HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Approve Plans & Spec's / Authorize Ad for Bid, 145th Street Improvements, City Project #235 CITY OF ROSEMOt1NT EXECIITTVE SLTMMARY FOR ACTIOI3 CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 18, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Approve Plans & Spec' s/Authorize AGENDA SECTION: Bids, 145th Street Improvements, Project #235 Old Business PREPARED BY: Bud Osinundson AGENDA�RCC�/� � City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Directar � Cl�fi � � ATTACHI�tENTS: Resolution APPRO This itern consists af apgroval of plans and specificatic�ns for the 145th Street Tmprovements. A set of Plans and Specifications is on fi].e in my office far your examinati.on. The feasil�ilzty report was accepted by Council an January 19 , 1993 . The Public Hearing was held on April 20, 1993 . The next step is to approve the plans and specifications and authorize Sta�f to seek bids on the project. Staff is recommending a bid opening date of June 25, 1993 at 10:Q0 a.m. . Advertisement will be placed in the City` s official newspaper and Construction Bulletin. Following the receipt and opening of bids, Staff will come back to Council for aceeptance of bids on Jul�r 6, "1993. Brian Bourassa, P.E. of OSM Engineering and Staff wi11 be at the mee�.ing for any discussion you may have regarding this issu�. RECOMMENDED ACTIQN: MOTIt7N TO ADOPT A RESQLUTION APPROVING THE FLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ANL} AUTFiC3R3ZE THE ADVERTISING OF BIDS FOR 145TH STREET IMPRC)VEMENTS, PROJECT #235 . CQUNCIL ACTION: 3 CITY �F ROSEMOUNT DAKUTA CC}UNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTIQN 1993 - A RESOLUTlON APPROVtNG THf P�ANS AND SPECIfIGAT�ONS ANQ AUTHOR{ZING ADVERTISEMENT C?F BIDS 145th STREET IMPROV€MENT CITY PROJECT #235 WHEREAS, the Gonsulting Engineers for the Gity have pcepared finat plans and speci#ications fQr 145th Street Impravements, Praject #235, and such plans and speci#ications have been presented to fihis Council for approvai: NOW, TH�REFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED, by the �ity Couneii ofi the City of Rosemaunt, Minnesota: 1 . Such pians and specifications are hereby approued and ordered piaced on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. The Ci#y Cterk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the officia! City newspaper and in the CanstrUctian Bulletin an adv�rtisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specificatians for City Project #235. 3. The advertisement shall 6e published in each of said public�tiQns at least once not less than three (3} weetcs before the date set for opening bids, shall specify the work �to be done, shald state that bids wiil be publicly opened on June 25, 1993 at 10:t�0 o'clock a, m. at the Rosemount City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota and that no bids will be cansidered unless sealed and filed with City representatives and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid band or certified check payat�le to the City of Rasemount for five (5°fo) percent of the amount of such bid. ADOPTED this '18th day o# May, 1993. