HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Amendment to City Ordinance for On-Sale Liquor Licenses at Community Center CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUbIl�'ARY FOR ACTIOiwT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 6, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Amendment to the City Ordinance AGENDA SECTIONe for on-sal� licenses at Communit� Cen.ter. New Business PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Community Center AG Manager # ATTAC�TTS: Amendment to the City Ordinance APP D Y: fram the City A�torney. The serving of intoxicating beuerages within the faciliCy owned by a municipality is subject to �rarious state and local regulations. In short, intoxicating beverages can on3� be served in our Community Center by a holder of an an-sale liquor license within the City of Rosemaunt or a municipality adjacent to t'he City of Rosemount {Apple Valle�r, Eagan, Inver Grove Heights, Coates, and Lakeville) . Another provision under State law requires the sale of at l.east one Minnesota-produeed beer whenever beer is served in the Center. In developing an amendment to the City' s liquor regulations, the Community Center Commission established the following criteria: 1. Comply with state and 2ocal laws and regulations. 2 . Serve the best interests of the customer. 3 . Serve the best interests of the Rosemount on-sale liquor provider. 4. Protect the City and the custorner from a legal standpoint. The Community Center Commission proposes to require annual City Council approval for on-sale liquor preaviders located in Rosemount or in the above municipalities to serve intoxicating beverages, beer, and wine, at the Rosemount Community Center. The annual license fee for this privilege would be $100, with exception to the Rosemount providers, who would be charged no fee. An additianal per even� license fee ot $30 would be charged to all liquor providers. The license fees will offset the cast of ' confirming the insurance and the history of each provider. j The customers renting our .facilities would be supplied a list of all approved liquor providers . The customer would then contact and make arrangements with the liquor provider af their choice. After the custamer chooses a liquor provider, this provider purchases an event license for $30 and provides the City proof of insurance per each event. RECOI�II+�tENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt Ordinance No. XVT.25, An Ordinance Amending Title 3 Pertaining to Liquor Regulations . CO'ONCIL ACTION; ORDINANCE NO. XV1.25 CITY t3F ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN 4RDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 3 PERTAINING TO LIQUOR REGULATI4NS The City Council of the Gity of Rosemount, Minnesota ordains as foflows: � i n 1: Title 3, Chapter 1, Section '2 of the Rosemount Cit}r Code is amended as foliows: M. On-sale rntoxicating liquor fcenses for events taking place at a sports, convention or cultural facility owned by the City of Rosemount, may be granted as authorized by Section 3-1-15. Section 2: Title 3, Chap�er 1, Seetion 4A of the Rosemount City Code is amended to read as follows 9. The annual fee for an on-sale intoxicating iiquor license on public premises sha11 be one hundred ($100.00) dollars. Pravided, however, that persons or organizat'rons already in possession of an on-sale intoxicating tiquor license issued by the City o# Rosemount, shall not be required to pay this fee. 10. The fee at each event at which a licensee holding an on-sale intoxicating liquor license an public prernises serves intoxicating beverages shail be - thirty ($30.00} dollars. Secti n : Title 3, Chapter 1 0##he Rosemount City Code is amended by adding a section to read as foAaws: 3-1-15: ON-SALE UCENCE t)N PUBLfC PREMISES; A. Nature of Public Premises License: The City Council may issue, to the holder of an on-sale intoxicating liquor license issued by the City of Rosemount or a municipaiity adjacent to the Ciiy of Rosemount, a license to allow the dispensing of intoxicating liquor at any conventian, banquet, conference, meeting or social affair conducted on the premises of a sports, convention or cultural facili#y owned by the City o# Rosemoun#. The licensee must be Engaged to dispense intoxicating liquar at an event held by a person or organiza#ion permitted to use the premises and may dispense intoxicating liquor only to persons attending the event. The licensee may not dispense intoxicating liquor to any person attending or participating in an amatelir athletic event held on the premises. B. App{ication Process: Applicants for public premises licenses set forth in Section A, above, shal! be subject to #he fallowing process: 1. Annual Application: Applicants for a public premises license, which shall be Gmited to holders of on-sale intoxicating liquor licenses issued by the City of Rosemount or adjaeent municipalities, shall annually apply to the City of Rosemount for such license. The application shall set forth the applicant's desire for such license, the nature and duration of its existing on-sale intoxicating liquor license and contain the kcense fee set forth in Sections 3-1-4A, Subpart 9. 2. Hearing Not Required: No public hearing as set forth in Section 3-1-5B shall be required #or the granting of an on-sale license on public premises. 3. Application Approval: The City Council shal! approve the application if it determines the applicant has a duly issued on-sate intoxicating liquar license issued by the City o# Rosemount or an adjacent municipality and if it further determines that the applicant has committed no violations of municipal ordinances regarding the applicant's on-sale intoxicating liquor license. 4. Duration: The license granted under this Section shalf remain in effect from its issuance until December 31 st of the year in which it is issued. Licenses issued under this Section are subject to annual renewal. C. Q#her Conditions: In addition to the requirements otherwise set forth in #his Section, licensees shall be subject to the following conditions: 1. Event Fees: In addition to the annual license fee set forth in Section 3- 1-4A, Subpart 9, a licensee shaA pay a per-event fee as pravided in Section 3-1-4A, Subpart 10. 2. Minnesota Products: If a licensee under this Section is selling beer for on-premises consumption, the licensee shall make provision for the sale of at {east one Minnesota-produced beer at each station on the premises where beer is being sold. 3. Euents - Specia! Conditions: Whenever the City Council determines that a specific event for which the licensee will be providing on-sale intoxicat'rng liquor requires special or unique conditions, the City Council may impose same and the licensee shall abide by all such conditions. 2 . . . . � � cti n 4: This Ordinance shall be effective immedia#ely upon its passage and publication. Adopted this 6th day of July, 1993. E. S. McMenomy� Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Waish, City Clerk Published this day of , 1993 in the "Dakota County Tribune". 3 I