HomeMy WebLinkAbout9. 1994 Operating Budget Discussion I F i S i . . � � . . . . � . . � . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUI�IARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JULY 6, 1993 AGENDA ITEMs 1993 BLTDGET REVIEW PROCESS AGENDA SECTION: SET COUNCIL/STAFF MEETING OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTR.ATOR AGENDA�� �� Q f ATTACffi�TTS: PRELIMINAR.Y BUDGET REPORT, AP OVBD . - MEMO This item is for discussion of the first preliminary budget document presented for your consideration and to set the firsti City Council/Staff budget work session. The document presented here is very preliminary and has been provided to you at this time in order to initiate discussion on the work program that the budget, as presented, can provide in 1994. The document presented is only tYie_ General Fund Operating Budget portion: of the entire City budget that you will consider later in the fall when the public hearing wi.l1 be held. This budget represents a 3°s INCREASE in the operating portion of the budget along with employee costs for those positions filled in 1993 and new positions in the Park and Recreation Department which are progosed as part of the startup of the Community Center. Certain departments reflect increases or decreases beyond that amount because of a shift in where those expenditures will come from. Determination of the revenue side of the budget is not possible at this time because of not having information on state aids and how the breakdown of HACA and EQUALIZATTON AID will be determined. Also, the levy proposed for the CSP is not yet determined and won' t be un�il we review the propos�ed CIP and determine appropria�e funding levels for expenditures there. I would lzke to have our initial discussion focus on the work program that this proposed budget will provide, diseu.ss priori�ies that you would like to see established for 1994 and determine if those priorities will suggest changes in the way the budget shauld be drawn. It is important to establish this directi,on before we move on so that sta€f can realign the expenditures for yaur further consideration. RECOb�ENDSD ACTION: Mo�ion to call for a special council meeting for : the purposes of discussing the 1994 preliminary operating budget. COtTNCIL ACTION: l � I 1 1 Pag� Ta+o July 2, 1993 FVNDINC� RBQIITR�NTS 1993 1�DOPTBD 1994 BROPQSSD +/- DBPARTMBNTS BQD08T BUD(38T DIFFBRSNCB P8&CBNTAC�B Gouncil Budget $166,747 $142,807 i$23,940) -14.36+k Administration Budget $224,608 $234,137 $9,529 � 4.24�5 ***Merg�d vrith Clerk's*** Blection Budget $7,615 $10,570 $2,955 38.80� Finance Budget $140,115 $144,95$ $4,883 3.4B� 6eaeral Government Budget $156,500 $175,554 $19,050 12.17� Planniag Budget $157,982 $165,031 $7,049 4.46$ Oovernmeat Buildiags Budget sT2,S00 $94,778 $2.178 3.00is Police Buc'tget $754,706 $912,441 $116,735 14.69$ Fire Department Budget $160,182 $166,758 $6,576 4.11� Public Works Operating Budget $720,038 $817,883 $97,845 13.59� Paved Streets 8ndgat $82,649 $85,129 $2,480 3.00� IIapaved Streeta Budget $32,278 $33,245 $968 3.00� Ice & Snovr Budget $17,413 $1T,943 $S30 3.04As Street Lights Budget $64,294 $66,224 $1,930 3.00� Sigaal Lights Sudget $5,991 $7,201 $210 3,00§S Park & Rec 8udget-t3eneral Operating $521,915 $633,828 $111,913 21_44� Park & Rec Budget-Revenue Producing $101,000 $101,000 $0 O.OD� Snsurance Budget $158,000 $210,000 $52,000 32.91� TOTAL OPERAT�NC3 HIID�ST3 $3,B$5,633 $3,998;524 $412,891 11.52�C Five (5) Year CIP Re�qui,rement $171,460 $0 {$171,460) -100.00As Ratirement/Severance Fund #204 $6D,000 $80,000 $20,000 33.33�k ` * To Bring T�tal to 80� * Bonded Indebtedness $436,887 $819,210 $382,323 S?.51?k *Of 1994's, $103,879 Por Comm Center* Certificates of Iadebtedneas $50',054 $48,290 ($1,764} ($0) Armory Aaticipatary Levy $125,329 $127,131 $1,802 1.44� *$95.000 + i$4d2.639.000x.40T48�)* , (Valus as of 3/31/93) ------------------------�-----�-----�-------��--------� TOTAL FOi7DINt3 REQII2dt�NTS $4,429,363 $5,073,155 $643,792 14.53� � � assaas�:�aaaaa��maaxa:ssamasa:a�saa:ssamsz=s==a:aaca=asm. � . � �� �� � , � , , , � Yag� Oa� � . . . . � . . . . � 1!!{ DDDCiT MO1pCS�TB � . � . � . . � COONCIL - 41120 - � � � � � . . . . . � . JulY 2., 1993 � � . . � � 199D 03JtC2 �19l� 19l� OSJiCT 1lf4 . � � � . . � . . -. 1991 � 1993 DETLIA 11M1PT� DZ?712L PAOPOSED � � � � � � lua4 Aceouat t Obj N Daseriytioa AC74ai. I�CtpAi,. .. �,�tpIIi7r. � � apM:zT a1WIIl7r BpDG!! � Co�ntr . 101 - 41110 103.0 lart-.TSa� $aiaziu a s.a•iit■ ;23,9T3 �t23,S50 . SZ7.60T . � 52?,f07 � . 101 - 41110 -02� 103.0 . L,.I[elt�aaay, Yayor � . =6,<59 � 56,459 : � (j350/a�t3 ♦ 150/aonth istra} .. . SD1 - 41110 -03-. 103.0 .S, T1au�a, Cauacila��r � i5,167 . . f5,ib7 � CS�OOJaoath�+ 100/aoath=actra) ioi - siiio -04- ioa.o J, sea.e:, Couaeilaobar 55,407 ;5,407 (f300/sonth r ioo/aoach nccray � � 101 - 41110 -OS- 103.0 H.�Millcos, Couac#la�b�r � f5.407 �. � $5,407� � ($300/aontL ♦ 100jao�th i�ctla)'� �� � 101 - I1i10 -06- 103 A� D. xiyp�t�aaa, Couael2aabr � . . � =S,i67 SS,ii7� � . � (i300/aontb ♦ 100/aoath=sCra) .� .� 301 - 41310 -01- 209.0 Othar Offic� Ssspyli�s SO =140 . �� � 00 � SO � ioi - •iuo -oi. ao�.i �o so ioi - 4iiio -oi- so�.o uensc�c.• z«, so s�,4ss so so i01 - 41110 -01- 302.1 � $0 � f0 � � loi - 41110 .ol- 3ot.o.�L�gal�f��s . . fi.24o =o . jo . g0� � � 101 - 41110��-01- 90{.1 � . 10� SO � � � � 101 -�4111C -01- 307.0 Yan�qeeat !su� $3E,213 S{0,414 =E5,690 . � f61,000� � � � .� . 101 - 61110 -01- 307.1 � Nersletter � � 527,p0 - � 57.000 � � . 101 - 41310� �-01- 307.2 �Sprinq Cluaup � . 515,040 ;20,000 � � 101 - 41110 -01- ]07.3 7ir�rork� . � . =6,000 i6,000� � � . . � � i01 - �2110 -01-.307.4 A�cyelinq�Coatraet-Tmutsoa . ;31,000 � f3S,d00 � � � � 101 - 41110 -01� 307.5 �Saalor Citixea•�s C�at�r � � � Sfi,000 . f6,000 � � � � - � . . 101 - 41110 -01- 31l.0 Othaz Proiuiioaal Ser�icu . SO t1,96D . S?.�00� - � SS,OOD � � � � �101 - 41110 -01- 314_1 �Retrut/Goal S�ttiaq � � � 51,300 � � � SO � � . �101 - 41110 -D1- 319.2 Yducatloa kelmbursoaat � � �6,000 t5,000 � � � � 101 - �1110 -01- 331.0 Traval�S�cpeass � 51.036 �Eli7 � s400 . 5300 � � � � � 101 - 41110 -01- 331.i 1[il�aga to L1tC Coa[areaes � � g300 . � iD � � � � 101 • 41110 -01- 371.2 Riacalianaous .� � � . �S10p . 5300 . � � � � 101 - 41110 -01- 751.0 Lyal Notiees Pnblishiag � S0� � . SSf . � SO �� � � SO � ���� � 101 - 11130 -01- 351.1 SO � ;0 � � � � � � 301 - 41110�-01- 369.0 Othar Zasuzaace .s0 SO . � �.5400 � � SS00� � � �� 101�- 41110 -01- 369.1 Covneil E Co:ittees � L900 . �SS00 � Accid�atal Zasuzanee � . .� 101 - i1110 -01- �33.0 Auu i Subtcsiptioa� � S�OS SB,OlE 57,950 � Y8,500 � � 101 - 41110 -Ql- 433.1 LiIC�Dus� � . . � . � i5,000 55,250 � � . � T� 101 - 41110 •01- 433.2. LNC - Amicns � � � SS00 . � SS00 � .101 - i1130 -01- 4D1.3 a1D(Du�a . . 32.000 52.300 � � � 101 • �1110 -01- l33.i NDCC Duu � . � � � 545�0 Sl50 � .. . � . . . . . 101 - 41110� -01- 435.0 Booka 4 Yaa�hlats . . SO 5397 � 5100 . 5100 � 101 - 41110 -01- �i35..1 Yiseellaa�ous Litarature . � � 5100 � 5100 � � � 101 - 11110 -OS- �37.0 CoaLerme�� �e Seainars � �� 5�.699 52..61a � � 53.300 � 52.300� � 101 - 41118 -01- 437.1 �R�glstrsEioa a 8ota1-L1tC � � � j1,600 ;1,800 � 101 - 41110 -01- 43�.]� ISLcallsaewu�Lf[C sv�nts� . . f500 � �500 � 101 - 41110 -01- 439.0 Othar Yitcallaaeour CLarget � � 569. �.i0 SO � SO � � 101 - 41110 -01- 439.1 � � .. . . SO � . .. 59 � � � 101 - i2110 -01- 5lE.0 Couneil Duign�tad� . . � .� � a11;45i 316,916 : � �i17,000 � . . f20,000 � � 101�- 41110 -OS- 54l.1 Coatiag�atiu � � � . � . - ' it,000 S2Q.000 � .� � � 101 - 41110 -01• 59d.2 9aioa Coatract Contiagasacy 54,000 � � � SO � � - - � 101 - 41110 -01- 601.0 Prlaciyal oa Loaas SO ;0 � 517,500 517,500 . � . � 101 - 11110 -01- 601.1 Plau asrisuaea-Comp�Plan i11.775 . .� 511,7�5 . Paymeat •2 ot�3 . . � � � .. � 101 - 41110 -01- 601.2 Plan lusistaaee-Airport � � i5,735 � 55,734 . �.Paysant f2 oi 3 . � " � . PA62 1'OT)SS � � 594,098� 5101,626� S1fG,717 5166,747 =243,L0� =144,807 . � . - � � � � DSP1UtT1�T TOT11L3. � 594,09! 5101,6Z6 t166,7Q 5166,747 E142,60?.� � 5142,E07 � � . � � , � , � � � Pay� On� . � . � � . _ . . . u�a aoaarr aous�eers . . � �7�mfIHISS'll1?IOR D=PAR17miT - f1110 - . � � . . � � � � � July ]. 1!!3 . .. � . . . . � � . 1943 ODJiCS � 1f9� 1994 OEJZCT 1994 . . . � � : � � �. 1941 1f!] DYTAIL aD0lTm DtTi�IL PROPOStD � � � Tuad liecouat f Obj {� �D�aeriDtioa � l�CTWS. �ACR9x7. �AIIOIINT 80DGY? AYOGNT DDD6lT � .� Co�m�ata . . . 301 - �1330 101.0 Salazi�� 4 E�a�tita . 5173,759 ¢ii3,661 � � . 5�05,q8 � �=215,3S2�Ju7.1 8alary Co�ts�Iacinsie� oL � . ioa - +i�so -oz- ios.o s. ssu�, �as,er.eo= =ao.sos sez.i� s.iuy, r.:.,. rarr, a s.n.sic: _ SO1 - 41320 -03- 101.0 S�. Nalah, 716mia 7uiirtaat � � ;;1,�443 =52,6a! � �� . � S01 - 413]6 �04- 501.0 L. J�mtiak, Maia Seeretary �t31,li4 S]�-.264 � � � � � � 101 - 41330 -05- 101.0 � D. Midst=aa,�?�r�nl S�czLsy . � � t15,32{ � f17�119 � � 50 t�GFea•1� SO�i�DbTt AiftkoZity . 101 -�41320 -0i- lO1.D C�. Caaghlia. 7[�c�ptionist � 527.3i2 . =]l.li� � � � � � ioi - aia�o ao2.o rnii-ss.. o..res� ta.izs �s.�za . i3.306 . . �SD,300 . � 102 - {1370 -0�- 102.1 L. J�atiak � . � � � � . .52.500 =2.500� � . . . . . . . �.. . 1D1 - 41320 -AS- 102.2 D,�NidsYsoa .. . . .5500 . 5500 � 101 - 41320 -Qi- 102.3 C. CouQLlla � � �� S300� ;300 � .� � 301 - 41310 -01-�203.A P;int�d Dos�u 4 Yap�r � ;171 �=0 SO � � t0 � � � � 101 -.413Z0 �O1- ]03.1 ;0 . � SO . 101 - 41320 -01- 207.0 Traialay a 2asCcuctal Suppli�s j0 � SD � . ;1.tOD � S1.lQO .� . . � � SO1 - 41320 -01- 207,1 SaL�ty CositE�a � gZ50 � 5250 � � 101 - �1330 -01- 207.] AiqLt to Lnov . � � � =1,.550 � . S1,SS0� � � � . 101 - 41320 -01- �Z09.D Otb�r OIIfies Suyplie� 571 =0 � 5100 � � � �300 � � � � 301 - �1320 -01- 309.1 Yireellaawua ?are8aau 3300 � 5300. � � � � SO1 - 41330 -01- 395.0 Lyal l�sa .� � . � t117 � SO � SO SO � - � � � . . �101 - 41320 -01- 304.1 . � � t0 SO � � � �101 - 41330� -01- 305.0 Ic�diul 4 D�atal ?eu � . $45 S�9 . SO � SO � � � � � � 101 - 41320 -01- }OS.1 � � . sp � ��s� . . . . � � . 101 - 41aZ0 -01- ]07.0 ]4aagar�at Te�s S?9! � S1,7t0 � 59.Q00 � � � �59,000 � � � . � . 101 - 41���0�•Ol- 307.1 Labor Coasultaat � � � � =7,500 � i7.SOp � � � � 301 - 41320 -OS- 307.2 Dapt 8ud/8Lafl�Traiaing � � S1,S00 51,500 � � � 301 - �Y130 -01-� 31l.0 Otih�r Yzof�ssional Sax�le�s =D =2,2i2 � =0 . q0 � � 101 - !13]0 .OL 11l.2 � SO SO . . . .�. . 101 - �1330 -01- 331.0�2Yav�1 Ezpaasa �E30i � 5691.. . §300 � . ;300� � � - � 301 - 41320 •O1- 331 1 �.Stat� Coafareacs - LMC � j100 � 5100. . � � 101 - 41]20 -01- 331.3 . 3ta��te.Conier�ace - MCIU � 5100 � 5100 � - . � 101 - A1320 -01- 331.3 �LaDor RalaCloas Morksbop� . $100 � 5100 � � � � � 101 - 41�20 -01- 339.p-0thar Tr�aaportatioa lspeaau . ;I19 SIS� 5300 SD-00 � � lOZ - 41120 -01- 339.1 AaSabssria for Ytaq 2ravei � � 5700 � 5300 � � � . � 101 - 41320 -01- 341.0 �oploy�eat Adv�rtising � . � SO � 5203 $0 � SO � � � 101 - 41320 -01• 341.1 � � . �SO � p0 � . �� � . . . . . �101 - 41330 -6i-�351.0 L�gal Notieu PubllsLiag 5�3 =0 � � � �SO 50�. � � � 101 •�4i320 -01- 351�.1 . �=0 � g0 � � � � 101 - t1320 -01- 352.0 Geaaral Notic�s 4 Public Ia2o � 53.56t SO SO � � �SO . � � 101 - �1320 -01- 352.1 . . .SO . � SO � . � � . � iQl -�41330 -A1- 353.0 Ordia�ace PubllcaCioa ;0 SO SaOD S1,Q00 � � 101 - 41320 -OS- 353.1 Codificatioa af Code . � � 3800 � 51,000 . � � � � � 301 - 413]0 -.01- 433�.0 Duu 4 SubresiDtioas $77� 5193 � 5�10 � � i1C5 � 101 - 41320 -Ol- i33.1 XGY71 Duu � � �S60 � i60 � � �� � � 101 - 41320 -01- 433.2 � Ip1Y1t Du�s � � � � S25 t25 - � � � 103 - 41330 -01- 433.� YC7pA Duu � . � . S25 � � � 525 . . . . .. 101 - 41330 -01- 433.� III[C Duu . . . . . . SSO . SSO . . . . . . � 101 - 41320 -OS- 433.5 �� SPlt7�Duo. . . . � S25 � S35 . . . . . . . � 101 - 41320 -01- 43).6 7f7�pItL Du�� � , . � . 525 � � SO� . . . ,. � � � P�s T�'�s � � ill1,577 �11],053 5221,70a 52]1,70! =331,537 S23i.537 � � � � �. . , � � � � . . � . . � � .� I , , � Pa4� 1bo � � . . � ' . � � � � . � . 1fl4 EODGtT MOiS3�S! � � . . .. . .. . . . . � ADYIIR817]ITIOIt DLP�117mT? - 41S]0 • � �. . . . . . � . � July ], 1lf3 � � . � � � 1997 08JSCT� 1l93 1l9t OaJiLT�. 19!# � � � '��'. . . � . . . � �. . 14l1. . � 19l2 � D2TRSL �ADOP1'm DlILZL� PROAOB� . � . . � ��. . lvaQ Aecouat • Obj / D�ieriptioa . I�C34AL l�ClOAL ItI[O011i �D9DGri' �ali00lIS lODGi? � � �.Cawnts � . . � 101 � 41110 -C1-�4D4.0 Doo1u 4 Paaphl�ts � f0 i0 . . . �� fi00 � ff00 .. � i01 - 41320 -Ol- {35�.1� TLS7�aaa�ook � � . � ;250 � � L250 � .. „., SO1 - 41320�-01- 4E5.2 lilsc�llaa�ous�Purehasu � f150 t1S0 . � ... ` � 101 - 413]0 -01- 4]7.0 Coal�syae�� i 8eiaars � i1,74! f1,S�i� � � f3.500 � � t2.]00� . �� � 191 - 41320 ��01- 43].1 �gi�tration 4 iot�l -�LIfC � 2200 �.t300 . � � . � 101 - i1720 -01- 437.2 Y�qt�tzatioa i�Eot�2 • 1[C70� � . . � i3i0 5400 � � � � , � . � 1�1 - 41310 -01- t37.3 Y�siatration � Ir70[ . . . .. t700 . . t0. � . . . .. � � 301 ��4132Q� -01- 437.4 ..7c�gi�tratioa i Eot�l-IIClQT� � tS00 . i250 � . � 101 - 41320 -01- i3�.5 Labor Ic�latioas�Traiaiaq . � f5D0 �� . � iS00 . . 