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: . Susan M. Watsh, Gity C{erk Motion bY� Seconded by; Voted in fauor: Voted against- � �elen Mayeron& , � Associates,Inc. 300 Park Place Center 5775 Wayzata Boulevard � Minneapolis,MN 55416-1228 612-595-5775 I-800-753-5775 May 13, 1993 F,vc s9s-s��a � Engineers Archrtects Planners Honorable Mayor and Council su�eyors � City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 � Re: Shannon Hills Fourth Addition Utility and Street Improvements � City Project No. 243 Rosemount, Minnesota OSM Project Na 5096.00 � Dear Ma or and Council: Y � Enclosed is the Feasibility Report for the Shannon Hills Fifth Addition Street and Utility Improvements, City Project No. 243. This report addresses the sanitary sewer, watermain, storm drain and street necessary for the area. � We would be happy to discuss this report with you at yaur convenience. Please call me at 595-5694, if you have any questions. � Sincerely, � ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. � �t�- . �... �� � � Brian J. Bourassa, P.E. Project Manager ' jme Enclosure � c: Bud Osmundson, City of Rosemount �� � � Equal Opportunity Employer � � CERTIFICATION SHEET � � � I hereby certify that this pian, speci�cation or report was � prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that I am a dul y Re g ister e d Pr of e s si o n a l En gin e er under the law$ of the State of Minnesota. � �1�►�O�r� �' �- .'°".,, � Brian J. Bourassa, P.E. � Date: May 5, 1993 Reg. No. 21816 � � � _ � � �. � � � � OSM Project No. 5096.00 Page i � � TABLE OF CONTENTS � TITLE SHEET � LETTER OF TRANSIVIITTAL � CERTIFICATION SHEET i TABLE OF CONTENTS ii � EXECUTIVE SUMMARY m � I. INTRODUCTTON 1 A, Authorization 1 B. Scope l � C. Data Available 1 II. GENERAL BACKGROUND 2 � A.. Location 2 B. Project Area 2 C. Existing Conditions 2 � III. PROPOSED IMPROVEME NTS 3 A. Sanitary Sewer \ 3 � B. Watermain 3 C. Storm Drain 3 D. Street Construction 4 � E. Street Lighting 4 F. Permits q, G. Right-of-way Easements 5 � IV. FINANCING 6 A. Cost Estimate 6 � B. Assessment Area 6 C. Cost Recovery � � V. PROJECT SCHEDULE g , � � � OSM Project No. 5096.00 � page ii � � � �XECUTIVE SUMMARY � City Project No. 243 provides for the installation of city streets and utilities in the Fifth � Phase of the Shannon Hills Planned Unit Development in western Rosemount. The project includes the installation of sanitary sewer, watermain, storm drain, plus the � construction of the streets. The grading of the area will be completed by the developer under a private contract. The impetus for the project was a petition frorn the developer, � Ground Development. � The project is feasible from an engineering standpoint. This Feasibility Repc�rt proposes the construction of approxiimately 1,$80 lineal feet of sanitary sewer, 2,030 feet of � watermain, 1035 feet of storm drain, and 2,020 feet of street construction to provide service to 41 residential lots. The total estimated project cost is $379,4t�. The funding � for the project will come entirely from assessments to the benefitted property. � The project construction ean be initiated in August, 1993 with construction substantially � complete in November, 1993. � � � � � � � � OSM Project No. 5096.00 Page iii � � I. INTRODUCTION � A. Authorization-On March 2, 1993,the Rosemount City Council authorized � ` the preparation of an Engineering Feasibility Report for Public Streets and Utilities Constnzction for the Shannon Hills Fifth Addition. This � project has been designated as City Project No. 243. The Developer submitted a petition for these improvements, which constituted 100% of � the benefitted property. � B. Sco e - 'This ro'ect rovides for the construction of streets and utilities P P J P in the Shannon Hills Fifth Addition in western Rosemount. Sanitary � sewer, watermain, storm drain, and streets will be provided to the Fifth Addition. The Developer, Ground Development, is responsible for the � site grading in the Fifth