HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.e. Purchase of Automatic Defibrillator , � � ez�r oF Ros�ourrr EXECIITIVE SUi�iARY FOR ACTION CITY GOUNCTL MEETING DATE: JULY 6, 1993 AGENDA ITII�i: PURCHASE OF AUTOMATIC AGEN�A SECTION: DEFIBRILLATOR CONSEN'I' PREPARED BYz SCOTT AKER, FIRE CHIEF AGENI3A NO. ATTACffi�lENTS: 1, INFORMATION, 2 . PRICING, APP D _ 3 . LETTER 4. DONATION WORKSHEET . . . . . . . . a � . . This item is a request for authorization to proceed with the purchase of our automatic external defibrillator. Since 1988 the fire department has been investigating and formulating plans for the fire department and the police department to respond to heart attack situations with the use of a defibrillator. With the appraval of Dr. Charles Lick, the medieal director for Healtheast Ambulance Service under whose supervision we operate, we appear to have cleared the final hurdle and are ready to purchase the uniC and begin our training. All training will come through Health East Ambulance Service under the direction of Dr. Lick. Funding for this purchase will come from two sources. A $1, ODO donation from the Rosemount Lions would be expended from fire department donation account #101-42210-01-580 . The remaining $4, 355. 00 would come from CIP aceount #202-49002-01-582. The police and fire departments looked at three different models, all of which can perform the same function. We both preferred model #510 which is manufactured by Space Labs, Inc. It is the simplest and the most economical of all the models that we looked at, RECO�TDED ACTION: Motic,n to authorize the fire department to spend $5, 355.00 plus tax for the purchase of a semi-automatic defibrillator with monies to come from the abave referenced accounts. COLTNCIL ACTI4N: ., S �e���,�^�#��� Divine Redeemer L�CiJ Memorial Hospital 724 Nirieteer�h Avenue North South St.Paul,MN 55075 612•450-4500 June 17, 1993 Mr. Scott Acker Chief Rosemount Fire Department 14425 Brazil Avenue Rasemount, MN 55068 Dear Scott: i support the concept of early defibrillation by First Respanders through the use of Automatic Externa) Defibrillators(AED). AC HealthEast/Uivine Redeemer, we wiit assist your community in starting and maintaining an AED program through: . Medical Direction. • Guidelines on operation of the device. . Training. . Advice on Quality Assurance. . Advice on the choiee of the defibriilator. Sincerely, ��-7� � �.� �� Charles 7. Lick Medical Director CL/mef , . QUOTATION / PURCHASE AGREEMENT SpaceLabs, �C1�. PAGE r OF � P.U. BOX 97013 REDMOND,WA 98073-9713 �Q �J 8 211 TWX NO:910-444-0009 SPACE I.RBS ROMD PLEASE REFER TO THIS NUMBER RAPIDFAX NO:(206)885-4877 ONALLCORRESPONDENCEANDQRDERS. PHONE:(206)882-3700 TD ��v�N3"" ��L ��` We are pleased to oller you the products Jisted bsiowvn d�econdition d�et the temrs on the face a,�.7�,.. � and r�versa skes hereolare dre exclusive terms oisale.ThisquWalion supersedes all p,evious l�{,�— �i— Gt�• Quaanars ra arese prod�cr�and�s sua�ecr ro cnanee a wrn,drawar by swo��.a►�o.ro (� � ` l acceptance. �R]T�eT..l�-t1�l�vt—"— W�lv. SS�CX9� 3ubmissano/apurchase�basedontlrisqu�donshakca�acceptanceaitheterms on the taCe etxf ieverso sides hereolregaMless o/anyConRicting terms onsuCh purchase orde� Please sign and ind'�cafe shipping�tn�ctions below and rehrm ths fust page and credit ATTN �z�� �+� av�r�cana,ne.ea►rrm�nre n�,e perrodiaecce�ra,►ce�o:e2oo-r5an,a�en�M E�ed�+a. a� WA 98052 Atl�don:Drdef F.nby. QU0 nito DATE: QUOTATION VALID TERMS: ' . - :F.O.B. . ::,' .�'";';�EST:�D �`A:R.O: � �/ ` Sp�ceLabs, inc. `� � FOR 30 DAYS NET 30 DAYS PLANT WEEKS i � • � . • • / �'I�5�7(�- G '/� �l�lz`�3�.c_ .�/c; k}zsF�sru��,�r�cU'1- � S~"/S _' �S i�`—`_ I � � �oS.�-/ �+���cr� i2�c,.� � '.. �a f"�=' �c� "� / ��53� ��r�tv�'�-�2._ ��-�-�f'�.. �zS= 3z,5=-- / G�/o a 3�7 cr-�,.� o d` cy� ";, 1�'�t�r-2��.,t3 c�- L�'i7�'..� , �'.� 9 � C/S'o�s i cr� 1.�-�''u--'�a 2..,:c.c��v,�..� �r..�.�..-��:z�...� Zc, "='" /�`=- �-/S2.i;:. ._.,----�""�, . ��� � / ��Sa-$ ��,{�:Nt,��2. �l{8�c� ��:.��..lL. `7��"—' � ��� � � Please check one appropriate box in each category: � You�speciatry is: O Cardiology O internai Medicine O FP/GP � Nephrology Yaur ernironrnent is � Private Practiee O Ciinic O Scanning Senrice 0 Haspital � ; c��v�cnes�oro.