HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. Minutes of August 3, 1993 Regular Meeting► ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 3, 1993 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesday, August 3 , 1993 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Rosemount City Hal1 . Mayor McMenomy called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Klassen, Staats, Willcox, and Wippermann present. Staff present were Aker, Freese, Jilk, May, Miller, Osmundson, Topitzhofer, Walsh, and Wasmund. Also in attendance was City Attorney Miles. Mayor McMenomy led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Changes to the agenda included removing 3 . b) CMC Development per their request; adding 3 .c) Thanks to Leprechaun Days Committee and Volunteers and Mayor' s Report - Parking Concern. Kevin Carroll, representing S.O.A.R. , reported on the site selection for expansion of the Twin Cities Airport. Hastings site No. 3 , which is south of the city of Hastings, was selected by the Metropolitan Airport Seiection Committee. An Alternative Environmental Document (AED) on the impact on the environment and a public hearing will proceed. In January Metropolitan Council will consider adopting the AED. And then in the spring it would go to the Minnesota Legislature. A Hog Roast fund raiser for S.O.A.R. will be September 26 in Hastings . Klassen commended the Dakota County representatives and their hard work on the selection of a site. It was very difficult . There are still many hurtles to go over before the airport would become a reality. And there are still many people that will continue to resist the building of a new airport. Planning Director Freese reviewed the Shannon Pond Phase I Development Contract. The City Engineer has approved the plans and specifications and cost estimates . MOTION by Wippermann to authorize execution of the Development Contract for Shannon Pond Phase One. Second by Staats . Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: None. Klassen presented a letter which thanked the Leprechaun Days Committee and volunteers for a wonderful celebration. The shorter number of days did not lessen the enjoyment. The addition of the "Taste of Rosemount" was great. MOTION by Klassen to publish this letter of thanks to the Leprechaun Days Committee and volunteers in the local papers as a letter to the editor for the Leprechaun Days celebration. Second by Willcox. Ayes: Staats, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: None. Item 4 .h) Expenditure for Aerial Repairs was pulled from the Consent Agenda for discussion under Old Business. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the Consent Agenda with Item 4 .h) Expenditure for Aerial Repairs pulled for discussion. Second by Klassen. Ayes: Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats. Nays: None. Planning Director Freese gave an update on Metropolitan Council � s review of the City' s Comprehensive Guide Plan. There may be three square miles that ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 3, 1993 are in violation of the sewer regulations. The land need/demand issue is being considered and additional meetings continue with Metropolitan Council . The Metropolitan Council is also examining whether or not the City is in conformance with the agricultural and on-site system policies. City Engineer Osmundson received five bids for City Project 239 for improvements to T.H. #3 . The low bid was received from Hardrives, Inc. , Plymouth, Minnesota. Also a cooperative agreement with the Minnesota Department of Transportation will help fund this project. MOTION by Wippermann to adopt A RESOLUTION RECEIVING BIDS, TRUNR HIGHWAY #3 IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #239 . Secoad by McMenomy. Ayes: Willcox, wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. Nays: None. MOTION by Wippermann to adopt A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A COOPER.ATIVE AGREEMENT aIITH MNDOT FOR TRUNK HIGHWAY #3 IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #239 . Secoxi.d by Willcox. