubmittal of the preliminary and final plats before a recommendation is made to the County Board. � No work shall commence in the County right of way until a permit is obtained fram the County Highway Department. Sineerely, �• ' t . Gar X� Stevenson Y Dakota County Surveyor & Land Information Director Secretary, P1at Commission GHS/vf cc: Short Elliot & Hendricksann . n .- - - - •--• � ~ AN EQUAI OPPORTUNITY EMPIOYER - . . - .- %�:�f."I l?n�!'t1+o enittr,rnt� D� K�Tf� � GARY H.STEVEN50N,R.L.S. Q UN T Y �NQGN O�M T OM OIRECTQR {612)891-7087 SURYEY& LAND INFORMATION DEPARTMEMT FAX{612}89t-703t • ' • 14955 GALAXIE AVENUE APPtE VAILEY,MINNES07A 55124-8579 ,��„�>.,,� . �'• • , : � .a`' 'Y,t,��'.'¢�a, i� �t�� .'- t�$.,�1� + � . May 24, 1993 City of Rosemount 1167 - 145th St, E. Rosemount, MN 55068 ATT: 8tephan Jilk, Administrator ROSEMOUNT BUSINESS PARK GMC HEARTLAND PARTNERS Dear Mr. Ji3k: The Dakota County Plat Commission met on May 24, 1993 , to cansider the preliminary plats of ROSEMOUNT BUSINESS PARK and CMC HEARTLAND PARTNERS. Said plats are adjacent to � C.S.A.H. NO. 42 and are, therefore, subject to the Dakota County �ontiguous Plat Ordinance. In April, the Met Council approved the designation of C.S.A.H. 42 as a principal arterial. In addition, the Commissioner of MN/DOT recently designated C.S.A.H. 42 as a route on the National Highway System. These actions will have impacts on the access to C.S.A.H. NO. 42 . The implications of these actions have not been fully addressed, but will be presented to the Caunty Board at their June 22nd Physical Development Board Committee (PDBC) meeting. Since it is likely that the County's current guidelines may be changed, the Plat Commission tabled review of these plats until after the PDBC meeting. The Plat Commission recommends that no further action be taken on these developments at this time. . No work shall commence in the County right of way until a permit is obtained from the Caunty Highway Department. Sincerely, %� '� �. � f F Gary . Stevenson Dakota County Surveyor & Land Information Director Secretary, Plat Commission GH�Jvf cc: Bob Beyers, Short Elliot & Hendricksonn Bud Osmundson, City Engineer Printed on Recycled Paper ��y� f`•`��s ��UtC$O�/ AN EQUAI OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER . � �o/i7/y3 00:39 liAKOTA COUNTY-WESTERN SERV. CTR. ��1 ' P S Y B I C A L � D E Y S L O P M $ � T 8 O � A n C � M M I T T $ S ' AEQIIlSBT �'I'OR C4MMITTLS RS'V'I3�iP D29IBIObIs PHYBTCAL DSVBLOPMSJ�iT k�*$TIitG DATSt JLUi• Z2� 3993 DE�.'ARTMSNTZ $YAH'WAY E�PENDITITRE Contaat F�rsoAz DRVZD L. EQERDS Btidgg'�aQ ��1*ph�n• �b�r: B91-7�02 Lion-�+•+� Pr�par�a Byt PSTB 80R$NSQDT - . � . ' p�671 M ot 4�0°' . . taa�m�m Y.c�°^ W brandtaxtre�ngm f*�"�` � ` ZTEMt GONTI�I7�US PTsAT �RDINANCE t Pagt'1t. �o, ,�.,,.. � PRxNCIPAL ARTSRIAL Ti�GHWAY9 �� '"�"'� p,,oro«. �r' l� Refarrad b�: l�tanaqa�mant T�am � F8"� � --� o•p►. � � ax� Z'}� � HACICOROU�2D t ; - � Tha Dakota County �oard of Comntiss3.oners in 19s7 appraved a functianal. classification �cy.stem (see Attachment A) updating the system which was part of the z9sa Dakota �ounty Transportation P�.an. The syste�t basad on the 1982 plan included such raadways r►s TH 55 and csAH 42 ag minor arterial highways. The--�previoue system includ�d CSAH 32 b�tween TFi 13 dnd TH 52 as a Prin�ipal :Arterial xfghway.. � The Metrapo2itan Council is aurrent2y updating their Transportatian D�ve2op�nent Guide/Policy Plan: including revi�ions to the Principal Arteria3 systam. T�.t the request