HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.b. Approve Plans & Spec's / Authorize Change Order, Armory Storm Drain Improvement, City Project #238 r t CITY OF ROSEMOIINT EXECUTIVE SLTMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 18, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Approve Plans & Spec's/Authorize AGENDA SECTION: Change Order, Armory-Storm Drain, Project #238 O1d Bus�.ne5s PREPARED BYe Bud Osmundson AGENDA ��� City EngineerJAssistant Publie Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Resolutian APP E . Quote fram PCL • � � . xe.�e:�.+�C/. The pl.ans and spec's fc�r the storm water holding pond at the Armory site, City Project #238 have been completed and are in my office for your examination. The original intent was to wait until �he faur parcels adjacent to �he Armory site were purchased by the Port Authority and the buildings and foundations razed priar to going through the bid process far this project. However, we have submitted the plans and specifications to PCL Construction Services, Inc., the General Contrac�or for the Armory to see if they had any interest in submitting a bid for this work and thereby eliminating the bidding process. The PCL bid is attached and is in line with what we would expect if we had _ gone through the bidding prc�eess. The bid is $85, 167,00. In addition, there are clarifications in the event that contaminated soi7.s are found on the property which would require special attention by the Minnesota Pallution Con�rol Agency. We would have e�cpected this had we gone through the general bidding process because of the previous type of use on the property. Our understanding is that the praject is to be funded by the Storm Water Utility. However, the landowner, the Port Authority, should be responsible for any extra cost in thE event contaminated soils are found vn the property. The bidding process wc�uld add additzonal cost to the project in the form of engineering time, copying costs for plans & spec' s, costs for advertising and extensive Staff time. By ordering a Change Order, we can avoid those additional costs. This item was on the Utility Commission agenda for May 10, 1993, which was canceled due to lack af a quarum. We expected the Utility Commission to give approval to this Ghange �rder. Staff recommends acceptance of the plans and specificatians, plus the addition as a Change Order to the Armory project. RECOi�Il+tENDED AGTIONs MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTTON APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATI4NS AND AUTHORIZE THE CHANGE QRDER Ft�R. THE ARNl4RY-STQRM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT #238 . COUNCIL ACTItJN: 4 � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOT/� COUN7Y, MtNNESOTA RESOLUTION 1993 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZlNG GHANGE ORDER ARMORY S(TE S70RM DRA1N IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #238 WHEREAS, the Consulting Engineer� far the City have prepared final plans and specifications for the Armory Site Storm Drain improvements, Project #238, and such plans and specifications have been pres@nted to this Council for approval; and, WHEREAS, a Change Order to City Pro}ect #238 wili be added ta the Armory/Community • Center Construction Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT.RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota: 1 . Such plans and specifications are hereby approved and ordered placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. Change Order ta the plans and specifications are authorized. ADOPTED this 18th day of May, 1993. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: ! t . . � •���� . . . � . � � . . . . . �'� '. . � . . . . . . � �W1WtICL1011 SINGf 1$(�d � . .� � . � . . � Apri129, 1993 Mr. Steve�elmcfnt .Artl�ur Dicicey .A.rchitects, �nc. 49�4 France Avcaue South _ Edina, Ivf'inncsora SS41� Re: Rasemount Natiana! Gusra Traiaing aud Commuaity Ceafer - C.C}_S. 2C.SSSI�.R. �t -�te�viseti Dear Ivir. Belmont: We have s�cr,iv�d and reviewed Arthur 3?ickep Architects Iac. and Urt,Schelea,Mayeron&.'