101 - 4U20 -01- 437.i SiaLf (3) iaeh . � . . � i400 . �t400 . .. SOS - 41320 •O1- �37.7 ��Ylscailaasous Selaara � � . � �t1D0 � 5100 � � � � �� 101 - 41330 -01- i31.� � Yuaicipal•s Eaaqu�t � �. t2S0 . 5=50� � � . 101 • 41320 -01- �439.A Other Mi�callaaeous Charges � � SO =�t S0� . i� � . � � � . 101 -�41320�-01- 439.1 � f0 SO � � � � � � � � 87�Gi TOTALS � 51,748 �=1,�35 f2,900 �52�.90D . E3.�00 L2,d00 � � . � DSPL7tT1�7T�T02AL8 fYi3.326 �l174�.i�t 3324.iGE 5234.00t f�34�.137 �f334.137 . . � . � � ......o..s.....w..................v.....a.a.a...o...........a.o . . . � . . . r i� � � . . � . . � Pay� Oa� � . � � . � � . . . . � 1994 DODCSt 1tOR,lL48t!!S . � . . � � � . II.TCT20�i5 - 41410 - � � � � . � Jnlq 1. 1993 � � 2993 ODJ=C! �19l3 �19!{ OEJiCt� 1!9{ � . � � � 1941 1993 . . DZ'PI�IL. .�ADpPY'm DtTA2L �PIIOYOSm . � � � suaa Aceouat � �i 11 D.seziDtsoa acruxt xCivu utovta'r ariacas � nvcorr Coaamc. � 101 - 41�10 iQ7.0 Past-Tia� Salaziu � 51,594 � jT.79S � � . ;3.000 56.,OG0 . 301 -�4�410 -01- 103.1 =1�etioa Ju4q�s . � . �3,000 =i,000. � � � � � � �. .� l0i • �1410 -C1- 112.0 IIG�Coatrlbutioas S!9 � L310 . S1l6 � . 5�72 �� 101 - �1f10 -01- 173.1 S1�eGioa Judg�� � i1Ef � 5372 � � � � � �101 - 41410 -01- 125.0 I[�dlcar� ConGribntioas : � .;21 tl2 . . � � . . . ,. S44 Sii � 101 - 41430 -01- 125.1 =l�etloa Judqs� -� . . � =44 =a� . . . . �.. � . . � � . 101 - 41t10 -01- 303.0 Priat�d losa� i Ffprr � 5�.331. � =0�� � S3.f00 � . =p � . . . . . . �. ioi - u�io -oi- zo�.a s.lioz, 4 r:o�.�Q sa,+oo so ioi - uuo •oi- zoa.o xs,e.ii.a.onr svs,yis., so s�os si�s s�oo � 101 - i1f10 -01- 20l.1 Yarious 8leetioa PureLasa � ��125 � t100 � � � � � � � � �101 - 4#410 -01• 214.0 Oth�c OparatiaQ Suppliu . t42t i65t �t=SO � i=SO . . . .. � . � 101 - 41410 -OS- 211.1 Yul• for Z1�etlaa�Ju4yer .. �;250 i=50 � � � � . 101 - �1i10� -01- 2i2.0 YiaoT fQuipsut SO SO . S1S0 . �206 . � . . .. . . � 101 - 4I410 -ol- 242.1 nallot YaCIIiae aquips�at � � ;150 =2oD � � � . 101 - 41410 -01- 319.0 Otbsr IIrotessioaal Sesvicat �SO . 51,100 . � . =0 ;0 . � � - � 101 - �b410 -01- 319.1 . � SO SO � � � � . � 101 - 41410 -01- 331.O�iel�pbon� Cosla t0 �f�7i � � .S2S0 . ;500 � � 101 - f1410 -01- 321.1 Cost� Lor Prseiact PLoa�s � . . =]SO . f506 � � � � . 201 - 41110� -01- 351.0 Lrfal Notie�s Publi�hiag SO S3 � FSO . f0 � � � 101 - t1410 -01- 331.1 tlectioa R�bliutlons . � � ggp� �. . =Q � � � � � . � �301 - 41410 �-01- 35l.0-QtLsr Yriatinq i Diadiag Cos4 � S2 � S0. . f0 . � �jp � � �� . 101 -.41�10.-p1- 359.1 � �� � � t6 . � SO � � � � . � 101 - i1410 -01-. 409.0 Oth�z Coatzact�d Yepair i Yaia � . f50 i1.9it � . SO �i�.i40 � ... 101 - 41�10 -01- 409.1 2 Yaaz Ita.lat Ayr�o�nt ' � .. � � SO 52.640 � � . � . � .. . . . 101 - �1410 -01- 439.0 OtL�r Yisc�llaaww Chaxy�r � � � SO 5160 . 5160 � � � i320 � � 101 - 41410 -01- 439.1 Jaaitorial S�rvie�i � t160 5320 � � 101 - �U10 -ol- 510.0 oflSe� 8quip�c tusai�Liaq Purc SZ10 S� � ;0 � . � . s0 . 101 - 41f10 -Ol- 5T0.1 � � � SO SO � � � � � � � 301 - 41410 -01- SD0.0 OLIIer 8quipssnt YureLa�as � SO ;1,A00 � ;0 � . � . �p .. � �� � 101 - 41420 -Ol- Sa0.1 SO � .. SO � � .. . . �.. . � �. .� paas TflTAL3 54.737 t23,lSS E7.615 57.615 510,570 5�0.590. � � D$p�T�T �Tug � . t4.737 513,845 37.6Y5 57,615 510,570 S10,ST0 . � �� � , Pay� Oa� � � � � � � . . . � � �1!!4 sIID63i NORtEgiSs . � . � . . . . . . � . � � 12X711fCi DYP�I7QNT - 41570 - �. . � . . . . . . � . � � � Jnly 9, lfl7 � � .. � . 1993 OD3sQ Sf9I � 19li ODJZCT �1lf�1 � . � � . � � � � � . �1l91 �. il92 . DtPAZL hDOYTm .Dl171IL �?ft0?OSm . � � � � t�md Acconut r �j � De:csiytsoa � 7�CiVu. 7�Ctvu.. Ncomrt. avDCST ]1110�11T sIIDG1tt ca�at� . . � . � - � � . � � � AS1 Salary Co�ts Iacluslw of . 101 - 41520 101.0 Salariu i D�asiits � =102,433 =4f,717 � ;123,925 � t128,�D�• Salaay, iasu, ?ntA i 1�aaflts� . 101 - f1i20 -03- 101.0 �J. 14y, !ia Dir�etoz(75k)� � . � . i4i,21� f47,.2�! � �� 754 ti�a�l, 2St�IItiiitiu� . �. � 10l - �1520 -Q3- 101.0 J. Cilb, )�tsistaat !/D(75t) . � - . ;35,3l1 ;3t,�ft . �75t 6�a'1, 2it IItiliti�s � . 101 - 41520 -04- 101�.0 D. losy�la, Aceouniaati0k) � � =0 � � .�0 . SOOt Paid by Dtilti�s � � 101 - 41530 -05- 301,0 D. M�xaer,�Aeeountant(IOOt) � =)0,143 532,4it� � � � � � 101 - �152D -4l- 103.0 � iJ2 D�puty R�qlstzar(100�a . �- =12,173 =10,105 . � � � � 101 - 41540 102.0 7u11-21a� O►�stia� i1,234 � t9�2 51,000 � � ;1.000 � � ��� 101 - 41570 102.1 Jaa�6llb � . .�o � � . �to � � � ��101 -��fiS10 10?.2 D�ais� Masasr . 51,000 � i1,000 � 101- 41520 -01- 301.0 auditiaq �accountiaQ Sezvie�s � �SO 30 . . � SS00 � � f200 � 101 • {1530 -01� 301.1 Coasnitiaq S�ieu . � � i500 f200 � � �ifon-Awlit Yelat�d BatFie�s � � 101 - 41520 -01� 704.0 L�yal }e�s � :0 . � s0 . t0 �. =0 � � � 101 - 41520 -Q1- 30{.1 . . . =p � � . 101 - 41520 -01- 305..�0 Y}dical i D�atal 7aes 561 � f0 � . � 5300 f0 � 101�- 41520 -01-�305.1 Pby�icals . � SD00 � . p0 � � 101 - 41530 -01- 319.0 Othar Prntusional 8er►iee� � t0 .�tt.2i1 � . =500 � 5�00 � � � . � 101 - 415I0 •01-�31l.1 SprlaqsC.�d Coasulting . 5500 � f30Q . � � 101 - 41520 -01- 331.0 1Yave1 Expeasa . 5355 � �f16! � 5600 �SSQO� � � 301 - �1520 -01- 331.1 liaaace Direetor � . . � � t500 � � =300 � � � . 101 - �•1520 -Q3- 331.2 �SCatf � � � � =300 � t100 . .. . . .. . . 101 - 41520 -01- 741.0 meployaaat ltdosztiriag� � i� t0 � � 5500 � � � =0 � � � 10i - 41520 -01- 341..1 1�ds lpr�P�zaaa�nt P/2 � � =500 � ;0 � 101 - 4i530 -�02- 391.0 P�.f. ][ainteaaate � S�i,2S6 f10,421 � t�.200 � =i,l50 � . 101 - 41520 -01- 39L 1 �I[tero SyKa ltaiat�aaaea � � . t2,500 � ;3,000 101 - �IS]6 -01- 791.2. Yiero Solbvar� Licras� 52.500 �- i1,000 � � � � � � � 101 �� 41520 -01- 7l1.3 Caaaral fi�irork Sugport � 51,000 � $?,500 � � � � . 101 - 41520 -01- 3l1.4 Yiseellaaswu�P.C. Repairi . � . ;300 � i450 � � � 101 - 41530 •O1- 392.0 P.C. I�ee�asoriu i Snpp2les 5635 � 51.4li � � . �5700 S1,000 � .� � 101 - 41520�-01- 39I.1 City Syit�m 8upyli�s � 5�00 � 51,000 � � � . 101 - �1520 -Ol- 393.0 p.C. 8asdrare ?urehas�s � � =0 SS,l56 � SO � � f0 � - � 101 - 41520 -OS- 393.1 � . . � SO � �0 � � . � . 101 - �1520 -01- 3f4.0 Y.C. Soitwara Pu�ret�aus =6l0 ;lf4 FO . SS00 � � S01 - 41520.-01- 3l4.1 �Yiscsllaa�ous 3/N fackaq�� . � � � $S00 � � . 101 - 41520 -01- 409.0 Other Coatraet�d It�pair i Yalp � EO 5225 � 5300 j300 � � � � � � 101 �- 41540�-OS- 409.1 Cash RaQi�t�z 14iat Coatret � � � � 5700 . . ;300 � � 361 - 41520 •01- 433.0 Dusa a Sub�eziptioas 5313 5237 t1,200 ;1,700. � � � � 101 � 415Z0 -01- t33.1 161R3���)�anua� l�as � 5150� 5150 � � � 101 - 41520 -01- 433.2 1(4ZpA - lSaaac� Dirwtor . � �150 5150 � � 101 - 41530 -01- �33.3� Y6lOA - Staf! 530A � 53D0 � �� � 101 - 41550 -01- 433.4 . CP011 - lSaaae� Dirsetor � . 5150� . ti50 � � � � 101 - �1520 -01- 493.5 CT07� + 8!s!L � . 5300 . f300� . . . . . . S01 - 41520 -01- 433.6 .14gazia� Sub�eription� � . � . 5150 � � i150 � �� .Y01 - 41530 -01- 435.0 Sooks p Pasphlat� �0 � 5150 �100 . . 5200 � � - .101 - 11590 -01- �35.1 Acaouatiaq RalataQ Dooka �� � 5100 � � =300 � � � � � . 101 - �SS20 -01- 435.2 . tinaac� Yelatad Doek� � . � =100 � � � t100 � �� � � 8AC!TOr1�ES � � ti12,3t7 �5111.907 S33i,115 i13i,i15 tii2,4lb i1�2,498 � � � � � � � � �� � r � . . � � � . . �P�q� 11ro �. . . . . � . . . � . � . .. . � � : � 1l9� sucGSP lroftlC8�tT8 � . . . � . . � . - . T�1fCt DSPAA17�iS - 41520 - � � � July 1, 1991 � � � � � 14R4 OE3iCT 1!!3 if9� QDJiCT 1)!4 � � � � . � 1991�.� 19l2 � � nSIhZL� UD6FTm � DLTLZL PAOPOB� � � . . tvad � 7�ecouat • Obj t DascriDtioa � 71CTO7�L xCR4)J. 7dId011'1' EDD6S'Y' � A7fOO11T� D40Cti .Ca�aais � . . �� . 101 - #1520 -01- 437.0 Ceatar�acu 4 i�tinaza � � � S57C tl,ift =3,500 . . $2,.000 � � . � 101 - {1530 -01- 477.1 Imk1�Contar�nc�{!or Thr�d �� =700 � � t100 . � � 101 - 41520 -01- 117.2 Ca�puC�r $yapo�i� �. � � � � � � SS00 � � �iS00 � � � . � 101 - �iS20 -01• �37,3 ltfiDW�1lnanal Coa! - f/D � . � � i300 . t300� � � � � � � � l01 - 41520 •O1- 437.4 YOlGi�anawl Conf - Sta1! .� � i500 . � � tS00 � � . � '101 - i1S20 •OS- 437.5 GCO�latioaal �oaf - !/D . � � j1,306 � . . t0 � �� � . 101 - 41520 -Ol- f37.i 7Ltsc�ll�a�w# Solaar� � . . . � � t600 � � =400 � � . �. � 1:01 - �1530 -01- 4�9.0 OtMr Yises2laawus CLarqe� f30i =i47 � � SS00 � ;500 101 - 415�0 -01- 43l.1 Chqa Ltot Covet�d 11swL�r� � . .�t500 =500 � . � 101 - 41520 -01- S10 A-0!lice =quly��aC YnrcLaiu � i0 t�.333 � � t0 � � . ,f0 � 101 - 51520 -01- 5T0.1 . . . . � SO � . .... . . ... � pxGs �Tus � . � SEl3 14,756� � =4,000 . �i4.000 52,500 53.500 � . �. . � � . �D=p7�RT)mi= TdPaLS � t113,22f ilt7,.fi3 f1�0,i15 5140,115 E144,l98 i144,l9i � � � � � � r � . . . ' . . -. � �8aq� O�u . . . � . � . . . . � . � � 1l84 DCAC=T�MOMS�LiS � � � � . � 6nIZRi�L�OOY�tlA[IIiT - 41610 - � � � . � � . . . Jn1Y i. �l93 � � . 1497 OlJSCT 1997 1l94 OlJ�CT lff4� � � � � � � . �1991 �� 1lf2 DYT7IIL ADOP'Pm DltAZL� PROPOYm �. � .. . Tuud 7lcaeunt�i GDj f DsseripGl� . . LCiOxL ACRqay � ]�1ippll? sppfyilT I�7WpNT pQpGlZ . . Covats . 101 - 41i10 -01- 201.0 OLlSc�l�ee���oriu =0 � � :60 � ;0 =0 . � �� 101 - �1�10 -Ol- 201.1 � Fp � . =p � � � � 101 - 41�10 -01- �0],0 Duplieatiag i Copyiaq . � ;7.,i54 512,2N � d14,S00 513,500� � � � � � 101 - 41E10 -01• 202.1 Yicroiilalaq � . � 43,000 � � . t3,000� � . � � � �- � 101 - 41t10 -Oi�-�TOt.2 Coyyiag Casts � - � . . tl.S00 � . tlrS00 . . � �. � 101 - �41L14 -01- 203.0 Priat�d 7oas a Papar � ;4,.Dff f�,02S � if,150 � tl.SSO � � 161 - 41t10 -01- ]03.1 Copy Fapar � � 53,300 =3,lOC � � � � 101 - �1610 �O1- 203.2 fiu�raY ltc�iyt aooka � . . :750 � � g750 � � � � � 302 - 41110 -01- 203.3 PuzeLas• Ord�zlt � . � . =!SO � � S/S0 � �� 101 - f161D -Ol- 201.4 Payr011 CII�W � S1•100 � 51.100 � � � � .� 101 - 41t10 -Ol-�]03.5. 7�/P Ch�eks . 52.200 . . :3..300 iai - aiezo -oi- 2oa.� cr..nb.s co�,tit.rtso so:..) ti.iso ti.iso ioi - ~iaso -oi- sos.o sa4•ioy.s � r..ttarn..es t1,957 f4,ss4 ;c,sso sn.ioo � 101 - 41l10 -01- 30i.i Lettazhtad E3.100 f1,000 � � � � . 101 - 41610 -01- 204.2 flala =av�lopu � 5450 � 5600 . 101 - 11610 -01- 204.3 71/F i Payroll m�alcpq .. 5400 � � � ;400� � � � � ioi - �saso •oi- zo�.� io : u Ty..x �..iop.. si,aoo s�so ioi - ~ieio -oi- so~.s io : is ay..k sa,..ioy.. ti,aoo ssso � 101 - i1610 -01- 206..0 Yiezofiis Snppliu . 5105 f54 . � SO � i0 � toi - uaio -os• �oc.i so so � 101 - 41a10 -01- 206.0 Y1�Ctllaaaoua Suppliu � S8•347 510�94� . =9,500 � Zi,000 � � 101 - 11t10 -01- 40D.1.� Jaaitarial E I[iie City Hall � E9,500 � � Sa,000 � � � � . . 101 - 41�10 -01- 209.0 Oth�r Otties Sugyllu ��521,617 �1l,:151 51�,000 � � S16,o00 � � . � 301 - �1i10 -01- ]09.1 � G�a�ral OtlSea Suppliu 516,000 536,000 � � �- 101 • �1i30 -01- T12.0 Yotor tuels . S35! tlf6 . � SO � � . �0 � 101 -� {i�10 -Ol- 213.1 =0 � . SO � � 101 - 41E10 -01- 21l.0 Othar Operatiag Sugplies SO 537� SO SO � � 101 - 41f10 -01- 319.1 � � SO SO � �� � � � � � 101 - 41lSO -01- 121.0 BQui=sant Par[a SO S17i � S1,lOQ 51,100 � � . 1Q1 - 41l10 -01- 331.1 City Eali tQulgseat Reyaits . . � ;1,100 St.100 .� � � �� 101 - 41t10 -01- 121.0 Othar]Alat�aaaea Suyylies � ;49 S1?S � {300 . 5300 � � � 101 • 41l10 -01�- 239.1 Miatallaa�ouY Suppli�s 5300 5300 � � � . 101 - 4181D -01- 242.0 lliaor 2quiymeat � � 5399 ta61 . ;0 � � t0�� � � � � 101 - 41810 -Ol- 212.1 � . . . SO � . . t0 � . .. . .. . .. 101 - 41610 -01• 301.0 Auditioq 4 aceouaMaq Sssvieu � i6,063 �517,d06 � � 520,000 S�O,OQO 101 - 11810 -01- ]01.1 19l2 AudiG T�u . . i20,004 i20,000 � � � � � . � � 101 - 41810 -01- 102.0 J.rchiCects' �l�u SO S2,2i1 . SO � .. f0 � � � 101 - �iCiO -07,-�302.1 � � SO � .SO � � � � � : �� . 101- 41l10 -01- 304.0 LeQal Te�s � �§ID,576 t52,J77 531,000 � 5�6.000 . � � . 101 - 41b10 -01- 304.1 6�aaral City L�gal !�u � s]1,000 526,000 � � � � � 103 - 41d10 -01- 31?�.0 OLhar Proi�s�iowl Sarvlc�� � 532�,990� =35.ii1 f26,000 � S2i,200 � �� � � 101 - 41i10 -01- 319.I � 11rs A�li�f )us'a . � � � � =26,000 52C.000� . � �� � � 101 - 41i10 -01- 319.7 Clty Yaps . � . � f1,200 � � � - 101 - 41D10 -01- 319.3 Dir�etozy . . � � � . ��SY,000 � . � . . . 101 - S1l10 -01- 311.0 T�1�pLone CosG � � =23,ST1 =23,71f � E20,000 � 521,000 � 101 - 41�10 --0i- 321.1 �Konthly Dilliaqs � � . 520,000 t]1�,000. � � � � . � � � 101 - {1l10 -01- 323.0 FosGaya Cotts .� Sll,ff9 511,667 � 511,400 S1Z,000 �� 101 - 41t10 -01- 332,1 �6msral Postagt Co�ts � =11,000 . 