of the Bottrd, stafF was involved with the development of the revisions ta the Principal Art�rial Syst�m. The Metrapo�.itan coux�cil this spririg adopt�d a fur�ctional clr�ssiP�catian system which it�cludes segments oP three Dakota County roads, as �eII t�s the TH 55 segments, as �rincipal Arterial xighwaye. The segmenta adapted were those zecp�uq��id8d },aY Dakat$ County. This functional classification system was also adop��d by the Minnesota Department of Tr�nspar�ation this �pring (see Attachm�nt B) . I'n Dslcata CQun�y, the ro�dwsys �dded to the ,Pr�nc.ip�2 Arter.fal ii.fghway sys�em .inc�ude: 1. CSAH 42 �rom the Scott Coutl�y Xine to TH 55 in Rasemount 2. 7�H 5S from cSAH 42 3n Rosemount to TX 63 jn Iias�ings 3 . CSAH 23 tram CSAH 42 'Cfi TN 77 .i13 App1e VBZZey �4 . TH 55 from th� Mendote Brjdge in M�ndota to TH 1�3/52 (La�ayette Freeway) �Ln .tnver Grov� Ne.iqhte � 5. TH 55 Prom TH 52 �o CSAH 42 The�se zoute� provide spacing and roadway cantinu�ty to o�her Principal Arterial Highwmys and are consi�atent with route ��stems throuqhout ti�e Twin Cities me�rapolita� area. As the development of Dakota Caunty continues, ths trafPfa demands on these roadwAys and the rer�iar�al eigni�ica»cg of these roadway� continues to graw nt a very rapid pace. The Conunissioner af Transportat�on also approvecl a pdrtion of the PrincipAl Arterial Hiqhways �s roadways on the National Highway System (raadways of na�ional signi.fi.cance) . The roadways submitted for inclusion in th� National Highway system incivae section� o� CSAH 23, CSAH 32, and CSAH 42 whieh werQ bppx�vad as roadways tc� be inciuded in the Principal Arterial Highway system (see A��achmenta c and D) . � ��� b6i17i93 �8:40 : DAKOTA COUNTY-WESTERN SERV. CTR. 002 I�BUL'`8�CUb�CERNB r Moe� o� the �rs�adways �classifi�d a� Principa3 Art�rials in �Ghe metro�area �re �tate rae►ds. Hflwever, in nakota cdunty, develapmsnt ha►s oocurr�d very re►pid�.y, resulting in � road network supporting regional transportation which `iac under the �juriadiction af Da}cota County. Tha curr�nt D�kota Caunty Transpor'�ation PZan v7as approved in 19e2 and includ�s guidel.ines for regulat3,ng access and rir�ht-af-way based upon the 2o year $nt3.aipated trn��ic valuxpeg and an Dakata Caunty road neads. This �Y���m doe� not take into acaount the functional clar>sification o�c futur� �urie�dictional neeris. The Metropo].itan Counail's revisio» oP the Trarisportation Developmant Guide/Palicy Plan is unflarway. The couneil�s draft guicl�linas ihaicat� that the roadways which are classi�iea as principai arterials must be pratected from c1Q�e spacing of access ta acA�acent d�velopment by more restrfctiv� m�aasures than are provided in the Dakata County guidelines. The draft �ransportatfon DeveZopman� Gujde .ind�.cates th�t median crossjngs are to be 1��t.ited to �nterssct.fon spac.�ng of one/half zu.i.Ze. Th� current mc�st restrictiv� spacing in �he Dakata County guidelines is one-quarter ��-1� gP���-ng• Aa improvaraents ar� made to the roadway and as »ew developxn�nt occuz� adja�ent to the raadway, Dakata county will need to ��p1Y the more re8trictive guidelirtes {r�ssuming their adoptian by the `� Council) i� th� raadway ia �o remain on th� Principal Az�terial Systam. Staff involvement at Metropolitan Council cam�nittees indicats that tentative accass spacir►g guidelines are in tha proce�s of b�ing devaloped. , It is ]. that u � 1 elo ad which r roadways classifiad as Pr ncipal Arterial Highways rom dr veways to privata � ' developmen�s