HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.r. Architectural Fees - Community Center Project . . CITY QF ROSEMOLTNT EXECUTIVE StJb�2ARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:August 17, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Architectural Fees AGEND3�, SECTION: Community Center Project Consent PREPARED BY: Stephan JiZk AGENDA NO. ATTACffi�NTS:Billing Ap vg gy. This is a request to apgrove payment of architectural fees for the Community Center project. These fees are "City�� share only. These fees are allocated to the three different components of the project as funded. The fees have been reviewed and are being recommended for approval . I RECOMMENDED ACTION:�2otion to approve payment of architectural fees to Arthur Dickey Architects in the amount of $&621.52 to be paid out of accounts 424-48400-01-302 ($1436.97) , 426-48000-01-302 ($4414 .75) and 427-48000-01-302 ($769 .84) COUNCIL ACTION: . a �I,C�c,£ees�' STATEMENT �=� ARTHUR DICKEY AI�CHITECT ■ �►1 S, INC. C� r , 4930 FR,ANCE A�'�:;NU-E SOUTH �� MINNEAP(�LIS,IvLf�JNESOTA 5�410 �� 612-920-3993 PROJECT: PROjECT NO: RosemQunt National Guard Armory 90758 CLIFNT: and Cornmunity Center DATE: City of Rosemount August 5, 1993 2$7� 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 5506$ Tifle II � Basic Architectural Sezvices: $51,320.2Q x 55% completion $28 226.11 ��' ' Y �^ , I.ess Previous Pa •_- . `' `�;���1' yments 23.094.09 :- . ��' — ,i ' . 't' ^ i " �/ _ :. �:' -• � 5,132.02 : :� � Additional Services 7uly 1 - July 31, 1993: Belmont 19,5 hours @ $?5/hour $ 1,462.50 Mechanical plans for People's Gas 27.Q0 �. Balance Due . $b,b21.52 TERMS: NET 30 DAYS. 18 o ANNUAL WTERES"f ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS 4 � �' � . � . . � CMC HEARTLAND PAR'I'NERS 547 WestJackson Boulevard.Suite 1310•Chicago,Illinois 6066i 312.2940440 Dinxt Mail To:P.O.Box 6205+Chicago,Illinois 60680-6205 B.ax 312.663-9347 August 10, 1993 The Honorabl.e Edward B. �icMenomy Mayor of City of Rosemount � City of Rosemount 2875-145th Street West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 Dear Mayor McMenomy: As we discussed last week, I am writing this letter to you to summarize the current status of CMC Heartland Partners' proposed development of single-family homes in Rosemount, Minnesota and the issues that must be addressed prior to the construction of the project. We intend to cammence construction of the model homes in the spring of 1994 so that they can be completed in time for the Preview of Homes in late August 1994. There are at least five major issues (and a number of minor issues) that must be resolved prior to breaking ground for the construction of the project: � The Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment (the "Amendment") must be approved by Met Council in order for the properties to be rezoned for residential use; 2. The City and CMC must negotiate a PUD Agreement setting forth design and infrastructure criteria; 3 . County Highway 42 access issues must be resolved; 4. The Soo Line tracks located on the property must be relocated and the land underlying the tracks must be acquired; and .. 5. Due to the additional ponding and drainage requirements that the City staff has indicated it will require for the project, CMC is interested in acquiring from the Port Authority approximately four (4) acres of land fronting an County Highway 42 and lying immediately south of CMC's property. We would like td work with the City of Rosemount towards resolving the outstanding issues in a timely manner so that we can commence canstruction of the project in the spring of 1994. Where possible, we would also like to enlist the City's support �C � • � . . . � . . Hon. Edward B. McMenomy August 10, 1993 Page 2 in matters before the Dakota County Board of Commissioners and the Metropolitan Council. 1. ComQrehensive Guide Plan Amendment As you know, the 103-acre parcel owned by CMC (the "CMC Parcel") on which we intend to build the first phase of the project is currently zoned industrial. The City has submitted an Amendment to the Met Council which, if approved, would eXtend the MUSA to include the CMC Parcel and allow the City to rezone the property for residential use.� The City granted the Met Council an extension of time to review the Amendment and Met Council must either approve or reject the Amendment no later than September 22, 1993. The City cannot rezone the CMC Parcel until Met Council approves the Amendment. Our two major concerns regarding the Amendment are (1) whether the City can provide the CMC Parcel and the parcel that CMC is purchasing from the Chicago and North Western Transportation Company (the "Option Parcel") with the number of sewer hook-ups necessary to allow am extension of the MUSA and (2) the timeliness of the City's response to Met Council's actions on the Amendment. A. Extension of MUSA; Sewer Capacitv The Met Council, after preliminary review of the Amendment, has indicated that it is unwilling to extend the MUSA boundaries beyond an area that can be served by the current sewer capacity of the Rosemount Wastewater Treatment Plant ("RWTP") . The Amendment, as submitted, provides for an extension of the MUSA beyond current RWTP capacities. Therefore, Met