3�12,000 . � � � �� � � � � � pl�CiY�TO'P71LS. � � =112,6�5 ;195,313 =iSS,100 =155,100 f157�.350 tiS7,�S0 � � . � � � � � . . � � � . OfiS'3LT4 ��OSS'SLSS �..�005'95T# �� 005'lSTS . 9Ei'16LS 46E'tft2 � S'Pf7AS .Ll�4t7Md8d� � . � . � � � � OOL`tTS .00L'tTS. OOti'T4 00►'tS � fLt'T4� � - fSL'SS � S'P[S4S E'JYd � � � � . . � . � OS OS � . T'6F1 'TO' OTtii - ZOT - � . � . � � � OS�� � Of 6iS OS ��bsretJ �no�arTL���T7[�QA0�9'�F► -t0- OttTf - TOT� � � � . .. Of� � OS� � . - � . .� T'Sti -TO' Oi9T� - TOT� . : � � � �� � . � � 0�5 � � OS . � � OS 0►t� . � t�7mY ��dT�i rQiO 0'SS► -LO- Ottti�- tOL .. . . . . . � � OOL`LS 03. . � . . . S'LS£ 't0- OTti► ' TOL � . . . . . OOt'LS � Of � . . OS ttL'�S e;si �Ft4nd s rsoSioX S�r�L 0'LSL �SO' OT/Tf -�TOT � � � 000'OS4 � OOL'SE � . tiQ�a ZZY-ryto� r��j�o� T'tSE -20- OTtS► - TOT . . .. . . . . .. . �000'OTS � OOL'Sf � .. . 0= 0= bc}'q�TTQad �a�T7oK t*�R 0'SS£ ':SO' 9StSY ' S02 . . . . . . OS � OS � � . . .. . . T'Ltf 'TO' OStTf- TOL �.. . . � ��.OS. � . � � OS �� � . STLt � Oi �� . � . . � EajtS3s��PY 7�oT� 0'tfE 'TO' OStLi • TGT . . � . . . . . � � � 000'TS OOLf � qro, L�=��D T'ift 'SO' OSfti ' 40L � � � � � � � 000'Tt. OOLS.� tii4! � ifiS s��wdYy ao^�;nsod�ass,L ssqy6�0'iE£ -TO- OS�Tf ' TOL � � - � .�3�� . Si:W4¢ S1t80111(_ . iiWGIIa S�IIIOII�t- RRLi�r� R+t6TJ�C � � mo;36jsassQ��. f C�D i ���a?� 9aR1� . . � � � �SOdOYd RZRliC � QfSapQY � RZ4y=Q LiiS T66T � . . � . � f66t . S�tC¢O i66T K6T L�iCYO E6iS . � � � � E66T�'tL ��P � � � . . .. . � - CSYTi - S.I�QLiRMD R1�D . . . . � . � � � � � .� .. �� S,..se....OLL.Z='JQII4 fi62 - . . . . . � � � . � � . . � � � . , � . .. Pay� Oa� . . � � �. . . � .. � . . . ilf4�EDDGtT NOitLBEfiTB � � . . � � � � . � � � � . � ?L�NNIIfO a=P11ATl�IS - •1910 _ . � . . . � . . . July 3. 1993 . � � � �. . � � 1493 OEJiCT 1fl3 1991 6EJiCT� � 1l9� � � � � . � � . 1l91� 19l2 �DETAIL LDpPTm DtS7GiI, PiOYOSm � . .Yuad 1�ccouat A Obj. � D��esiytioa � � 1�CPW�L I�CRCAL�� J�tOD1T! �e9DCiT 71b00MS sIID6iT � Cas�a�� � � 101 - 41910 . 101.0 Salari�s i E�a�lSC� . j192,13i 5121,6E7 � � i13l,402 1140,l96 7.11 Sal � � . � . . ary Costi�Zaeln�iti� o!� � � 10Y - 41910 -03- 101.0 L. lr�u�, flaaaiaq Dir . � tf2,34f ;61,2�i Sala � � �� . . . . . ry• 2ass�i.�piR7y, 4 D�naSlts � . 101 - i191Q -03- 101.0 D. Qeziatut, Plaaaiaq 9�ctry . � 531,95i� �;3l,id• � � �. 101 - 41910 -0#-.101.0 1. PMrson, 7�sst Plaaa�r . i3l,.052 s39,t60 102 - 41l10 102.0 7Y11-21as M�ztia� f1,679 . j3,0i7 � � 56�040 f6.000 � 101 - 41l10 102.1 D. Quiatns � =],000 . ;2,000 � 101 - 41910 162�.2 �.�t. Y�arsoa � � � � .i�.000 � . f{.000 . . .. . . . . � . � 101 - 41l10 -9f- 103.0 Past-iia� Salazi�s 4 D�aalits 57,37E =5,l00 . �f4,500� � tl,750 � 101 - 41910 -ff- 103�.1 � Plaaainq Caoaissioa � � � 34.500 � =4,500 5 Iiob�r� • {SS/Yeetiag � � 101�- 41910 -9l- 103.2 Ylanaiag Iatasn(13 N�eka) � � . � =4,�SQ � � � � iQi - 41910 -01-��302.0 Dupllcaiiag i Copyinq � f0 t3� � � 5300 � � i300 � � � � � � . � 101 - <1910 -0L 303.1 ZoninQ/Subdi�iia Ordiaanea � �. s3D0 t900 � � � � 101 - �1l10�-01-303.0 Priat�d loras a papar 5290 t0 � •0 . � SD � � � :101 - 41910 -01- 103.1 � � � SO =0 � . � 101 - t1410 -01- ]OS.O Draitiag Suppllu aQ S9i.5� � � � $1f0 � =li0 � � � � i01 - ♦1410 -OS- 205.1 1ti�esllan�ons 3uppliss � tif0 5160 � � � . 101 -. #1930 -01�- 209.0 Otba= OLi1e�.8upp11�� . � �t0 52,097 � . . =0 . . �j0� � � 101 - 41910 -01• 209.1 � � � � � .SO � � - � � SO � � � 191 - 41910 -01- ]11.0 ltolor htels . . E1,006 . � fl5. . SO � � =0 � 101 - 41l10 -01- 211.1� Ford Topo� . . t0 SO � � � � � 101 - ii910 -01- 2f1.D Ssa11 Tools � F6i =0 50 i0 � � � � � 101 - 41910 -01- 2s1.1 � � f0 S0� � � . � 101 - 41910 -01- 212.0 Yiaos tquip�at � SO . S=9� � SO � � $75 � � � 301 - 41l30 -01- 242.1 DielaGtoa Yquipawt � � � . � f0 � STS . � � ' i01 - 41l10 -D1- 30i.0 L�gal 1�u � f196 517 � SO 5750 � � . 101 - 41910 -01- 30i.3 Coating�aeias � . i0 � 5750 � � . 101 - �i910 -OS- 305.D ltedlcal a Dene�l Tees . =0 =0 S9 � SO � � � 101 - �1910 -OS- 305.1 � � . . � t0 � SO � � 101 - 41910 -01- 312.0 Coatraet Zasp�etion ts�s . =li,E40 � � SO � � SO . SO � � � 101 - 41410 -fli- 312.1 . . :0 � � SO � � ..101 - 41910 -01- 313.A�T�eporary Sasviee�T�e� . 5955 � t0 � i0 SO � � � � � . iDl - 41910�-01- 313.1 .. � � � �30 t0 � � . l0i -�41910 -01- 319.Q Othar Proi�asioaal Servieu 531,542 521,68� � 53,120 � �S1.SQ0 � � S01 - �1410 -01- 519.1 . Dakoka Couaty ?roy�rty Data � � f2.3=0 � . {i00 � � � � . . . � �. � �iDl - i1910 -01-�31l.2 Ordiaaaea Coditleation � � � =!OD 51,000 . � � � � � � � � 301 - �1910 -OS- 323.0 Ra610 bx�ita � 513� � �SO . � f0 j0 � � � 101 - 41910� -Ol�- 323.1 � SO � � SO� � � � � . 101 - 41930 -01- 329.O�Other Comavaication Costs � 5393 SO � � SO ;0 101 - 41910 �-01- 339 3 .Yobila Phoae � � 50.� � i0 � � � � . 101 - 41910 -02- 331.0 Tzav�l ixylwa . �. � . . 51l9 . � :1�l7 5450 . �=450 � 101 - 41916 -G1- 3]1.1 ' A�g, �StaGa 4 Local Con! � � � s;00 S3C0� � � � . 301 - 41910 -01�- ]31.2 � ILi�caliaaaoos Lxy�niss � � =iS0 � � � SiSO �� � -� � � . 101 - 41910�-03- 351.0 L�gal lTotie�i Pub1l�LiaQ � � �$1S � � 50 � t0 � � � S1,i00 � � .� 101 - �1910 -Oi- �51.1 � . SO � . 51,6Q0 � � �� 1Q1 - 41910 -01- 391.0 P.C. liaint�aanc� � � � S0� � S�SS �� �=0 � � SO � � � 101 - 41910 -01- 391.1 � � . � =p � gp � � � � � � � � � PLCt TOz7�I.5 � � � � � 5250,8l4 � i15i,S33 fiS3,l32 ti53,�9�Z ;Yi0,f61 �5160,961 . � � � , , P�y� 1Mo . � � . . . . . � . � . � 19f� D9DCST NOA7CS�!!'S . . . � �. . � . . . � � � � PL�Nnt6 DEPIs21�iS' - 41910 -. . . . . � � � � . . . � . . .� July 2, 199D . � � � � 1943 ODJ=Cl � 14l� 1894 4aJiCP 1!!4 � � � . � 1991 ifl2 �DBihIL ADOPTID D;TAZL Y10POSm � � � � Tuad. xeeovat t C�bj f� D��etlDtioa aCi011L ACiyl,y I�MOONS . .DppGgt al�WIT AppG�T � Coaa�atr . . .. . . � . 201 - 41910 -OS- 392.0 V.C. aec�oori�s 4 Bupplies SO � =�507 � �5410 �� � .f20S � � � � � 102 - 41l10 -01- 34t.1 P.C. 71cc�sroziu . � � � t310 t30S . � � � � � 301 - �if10 -Oi- 391.3 Phon� Lia� Installatioa . � � f100 � S0� � � � .� . 101 -��1l10 .O1- 3fD.0�P.C. SaYdvar� PureLas�� � t0 fi2T . .SO � t0 � � � � 101 - 41l30 -01- �97.1 � � . . .SO =0 � � � � � . . 1Q1 -�f1910 �Ol- 394.0 P.C. So�ltrar� AereLaus . j47� ti14 . � . t0 . f205 � . . . '�: 101 -.41l30 ��01- 3�l4.i . DtilitSas/Dpqr�d�s. � SO � ;2Q5 � � � � � . 101 - 41l30 -01• 43).0 Du�s 4 Subseziqtioas . =]„073� 51,104 �=1,�140 � =1,240 � � � 10l - 41l10 -01- {33.1 API�/LZCA Xsab�rahiys � . � � f310 . f310 . � . . �� � � 10i�- 41f14 -01- �33.2 IIIISA Ifaysrshly . .. � . it0 � S�0 � � � ��101 - f1f10�-Ol- U3.3 � Pia,na�rs LGvisory Baz�iu.. . . . f350 � =350 . � . . 101�- 419Y0 -01- 471.4 Yite�llsa�oua Itub�rthips � . ;200 . f200 � � � � 101 - ♦1910� -01- �]3,5 Subscriptioas ���- � 5300 � f300 � � �. �301 - 41l10 -01- #)5.0 Eooks 4 PamphleG � S59i f2D6 � 5300 5300 � � � . 101 - 41910 -D1- 435.1 ?laaaing 800k� 5300 � ;300 � .10i - 41l10 -01- i77,0 Coat�ranees i Sotaara =1,363 §1,050 . � S1,i00� �. S1,.t00� � � � � � 3G1 - 41l10 -A1- 437.1 Piaaniag CoaS-Direeior . 5300 . � 5300 � � � � � I01 - 41l10 -01- 437.2 � SGts Coat�-�ss't Plaaaar � � .. S200 =300 �� � . � . . .. . .. .. 301 - 41910 -01- 437.3 Loeal ConL�r�aeu/Ssiaazs � .S}00 � � . 5304 . � . . . .. . . � � 101 - {1l10 -01- 43�.4 � Plaaniaq Cwals�as"i7raiaiaq .. � i250 � t�SO � . .. . � . . 1D1 - fll10 -01- �37.5 � S�cretasial ?rainiaq � . . {150 . � � i150 � � � � � � 101 - �45410 -OS- �37.i Ca�putez ?raialag 5600 � 5600 � � � � � ' � 101 �.41910 •Q1- 4]!.0 Oth�r Yise�llaa�ous Cl�argt� � � 5141 . . SiGO S]00� � � 5300 � � � 101 -.�1910 -01- 439.1 A�atiaq E�epaassa E150 S1S0 � � � � � 101 - f1D10 -01• 4D9.2 8lseellaaaous CLazges � .5150 � 5150 � � � � � 101 - 41i10 -01- 570.0 0f11ca Yquipmmt i�YusalshingY SO .i359 50 50 � � � 101 - 41930 -01- S�D.3 � � � SD � SO . . . . . . . � . � � p7�C$ TOI'u5� . �� � 53,31! . 55�,101 �i4.050 $4,050 54.050 ;4,050 � . � � DLPAA27�C7T TOR'ALS � 5�56,103 3161,638 Si5T,981 f157,iD2 � 5165,031 S16S,031 � � � � � . � � P�l4� On� � . . . � � . . � . . . � . . . . . . . . 19f4� l4D6iT NOR�TS � . � � . . .. . . . . � . �COVi�S bIIILDINGB - 41940 - � � . � . . . July 2. 1993 . � . . � � �. . 2993�ODJiCT 19f3� ifl4 OEJiCT. 19l4 � � � . � � � �. � 1991 1lf3 DSF7SL xDOPTm DlT7lIL� PItOPOSLO� � lvad Aceount ! Obj �� �� Da�eriptioa LfiVAL ACTpflL a1fODN7 sppGp= �Ni gpppn � Ca�uats � � . 101 - 41l40 -01- ]11.0 Ci�aaiaq Supplias � t�59 � f0 . =0 � . ;p . � � � . 101 • iif{0 -01- �11.1 . �0 � . t0 � � � � 201 - •1i�0 -02- 21f.0 Other Oparatia4�suPDliaa � . ;76! � =0 � =0 � 5�00 � � � � ioi - aa�+o -oi- sis.i x�. coaeroi ca..sc.i. so s�oo ios - usao -oi- ss�.o s�siasay a.yasr s,�uu s+.OSS t6,41) =6,eoo ;s,i�• � 101 - 41f40 -01-�2]3.1 A�palz 6araq� Doori � � . . . 51,000 . �. � i1,000� .. � 101 - 41f40 -01- 227.2 Yiac�lim�ous Dldq It�pairi .. . =2,500 =3,69i � . Bngiaeer•a Clostt�r4dlticmwl � � 103 - 41l�0 -01• 32),3 � �naual xP] Iasy�etioa� � � . 52.500 � �=2,500 � � 101 - 41440�-OS- 233.4 ll�ctriul Yepairs . �5800 S60D � . � � � � 101 - 41940 -01- 225.0 L�adreayiag I(at�riais S{11� � i0 � � � =1,500 � 51,500 . � � � 101 - 41l10 -01- 235.1 Siab�zs, •Ce�, f506 SS00 � � 301.- 41li0 �-01- 235.2 Tr�as i fhtvb� . .. � . . f1.000 � f2.000 . . . . � . . . . . .. � 101 - 41l40 -01-.Z11.0 Stia31��Tools �537 .;0 � � =100 � SS00� � . .. . . . � 101 -.�1l40 -01- 241.1 � �. 5100 �. =100� � � � � 301 - 419i0 -01- 2�t.0 Ylnor�squip�nt . =0 � SO � � 5100� � 5100 � . 101 - 41l40 -01- 1{2.1 � . � 5100 5100 101 - 419�0�-01- 302.0 arehit�ets' !�u SO 31,534 � � i500 . ;SOtl . � 101 - 41940 -01--303.1 � � � 5500 5500' 101 - 41940 -01- 319.0 OGL�r Proiessioaal Sez�iee� i5,]10 54,6?6 . 54,500 �4,SD0� soi - 4isso -oi- ai�.i :i..swr�sae.a.ac. si,000 si.000 � 101�- 41940 -01- 319.2 8utiay/Cooitaq 741ataaaaca � 53,500 . � $3,500 . � � �� � 101 - 41940 -01- 361..0 il�etric IItilitiu � � � 520,16i 519,140 � � i1i,500 � �f1E,540 � � � � � ioi - si��o -oi- aei.x sit,soo ssa,soc 101 - 41f�0 -01- 363.0 6as IItillti�� 512,003 �512,73t � 512,000 f12,006 � � � � 101 - �19�0 -01- 363.1 . � � S12,Op0 S12,OQ0 � � � 301 - 41p10 -C1- 36{.0 A�tus�Disyosal 59,2�3 $11,734 512,000 . $13,600 � � 101 - �194Q -01- Dt4.1 . (i�aez�l S14qs.a Parks � . � i12,000 �412,600 � � � � � 101 - 419{0 -01- 369.0 Otbaz IIt311ty 3a�vieu S62 . $0 " � S1,]00 � � 51,200 � . 301 - 41940 -01- 3!!.1 lloor YaCa-Yoathly CLarqes . . . � 51,200 � � 51,200 � � � � 1Q1�- 41!{0 -01- 401.0 Coatratud Duildlaq Rep�irs SO 52.363 � =2,500 � . 51.500 � � � . . 301 - 41l40 -02- {Q1.1 Onts16�V�ador Sldg Repsizs � t2,500 ��52.500 . . 101 - 41l40 -OS- 412.0 auildiaq A�ntaY � � � 55,6�6 56,-097 �. . i12,0@�0 512,000 � � � � 301 - 11l�0 -01- 412,1 Q p! Y Stortq� � . =12,000 512,000�. � � � �101 - 41940 -01- 115.0 Othea Squip�tat Raatal =0 j0 - 5400 t�00 � � � � 101 - 419�0 -01- 415.1 .� Caayat Cltaa�r . . 5400�� .f400 . � � � . � 101 - 41940 -01- 439.0 Othsr Yi�cellaasous C6argu �. St50 SO � � � l50D � � � 5500 . � � �� 101 - 41940 -01- 439.1 Othm Suildiag Charqu � � SS00 45C0� . � � � � PAGY TOTai.S . f56.213 �866.499 S71.i00 572.600 574.77�i �514,77! . . . � . .. � � � DSPhitTl�iT TOTAI.S � �556,=19 - :66,499 � �S72.i00 � f71.600 E74.7Tt =74.17l� . . - � � � .:_ ._. ..:� .....;.._ - .. . . ..., .. . ....... -.�:�_�.. _:. �.........I._.... � .. .. ...... .. . . . . .. . .� j . . � . � � . . . Paga On� . . . . . . . . . � . � � 1994 D9DGYT MORICSHECPS � . � . . � . � . � POLiCi D8P71RTl�iT - 42110 - �' . � . � July 2, i993 . . � 1993 O8J3CT� � 1993 1994 ODJSCT 199i • � � 1991 14l2 Dll11IL J1D0'PTYD DBTAIL � lAOPOS79 . � � . . . � Puad � aceouat X Obi t Da�criytioc � �hCTCAL 'xC1VLL )uc0027T �EGDGs? 1qtOmR � DOMiSI . � � Co�ment� � � � 101 - 42110 101.0 aalaries a D�n�lits t557�,s67 =599,569 5671,131 E76],676 )A.1 Salary CosCs Zaelwiw o! � � � �� 101 - 42110�-02- 101.0 L. TsnGs�a, Poi1c� Chi�! � ;65,7E� � S66,t41 . Sal�ry, Tax�s, PER�1:�4�an+tita . . � 101 - 42110 -03- 101.0 D�. xuLas, Liwtwant . � 155,59! . SSl,i29 � � . � 101 - 41130 -04- 101.0 �J. 2rics�, S�s Sas+q�ant �. 153,137 � i5],�3{ � � � � � 101 - 43110 -OS- 301.0 �J. O'Laasy�, Tw Sas�g�aat � t53,484� � � ;59,328 � � . � 101 - 42110 -Df- 101.0 .D. DurkLalt�z, Yttzol O!!er �� � 552,?16 iSi,029 � 101 - A2110 -07- Y01.0 6. Thorslad, Pairol Otliewr f47,575 SS3.562 � � � . � 101 - 43110 -0!- 101.0 � M. Q•Dona�ll, ?atrol O!licr � � � =51,0l8 556,03! � .�� 101 - f2110 -0l- 201.G Y. kabid�au, Patsol 0!lie�r � =53,034� � �fS5,373 � �� � 101 - 42110 -10- 101.0 �J. Sam�rs, Patsol O!lic�r� . =52,102 � � � �SS,39a . � 101 - 42110 -11- 101.0 E. NatLaslotd, Patrol Of! . � � =52,00! . i56,039 � � . � 101 - �42110 -].S- 101.0 �T. 1[usy3y, PaCrel OlYic�r� � 54�,402 � 352,3?6 � � � � � � . 