And will �prxca �ull intersectians with publia street� at one- haif mi1.a distances. Tha access a3.lawed anto Principai Arterial Highways wiZ1 b� viewed in two ma�or categorfes: 1) �reeway standards; a►nd 2) Expressway standards. csAH 23, csAH 32, and CSAH 42 sagmants clase#.ffed as Prfncipal Ar�eria�.s would fall under the Expregsway standards c�tegory. z� �g��sx ���cted �hat partial accees to public streets wou2d he allowed at one-e qh� th and at one--quarter mi].e �pacing. The partia�. accec�g could cans3st of right-injright-out a� one-eighth mfle spacing tznd t-igh�-in/left- in/xigh�-r�ut r�� one-quarter mfle spacing. This �ype af accegs would provide directfon t� cit�.es reviewing undeveloped nreas to no� Pocus pr�.mary access an�o the Principa�. Arterial Highway ar�d pravide �or traffic cir�ulatir�n z�way from the highway as muoh as pa.:;si.ble. . Tha b�►kota Cau�x�y Trr��nsportAtion p�.an is curr�ntl bein u dated and is ��peG � o b� rou o�e e Board at the end of 993 . This plan must �M�i••�•= ,�aa�u=�� �o Ar�.ng �G s roa waya c nss e� �,g Principal Arterial, which are unde�r the iuriadiction of Dakota Countiy, ta the gtz�ndards af �► Prin�ipal Arterial roadway. Some of• the problems which have baen caused by the rapfd development in Appla Vall�y and Burnr:vilie cou.�d be aastly and disrup�ive ta change �ince th�t devalopment focused sa heAvily on GSAH 42. RdSEMOU1+tT BUSINESS PAR,I{ � CMC HEARTLAND FARTNERS Tne Plat Ccamtpission reviawed preliminazy p3at� for Rosemount Businassc park {�sea Attachm�nt� E, F, �, and H} a�nd for CMC Heart�.�nd PartnerQ (gee Attachmant x) at their meeting or� May 24, 1993. The Commi�eion de�.ayed � . 6o�17iy3 @2:40 . DHKOTA COUNTY-WESTERN SERV. CTR. �b3 action a� �hese pla�s �ue �a the impendi�g ahange� far regulating �ccesa alang rou��� cl�ssitied as principai art�rials. �heae two sevelopm�nts h�ve focu�ed thair main acc�as onto esAH 42 to an .in�ergect�on . approxim�tely .110o� ea�t oP the railroad track� near TH 3 i� Rasempun�. Thia in��rg�Ction is pZOpO�Ad as the m��or �cGess to t�e devalopments and the city�s consultant expect� the fntersection ta b� sign�lixed at some time when tra��ic builds to the required lev�ls. 2ha plat com�n�s�ion did review a concapt plan Zor �ha Kosemount Bu�in�ss Park nt thair meeting on MarCh 1, 2993. At th�� me�ting the Plat commissian r�sponded that the current �uidellne� would parmit an intersaction ane/quarter mil8 east of the railroad tracks (sea Attachment �} . The praposed design ineludsg a �ull intarsection with CSAH 42 which is 240' clos�r to th� raiiraad tracks than the current quidelines would per�it and ov�r a quarter m�l� olaser than what will be �e�mit�ed under the new guidelines beinq congid�re� by the Metropolitan Council. . This location could ba cr�tical when future traffic conditions require a grade separa�ion structure at the railroad crogsing. The March i, 1993 Plat Com�ission meeting accurred prior to the develop�ent of preZimi»ary guidelineg by the M�tropoli�an. Council for the Principal Artari�l Sygtem and prior to the Transportation D�p�rtment adopting the . Nat�onal Highway Syst��. Followin� the March 1, 2993 Pl�t Commission meeting, praliminazy guidelinse regulating access �o Principal Axtiarial roadways have b�en developed by the stiate fo� inclusion in the Transportation IIevelapm�nt Guide �nd the st�ff does not feel that i� ia appropriate to apply the old guide�ines ala»g thege roadw�ys. Staf� �ttanded the�Rosgmount Port Authority mea4ing on June 1, 1993 to explain