HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.c. Joint Dispatch Study . ` , r CITY OF RQS£MOUNT EXECIITIVE SIIMMARY FOR ACTTON CITY C�UN�IL MEETING DATE: AUGUST 17, 1993 AGENDA 2TEM: AGENDA SECTION: JOINT DISPATGH STUDY NEW BUSINESS PREP.�RED BY: AGENDA �lj�,.,� ELLIEL KNUTSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE � ' t # � ATTACHMENTS: AP OVE BY• JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT The idea of combining all seven public safety dispatch centers within Dakota County into one central dispatch center has been around for a long time. For one reasan or another cities could not get together to seriously study the pros and eons of having a consolidated public safety cammuni- cation center. Recent meetings with all Dakota County city managers and police chiefs have concluded that there is a good possibility that utilizing a single dispatch center could be beneficial. Befare any decisians can be made consultants must be contracted to identify all feasible options and to make recommendations for the design and operatian of a centralized public safety cammunication center, This contract {$34 , 154 . 00) will be shared by Dakota County and all cities within Dakota County. The City of Rosemount's share is $912 . 00. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT TO ENTER INTO A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR THE STUDY OF FEASIBILITY OF CONSOLI- DATED PUBLTC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES AND TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF $912. 00 AS ROSEMOUNT'S CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS THIS STUDY. COIINCIL ACTION: c � � , ' DA KOTA COUNT Y BRo"oTM o,�"AR000" TELEPHONE {612)438-441$ DAKOTA COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX 1590 W.HWY.55.HASTINGS.MtNNESOTA 55033-2372 £,�p 1 F.�`L.Y�iq�, . . . . . . . %�}��4� -� ��� -"� _� August 3, 1993 Stephan Jilk, Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West � Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Stephan: Enclosed `please find the final draft of the Joint Powers Agreement for Study of Feasibility of Consolidated Public Safety Communication Services. A few minor typographical changes were made to this draft; there were n4 substantive changes made to the document. Please process this Agreement with yaur respective City Councils. Please forward all executed copies o� the Agreement to the attention of Linda Cummings with the City of Eagan. If you have any questions on the Agreement, please contact either Linda or Karen Schaffer. Sin rely, Dav d J. Unmacht � De ty County Administrator Da ta County DJU:-kw cc: Karen Schaffer, Assistant County Attorney Linda Cummings, Eagan Police Department Printed on Recycied Paper AN EQUACOPPORTUNITY EMPIOYER , . � ' , __ , JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR STIIDY OF FEASIBII,ITY OF CONSOLIDATED PUBLIC BAFETY COMMIINICATIONB BERVICEB The parties to this Agreement are units of ,government responsible for providing law enforcement services in their respective jurisdictions. This Agreement is made pursuant to the authority conferred upon the parties by Minn. Stat. § 471.59 and � 436. 05. NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned governmental units, in the joint and mutual exercise of their powers, agree as follows: 1. Purpose. The only purpose of this Joint Powers .Agreement is to gather information by engaging a consultant to identify the feasible options and make recommendations for the design and operation of public safety communications services, including police, fire, emergency preparedness, animal control, public works, and ambulance services within the Member units of government. • 2. Members. The parties to this Agreement consist of the following units of government: City of Apple Va11ey, City of Burnsville, City of Eagan, City of Farmington, City of Hastings, City of Inver Grove Heights, City of Lakeville, City of Mendota Heights, City of Rosemount, City of South St. Pau2, City of West St. Paul, and County of Dakota, hereinafter co�.lectively referred to as ��Members". 3. Exercise of Powers. The Members acknawledge and agree that the City of Eagan shall act on behalf of and as representative of the Members in carrying out the provisions of this�- Agreement. The Members agree that the City of Eagan shall enter into the consultant contract referred to in paragraph i and administer such contract on behalf of the Members. The Members acknowledge and agree that any rights, responsibilities and obligations of the City of Eagan under the consultant cantract are the rights, responsibilities and obligations of all the Members. 4: Powers and Duties of the City of Eaqan. On behalf of the Members, the City of Eagan shall enter into an independent consulting contract with John R. DuBois, Ph.D. (Cansultant) . This contract shall require the Consultant to provide an analy�is o� the Members' existing public service communications systems and operatians and to issue a xeport whieh discusses the feasibility of and alternatives to conso�idation of such public safety communications services and operations. The report shall inelude at least the following: Page 1 of 16 � , � A. Description of each Member's radio systems to include E911, Mobile Data Terminals (MDT) , Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) , Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) , police, fire, animal contral, public works and ambulance services. B. Inventory the Members' existing communication equipment and itemize age of such equipment; Members shall provide Consultant immediate assistance when this infarmation is requested by Consultant. C. Evaluate the equipment of Members' existing communication centers and the age of the equipment, including determination of feasibility of using that equipment in a joint use facility. D. Discuss impacts of future technologies for the next ten (10) years, including 800 MHZ and Metro Council Study 800 MFiZ initiative. ' E, Discuss what would be necessary to interface existing systems to make them compatible, including communications, IrIDT eomputer systems, and the costs associated with the interface. F. Discuss the ability to integrate centralized dispatching to access Members' existing record keeping. G. Discuss future growth of a consolidated system or systems. H. Discuss impact on level of service which the Members want to ' maintain. • I. Develop an action plan to ' accomplish consolidation recommendations, including short and long term cost factors and , . recommended staff levels for operation. J. Discuss current budget of Members' radio purchase and repair costs, and determine how consolidation will impact them. K. Discuss alternatives for Public Safety Answering Point. L. Discuss options for total start-up and ongoing operational cost�. This contract shall further require that the consultant undertake the following tasks: i. Provide monthly oral and written updates to the Mernbers as to the progress of the study; 2 . Provide a draft report no later than sixty (60) days following notice to proceed; 3 . Provide final report no later than ninety (90) days after notice to proceed. Page 2 of 16 , . - 4 . Provide thirty (30) copies of the final report. 