Council will most ' likely require that the MUSA e�ansion be decreased to include only an amount of land that can be adequately served by the existing RWTP facility (plus approved diversion from other facilities) . It is imperative that CMC is allocated sufficient sewer capacity for the entire CMC Parcel and as much of the Option Parcel as possible, so that the MUSA can be extended to cover these parcels. It the sewer hook-ugs are not allocated to our project, and subseguently the MUSA is not extended to cover the project, the parcels cannot be rezoned residential and we will not be able to build houses on the parcels. In our last meetring with Rosemount City staff, we indicated that we need an allocation of 500 sewer hook-ups to the project for the period between the commen�ement of construction and I997. We need to have the sewer allocation issue raised, discussed and . , Hon. Edward B. McMenomy August 10, 1993 Page 3 resolved with the City Council and City staff so that the allocation can be included in the PUD Agreement. After 1997, it is projected that the sewer capacity for Rosemount will be increased. We will need an additional 430 sewer hook-ups at that time in order to complete the development of the project. B. City's response to Met Council The timing of__the start of construction is largely dependent upon the timing of Met Council's approval of the Amendment. The timing of the approval of the Amendment by Met Council (if the current Amendment is rejected or conditionally approved) depends on the City's response to Met Council's objections to the Amendment. The City will have up to 9 months ta respond to Met Council's comments on the Amendment. We would` like to work with the City to assure that the response to the Met Council's comments regarding the Amendment is made promptly upon the City's receipt of such comments. Anything that can be done to accelerate the response process would be greatly appreciated. 2 . PUD Agreement; Progosed Zonina Ordinance Amendment The City Staff has required CMC to negotiate a PUD Agreement with the City in connection with the rezoning of the property and the approval of CMC's proposed plat for the project. The PUD process allows some flexibility with respect to conformance with the City's zoning ordinances, but uses the zoning ordinances as the benchmark for the density, setback and buffering requirements. CMC has initiated discussions with the City Staff regarding the PUD Agreement and the proposed plat, but this process has stalled pending (1} resolution of the County Highway 42 access issues (see below) and (2) Met Council's actions on the _Amendment. Without an execut�d PUD Agreement and an agprovad . final plat for the project, we are unable to lock in density, setback, buffering and infrastructure requirements. At the last City Council meeting on July 20th, the City Staff proposed various amendments to the zoning and subdivision � ordinances now in effect. The proposed amendments would reduce the density allowed in Residential Districts, increase the satbacks on parcels adjacent to railroads and major or minor thoroughfare right-o�-ways, increase the setback from pipeline easements and increase the apacity and height of required planting strips. . � Hon. Edward B. McMenomy August 10, 1993 Page 4 We designed the project based on the criteria set forth in the existing zoning and subdivision ordinances. We have pursued the project for at least two years based on the assumption that the existing criteria would be applied to our project. The criteria proposed by the City Staff would have a significant negative impact on our project. our preliminary review of the proposed amendments leads us to believe that we could lose over ten percent of the houses on the CMC Parcel and significantly increase the project costs to the point where the project may become economically unfeasible. The proposed amendments also have a substantial and negative impact on the Option Parcel. We believe that it would not be fair to impose new zoning criteria this late in the game. We would have gladly submitted a final plat for approval and locked in the existing zoning criteria for our project if we were not precluded from doing so until the approval of the Amendment by Met Council. At the Council's August 17, 1994 meeting, we will request that the City Cauncil oppose the proposed amendments to the zoning crdinances and/or exclude our project from the amended zoning ordinances, if adopted. The application of the proposed zoning ordinances to our project would seriously jeopardize the viability of the project. In addition, we would like to accelerate the PUD Agreement negotiation process and the preliminary plat approval process. We believe that it would be in the City's and CMC's best interests to have CMC submit a preliminary plat for comment and negotiate a PUD Agreement prior to Met Council's action of the Amendment, so that CMC can promptly proceed with the project as soon as the Amendment is approved. 