HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.j. Payment #7 & Final, Shannon Hills 3rd Addition, City Project #225 r f CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECIITIVE SIiI+�+lARY FOR ACTIQN CITY COUNCIL MEETZNG DATE: August 17, 1993 3iGENDA ITEM: Payment #7 and Final, Shannon AGENDA SECT=ON: Hills 3rd Add Utl & Str Impr. , City Prj #225 Consent PREPA,RED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA NO. City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director ATTACI�SENTS: Payment Voucher #7 and Final APP O'VE BY• This item requests the seventh and final payment to Erickson Cc�nstruetion, Inc. in the amount of $22, 100 .61 for City Project #225, Shannon Hills 3rd Addition. Work completed and represented in this amount as of July 23, 1993 is 100% of contracted work. The final payment includes Change Order No's 1, 2 and 3 for extra clean up necessary prior to final lift paving, extra costs for the sidewalk installation, and movement of utilities to aceommodate home construction. The tatal final construction cost is $21Q, 664 .09 compared to the bid price of $],99, 854.20, The check will be issued upon receipt of the appropriate IC-134 forms and lien waivers. The work has been inspected and is in compliance with contract documents. Attached is a copy of the pay voucher for your information. Staff recommends approval of this fourth and final payment request . With the approval of the final payment, the City accepts the street and utilities for perpetuity. In addition, the Contractor has a two (2} year warranty on the iznprovements which will end on August 1'7, 1995 . REGOMt�NDED ACTION: MOTTON TO APPROVE PAYMENT #7 AND FINAL TO ERICKSON CONSTRUCTION, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $22, 100 . 62 FOR SHANNON HILLS 3RD ADDITION UTILITY AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #225 AND ACCEPT THE STREETS AND UTILITIES FOR PERPETUAL MAINTENANCE. COUNCIL ACTION: 1 • t O� � Sche}en Mayeron& • Associates,inc. 300 Park Place Center 5775\Na}2ata Boulevard Minneapolis,h7N 55416-1228 6I2-595-5775 1-800-753-5775 FAX 595-5774 Engineers Architects AuguSt 2, 1993 surve ors Y Mayor and City Council City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Re: Shannon Hills 3rd Addition City Projeet No. 225 OSM Project No. 4869.00 Dear Mayor and City Council. Enclosed are four (4) copies of Construction Payment Voucher No, 7 and final for the referenced project in the aniount of $22,IQQ.6L Please make payment in the amount of $22,104.61 to Erickson Constructian, Inc., 13616 Pleasant Iane, Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 at your earliest convenience. Very truly yours, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIAT'ES, INC. ��yGtD�''' " �^d.'- s Brian J..Bourassa, P.E. Project Engineer �� cc: Erickson Construction, Inc. Bud Osmundson, City of Rosemount J:\4864.00\SPEC'�VO-6.LTR Equal Opportunih�Employer , . � CONSTt�UCTION PAY VOUCHER Estimate Voucher Numbers 7 Date: July 29 , 1993 OSM Project Number: 4869 . 00 Period Ending:' July 23 , 1993 Project: SHANNON HILLS 3RD ADDITION ROSEMOUNT CITY fJF ROSEMOUNT 225 Contractor: ERICKSON CONSTRUCTION, INC. 13616 PLEASANT LANE BU:RNSVILLE MN 55337 Contract D�te: May 5 , 1992 Work Started: May 28, 1992 Completion Date: June- 30 , 1992 Work Completed: July 23 , 1993 Original Contr�ct Amount 199, 859 .2� Total Additior.s 21 , 528 . '79 Total Deductions -10 , 657 . 50 Total Funas Encumbered 210 , 730 . 49 Tot�l Work Certified to D�te 210, 664 . 09 Less r�etained Percentage 0 . 00� 0 . 00 Less Previous Payments 188 ,563 , 48 Ta�,al Payments Incl This Voucher 210 , 66c . 09 Balance Carried Forward 66.40 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT, THIS VOUCHER 22, 100 . 61 APFROVALS ORR-SCHELEN-MAYLRON & ASSOCIAIE5 , I1�TC. Pursuant to our iield observation, as periox�ned in accord�.nce with our contract, and based on our professianal opinion, materials are satisfactory and the work properly performed in �ceordance with the pl�ns and specificatior.s and that the total work is : 100� completed as of July 23 , 1993 . We herby reco:tu�end payment of this voucher. �. '���� '` 4�'�"G��`'"' Signed:��� � ..-�...--� Signed: _ Construc�ion Observer Projec� '_ �ager/En�ineer ERICKSON CONSTRUCIION, INC . This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge, inzorm�tion, and belief, the quantities and values of work certified herein is a fair : approximate estir�ate for the period covered by this voucher. + Contr�ctor: �h •-�.�+-�.-,.� �E,,.