HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.d. Set Public Hearing - Increase of Liquor License Fees l e GITY OF ROSEMOIINT EXECIITIVE SUMM�RY F4R ACTZQN CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATEt AUGUST 17, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: SET PUBLIC HEARING - INCREASE AGENDA SECTTON: OF LIQUOR LICENSE FEES NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: SUSAN WALSH AGErf1��l��� 7r' � � ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT � ATTACHMENTS: MEMU, PUBLIC I�10TICE APP VE BY: This is a request for Council to set a public hearing on Se ember 21, 1993 to consider increasing liquor license fees as fallaws: (1) On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License Fee from $2500 to $2750. (2} On-Sale Wine License from $300 to $360. {3) Off Sale Beer License from $30 to $40. (4) On Sale Beer License from $150 to $180. (5) Temporary On-Sale Liquor License from $100/license to $35jday. (6) Add a new fee of $50 for amendments to liquor license applicatians caused by change of officers or awnership interest of a corporation, or to transfer a license from one place to another' or because of an enlargement or substantial alteration of a business. This fee wauld be waived if changes are made at time of annual renewals. Attached for your review are my reasons for recommending the increased fees. Upon council approval of setting the public hearing, all holders oF non- intoxicating and intoxicating liquor will be mailed a public notice. State 3aw requires that all licensees receive a mailed notice 30 days prior to the hearing. Except for the temporary liquor licenses, the proposed changes would not be effective until 1994. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO SET A PUBLIC HEARING ON SEPTEMBER 21, 1993, AT 8;00 P.M. , OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS POSSIBLE, TO CONSIDER INCREASING CERTAIN NON-INTOXICATING AND INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE FEES. C�IINCIL ACTION: t s z�� o osevnoun� PHONE (612)423-4411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612}4235203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemourtt,Mit�nesota 55068-0510 COUNGILMEMBERS $heila Klassen James(Red)Staats Harry WiiM,ox C�N OF RQSEM�UN-f Dennis WiRpermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk NOTICE OF PUBtIC HEARfNG INCREASE 4F RETAiL LICENSE FEES FOR NOMNTOXICATING MALT LtQUOR AND INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSES T4 WHOM t7 MAY GONCERN: NOTiCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota has scheduled a public hearing for Tuesday, September 21, 1993, at 8:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possibie, in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 1875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota. This public hearing is being held to consider certain liquor licenses fees as follows On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License Fee from $2500 to $2750; On-Sa(e Wine License #rom $300 to $360; Off-Sale Non-lntoxicating Malt Liquor License from $30 to $4a; On-Sale Non-Intoxicating Ma1t Liquor License from $150 to $180; Temporary On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License from $100 per 3 day license to $35 per day; Liquor License Appfication Amendment Fee of $50 (new�. Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the above hearing items wil! be heard at this meeting. Written comments will be accepted up to the time of the public hearing and will be included in the discussion at this hearing. `. Dated this 18th day of August, 1993. Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk City of Rosemount - Dakota County, Minnesota �ver�things �ovning �U(.� �J�osemount�� � . .,o� < . . MEMO TO: Mayor McMenomy Councilmembers Willcox,Wippermann, Staats, Klassen FROM: Susan Walsh, Administrative Assistant DATE: August 20, 1993 SUBJ: Proposed Increa.ses to Liquor Licenses Below you willfmd summaries of my reasons for recommending increa.sed fees of certain liquor licenses. For each af the license fees, I've listed fees af sunounding communities and cities of similar population. Flease be advised our fees have not been increased since 19$9. On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License Fee: I am recommending a 10% increase from $2500 to $2750. Other cities' fees: Apple Valley: $4200, $5250, $6300/Sa1es Hastings: $2400 Burnsville: $5000 Mound: $4000 Eagan: $4000 Savage: $?SOt} IGH: $3800 Prior Lake: $5150 Mendota Hts: $10000 Even though Rosemount willstill be considerably lower than the above cities, I feel an increase of more than 10% increase would not be fair to aur license holders. Also, the legislature recently amended the sta.tute concerning the amount which a city may charge for on-sale liquor licenses. The city must consider that the "license fee is intended to cover the cost af issuing, inspecting and other directly related costs of enforcement." The cost of enforcement would include the arnount of police time spent on patrol or otherwise making calls to our licensed businesses. I feel a 10% increase more than justifies increases in city costs aver a four year period. ' This increase would effect license holders for Last Call Bar &Grill,City Limits and Shenanigans. On,Sale Wine License: I am recommending a 20% increa.se fr4m $300 to $36Q. Other' cities' fees: Apple Valley: $1050 Mendota. Hts. $2000 Burnsville: $ 750 Mound; $ 200 IGH; $ 650 Savage; $ 200 Hastings: $2001 Prior Iake; $1250 Rosemount currently has no on-sale wine licensees, but I fee2 a $64 increase willkeep this fee is in line with our other license fees. , , Off-Sale 3.2% Non-Intoxicating Liquor License: I am recommending slightly more than a 20% increase from $30 to $40. Other cities' fees: Apple Valley: $$0 Hastings: $40 Bumsville: $6Q Mendota. Hts: $10 Eagan: $70 Mound: $20 IGH: $50 Prior Lake: $50 Savage: $30 The two Tom Thurnb stores and the Haliday store hold aff-sale 3.2 beer licenses. The staff time involved in sending out applications, processing applications and issuing licenses more than justifies the $10 increase. On-Sale 3.2% Non-Intoxicating Liquor License : I am recommending a 20% increa.se from $150 to $180. Other cities' fees: Apple Valley: $420 Mendota. Hts: $150 Burnsville: $400 Mound: $200 Eagan: $250 Savage: $200 IGH: $275 Prior Lake: $200 Hastings: $120 Current holders of licenses are Pizza Hut, Rich Valley Golf Course and Brockway Golf. An adjustment has not been made to this fee for four years, and i feel an $30 increase is not out of line. Temporary On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License Fee: I am recommending the city go from charging a flat fee of$100 for a three day permit to $35 per day. The license is only good for three days so the maximum fee would be $105. Other cities' fees: Burnsville: $ 25/day Eagan: $150 Hastings: $ 5 Mound: $ 25 ` There is limited information on this since many cities do not issue this license. Normal applicants for this license are the VFW for the tractor pull, American Legion for its chicken Bar-B-Que and the Chamber for its annual Shamrock Awards dinner. This license can only be issued to a club, or charitable religious or nonprofit organization. I feel the $35/day is a more reasonable fee since these groups usually want the license for one day. Liquor License Applicati4n Amendment Fee: Include a new fee of$50 for amendments to nan-intaxicating and intoxica.ting liquor licenses caused by change of off'icers or ownership interest of a corporaxion, or when an applicant wants to transfer his license from one place to another. This fee would also be charged when an application is amended beca.use of an enlargement or substantial alteration of the licensed premises. 2