HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Schourliaris Utility Billing Appeal �� 2 CITY OF ROSII�SOIINT EXECUTIVE SLTNmIARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 6, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Schourliaris Utility Biiling AGENDA SECTION: Appeal Old Business PREPARED BY: Ron Wasmund AGEND Public Works Director/Building Official ATTAC�NTS: Memo from Diana Korpela APP O D Y: � Letter & History The attached memo from Diana Korpela, Accountant, outlines t e chronology of Marcos Schourliaris' account. From the information provided, you can see that the large amount due results from estimated readings from March 1992 until December of 1992 . The reading sent in on December 15, 1992 shows that a total of 179, 000 gallons of water was registered on that meter. The reading on the meter at the time the account was placed in Mr: Schourliaris' name was 18, 000 gallons. The difference between those readin�s is 161, 000 gallons. Of those 161, 000 gallons, 31, 000 gallons had been billed for in three previous estima�ed readings. One of those readings occurring shortly after establisYunent of the account for 1, 000 gallons and two_subsequent quarters at minimum amounts of 15, 000 gallons. This leaves 130, OOO -gallons-used; which is the basis for the January 1993 billing. The billed amount for the 130, 000 gallans was $399 . 60. This has not been paid to-date. The history of this account far 1993 shows that Mr. Schourliaris has sent in meter reading cards and their usage for the first and second quarters in 1993 has been 25, 000 and 32, 000 gallons respectively. The average of these two readings is 28, 500 gallons. That average reading projected for four quarters equals 114, 000 gallons. This average usage amount is for domestic use only no outside watering. Mr Schourliaris has indicated to me that he has an automatic lawn irrigation system. If you add an amount to the average domestic use to account for lawn watering, this appears to be pretty consistent with the 1992 usage. Mr. Schourliaris has kept track of his water usage on a daily basis for a couple of days, that information has been attached. It is these records that he is basing his argument on. We have also done research by testing the original meter in his home on two separate occasions. Both of those tests showed the meter recording properly. The test results have been attached for your review. The water meter tester is permanently calibrated at the factor� by carefully and permanently marking the measuring units on a glass 'vial which water flows through. The testing equipment is not required to be certified by the State Bureau of Weights and Measures. Staff has attempted to resolve this ma.tter with the customer without satisfaction. It has also been presented to the Utility Commission for their action. They upheld policy and denied an adjustment. Since this was a contested bill it would be agreeable to me to dismiss the penalties that have accrued on the contested amount. However, upon further review of the account, it is my recommendation to uphold the originally biTled amount and the billed amounts for subsequent quarters. RECOIrIl�SENDED ACTION: MOTION TQ UPHOLD THE UTILITY COMMISSION DECISION AND DENY AN ADJUSTMENT. COUNCIL ACTION: A „ DATE: July l, 1993 TO: Ron Wasmund, Public Works Director FROM: Diana Korpela, Accountant , SUBJ: Marcos Schourliaris Utility Account # 260007. 