��. ,� _ Signed By �A •6-�'�,�`J �. Date : � Title � ' � CITY OF ROS£MOUNT Check B : ApProved tor payment: � : Authorized Representative Da�e: ZJ r/ Q�y � Date: PAGE 1 V O U C H E R D E 7 A I L L I S T Estimate Voucher Numberi 7 Project: SHANNON HItLS 3RD AODfTION Date: JULY 29, 1493 OSM Project Number: 4869.00 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PROJ. NO.: 225 for ROSEMOUNT CITY OF ROSEMOUNT . CHANGE OROER NQ. 1 CoM ract Gontract Completed This hbnth Total To Oate I[em Spec No Description Quantity Units Unit Price Total Price Quantity Totat Quantity Totat Price ---- -------- ------------------------------------ ----- ---- ---------- ------------- -------- � CATCH BASIN AND STORM SEWER 1 LUMP SUM 3,fi07.29 3,807.29 0 0.00 1 3,807.29 z CONQUITS FOR UTILITY CROSSINGS �r EAC11 400.00 1�6�0.00 0 0.�0 4 1,600.00 , ---------- ------- TOTAL CNANGE ORDER N0. t $ �,407.29 � 0.00 $ 5.407.29 CN�NGE ORDER N0, 2 Contract Cantract Campleted This Month Total To Date Item Spec No Description Quantity Units Unit Price Tota1 Price Quantity Tokal Quantity Totat Price ----------- --------- ---------- ------------c -----1--- -_-t --__--_- INSTAIL 4" CONCRC-TE WAIK ALONG 1431t0 GG00 SQ FT 2.2� 1 �,ISSd.00 0 0.00 f�405 9,91t'.2� ST. W. 8� COBDLER AV. 1NC L GRA6ING & SAND CUSHION 2 REMOVf EXTSTING f3I7UMIN0US ORIVEWAY 1 EACH 250.00 250.fl0 0 O.dO 2 500:00 TO INSTAIL 4° CONCRE7E W/1LK INGI. SAwCUTTING REMOVAL AREh TOTAL GtiANGE ORDER N0. 2 -------'"$ 15.100.00 $ 0.00 � 10.411.25 2OE7 V 0 U C H E R 0 E T A I l l 1 5 T . Estimate Voucher Number: 7 Project: SHANNON HIILS 3R0 ADDITION Date: JULY 29, 1993 OSM Project Number; 4869.00 GITY OF ROSEMOUNT PROJ. NO.: 225 for ROSEMOUNT CITY OF ROSEMOUNT . CNANGE ORDER A3 Contract Contract Compteted This Mon[h Total To Date Item Spec No Description Quantity Units Unit Price Totat Price Quantity Totat Quantit Total Price ---- ---- - ------------------------------------ --------- ---------- ------------- ------------- --------- ------------- -------y ------------ 1 ADD'L. STREET GLEANING TO REMOVE 1 IUMP SUM 433.50 433.50 0 �.00 1 433.50 EXCESS OIRT FROH ROADUAY PRiOR TO SWEEPING FOR BITUMINOUS NEAR COURSE INSTALiATION. z ADD'L, EXCAVATION & SUBGRADE 1 LUMP SUM 5f1fi.OQ 58fI.00 0 0.00 t 588.00 CORREC7ION TO CONSTRUGT FUTUR[ STU[3 ROAOS AT COBE3lER AVE. & CRANBERRY FfAY. 3 DELETf BID ITEM 45 - ��" CONGRETE 1 IUMP SUM -10,G57.50 -10,657.50 1 10,657,50 0 0.00 iJALK (REPLACED 4lITH CHANGE OROER N0. 2). --------------- -- -------------------- ---------------- --- --- TOTAI CHANGE ORDER #3 b-9,636.00 b 10,65'7.50 5 t,021.5b ---------$-10.871.2� S 10.657.50 $ 16,8��0.0�+ SUB-TOTAL SANITARY SEWtR Contract Gontract Canpleted This Month Total 7o Date Item Spec No Description Quantity Units Unit Price T6tat f'rice Quantity Total Quantit Totat Price ---- --- -- -------- ------------------------- --------- ---------- ------------- ------------- --------- ------------- -------y ----- ------ 1 262t.500 8" PVC PIPE SEWER 158b LIN fT 9.50 15,OG7.00 0 0.00 1GT8 15,941.00 2 2621.500 8"x4° Pvc NYE 26 Encrt 23.75 617.50 0 0.00 30 712.50 3 2621.500 4" PVC PIPE SEWER SDR 26 1425 LIN FT 2.90 4,132.Sfl 0 0.00 1407 4,080.3Q 4 2621.500 STD SAN SWR MN 4' DIA (0-f3') 8 EACN f105.00 6,440.00 0 0.00 8 6,440.00 5 2621.500 EXCESS MnNHOLE DEP7H !t' DIn. (0-8')^ 25 lF 60.00 1,500.00 0 0.00 19.4 1,t6�..U0 6 2621.SQO 8" PVC CLEnN-OUT ° 1 EACti 30.00 30,00 0 0.D0 2 60.00 7 2G11,500 GRANULAR FOUNOATION 50 TON C1.01 0.50 0 0.00 0 0.00 � ----------------�--- TOThL SANITARY SE4lER � 27,787.50 $ 0.00 � 28;397.80 3Of7 ROSEMOLTNT CITY PROCELDINGS REGIILAR MEE�'ING AIIGUST 3, 1993 ..�rsuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesday, August 3, 1993 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Rosemount City Hall . Mayor McMenomy called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Klassen, Staats, Willcox, and Wippermann present. Staff present were Aker, Freese, Jilk, May, Miller, Osmundson, Topitzhofer, Walsh, and Wasmund. Also in attendance was City Attorney Miles. Mayor McMenomy led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Changes to the agenda included removing 3 . b) CMC Development per their request; adding 3 . c) Thanks to Leprechaun Days Committee and Volunteers and Mayor' s Report - Parking Concern, Kevin Carroll, representing S.O.A.R. , reported on the site selection for expansion of the Twin Cities Airport. Hastings site No. 3, which is south of the city of Hastings, was selected by the Metropolitan Airport Selection Committee. An Alternative Environmental Document (AED) on the impact on the environment and a public hearing will proceed. In January Metropolitan Council will consider adopting the AED. And then in the spring it would go to the Minnesota Legislature. A Hog Roast fund raiser for S.O.A.R. will be September 26 in Hastings. Klassen commended the Dakota County representatives and their hard work on the selection of a site. It was very difficult. There are still many hurtles to go over before the airport would become a reality. And there are still many people that will continue to resist the building of a new airport. Planning Director Freese reviewed the Shannon Pond Phase I Development Contract. The City Engineer has approved the plans and specifications and cost estimates. MOTION by Wippermann to authorize execution of the Development Contract for Shannon Pond Phase One. Second by Staats . Ayesc McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: None. Klassen presented a letter which thanked the Lepreehaun Days Committee and volunteers for a wonderful celebration. The shorter number of days did not lessen the enjoyment. The addition of the "Taste of Rosemount" was great. MOTION by Klassen to publish this letter of thanks to the Leprechaun Days Committee and volunteers in the local papers as a letter to the editor for the Leprechaun Days celebration. Secoad by Willcox. Ayes: Staats, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: None. Item 4 .h) Expenditure for Aerial Repairs was pulled from the Consent Agenda for discussion under Old Business. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the Consent Agenda with Item 4 .h) Expenditure for Aerial Repairs pulled for discussion. Secoad by Klassen. Ayes : Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats . Nays: None. Planning Director Freese gave an update on Metropolitan Council ' s review of the City' s Comprehensive Guide Plan. There may be three square miles that ROSEMOITNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETIN'G AUGIIST 3, 1993 �.re in violation of the sewer regulations. The land need/demand issue is oeing considered and additional meetings continue with Metropolitan �ouncil . The Metropolitan Council is also examining whether or not the �ity is in conformance with the agricultural and on-site system policies. �ity Engineer Osmundson received five bids for City Project 239 for improvements to T.H. #3 . The low bid was received from Hardrives, Inc. , Plymouth, Minnesota. Also a cooperative agreement with the Minnesota Department of Transportation will help fund this project. MOTION by Wippermann to adopt A RESOLUTION RECEIVING BIDS, TRUNR HIGHWAY #3 IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #239 . Second by McMenomy. Ayes; Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. Nays: None. MOTION by Wippermann to adopt A RESOLUTION AIITHORIZING A COOPER.ATIVE AGREENiENT WITH MNDOT FOR TRUNR H2GH�TAY #3 IMPROV�1'TS, CITY PROJECT #239. Second by Willcox. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willcox. Nays: None. Public Works Director Wasmund reported that the bids received for removal of fuel tanks were much higher than anticipated. There is not enough budgeted for this fuel tank removal or replacement so alternatives were discussed. A phasing approach will be considered at a later date. MOTION by Klassen to reject the bids as received on July 23, 1993 for the removal and replacement of fuel tanks at the maintenance facility. Second by McMenomy. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: None. Public Works Director Wasmund brought back this item for direction on the NIaintenance II position which was vacated by the retirement of George Romo. Ma�or McMenomy did not agree on filling the position. MOTION by Klassen to authorize the posting and advertisement of a Level II Maintenance Worker for the Utility Division and to proceed with the hiring process by bringing a recommendation to Council . Second by Staats . Ayes : Staats, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: McMenomy. Motion carried. Wasmund recommended a new position that was budgeted for in the 1993 Operating Budget so that better service could be obtained especially for street rnaintenance. There are 18 miles of gravel roads now and an additional 6 . 