the actione of the Plat Comsnission. The City has warked �ith the CMC xeartlarid �artnars and h�s devsloped an industrfal park concep� at great length under the thought that thiB access wou3d be approved (sea Attachment K) . W�iilcs the RQsamount plat reqttests raise the issue af haw to hand3e aCCess issues in the interim between the draft Metropolitar� Council .guid..lines far Principnl Arterfala an8 the. revfsion of the caunty gufdelinea (astiivated to be about a six-mon�h period) , simi2ar is�ues aould em�rga in Apg1e Valley, BurnsviZle and Ettgan. Fall:ow�.�g� �re possible Actions by the Courtty: 1. Approve the� requ�sts fflY" �HGCB88 as submitted; or 2• . Apprave a►n ' interaeatic�n accordi.ng to current County guidelines (a ft121 int�r�$�t�,�n wauld be �12owed ona-quart�r mila eagt aP the railroad crossing 2�0� eaet oP the location requestad� ; or 3 . Adapt temporary acce�s spacing gu,ide2i»e� which would parm�:t pl�ttting o� property with �uZl �.ntersection spaaing of one-ha3�' miZe. These cluidelines would perxpit partial aecess at closer spacing (right� in/right-out a� or,e-eighth mil.e spacing ar�d l+aft-in/right-in/righ'��out at one 4uarter mile apacing�� otr" . 4• pltace a �tix month mar�tar�.uut on approvinq a2.1 plats along these routes unti� r�ew guideiinas are $dopted (aix manths) . -E � • � �bil?i93 �2:41 DAKOTA COUNTY-WESTERN SERU. CTR. �aa stAf� recozara$nds tha� the Coun� tr�ka a . Rr��ssmou�� taking rz�,�, pogsible measuz�aa tofldevelopWthes� pra�er��.as� in Puture ra�dwexy �.,��u�� on Cs2�H 42 �w�.l� nat ba sevarelyr oompromtsed. Tha developments ahauld focu� �he�.� �avices�s onto CBAH 42 att His � �o '�2�t�t �?'Rf ��rv�as.mtnnt� cttyne Ava�nua. � ii.iiYY�7LL7L7�7a�AilvitS/StJRCZR6M�Tt c�inn 7 '1TTfl * . ` . . . � It iac s�ugggsted thati th� Physical DeveXopment Board Committee e thAt the Cou»ty g�ard adopt the fallowing. regolution, r aomzttend w�r�R�s; Dak�ta eounty h�zg suppar�ad the xunctlonai cias�aifiaati�n g which inc2ud�g ��r��in se ygt�q gments oP CSAH 23., CSAH 32 and CSAH� 42 ae Pr�nci�nl Arter,ial, Highways� �nd WH�REAs, the� ��a�a Of M!nnesata hac� approved thes+a se �nt� Arteria� H,��hW�ys in their �unctionaz classific�tion system and Minnesota bepartmant o� Tranapor�a�ion has iriclude 5�► a$ principaZ h3.ghways in th� Naticnal Highw�y� system� nnd �h$ d tha�a �egm� :�ts o� z�'xE��s, tha M�tropQlitarr �ouncf 1 is in the Trt�nspartatian Development Guidc�/PolScy P1anPwhich�includestgu�c��fn�s Yo pratectirtg �ew principal arterial highwayg from high nwmbers a� . r iht�r8eotian� and access pa�nts� and ���3, bakotr� County is in ths rocess of updt►ti�g thg Dakota xrans��rtation Plan, �z,�� Count �+'HERF..Ag, the segznants aP CSAH 23� CSAH 32, A»d CSAH 42 ro as Principa7. Ar�srial Highway connect vi.ta�. P P ed aa pravide continuity and spacing t� other Principal ArterialtH &nd reqio� and is cons�,gtent with the ras o t s Twin C t es Me ropo tan r�xe� an i hwa* � which WHEREAs, orflerly davelapmant ad�acent to these roa , � provide transpo=tation systems which w��.1 su dwa�rg is important to grawth and will provide for the �ransportation�nsed�ofmpakotagCountinuec� adoqixa��ly 3�nti�, the� tuture. y N�W, �HF.RLFORE, 8E ZT RESOLVED, That the Dakota Count Plati direated ta r�visa the acc�ss s ac�.n Y Commis�ion be subm�.tted which are cont�guQus to the o�.�,Qwinggroadways?i������ t° P�ats �S� �3 from CSAH� 42 to TH 77� anQ ,� - • _� CSAH 32 �rom TH 33 t� 2-33E; and CSAH 42 from Scatt County to TH 55. . 23E IT FVRTHF•R $E�OLyED� Th�t the �eV�.