Addition, which will be cornpleted prior to the construction of the streets and utilities examined in this report. � G Data Available-Information and materials used in the preparation of this � re ort include• P • � • City of Rosemount Record Plans � • Comprehensive Water System Flan, October, 1988. • Comprehensive Storm Water Drainage Pian,West Drainage Area, May, 1989 � • Shannon Hilis PUD Preliminary Flat and Preliminary � Grading Pian. • • Construction Plans from the Shannon Hills Third Addition, � ' City Project No. 225. • Construction plans from the Shannon Hitls Fourth Addition, � City Froject No. 234. � � OSM Project No. 509b.00 Page 1 � � II. GENERAI. BACKGROUND � - A. Location-The project is lacated in the southwest quarter of the northeast � quarter of Section30, adjacent to and west of the Carrollton Addition,and north of Shannon Hills Third and Fourth Addition. The project location fis shown an the Location Map, Drawing No. 1, at the end of this report. � B. Project Area - The Shannon Hills Fifth Addition consists of 41 single- family residential lots. The Shannon Hills Planned Unit Developrnent � consists of 75 acres of single-family residential lots. The Shannon Hills Fifth Addition is immediately north of the Third and Fourth Addition. � The project area is currently zoned R-1. � rr nt1 used for a ricultural C. Existing Cond�tions - The pro�ect area is cu e y g purposes. The terrain is primarily rolling grassland. The area generally � slo es and drains from south to north and into an existing stormwater P pond (BIR 149) located within Shannon Hills 6th Addition and Country � Hills 3rd Addition. � � � � �� � � � OSM Project No. Sfl96.00 Page 2 � � IIL PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS � - A. Sanitary Sewer-The proposed projeet will provide sanitary sewer service � to the Shannon Hills Fifth Addition. The prc�posed 8" PVC gravity lines will generally flow from the west to the east, then south to the existing � extension provided in the Shannon Hills Third Addition. Four inch services will be provided to the lots within the Fifth Addition. The � proposed sanitary sewer facilities are shown on Drawing No. 2. � B. Watermain-The ro ased watermain facilities are shown on Drawin No. P P g 3. The proposed project will provide water service to the Fifth Addition, � plus extensions to the future Shannon Hills Addition to the north: A 6" watermain will be extended from Crocus Way and will connect to an 8" � watermain alon Cobbler Avenue which will connect to the existing$"line � � at Cobbler and 143rd Street West. A 8u watermain will aiso be extended to serve the proposed lots on Cobbler Avenue and to provide for future � addition to the north. The proposed faciiities include 1" services to each of the lots. Hydrants will be installed throughout the project to provide � adequate fire protection for the residential area. � C. Storm Drain -The proposed storrn drain facilities are shown on Drawing No. 4. The storm drain facilities will generally drain the proposed � subdivision from west to east and into the Shannon Hills Sixth Addition drainage system. The proposed piping ranges in size from 12" to 18" in � diameter. In accordance with the City policy, all storm drain facilities are sized to transport runoff from a 10 year storm event. The siorrnwater � runoff from Shannon Hills Fifth Addition will drain into a temporary pond � � � OSM Project No. 5096.00 Page 3 � � located in Shannon Hills Silcth Addition. The temporary pond will remain � until Shannon Hills Sixth Addition develops and improvements to Pond BIR 149 are