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willcox. Nays: None. Public Works Director Wasmund reported that the bids received for removal ' of fuel tanks were much higher than anticipated. There is not enough budgeted for this fuel tank removal or replacement so alternatives were discussed. A phasing approach will be considered at a later date. MOTION by Klassen to reject the bids as received on July 23 , 1993 for the removal and replacement of fuel tanks at the maintenance facility. Second by McMenomy. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: None. Public Works Director Wasmund brought back this item for direction on the Maintenance II position which was vacated by the retirement of George Romo. Mayor McMenomy did not agree on filling the position. MOTION by Klassen to authorize the posting and advertisement of a Leve1 II Maintenance Worker for the Utility Division and to proceed with the hiring process by bringing a recommendation to Council . Second by Staats. Ayes: Staats, Klassen, Willcox, Wippermann. Nays: McMenomy. Motion carried. Wasmund recommended a new position that was budgeted for in the 1993 Operating Budget so that better service could be obtained especially for street maintenance. There are 18 miles of gravel roads now and an additional 6 . 61 miles of roads have been added. Willcox noted that cross training other workers would be better. Klassen noted, as the memo states, "This position also helps with park ma.intenance, so cross training does occur. ° McMenomy thought other alternatives could be tried. MOTION by Staats to authorize the posting and advertisement of a Level I Maintenance Worker for the Street Maintenance Division and to proceed with the hiring process with the start date to be no sooner than October 1, 1993 . Second by Klassen. Ayes: Klassen, Wippermann, Staats. Nays: Willcox, McMenomy. Motion carried. Director Wasmund reviewed the Lockler Storm Water Utility Complaint regarding the water level of White Lake near Bacardi Avenue and 128th 2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING � AUGUST 3, 1993 Street West. Mr. Lockler has spent thousands of dollars to raise the level of his backyard and put in a retaining wall which was approved by the City and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) . Staff recommends acquiring the necessary easements and permits with the DNR and direct the water north 400 feet along Bacardi Avenue and then east to a natural ponding area. This project will allow White Lake to be maintained at or below the ordinary high water level established by the DNR. MOTION by Willcox to have the Public Works Department find out the total cost for obtaining easements with appraisals, estimates and agreements for storm water utility drainage for White Lake. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Willcox, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. Nays: Nonee Fire Chief Aker reported on the repair of the 1972 Aerial Truck. Mayor McMenomy questioned the continued repair of this truck. Chief Aker said this fire truck has not been used this year in an actual emergency because of its unreliability. Rosemount has mutual aid with surrounding cities for assistance, but this does not include sharing of another city' s aerial truck. Council requested Chief Aker to look at a special agreement with a city for aerial truck assistance and report back to them. The Mayor noted he could not recommend any further repairs to this fire truck. MOTION by McMenomy to authorize the fire department to pay the bill in the amount of $965 .20 to Emergency Maintenance Apparatus for repairs to the aerial truck with monies to come from Account #101-42210-01-229 . Seco�d by Klassen. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Willcox. Nays : None. Mayor McMenomy called for a break at 8 :35 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 8 :48 p.m. Economic Development Coordinator Miller gave a staff review of the Carlson Development Proposal which would include an anchor business of a 24, 000 square foot grocery store. This development is located on the south side of County Road 42 next to the Subway Restaurant. It would include a major grocery store connected to several smaller stores totaling an additional 27, 000 square feet. The Port Authority is recommending City involvement with the city share of property tax only. This financing would be a pay-as-you-go and would not require any bonds hence no financial risk. Tom Hyberg represented the Carlson� s and gave an overall presentatic�n of the development featuring Jubilee Foods as the anchor grocery tenant. The development would supply over 37 full time positions and over 100 part time positions . It would increase the tax base and add service oriented shops for the residents of Rosemount. I Councilmembers suggested that a market study for the area doesn' t show a strong market f or retail and that it would be a risk, if not f or the City, for the developer. Ron Carlson and Rich Carlson reviewed their many efforts to try to develop this land. Carlson believed it would be a benefit to Rosemount . 3 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 3, 1993 Harold Wacther originally sold this farm land to be developed and he commented that he would like to see the tax base of the City increased. Mike McNamara, a businessman here and in Apple Valley noted that growth makes more growth and business begets more business. Loyd Johnson, employed by Super Valu as a developing specialist, represented John Miller, the new owner of the Super Valu grocery store in Rosemount. Johnson said it would be difficult for two grocery stores to survive in Rosemount. The large discount stores such as Cub and Rainbow draw the majority of Rosemount shoppers leaving only 15% that do shop in Rosemount . John Miller, owner of Super Valu, expressed his appreciation for new friends and the opportunity to earn a living in Rosemount to support his family. He wants to see Rosemount grow, but not at the expense of his business and possibly other established shops downtown. Cliff Carlson, Don Sinnwell, Marie Jensen and Tom Kirky offered comments regarding the development. MOTION by McMenomy to approve Port Authority finaricial participation in the Rosemount Village Square Project, not to exceed $250, 000 in present value on a city tax abatement, pay-as-you-go basis. The payments shall not extend beyond ten years. Lack of second. McMenomy withdrew his motion. Councilmember Wippermann said his poll of citizens and business owners resulted in good arguments for and against the City subsidizing this project, but the majority of comments received were against any funding by the City. City funds however should not cause primary businesses to go out of business. A retail study by McComb Group Inc. projected the amount of grocery store space Rosemount could support by the year 2000 and this development would exceed that amount. Wippermann did not believe both grocery stores could survive, but if Carlson� s wanted to go forward with their own funding he would not vote against that. Councilmember Willcox agreed the City should not fund this project and with the twenty year commitment from Jubilee Foods funding elsewhere should be easily had. City funding should help the residents as a whole and not duplicate businesses in place. Councilmember Klassen shared that this funding vehicle is untried. Klassen believes the retail market is soft but she would not stand in the way of the Carlsons � development without city funding. Councilmember Staats believed County Road 42 has to be developed, however, city financing is not needed. There will always be competition, that can' t be avoided. A business should stand on its own. Staats would not be in favor of the Carlson' s proposal as presented. Mayor McMenomy would support the Carlsons � proposal because of the tax base increase and job opportunities provided. McMenomy believed the City wants to grow and with further residential developments taking place additional 4 ROSE�OUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 3, 1993 businesses will be needed. McMenomy hopes the Carlsons will go ahead with their project. Mayor McMenomy called for a break at 11;15 p.m. The meeting reconvened atc 11:25 p.m. Councilmember Willcox left the meeting. Economic Development Coordinator John Miller reviewed the Business Park land purchase. The Roy Abbott property being considered is the land southeast of the intersection of Highway 3 and County Road 42 . Documents will be drafted for consideration at the August 17, 1993 City Council meeting. Planning Director Freese reported that two Planning Commissioners have submitted their resignation because of job related complications. _ MOTION by Klassen to accept with regret the resignation of Commissioners Gundacker and McDermott and to proceed with the Commissioner selection process as outlined. Second by Staats. Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Wippermann. Nays: None. MOTION by Klassen to approve the job descriptions and salary ranges for Assistant Community Center Manager, Building Maintenance Supervisor, and Rental Coordinator; and to authorize posting and advertisement for these three positions. Second by Staats. Ayes: Staats, Klassen, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: None. City Administrator Jilk related the recommendations of the Utilities Commission regarding the 1992 Cable Act passed by Congress. This would allow cities to participate in regulating the fees of local cable companies. In review, little benefit would be received by the City' s involvement and if at a later date interest would be shown, involvement could proceed. No action was necessary at this time. Administrator Jilk announced the National League of Cities Annual Conference to be held in Orlando, Florida in December. Funds were not budgeted for any national conferences this year and Council opted not to attend. Customer Relations were discussed by Administrative Assistant Walsh. Walsh requested approval of funds for Frank Quisenberry to conduct in-house training workshops for employee customer relations training. MOTION by Klassen to hire Frank Quisenberry to conduct employee customer relations training for a fee of $2400 with $1500 to be spent from account 101-41320-01-307 and $900 to be spent from account 101-41110-01-598 . Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Klassen, Wippermann, Staats . Nays: None. Abstain: McMenomy. MOTION to table the authorization for an Agent of Record for the City' s health, dental and flexible spending programs. Second by McMenomy. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. Nays: None. 5 ROSEMOUNT CITy pROCEEDINGS REGULAR b.[E,ETING The Mayor' s Report b • AUGUST 3, 1993 Y M�yor McMenomy noted a resident ' s concern for the road improvements on Highway 3 which will not allow parking on Hi hwa between 145th Street West and 147th Street. g y 3 MOTION by McMenomy to direct the City Administrator to investi potential uses and costs of utilization of the Navy base landsgand facilities and to update the Council on this matter in 120 da s . Se Klassen. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Klassen. y cond by Administrator Jilk introduced six goals to improve cu Nays: None. community. These goals are: „ stomer services to the customer service trainin publish a Community Handbook° ; have continued service/complaint systemg haveratrac�king�systemnfo�ustaffsthavr column in the ThisWeek paper on new codes and procedures; and hav "informational seminars'� for businesses and develo ers t , e a monthly codes and regulations. Jilk expected to further dev e estimates in thirty days. p � inform them of elop these with cost MOTION by Klassen to approve in concept the proposed Customer Relation Program recommended by the City Administrator. Second by Wi e A es: S Y McMenomy, Staats, Klassen, Wippermann. Nays: None, pp �nn. Mayor McMenomy opened the Closed Session regarding the Public Works Contract to begin at 11:45 p,m, Mayor McMenomy reconvened the regular meeting at 12 : 01 am MOTION by Wipper�nn to a • for 1993 PProve the contract with the Public Works Union - 1994 as outlined in the City Administrator' s memorandum. Second by Klassen. Ayes: Wippermann, Staats, Klassen. Nays: McMenomy. MOTION by Klassen to adjourn. SECOND b Wi Staats, Klassen, Wippe�nn. Y PPe�ann. Ayes: McMenomy, 12 : 05 a.m. Nays: 0. The meeting was adjourned at Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary ATTEST: Stephan Jilk City Administrator The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk�s File 1993-25. 