3 . Hiqhway 42 Access Another issue that must be resolved prior to proceeding with the construction of the project is the access our project will have from County Highway 42 . The Board of County Coxnmissioners has passed a resolution allowing full access between County Highway 42 and the CMC Parcel and the City's parcel to the south, and mandated that the current access spacing guidelines should be applied. The Board, however, also passed a reso?ution requiring CMC and the City to release Dakota County from all damages caused by any future change in median access on County Highway 42 as part of the plat approval process. We believe that the Caunty � does not have the authority to require this release of liability '� and believe that the inciusion of such a release wiil have -a negative impact on the marketability of the project. _ Hon. Edward B. McMenomy August 10, 1993 , Page 5 As you know, the Port Authority passed a resolution opposing the release. We reguest the City Council to pass a similar resolution and take the lead role in conveying the opposition to the release to the County. There may be enough votes on the Board to remove the rel.ease language from the resolution. We would appreciate being able to participate in a meeting with yourself and Commissioner Loeding to discuss the issue and develop a lobbying strategy for Dakota County as soon as possible. Since this issue affects plat layout and accordingly, our PUD Agreement, it must be resolved with all possible speed. We should also consider meeting with any other Commissioner that may be supportive of our position. 4. Soo Line Relocation As we discussed last month, we would like the City's assistance in relocating the Soo Line rail. located on the CMC Parcel. The Soo Line has tracks running across the CMC Parcel that service the Grief Brothers facility. In order to relocate the tracks, the Soo Line must be compensated for the cost of relocation and the cost of the land underlying the tracks. We have had difficulty negotiating with the Soo Line in the past and therefore believe that the most effeetive, and least expensive, way of dealing with the Soo Line is to have the City (or Port Authority, if appropriate) negotiate for the relocation of the track and purchase of the land. At our several meetings with City staff, we have requested that TIF funds be made available to pay for the Soo Line expenses. Such financial assistance is crucial to the feasibility of the project. It is our understanding that City staff has been receptive and supportive of our request. We need ; to have official City (or Port Authority) action to commence the � Soo Line land purchase and track relocation. We must act quickly r in relocating the tracks and acquiring the Soo Line property if ; we are to receive the maximum amount of TIF funds, as the amount / of funds available will diminish over time. 5. Acquisition of Portion of Port Authoritv Site In order to provide sufficient drainage and retent.ion ponding for the CMC Parcel, we will need to acquire additional acreage within the drainage pat�erns of the property. City staff has indicated to us that the City would be willing to sell a portion of the property located directly south of the CMC Parcel that the Port Authori+ty entered into a contract to purchase (the "Ponding Site") . The Ponding Site cannot be used for any productive purpose other than drainaqe and ponding because of its topography. We would like to commence negotiations for the purchase of the Ponding Site as soon as possible. This would Hon. Edward B. McMenomy August 10, 1993 Page 6 facilitate the transfer of the Ponding Site to CMC upon the City's acquisition of such Site. We would greatly appreciate your advice or assistance in order to resolve the issues discussed above in a timely manner. We will .make whatever appearances in Rosemount are necessary to facilitate the resolution of these issues. I thank you for your consideration of these issues and look forward to discussing the same with you in the near future. Sincerely, W � , - � Way . 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Rosemount,Minnesota P �o,pased land exehange � 6.3Q acres ��C �,�.tland Partners and SQo LinetCanadian Paci�ic 9.01 acr��s Acrea e Added to Urban Service Area urrent xistincj Ru�al-"'-� "------�.r„ Acreage Parcels Acres Parceis Acres Paroels Acres Parcels cres parceis __ esi entia . . . . 1222.72 423 1365.53 a9i' partments 23 19 0.67 . 1 0.49 1 1.16 2 Mobile Nomes 39.2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Platted Vacaat 20Y27 137 0 1023 3 7.43 4 1�J0.66 61 208.32 68 Commercial 76.51 89 11.57 5 4.9G 3 16.53 8 acant 140.41 8 7.4 1 228.62 14 258.32 5 2316.fi8 9a 28it22 110 Industrial 68.99 12 31.OM 2 45.24 6 1664.56 58 1740.84 66 Industrial Vacant 18J8 t i 0 17.01 6 17.01 6 aste Management 219.6 3 0 0 0 0 0 Utilities 6.32 2 0 0 0 � 0 0 g Residential 64.93 4 155.18 4 198.87 8 29.36 1 1248.47 31 1631.88 44 gricultural 173.47 10 425.38 11 548.07 � 19 184.16 5 2955.79 105 4113.4 140 gricultural Preserves 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 1965.81 32 1965.81 32 Lakes 13.06 14 35.31✓ 37 1.14 2 6.1 9 2fi4.92 157 307.47 205 Parks 46.73 18 236.9--� 10 0.84 1 1149.66 33 1387.4 44 Pubiic 117 67 113.98."' 74 7.77 3 152:73 13 274.48 30 Roads 382.67 18 51 A2--' 13 100 21 45.14 t i 632.68 47 828.84 92 livers of Parcels 2.13 17 0.05 1 0.05 1 ota • • • ' ' � � �� ��� � � � , , �� 3�a u�, ��f ' r�r.'? 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