301 - �2130 -13- 301.0 9-. E�b�rq, Fatrol O!lic�r . �a29�,13f 044,6s2 � . � � � � � � 101 - 4?110� -14- 10i.0 ]I�r Patrol O!lic�z . � $4,l40� . l44,74i � � . � � 301 - 42110 -20- 1D1.0 D. )farthal�r, kdaia�s�t � � t3i,714 � t39,.S39 � � � . � . 101 - 4211p -21- 103.0 J. ]iii�wll, P/2�S�es�ttry � i11.432 517,li0 � � S01 - 42310 102.0 O��rtis� . � � � . - E31,300 � � ' � � - . 101.- 42110�-04- 302.0 J, tricswn, Tua Sarq�aat � � � � . ;330 � 1D Eousrs f 11.770�/8r x SSOt � � 101 - 42110 -OS- 102.0 J. O•I.�asy, Sm S�ry�aat . . � � i330� � � 10 IIours • 21.8841IHr x iSG+k � � .. . l0i - 41116 -06-�102..0 �D. EnrleLaltar, Yatrol O!!cr � � S2.3S0�� �. 75 8ours ��:20.91S6/8r s 15dt � � 101 - 43110 -01- 102.Q � 0. SRwrRtad, Patzol O!lic�r � � � � " � t3,350 . 75 8ours f ;20.9166/8z x 130k � �. 101 - 41110 �-0l- 102.0 X. O'Doaa�ll, Fatzol Oiiicx � . 12,340 . 75�8our� • i20.9166/Er z 150'}� .. . 101 -�42110 -Q9- 102.0 Y. AobiMau, Dairol Oitie�z � � � f2.350 � 75 8ours ! ;20.916B/8r�x 150� . � � 101 - {211C�--10- 102.0 J. 8o�rs, Patrol Olfic�r � � � � � � $2,330 � 75 Eonrs t $20.91f8f8r x 150+k . . � 101 - 41110 -11- 102.0 S. Maatluzlord, 4atzol O2! . � 52.330 . � �5 Eour� ! ��0.9166J8r x iSOi� � � . � 101 - �2110 -11� 103�.0 T. YurpLy, Patroi OlSie�r � . �� � . . E�.160 � .�5 Haara • $19.3825/8r x-1SQt . ��- . ioi�- 42110 -13- 103.0 .s_ s�basg, Patrol OLlic�r � � � Ei,94o 1S�Hours�•.517.2�o6J8r x 350�4 . �301 - 42110 -.1�- 302.0 M�r�Patrol OSlie�r� � � . 31,i10 � � 75 Hours • ;16.0l31/8r x 150t � . 301 -43110 -20- 103.0 D�. Xazthal�z, Admia�7lsat �. �. � 5610 ZS 8ours • f16.3123/Sr�x 150! � � ' � � � 301 - 42130 -01- II02.0 Daplicatiaq i Copyiaq �SO � SO �3533 � 550Q � � �� 101 - �2110 -01- 203.1 �llla Developiag Costs � 5533 � � iS06 .� . � � 101 - 42110 -01-.207.0 TralalaQ F Iastxvetal 8uypli�s 55,241 ;{�F4 � 5763 � �f900 � . 101 - 42110 -U1- 207.1 �YracCic�Ammunitioa.. tS3l � . 560D . � � . S01 - 43230 -01- 3Q9.9 � Yise�llaawus Ia�trnctioaal. � 5150 � 5300 : � � � � � 101 - 43110 -OS- 20a.0 Ylsc�llaawus Snyyliu . SZ.065 i2.17Q � f0 . SO � � . 101 - 42110 -01- 208.1 SO � SO � � � . �� . 101 - 41110 -01- 309.0 Oth+�r Oitic� &upyli�s 51,431 i1,535 51,596 � $1,600 � .. 101 - 41110 -OL 309.1 ltiacsllaa�ous Snypliss . �a1,59! � 51,600 . � � 101 - 4217..0 -01- 211.0 Ci�aaiag 9uypli�s � � � ;0� =0 . � i214 . �. . . .. SY00 . . ... � . _:.._ . . . . . . 101 - 42110 -Dl- 211.1 ���'Dlaak�t�Cluninq � . � � � .=lOT � � � .. f100 � �� � . � Spi - �5110 -01- 311.5 Sqvad Zat�rior C1Maiaq � - � . 3107 � f100 � � � . � 101 - 42130 -01- 212.0 Yotoz lnal} � �;11,977 ;10,553 - � SO � � SO � � � . 101 - 4311d -03- 212.1 � . =0 � i0 � ... .. . . . . � 101 - 42110 -01- 213.0 Lnbsicaata a 1Wdit1+�� . � iQ SO . �EO � t0 � � � � � 301 - 42110 -01- 313.1 � � ;➢ � � SO � � � � �. 101 - �2110 -01- 217.0 ClothiaQ Lllowaac� -. Polic� SO � SO . 51,000 . . SO . � �. � SOS - 42110 -01- 137.1 lfw Ofiie�r{1 � j500 . � . � =0 �. � � .� 101 - 42110 -01- 217.3. � 8w�0ltic�r t2 � � � � �=580 � t0 � .. � PAGi TOYI�LS � =576.5l1 ai14�.370� � Sp5.160 .�S675r260 STt7.17f S7E7.176 � � . . . t Pay� Tro . � � � . � . . . . . . . 1994 SDDCBT ilOR1C988YT3 � . . � � � ?OLICE�DHP7utT!ffiiT - 431I0 - � � � ' . � . July 2, 1993 � . � . � 1993 OaJSCi Y993 1994 OHJSCR 1994 � . . � 1991 � 1992 DMAIL � ADOPT� DET7IIL . .PAOAO$YD � � � � . . lund ]�eeouat • Obj�i De�cziytioa ACTq)J. aCTqLL� .NtOQNT � BII➢fiET /1itO0NT DDDGrI Co�nts .� 101 - 42110 -OS- 219.0 OtL�r Qparatiag Suyglies � ;178 . 5795 . �� 5293 . � � . ¢300 � . � 303 -. �]110 -01- 219.1 Duty J�muaitioa � i=93 . 3300 . . � 101 - 43110 -01- 23i.0 3quipwaG ?arts � . i4,433 S4.S13 � �1,065� S2+S60. . .� . . . � 101 - 42110 -01- 221.1 : 7tl�edlan�ous Equipe�at � � =1y0i5 � f1,500 � � � � 101 - �42110 -01- 222.0 Sir�s i1,463 . t1,49� . . ;0 . � =0 � � � � 301 - 42110 -01- 23Y.1 � � ¢0 ��0 � � �� � � 301 - �]110 -01- 3�2.0 8ma11 Sools � 564 . j127 � 5160 � =150 � . . 301 - �2110 -01+ 241.1 �Yise�liaa�ous Tools � i160 � � . 5150 � � . � � 101 - 12110 -01- 304.4 L�gal l��s � . f3l,�E71 547.000 � 551,400 tSZ,000 � � � � 101 - 43110 •01- ]04.1 Proucntloa . � 351,40C 552,000 � � � . . 101 - {2110 -01-�305.0 )iadical i Dnatal iaas �l�63 f7ti . t1,000 i1.000 � � , � 101�- 42110 -01- 305.1 Yiseallaa�our Xadical Cesta � 51,000� 51,000 . � 101 - 41110 -01- 306.0 4�rsoaaal T�attaq i Y�csvitmnt S0� =1,661 � � � f3.700 � i0 � � 101 - 42110 -01- 306.1 It.P.I.S. 1�u . � � � 51,500 t0 � � � � � � 101 - 42110 -Oi- 306.2 . Plrycholoqical.i�stiaq . i600 $0 � � . � 101 - 43110� -01- 306.3 Pra-im�loym�at PhyslcaL � ;1,200 � 50 � � � � . I01 - 43110 -01- 306.4 Hayalitis •8• Yacciaations � 5�00. � SO . � 101 - �2110 -01- 312.Q Coatract�Iasp�ctioa lr�s . ;0 $6,�00 � � Sb,200 � �ti,]00 � � � 101 - 42110 -01- 312.1 l�aisl Narden leer 58,100 � SS,200 .� � 101 - 42110 -01- 314.0 Oih�r Pzolusioaal Sasvieu ;20,170�. =27,230 ' � 5z3�.50D f27,325 � �� � . 301�- 42110 -01- 319.1 ��D1�paLeL Serviee-sagaa 5=3.500. � � � 527.335 �Spaeial P7ton� �haxg�s �lso �� � � 101 - 43110 -01- 321.0 Taleyhoae Cost� . � SO � =1,050 � 51.400 fZ.?00 � � 101 - 42110 -Q1- 321,1 Gallular ?hon� Dills � . . � 53.400 �52.700 . . 101 - 42110 -01- 333.0 Radio IIaits � 54.947 . 53.499 �� �52.130 53.000 � � � ,1C1 - 43110 -01- 323.1 Radio 4 Aadax Reyalr� � f2.130 53,000 � � � SOS - 43110 -01- 331.0 1Yarel�Expana•� . $264 �5625 . 5860 SB00 . � � � 101 - 4311D -OS- 331.1 Yi�c�llaaaow Lxywe� . . � 5800 � � 5800. .�. 101 - �3110 -OS- 3!1_0 P.C. Ya1aC�oaae� � $0 5109 � � 5350 � 5250 101 - 42110 •O1- 391.1 Yisc�llaawus 7[ainteaanc� � � $250 � .5250 � � � � � � � � 101 - 42110 -OS- 396.0 Ca�put�z ltaiatanaaee 59�,066� $l,344 � .511,848 . t13,7�0� � 101 - 42130 -01- 396.1 IIIl01tS Yalat�aaae� � � � � 59,385 510,1i0 � � � � � � 101 - �1110 -01- J96.3 �fack Civainq � i760 .� � f7i�0 � 101 - 43110 -01- 396.3 CJDN 800k-up CAasya� � � . t1,D03 � � $2,520 � � 101 -�42110. -01- 317.0�Caopuiar l�ecessozia� i Supyly $4,�873 �.54,42i � . . . SO � � �i0 � � . � �� � 101 -��2120 -01- 397.1 � . � ;0 . . . . 101 - 42110 -01- 4Q9.Q Oth�r Coatract�d Aepair i Yaia $1,075 S1,DE1 . 51,500 . S1,S00 � � � � 101 - 42110 -OS-�409.1 Outdoor Sirta A 4 Y =1,500 Sl,SOD�. . 101 - 42110 -01- 415.0 OGh�t YQuipment Yeatal,..,., � .� =1],12] =S,2a9 . � 94.500 $i,t00 . 301 - 42110 -03- �iS..i 1laiaal Car�. SLamrock. �tc. ..... . � $4.800 � .... ft.i00 �- . . . .. -- . . . . 101� - 42110 -01- 433.0 Dn�s i 8isbacriyEiaa�. . . =365 �255 � 5500 �� fS00 � -� 301 - 42110 -01�- �33.1 I[isc�llaasous � � � � . � SSQO f500 � � � .� 101 - 42110 -01- 435.0 Dooks i PaapLlets � =530 $!30 � . 5300 E300 � � � - . . � . � 101 - 43110 -01- 435.1 YiiCsllmwn� � 5300 � � 0300 � . � . � 101 - 44110 -01- 436.0 ?oriaQ Charg�s � . =3i �. =1l4 ;200 � � i2Q0. � � � � ��. � 101 - �2110 -01- f36.1 IIaaaticipated Smr3aQ � . 5300 . � 5200 . . . . ... �� 101 - 42110 -01- 437.0 Conlaraaau 4 Soiaars � �1314 i3,71! � 15,400 � . . �5,000 . � � � 101 - 42110 -01- 437.1 �[isc�liaa�ous Traiainq � . i535 5500 � . , . 101 - 42110 -01- 437.5 OLiic�r 1Yaiaiug Costs � . S4.i7S � � � �=�,500� � . � � � � . � � ?1Uiz TOTLLS 3100,190 ;i19,D22 � F113..4�6 ;319,4�6 $13/,365 f124,265 .� � � � � � .� DSPIIkTIffiKT 20tI1L3 5678.771 5734.G92 =794;70� �5794.70i . $411.441 3911.441 . . . . . . � . , � � Paq� On� . � - . . i�i� scmarr roAxsssrs rzxs asrua�mar - +=�io - . � July 2, 1993 � . . �. . . � � 1993.OEQiCT 1993 �1991 OSJZCT 1944 � � � � � � � � . 1991 1993 DltA2L 71DOPT19 DLTh2L. PROP08� . � � Pund Lecovat � Obi !t � n��criyt4oa . � I.CTG)�L 71Ci01S �� IIODG�P NtOVNS. �SODGHi Ca_wb � . � .� 101 - 41210� 103.0 Salazia� 4 8�n�tit� E100,364 ;113,449 � � ti16,362 =116,901 1111 Salasy Cos�s IaelwiT� ot. �.� � . � 301 - 42330 -02- 103.0 iis� Ca11s, �1Yalainq, •tc. � � 546,710 � � . � . . =9i.il6 Sal�. ?axas. YtR# 4 a�n�iiC� � . . � 30S - 42210 -03- 10D.0 O�orq� yundy, Tire YarsAal .;1l,t13 . � 530,005 if��?l.s� Posltion� � � � 101 - �1910 -01- 201.0 O!lie�.Mc�uoriu . t9t =0 � =0 � � � � �SO � ��� 101 - 42330 -01- 201.1. � �� . . . . . .. . . . � . � . �. 101.- 42310 -A1- 302.0 DupliCatiag i Copyiay � =!4 ;0 � . . �=2L0 5260 � � � � � SOS - 42210 -01- 402.1 Z�Yox➢ry Iaaq� . � . . =95 =ys � � . � 101 - 42310 -01- 302.4 Z�ros Copy Cutridq�� .. . . S80 � SS0 . � . � . .. . � . 101 - 42710 -01- 203.3 La��r Pziat�z � . . fD5 it5 � � �101 - 43210 -01- 204..0 Saoalop�s 4 Lattarha�Cs i0� t91 � . � �5100 � j100 � � 101 - �1230 -01- 304:1 �ia��ioy�s � . � � . � i�5 � f40 . � �. � 101 • 42210 -01- 204.3 . y�Gt�rhud 4 losau . =35 =60 � � � � 101 - f]210 -DS- 20l.0 othar oltic� Supyliu �� 5199 SO . � � . SO � . � SO � - � 101 - 47]1D -01-� 209.1 - � � g�Q =p � . .. � . � 101 - 42210 -01- 211.0 Claaniag Suppii�s � � ;31� i41 � =100 � i390 � iD2 - 4]210 -01- 211.1 Soay � � :s65 � 56S . � � 101 - 43210 -01- 211.2 Chwis � . �5170 . t1f0 � soi - ��uo -oi- zii.a sro�•• tss sas � 101 - 42210 -Ol- 211.4 SC'D#Cleaaer � . .. �540 . E40 � � � � � S01 -. 4221Q -01- 212.0 Yotor luela � i976 � 51.006 � . . . SO � f0 � . � . 101 - 42230 -01- 317.1 � � f0 �� SO � � � � 101 - i32i0 -01- 213.0 LubriCants 4 IIdQitivu . ;1l3� g0 � SO . �=0 � 301 - 42310 -01-313.1 � � 50 .t0 � � � � . S01 - 42210 -01- 23i.0 lira Departa�nt�Clothiag 5�.964 f4,069 Slt9 � . � iI.260 � � � 101 - 42210 -01- 218.1 Caa�za2 OaiLo� Cost� � :14A � . 51,260 � � � 101 - 42210 -�1- 219.0 OtDar.Opara[inq Supyltu SS�O SD72 . � s630 � 5640� � � � �� � 101 - 12210 -01- 219.1 �Glovu(Yedlcal) � � .51l0 � 5185 � � � � . 101 - 17210 -01- 219.2 D�adagu � � � � �. 5110 5120 � � . � � . . . .. 101 - 42210 -01- ]19.3 Lquiy�aat(Yedical) $95 �595 � � � � � � 301 - f]210�-01- 319.4 Sy�ak Suits � � . . � . �S'f0 SSS� . � .. . . . . � . � 301 - {2210 -01- 219.5 Coas�abl� M�dical � � � , 5175 � � =185 � . � � . . � 101 - 42210 -01- 3]1.0 Zqy,ipa�at Pazii 53.9i1 f4,301 SO � ..f0 � . . 101 - 42210 -01- 221.1 � SO � SO � 101 - 42230 -01- 4?9.0 Otihez Xaiatanaac� Suyylie� ,�4,000 . ;9,746 $15,500 � 515,500 � � � 161 - 42210 -01- 229.1 aerial Truek(Outside) . � � 51=,900 � 612,9Q0 � � � � � 101 - 43210 -01-� 229.1 Pus�p�r tsucks{Outside) . ��1,6Q0 � S1,l00 . � � �101 - 422:10 -01- 2]4.3 �O[Las . S]00 f300 � � 101 - 42210 -01- 239.4 V�hicle Ypdilications SS00 � SS00 � �101 - 42210 -01- 230.0 8quipa��at Rsyair 14tarial• 51,12i ST75 5450 � ;335 � . � � 101 - �2Z30 -01- �230.1"`�' Liqht Dar� � � �5100 � � ;100 �� � � - � � SOl - �2210 -01- 730.2 Saoka I[�chiaa � . � SSO ti0 . � � � . 101 - 43210 -01-. 230.3 Laat�rai � � � S50 � �SSO � � � � 10S - 42110 -01- ]�0.4 8l�e�llaaeous � . 5100 � � � 5100 � � � � � 101 - d3210 -01- 2�0.5 Iarox � � � 5154 � 325 . . . � .. . � 101.- 42210 -01- �261.0 Seall 4001■ � . . $44! 36a1 � d425 �. � ;395 . � �101 - 43210 -01- Y41.1 xic�s, Dazs a Oth�r � � ��5150 5�120. � � � � � 1D1 - 44310 -02• 241.2 � Grass liz� � � � � 8225 .� 5235 . . . . .. . .. . . SO1 - 42310 •O1- 251.3 ltise�ll�a�wu � � � �i50 � . ;SO � � � . � � � . - p��-T�'u+ S11i,19i 3134,130 5134,2!? 313�,1l� �¢13?,6D1 f137,6T1 � � � � � . 1 � . . . . . . . � . � . � faya RMo . � .. � . � � � � � � . . . . 1993 fDD6ZT 1►ORLf8tiS8 � . . . � . � . . . . � �lIAi�DLP11kT1m12 - 42]10 - . � � � . � � � Jnly 2. 1993 . � � . . . . � -. . 1493�4DJSC2 1991 1l94 OEJiiR� 198{ . . � � � � . 1991 1l93. � DEShZL �7�DOP1'm DtT1IIL PROPOSID � � � � � . � � .Ivnd luccount � Obj i Ducription LCRVAL XCTO7�L � xNpptlT� II9DGit 7�tOONT EOpGZT Ga��nta . � � � � 301 - {5210 -01- 305.0 lbdlu2 4 D�ntal l�u� . i2.780 =2�,664 � . �=1,�50� � S3,E4-0 . \ - � � 101 - 42110 -01- 305.1 Laawl Str�u Suts � . � =3,150 �� � . �L3,640 � � � 101 - �2210 •OS- 305.1 ifarg�ey Chaeks � 5200 �p� � . � 301 - 41110 -01�- 30G.0 Yarioaaal i�stiag i l�crnitaat 54,388 =3,030 =4�,J00 � 52.400 �� 1D1 • 43210 •OS- 30�.1 llw Pby�Seal�(��� � � � � i3.i00 =1,i00 � � � � � � � . 101 - 4II210 -01-�30i.2 Espatitis ShoEs(D) . � 51,200 � j600� � � � � ioi - �ssio -oi- aoe.o sa,ts,�ecor.• T��� =2.356 =1.lt5 =i.740 t4.74S 101 - f2310 -01- 30D.1 !!z� f�IIht�z I � � - 51,700 . f1,t65 � � � . . 101 - �3210 -Oi- ]Da.2 71rit i�sponQar . � � . �. 51.700�� . � 52�.7f0� � . . . . - . . � � 101 • {2210 -01- 30t.3 7111 OtLer Traiaiay Co�ts . 5450 � - =l15 . � . � � . . . � 101 - t3210 -01- 30f.� � BEat� 71re SeLool(i) � � i6f0 . Sa00 � . . . � . . . . � SO1 - 41110 -01- 30l.S 8�et1oaal Schools� � � � .. gS16 � � i910 � � 1Q1 - i2210 -01- 30L.� Ea:-11at TraiaSay(151 � � 51.700 . 53.075 . . . .. . .. � . 101 - �3210��-Oi- 310.0 Te�tiaq S�r►Sees . 51,041 i1,OZ9 � 5350 . . 51,950 � 101 - 42210 -01- 310.1 .Anper� i SC87�Hydro Seskag .� � . � S�SO � t1,�950 � . . . . � . . . 101 - 12210 -01-�313.0 2amporary.8atfic� �lau .. . SI L250� � f1,050 t1,375 � �. 101 - 42210 -01- 313.1 3CD11 Coatraet E�Yaintaaaac� � � .SlSO � � 51,150 � � . � � . 101 • 4271D -01- 313.2 Zsrox liaiat�aaaea Coatraet � � f200 � � . �f225 � � � �� � � �� . 