6 ,� � � r � � � � �1 e� he nakes �eNa tha� �r�g . � fio �d e Z� r °�'�' re rd w°u a11 ���ere e�h�so gr���h $�S� �� ke 1� �' ���Our��e� �, e a��' �ess ��''�h1s � � rd w Z�e �' `�°h �p1 b�s �d� See �a ��s . ose� �he 1n � �oh � ��oye� lnes her �he Z �o J� °�r�� �dyo Se�S�i� 11 er b.� S S be ar�� �ak��' to �T cz�, �r1hh 1�. 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Motion carried• °A�e��s y�e ecd no� �e�°�c er McMenOmY' � 19 9 3 the g �dkZ��e e� o� Zn dh�t ; budge obtalned especi a lY f or g AZaeehe C e td.x. �f g be rolaoX°W andthat cross raVel �oted a�'�'.t�Z wd��se .� add enomy thought other o.� �s M�M a� • of a LeVel I aa` tisement wi�h train_ and adVer to proceed alte�na� �sting Dlvision han October, l� _�.aintenabe no sooner NaYs� Sta� date t° nn, Staats • MOTION bY Worn. Klassen, wlppe� Maintenance ro�ess laint the hiring P Klas.- led. Comp 1993 . SeC�nd bY Motl, Water Ut'ilitY and 128th le.vel McMenomy• Stor� Bacardi Avenue raise the Willcox, LocklLake near dollars to tor Wasmund reViewed theV�hite DireC the water level of thousands of regarding Mr. Lockler has spent Street West• 2 GS OC�'�F'��9 QSi � �,9 CS�� ,�1,�' 3 � � .¢ �G �� � �� 9�� � � � ��ey �y�g Y' g0 o�ea a� aG e� �o � � e� v�a ea' � �,-�eG°� �Y'e a� �a � � ec� „��.�-�'�' ��e 11 ��yG � a a a a� �e�o� '�°�a �°� � �-"�.y� e5 al���',e �° a �a a� .`�� �e fie�� A�e 5• a �e e5����y�ea�ati���g' �'y�a a ae�a�.�. �. g �,5 e�' � � ��' �" � 4 0 �� �,��a1 e�a �cn o '�e �,Y'e .��cfie a�e5 �ti� e• �a� a a Ge a,�,d o,� �a a,�d e a ayc,e ed `Q� .�e4 e��yo a �� �° G,�.• e,� e�a`�'��o� N. '�,. „� n,��5 ,A,�e y�e �,�,ySY' �o,��,a,�5� Se��a�5� a,y `s er� A�� p ye5 a s � � ��c � is e• �y ��' -�g � �.a�: n �1���a�9ge�• �2 p'�X. ,L et�`�dti�� ae�, `��"��� "9 r'�Y`>a t'�o�: c� fie� o"� � _.�- �-�- .,c2e.�a� ---�_` _ hei�esses will be AOS�p�T cITY PROC praJ ect, needed, McMe �GUL;A.R ��TNGS nom AUGUS 3 ING Mayor MCMe Y hopes the Carlso.�s wzl T � 1993 11: nom m 25 p,m, c uncil e�°r a break at � g� ahead with ` Economic Developme er Wlllcox leftlthe p•m• The me � land meetin etin Sout Purchase. T nt coordinator g• g reconven d willhbe ara f the intery Abbott pro�en Miller revi e a� .� meet ' ted for section o f HP rtY being cons Wed the Busines Pla 1n5• consideration aghthy 3 and Counaered is the l s Park submittedDtheit�r Freese re e August 17, 993aCity CoD��uments , r resi p�rted t ncil M�T20I1 b Jnation hat two 1 prodaeker andssen tO acce � because of job relatedg Co�issioner c wi cess as outMcDermott arid with regret �°mPlications� have Ppe lned, to the resi �.nn. Na Secoad Aroceed wit 9'nation C MOT2 Ys: None_ bY Staats, h the Commis �f Cd�l�sio b en 1 o ant �o�u en to apProv AYes: McMenomy� Staats ectio�rs t tal nit e the , Klassen thre COprdinato Y Center �n Job descri � C; McN.[ee p�sitions, r' and to auta5er, Buildinptlons and sal c� nomy, Nays; None�d by staatsZe Postin9g' andn�enance suy ran5es for ;` bE City A�in . AYes: advertisemee�lsOr, and ',� f� Commisslonlstrator s�'aats, Klassen n� for these '' allow Ji1k , ' Ma regardi relate companies xes to parg Ci e 1992 able rec°�endati 1Ppermann, ',, in In revleW pate in �ns of to involvement and , litt regU�ati passed bY Con the Ut1litie� could �d if at a lat le benefit wou the fees o fgress. This w proce No er dat ld be local �uld acti e receiv Cab1e A�inistrator °n was necessarYrat t WOuld b ShobY the Ci�y�S budget a Cf tO be lheldnounced the N this time_ �, involvement attend. �r any ndtion 1�confe�enFlor da in Dee of Cities ' r�ustomer Relations �es this year arideCoun�inds were not inquested aAProv were dis� � opted � a1 usse b not MOT2p use training work h ps f°r F arik Q inistrative A . t� relat obY Klassen to or ezriployee u omer t� conductt Walsh• walsh 101-413�p_ training forlre Frank Quis relations tr Second �1`307 and a fee of e�err alnin ?�bstainbY W1PPer�nn, $9p� to be S2400 with$1500°nduct emplo g [OTIp M�Menomy. AYes: Klassen W°m account lpi_ SPent fromustomer N tO �able � aCC�unt PPeh, den�al anhe author' Ppermann, Staats110-01-59g. rmann, McNIe d flexibleZation for an Nays: None, n°mY, Staats S Kiass nprOgr�s t SeC ecord for the i Nays' None°nd bY McNlenomy 1 tYAyes, 5