61 miles of roads have been added. Willcox noted that cross training other workers would be better. McMenomy thought other alternatives could be tried. MOTION by Staats to authorize the posting and advertisement of a Level I Maintenance Worker for the Street Maintenance Division and to proceed with ' the hiring process with the start date to be no sooner than October 1, 1993 . Second by Klassen. Ayes: Klassen, Wippermann, Staats. Nayss Willcox, McMenomy. Motion carried. ' Director Wasmund reviewed the Lockler Storm Water Utility Complaint regarding the water level of White Lake near Bacardi Avenue and 128th Stre et West. Mr. Lockler has spent thousands of dollars to raise the level 2 ` ' ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 3, 1993 of his backyard and put in a retaining wall which was approved by the City and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR.) . Staff recommends aequiring the necessary easements and permi�s with the DNR and direct the water north 400 feet along Bacardi Avenue and then east to a natu�al ponding area. This project will allow White Lake to be maintained at or below the ordinary high water level estabiished by the DNR. MOTION by Willcox to have the Public Works Department find out the to�.al cost for obtaining easements with appraisals, estimates and agreements 'for storm water utility drainage for White Lake. Secoad by Wippermann. Ayes: Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. Nays: None. Fire Chief Aker reported on the repair of the 1972 Aerial Truck. Mayor McMenomy questioned the continued repair of this truck. Chief Ak.er said this fire truck has not been used this �ear in an actual emergency because of its unreliability. Rosemount has mutual aid with surrounding cities for assistance, but this does not include sharing of another city's aerial truck. Council requested Chief Aker to look at a special agreement with � city for aerial truck assistance and report back to them. The Mayor notF he could not recommend any further repairs to this fire. truck. MOTION by McMenomy to authorize the fire department to pay the bill ir `y amount of $965 .20 to Emergency Maintenance Apparatus for repairs t.o t o 0 aerial truck with monies to come from Account #101-42210-01-229 . Se � � Klassen. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willcox. N 'kt None. p re ur� Mayor McMenomy called for a break at 8:35 p.m. and reconvened th' p.ro� at 8 :4 8 p.m. _ �z� e C Economic Development Coordinator Miller gave a staff review of th t� Development Proposal which would include an anchor business ��' 2 �e square foot grocery store. This development is located on t��`� '� � of County Road 42 next to the Subway Restaurant. It would ir survi�, grocery store connected to several smaller stores totaling ar. Would 27, 000 square feet. Counc The Port Authority is recommending City involvement with the the t property tax only. This financing would be a pay-as-you-go a easil require any bonds hence no financial risk. dupli Tom Hyberg represented the Carlson' s and gave an overall pre� Counc' the development featuring Jubilee Foods as the anchor groce�,^" belie development would supply over 37 full time positions and ov�, the C positions. It would increase the tax base and add servic�°rl Counc' for the residents of Rosemount. city Councilmembers suggested that a market study for the a�a does: be av strong market for retail and that it would be a risk, �f not f favor for the developer. Mayor Ron Carlson and Rich Carlson reviewed their many e�orts to tr inere this land. Carlson believed it would be a benefib to Rosemoun to gr 3 i. ) ROSEMOtTNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING . • AIIGUST 3, 1993 �arold Wacther originally sold tY�is farm land to be developed and he �ommented that he would like to see the tax base of the City increased. �like McNamara, a busine�sman here and in Apple Valley noted that growth nakes more growth and bi�siness begets more business. Loyd Johnson, employed by Super Valu as a developing specialist, represented John Miller, the new owner of the Super Valu grocery store in Roseitlount. Johnson said it would be difficult far two grocery stores to survive in Rosemount. The large discount stores such as Cub and Rainbow 3raw the majority of Rosemount shoppers leaving only 15o that do shop in Rosemount. John Miller, owner of Super Valu, expressed his appreciation for new friends and the opportunity to earn a living in Rosemount to support his family. He wants to see Rosemount grow, but not at the expense of his business and possibly other established shops downtown. liff Carlson, Don Sinnwell, Marie Jensen and Tom Kirke offered comments garding the development. TION by McMenomy to approve Port Authority financial participatian in the ' emount Village Square Project, not to exceed $250, 000 in present value ' a city tax abatement, pay-as-you-go basis. The payments shall not nd beyond ten years. Lack of second. McMenomy withdrew his motion. ilmember Wippermann said his poll of citizens and business owners ted in good arguments for and against the City subsidizing this ct, but the majority of comments received were against any funding by ' ty. City funds however should not cause primary businesses to go out �ness . A retail study by McComb Group Tnc. projected the amount of Rosemount could support by the year 2060 and this development would �hat amount. Wippermann did not believe both grocery stores could but if Carlson' s wanted to go forward with their own funding he � vote against that. ���z Willcox agreed the City should not fund this project and with �'v�ar commitment from Jubilee Foods funding elsewhere should be had. �ity funding should help the residents as a whole and not ate bui�esses in place. lmember :���sen shared that this funding vehicle is untried. Klassen �s the re,��l market is soft but she would not stand in the way of rlsons' de��opment without city funding. lmember Staa� believed County Road 42 has to be developed, however, inancing is nc�, needed. There will always be competition, that can' t ided. A busin�s should stand on its own. Staats was not be in of the Carison's�.proposal as presented. McMenom� would supAort the Carlsons ' proposal because of the tax base se and job opportuni�ies provided. McMenomy believed the City wants w and with further residential developments taking place additional 4 ` ' � ROSEMO'Q1�TT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MFETING AUGUST 3, 1993 businesses will be needed. McMenomy hopes the Carlsons will go ahead with' their project. Mayor McMenomy called for a break at 11: 15 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 11:25 p.m. Councilmember Willcox left the meeting. Economic Development Coordinator John Miller reviewed the Business Park land purchase. The Roy Abbott property being considered is the land southeast of the intersection of Highway 3 and County Road 42 . Documents will be drafted for consideration at the August 17, 1993 City Council meeting. Planning Director Freese reported that two Planning Commissioners have submitted their resignation because of job related complications. MOTION by Klassen to accept with regret the resignation of Commissioners Gundacker and McDermott and to proceed with the Commissioner selection process as outlined. Second by Staats. Ayes : McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Wippermann. Nays: None. MOTION by Klassen to approve the job descriptions and salary ranges for Assistant Community Center Manager, Building Maintenance Supervisor, and Rental Coordinator; and to authorize posting and advertisement for these three positions. Second by Staats . Ayes: Staats, Klassen, Wippermann, McMenomy, Nays: None. City Administrator Jilk related the recommendations of the Utilities Commission regarding the 1992 Cable Act passed by Congress. This would allow cities to participate in regulating the fees of local cable companies. In review, little benefit would be received by the City' s involvement and if at a later date interest would be shown, involvement could proceed. No action was necessary at this time. Administrator Jilk announced the National League of Cities Annual Conference to be held in Orlando, Florida in December. Funds were not budgeted for any national conferences this year and Council opted not to attend. Customer Relations were discussed by Administrative Assistant Wa3sh. Walsh requested approval of funds for Frank Quisenberry to conduct in-house training workshops for employee customer relations training. MOTION by Klassen to hire Frank Quisenberry to conduct emplo�ee customer relations training for a fee of $2400 with $1500 to be spent from account 101-41320-01-307 and $900 to be spent from account 101-41110-01-598 . Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Klassen, Wippermann, Staats. Nays: None. Abstain: McMenomy. MOTION to table the authorization for an Agent of Record for �he City' s health, dental and flexible spending programs. Second by McMenomy. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. Nays: None. 5 j • • ROSEMOIINT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING AIIGUST 3, 1�93 Phe Ma.yor' s Report by Mayor McMenomy noted a resident ' s concern for the �oad improvements on Highway 3 which will not allow parking on Highway 3 �etween 145th Street West and 147th Street. �tOTION by McMenomy to direct the City Administrator to investigate �otential uses and costs of utilization of the Navy base lands and Lacilities and to update the Council on this ma.tter in 120 days. Second by :�lassen. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. Nays: None. �dministrator Jilk introduced six goals to improve customer services to the �ommunity. These goals are: publish a "Community Handbook" ; have continued �ustomer service training programs; develop an in-house customer �ervice/complaint system; have a tracking system for staff; have a monthly �olumn in the ThisWeek paper on new codes and procedures; and have "informational seminars" for businesses and developers to inform them of �odes and regulations. Jilk expected to fur�her develop these with cost �stimates in thirty days. �iOTION by Klassen to approve in concept the proposed Customer Relations Frogram recommended by the City Administrator. Secand by Wippermann. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Wippermann. Nays: None. �layor McMenomy opened the Closer3 Session regarding the Public Works �ontract to begin at 11:45 p.m. �tayor McMenomy reconvened the regular meeting at 12 : 01 am. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the contract with the Public Works Union ' �or 1993 - 1994 as outlined in the City Administrator' s memorandum. Second �y Klassen. Ayes : Wippermann, Staats, Klassen. Nays : McMenomy. .�iOTION by Klassen to adjourn. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: McMenomy, ' �taats, Klassen, Wippermann. Nays: 0. The meeting was adjourned at 12 : 05 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary ATTEST: _, Stephan Jilk City Administrator I'he City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk' s File 1993-25 . 6 I V 0 U C H E R 0 E T A I L L I S T Estimate Voucher Number: 7 Project: 5HANNQN HtLLS 3RD ADDITION Date: JtlLY 29, 1993 OSM Projec[ N�nber: 48b9.00 CITY Of ROSEMOUNT PROJ. NO.: 225 ' for ROSEMOUNT CITY OF ROSEMOUNT , WATERMAIN Contract Contract Completed 'fhis hbnth Total To Date Item Spec No Description Quantity Units Unit Prite totat Price Quantity Totat Quantity Tatal Price --------- --------- ---------- ------------- - 8 2611.500 8" OIP CL 52 WATERMAIN 350 LF 12.20 4,270.D0 0 0.00 354 4,318.80 9 2611.500 6" DIP CL 52 WATERMAIN 1��50 lF 9.80 14,210.00 0 O.QO 1�.78 1r�,484.40 10 2611.500 $° GATE VALVE AND 807( 1 EACH 3t10.00 380,00 0 tl.00 2 760.00 11 2611.500 6'� GnTE vnLVE AND OOx 9 EncH 277.00 2,493.00 0 0,00 9 2,493.00 12 2611.500 NYORANTS 4 [ACH 997.00 3,988.00 0 0.00 4 3,988.00 13 2611.500 ffYDRANT C•XTENSIOM 5 LF 2z5.00 1,125,00 0 0.00 2 450.00 14 2G11.500 FITTINGS 2000 LD 0.78 1,Sb0.00 0 0.00 33b5 2,b24.70 15 2b11.5Q0 t° COPORATION COCKS 27 L•ACH b5.75 425.25 0 0.d0 29 456.75 16 2611.500 1" GURt3 STOP AND E30X 27 EACN 65.15 1,7�9.05 � �.00 29 1,889.35 17 2611.504 1" COPPER SfRVICE PIPE 1500 LF ��.80 7,200.00 0 0.00 1650 �,920.00 18 2611.500 RELOCATE NYDRJ�NT t E�G11 300:00 300.00 0 0.00 1 300.00 ---- TOTAL WATERMAIN � 37,710.30 � 0.00 � 39,685.00 ,. 4OF7 V O U C H E R D E T A I L L I S T . Estimate Voucher Number: 7 Project: SHANNON HiLLS 3RD AODITtON Date: JULY 29, 1993 OSM Project Number: 4869.00 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PROJ. NO.: 225 � for ROSEMOUNT C(TY Of ROSEMOUNT STORM DR/1IN Contract Contract Completed This Month Total To 0ate Item Spec No Description Quantity tfiits Unik Price Total Price Quantity Total Quantity Totai Price ------ --------- ---------- ------------- --------- 19 2503.541 12° acP Ca lEnoS cl iv 192 LF 13.95 2,678.40 0 0.00 189 2,636.55 20 2503.541 15" RGP CD LEADS CL iV 96 LF 15.15 1,4Sf�.40 0 O.AQ 90 1,363.50 21 2503.541 15" RCP Cl IV 412 lf 15.15 b,241.80 0 0.00 144 2,18t.6� 22 2503.541 1$" RCP GL III 341 LF 16.85 5,745.85 0 �.00 641 10,800.85 23 2503.541 21" RCP CL III 201 LF 18.90 3.798.90 0 0.00 t97 3.723.30 24 2503.541 27" RCP CL III t07 �F 26.1�5 2,830.15 0 0.00 109 2,883.05 25 25D3.541 2T" RCP CL IV 340 lf 31.80 10,812.00 0 0.00 344 10,939.20 26 2503.573 2T' RCP fES WITR GUARD t EnCH 40$.OQ 408.00 0 0.00 t • 40$.00 27 2506.SOfi STANDARD 4' DIA. STM MH (0-tI") G EACH 97t1.00 5,{1Gti.00 0 0.00 5 4,890.00 28 250b.508 EXCE�S 4" DIA MH OEPTH > 8' S lf 60.00 300.40 0 0.00 16.6 ` 996.00 29 2506.509 4` DIA. CATCH eASIN MH (0-8') S EACH 892.00 4,460.00 Q O.QO 6 5,352.00 30 Z506.509 CATCH BASIN TYP[ A 7 EACH 533.00 3,�31.Od 0 0.00 T 3.731,00 31 2506,509 CATCH BASIN TYPE D 3 EACH 593.00 1,779`.a0 0 d.00 2 1,186.00 32 2511.507 CL III GROUTED RIP RAP 22 CY 75.00 t,b50.00 0 