301 �- 4231G -01- 319.0 OiLaz Arofasioaal S�r►icas . 54,125 =0 � � 51,650. . t1,bS0 � � � 101 -�42220 -01� 319.1 l3sa Pse�aatioa 16atariali � � � � 5900 . =900 . � 1D1 � 42210 -01- 319.2 � Traialaq Dudget � � � � � . 5950 � � 5950 � � � � � 101 - 42210 -01+.321.0 TelepLoaa CosG � � � � � 5117 S33t . � � i510 �5582 � . 1Q1 - 41210 -01- 321.1 C31a!'l��Phoa� . � . . 5120� S1Z0 . . � .. . . . .. . .. 301 - 41230 -01- 321.3 )usl�taaC CIIisf•s PLoae � � . S1]0 E120 � � � . � 301 •� 42210 -01- 321.3 A�seu�.P3oa�� � � � � . � 5150 f150 � ID1 - {2210 -Ol- 131.� 1P�srie Paqari $120 �. � � 5192 � � � � . 101�-�43310 -oi- 322.0 PostaQa�Cosu . � =1! S22 . � � S50 � S50 � � l0i - i2210 -01- 322.1 IIP9 � . � . � SSO SSO . � � . . . . . . � � . 101 - �2210�-Ol- 323.0 ltadi0�Sts � 53.0l0 S1.f00 � � SO SD . . . � � .. . � 101 - 4Z310 -01-�333.1 . � SO a0 . . . . . . � � �. . 101 - 43210 -OL 329.0 Oth�s� C�uaicatioa Costs Sl22 q1,182 . � ;1,100 �� � 51.000 � � 101 - 42310 -02- 33l.1 Paqar Aey�ir� . � � 5�00 � � 5300 � � � 101 - 12210 -01- 3]!.2 Eaad 8dd RaQlo R�paizs� . � . t300 � 53D0 � � � � . .�.. . iQl • 43210 -D1- 329.3 1[obils 3tadio Aepalrs � � � E400 � . 5300� 101 - A2210 •Q1- 329.4 sas• Reyaiz� .� � 5200� � � 5100 � � 101 - ♦2330 -Q1- 331.0 Travfl Eacpm• . 51,911 53.071 . 53.510� - � .� 54.060 � � . � 101 - i3210 -01- 331.1 Riaa Chist•• Coateraaee t60Q . . 5756 � 101 - �2110�-01- 332.2 State lSra ConLaranc�� � . � 51,20Q � � 51,200 . . . 101 - 42210 .-01- 331.3� �S�bticaal SeLooia . . � � � =510 � t9i0 . � 101 - �2310 -OS- 331.4'�� Ratioa�l Coat/1�ecadrmy � � . 51.200 51.200�� . . . . . . . p� T�Tu$ � 5�0,139 �14,361 i23,310 =23,310 �t�6.,t53� f26,l51 � � � . � � i { Yay� Thz�� � � � . . . � � . . 1997 EIID6!!t10W.S8YST8 � � � � tIRZ DlPAA'T7�lY - 42210 � � . . � . . . � . . � July 2, 1993 � . � � � � 1991.ODJECi 1943 1994 OEJiCT - 1l�f1 . . . � . . . . .1991 . 19!] D!'faSL ADO?2m � DiT112L P7tQPOSm . � . . � Tuad. Lecovat / Obj ! D��cziDtioa � aCiA7�L 7.CT47�L h1tO0N? �aODGtt a1t0UNT EOD01T .Ca��at�� . . . 301 - i2230 -01-. 433.0 Duu b Subseriytiow =�SS =S3S � . i460 . it�4 � ' 101 - i2310 -01- 433.1� Yaqasla�� . � S30 � �530 � . . . . . . . ... � � 101 - 42230 -OI- 433.2 � VlfJ1 Iasuraae� � � � � . � .�270 � ii10� � .. . . . . 301 -.43T10 -01- 433.3 sut� lir� . . . . t!0 . ff0 � . . . . ... 301 - 4t210 -01- 433.4 StaC� Chlaf■ � . 565� :f5 . � � � . . . . . . .. 101 - 6Q230 -01- U},S .� � � . S30 . ;30 � � 101 � �221tl -02- 433.G 10�=pTA]tutual Md . � � i10 � t1S � � � . 101 - 42210 -01- 43).� � PuzeLasiag Goasortiva � � f35 � SSS � � � � � 101 • 43110 -03-��3J.D �CapiGa1 City .. _ � ;SS ;3S . � 101 - 42210 -01-�}31.9 lZLI[ . SS � f5 � � � � � � � � .101 - 42210.-01- 437.0 Coai�r�ac�s�i S�aiaar� L110 =f10 5�00 � � � 5650 � � � � 101 �- 42210 -01- 437.1 Stata lir� Coalarmee � � 5440 � . f440 � � 101 -�42210 -01- 4]7,3 SGata Ch1e!•s Coaleraaee � � �5210 . =310 � � � . . . � 101 - 42210 -01- 437.3 Vo•T�eh 4 Natloaal . . 550 � ;0 � . � . � 101 - i2230 -01- 43l,0 OtL�r lfiscallanwus Charqas sJ,�55 =7,7i5 � �=1,525 . =1,110 � � � . � � 201 - 41210 -01- {39.1 lood 4 Coft�e � 5180 t95 � � � 101 - 42210 -Q1--434.3 �Osyg�a� � . . 8225 � =145 . . . . .. . . .. . 101 - 42210 -01- �39.3- � �bctlaquishar � � . � S25R � 5350 � � � � . 101 - 42210 -OI- 43l.4 Pl�ques . . � . SIO f]0 � . . . . 101 - 43210 -01- �39.5 Paint . . . . � SSO � $50 . � � 101 - iI210.-01- 439.6 OtL�i � � j640 SSSD � � � � 101 - �2310 -01- 570.0-0!lie� LQuiy 4 Zuraiahiaq ?ure �� 5�00 �SO SO � � � . 50 � �� 101 - 42210 -01- 570.1 . � sp � � � � � . 301 - 42130 -01- St0.0 Ot6eY 8quipaeaL Pur�Lt�st 517,05• S67S � � SO �� SO � - � ��� 101 - �2310 -01- SDO 3 . . . sp � . � � �� : � . . . . .. .. . F7�Gt 'P017S.S � 521,333 54,534 S2.t65 32.6lS 52.335 52,235 . � � � � �� � . � � � � D8Y]ut17�iT?OTAyS . 5155>771� 5153,l�S 5160,162 5160,1l2 f166,7SE� 516b,.75l. �� �� � . e . . . � � . � . . .P�ya On� . � � .. . . . . . i�ts avcaar�roxxsssrs . PIIDLIC 1fOiT.4/DDILDIIf6/II16INS8AIN0 - 41100 - . . . . . . . . � .. . . duly 2, 1993 1493 OSJiCT 1993 199� OEJiCT 1f9i � � � 1991 1992 ��DBTxIL � ADOPTm DET7IIL PRODp� � � � � h�ad AccouaC � 03j � D��erlptioa � . ACi47J. 11C7VL7. I�tIX1IINT. BIIDGET 7U[OIINi � � SODGST Camsants. . � 101 - 43100 � SOI.O Salaria� �� s�a�iiti =193,504 =154,1i4 � 5531,9i1 . 5632,41E � � - 302 - l3100 -02- 101.0 A. Naaaaad, P/N�Dir{SOt) � ��t3],S?t F33,�340 54} ��1,� SOt IItilitl�s � .�� 101 - 43300 �0�- 101.0 Y. Nidirtrae�, PJM lora�aa � � �554,.99T i56,23E� � � � S01 - 43100� -04� 101.0 E. Or�adsoa, �nQia�ar � � �SSD,S]! S56,Of� . All Sal�ry Ms[�� Zacluai��a!� � � � � � 101 - i3100 -OS-�301.0 a. Eailry, Yayiaear i�ch. . � � �S3i.2l0 ;34,SiS � ..�Sal � � . . . . .. a�cY. iws. P�G a A�a�llia . � l0l - 41100 •06- 101.0 � R. i.anaqulit, iaqin�ar Yech � - � � � .. so gae,00� io1 - asfoo -o�- ioi.o r. a.s�c•s, a.sa siaQ otsei s+�.u2 t4�.io� � 101 - 43100 -08- 101.0 1[�. iriek�, i{16Q insy�eGor f17,6#2� 596,St6 � � � � . 301 - 43100 -0!- 301.0 Y. Stoital, Dldq S�eGasy � 531,2i3 � . � f�{,158 . � 101 - 4310Q -10-�101.0�. ..�A.�DarLlmecht. Yaiat IIZ . . � � � =40,33G H2.384 � . . .. . . . . . iDl�- 43100 -ll- 101.0 D. J�r6a, 7talat I . � � � . i33,�115 $3f,3D1 � � � � 101 - 43100 -12- 501.0 - �_.�D�y, Ytint 2I � . . � i34,54i 53�,7�0 � � � . . � � 101 - 43300 -17- 301.0 � D. St�nlfar. Yaiat I . . ;2t.19i . S3l.13i . . .. . . . .� � � . . 161 - 47100 -1{- 501.0 7laiatanaaea I � � 5�,540� . ¢36,450� � 101 - 43100 -15- 101.0 D. Saadstraa, Yeeh III � � � �t3l,261 519,924 � � .� � 101 - l31p0 -16.- 101.0 J. lr�ming, Yaiqt 2 � l30.,641 533,017 � � � � � � . 101 - �3100 -17- 101.0 D. Ahldrieh, �Yech Z � �.� �ZE,TSl $�5,471 �- � � � 1D1 -�43100 102.0 lu11-21me�Ov�ziiae 59,009 .t6,a2• � 516,103 517,l54 � � 101 - 43100 -05- i02.1 D. IIail�y,�=nqia��z S�cII � � � Sb�7 � � fa79 � � � � S01 - 41100 -06• 102.1 R. Loaaquirt, �iagiaaar tseh � � ..f0 . . 5679 . � . � �� ... .. . 101 - �D100 -07- 102.1 �P. Eelskas, ]�stt aldq OlSC1 . =514� � 5514 � � 101 - 43100 -0a- 102.1 X. lrieke, E1Qg Iaip�etor . . � 5431 � ;431 � 101 - 43100 -0l- 102.1 1[. SWflel, aldg�Sacretary � . 5754� $754 � � 101 - �}300 -i0- 103.1 R. Earflmachi, Ifaiat ZIZ �� � 52.245 � 57.295 � � � � � . 101 - 43100 -31- 301.1 D. J�rE�, Yaiat I � 51,710 S1,?10 � � � 101 - 53100 -13- 30].1 !. Day, I41at I2 � � . � � S3,Od1 52.081 � SD1 - �3100 -13- 102.1 D. Staultar, Yaiat Z � 51,69] �$1,693 � � � � � . 101�- 43300 -14- 10].1 � Win�t�aaau I . � 5�17 31,391 � � � � 101 - 13100 -15- 103.1 D.�S�adatram, Y�eh III � . � . 52.3l4 . � 52,3D4 � � � ioi - �asoo -xc- icz.i a. zz..�saQ, 7ttiaC 2 51,391 51,391 � i01 - 47100 -17- 102.1 D. hLidrieII, i[�ch�I � � � 51.557 =1�,�557 � � 101 - �3100 -99- 103.0 ParbSis� Saiazi�s i EanefiGs 570,l49 S=3�,068 S22,E16 . �� � 5�3,41G � � � 101 - �33p0 -99- 101.1 =nginesriaq 2atara . 510�,Y00 510,300 � � . 1�1 �- 43100 -99- 103.2 �. P(2 Su�ona.i Yaiateaaac� Si2,616 513,416 � � � . 101 - �}S00 -Q1- ]G1.0.0!lite acussoriu � 50 � ti71) . � 51,3lS � S1,]E4 � � .� iQl - 43100 -01- 291.1 xs�ort�d Dryt Suyplit� � � S1,Ofi5 51,065 � � � . � . SO1 - 43100 -01- 201.2 10Q• 7ape � $53 - ;53 � � 101 - 43100 -01- 201.3 8lscellaa�ow Suppliu . � .:5266. � 5�66 � � � 101 - 43100 -01- 203.0 Priabd lorss 4 PaDu' � -SO 5�1,361 S1,b07 � �51,607 � � � � 101 - 43100 -01- 203,1� Inspactioa i P�ralt losm� � f1,065 51,065� � 101 - 48100 -01- ]03.2 �H/N Pssstt i Za�pets lorms . � � � 5330 � f590 � . .. . . . . � � . � . . 101 - 43100 -OS- 203.3� �xozk Ordar� � � . f�12 . YZ12 � - � � � � . . .. 101 -.43100 -01- ZOS.O Driitiaq Ssspylib S],632 S1,Os5 � �51,227 =1,227 � �� � � 301 - 43100 -01- 205.1 �Papar !or Plaa Aeyroduction � � . .5575 � f575 � � . iCl • �3100 -01- 205.2 O!!-Sita AeprodueGloat � 53Ii � � ¢326 � � � � 101 - 13100 -01- 205.3 Ifi�callaawus 7ools � � . � S33i� � 5336 � � � . 101 - 43100 -01- Z09.0 Othar O!lSc��Svypliss 5601 5535 � � 5539 � � 5533 � � � � � � 101 - 43100 -01- 209.1 Gas� Iaryaceioa Tags � � S2Ci � � S36i � . . . . . . .. . . � 101 - 43100 •O1- 209.2 � Aoor isoekars S]87 � S2ti . . . . . . � .. . . � . p����g � � S32$,.595 S4�l4,9i0 ¢575,R1]� 5575,611 S66E,73! 5666,�39 � �� �. . � . Paq� 11rp . . . . . � . . � � . 19l4 DIIDOlP 1107ti8�=t8 � � . � � � � - PIIBLIC 110R[S/DGZLDIIfO/IIPCAffSAIIffl -�43100 - . � � � � � � � . . � � � � . � . .July 2, 199� � . � . � . 1997 OEJ=C! i991 1l9�OEJICT 1994 . . . . � 1941 � � 1992 DE?ASL 11DOPtm Dt?1lSL � PRQPOSHD� � � . Yua6 ACCovat ! Obj S D�sCriytloa � � 11C2471L aCi47S 71YOiW1T � SDD6Yi I�1WONi lDD6HT . Co��ats . . . � . � i . . � � 101 - •3100 -01- �211.��Cl�aaiaq 9uyplf�i Sz11. 5325 . � � � t43i� f�2f � 101 -��3100 -01� 311.1 SLoy . . 5213 � 7t�13 � � � � � � � � 101 - 47100 -01- 211.3 Vihl��lu � 5213 � � � =t13 . .. � . . 301 - 43200 -OS- 312.0 i(otor Tuds . 516,.361 t�2,25i � � . � j36,425 S36.i25� � " 101 - 43100 -01- 212.1 Pub11C Norks . � p12,Ti0 f13.7i0 ��� � � � � � 101 - l310G -OS- 112.3 �Parks � . � � =5.325 � 55.325 � . .. � 101 - i3100 -01- 213.3 Po12ca . � � ili,fl0 � 514,l10 � � � � . � 101 - 49100 -01- 712.4 71r� . . . t3.�63 � f2.i�6�� �� . � � � � � . �. 101 - 43100 -01- 212,5 Adeiaistxation � � � =533 � =533 � . � � 101 - 43100 -Ol- 213.6 Rlaaainq . � =�Si . =214 � . . . .. . 301 - 43100 -01- 213.0 Lvbrivab�i additi�ss � f2,4{2 . 53.240 it,3?1 � f6.3l2 � � � � . 101 - 43100 -OL.213.1 � � Yublic Nor1u � � � =2,663 � �$2,6f3� � 101 - �3304 -01- 213..2 Parka . . . � ��;1.276 . . 51.27i . . . . . . . . � . � 101 - t3100 -OS- 213.3 Yolica � . . S1,.OiS . t1,0i5 � � � � � . 101 - 43100 -OS- 213.4 Tir� . . . �t1,065� S1,Ot5 � � � � � � � 101 • 4310Q -Ol- 113.5 f��iaistratioa � . f214� � 5214 � � � � 101 - 4310C -01- 213.6. �PlaaalaQ � §107 � fI07 � � � ICS - 43100 -01- 215.0 Shop Yatariala � SO Sl.,039 :l.Std � i9,5fa � � � 301� - 43100 -.01- T15.1 Public Morks� � � 56.390� � =i,390 - � � � .1Q1 - 43100 -01• ]25.2 Pas1u . � 52.130 53.13Q . � 101 - �3100 -01- Y15 3 Polic� . � � � 5330� . 5320. � � � � � . . � . � 101 - (3100 -01-.215.4 Zir� � � 5320 � � S3]0 � � � 101 - 4310Q -OS- 215.5 adaialstr�tion � � � � SSii . 521� � � � 101 �- �3100 -01• 315.6 P1aaalaQ � � � 5214 5214 � � � � � � 101 - �3100 -01- 219.0 Other OparaEiag Suppli�� 57..944 . SO =0 � � �f250 � � � � 101 - 43100.-01- 219.1 Tiim 4 Yiscellaaaous . � SO � � 5250 � � � � � � 101 - 43100 -01- 231.0 Squipaaat Part� . 529,277 534,821 �� 53a,021 � . S3l,031 � 101 - {3100 -01- 331.1 Pvblia Mor1u � � . . � S]1,300 � ;21,300 � � � 101 - �3100 -01-�221.2 Paslu . � St,530 � Sl,520 � � � 101 - 4D100 -01- 721.3� Polica . 53,40! � � =3,40! � � � . Y01 - 13200 -01- 221.4 �ira� � � 52.663 S3.6f3 � � 1D1 • 43100 -01- 221.5 Adaiaistratioa . �j1,06S S1,Q65 � 101 - 43100 -01- 2]Y.i Ylaaaiaq �51,065� � � L1,065 � � � 101 - 43300 -01- 232.0 1'ise� � . � 52.445 51,37t 55�,913 . S5,913� � . � 101�- 43100 -01- 323,1 Pub21e Mozks 53,130 � ;2,130 � �� 101 - 43100 -01- 222.3 parka � � � � � . 51,065 S1,OG5 . � 101 - �3100 -01- 212.3 Police 51,757 51,757 101 - 43300 -01- 332.4 �lir� � .. �. �5533 � � 5533 � � � . 101 - 43100 -01- 222.5 �" IW�iai�tzatioa � � � � � 5314 � 5114 � � � � 101 - �3100�-01- 222.6 Plaaaiaq . . .5214 5414 � � � � �� � : 301 - f3100 -01- 224.0 Str�aG 1laiat�aaace yatarials SO �� �. s34! � � S0� . � s0� � � 101 - 43100 -01- 224.1 �.LO . SO .. . � . . . . � � � 101 - 43100 -01- 225..0 Laadscapiay 7latsziaL �SO � 540� � � SD . 50�� � � �� 101 �- 43100 -01- 225.1 � � SO tQ . � � pxa=T�'us � 560,710 ;71,493 � 59f,7f5 f94,�65 597.O1S 547,015 . � . � � � � P�q� Thr�a � � � . � . � . . � . . . . � . � 149{ aIIDGET MORL9�iT8 � � . . . . . . . �POaLIC 1101t]CS/SIIZLDIHG/tlICINIlA2NG - 53100 - . � � � � . . � . July I, 1941 � � . � 199S�OEJYCT 1993 19S4�dDJiCT � 1994 . � � � . . 14l1 1l92 DYT),IL dDOPTiD� D1T1lZL ?YOPOSiD � . � � . Pua4 Jlccoua�t t G9>j 1 nuez�atioa AC19LL ACTCJ�L . Al[O�NT � aDDCZT � L1100NT � aDDGt2 �Co�anis� . � 1D1 - 431p0 -01- 741.0 Small Tools 51.836 � i2.551 . � � �¢4,140 � .�54,i75 � � � � l01 - 43100 -GS- ]ti.i .YaeLaaics' Shop 2ools � � � 51,598 S1,S% � � � �� � � � � � 1C1 - 43100 -01� 241.]. Tzvek 7001• . . . . . f533 . 5533� � . � . . . . � � � 101 - f3300 -01-� 241.D Park� Taols . � f214 f]1� � . � . � . � � . . .. . . 101 - 43300 -01- 341.4 Shards i Raku � � � . i1.130 � ji,i30 � � � . . .101 - 43100 -61- �2t1.5. S�t�ty Zquipa�nt � �665 gi00. � � 101 - �3100 -01- 241.6� Yiac�lltn�ous � � � 5400 � � � 101 - 43300 -01- 142.0 Yiaos =qui}maat 54,710 ��2,193 5315 � t400. � � � � 101 - 43100 -01- 142.1�� 35�kY Cu�za � 5215� � t�00 � S01 - t3100 -pi- 30D.0 �gia�rzinq 7ps �59,US � 511,355 =14,000 � =14,000 � � � . � SO1 - �3100 -01- 303.1 G+a'1 Nom-PSO�eet Aelat�Q =1,000 . � S1,OOd � � . � 101 - 43100 -D1- 303.2 Sts��C Liqht Susvey � � 51.000 � 51,000 . � � � � � � . . l0i - 43300 -D1- 103.3 Traatportatioa F3an.Dpdate � bl.000 fi,000 � � � �� � � � � �101 -.