made. It is anticipated that Shannon Hills Sixth Addition and '� the necessary improvements to Pond BIR 149 will be completed during the 1994 construction season. � D. Street Construction - The proposed streets are shown on Drawing No.5. � The streets will be constructed to City standards which call for a 32'wide street. The street section will consist of 3" of bituminous courses and 6" � of Glass 5 Aggregaie Base, based on the soils information known at this time. The street will be flanked by surmauntable concrete curb and � gutter. The street section design and cost estimate are based t�n the assumption that an acceptable subgrade is provided by the grading � operation, for which the Developer is responsible. A sma11 amount of sodding is provided in this project for erosion control. � . E. Street Lighting-The proposed lighting units are the Type "A"units which � are 15 feet hi h oles with ost to mounted fixtures. The feed points and g P P P connector runs will also be installed. The local electric utility in this � ro'ect area is Northern States Power Com an which will install all of P J P Ys � the electric utilities for this project under a separate contract with the developer. � F. Permits -Permits will be required from the following agencies. Minnesota � Department of Health for watermain extension; Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and Metropolitan Waste Control Commission for sanitary � sewer plans;National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(Minnesota Pollution Control Agency) for storm sewer plans. � � � OSM Project No. 5096:00 Page 4 � r � G, Right-of-way Easements-The 60'right-of-way and all necessary easements are anticipated to be dedicated by the Developer on the final plat. 'I'he � majority of the facilities are located within the right-of-way, however, drainage and utiiity easements will be required from Lots 11 and 12, � Block 2 for a storm drainage line. � � � � � � � � � � � � � � OSM Ptoject No. SU96.00 Page 5 � � IV. FINANCING � A. Cost Estimate - Detailed Cost Estimates can be found at the end of this '� report. The following estimates are based on 1992 construetion costs and include a 10% contingency factor and related administrative costs. The � administrative costs are estimated at 30% and inciude legal, engineering, interest, and other adrninistration. A summary of these costs are as � follows• � A. Sanitary Sewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 73,600 B. Sanitary Sewer Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34,600 C. Watermain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70,300 ,� D. Water Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,444 E. Storm Drain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48,600 G. Street Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113,700 � H. Street Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,20� TOTAL PROJECT COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 73 9�4�0 � � _ B. Assessment Area-The following parcels of land are located within the project � and assessment area: Shannon Hills Fifth Addition: � Block 1, Lots 1 through 11 Block 2, Lots 1 through 17 � Block 3, Lots 1 through 13 Total of 41 Lots � � � � � OSM Project No. 5096.00 Page 6 � � C. Cost Recovery - � 1. Assessment: The sanitary sewer,watermain, storm drain,street lights, and street construction proposed for the Shannon Hills Fifth Addition � is regarded as residential equivalent sizing and therefore wili be 1�% assessable toward the bene�tted lots included in the Fifth Additian. � The total estimated project cost for the Fifth Addition is $379,400, � which,if spread over the 41 lots produces an estimated assessrnent rate of $9,300.00 per lot. � 2. Pending Assessments; There are no pending assessments against the � project area at this tirne. � � � � � � � � � � � � OSM Project No. 509b.00 Page 7 t � .