��d street interssctian spacit�g a� fallows; �idel.inas provide for �ub�fc �u12 intersection spacing ot one-halt mile; �Tid le�t-in/riqht-i�/r'ghti--aut intergaation �pacing of o�e.. m33e, �nd quarter right-injright-aut intersectian spacl�ng ot one-ei hth . g mi1e. � � � 00/17/9s �8:42 DAKOTA COUNTY-WESTERN SERU. CTR. 0@5 E IT FURTHER RESOLV That the revi�ed idslines are temparA �nd Wi1� be rev�ewed ag par� of the up�ated Da bta County Transpar a on Flan. Louis J. Breimhurst, DTRECTOR David L. Everds, P.E. PHYSICAI� DEVET.UPM�INT bIVISIflN HIGHWAY ENGINEER Brandt Richardson COUNT'St ADMINISTRA,�I`dR DLEJPLS/mjl Attar.hments: A-K Juna22-1 � � . , I - � , . I , _ . - _ .` . _ I .. , � . 1 � � � , _ � � � . �6i29i93 14:56 DAK�TA COUNTY-WESTERN SERU. CTR. �02 ]IBMOR � �TDIII� . DA�oTA C+�IIbI*�7t ATTOIt�BY'8 OFFSCB JAMLB C. BACS.ST�f3l� Q4V�1'Y'Y ATTCRNEY ctv=r, aTqrsxox Dakcta Couaty Jud3cial Csnt�r � ���/�`�+�!. Haatf,nq�, �iansac►ta 55033-Z392 ' S �elepl�aae: (sZaa ��g-{4�e AATE: June 29, 1993 s0: Commis�ioner. Aonald Maher FRqMs Mike Ring, A�sirtant County AtitOrney��� BtT�JEC�: Propased Draft pf �Cov�nants tar Pre3iminary Pl.ats in thc� City bf Rosem�unt oux� Ff1e Na. covE� �E�A3. the c#.ty af Rosemaun�, a Minnesota Municipa7. Corparatian, is �he awner in fee simp�,� cf a pa.�cel o� real prapext� iaaated in r�akc►ta �cun�y, State o�' Mir►nesota, described, as (leg�i to govern, property located �.n N� i/4 of Section 32, Township 115 North, Range �.9 Wes�} ; and WH�tFAs, the said City is� propasing ta pl,a� said property �or deve�.opmerit purpo�es; and wHEREAs, th� � south side o�E the subject proper�y Pronts on Da3�ota County State Aid Highway No. a2, which is des�gna�ed as a pr�.nc�,pal ar�erf.al highway by the State o�' Minnesv�a; �nd �E�A$, th� ca.ty is propo�ing const�uction ot a �ull in�ersection ].acated apprvx�.mately ane-�our�h mile east of the raiiraad track �.ocated �n �he east side of Minne�ota Trunk Highway No. 3 in the City af � Ra��ntour�t, which �.nterC�ectian 3�s of concern ta �ha Dakota County Board o� Commfss��nera in triat said inters�ation may be 'incansis�en� With gu3deli.nes ta b� �dopted for develvpments alcsng princip��. �rt�rial h�.ghways andjor maybe come a matter oF cancern to public safety �or vehicles u�ing County stat� Aid xighway 4z; and ��REAS, the Dakota CQunt Board ot Commissioner� must approve and sign a31 pla�a for real esta�e d�v�lopments af propert�.es lying w�.thin the baundari�s o� Dakot� County.: � N�W, THEI�EFORE, the Gity of Rcssemount, for itselt, i�s heirsr �uccessors and as�i.g�as for a11 properti�s located wi.thin �he bourMa�ri�s o� a plat identi.�ied as daes her�by . , , 06i29i93 14:57 DAKOTA C�UtJTY—WESTERN SERU. CTR. 0�3 � � covtnr�nt and ag���, tha� in �f'i� ev�nt the AA}CO�a Cou�l'�� Bo3rd of Commis�fvn�srs �dete.�ma.n�s that elo�ur� of �he med�an ta be con�tr�ucted �n �ounty st�te Aid H�,ghway �2 �Pprox�.mat�ly Qne-�ourth mile �ast of the railraad �ra�k lying r►ri the s��i� �id� of minn��sota Truz�k Hiqhway 3 ir� the Gity a� Rosemaunt sha�ld be closeci to z� Caunty state, Highway 4Z or as a matter of public�sag tiy forev�hicles using �ca�.d roadway, s�s determined by t2�e sole discx��lori ag �he� Dakota County Bc►ard o� commissioners, said med�.an may be closed by order o� the Daka'�� County Board o� Commissfaners withc►u� paymen� og Campensation ta any prapertis�s lacat�d withiri said plat. CTTY 4F R4SEMUUNT A�y: . ICs: �ulascrib�d and sworn to b��Qxe ma thfe day �g , 2993. Not�ry Pub c M/Mahcr i