D.00 22 1.650.00 33 2511.S13 GRANULAR FILTER tb TON 15.G5 250.40 0 0.00 0 Q.00 34 2611.500 CRANULAR FOUNOA7ION 100 TON 0.01 1.00 0 0.04 0 0.00 ---------$-52�OD$,90 � 0.0� b 52,741.05 TOTAI STORM DW1dN - , 50f7 V O U C N E R D E ? A I l L I S T Project: SHANNON HILIS 3R0 AODITION Date: JULY 29, 1993 ' Estimate Vo�cher Number: 7 , OSM Project Number: 4869.00 CITY Of ROSEMOUNT PROJ. NO.: 225 for � ROSEMOUNT CITT OF ROSEMOUNT , STREETS Contract Contract Completed This Month Totat To Date item Spec No Description Quantity Units Unit Price Totat Price Quantity Total Quantit Totat Price -- - -------- ------------------------------------ --- ------ ---------- -----=------- ------------- --------- ------------- --------Y ------------ 3S 0564.602 F b I STREET SIGNS (COMP. ASSEMt3LY) �� EACH 214.00 876.OQ 0 O.QO 4 87b.00 36 0564.602 f & I TRIiFfIG SIGN 1 EnCH 164.00 164.Q0 0 0.00 2 328.00 37 0564.602 REMOVE & REtOGtTE eARRICnDeS 2 EAGH 54.00 100.00 0 0.00 2 100.00 38 2t04.SOt REMOVE GURf3 & GUTTER f10 LF 2.00 160,00 0 0.00 90 1$0.00 34 2104.5Zb SELECT TOPSOIL 40RROM1J tl:V? 120D CY 0.01 12.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 40 2112.SOt SUBGRADE PREPARATION 17.6 RS 100.00 1,760.00 0 0.00 17.G 1,7G0.00 41 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE - CL V (100X CRUSN 2500 TON 6.50 16,250.00 0 0.00 2546.T 16,553.55 ROCK? 42 2331.508 TYPE 41 1�IEARING COURSE MIXTURE 540 TON 14.00 10,2b0.00 0 0.00 58T 4 11,160.60 43 2331.514 TYPE 31 BASE COURSE MIXTURE 540 TON 18.00 9,720.00 0 0.00 563 10,134.D0 44 2357.SUZ f3ITUMINOUS tMTERIAL FOR TRGK CrtST 300 GAL 1.50 450.0� 0 0.00 353 529.50 45 2S2}.502 4° CONCRETE 4tAlK 7350 SF 1.45 10,657.50 0 U.00 0 0.00 4b 2531.502 CONCRETE CURB & GU7TTER S 418 342Q lF 4.65 15,903.00 0 0,4D 3422 15,9t2;30 47 2573.502 EROSION GQNTROL 400 LF 1.50 d00.00 G20 930.00 fi260 1,890.00 48 2575.Sp1 SE€DING .S ACRE 980.0� 49p.00 0 O.Ob 1 980.Q0 49 2575.505 SODDING, TYPE A, LA�tN & BOUIEVARO 5000 SY 1.25 6,25Q.00 1745 2,181.25 3677 4,546.25 50 2575.523 FIBER f3LANKETS, TYPE NIGH VELOCITY 700' SY 1.00 T00.00 _-__r0-_-__---_ 0`00 0 0.00 ---------� T4,352.50 � 3,ttt,ZS � 65,000.ZO TOTAL STREETS ----'-------------1- SUt3-TOTItC $ 2�Z.730. +9 � ]3.7G8.75 b 2Q2.664.09 MOt3ILI7.AT10N AND ClE11N-UP Contract Contract Compteted This Month Totat To Date Item Spec No Description ? Quantity Units Unit Price Total Price Quantity 7otal Quantiky Total Price ' --------- ---------- ------------- ------------- - ---- -------- ------------------------------------ 51 2021.501 M0I3ItIZATION 1 LS 3,4Q0.00 3,QOb.00 0 0.00 1 3,000.00 52 2021.SQi CLEAN-UP ' 1 LS 5,000,00 5,000.00 .5 2,500.00 1 5,OQ0.00 TOTAI MQI3IlIZJ1TI0N AN0 CIEAN-UP ---r----r'S a,d00.00 $ 2.500.00 � B4OOO.QO 6Of7 V O U C 11 E R D E T A i L L I S T � Estimate Voucher Number: 7 Projcctt SHANNON NIILS 3RD ADOI7ION Oate: JULY 24, 1993 OSM Project N�anber: ��869.00 CITY Of ROSEMOUNT PROJ, NO.: 225 � for ROSEMOUNT CITY OF ROS[MOUNT . ====c_e==^=o=s=c=e=a �===oc===_=-vo==�cec s�t=sase=xe�or�=c= GRAND TOTAL $ 21d,730.49 5 16,Z68.75 $ 210,664.09 � . � . . � � 4. . . .. . . . � . . . .. . � . � � . . . . . . . . . . � O( � � � . � . . . Change Order No. 1 City Froject I\'a, 225 Project: Shannon Hills 3rd Addition OSM Project I�To. 4869.Q0 Owners: City of Rosemount Date of Issuance: December 3; 1992 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55468 Contractor: Ericksan Construction, Inc. Engineer: Orr-Schelen-Mayeron 1361b Pleasant Lane & Associates, Inc. Burnsville, MN 55337 You are directed to make the folIowing changes in the Contract Documents. Deseription:See Attachment No. 1 Purpose of Change Order:See Attachment I�Tc�. 1 Attachments (list documents supporting change):See Attachment I�To. 1 CHAl�'GE IN CONTRACT PRICE CHA,I�TGE IN CONTRACT TINfE Qriginai Contract Price $199,859.20 flriginal Contract Time N/A Previous Change Orders I�To. to No. I�Tet Change from Previous Change Orders , $N/p r`r/A Contract Price Prior to this Change Qrder Contract Time Prior to this Change Order $199,8�9.20 N/A I�Tet Increase of this Change Order I�Tet Increase (decrease) of C�hange Order $5,407.29 �T/� E Contract Price w�th all Approved Change Orders Contract Time �ath Approved Change Orders $205,266.49 �ii� Recommended Approved B ,t,c;a�•r Q�_ sy: ��-�-� `� �1,..�.�.. -�..�.