�43100 -01- 363.i Pa�ea�at ltaaagea�nt � 52.000 S=.OQQ � � � S01 • 43100 -01+307.5 � S 4 Z Ia��stiqatioa . 52,000 . 52���,D00 � � � � 301 - 43100 -01- 30{.0 Legal 7��s i337 5106 . . �SO t0 � . � . 101 -� 43100 -Ol- 304.1 � � � � � �t0 S0. � 101 - �3100 -01- 305.0 1(ad;cal a D�atal 7ses � 5183 � St7 . -5300 � � =300 � � 102 - l3100 -01- 305.1 8mploysant Phy�icals . . 5300 � =300 � ��� � � 101 - f3200 -01- 312.0 Cpatraet Inspaetioa Zeas� � SO 526,Si0 . SO f0 � � � 101 - t3100 �41- 312.1 . . SO . SO � � 1D1 - i330Q -01- 319.0 Oih�r ?zotusional S�r�ieea � � SO SO � . 53,000 � 53.000 � � � i01 - �3300 -01- 319.b . Pl�a Revier � f1,000 � S1,Q00 101 - 43100 -02- 319.4 3sd Pa=ty T��Cinq . � 52.000 � S1,OQ0 � � � . � � 101 - 43100 -01- 323c0 T�leyLons Corts � S3t i99 . g0 � SO �� 101 - �3100 -01- 321'1 . SO S0 � � .. . � .. .. . . � � �10� - 43100 -01- 333.0 Radio Vaitt . 54,692 t310 S1,2S0 51,240 . � 101 - i3100 -01- 323.1 Aepair Dnits � � � 51,250 . E1,350 � � � 101 - 43300 -01- 3�4.0 K�wsng�z Sazvitea . SO Sq �� 5100 � � 5100� � 101 - �3100 •01- 324.1 Couriez�Sar►Sce . � 5100 5100 � � � � � � � 101 - 4�SQ0 -01-334.0 OtL�r Cammuaicatloa Corta 5180 . 5725 � 51,�565 � 51,565 � � � � � � . � � � 301 - �3100 -01- 339.1 Crtllular Phon�.Yoathly Chgt � 51,054 . 51,054 � � � iDl - �3109 -01- 329.3 .Prqez Reatal � � � .� 5�511 ;511 � � � . . 101 - �3100 -01- 3�31.0 Travel Hzpens•� . S�! 5101 � 5747 � � ;1,727 � � 101 - 43100 -01- 331.1 I�PM1� � . � . � �553D � � 4533 � � 101 - 43300 -01- 331.2 L..S.Y.E. . � . 5214 �� � . . 5214 � � � � �101 • 43100 -Q1- 331.3 � G�aaral���setiag %xpea�ss . . . S9t0 � � � . 1Q1 - i3i00 -01- 339.0 Other�Traaspoztatioa 8x�aai�s 52 . SO � . �L1�0 � 5100� � � 101 • i310Q -01- 339.1 Peraoaal VsLieia lt4lsaQe � 5100 � � t100 � .� �101 - 43100 -01- 3�1.0 Ymploys�nt Advastisiag . � 5309 � ;260 � =t52 � SO � �O1 -�43100 -03- 341.1 Duildiag IaiQeetor . � . � . 5426� � � SQ � � � 101 - 43100 -01- 3t1.2 YainC�aaac��Z � � �;426 . SO � �. � . .. � � . � � � 101 - �3�00 -01- ;49.0 Oth�r 7Wvertisiaq � . S65 � i362 � SO � SO � �� . � 101 - 43100 -01- 349.1 � � � 40 S0. � � � � � ' � � 101 �-� 43100 -OS- 3l4.0 Aaiw� bisposal . � . =0 ;946 =2,000 - . 57.000 � � � � � 101 - lD100 -OS- 38�..1 Sazardous Na�t� � � � � ¢2,000 f2.000 � � '� . .� . P�=TdT�. � i22.2�5 547.554� 527.269.� 52�.467 52i..117 i2E.li7 . � .. . . . . � Paq� loua . . . � . � � . . � � � , � 1194 DIID6!!MORTSffiTS . � � . � . . . . . . .. rvsnxc Moaxs/son.nnta/ssaarmeam - 4aioo - . July 2, 199� � � � . � 1493 OSJiC7 � 1993 1l94 CEJtCP��� 1494 � . � � 1991 � 1992 DT211ZL � 71DOPTm � DYSRIL PROPOSm . . . Tuad. ACCOYftt f Obi t D�seriyiioa � LCNAS. �Cl4J1L � 7�[OOHS DGDG!! 1NIOVNS . SDb6M Ca�wats . . �. � 301 - 43100 -01- 3)1.0 P.C. 7caiaG�aaac�� �� i0 $372 S3,l00 �i3.l00 101 - 43300 -02- 3l1.1 Gophar Ow-Gll � � . t500� � � f500 . � � � � �� � � 101 -.�i3100 -01• 391.2 Suta.111d � � � � j�50Q� .=500 � � � � 101 - 4]100 -OS- 3l1.3 liaaatron i Tastport � � . � f1,800 � =1,t00 . � � � � � 101 - 43100. -01- 3l3,p T,C. Mc��soztu t�8uypliu � f0 SSO� =1,066 . � . i1,06G � � ioi - �aioo -oi- a�s.i xoa� sa�o sa�a 301 - l3100 -01- 39].2 TralataQ fer Yanatron � �� 5639 � Si3f � � � � 101 - i3100 -Ol- 3�93.3 PriaCar Yayar . i107 . i307 � � � � 101 - i3100 -01- 393.0 P.C.� Ha=drar� Puaeh�aas SO t0� � . =0 . � . 22.500 � xoi - asioo •oi- sia.i �soyn.z t rrs:s. so �i,soo 201 - 43100 -01- 394.0 P.C. Soltrare Pnrchai�s � $0 �� 5301 . � �f1,066 � SSiI � � 101 - �3�100 -01- 394.1 C�neral SoLtrar� Supyort . � Si52 � � S30p � � � � 101 - 43300 -01- 394.2 PDS Vyqrade � 5214 521{ . . . .. . . iQl - i3100 -OI- 403,0 Coatracted 2 i Y-Othar Zsprova =S4S =0 � t0 SO � � � � � 101 - 43100 -01• 40].1 � �SO 50 � 101 - 43100 -01- 405.0 Contract�Q Yaeh 4 Bquip�Repair 51,.686 � SI,S4S � 510,440 ¢10,440� � � � � - � 101 - l3100 -01• 406.1 . Publie Morki � � � 5�.3lD � . Si.390 � . � � 101 - 43100.-01- 40�.2 . Parks .52�.130� � 53.130 � � � � � � �. � . 101 - 43100 -01-��04.3 � Palice � � t746 t746 101 - 43100 -01- f04�.4 iire � � . �. � �746 ' � � i�4i� . . 10i - 43100 -01- 404.5 )�daiaistratiw � � � 5114 S23i� � � 101 - 47100 -01- 404.d PiaaalaQ . � . � ;114 5214 � � � � � 101 - �3100 -01- 409.0 OtLer Coatsact�d Aspais 4 Itaia 51,669 t1,405 � � {0 � � SO � � � 101 - 43100� +01- 40l.1 SO SO � 101 - 43300 -01- 415.0 OtII�z Yquipemt Aeatal S3S f0 . � 5320 . 53Z0 � � � � � � 101 - 43200 -G1- 415.1 �Itisceilaasou� Rantala � .. �5330 i340 . �� � SO1 - 43300 -01• 416.�0 1taeIIinery Aeatal . . SO . 5114 SO ;0 � � � � � . 101 - �3100 --01- 416.1 f0 � S�0 � � � 101 - 43300 -01- �17.0 II4ilozas Asatal . j422 54G3 � 50 � . ;0 . � � � 10l - 43100 -01- �17.1 � � � � 50 S0� � � � 101 - {3100 -01- 433.0 Du�s a Subscripiioas � $287 5810 L690 . ;9a3 � . . � 101 - 43100 -OS- 431.1 xPlOt . � � � . $150 � 5150 � � � �01 - 4330Q -01- 433.3 ZCDO � . � � . b75 t!D � � � .. 101 • ♦3300 -OS- 433.3 NTPh � � t75 . S!0 . � � �. . � . . . .. . . � 301 - 43100 -01- �33.i CS)JI Reqlstration �SSC � F192 � � � � � � 101 - 43I00 -01- 433,5 Laka Covatry � .=40 � SDO � � . � � � 101 -�43100.-01- 437.6 North Star� . S90 � f9�0 � � � � � . � � 101 - s3100 -01- 43}.7 Yzolastioaa3 S�ezeuzies � ;i0 . � �fll0 � � � � � � 101 - 43100 -Q1- 433.i ._Trad� Yaqaziau � � � 5100� �100 . � � � � . P71GE TOi11L5 � . � j4.743 f5.199� 516.362 �516>3!3 � S17.f32 517.62] �' � .. � . � � � . . . . . Pag� ti�� . . � � � . � � . . . . . 1l94 D4DGY'P MOR1CS�tP$ � � . . � � . . � . . � . . . . POlLIC 1tORxS�/EIIILDIIIG/II/GINtYlA1G - {3100 - � � � � .� . .� � � Jun� Z:O. 1991 � � . � � � 1943 OSJBCT � 1841 � 1994 OBJ6CT � 19l4 � � � � � �� � 1991. . 1992 DYTkIL TDOYTiD DiTL2L PROPOSYD . . � � � nma acco�aa • a�n� E a..c:sycson srrnu acavu. �oorr avncar � avncsz co�.ars � 101 - �3300 -01- 435.0 Dooks q P�epL1�G � � ;14 i1,D01 t2�.200 � . f2.200 � � � � 101 - 4�100 -OS- �35.1 llffPi9 � � t2�00 . t200� � � � � � � .101 - 43100 -01- 4�8.2 �IGf Dot Sp�cSal . .� � . . � . =i00 i�00 � � � � � � � 101 - 43100 -01- 435.3 �Zit � � � � . {400 . ;lDO � � � . 101 • 41100 -Oi- i3S.4 Yaytual Dy�daC�� � � j1,000 51,000 � � � � � 101 • 43100 -01- 437.0 Coal�r�neu 4 Sda^�=s � j797 5673 � 51,610 . �54,190 �� � � . 101 - 43100 -01- �37,1 Laanal Eulldlaq Oltieiali . ;]!0 S1l0 � � . � � iQ1 - 43100 -01- 43T.2 Computar Traiainq � � 5300 � � 5500 . � 101 - 4D100�-01- 437.3 Stat� Cod� Seinara . �� =�110� � ;iSO � � .� . � 101 - 43300 �O1- 4D7.4 Cl�sical . � j300 � =100 � � . � � 101 - 43100 -01- 437.5 L�lc� Couatsy ICDO . � � �� � SS60 SS00 � � � � � 101 - 43100 •01- 43�.6 � 13+IQ. � SO . 5150 � - � � � 101 - {I100 -Ol- 43).7 Cl�11[ � � . . . � . SO 5150� � � . 1Q1 - 43100 -Ol- l37.8� altl(A � � � � SO 5150 � � � 101 - #3100 -01- 431.9 � 3ItPA � � � SO � � � $400 � � � � 101�- 43200 -01- {37.10 Yiicallaaroui Traiainq � SO 51,500 � � � � � � �1G1� -� 43200 -01- 419.0 Other 8lsesllaa�au Cbarq�s SD4� Sill � � �SO � �SO � � � . 101 - 43100 -01- 419.1 . � SO . � ��0 . . � . . . .. . �� � 18i - 53200 -01- 570.0 OLfic� iquipaaat FurtLases . 5197 =!!0 . SO � � �i0 � � � � � 101 - 43100 -01- 570.1 � � � i0 . . � SO � � � � p�$ T�Tu+ � 51,102 53.173 � �t3,l10 53,810 .� f6.399 56,39D . � � . �� . DHHhA17�iY TO?15.5 . 5415,t3i ;512,364 5770,036 5720.036 � Sd17,dl3 SE17,883�. � � . . � � � . � , , . . ?�q� � � . . . . . � . � �. . � . . . 19l4 aDDGtT MpRIC8Eii2S � � � � . . . � � . . . . - � � P71Vm 8'rR=ETS - 43131 - . � . .. . � � . � � July 1, lfl7 � . .1997 OEJZC7 � 1993 1l9��0lJ=CS� 1fl4 � . . . � . . . . � 1991 � . 1l92 . �Dlt7�IL xDOP'1'� Dlll�Zb PROPOS=D � : � � Fuad Account.i�Obj • Da�cripCioa� � �� ACTW�L 7�Cip7J, 111[ppN? aDD6Sf . a1wp1PT EDDIiyS Comwts . . � 101 - 43121 -OS- 224.0 Str�aC Italnt�naac� YaGarial• t�1,t04 s��,so�. � � .�ssa,a�s � � tse.a�a � � � 101 - 4�121 -01- 224.1 sltwalaous?atehinq � . � jZT.Tlt ;2T.7f6 � � � . . . . � ... 101 - 41121 •01- 324.2 � Stsiylnq - � . � . - � .. ;2.130 . . j2.1�0 � � � � , 101 - 43131 -Oi- 2]�.l Cra�al SDwldsriny � � � � i],1lS � .f3.1i5 . . � . . ... � � 10i - 4312i -01. 334.4 Ctaek Sulaat . � . =5,751 fS.�51 . . . . . . . . . . ... 101 - 43131 -OS- 2�5.0 Ltadseapiag Yat�rials � �=1,062 . =1,�04 � � � . .=3,�]i . ��=3,�2i � � � � � 101 - �3121 -01- 3]S.1 Sod . � . � =1,Oi5 S1,Oi3 � � � � 101 � 43111 -01. 225.2 � S��d � � .. S1.Oi5 � =1.OtS . � � .. � 301 - 43131 -01• 125.3 Sl�ek Dirt � � � � SS,OiS =1;0[S � � � � . 101 - 43121 -01- 32S.i Tt�u � � 5513 � � .. .5531 . . . . . .. . 101 - 43131 -01- 242.0 Yiaor�tqulpaynt . i0 �S�.SOQ � ... S�i2 � . �=3i7 � . . � . � . . . � SOS - 43121 -OS- 242.1 � Teaiplat�Yatfzial � � . . � � ��. i16� t267 � � . 101 - 43i=1 -01- 303.0 Yagin��ziaQ 7�p � t0 5�1,.Q00 � �j:0 =0� � . 101 - 43121 -01- 303.1 - � � � =0 � SO . - 301 - 431R1 -A1- 310.0 T�stlaq Setvie�s . - =0 =1,000 ¢0 � . . � 50 � � � 101 - 43121 -01- )10.1 � � � . � SO �� � SO � � � . 101 -�47122 -01- 319.O��Othez Prot�ssional Su�ices. 832,273 =15,000 . . 533.3l2 � $35,78] � � � � �101 - 43121 -01- 31l.1 Swl CoaCia4 � . S76.t93 .�j2i.il2 . .. .. .. . � 101 - 43121 -01- 319.2 Trafllc��Yarkiaq� � . 36,390 56,3l0 � . . 101 - 43121 -01-�319 J Str�et Sr�eping � � . � f2.tD0 � � .. � 101 - 4312�1�•O1- 3l4.0 RRlw�4lsposal� � � 51,43f f1.617. � � Sl.000 � 54.000 � 301 - i3121 -Q1- 364.1 Hazardous Mast� Dispo�al � �=2.000 � i2.000 . � � � . � �301 - 43121 -01- 3l4.2 kaadaide�Carbaq� � . � � � 52.000 � �52,000 101 � 43111 •O1- 415.0 Othes tquiysent 74uu1 . g45 �SO . � S2.000 � i2>000 . � - � �101 - 43131 -01- 415.1 Yi�cdlaa�ous aquipNat � =2,000 � t3,600 . � 101 - 4312i -01- 439.0 OtIIer�Yi�cellaa�ous CLarq�� t0 � � SO =500 . . . f500 � � 301 - 43131 -01- 439:1 � IIaforseea Ineidaatt � � � SSQO iSOD � � � � PXGB R'Oi71YS. . � 546,643 is�6,223� 362,649. ta3,6�9 . Se5,1]! Sl5,12! � . � � . . D8?11XT1�iT TOTIILS � ;56,643 t4L.42D� � 582,64! 5�62,ii9 Sd5,129 i05,1]9 � � , , � Pag� On� . � � . � . . . � . . . . � . . .19f{ DDDGYS MORt3�lt8 � .. .. � . � . � � � DNP7�ViD SSRE4T8 - 431I2 - . . . � . . � . � July 2, i!!3 . � . �. � � 1993 OSJYGT 1993 139i ODJiCi 19l4 � � � . � � .. � � 1991 . -1982 DYTLIL AD6pT�D D!lAIL pyypppgm . luad 1lccount � Obj t �Dascriytioa � � ACT07�L ACiC1S. N100N? 84D6tT A1tO0N'T HDD6ZT � ..Com�at� . . 102 - 43122 •01- 224,0 Strsat Yalat�naaea ltaterial� � 5�5,955 512,5�0 . � E25,O1S� ;2S,O1S � � � 101 - 43121 �01- 23f.1 Crawi A�p�irs � � � j16,105 516�,1OS � � � � � � �� 101 - 43122 -01- 224.2 :CAlprid� � � ;l,930 t6,9I0 � � � � 101 - 43132 -01- 235.0 Laadstaylaq Itatrrlali � � =3lS� SO 51.663� � � � � � . . � �52.6i3 � . � 101 - 4�1]3 -OS- 225.1 Sod . � tS3D f533 . .. . . . � � � 101 - i3122 -01- 175.1 �S��d � . . ;1,Of5 � . � 51.065 �. � � � . . � . . 101 - 43122 -01- 225.3 Elsalc Dirt � . =1,Oi5 � 51,065 � � � 201 - U122 -01- 230.0 =qnipMat.Reyair I4farials � SO j0 f0 � ili6 � � � 101 - {3132 -01- 230.1 Cuttla4 Edgu � . � . f0 tl68 . .. . . 101 - 43122 -01. 310.0 tutlaQ Saxcieu � � . SO SO �. . � � . . . . . . � � 51,000 51,000 � � iCl - 43133 -01- D10.1 toad laiiwr��, Dea�ity � =1,000 � ��51,000 � � � 102 -. 47112 .Oi- 3l4.0 A�Evs� Di�posal � . �i3f0 �3.,]93 =I.f00 � S2.f00 � . . . . � . . � l0Y - 43123 -OL �l4.1 8a�zardous Mut� Dliposal � 52.000. . ¢7,000 . . 101 -�43122 -01- 384.3 Aoadiide Gazbay� . - � =600 � Si00 � . � . . . . . . � 301 - 431I2 -01- 415.0 Oth�r sQttipeant Rmtal � . . SO t0 ;1,000 �51,000 � � � 101 - 43122 -01- 4iS.1 Gsad�s � � . t500 .SS00 � � � SO1 - l3123 -OS- 415.2 Yiscsllaaeoua Yqulym�at . . SS00 5500 � � � � � � 101�- 43122 -01- 439.0 OtDar Yi�c�llaneons CLarq�� � SO SO � . � ;0 f0 � � � 301 - 4312] -01- 439.1 � . � . SO � .s0 � � � . � � � � � � P��T�u3 . 526.740 515.l64 533.27! 532.298. .. t33..3{i 533.246 . . . . � � DffiNt1YIIiT TOTAS,g� . S3i.740 t15.l64 532.27��. � �;32.37t 533.2i6 533.14f . � � � . . . � r:.. . . . , P�4� On� � .. . � � . . . . . . . . . i!!♦ DCDftlS 1tOftxSEstlB . . � _ �. � . � . . � � . � ICt 4 8f10M It�tpVxi. - 43125 • � . .. . . � July 2., 1993 � � . � � 1993 Os3KR 1993 1994 OEJSCi � 1994. . � � � 1491 � 19l7 DRTrIL. � 11DOPSiD DET74tL . �PAOPOS=D � � � Tuad hcconnt i �j t D�scriptioa � �aCR4JS ACRf71L 7uS00NT bIID61T JUtdO11T DIIDGSS Coa�ata � � . � 101 - 4�S�S •01- 716.0 Ca�aical 4 Chalcal PsoQucta . f11.770� . =9,419 . �8,520 5�9.050� � � � . � � � 101 - 4312�5 -01- 21C.1 Sa2ltAppsox 400 Son�) � � =t,S20 � � . �gl,OSO . � . � � 10; - 131Z5 -01- 224,0 ltrpt Maiatananu�ltat�riais � . =1,4l4 f1,047 � S2.SD0 � � 52.130� � � 101 - 431]S --01- 32�.1 laad . - � . � �i2.i30 . :2.130� . .. . . . . . . . . t01 - 4�i1S -01- 230.0 3quip�at Aepais lfat�rl�ls � SO .