�,ssociates, Inc. cairespondence dar�ed Februarg 17 and 25, 1993�egazd'zn�Pzogasai Res;uest�'Z4 for a rezeatian pond azui stc�rm sewer work for the above refetenced grojr�x. Az this tim�, wc idwzzfp adc�cd costs in th� amourn of S8S,167.a0 associated witb. this.woric. Auached please finci supporting cost deta�`t. Uur conccact requires that na work is to praccai on anp changes unti2 wr#tez� aur�wirizazion u> proceed ' u reeeiv�c3. Should you waat PCL tp �roceeti with this wozk, pleas� notify this Qffice in wriring immediazely sa mazerial purchases,subcantracnars and our wo=k ran commencV. If PCL does not receive a writt.ea.notice to proc�i with this contracx change requesc within sevan(�caleadar days from the date Qf this quazation, we will consider this offer void and prveeed with wark per the c�a�art documeuts. Assuming receipc of wriscen norice to proceed wi�m sta�d ac�eptanr,e L'ume, we find the constzuctiaa sehedule is nc3t effccted by t�te work associate�i with thic c�uot�oa. Pricin; of this quotacion is sub}ec�m the auachut ciarifications. By copy af tttis colrespondenc�we nc�tify the Staxe of Minn�sata�nd the City ofRosemount of t3ie same. If far any reason you require adriitional information or have any quesuans.regarding the aforementioned, glease conzacz the unclersignr,d. . Yaurs tzZtip, :PCZ Con4struction Services, 3nc. . ��-�.l'�� David�. Bye �^ Project Manager DPB/tae Attac�ament, Eaciosures xc: Steve 7ilk, Craig Weber, File: Si30428 -'?C.3S {Revised) WPFile: SISL2C5�.IX32 r�ca.cavsrA�cTron sE�vtc�,�vc. 933Q J�es Ac+danc South.EtnoenGu�ton.Mm� SS�t31238I r��ao,� ta�)ss�-9�o0 • F,�,ccc(6L}888-1733 � ' ' ' ur�:�cr�•i r l. L l.:.lY�i KU(.1-1UIY . P.3�6 4C19/93 CIatificatian4 Far Proposal �teqeicst No. 24 Storm Drainage Imgro�vernents ' C.O.R. 2C.53 (Revised) Pricing for ttie aboue reference C.fl.R. 2C.55 is su�ject ta the following clarificatians: 1. We cxctud�: a. Cosrs asso�.ate�l wirF� rcmoval of bcIow gradc Qbsttvctions. ► . b. Costs associated w�h z'emoval of con�u�ainated, hazardous or taxic soils ancl substances. e- Cosrs associa�ed. with reawval �f site �mpravements, (i.e. building, foundations, pavement, uti2ities, laadsc.�ping, v�ge.tatian, etc.). d• 1'nspc�ion ar testing services. � e. Compacu�n af soils fmm ar�as riis�by others. �• Bituminvus paving, as nozac is shown or noted. b. Coacrete �rb and Sutter, as nonc is shown or aor�d. �. RemavaI of warer wells as showa c�n the 1oc�tion ma� in,cluuci'ing sealing, and submi#ring of an aba;ndoned watex well rcport to the Minnesota Aepartrn�nt af Heaith, and City af Rosemcsunt. ' 2. We assume: . a. F�cisting sa�1s are suita,ble for rcuse as required for fiI2, grading and base, etc. b. State Hwy. 3 (Sourh Robert T.raiI) sba.tl remai�acxssble for use. - 3. We inc:ude. �. Cost� associa�s3 with i�aonding. Hcnvever, a separat� bond shall nQt be gravides3 for this work PC2 and subeontcatxors wiIi increase existi.ng bond coYera�as ta includ.e this work. 4. We ctacify: a. In the event contaaiin�d, hazardaus or toxic soilslsubstances are encauntered an� manetary consideratian is ne�;ssar�► tn fiilfill bidding rer�uiremeAts, an t?wner casl� ' allawar►ce of ��,UOO.f}0 (fee inclusive) shalI be GSI�bIlSI1Ct� and additivc to our submitzed pricing. b. Paym�enc fr�r services provided shall be in accorcian� with PCL form of agr�m�nt wirh the 5r.ace of Iv�nnesata ia lieu of ihose specifed by P.R #24. �. Unit pricing is baaed an quantities established on the bid form. � ROS['sMouN'r r.R. !!Z�/2c.sS (Eievised) ti ` Ti�Lt c�l1F n ' ,Ltl�t,.L'r.is� T�l�1 l�.�Dcl 5���nt���ctor � . . . .�'. 1 - Aban�fon sc seal wel( (N,1.C.) 0 �., 2 - Camman excavatian 22,200 cy , 3 - 18" RCP 1?0 1F o 4 - Instai# concrete a�ron 1 ea, Q 5 - 32" steel easing �2 lt �' 6 - 4$" c3iamcter manitoles 2 ea, � �' - 6° chain link fencc 2b0 lf " 8 - Sod 3,5C1{� sy � 8 - Div. II P�'C Tiner . (� 1OA'sy � 9 - Tree removal 7 Is -� �' c-� --t �� Sub-total �tems �li-9 $71,$25.00 $1,437.00 �73,262:Of1 � � b 10 - Timber retainij�g wali tPCL) (-) 1,00 sf l$.00 (18,Q0(1.00� - Timb�r retalning wali (PCL) {+} 1,lSl sf l$.0� 20,718.00 11 - Sucvayir�g l ea. 3$8.UQ l2 - Site ret�ce (Temp.) 1 ca. 290.00 ' 290.OQ . Sub-tocal items �f1-12 $76,b58.0(f �verlacad and �ee (109b) 7.�iE�l"i3O(i Sub-totat �84,324.Q0 _ IIontl (1'CL) �43.00 TOTAL 2C.S5 (Revised) $85,167.OQ -o � 1�tQ aclditional conerete curbs ". � - No testing