HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.k. Payment #2, Armoty Site Watermain, City Project #237 , , CITY 4F ROSEMOUNT EXECLTT�VE Si:II�Il�ARY FOR ACTION CITY CQUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 17, 1993 AGENDA �TEM: Payment #2, Armory Site Watermain AGENDA 'SECTION; Gity Project #237 Consent pREpARED BY: Bud Osmundson AG�7DA NO. City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director � ATTACffiKENTS; Payment Voucher #2 APP OVED BY: This item requests the second payment to S. J. Hentges & Sons, Ine. in the amount of $42, 645 .50 for City Froject #237, Armory Wate�main. Work completed and represented in this amount as of August 2 , 1993 is 830 of contracted work. The segment of pipe to the school is comp].ete. Final restoration shouid be completed within a couple of weeks with the final, payment following in a month. The work has been inspected and is in compliance with contract documents. Attached is a copy of the pa�r voucher for your information. Staff recommends approval of this second payment request. RECOMMENDED ACTI4N: MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT #2 TO S.M. HEN`TGES & SONS, INC. IN THE AMOUNr OF' $42 , 645 .50 FOR THE ARMORY WATERMAIN, CITY PROJECT #$237. COLTNCIL ACTION: 2 �,., �'�.�.. ���.t:� " Ort � ��, � Schelen 1� }�µ . ��������� Mayeron& Associates,inc. 300 Park PlaCe Center 57'75 tiNayzata Boulevard Minneapolis.R�N 55416-1228 612-595-5775 1-800-753-5775 , FAX 595-5779 Engineer5 AugtlSt 2, 1993 Architects Planners Surveyors . City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Re; Armory Site Water Service City of Rosemount, Minnesota City Project No. 237 OSM Project No, 4845.00 City Council: Enclosed are four (4) copies of Constructian Fayment Voucher No. 2 for the above referenced project in the amount of $42,645.50. Please make payment to S.M. Hentges & Sons Inc., P.O. Box 212, Shakopee, lViinnesota, 55379 at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIAT'ES, INC. j�`�%k'-�-�-' 'I 9 Brian J. Bourassa, P.E. Project Manager /dt Enclosures c: Mr. Bud C►smundson, City of Rosemount ` �- S.M. Hentges.& Sons; Inc. H:\4845.00\SPEC�'VO-2.AUG Equal Opportunity Empioyer CONSTRUCTION PAY VOUCHER Estimate Voueher Number: 2 Date: August 2, 1993 �SM Project Number: 4845.00 Period Ending: August 2, 1993 Project: ARMORY SITE WATER SERVICE CITY OF Rf?SEMOUNT 237 Contractor: S. M: HENTGES & SONS INC. P.O. BOX 212 SHAKOPEE 'MN 55379 Contract Date: October 6, 1992 Work Started: October 22, 1992 Completion Date: November 5, 1992 Work Completed: Original Contract Amount 159,750,00 Total Additions 0. 00 Total Deductions 0. 00 Total Funds Encumbered 159,750,00 Tota1 Work Certified to Date 132,845.30 Less Retained Percentage 5. 00� 6,642.27 Less Previous Payments 83,557.54 Total Pa�nents Incl This Voucher 126,203 . 04 Balance Carried Forward 33 ,546.96 APPROYED FOR PAYMENT� THIS VOIICHER 42,645.50 APPROVALS ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Pursuant to our field observation, as performed in accordance with aur cantract, and based on our professional opinion, materials are satisfactory and the work properly performed in accordance with the plans and specifications and that the total work is: 83�5 aompleted as of August 2, 1993. We herby recommend payment of this voucher. . Signed: Signed• ' �d Construction Observer Project M ager/Engineer S. M. HENTGES & SONS INC. This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, the quantities and values of work certified herein is a fair approximate estimate for the period covered by this voucher. Contractor: Signed By Date: Title CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Ch cke By: Appraved for payment: t Authorized Representative / J � e: Date: � f0 / Dat PAGE 1 V O U C N E R D E T A i l L I S T Estimate Voucher Number. 