• . . . .. � . � . . . ��� � � � � � . � � . � V. PROJECT SCHEDULE � The proposed schedule for this improvement is as follows: � Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public Hearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 18, 1993 Hold Public Hearing/Order Pians and Spec's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June l, 1993 � Accept Plans and Spec's/Order Ad for Bid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 6, 1993 Bid Opening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 3Q 1993 � Receive Bids/Award•Contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 3, 1993 Begin Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August, 1993 � . . Substantial Completion of Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November, 1993 Final Wear Course Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 1, 1994 � Assessment Hearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fall, 1994 First Payment with Real Estate Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May, 1995 � � � � � � � � � � OSM Project No. 5096.00 Page 8 � � PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE S�IANNON HILLS 4TH ADDITION � UTILITY AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CITY PROJECT NO. 243 � OSM PROJECT NO. 5096.00 A. SANITARY SEWER � ITEM ITEM QTY UNIT AMOUNT NO. PRICE � L Connect to Existin 8" Stub 1 EACH $350.00 $350.00 g 2. 8" PVC Sanitary Sewer 1880 L.F. $20.00 $37,600.00 � 3. 4' Diameter Manhole (0'- 10') 10 EACH $1150.00 $11,500.00 4. Excess Manhole Depth 12 L.F. $100.00 $1,200.00 � 5. Rock Trench Stabilization 75 TONS $11.00 $825.00 � Sub-Total $51,475.00 + 10% Contingencies �5,148.00 � Estimated Total Construction Cost $56,623.00 + 30% Legal, Engineenng, Administrative and Financing 516,977.00 � TOTAL ESTTMATED SANITARY SEWER PROJECT $73,600.00 COST � B. SANITARY SEWER SERVICES ITEM ITEM QTY UNIT AMOUNT � NO. PRICE 1. 4" PVC SDR 35 Service Pipe 1845 L.F. $12.00 $22,140.00 � 2. 8" X 4" PVC Sewer Wye 41 EACH $50.00 $2,050.00 Sub-Total $24,190.00 � + 10% Contin encies $2,419.00 g Estimated Tota1 Construction Cost $26,609.00 � + 30 o Le al En ineerin Administrative and Financin $7,991.00 °y g � g g� g � TOTAL ESTIMATED SANITARY SEWER SERVICES PROJECT COST $34,600.00 � � � � C. WATERMAIN � TTEM ITEM QTY UNIT AMOUNT NO. PRICE � L Connect to Existing Stubs 2 EACH $SOO.QO $l,OQ0.00 2. 6" DIP Class 52 Watermain 1014 L.F. $18.00 $28,252.00 � 3. $" DIP Class 52 Watermain 1058 L.F. $19.OQ $20,102.00 4. 6" Gate Valve and Box 4 EACH $400.00 $1,600.Q0 � 5. 8" Gate Va1ve and Box 2 EACH $475.00 950.00 6. Hydrant 3 EACH $1150.00 3,450.00 � 7. Remove and Replace Existing 1 EACH $750.00 750.00 Hydrant & Gate Valve 8. Fittings 2500 LBS 1.25 $3,125.00 � Sub-Total $49,229.00 � + 10% Contingencies $4,923.00' Estimated Total Construction Cost $54,152.00 � + 30% Legal, Engineering, Administrative and Financing $16,148.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED WATERMAIN PROJECT COST $70,300.OQ � D. WATERMAIN SERVICES � TTEM ITEM QTY UNIT AMOUNT NO. PRICE � 9. 1" Corp. Cocks 41 EACH $55.00 2,255.00 10. 