5. Meet as necessary with representatives of the Members, including one meeting with representatives of all the Meanbers. 6. Meet as necessary with the Members' fiscal consultant, if any. This contract shall not exceed Twenty Three Thousand and no/100's Dollars ($23,000.00) and may be paid in two (2) equal installments. The first installment may be paid upon completion of tasks A, B, and C above. The seeond installment may be paid upon satisfactory completion of the remaining work. The contract shall be managed by the City of Eagan and may provide that the contract manager is Pat Geagan, City of Eagan Chief of Police. On behalf of the Members, the City of Eagan also may enter into additional consulting contracts with appropriate consultants, for the purposes of evaluating the computer-related and the fiscal aspects ° of consalidation of public safety communications' services and operat�ons. The total value of any such contracts may not exceed $11,154.00. The decision to contract, the selection of consultant(s) , and the management of the contract(s) shall be the responsibility of the City af Eagan, upon consultation with the " chief administrative officers of the members. The City of Eagan shall establish and maintain such accounts as may be required by good accounting practices. 5. Propertv Owned by Members. Any property purchased by the City of Eagan, including work product of the Consultant described' in paragraph 4 of this Agreement shall be owned by the Members until this Agreement is terminated under paragraph 7 below. 6. Indemnification. Each Member shall indemnify, .defend, and save each other Member harmless from any and all claims, damages, lawsuits, losses, liabilities, costs and e�enses, arising out of any negligent act or omissian on the part of any Member, or its contractors, agents, servants or employees in the gerformance o€ any of the �tork or services to be performed under the tenas of this Agreement. 7. Withdrawal. No Member may withdraw from this Jaint Powers Agreement before June 30, 1994. 8. Termination. This Agreement shall be terminated upon the occurrence of any one of the following events: (a) On June 30, 1994; or (b) By unanimous` consent of all Members; or Page 3 of 16 , . � (c) Upon notification by the City of Eagan that all of the consultant services described in paragraph 4 have been satisfactorily provided. 9. Disposition af Propertv and Funds. At such time as this Agreement is terminated, any property interest remaining with the Members shall be disposed of and the praceeds of the property shall be returned to the Members in proportion to their contributions. 10. Data Practices. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. Ch. 13, the Members agree to manage data created, received, or maintained in connection with this Joint Powers Agreement according to the statutory provisions applicable to the same. il. �ember Contributions. Each Meaiber agrees to contribute the following dollar amounts: City of Apple Valley - $3,587 City of Burnsville - 5, 174 City of Eagan - 4,915 City of Farmington - 613 City of Hastings - 1,571 City of Inver Grove Heights - 2,337 City of Lakeville - 2, 640 City of Mendota Heights - 965 City of Rosemount - 912 City of South St. Paul - 2, 026 City of West St. Paul - 1,914 County of Dakota - 7,500 Each Member agrees to gay its contribution to the City of Eagan within thirty (30) days of notification by the City of Eagan of the effective date of this Joint Powers Agreement. , 12. Amendments. This Agreement may be amended at any time by agreement of all the Members. Such amendments are not effective unless approved by ali Members in writing. � 13 . Effective Date. This Agreement shall be in full force and effect when all Members sign this Agreement. All Members need not sign the�_same copy, The signed Agreement, along with a certified copy of the resolution authorizing' the Agreement, shall be filed with the City of Eagan, who shall notify all Memhers in writing of its effective date. Page 4 of 16 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agree�ent on the dates indicated below. APPROVED AS TO FORM: COUNTY OF DAKOTA By Assistant County Attorney/Date Title Date of Signature APPROVED AS TO EXECUTION: Attest Norma Marsh, Auditor Date of Signature Assistant County Attorney/Date Approved by Dakota County Board Resolution No. . wx-9s-3a� Page 5 of 16 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY By Its Mayor By Its City Clerk KJK-93-307 • Page 6 of 16 CITY OF BURNSVILLE By Its Mayor By Its City Clerk K/K-93-307 Page 7 of 16 , CITY OF EAGAN By Its Mayor By Its City Clerk K/K-93-307 Page 8 of 16 ► CITY OF FARMINGTON By Its Mayor By Its City Clerk � - KfK-93-307 Page 9 of 16 CITY OF HASTINGS By Its Mayor By Its City Clerk K/K-93-307 Page 10 of 16 CITY OF INVER GROVE HEIGHTS By Its Mayor By Its City Clerk K/K-93-307 Page 11 of 16 CITY OF LAKEVILLE By Its Mayor By , Its City Clerk K/K-93-307 Page 12 of 16 . , , . , . . , ' CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGI�iTS By Its Mayor By Its City Clerk K/K-93-307 Page 13 of 16 • � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By Its Mayor By Its City Clerk KJK-93-307 Page 14 of 16 . , . . . , , • CITY OF SOUTH ST. PAUL By Its Mayar By Its City Clerk K!K-93-307 Page 15 of 16 ♦ ' � t r ' s . � t CITY OF WEST ST. PAUL By Its Mayor By ' Its City Clerl� K/K-93-307 Page 16 of 16