HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.b. Communication Equipment Purchase / Reprogramming � t CITY UF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUt�SARY FOR AGTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AUGUST 17, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: COMMUNIGATION EQUIPMENT AGENDA SECTION: PURCHASE/REPROGR�MMING NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: SCOTT AKER, FIRE CHIEF AGENDA NO. I ATTACHMEN'TS: TWO BIDS A,pp Q g ; This item is a request to proceed with the purchase of and re-programming of other fire department radio equipment. Al1 af our radio equipment is in need of re-programming due to the change in dispatch from Dakota County to Eagan. Our base radio and some of our hand-held radios are in a condition that warrants replaeement rather than investing in any further repairs. Some of our radios are of an age and vintage which ma.kes them impossible to re-program. Dispatch Communication has the overall low bid for all of these services. The total package including all services listed, tax, and same delivery charges, would be $15, 600.00 . Monies for this project have been budgeted in the 1993 CIP. These monies would come from Account #202-49002-01-531. RECOMfMENDED ACTION: Motian to authorize the fire department to purchase radio equipment and re-program radio equipment as is listed in the attacYunent, with the $15, 600 .00 to come from Account #202-49002-01-531. COUNCIL ACTION: Dis-Com Bid Location Make Char Program Purchase Total Rescue 3590 Motorola-Syntor X 8 $50.00 550.00 Asst. Chief 3598 Motorola-Syntor X 8 $50.00 S5Q.00 Chief 3599 Motorola-Syntor X 8 $50.00 SSOAO Aeriai 35180 Motorota-Syntor X 8 $50.00 S5Q.00 Pumper 35181 Motorola-Syntor X 8 $50.00 550.0� Pumper 35183 Motorola-Syntor X 8 $50.00 550.00 Grass Rig 35192 Uniden 16 $25.00 525.00 Grass Rig 35194 Uniden 16 $25.00 S25.OU Nose Tnick 35196 Motorola 16 $25.00 �st. 525.00 Tanker 35t 95 GM-300* 16 $25.d0 $559.00 $95.00 $fi79.00 Utility.3591 GM-300 * 16 $25.�0 $559.00 $95.00 S679A0 Handheld-Aker MT-1000 (99) 99 $15.�0 $15.00 Handheld-Reis ML-1000 (99) 99 $15.00 �15.00 Nandheld-Corrigan Ml'-1000 (16) 16 $15.00 515.00 Handheld-Lundy MT-1 Q00 (16) 16 $15.00 $15.Q0 Handheld-LundeU MT-1000 (16) * 16 $25.00 $699.00 S724.00 Handhefd-Smith MT-1000 (16) * 16 $25.00 $699.00 $724.00 Handheld-Strese MT-1000 (16) * 16 $25.00 $699.00 $724.00 Handheld-3590 MT-1000 (16) * 16 $25.00 $699.04 $724.00 � Regency 16 $17.50 517.5� Regency 16 $77.50 $17.50 Regency 16 $17.50 517.50 Regency 16 $17.50 517.50 Handheld-3599 HT-600 6 $15.00 515.00 . Handheld35181 HT-600 6 $15.00 515.00 Handheld-35183 HT-600 6 $15.00 515.00 Handheld-35183 NT-600 6 $15.00 315.00 Handheld 35195 HT-600 6 $15.00 315.0� Handheld-3590 NT-600 fi $15.00 S7 5.00 Nandheld-35181 GP-300 * 8 INC. $559.00 