2 Project: ARMORY SiTE YATER SERVICE Date: AUGUS7 2, 199� ' OSM Project Nunber: 4845.00 CiTY OF ROSEMWNT PROJ. NO.: 23T for CITY QF ROSEMOUNT WATERMAIN Contract Cohtrect Completed This Month Totat To Date ltem Spec No Description Quantity Units Unit Price Total Frice Quantity Total Quentit fiotal Price -- -------- --------------------------------•--- --------- ---------- ------------- ------------- --------- ------- --- -•------Y •----•------ 1 26t1.502 6" X 6" NET TAP/TAPPING YALVE 3 EACH 1,200.00 3,600.00 1 1,200.00 3 3,b00.00 2 2611.502 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN 1 EACN 250.00 250.U0 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 2511.503 12° WATER MAtN-DUCT IRON CL 52 3450 L.F. 21.00 72,450.00 1164� 24,444.00 3486 73,20!'r.00 4 2611.503 8" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON Cl 52 180 L.F. T6.00 2,88Q.00 0 0.00 142 2,272.00 5 261t.503 6" uATER HA1N-DUCT IRON CL 52 50 L.f. 15.00 750.00 0 0.00 66 990.00 6 2611.500 12" GATE VALVE AND BOX 6 EACH 750,00 4,500.00 0 0.00 4 3,000.00 7 2611.5Q2 8" GATE YALVE AND BOX 2 EACN 450.00 900.OQ 0 -0.00 1 45Q.00 8 2d11.502 6" GATE VALVE ANO BOX 4 EACH 350:00 1,400.00 0 0.40 4 1,400.00 9 2611.502 HYDRANT 4 EACN 1,250.00 5,000.00 0 0.00 4 S,OOO.OQ 10 2611.500 HYDRANT EXTENSIONS 4 L.F. 300.00 1,200.00 0 0.00 1 300.00 11 26t1.504 fITTtN6S 7000 l.e. 1.T0 11,900.00 500 850.00 4069 6,91T.30 12 DIV tt EXPLORATQRY EXCIIVATION 3 EA 45Q.00 1,350.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 TOTAL 4tATERMAIN S 106,180.00 S 26,494.00 S 9T,135.30 ,. 2 0F 4 V U U C N E R D E T K t L L 1 S T Estimate Voucher Hunber: 2 Project: ARMORY SITE uATER SERVtCE Date: AUGUST 2, 1993 � OSM Project Nur�tser: 4845.00 ClTY OF ROSEMbUNT PROJ. NO.: 237 for CiTY OF ROSEMOUNT STREETS & RESTQRATION Contr�ct Contract Completed This Nonth Totat To Date ttem Spec No Desc�iption Guantity Units Unit Prict Totak Price Ouantity Total Cuentit 7otal Price ---- ------•- -------- --------- -- ---------- ----- -- ---------- ------------- ------------- ------- ----------- . .---Y -------•�--• 13 2101.502 CLEARING. 1 EACH 350.00 350.00 0 O.UO 0 0.00 14 2101.50T GRUBBtNG 1 EACH 400.00 400.00 0 0.00 0 O.QO 15 210G.SOi REMOVE CONCRETE CURB 160 CIN FT 1.00 160.00 0 0.00 114 114.00 16 2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK 90 5G YD 1.50 135.00 5Q 75.00 190 285,00 17 2104.SOS REMOVE BITUMtNOUS PAVEMENT 1300 SQ YD 1.00 1,300.0o rta. no.00 1320 1,320.04 18 2105.50t COMMON EXCAVATION 1000 CU YD t.50 ?,500.00 0 0.00 300 450.00 19 2105.522 SELECT GRRNULAR BORRON'(LV) 1300 CU YD 4.00 5,200.00 0 0.00 1350 5,440.00 20 2105.525 TOPSOIL BORROu (lV> SOO CU YD 7.60 3,500.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 21 2211.501 AGGREGATB BA5E CLASS 5 (100X CRUSHED 400 i0N 6.50 5,850.00 268' 1,742.00 526 3,419.00 ROCK) 22 2331.508 TYPE 41 uEARIHG CWRSE MIXTURE 180 TON 30.00 5,400.00 0 0.00 73 2,140.00 23 2331.514 7YPE 31 BASE CWRSE MIXTURE 25Q TON 33.00 8,250.00 65 2,145.00 180 5,940.00 24 235?.502 BITUMiNOUS MATERTAI fOR TACK GOAT 70 GALION 4.00 280.00 30 120.00 50 200.00 25 2521.501 4" CONCRETE`WAIK 2800 SQ FT 1.60 4,480.00 3115, 4,984.00 3 U 5 4,984.00 ` 26 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & CUTTER DESIGN 861$ 630 LtN FT 7.00 4,410.00 464. 3,248_00 578 4,046.00 27 2575.501 SEEDiNG 1.8 ACRE 750.00 t-,350.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 28 2575.505 SODDtNG 4200 SO YO 1.40 5,880.00 3830 5,362.00 3830 5,362.00 29 0575.603 INSTALL SNOu FENCE 500 LIN fT 2.25 1,125.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 ------•------,._ TOTAL STREETS 8 RESTORATION S 44 570.00 f 18,396.00 S 33,T10.00 M081LIZATION AND CLEAN-UP Contract Contract Completed This Month Total To Dete item Spec No Description Quantity Units Uni# Price Total Price Quantity Totat Cuantity Total Price - =------�---------------------------- --------- -------•-- ------------- ._._._ --30 DIV II MOBiLIZATdON " 1 LUMP SUM 2,000.00 2,000.00 0 0.00 1 2��t30.00 31 D1V II CLEAN-UP 1 IUMP St�l 2,004.00 2,OOQ.Ob 0 0.00 0 0.00 TOTAL MOBIl1ZaT10N AND CLEAN-UP . --- ---� 4,000.00 S 0.00 S 2,000.00 3OF4 V O U C N E R D E T A I L L I S T Estimete Youcher Number: 2 ProJect: ARMORY SiTE uATER SERV[CE Date: AUGUST 2, 1993 ` OSM Project Number: 4845.00 CITY Of ROSEMOUNT PROJ. NO.: 237 tor CITY OF ROSEMWNT . . . � =me====-_=======m=e=� � =:�=_=—==S==amsmaam :o=m:aszmms=:ma¢==:= . . GRAND TOTAL S 159,750.00 S 44,890.00 S 132,845.30 4OP4