1" Curb Stop & Box 41 EACH $100.OQ 4,100.00 � 1L 1" Copper Service Pipe 1865 L.F. $8.00 14,920.00 Sub-Total $21,275.00 � + 10% Contingencies $2,127.50 Estimated Total Construction Cost $23,402.50 � + 30% Legal, Engineering, Administrative and Financing $6,997.50 TOTAL ESTIMATED WATERMAIN SERVICES � PROJECT COST $30,400.00 � � � � , E. STORM DRAIN � TTEM ITEM QTY UTiIT AMOUNT NO, PRICE 1. 12" RCP 110 L.F. �21 $2,310 � 2. 15" RCP 815 L.F. $23 $18,745 � 3. 18" RCP 110 L.F. $25 $2,750 4. 18" FES 1 Each $700 $700 � 4. Std. Manhole (0-10) 5 Each $900 $4,500 5. Shallow CB 6 Each $1150 $6,9D0 � 6. 15" FES 1 Each $600 $600 Sub-Total $36,505 � + 10% Contingencies $3,65Q Estimated Total Constructiqn Cost $40,155 � + 30% Legal, Engineering, Administrative and Financing $8,445 TOTAL ESTIMATED STORM DRAIN PROTECT COST $48,600 � � � � � � � ' � � � , � F. STREETS � ITEM ITEM QTY UNIT AMOUl'JT NO. PRICE � 1. Rernove Existing Bituminous 350 S.Y. $2.50 $875.00 Pavement 2. Subgrade Preparation 21 R.S. $125.00 $2,625.00 � 3. Aggregate Base, Class 5 2830 TON $7.50 $21,225.00 4. Type 31 - Bituminous Base 690 TON $21.00 $14,490.04 � Course 5. Type 41 - Bituminous Base 690 TON $23.00 $15,870.00 � Course 6. Bituminous Material for Tack 420 GAL. $1.25 $525.00 � Coat 7. Concrete Curb & Gutter S418 4Q30 L.F. $5.50 $22,165.00 � 8. Sodding 780 S.Y. $2.25 $1,755.00 Sub-Total $79,530.00 , + 10% Contingencies $7,953.00 Estimated Total Construction Cost $87,483.Q0 � + 30% Legal, Engineering, Administrative and Financing $26,217.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED STREET PROJECT COST $113,700.00 � � � � � � , � , � � G. STREET LIGHTS TTEM ITEM QTY UNIT AMOUNT � NO. PRICE 1. Street Lights - Type A, Wired 3 EACH $19(10.00 $5,700.00 Complete Inplace � Sub-Total $5,700.00 + 10% Contingencies $570.00 , Estimated Total Construction Cost $6,274•00 � + 30% Legal, Engineering, Administrative and Financing $1,930.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED WATERMAIN PROJECT COST $8,240.00 � � � PROJ�CT COST � CATEGORY TOTAL PRICE A. SANITARY SEWER $73,600 ' B. SANITARY SEWER SERVICES $34,b00 C. WATERMAIN $70,300 , D. WA1'ERMAIN SERVICES $30,400 E. STORM DRAIN $48,600 � F. STREETS $113,700 G.STREET LiGHTS $8,200. � $379,400 � , , � . . � � .W . � �. . . . . 7 Q W UPPER J �-. � 1�5TN ST. Z a Q Q —� 136TH ST. W. w� 137TH ST.. W. �i. DAN���� � � � . �. � � �� ROSEMOU �IT � �3��� � Z � � � ,� �G'�� 199� POP . 8622 Q�' j Q 3 DP�� Q� ��T �� � u �� CONN EMARA TR. PRO�ECT Q�� oc� 0 3 =o�R c ¢�� AREA ,�p A�P 6 6 Q pQ � 0 PE � `� o � J PNE 3 ,o O �� AR�MO��N o 9� AV E. a �C� . � P�gpRN ti P 1 ST 19 2� 142ND ST � � pE U Q C . W � 30 29 � o m DAVENP4�� '°qTH Z 115N R19W Q _T. Q o Z _�ANT 'a 143RD Q 33 p = Z �.WqY a �4�R� ST. z � � o w UPPER a > �' 7F m 144TH � ST. a � ��gTH ST: o W. Y 145TH v v ST. � W. � � 7 8. `� f- w W _ Q Z w � Y > 145T ST. � &w a a' 146T ¢ ST. J a W > ¢ N Q � Q �Q = , n w Q 77. � � o �.i v0� 146TH � . � LOWER i • > W � a � _ > ��. w 147TH � o � ..J�., z � �c n `� �pp ��. ST. 147T ¢ ST: J � � � � o DANj79a O � S� � J UPPER 147T �ST, � � �� � � o o y 9�.�,d6. � '��`� w Q 148TH ST. ,� n � 3TH o � > a � Z � VPPER � 148TH ST. Q V 76. >�„ � ¢ C, � �, c� - ' � � -' � LOWER 149T cv 83. 84.,n 1�9TH ST. -� c rcT 33 8 6. > o z s, � � � e � 149THST. W. w � o' UPPER 149THST. 149THS T 150TH ST. �V � �. � � u � �,.i 42 � � � � 1�1c�r � ' DRAWN BY DRAW I NG T I T�E COl�'1. N0. ■ R � o °scHE�EN LOCAT I ON MAP 5�9s � � aAsoc°tn"r�` N . SHANNON H I LLS STH ADD. DATE S ES. [ C F I GURE MA Y ( ENGiNEEKS• ARfMITECTS• PLANNEAS a SURYEYORS C I T Y P R 0 J E C T N O, 2 4 3 � � 380 PARK PLACE CENTEP• 5775 MAYZATA BOU�EVARO n c , 1993 MINNEAPOL[5, hN 55416-722� 612-595-5775 f'SOJEMO UN T, M I N N E S OTA 5096L. DGN F�1URE �Z-� ZON 6�H �� SHANNON HILLS . . . .r N ��y � .