00 This memo is in regards to utility account for Mr. Schourliaris at 14490 Crescent Circle. January 6, 1993, Marcos came into the City office to discuss his utility bill . Marcos felt that the bill for January was way too high. Researching his account we found the following scenario: March 4, 1992 we did a final from Keyland Homes to Marcos - meter reading at time of final was 18,000 . March 4, 1992 we put account into Marcos name. March 15, 1992 - Meter cards due, but Marcos was NOT required to return one because card was generated and mail to Keyland prior to the final being scheduled. Agril 1st 1992 - Marcos received a minimum utility bill for the month of March for minimum usage of 1, 000 = $17 .75. --- June 15, 1992 - Meter cards due, Marcos DID NOT return one so the next billing will be estimated and the $5.00 meter card penalty will^applied to the July billing. � July l, 1992 - Marcos received a minimum computer estimated quarterly water bill for 15, 000 consumption = $63 .15 . Now Marcos has a computer estimated meter reading at 34,000. September 15, 1992 - Meter cards due, Marcos DTD NOT return one so the next billing will be estirnated and the $5.00 meter card penalty will be applied to the October billing. October l, 1992 - Marcos received a minimum computer estimated quarterly water bill for 15, 000 consumption = $63 .15. Now Marcos has a computer estimated meter reading at 49, 000 . KEEP IN MIND, THAT THIS OCTOBER BILLING IS USUALLY THE LARGEST WATERING QUARTER OF THE YEAR. MA.RCOS HAS A SPRINKLER SYSTEM AND WITH A NEW HOME AND LAWN, IT TARES A LOT OF T�TATER TO MAINTAIN THE LAWN FOR THE FIRST YEAR. 1 December 15, 1992 - Meter cards due, Marcos DID return one so the next billing will be a ACTUAL billing. January l, 1993 - Marcos received a ACTUAL quarterly utility bi11 for 130,000 consumption = $399 .60. Now Marcos has a actual meter reading of 179, 000. This billing is quite large because it is a catch up billing from the previous computer estimated billings. The following calculation will show you that the 130, 000 usage from March - December 92 is NOT out of line. Ending reading - 179, 000 Beginning reading ��0- l9�aoo ok Total usage: 16Q, 000 Total usage 16�, 000 (divided by) 10 months in home = 16, 000 gallons used per month, BUT this average is a little higher when you include the summer watering. Total bill : 31, 000 gallons through October billing Additional gallons 130, 000 to be paid for on the January l, 1993 billing. As you can see, Marcas was averaging 16,000 gallons per month and we only billed him 15, 000 gallons per quarter instead of 48, 000 gallons per quarter. On January 13 , 1993, per the request from Marcos we tested his water meter because he felt that the reading was wrong. We tested the meter and it came back within the acceptable range of accuracy. Keep in mind that this meter is only (],) year old, and tested before installing in home. After testing the meter, we installed a NEW meter for Marcos . From the actual reading from Marcos in December at 179, 000 to January 13 , 1993 total usage was 14,000 . Meter Reading at the time af change out was 193, 000, which was read by city staff. Marcos feels that the new meter is registering properly at the present time. • March 15, 1993 - Meter Reading Cards due, Marcos DID return one so the next billing will be a ACTUAL billing. April l, 1993 - Marcos received a ACTUAL quarterly bill for 25, 000 consumption = $84.64. Now Marcos has an actual meter reading af 11,000. � � � 2 �,�� , � o° �� � April 7, 1993, Marcos asked us to re-test his old meter for accuracy. We tes�ed the meter again, this time with NO Cha#ge. The meter was within the acceptable range of accuracy. N. Apri1 12, 1993, Marcos appealed this large bill - 130, 000 usage to the Utility Commission and was denied. (see attached letter) . June 15, 1993 - Meter Cards due, Marcos DID return one so the next billing will be ACTUAL. July 1, 1993 - Marcos received a ACTUAL quarterly bill for 32, 000 consumption = $105 .29 . Now Marcos has an actual meter reading of 43, 000 . The following calculation will show you that Mr. Schourliaris is using a little less water now that he is aware of the volume his family uses . We must keep in the mind following average WILL NOT BE INCLUDING THE OCTOBER BILLING - WHICH IS THE PEAR SnTATER QUARTER. Another factor is that we have been flooded with rain this spring, versus last spring which was much dryer. NEW