�,_,�_ -�r� . Y� Engi eer Contractor Approved Agproved Date of Council Action By: By: City Engineer City Manager CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 S�[ANNON HILLS 3RD .ADDITION CITY OF ROSEMOL3NT CITY PRQ7ECT NO. 225 OSM PROJEC'T NO. 4869.OQ l. Add a catch basin and storm sewer on Cobbler Avenue at the request of Steve Fiterman (developer). Total Cost = �3,847.29 2. Add conduits for utility crossings along 143rd Street. (4 @ $400.00} Total Cost = $1,600.00 Total Cost Change Order No. 1 = �5,407.29 Change t�rder No. 2 City Project No, 225 project: Shannan Hills 3rd Addition OSM Project �'o. 48b9.40 Owners. City af Rosemaunt Date of Issuance: May 26, 1993 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Contractor: Eriekson Construction, Inc. Engineer: Orr-Schelen-Mayeran 13616 Pleasant Lane & Associates, Inc. Burnsville, MN 55337 You are directed to mal:e the following thanges in the Contract Documents Description:See Attachment Na. 1 Purpose of Change 4rder;See Attachment l�To. 1 Attachments (list documents supporting change):See Attachment No. 1 CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE CHAt�TGE IN COi�fTRACT TIME Original C�ntract Price �199,859.20 Original Cantract Time N/A Prer�ious Change Orders No. 1 to No. = Net Change from Previous Change Orders $5,407.29 N��'` Contract Price Prior to this Change Order Contract Time Prior to this Change Order $205,266.49 N/?' I�Tet Tncrease of this Change Order Net Increase (decrease) of Change Order $15,100.00 N�� . Contract Price with all Approved Change Orders Gontract Time �-ith Approved Change Orders �220,3bb.49 N��'' Recom nded APProved ��-,�..�-w�s�t, • �'`x' ' ` By: �r,' " ` � �f �,, -" ��'�'6�` �y: ' Engin Contractor Approved A�proved Date of Council A�tion By: : B�� City Engineer City Manager � Date: May 26, 1993 CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 SHA.NNON HILLS 3RD A.DDITION CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CITY PROJECT NO. 225 OSM PROJECT I�TO. 4869.00 The purpose of this change Order is to ailow for the change of conditions assaciated with remabilization, additional grading necessary for installation of walk and sand cushion and driveway removaL The quantities listed below are approximate. The �nal cost of the Change Order will be based on the actual quantities installed. L 7nstall 4" cancrete walk along 143rd Street VUest and Cobbler Avenue ineluding necessary grading and sand cushion. Total Cast = 6,644 S.F. x $2.25 = $14,8�4.OQ 2. Remove existing bituminous driveway required to install 4" concrete walk (Item 1} including sawcutting removal area. Total Cost = 1 Each x $254.00 = $2�0.00 Total Cost Change Order No. 2 = �15,140.00 � Change Order No. 3 City Projeet Ir'o. 225 Project: Shannon Hills 3rd Addition OSM Project h'o. 48b9.00 Owners: City of Rosemount Date of issuance: June 4, 1993 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Contractor: EricksQn Construction, Tnc. Engineer: Orr-Schelen-Mayeron 13616 Pleasant Lane & Associates, Inc. Burnsville, MN 55337 You are directed to make the foUowing changes in the Contract Documents: Description: See Attachment No. 1 Purpose of Change Order: See Attachment No. i Attachments (Iist documents supgorting change): See Attachment No. 1 CH.ANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE CHA.NGE Ii�T CONTRACT TTME Original Contract Price $199,8�9.20 Original Contract Time N/A Pre�zous Change Orders No. 1 to 1'�To. 2 Net Change from Previous Change Orders �5,447.29 N/A Contract Price Prior to this Change Order Contract Time Prior to this Change Order $205,266.49 2�1�A Net Deduct of this Change Order I�Tet Increase (decrease) of Ghange Order �9,636.40 I�1�A ` Contract Price with atl Approved Change Orders Confract Time wlth Approved Change Orders $195,630.49 ` N/A Recommended Approve �t�-K. ��� • - BY� By: �a-vt,�.�.� �. r'.Is + -cz.:td'�r� E ineer Contractor Approved Approved Date of Council Action By: gy; City Engineer City Manager y , , a " Date: June 4, 1993 CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 S��ANNON HILLS 3RD ADDITION CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CiTY PROJECT I�O. 225 OSM PRQJECT I�'O. 48b9.00 The purgose of this change Order is to allow for the payment of the following items: L Additional street cleaning required to remove an excessive amount of dirt fram the roadway (relating to new home construction) prior ta sweeping for the bituminous wear course installation. Tatal Cost = �33.50 2. Additional excavation and subgrade correction required to construct the future stub roads at Cobbler Avenue and Cranberry Way. Total Cost = $5$8.00 3. Delete Bid Item 45 - 4" Concrete Walk (replaced with Change Order I'�to. 2j. Total Deduct = $10,657.50 Total Cost Change Order No. 3 = $9,636.00 (Deduct) .