� � �i3S3 � 51.131 . i2.131 . � . .. . . � 101 - 47125 -01�-�230.1 Plor.idqu � � � L1,OfS � � S1,OtT � � � 101 - 43125 -01-�330.2 Saad�r � � SS33 f533 � � iD1 - i3125 -OS- 330.3 � aydranlie� �� . �5533 � t5�3 � � 301 -.47135 -01- 415.0 Othes =quipa�at A�atal � �31,8lf � =354 � � .54.132 . tS,134 � � � � � � . . . 201 - {]135 -01- 115.1 2svek l�ntal � � i3i067 � .� =3.Df7 � � . . . . .. � � 101 - 43125 -01�- 415.3 �Oradar Nlth Niaq 1�nta1 � s1,Di5 �$1,AiS � �� � � � 141 - 43125 -01-� 4�l.0 OtL*z 1ti�c�ilaa�ous CLarqu S�4 t0 5500 � . f500 . � 101 - 43125 -01- 439.1 . DaaaticipatW CosG� . � � �SS00 � 5500� � � � � � � � p� T�w9 � tlS.,lj6 b11,0�2 t17,413 t19,413 �=1�,l43 �517.943 � � � D��T�T TOTws . 515,13i �511,0�2 � i17,413 517�.t1! 517,f{3 i17,943 �� . . , , Pag� On� � . . � . . . : . . .. . � . � . . � . � 19!{ DQDCii NOAi.SEEE?S � . . � � . . . �. . . STkt�'1'LSG'RSZNC/SZRIIfS � 43160 - � . � � � July 1, i!!3 � � 1993. OEJYCT 199E� 1994 ODJstT . 1��44 � � � � � � � . � . 1991 � 1l92 .D8i7�IL AApYT�� � DSY7�Iy Fytpypgm � � � . � Fuad Aceouat N Obj 1 D�sarlytioa 7.CtCAL 11CNAL altOmiT EIIUCaT � 7Nt00Mi . �HVD6lt Co—�nta . . � 101 - �32i0 �-01- 237�.0 IItility Sy�t�Ya1at Suppliu . �$0 =p � � t1,0i5 . � � a1,O6S . � � � 101 - 411i0 -01- 327.1 Dnlb R�placwnt � � 51,065 =1,Oi5 � � . 101 - 431f0 •oi- aai.o il�ctzic Otilitiaa t��,5{0 i50,320 fS1,5if � SS1,SK . � � � � � 101 . 4l1f0 -01• 3Q1.1 fletaUsly Chacg�i . . � � iS1..54i � SSl.SiG . . . . . . � � . � 101 - 431t0 -D1� 403.0 Coattuted A i Y-Othas 7sDs�rs ;f02 � . � � � . i0 f0 j0 � 101 �- 431f0 -Ol- 403.1 . � _� =Q � � : ... . . � .. � � 141 - �31f0 -01• 40f.0 Oth�s Contzacisd A�paia i 7itia =3:4C0 i�.t61 � . jll.lt3 . �513.11� � � � � � . 101 - 433i0 -01- i0f.1 Aepairt-Seatter�d Lacatioas � � �� �ti.390 =�,1�0 . . . . . . .. . . . . � � . � 101 - 43160 -01- 40l.2 A�louL� 2 Liqhtr . �52.663 =�,6i3 � � � � � � 301 - 53160 -01- 4Dl.3 � Yisesilaaaous Aepalzs . � 52.130 � f4,OQ0 � � - . 101 - 431f0 -OS- t3l.0 OeL�r Yfu�llaa�out CLarg�� � f0 � =0 � - =500 �. � i500 . � � � � �. . 201 - 431�0 -OS- t39.1 9aaat1clpat�d Costs �SS00� #S00 . . . . � PACY�lYYtLLB � Si5.602 ¢57.00Y 36f.294 t64.241 =6f.22i i66.234 .� ..� � . � D8P111T1QlTI Tp2N,5 :t45.60I � =5�,00� �6�4.294 � ji4.,394 :�ii.224 � 5�6�.124 . � . .� f 1 � Pag� Ons . .. . . . . . . . � . � . . � � i!!4 lDDOYS MOW448ZYT3 . � � . . . . 826NI�L LS�TS Q SIQf3 - 43170�. � � .. . . � . � . . � �� � July 2, 149) � � � . . � �19l�.OaJiCT 1993 199i OEJtCt 1l9� � � 2991 1992 �DiR'AIL 11DOPYm DlSAIL � PAOlOEm� � � � . � � � �Tnnd .I�Caouat i Obj i D�serlptloa � xCi4Ab aCNJ1L 111tODM2 EVD6sT . Al[0011T DVD6Yi Cass�ats � . 101 - 43170 -01- 27t.0 f�ga A�gair BaGarials � 52.32i =�.091 � =1r=95 .j3.405 �. � . . 101 - 4D1i0�-01� 22f 3 Sign Snr�ntory i�Reylacmt � i2.130 =2.»0� � . . . . . . . .. � . . . .301 - 43170 -01- 13�t.2 �Ststit ID Siqas j1,065 =1,065 � � � S01 - 471T0 -Ol- 227.0 IItility 8ysts Ya1aC Suppli�� � � =0 ;0 t533 5373 � � �� � 101 - 4]1l0 -01- 32T.1 Enlb�, L�asu. 81yas. •te. � � � �=533 � � f533 � � � � � 101 - 4D170 -01� 22l.0 Oth�r l�tiat�naaca Suypliu� � f1,140 =0 .� 50 . � i0 � � � � . 101 - •3170 -Ol- 229.1� . . .. . SO � . . 80 � . � . .. ...... 101 - 43170 -01- 7ti.0 M�cizie IItili[!�s . =1,1�� . .$3,651 t2.6i3 �2,6G3 � � �� 101 - 43170 -01- 3l1.1 Yonthly CLarqa� . . � S2.6i3 � :S2.6i3 . . . . � � 101 � 431�0 -01- i0f.0 Oth�r ContractW A�pair i 141a SO LO � . t500 t408 � 101 - 43170 •O1- 40l.1 � Du� Go Lnto Aceid�au � . SS00 � � . =500 � � � � � � � 20i - 13170 -01- �39.0 OtLar Itisc�llanwus Char9u i0 SO � � S10C =100� � - .101 - 43170 -01- Ui.l Vaaaticipated Coats 5200 � 5100 � . p�= T�'� . 55.516� Si.712 .i6,l91 i6�9'91. 57,.201 F7,301 � D��T�'TOTu+s � �55,516 � =6,7k3 36,!!1 �=i,991 5�.201 57.201 � . � - � � �� � � � Pay� Oa� .� . .. . .. . . . . � . � .. il�� snnarr Now�s�rrs ru� a x:c asa�ua�mrr- 4sioo - 3nly 2, 1993� � � . . � � � 1993 ODJtCT 19i3 1944 OAJiCT 34l� . � . � : � . � � . . . .� 1l91 19l1 DEi71iL. ADOP7'� .. DZR7�ZL� � FAOP081D � . . lund 1lecouat t f3�b� i Duuiytioa 7.CTOAL ACiR7y AttOONT sODGET �1[O'0liT � 8ii8Gi2 Ca�.aN � � � . � S01 - 45100 101.0 Saluiei 4 E�a�Llts � 530�,396 t326,147 . f3a8,901 . i472,�9t 1.11 Salary Co�ts Zaelwlr� oL � . 101 - �5100 -02- 101.0 D. E�ehCold, P 4 R Dir�ator . 562�,1ST �Sf3,607 � Salary, Tax��, PZRi� G E�lil� � ��� 101 - �5100 -03-.Y01.0 A. Cook, ?arlu Suyesviwz i55,993 � i59,234 � � : � 101 - 45300 •04- 101.0 L. Jost,.lust P�i� A Dir�ctor � 551,525 � � i52,65! � . . � 101 - 45160 �-OS-�101.0 � Z �Ifol3a�n,.ProQzaa�as-A�C � �430,i43 i32,1l1 � .. . � 101 - 45100 -06- 101.0 i. ludiapaz, S�cz�tary Aid� �t12.886 31l,241 � � ipl - 45100 -07- 103.0 L. Cord�s, Psogzaaear-?aski. � � � SI1,]6S � f34,e95 � � . � 101 - 55100 -Oi- 303.0 M,�Folwa, As�t Progras�r-2�C � � .5�.�19 � � � S1trS57 � � � 101 - 45100 -20- SO1.0 ?roqzasar-Rac (Puli-Si.u�) � SO � 531,301 . � � l0Y - 45100 -21- 103.0 S�cretaxy Aide��(Pazt-Sia�) f0 t17•�if � � 101 - 4510Q •10- 101.0 C. Dahnk�, Yalat I � 531,302 � 533,372 � � � � . � .301 - 45100 -11- 101.0 1{. Joosten,�141at IZ � 5�7.731 f31.666 . . .�101 - �5100 -12- 101.0 S.�Stsua, ]lalat SII � . f42,G6i 547,3iG � � 101 - 45100 -13- 301 A J. ioslov�ki, Yalat II � �;3i,61i 337.99i� � 101 + 45100 103.0 �u11�Tim�.Ov�ztias f6,932: f9,.943 � 56.164 � 56,6l5�. � � � 101 - 15300 -OS- 102�.1 J. 1{ollsaa � � � � �1521 � . �55�1 � � 101 - ��SI00 -26- 103�.1 Psogzaa�z-.R�c (lull-21a�) � � t0� .t531 � � � � � .'101 - 45100 -10- 101.1 0. Dahake � � � � 5�1,151 � 52,151 � � � . � ios - ~sioo -ii- ioz.i x, 000.t� si,+sa si,+se . 101 - 45100 -13- 102.1 S. Stzue � � � S1,i66 51,566 � � � � � � 101 �- 45100 -13- SO].1 J. Tasiov�ki � � � � 51�,468. 51,46! � � � 101 - 4SiD0 103.0 Part-2ia� Salari�a ¢EeaaLSCi . � t37,000 552,000 � � � � � 101 - lS100 -�7- 103.1 A�crwtioa Lsadars �57,730 $6,.553 59,000 � � � 59,000 � � � 1Q1 - 1530U -94- 303.I Naxaiaq 8ouss#tt�adaats 53.l69 i4,T29� 58,000� � El.000 . 301 - 15100 -96- 103.1 Pazks� Int�za SO 52�.665 . � SO � � . SO 101 - IS100 �-l7- 103.1 Caaaral Cl�riul . St,Ol7 S1i,019. � SQ SO � . � � 101 - 45100 -96- 103.1 Yarks�luiatmaau Si3,323 . 515,�95 516,500 �524,000 � � � . � 101 - �5100 -99- 103.1 P i A Ca�iuioa A�bers � 51,195 ;1,39E 53.500 � 410,000 � � __ � 101 • ��5100 -01- �05.0 Draitiaq Suyyliss 53,122 . 51,3{9� � 5750 � 51,000 � � � � 101 - 45100 -OS- 205.1 G�aaral Dzat[1oQ . f50C . 5500 � � 101 - 45100 -01- 305.2 lils, De��loptag 4 Lamiataq 5250 � . 5500 � � � � � 101 - 45100 -01- 207.0 Trainiaq 4 ZastrueGinl Suppliu 52�0 f407 50 � . � .SO � �� 101 - 4530C -01- 207.1 � � �SO - . SO � . 101 - �5100 -01- ZOE.O %iicdlan�ws Supplip � SO � 516,550 � SO � $0 � - � � 101 - 55100.-01- 208.1 � . SO - SO � � � 101 - AS100 -D1- 209.0 Othss Ofllea Suppliu � � $0 5177 SO � � . ;0 � ' � 1Q1 - i4100 -01- 2Q8,1 SO � 80 � � � � � 101 - 45100 -01- 213.0 Motor luels 59 �. =0 � SO � S0. � � 101 - 45100 -01- ]12.1 � � � � �.SO . 59 � � � � . � �101. - 45100 -01- 315.0 Shop Yatazial■ � - � � �517,191 54,667 . � � . 58,000 � � SE,000� � � � � soi - �sioa •oi- zis.i s..a, soa, .r�. as,sao €z.soo . . ��. 101 • 45300 -01- ]15.2 Aad Aock, Sand, Graval, ate � 55,000 . ES,U00 � . � - � � � � 101 - 45100�-OS- 215.3 Yise Squipsant 4 Suyqli�s . 5500 . . � 5500 . . � � � � 101 - 45100 -01- 216.0 Cheaical a Chsical Pzoducts � SO S2.i36 t11,500 i11,500 � � � �� 101 • 45100 -01- 216.1 H�rbields�(6�a'1 PaYk 9�d � � � L3.000 � � � =�,000 . 103 - 45100 -01- ]16.2 Partilisar � � � � . 57,000 � @7.000 � � ,. 101 - 451D0 -01� 116.) Hsrbielda�iCarroll•s Moods) �Si,500 � . .i1,500 � � � . .� 101 -�45100 -01- Zil�.o 4th�r Op�ratiaq SupDli�s � 53.063 .=2,605 � . � �tJ50 5�,000 � � ,. � 101 - 45i00 -01- Z19.1 �. krGs a CraLta Suppliu � � � ;500 � � - �S1,1S0 � �: . � 101 - 45100 -01- 219.1 � Druah�s, Broov, etc. 5250� 5250 � . . � � lACB T02AL8 � $369,176 5406�,462 ;453,.065 � t�53,065 . =543,6l3 =553,6l3. � � � 1 FIQ� 'hM . . . � . . 1984 DDDGST tW7tx8S=TS - . � . . . � . � . .. � � Y71R7C 4 7tSC DfPA1Tl[atT - 45100 - � � � . � July 3, 1993 � . . � �� . � 1493 ODJ=CT 1993 1f94 OBJ=CT� 3994 � � � � 1991 1997 D8TlA2L . ADOPStD DfT71ZL � PROPOSRD � � � � tvad l�ceonat i �� t Dascript4oa � . � ACtC7�7. � 71C1�ply .L1cOONT � EODCYT Nt00Ai DIIDGii7 . Co-anta � . . .� . 301 - 4SI00 -OS- 221.0 =quip�aat Parts � =13,3lD 57.465 � � :S],500 54,300 � � . 301 - i5160 -01- 221.1 T�au�A�palr(Soa-Laadacap�) � =500� SSOp � �101 - 45100 -01- 231.] LSgIIting leyairs � � . =500 tS00 � � � � 1oi • 45100 -Ai- 721.3 � Yrrfy Ic�pairtBoa-Coatract) �2.000 . 52..000 � � � � 101 - �5100 -01- 221.4 YSse/SplSt Yail, •te. ;500 � ti.500 � � . � 101 - 45100 -01- 222.0 Tir�s � � � � � S39t SO . SO SO � � 101 - 45300 -01- 322.1 � � . � SO SO � 10Z - 45100 -01- 223.0 Eu11dl.ag R�yair Suppliu � S7.b44 i6,4G7 . =2,250 . f3.�S0 101 - 45100 -01- 223.1 Paiat, Exvsbes, toll�zt,�tc � .. � 51,000 i1,250 . 101 - 45300 -91- 223.2 ShSnQlu, Doards, �te. . {7S0 f1,000 � � � � � 101 - 15100 -01- 23;.3 �Yiseallaa�ous SS00� �51,000 � � � 101 - 45100 -01• 235.0 I.aadscaplag 74tazials � � SU,al9 SS,i23 . . � 57.000 53,.500 � � � iai - �sioo -oi- zzs.i rr..,, sn�., soa, .ce. si,soo si,soo . SO1 - 45100 -01-�225.2 Tia�bets, T�ac�, ate. . . 5500 � f2,000 � � � � � � 101 - 55300 -01- 235.3 Parinq i Sealcoatiag(Park�) � � 55,000 s0 - � � � 101 - 45300 -01- 226.0 SiQn Aspalr 16atasials f3,922 � .�0 � SO � � SO � 101 - 45300 -01- 326.1 � - � SO � � SO � � � .� 101 - i5300 -01- 239.0 OtL�r)t�iat�naac� Suppliea 514 . 53.73! � 53.000 53,500 . 101 - f5300 -OS• 329.1 21�G, Po1�s, Da�u, etc. � . 53.500 � E3.500 � � � - � 101 - l5100 -OS- 22l.7 7[isc�liaaeous . � �5500� �51,000 � � � 101 - 45100 -01- 2i1.0 Saall ?ools � � � =5,466 =i,516 � $1,000 . 51,500 � � iGl - {5100 -01- 941.1 8am�r�, Mr�acbu, aie. . 5500 5500 � SOS - i5100 -OL 141.]� Sars, Draqs, aCa.�tLar4er) � � �500 S1,OQ0 � � � � � � � 101 - 45100 -01- 302.0 architecu' !�u SO � =0 . � SZ.000 52.000 � � � � . � 101 - 45100 -Ol- 302.1 Laadscap� Lrchiteet xotk . � $2,000 =2,OOD � � 101 - �5100 -01- 303.0 Yagiasariag �ae� � 32,25D 5264 51,000 � 51,000 � � 101 - 45100 -01- 303.1 �Various Park Mosk � 51,000 . � � 51,000 � � � � 101 - 45100 -�D1• 304.0 Legal l�es . �5�12 i0 SO SO � � � . . 101 - �5100 -01- 304.1 � �SO SO � � � 101 - 45100 -01- 305.0 l/adicaT a D�aul !eu S17i SZ�7 � 5300- 5300 � � 101 - �5100 -01- 305..1 � 8mplayDaat PhyaSesL . � ;��00 � � 5300 � � � 101 - 45100 -01- 315.0 SyaMal Prograaa � 53,578 f5,677 � ;6,650 57.650 . � � � � 101 - l5100 -01- 315.1 Suaday Speeiali � � 51,500 � 51�500� � � 101 - 45100 -D1- 315.2 Lepzeeluua Days . . §100 g100 � � � � 101 - 4530D -01- 315.3 Hallox�aa 5500 SS00 � � � � � � � � 101 - 45100 -01-�315.4� Czovad Pouadei�(Auaaing) � . 5400�. � 5400 101 - 45100 -61- 315.5 Natur� ProgzamaJArbor, ste. SS00 � 5500 � � � � � 101 - 45100 -01- 3i5.6 Pnppet�ProQrama � � 5650 � 5650 � � 101 - 45100 -01- 315 J � Syecial EvwG(X-)ias, ett) � 5500 � 55�60 `� . � � �. �101 - �5100 -OS- 315.5 �adopt - L - fark ProQraa� � � . 52.000 . � =2,000 � � � � � 101 - 45300 -01-�315.! Y1ie�12aa�ou� Proqraas � � . 5500 �51,500 . � � 101 - 45100 -01- 319.0 Other ?rofpaioaal Sasvlcea 53�,323 575 � � i0 . t0� - � � 101 - 45300 -01- 319.1 � � � $0� � $0 � �. . 101 �• d5100 -01- 32D.0 Aadio IIn1ti � $1,346 57i6 SS00 � � �� SS00 � 101 - 15100 -OS- 323.1 � Callular Phoas 8111s � 5500 SS00 . � � . PA6E TOT11L3 . . - §56.724 S3C.?54 . 527.200�. 527.200 527.700 S3?.7Q0 . � . .. , � Pag�Thr�� . � . � � � . . � . . . � 19l� DIIDCF!' MO7tT.SStiTB . . . . . . . ' .. Pl�7t7C i RZC D=PI�RTI�i'l - �5100 • . . . . � � . July 2, 1993 � � � � . � . 2493 OEJYCi' 1993 199{ OiJiCT 1494 � � . � � 1991 1l42� . D=t]l2L xDOpT=p DiTAIy PAOPOSm . � . . � Puad Aeeouat M �i i �Duoriptioa aCT0J1L . XClyay �. AltppltP DCDClf AYOGIrt � DDD6lr � Carmaat� � � . 101 -- 45309 -41- 3D1�.0 Szav�l lxy�as• � � . ;132 1ri � � � �� . . . . . . � 1350 f150. 101 - �5100 -01- 331.1 S�aiaar� i Mozkshops � � � � L1T5 - � t225 � � � � 301 - 45100 -01- �71.3 . C�aer�l Ylscellan�oua � � jZZs . �=�2S . � � � � 101 - 45100 -01- 3t1.0 Le�loya�nt I�dv�rtisiaq SO 51,56{ 51,000 � �51,000 � � 101 - 15100 -01-. 341.3 tiea�zal leployaaat Ada . � � 51,000 � i1,000� � - � � . 101 - �5100 -01- 34f,0 Othea Iidveztislag s5,90I =435 52.200 =13,700 � � � � 101 - 45100 -01- 349.i lrocIInzu 4 Pap�s � =1,000 f11.000 � . i01 - �5100 -01- 34).2 Ceyy i Wpllutiaq =500 � � =SOd � � �� � ���1C1 - �5100 -OS- 349.3 Display EoarCs, �tetS07�i!) � � . � 5�00 � i200 � 301 - 45100 -01- 31l.� D�ansrs � � �5300 � L340. . . . � .. � . 101 - 45100 �-01• 349.5 Ylscallanaous )�d�arti�iaq 5100 � ;100 � � � : 101 • i5300 -01- 3E1.0 8leetric IItilitias . � =9,457 57,954 SIi,000 516,OD0 � � 1Q1.