METER READINGS: Ending Reading usage : 43, 000 Previous meter usage: 14,000 Total usage: 57, 000 Total usage: 57, 000 (divided by} 6 months = 9, 000 gallons used per month. Total usage per quarter: 27, 000 - average without summer usage. RECAP NEW METER: 4/93 billing total consumption: 25, 000 ACTUAL READINGS 7/93 billing total consumption: 32, 000 Calculation of both meters from 3/92 - 6/93 usage: Total consumption of 218,000 gallons (divided by) 16 months in home = 13 .63 thousand gallons per month, which 'equals = 40 .89 per quarter. _ Once you follow through on Marcos utility account, you will find ° that both meters seem to be calculating the usages properly. Marcos has not made any type of payment on his account since 10/92 . The present balance is $681. 91 . The $681 . 91 consists of (3} utility billing cycles, plus penalties . City staff is recommending that the City Council uphold the current Utility billing policy and deny adjustment to complainant billing as per Utility Commission. 3 . . � 6 a� �2 _ .� i�� o osemouvL� � PHONE (612)4234411 2875•145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FlJC (612)4235203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McMenamy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen . James(Aetl)Staats April 13, 1993 ` Harry Wiilcoz Dennis Y/ippermann ADMSNISTR:�TOR S!Aphan Jiik Mr. Marcos Schouriiaris 14490 Crescent Circle � Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Utility BiN Sewer Charge Dear Mr. Schourliaris: The Utility Commission received your input regarding a sewer usage credit against your January 1 , 1993 Utility Bill. The documentation was reviewed at their regular April 12, 1993 Utility Commission meeting. As Executive Director of the Utility Commission, I regret to inform you that the official action taken at the regular meeting on April 12, 1993 was a motion to uphold the billing policy and deny the credit of the sewer usage to your account. The cause of such an extraordinarily high bill appears to be the result o�three quarters � of estimated readings with actual usage in one or more quarters exc�eding the estimated amount. Your documentation, though very detailed, was not considered to cover a broad enough time frame to estabtish actual usage patterns. The meter that had originally been rnstalled in your home has been tested on two different occasions with both tests resulting in accurate readings. Please understand that your situation and questions raised has prompted the Utility Commission to undertake two actions. First, they are going to re-examine the policies and procedures to simplify the billing process. Secondly, they are going to authorize the completion of the meter changes so all water accounts can be read by Staff. I realize the proposed actions do nothing,to correct what you have experienced, however, your concerns and others in similar situations are being taken seriously by ' Staff and the Utility Commission. , _ I Sincerely, /�� Ron Wasmund � Public Works Director/Building Official cc: Utility Commission President Mulhern Utility Commission Member Oxboraugh Utility Commission Member Walsh � Stephan Jilk, City Administrator _ Diana Korpela, Utility Billing Clerk , (� // �ver��litszgs �ovning `C/"C� C�osemount�� 'tl CITY OF ROSEMOL7NT . EXECUTIVE SIII�SARY FOR ACTION UTILITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: APRIL 12, Z993 AGENDA ITEM: Citizen Complaint - Schourliaris AGENDA SECTION: New Business pREpARED BY: Ron Wasmund AGENDA NO. Public Works Director/Building Official 71. � ATTACffi�iENTS: Complaint Form, Meter Test Result ROV D Y: Personal History, Computer History ���� Attached is the complainant letter of appeal to the Utility Commission stating their reasons for requesting an adjustment on their � water/sewer bill . The nature of each complaint seems to be something we are addressing in our workshops for policy and procedure review. Until the review