� . . . � � � m � � . . . . . . � . � � ,0.� . . . . .. � Q � � V � � . ��, a �P n . � . a . . . . � C�� �'� — . � � � �. CR CUS a ' a. W 8" >P V � : � s rn „ Z, _ � Z N + '° _ � a ' + Z N `" + W W Z �, . QT . y . . . . ., � � .. . . ,1^ . . . . � . . � � � � � � � v, � ( . � V � . � . . . . . . . . . . . . O� . SHANNON HIL�S a �, 47H ADDITION , � + � ,�s � W � �G 9 /� �i W 2 C\\ ' � . . .. � . � � � . �. N .. . N �A ' Z � ��� � . � � � .. � . . .. .. . . . . + v r � . � . . . . � � . . . . . . , � � �. � . . . . . � . .. . , . � � � � . .. . .. . . . � � � � � . �' . . � ... � . . . . � .. �� . . 0 200 400 � ' ' SCALE IN FEET DRAWN BY DRAWING TITLE COMM. N0. , R � o °scHE�Er, SAN I TARY SEWER s�96 MAYERON & DATE: AssociArEs, twc. SHANNON H I LLS 5TH ADD I T i 0 F IGURE MAY (j� ENGINEERS• ARCH[TECTS■ PLANNERS. su��EYORs C I TY PROJECT NO. Z43 � 300 PARK PLAGE CENTER i 5775 MAYZATA BOULEYARD 1993 MIkWEAPOLIS, tM SS�t6-7�28� 612-595-5775 ROSEMOUIYT, MI NNESOTA 2 . 5�9bP1. OGN � RE , FUTU ADDI� .��N , � 6�� , SHANNON HILLS . . . � . � N yi � . . . . _ .' . . . � � � . . . � v � ��, a A ¢ � � n � � CR CUS �-�''�W- co � � ...�-��2 - cv : '" ��� = a �� 6• � DIP � � � � ; � � � N Z N P j. � w . �� � q� � . . . � � . � . . � . . . '� � .� + . _ � . . . � � �� . . . Z � �O � �2/� � V! I � . . . . . V . . .. a � � � � � SHANNON HILLS 4TH ADDITION �, �� � .• -yG � � . �, s a . \ W , .�. W 3 N ' N ' � . � � . � . J � r . . .'� � � � � . � � � � . i 1 � PJ 2�J0 400 � � � . SCALE IN FEET DRAWN BY DRAWING TITLE CONM N0. ' R � o °scHE�EN WA T E R MA I N sa96 � MAYERON 8� DATE: associArEs. [Nc. SHANNON H ILLS 5TH ADD I T I 0 FIGURE ENGINEERS• 11RtHITECTS• PLkNNERS• SURVEYORS ' MA Y 6, 300 PARK PLACE CENTER. 5»5 M�Y=�TA�.E�A� C I T Y P R 0 J E C T N�. �4� � 199 3 MINt�APOL IS, ITi 55416-722� 612-595-5775 R O S E MO U N T, M i N N E S O T A 06P . DN T URE '� F� PDO�.� Z pN 9�q A�Q 6�� ' �� SHANNON HILLS � . . � � � N w p . � . . � .w �O � + . . 9 � . . Q � .1 � V .. � . . . . �. t!� a � � a W P 15' RCP 15 ~ Q CR CUS +y � � a W cv o . : s ,� z ' � :�, .o . � . � . . �� �O . . . . Z . . � . -` N � . . � �.. . . . . . O� Z N . . N . # w � . . . . OD . . QT '1^ � . � � . . . . . V 1 � � v . . . . v� . � . .. V . . . . O� .. . . . SHANNON HILLS 4TH ADDITION � a �G �+ � + . �� . . . ►.. . W. . W N . . . . . �.N � . � � 20f� 40� � , � SCALE IN FEET DRAWN BY DRAWING TITLE CO(�1: NQ. R G D °scHE�EN STORM SEWER 5�96 MAYERON & ASSOC I ATES, [NC. oArE: SHANNON H I LLS 5TH ADD I T I � FtGURE ENGINEERS• ARCHITECTS• PLANMERS■ SURVEYOR$ C I T Y P R O J E C T N O. 2 4 3 ^ MAY 6� 306 PARK PLACE CEN�ER• 5775 MAYUTA BOULEVARD �t .�:1 A9�� MINNEAPOLIS. I'N 55�16-122� 612-595�5775 � ROSEMOVNT, MI NNES�OTA� � � � � 5096p3 DGN � FUT�RE OI� jON 6�H P� . SHANNON HI�LS � � � IV . W . . . . . � .. O � + �. ....._ � . .. � .. � . . . m. ��. . . . � . � � . . /" � � � . V . . . Q . IJ� � G . � � � . 3 A �I P� n � C R US � � <c CU = ,., : a ; .. . ..: .. . ...,. ... .:•.. .. . : : _ : m .:. . .. . .. :. .. � �'' z .. ,, O � "' N p Z � '' `� °° Z Q � S , ,� " ; � (n 60' R. 0. W. , 32, STREET B-B v a SHANNON HILLS °' � 4TH ADDITION �, _ : vG LIGHTING + � w ( TYP. ) ,,. � . . . . . . . �'Q � N , N 6� 32' STREET B-B 0 200 4P�0 � � , SCALE IN FEET DRAWN BY DRAWING TITLE COt�1. N0. R G D °scHE�EN STREET & L I GHT I NG s�96 � MAYERON & DATE ASSOCIATEs, cr,c. HANNON H I LLS STH ADD I T I ON FIGURE MA Y 6, ENG380 PA K PLA�CE CENEER��5 7 SAM�YIRSA����Rs C I T Y P R 0 J E C T N O. 2 4� �9(�3 MINNEAPOLtS, hN 554i6-1229� 612-595-5775 ROSEMOUNT, MI NNESOTA S 5096P4, DGN