- 45100 -01- 3l1.1 Skatiaq Aiaks f6,000 � ;6,000 � � � . 101 - 45300 -01- �3l1.] Soltball Tields . f6,000 36.Op0 � � 101 - {5100 -01- 3D�.3 Irrigatioa . 53,500 $1,500 . � � � 101 - {5100 -01- 3D1.4 Yi�c�llaasous . . SSOD SS00 � � � � � ��101 - 45100 -01- 363�.0 6as IItilitiss � . $61 $!5 . $0 � � � f0 � � 101 - l5100 -01- 3l3.1 � � SO . � � =0 � � . � � 101 • 45100 -01- 3lt.0�Aelusa�Aispossl SO 5170. � � � ;0 SO � � � � � -� 101 - 45100 -01- 18f.1 � � �. SO � S0� � 101 - 45100.-01- 393.0 P,C. 8ardrar� Purebtsas SS,QS! � ;0 � �SO �0 101 - 45160 •O1- �l3.1 � SO SO 101 - 45100 -01- �409.0 O[hez Cpatract�d R�paiz i It�ia 5�.15:! 55.646 54,000 � 54,000� � � � 101 - 45100 -01• 404.1 Irr}qatioa�Rapair � � f1,500 51.500 . . � � � � � 101 - 45100 -01- 409,2 Eltetzicai Repair ��t3.Q00 $2,090 � � � �� �101 - 45100 -01- 409.) lii�e�llaawus i500 3500 � � � � 101 - �5100 -01-� 415.0 Othet EquipmaaC Ywt�l 55,�62 . ��56�,i17 514,OOQ .S14,OG0 � � � � �� . � 101 - 45100 -01- 415.1 portabl� Toilet� 57.040 . i7.000 � � . . 101 - {5100 -01- 415.2� Sk. John'i - Tiny TOG � � 51,500 . S1,S00� � � � � � 101 - 45100 -01-�fi5.3 Equip��at, ltaehiaes�, ste. � � . . 52.500 . $1,SOD � � � �� � � 101 - �5100 -01- 415.4 Bx1uh 8og(Carzolls Noods) � �51.000 SZ,000 �� . � � � � � � � � � 101 - 45100 -01- 415�.5 Nood Chippar{tarzolls 11ood) � � 51,000 . �51,000 � . � � � 10i�- 45100 -01� {33.0 Dues�i Subseriptioas � � 5361 ��¢737 t1,050 � � � 51,050 . 101 - 15100 -01-�633,1 � k�ub�zships � 5650 f650 � � 101 - f3100 -01- 433.2 Dua� � . � . . � � 5400 . 5400 � � � � 101 - 45100 -01- 435.0 Sooks E Pamphlats 5545 S1l4 . 5350 � � SSSD � � 101 - 45100 -01- 435.1 leacraatioa � . 5300 5350 � 101 - 45100 -01- 435.Z Pazks � � . . .� $150 � 5500 � � � � � 101 -� 45100 -01- 437.0 Coatareacu i Sminar� Sl99 �52.305 . i1,700 $1,700 . � � 101 - 45100 -01- 43T,1 8minars i Nozk�hops � . � s1,000 � `1,000 � �� � � 101 - 45100 -01- 43].1 � BtaLLlPazks Com. 1[eetia4s � � . . 5300 5300 . . . � . . . . �101 - 45100 �01- 437.3 BcLool�a Tultioa . : :400 t400 � � � � � � 101- 45300 -01- i39.0 Oth�s Yiscallaa�ou� �Lary�s j372 51,681 51,000 . 51�,295 . � 101 - 45100 -01- 439.1 4aaatieipated Cosu � . 51,000 � ;1,2lS � � PfiGE TCf11LS S2t,?l9�. 527.317 541,i50 � 541,650. � $52,�45 =52,445 � . � � � NbDi-RYVBiO'E PAODQCmC D8P]1A11miT TOTAt3 � 5454�,189 =470,SD3 S52i,915. 5521,915 5613,i2i i633�,82d � � . � �� t � / � . � . � . � . . , �Paq� lour � � . . � . : . . . . .. 1l94 EIID6!!110IIICS�tl3 .. .� . �. . . . � PAR[ i IttC DY?I�tTim17 - 45100 .� �� � � . . . .. .. � July 2, 1l93 � - � � 1993 ObJYC? 1993 . 149� OpJKT- 1fl4 . . � . . � � � 1491 1l92 DYR7IIL .ADOPTID D�TJIIL YROPOSiD � � . � � Tnad Accauat f�Obj R Du¢riyefen I�CZV7ci. f.CSRAL allODNS ADDCYT aYOIIHT . � sODGst � . �com�+nts � . � � � f101,000 � . t101,000 � 301 - 45100 -/1- � 8eltball � � . =20,443 � 531,036 =44,000 �t�f.000 � � . � � ��� ioi - �sioo -as- vou.ybai ta,01S 59,03t f16,000 =16,OOD 301 �- 45100 -i4- T�na1a Si,592 5�62i � :2.000 � 52,000 � � � � � 101 - �5100 -iS�- Fiay Tots � 512,ES7 Si.�iT S1f,100 � =16,200 - � � � � - 101 - 45100 -�i- Pw� Yaas . � �],BDC =2.7A1 t4,1Q0 � i4.100 � . . . . . � .. ioi - ssioo •n• ri:ia xrsy. ss,ois s�.�ras t�.000 s�.oao ioi - asioo -ae- n�wo.b.ii si,�oz S1,9i4 s�.ioo ;:,ioo 101 - 451Q0 -89- Skatiag Lauon� $320 ;474 � =600 � � 5606 � � � � � � � . . 101 - 45300 -90- ?zaek i liald � � Sllf 51,154 f3.00Q � t�.�00 � � � � � � 101 - 45100 -l1- Sxc�z � � ;iG3 =0 � 52.000 � � 52,000 � � � - � 101 - �5100 -92- hduit.Eask�tball � � i0 i17T .51,000 � $1,Q00 � � � 101 - 45100 -l3- Oih�r progra�� � � � S1,3i9 54�8 �=3,OD0 53.600 � RSV'II�iQE PftODOCIIQC� � DtPARTl�T2' TOT7�LS f55,305 559,663 d102,000 f101,060 � 5101,000 5101,000 � � - � � � . �. � CRaf7D TOS71L Ot ELS. p11W.S D8P7Jt17�#T'3 5504,494 3530,1li .f622,l1S �t622,915 b'734�.62! �5734,6]! � � � � � � � R=VffiiIIE.PRODIICIIfO DSiASLS CM tOLLO1tINti 871GE3 . � . . � � . � � � . � � ( / � Yaq� li�� � . . . . . . . � . � � . � 1!!i DIIDfitl�MORIfS�LTS � � � � � . . � . DAR[ i RiC DtYJ1YT1miT - �SiQO - � � � . � � � � . July 2. 199? . � � . 1993-0s7�GT 1993 1l44 ODJztT 1994 � . . � . � . 1991 19l2� �D171�ZL ADOP'1'm DZ2RII, � plCpppSm . . . � lvnC 1lceouat t ODj R D�seriytioa . LC?OhL ]1CiVAL a7i00Rt � DIID6ii a1tON1PT SD'D61T � Cas��nt� . . . i01 - 45300 -l1- 103.0 P�rt-SSw Salariu 52.461 f1,501 � � tt,000 . � .ia,000 � � � � ioi - �sioo -as. ioa.i sa,000 ss.000 � �101 �- 15100 -l1- 121.0 PYA���MSthLoldiaq � t114 � .=lOZ � � f300 j300. . . . . ... �. .. �� � 301 - 45100 -�1- 121.1 � � . j300 � i300 . � � � 101 - tS300 -�1- 122.0 2IG NSt6Loldlag �. 5179 t140� . � j350 S35Q. � � 101 -��5100 -81-13].1 . � � i3S0 =350 � � � � 301 - 45200�-�61- 12S.O�Yadieare N1lLLp14ia4 � S1� si7 - �SSO . =50 � ioi - tsioa .ei- izs.i sso ;so � iQ1 - t5300 -DS-319.0 Op�rating Supyllp � � 56.,S�i � ;11,9i! 512,000 . =12,000 � � � � 101 - 45100 -il- 21l.1 - t13,000 =12,G00 . � � . � ioi - asioo -ai- aix.o os�scs.csag :.., sa,aaz siz,soi si�,000 si�,000 102 - 45100 -81- 311.1 � � � 51�,000 E37,000 � � � � 101 - 45100 -d1-�319.0 Oihar Proiesiional Ser�lcas 52..2T4 52.54t Sf,000� � � � i6,000 � � � . IOY - 45100 -il- 319.1 � � � � Sf.000 t6,000� � � . 101 - 45100.-l1- i15.0 Oth�z �quipseat Aaatal � f0 SO � 5200 � � 5200 � -�� 101 - 45100 -il- 415.1 � � . 5200 � � f200 � � � � 301 - 45100 -bl- 439.0 OtII�r�Yisc�ilaawus Chary�a f0 .� � SO . 5100 � �5100 � � � � � 101 - 45100 -81- 439.1 � � � � � 5100 � � ;100 . � � . . 101 - �5100 -E3- 103.0 Pari-TSa� Salarias . 51,055 � ;1,501 � �- i3,t50 . =3,E50 � � � 301 - �SiQO �-t9• 103.1 - � .s7,850 � �53.��50 .� � � � � � 101 - 45200 -E2- 121.0 P�.NStLLoldiag s49� 543 5150� �. . ;i50. � � � 101 - 45100 -83- 121.1 =i50 . ;150 � � � � - � � 101 - 45100 -83- 132.0 7ICA NiELLolCinq � �576 � =60 5225 . � � � 5235 � � � �101. - 4510D -82- 122.1 . 5225 � . � 5�25 . . . � . . . . .. . 101� - 45100 -82- 135.0 1f�dfcara NithLoldiaq S7 . i70 � !75 � . . S75 �. � � � � 301 - �5100 -82- 125.1 � t75 � f7S �. � � . 101 - 45100 -l2- 21F.0 Ogeratiag $upplies . Si,b19 � 51,693 SI.ZSD � � 5�.250� �� � . � 101 - �5300 -$2-.219.1 . � � 5�.250 � . . . � . .52.250 � � � � . . � . . � � 101 - 4510� -82- 311.O�OSticia[iag le+sa � �S3,9if =4,609 � 57.700 5T,700�� � � � � � 101 - 45100 -82- 311.1 � f7.700� � � =7,700 . � � . � � 101 - 45100 -!2- 319.0 Other proteasioaal Sesvicu t1,2l4 51,110� 51,750 � . 51,7�50� � � � 101 - 45100 -SZ- 314.1 � 51,750 � S1,?50 . �� � � 101 - �45100 -l4- 103.0 Yart-Tims Saiari�s� � 590� ;763 � 21,500 S1,SOQ � �� 101 - 45300 -M- 103.1 � � . 51,500 � SS,S00 . � � � � � . 103 - 45100 -l4- 122.0 YZG Xithholdiaq � � S3i ;0 5100 .5100 � � � � � � � 101 - 45100 -l4- 132.1� . � =10Q �5100 � � � � � � SOS - 45100 -.l4- 115.G 1[e4lcare NitLLoldiay � . S13 510� � ;100 � � � 5100 � � �101 - 45100 -84- 125.1 . � � � . S10Q � . 5100 � � � 101 - 45100 -84- 210.0 Oparatiaq Suppll�s� �� � . . E6)8 � ;53 . � � � 5300 � . 5300 � � iDl - �5100 -l4- 319.1 - � �� . . . . . . =500 � . � 5300 . . . . .. . . � � p� T�'us 030,0�9 S4Q,il3 Si2.000 =i2,000 =62,000 =62,000 � � 1 ° J . . � . - . . . Pay� 91x� � � . . . � . . � � � . . � � 199� DOD61T MOAICB�t?i � � � �. . � � � � . � � . PAAL i RiC DtF�RT/m1i - {5100 • . . . � � . � � � . � � July 2, 199] . � . i991 OD38CT .� 1993 1994 OIIdsCT 19!{ . . � � 1991 1lf2� � DITAIL ISOP1'� DESAIL YROPOStII . . . Fyad accouat t Obi f D�seriptioa � � . ACTULL 11C'lpay 7t1[pDNt � 8VD6t2 7USOCNr EDDGiT Caom�ata. . l0i - �5100 -l5- 103.0 Part-Tia� Salariu l9.SS0 $6,i96 � =11,000 i11,000 � � � 101 - 45100 -!5• 10].1 �j1i,Q00 511,000 � � 101 - t5100 -!5- 121.0 Y�MitIILoldlaq � 5133 :Q� . � =300 t300 � � . S01 - 45100 -85- 121.1 � � . f300 � � S2D0 . � � � - � � 101 - 45100 -i5- 113�.0 �IG MitLholdinq tt5! =5 .� � �;690 � =iQ0 � � 101 -.i5100 -!5- 14].1 . 5640 {f00 �� � . � . 101 • 45100 -85- 125.0 Y�diurs NSfhLoldlaq �510! j�6 . 5300 � . 5200 � � � � � �.. ioi - tsioo -as- izs.i s2oo uco iai -,�sioo -as- zis.o oi,.=.asng suyyii.. si,sao ssc4 S�.soo s�,�oo ioi - asioo -as- zi�.i s�.soo ss,soo 101 - 45100 -f5- 339.0 OCII�z Traasyortatloa CLarg�� tll0� s230 �5350 � . 5350 . � � � � 101 - 45100 -ES- 339.1 5350 � 5350 �� � � . � 101 - �5100 -i5- 415,0 Othez tquipnent Aental � SS40 S1,Sli � S1,BC0 � 51,.600 ioi - 4uoo -as- ais a si,aoo si.cao ioi - �sioo -as- aas.o ocn.:xi,�.ii.n.ons ce.�., to so sso aso 101 - 45100 -85- 439.1 � � � � t50 � SSO �� . � �-� � � . � 101 - 45100 -a6- 103.0 Farl-2i,ss Salarias 51,567 51,600 � =2,250 � $2,250 � � � .. � 101 - 45300 -!6- 103.1 5�.250 52.250 � � � 101 - 45100 �16- 112.0 TZG MStbLoldiag �. ;56 �0 =300 5100 � � � . 101 - 45100 -!6- 123.1 � x100 � f100 � . 101 - 45100�-li- 125.0 Yediura NStLholding � � 527 � i20 SSO � g50 � � � � 101 � 45100 -8f- 123.1 � . SSO f50 � � � � 101 - 15100 -l6- 414.0 Op�ratiag Suyyliu � �� 51,1l7 il,aeo � si,5S0 51,550 � � � � � ��101 - {.5100 �-l6- 219.1 51,550 � 51,550 � � � I01 - {5100 -l6- 339.0 Othaz Traasportatioa Clurg�s SO t0 f150 . � � S15II � � I01 - 45100 -66- 339.1 5150 � � 5150 � � � . � 101 - �SiQO -87- 219.0 Oihar OparaGiag Suppli�t 51,949 � SO � SO =0 � � 101 - 45300 -l7- Z19�.1 �. � t0 � �SO � � � : . S01 - �5100 -!?-�334.0 Other RYaasportatioa CLarg�� . i3.963 S2.7t2 � 57,000 57,000 � � 101 - 45300�-E7- 339.I 57.000 57,Q00 � .. 101 -� 45100 -!!- 219.O�Operatiag Supplies � 529f � 5222 . 5�00 5�00 �� � . 101 - �5100 -lE- 319.1 � � �;300 5100 � � � �" � � 101 - 45100 -88- 311.0 OLticiatiag lul � 5630 d735 51,000 51,000 � � � � � � 101 - �5100 -6l- 311.1 � . . 51,000 51,000 � � � . 101 - 45100 -86-�319.0 Othar Profuaional Service� �5976 $1,017� . �51,000 51,000 � � 101 - 45100 -!8- 319.1 51,000 � 51,000 � � . . � �� 101 - 45100 -89- 103.0 Part-Sia� Saiaries 5315 � 5�66 . ;450 � 5450 � � . � 101 - 451D0 �-H4- 103-1 5450 . . 5450 � I01 - 45100 -l9- 122.A 7IC1�MiCELpldiaq . ¢0 SO . � 525 � � 525 . � � � � . . ....._ . � . I'' 101 - 45100 -6!- 132.1 �� ...-.� . . - S75 - .525 ...� . . S01 - 35100 -l9- 125.0 11Mieara MStLholdiaq � � SS SC � . � S25 SZS � � � 101 - 451Q0 -t9- 124.1 . . . t15 t2S � � . . � . � 101 - i5100 -l9- 419.0 • a � � . r C 9u li� s 0 �D �S PD . S 0 100� 10 s s s o 101 - 45100 -E9- Z29.1 � � 5100 i100 � � � YAtiE T0171LS S23.G]i i16,751 �E30.000 � f30,000 S7D,000 =30,000 � . � . �� . � � pay� S���a . . . � . . � . . . � � 1l94 DaDCiiBT N67C][SSEiT3 .� � . � . . � . � � � P71RZ 4 R7[C DiPAATl�iT -. 45160 - � � . .. � . � �July 2�, 1997 . . � 1993 OSJtCT 1493 1l9� 03JiCS 1f9� � � � � . � . � � � . 1991 � �1997 �. DYSAIL 7�DOP3'm DYT71iL ?AOPOSm � . Twid acconnt i Obi i Description nCTGhL AC747�. NtottNT � DaDGtf 117WCNT . sDaOst � Ca�ats . . . . � � . . � \ . . S01 - 45100 -!0• 219�.0 Oparslinq Supyllu . � 5116 S1,3Si 51.500 � � t2,S00 � 301 - 45300 -90- 31l.1 . . 57.500� � . � 52,500 � � SOi -� �SidO �!0- 43l.0 Othar]titcallaarws Charqas f0 j0 S�S00 � � =500 � 301 - 45100 -90•� 439.1 � � t�500 SS00 � � . 101 - 45100 -91- 219.0 Operating.8upg11�� ;163 SO � SSSO t150 � � � � 101 - 45100 -91- 23l.1 � � � ��s150 . .i150 � � 101 - �5100 -91- 3ii.0 Oitielatfaq T�u ;0� � S0� � � f1,D50 S1,E50 � � � � 101 - f5100 -91- 311.1 . . S1,lSO . �51,�50 . � � � 101 � 4ri00 -92- 219.0 Operating Suppli�s � t0 t1�7 51,000 � S1,Q00 . � � �501 - �SSOp -91- 2i9.1 . =1,000 � 51,000 � � . 101 - 45100 -93- 219.0 Op�raElaq Svqpli��-Othar Proq f1,230 S4ib � t2.700 � � f3,700 � �� � 101 - 45100 -93- 214.1 . s2,700 52,700 � � � � 101 - 45100 -!3- 722.0 Postaqe Costr � � Sili � � SO � � �SZ25 � � f125 � � �� � 101 • 43100 -93• 33Z.1 � � � 5235 . 5325. 101 - 45300 -!3- 415.O.Othes Yquipaeat�R�atal 6D . SO � 5?S 575 � � SDS - 45100 -93- 415.1 . � � � � . S75 � 575 � � � � ' � � PAGE TO7AL3 51,628 j2,01� f9.000 59,000 fl.000 59,600 � . � � � AtYENQ8 PRODIICIItG TClALB 555,305 559,i63 5101,000 5101,.000 f101,000 5101,.000 � � . .. . .e 1 . . - . . � . Pa� Oa� . � � . . . . . � . iFft DDD6Z'P xOAZ8�78 . � � . � � � . . � � . . INSUit7�NCt - 492�0 - .. � . . . � . JuIY 2. 1993 . . � � 1993 OaJiCT 1997� 19f4 47JtCl � lfi4 � � � � . � � � 1991 19l2 � . DYSAIL aDOPTID DtSI�SL . PROP08ID � � � lund � 1lcaouat f Obj i Ducriptioa � AC74AL � hCipAL 711iO�ppS . EDDCYT I�1100liS DODGtt � Co��ats � 101 - 4!?{0 -01- 7i5.0 Moakaen's Co�p Iasurmu � f70.]IS �82,624� �. 5�0,000 � f90,000 � � � � � � 101 - 4l3�0 -Ol- 365.1 hmual Prai�a � � =70,000 tl0,000. 104 Inerus�.4 Assory I�dditiom � . 101 - 4f2#0 -Ol- 36l.0 Othes Iaauraac� � 575,�23 � i7l.azs � . saa,000 5120,000 � 101 - �l240 -01- 369.1 �O�aaral Liability a auto � . Slt,000 �5120,400 � 104 Sacrws• 4 ]lxaory addiiion . � � F1tGL R'O'P11LS =1�5,737 S1i0,l47 � SiSt,00D� � t156,000 � t110,000 i210,000 . � DZPl1R17miT t0211LS i145,737 j160,l47 5156,000 i15E,060 t210,000 5210,000 � . .