5559.d0 Handheld-35i 81 GP-30d * 8 INC. $559.00 S559.OQ Handheld-35182 GP-300 * 8 INC. $559.00 S559.00 Handheld-35183 GP-3OQ * 8 INC. $559.00 5559.00 Handheld-3590 � CP-3Q0 * 8 1NC: $559.00 3559A4 Handheld-3591 GP-300 * 8 INC. $559.00 5559_00 Handheld-35192 GP-300 * 8 INC. $559.OQ 5559.00 Handheld-35194 GP-300 * 8 INC. $559.00 $559.00 , Handheld-35i 96 GP-300 * 8 INC. $559.00 $559.00 Handheld-35180 GP-300 * 8 JNC. $559.00 S559A0 Six Bank Charger Far GP-300 * $368.40 5368,00 Externaf Speakers For GM-300 (2) * $86.00 586.00 Oratar (4) 88+25 Attach to Bas� * $452.00 5452.00 Total $11,345.00 Base Radio * � $3247.00 TOTAL PACKAGE --> S14,592.�0 Motorola / Radius 7/29/93 , , AWC Bid � - Location Make Chan. Pragram Purchase ... : Totai _. _ _ . _ . . ..._ •-� Rescue 3590 . - Motorola-Syntor X 8 $55.00 Asst. Chief 3598 Motorola-Syntor X 8 $55.00 SSSAO - Chief 3599 �� Motorola-Syntor X 8 $SS.00 355.00 � � . Aerial 3518fl Motorola-Syntor X 8 $55.00 S55.OU - _ Pumper 351$1 Motorola-Syntor X g gss,p� �555.00 Pumper 35183 Motorola-Syntor X 8 $55.00 555.0� Grass Rig 357 92. l�iden 16 $55.00 S55.00 �� :' ; Grass Rig 35194�. lfiiden �6 $55.00 _ � S�S.t}0 � Hose Ttvck 35196 Motorola S55.Q0 ` �. 16 $55.00 tnst. SS5.00 Tanker 35195 GM-300 16 $35.00 $548.OQ $85.40 Utility 3591 ' - GM-300 5668.� � 16 $35.00 - $548.00 $85.�0 366$.00 � � Handheld-Aker MT 1000 (99) . 99 $15.00 - Handheld-Reis Mf-1000 (99) 99 $1�.pp S7 5.00 Nandheld-Corrigan MT 1000 (16) 16 $1�.pp S75.04 -: _ Nandheld-Luncfy MT'-1000 16 S95.00 ( ) 16 $15.00 S75.04 -: Nandheld-Lundell GP-300/16 16 $35.00 $699,40 __ Handheld-Smith GP-300/16 16 $35.00 $699.p0 �73`�-00: . �: Handheid-Strese GP-300/16 5734.00 16 $35.00 $699.00 S734.00 � =' Handheld-3590 GP-300/16 i6 $35.00 $699.00 - Regency 16 $17.50 5734.00 _ S7 7.50 _ Regency 16 $17.50 S17.50 _ _ RegencY 16 $17.50 S17.50 Re9en�Y 16 $17.50 S17.54 Nandheld-3599 HT 604 6 $15.00 Handheld-35181 }{T 6Q0 315.00 . 6 $15.00 S7 5.00 � Handheld-35183 HT 600 6 $15.Q0 Handheid-351$3 HT-6Q0 St5.00 6 $15.00 S1 S.UO Handheld-35i 95 HT-6Q0 6 $15.OQ Handheld-3590 HT gpp S15.00 6 $15.00 S15.OQ Handheld-35181 GP-300/$ 8 $25.00 $525.00 Handheld-35181 GP-300/8 • 5550.00 Handhefd-3S182 GP-300/8 $ $25.00 $525.00 3550.00 8 $25.Q0 $525.00 5550.OQ Handheld-35183 GP-300/8 8 $25.00 $525.00 Handhelci-3590 GP-300/8 5550.00 8 $25A0 $525.OQ Handheld-3591 GP-3Q0l8 3550.00 � ` 8. $25.00 $525.00 5550.00 . Handheld-35192 GP-300/8 8 $25.00 $525.00 Handheid-35194 GP-30(}/8 3550.00 - = 8 $25.00 $525.00 S55UAQ . Handheid-35196 . GF-300/8 - - . Handhetd-35180 GP-300/8 $ �25"0� �525.00 - 5550.40 Six Bank Charger For GP-300 $ $25.00 $525.00 5550.00 External Speakers For GM-340 (2) $3�3.00 S393.00 � Orators 4 $80.04 580.00 ' . t ) Attach to Base $600.00 Base Radio $0.00 S60Q.00 Tatal 571,560.00 - - _ TOTAL PACKAGE ---a $11,560.0(} . ,