is complete and changes are made, Staff can anly fo_llow the policies that are in place. The recommended action is all the Staff can make. If. the Commissian feels that the- evidence pre5ented typifies an unusual-�:c_a.rcumstance then you are empowered to make changes and adjustments. RECO2�Il+iENDED ACTION: MDTION TO UPHOLD CURRENT POLICY AND DENY ADJUSTMENT TO COMPLAINANT BILLING. CQMMISSION ACTION: 17 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � UTILtTY COMPLAINT EORM . ��dW � Name of Caller: �}S � L( Account #: Addres s• �� Time: �i�� Phone #: � • Date: �l0�� . ��J / f � �, � Nature of Complaint: � , ! '1 �. 'S. 1_/ �,,,L/�" �' ' U�lj�l . G� 'r� (' �Vl�. ��u� J' .������ — c � / • d� �v�S o I '�'' ����� /��f 5 ���Y�^y�� � %� ' n C�� � , �"i��.�,r , �iG���a t,� �D�� �; �'r�r�,� 1���,, u� - � _ -��aceived by: � P�rSOri NOt.lilzd: Date/Time: _ � � � � � ��'� - Actipn Taken: � 'v � ��� �, `/ ' �''� . f� . , �Y � ��` , �a� ���- 1 c - S � ��.� ' �� -�-� _. � : . rs . : �;� � � � .� �,� � u� � ° . l� : ,;,�� f'� G� t��(Q, � j /2�'.�C' ._ i � �t,G . — , � � Additional Action: Date: 2/92 � __ _ . __ _ _ __ _ .___ . . r - -- --._._____._- ---____ .... ..__ � ___.... .... . ..... . . UTIL14 � YRTERlSEYER/REFl15E HISTORY (C> 1992 VER 5.8.82 � I � 86-Ed-93 TIME� i8:19 HISTORY�DATES iROM:. BB/o8/08 TD DATEs Be/88/00 � C=tCHARGE) lI�tMINIMUM) T�<TNX> . DRGE 1 ! �' --Y R-- -- ER--_� g-- ---MI _-- -PENRLTY-- � . . � .,;,DATE ,i'-'•DATE :�:=ETCN SLP REqDING :. USRGE CHG/MIN/TiUC CH6/MIN CHG/TRX � MO/CH6/TAX .:::TYP-pl4T��� ��:::pNYf1ENTS :��..BR�AHC@ � +� ��� _ -..:>. � ' -,:::. - .�-- _' . � , .. � . . -� -" - �. .. --:.. _ . . . . _: . `---__ .-... .- .-. .. ��:-' --'... - .... ..._ _:. . . . . a - � � � � � � - . , �� - . . . . . . . a • 4-Bi-92 4-88-9E 16 1� 19 1 � C 1.38 17.75 �� � � � is. { d n �.ee n s.zs y. . • 7-B - 7' -g2 27 39 34 S C S.BB C �.SB 1 C 4.98 � 63.13 � �a., � ��MANUiiI ESTINATE � M 21.BB N 27.�3 � � s�. . . • fl-BI-92 16-26-92 -�:39 P3 �.49s , � 15 C 5.08 .._ C �-4.Se 1 C� -�'�.4 9B - -:63.IS�r' ��' : . � '�°.(' . � . . . _ . �:- . � 1-81-93 � 1z� r. � . 1�9 •13B C 123.28 C 212.73 C� �.38 1 C �.90 MT 14.42 ` +a: � � M 21.09 H 27.73 T .29 2 C 5.21 S4 24.63 . �J �� �G � �'s j- �_ °� �`--r p : , .,�.;.- -.:�:� _ .^ -�,. _ . ...-.. , .... _ . ' �.Nl. �.49 � .. � - , - :_�ie+i . -. _. . .. .�. . . 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BILL DYMT ---YiiTER--- ---SEYER--- --REFUSE-- ---MISC--- --PENFlL7Y-- � � � � • ' •. . �= � DATE DATE BTCH SLP RERDIHfi � USi1GE CHG/MIN/TAX CHG/RZH CHG/THX NO/CHG/Ti1X TYP RMT DRYtlENTS BRLAHCE � �. � � 26888�.8B SCHOURLIARIS, HARKOS � -- - ------- ----�- --- � • - - -•-• -- � � -� - ---- � �-81-92 4-BB-92 16 14 19 1 C 1.SB 17.7Pi . - -- - ------------N .__T.00.R..'�'9:25 � ---� - �-�----...----�-- . � . � . . - - 7-01-92 7-13-92 27 39 34 15 C 3.88 C �.58 1 C 4.38 � 63.15 .. . . MANUfiL ESTIMATE � M 21.80 M 2�.73 � � � • � ' . �3H=Bi=42-T0=28--42-39" 23 --;g-----i5'�-508--`-C----�56TE"-i:30- ------ � -" _63-15--'-' SEW USE � 1 n. zi.ee n 27.75 � � � . • �•"r' � 1-81-93 179• 138 123.28 C 812.T5 C ♦.58 1 C ♦.98 Yt 14.42 � � . '° -M-2I:86-M--Z7'.�-29TC-3�T3�57-�sHS � , ' .. �..� (s�. � f fi. � � � � � Ml .49 - �. ��7.! . �D�`�� ,t4� . . � '_� -�3�� � ��� �� � �-8t-93 � 11 25 C 7.78 C 18.50 C 4.3@ 1 C �.98 . � . .. �� •� � -� M 21.88 H� � 27.75 T .29 �524.28 � � �;; --------'- ---- . . _--'-_��-__'-�-----�----------- '---------�---__-_'-��J'--'�--'--'- a:�. . CUS70MER TOTA�S . 186 C 231,25 1 C 39.68 YT �1�l.�2� 34�.8' � � - . - � � '�=s•' � C 149.90 M 120.25 2 C 5.2! SY 2�.85 � � � - ' � ' � '?�l� _� . lf""-'9r0B�� �-�'-I9�0 . �RP-_.'i8 � � -- � . . � T .58 M1 .49 . � � :�{• � . M2 .52 . . . . - �� . .-'-- � .._ . _.__.--' �---'-----�------------ _� ' . E. -------------'- '._- " ' ----..�.... ---- --- - --- �.' • _� : � � . . . . . . . . . 3- � � .. . . . ' . �sa.�. 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