►As o�orsd : ;�' : --v .:t . . � _._._._ Upon customer signing, and aCcepfance by an autharized SpsceLsbs Management �p ..,w:• '--`--j RepiesentaNve,in Redmorrd,WA this document constihAes a cartracC and cuslomer agrees to �`: � be bound try all the ferms here0% lNCLUDJNG T£RMS ON THE REVERSE SIDE WHICH 1NClUDElMPORTANT WARRANTY LtMlTATfONS.Cusfom9rs wtro empby pu�Chase O�ders � � as a pan of fheir normaf business procedures must submif a P.O. abng with this signed QuotatioMPurchase Agreement ' Spscel�abs(�uOtetiO ubRt� i Requested Delivery Date: S��� ; Representative: ' Customer Signature: P��: � TiUs: oraet Accepted Telephone:( ) � Spaeetabs--Redmond Authorized Signature: � �8t@: Date: ! �_. --�------_�__ � . , , First Medic'M The First Medic 51 Q Semi-Autamatic o Simply piug in Protacol Module to Detibrillat�r is designed to be used by reprogram defibrillaroc No need to send emergency medical technicians,first unit in fo�service Se��-qutamatic responders and other emergency response o Reprogramming takes only seconds teams in early defibrillation programs.The o Modules to support many protocols are • • defibriflator analyzes a patient's ECG and available DefIbCIIIe�tOr determines whether a shock is indicated.If so,it autamatically charges and advises the Rugged DSsign operator to deliver potenhally life saving The 510 defibrillator is tough enough to energy. hold up to rough field use on fire apparatus Controts are simple and both visual and and other first response vehicles.It's the audible prompts gu�de the user through the toughest defibrillator made.lt's also one of defibrillator's operation. the easiest to use. During uss,the 510 automatically collects ❑Virtually unbreakable glass-reinforced critical patient and device informaUon for �omposite plastic case fater review and analysis.Complete �Waterproof for use anywhere documentation oi the patient's treatment is �gatteries,tapes,modulss and spares available immediately after equipment use. stored intemally in protected Semi-AutOmatic O ratiOn compartments � ❑Ouick-access pouch for efectrodes and The semi-automatic operation of the 510 cables provides the safest environment for the operator and assistants.The potential for System Design Approach aacidental shock is reduced because the rhe 5t0 is part of First Medic's family of � � � � - � � discharge is under operator cantrol.The early defibrillation products,including not defibrillator will only shock when enabled by Qnly the finest detibrillaEors made b�t the operator,not simply when the defibrillator d��mentation,data management and � • � � is ready.Visual and audible voice messages training products. guide operator use. :�Defibrillator compatibility-510 uses the Programmable same batteries,modules,tapes,eiectrodes as the First Medic 6t0 First Medic defibrillators are designed to ❑Basic docurnentation and case review with aperate logically and in accordance wiEh 210 Tape Player and 220 Memory Module accepted resuscitation standards.Because Reader many Communities have unique needs,the �Computer information rnanagement with 510 can be reprogrammed to op�rate with Data Manager protocols speciffed by the program medical �Remote-to-central siie data networking directoc ]Simpte,inexpen5ive training solutions -�_ +... �'-�%.;, �����H � � �N� . �.. . . . . . I�►k� � � � T M��.��i�• s -�� .. - - ����� t t� ���� �. _ "�K . �s�,�� ' .� . . DONATION REVENIIS WORKSHEET RECEIPT OF DONATION Donation Received on: Amount Received: $ 1 ,000.00 Receipt # for ponation: � Purpose of Donation; Automatic External Defibrillator Aceaunt # far ponations 101-22220 (Must be Liability # assigned for eaeh individual Department) E%PENDITURE OF DONATI�N Amount to be Spent: $ 1 �00.00 To be Spent from Acct �: 1 �1 _42210-01 -5�� (Must be Expenditu=e # corresponding to individual. Department) Purpose of Expenditure: Automatic External Def�br� llator AMENDMENT OF BIIDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct �101-36230-fl0-000: $ 1 ,400.00 Amend Expenditure Acct #101-42210-01-580 : $ 1 ,000.00 (The two dollar amounts should be the same) GENERAL JOIIRNAL ENTRY TO ADJIIBT DONATZON LIABILITY' � Debit: 101-22220 (Donatian Liability #) :$ 1 ,000.00 Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $�„�QQ0.00 Credit: 101-29300 $ 1 ,000.04 Journal entry to reduee deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on 07-06-93 •