HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.c. Receive Feasibility Report / Set Public Hearing, Shannon Hills 5th Addition, Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #243 CITY OF ROSEMflUNT EXECUTIVE SIIMMARY FOR ACTION CTTY CQUNCIL MEETING D�iTE: May 1.8, 1993 A�ENDA 2TEM: Receive �'easibili.ty Report/Set AGENDA SECTIQN: Public Heari.ng, Shannc�n Hil1.s 5th Prj ##243 01d Business PREPAREI? BY. Bud Osmundson AGTNDA NO. City EngineerjAssistant Fub2ic Works Directar ATTACHMENTS: Feasibility Report APP ' ' ; Mailing List, Public Natice, Resolution �J���✓ This item is to receive the feasibility report �:nd set the public hearing for Cit� Project #243, Shannon Hil1s 5th Additian Street & Utility Improvements. This project includes the construction of sani�ar�r sewer, watermain, storm drain, streets and sidewalks. Funding far the project will be 100o assessabl� ta the Developer, Ground Development. � Brian Bourassa, P.E. j of OSM Engineering wili provide an overview o� the praject. Staff will be available to answer any questions'. Staff recommends Council receive the feasibility repart and set the Public Hearing for June 1, 1993 to consider the project. RECK3bIl�2ENDED ACTION: MOTTUN Tt1 .A�OPT A RESOLUTI�N RECEIVING FEASI$ILI'I'Y j REPORT/5ETTING PLTBLIC HEARTNG FQR S�3:AN�NpN HSLLS 5TH ADDITIC7N STREET ANI) UTILZTY IMPROVEMENTS, CTTY PRCJJECT #243 . COUNCIL ACTTON: 2 CITY QF RtJSEMOUNT DAKOTA C�UNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1993 - A RESt3LUT10N RECEIVING 7HE FEASIBILITY REPORT SHANNt�N HlLI.S 5TN ADDITl4N STREET & UTIttTY IMPROVEMENTS AND CALLING FOR A PUBLtG HEARING TO C�NSIDER THE PRQJE�T CtTY PR�JECT #243 WHEREAS,the City Council deemed it necessary and expedient that the City 4f Rosemount, Minnesota, construc# certain improvements, to-wit: City Praject #243, Shanr�on Hitls 5th Additic�n Street & Utility tmprouements, in the City as d�scribed in and in accordance wi#h the feasibifity report prepared by �rr-Scheten-Mayeron & Associates, tnc., Consulting Engineers; and . WHEREAS, the City Gouncil has been advised by the Consulting Engineers that said u�itity and street irnprovements, City Projeet #243, is feasible, and should bes# be made as proposed, and the Consulting Engineers' repart to #his effect has heretofare been received by Council, and filed with the City Clerk on May 18, 1993; and WHEREAS, the statute provicied that no such improvements sha11 be made until the Cour�cil has held a publi:c hearing on such improvements fallowing rnailed notice and twa pubtications thereof in the official newspaper stating time and place of the hearing, the general nature o# the improvement, the estimated costs thereof, and the area proposed to be assessed, in aceordance with the law. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,the City Counci! of the City ofi Rosemount accepts the feasibility report for City Pro}ect #243 and ptaees it on #ile. NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the City Counci! of the City of Rosemaunt that a pubtic hearing be scheduled to consider City Project#243, Shannon Hiils 5th Addition Street & UtiNty tmprovements to be held on Tuesday, June 1, 1993 at 8:00 o'clock p.m., ar as soon thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers of City HatL ADOPTED this 18th day of May, �993. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motian bY� Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: CtTY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PUBt,IC NQTICE � NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAR{NG UN lMPROVEMENTS SHANNON HILLS 5TH ADDITIUN STR:EET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS GITY PROJECT NO. 243 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NC1TlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Councit af the City of Rosemount, Minnesota will meet at $:00 o'ciock p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, Tuesday, June 'I, 1993, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, to eonsider the following improvements: Project #243 - Shannon Hills 5th Addition Street & Utility Improvements The nature of improvements shall include the construetion of curb and gutter, street surfacing, sanitary sewer, sanitary sewer services, watermain and water services, storm drain, sidewatk, street lights and restoration. � The total estimated cost of said improvements is 5379,400. The total assessment cost of said improvement is $379,4Q4. The area proposed to be assessed for the foregoing improvements wilt genera(ty be: Shannon HiHs Fourth Addition, Outlat A which will be ptatted as Shannon Hills Fi#th Addition, Btock 1, Lats 1-11; Black 2, Lats 1-17; Bloek 3� Lats 1-13; Outlot A and 0utlot 8. Totat of 41 Lats Such person(s) as desires to be heard with reference to the proposed improvements will be fieard at this meeting. Written or oral opinion wif( be considered. Dat�d this 1$th day of May, 1993. BY ORDER OF THE CITY CC?UNCIL. Susan M. Walsh City Clerk City o# Rosernount Dakota County, Minnescata . , . MAtL1NG LIST SHANNON HILLS 5TH ADDtTION STREET & UTlLITY lMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT N0. 243 PUBLIC HEARlNG: JUNE 1, 1993 8:00 P.M. Ground Devetopment Shannon Nil1s Fifth Addition 1550 Utica Ave S., Suite 4$5 Block 1, LQts 1 through 11 Mp1s., Mn 55416 Block 2, Lots 1 through 17 � Black 3, i�ots 1 through 13 Outlot A Outlot B